The ancient power of enchantresses: Slavic gymnastics for women

After 40 years, even lucky women who have not suffered from excess weight throughout their lives may develop cellulite, their muscles will lose tone, and their butt will begin to slide down. If a girl did not play sports before, as she gets older, her body will need regular exercise, otherwise the problem will be difficult to correct later. Morning exercises for women after 40 should become a useful habit; you need to spend 10-15 minutes a day, and the muscles will return to their former tone and pleasant roundness will appear.

Why do we need sports?

“Why do I need these exercises, I’m already thin!”, some reader will say. In vain, we will answer! The essence of physical exercise is not only to lose weight, but also to normalize metabolism and the functioning of internal organs. Morning exercises will help you wake up, get rid of drowsiness, and tone your muscle tissue. In older women, bones and joints become fragile, increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis. Muscle mass becomes smaller, and due to hormonal changes in the body, the fat layer increases. Regular exercise will help control weight gain and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Spend 20-30 minutes daily on physical exercise, and within a few weeks you will notice that:

  1. the body has become slimmer;
  2. feeling better;
  3. High blood pressure stopped tormenting me;
  4. joints stopped hurting;
  5. migraines disappeared;
  6. performance has improved.

“I'm afraid the muscles will become too big and ugly!” There is nothing to be afraid of. The female body does not produce enough hormones that promote muscle growth. Without additional hormonal supplementation, you will not become a bodybuilder, but you will be able to pump up beautiful abs and buttocks.

What should a woman do after 40? Doctors recommend running or swimming; these types of physical activity are good for eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of menopause and menopause. Many organizations have special sections for women who are “for...”. Professional trainers develop special programs with moderate loads that allow you to work out the necessary muscle groups without physical fatigue.

Athletic gymnastics

Athletic gymnastics is popular among young people and students. This is due to the desire to have proportional body shapes, beautiful posture and gait, and strong muscles.

The main feature of athletic gymnastics is its focus on developing strength qualities.

As a result of training, not only strength and muscles develop, but also the following qualities:

  • Endurance is the ability of muscles to perform work at full strength for a long time.
  • Reaction speed is the ability to instantly react to a situation.
  • Flexibility – performing actions with a sufficiently large amplitude.
  • Dexterity and coordination - quick orientation in an unpredictable trajectory.

Athletic gymnastics improves a person’s overall physical fitness, and this is one of the conditions for his employment and demand in professional activities.

Nuances of training

An older woman’s body is no longer capable of intense training, as in her youth. A physical exercise program for women after forty-five should be built on the following principles:

  1. The exercises are aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system, burning excess fat, and have a beneficial strengthening effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Aerobic exercise is required to speed up your breathing. These include running or walking at a fast pace. There should be at least three such training sessions for half an hour each week. You can replace them with swimming or cycling.
  3. Anaerobic training includes strength exercises aimed at the abs, arms, legs, and back. They can be performed with special equipment, dumbbells, fitballs, weights. You can work with your own weight. To properly strengthen the body, you will need at least 2 strength training sessions per week. If it is not possible to do a full half-hour workout, you can do the exercise for 15 minutes in the morning and evening. The best effect is achieved with 12 repetitions in 3 approaches.
  4. Before starting a workout at home, there must be a proper warm-up so that the muscles are prepared for the load. Otherwise, muscle pain will occur after exercise.
  5. Stretching after workouts should become a habit. This will help soothe the muscles and reduce the risk of pain.
  6. It is important to follow the breathing technique, you need to breathe evenly, control your inhalations and exhalations. Breathing too quickly can lead to hyperventilation, which is accompanied by dizziness and malaise.
  7. Exercises must be regular, you cannot do three exercises once a week, you will not achieve results that way. At least three times a week you need to devote time to sports.
  8. It is necessary to balance the diet as much as possible, remove salty, fatty, and sweet foods. The emphasis is on fresh vegetables and lean meat, which is best steamed or boiled. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks are not included in this one and a half liter.

Having started to change your life, you need to learn to follow new rules every day, then you will notice that your body has begun to change for the better, the symptoms of approaching menopause have stopped bothering you, and your health has improved.

Woman training with weights

The importance of morning hygienic exercises: goals and objectives

Almost everyone is familiar with a person who looks amazingly cheerful and full of energy in the morning. It's safe to say that most of these people do morning exercises to feel good. In any case, medicine has long been telling each of us that doing exercises after waking up is very useful, if you do not overdo it, but do everything in moderation.

All people without exception, regardless of age or gender, can do exercises in the morning. The main thing is to create a set of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics with the correct load, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, initial physical fitness and other individual factors.

Types of morning exercises

There are several types of charging, which it would be good to understand in order to understand what we are talking about.


This is an exercise that usually includes the most common set of exercises, like physical exercise at school. In another way it can be called rhythmic, dynamic gymnastics. Moreover, this type is often performed with musical accompaniment.

Educational and developmental

Such programs are already more saturated. They include exercises to develop physical condition.


This is exactly the type of morning activity that we will talk about today. It is used to maintain health, vigor, and at the same time balance the emotional state. It is this type of exercise that allows you to maintain a high level of work capacity and activity, both physical and mental.

Why do you need exercise in the morning?

Gymnastics goals

Morning exercises are a set of exercises that are supposed to be performed as soon as you wake up. The main task of such actions is to significantly increase vitality, improve mood, that is, normalize the emotional state. Thanks to this, you can instantly integrate it into your daily work schedule.

  • Developing or maintaining good posture.
  • Powerful development of the muscular system.
  • Strengthening the nervous system.
  • Eases breathing, saturates all tissues and organs with oxygen.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  • Improving heart performance and cardiovascular performance.
  • Acceleration of mental and physical reactions and capabilities.

Since the main goal of gymnastics in the morning is the highest quality support for optimal physical condition, acquiring lightness, energy and vigor, and normalizing health, then you need to approach the matter wisely. That is why you need to start the exercises only in a state of rest, not forgetting to wear clothes that do not restrict movement.

It is important to organize your breathing correctly, which directly affects the fulfillment of the goals of all your actions. It should be smooth, calm, deep. Inhalations are made through the nose, but it is better to exhale through the mouth. Do not forget that the breathing must correspond to the movements in order for the result to be truly sensitive.

Load of morning exercises

It is equally important to correctly adjust the level of stress that the body receives when performing morning hygienic exercises. At the slightest sign of overload, you should immediately reconsider the rhythm and duration of classes. Evidence of this is irregular heart rate, a sharp deterioration in health, dizziness, nausea, a feeling of weakness, excessive fatigue, a desire to go to sleep.

If you observe something like this even after taking water procedures, which it is advisable to do after gymnastics, you should think about it. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong training schedule, or the set of exercises is too difficult for your body. In this case, we can talk about a violation of the main goals and objectives of morning exercises.

Are there any contraindications?

If you are determined to exercise every day, consult your doctor before starting morning exercises. This is especially important if you have chronic diseases. A competent doctor will select the optimal system of physical activity, tell you what you can do and what you cannot do. There are no general contraindications; if you have certain ailments, you can swim, but you cannot lift heavy weights. Or you can do strength exercises, but you should not focus on cardio, since such training increases the load on the heart. Based on the data obtained, you need to contact a trainer who will select an individual program. If it is difficult to perform the exercises, you need to reduce the weight or choose a different type of training. Don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion. At the end of the workout you should feel pleasantly tired, but not overexerted.

You should avoid serious training during pregnancy or painful menstruation. In such cases, regular training is replaced with specially designed gymnastics. Some exercises are not recommended for women with high blood pressure, serious heart problems, or bronchial asthma.


Morning exercises can be divided into warm-up and more complex exercises. Running, jumping, stretching can be added at your own discretion, if necessary. Turn on the music, you can turn on the YouTube video and repeat. You can organize a mini-disco - this is the best solution for physical fitness and improving your mood. If you organize a disco with the same movements for adults and children, you can also organize evening dance gymnastics.

A few words about preparation:

  • for a good awakening, it is enough to stretch with force on the bed - this reflex stretches the muscles and helps the body become more active;
  • you need to wash your face with cold water, this will serve as the beginning of hardening, you can soon switch to a contrast shower or, if necessary, a cold shower - it is not as scary as it seems, but if taken for a short time, it is useful (it is advisable to reduce the water temperature gradually, day by day );
  • It is better to dry yourself with a towel with increased rigidity, this will be a kind of morning massage;
  • you don’t need to smear your body with lotion or cosmetic milk every time, this clogs the pores and does not bring any benefit, except that the body becomes fragrant, but you can still use something moisturizing for medicinal purposes if the skin is too dry (for example, due to exposure to frost).

Main stages of training

A competent sports activity should be built according to the following stages:

  1. Proper warm-up. This is necessary to avoid sprains and injuries. Well-warmed muscles train better.
  2. Direct exercises. This can be either regular implementation of complexes, or training on individual parts of the body: legs, arms, abs, back. In gyms, they usually choose the second option; there are separate days for pumping up the muscles of the arms and abs; the next workout is devoted to other muscle groups.
  3. Stretching. Professionals strongly recommend not to neglect this stage; well-stretched muscles hurt less the next day. If your goal is to do the splits or become more flexible in general, stretch after a good workout. At this time, the muscle tissue is remarkably warmed up, pliable, and the risk of tears or sprains is minimal. If you don't have time for a full stretch, simply bend back and forth and from side to side to rest your abs and hamstrings, and stretch your arms.


If you neglect the warm-up stage, the next day you will be overcome with such strength that it will be impossible to get out of bed. This especially threatens women who have not been involved in sports throughout their lives. Warming up at home is not difficult; there are the following options for performing this stage of the workout:

  1. Walk quickly around the perimeter of the room for a minute.
  2. Run around the room a little, trying to touch your butt with your heels.
  3. If you have a low bench available, jump over it.
  4. Jump rope for a couple of minutes.
  5. Do 10-20 deep squats, lower yourself down and jump up like a spring.

Some professionals recommend ending the warm-up with light stretching, aimed not so much at the muscles, but at the joints. To bring the joint capsules and muscles into working condition, you can do the following exercises:

  • Raise your left arm up and bend it at the elbow. We try to reach the shoulder blade with our fingers, the elbow looks up. Using the other hand, we press on the elbow so that it tilts slightly to the left. The fingers of the left hand lie on the shoulder blade. A feeling of stretching should be felt in the joint area. The pressure continues for 5-10 seconds, then we change hands. If you need to stretch the muscles on your sides, during the exercise lean slightly in the direction opposite to the joint being stretched. Pull the left handle, lean to the right, and vice versa.
  • To stretch the quadriceps located on the front of the thigh, you need to kneel. We take one leg with our hand and press the heel to the buttocks. Hold for a few seconds and change legs. You need to repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. The back should be straight. Lean forward and try to reach your toes with your fingertips. It is advisable not to hunch over. If you can easily reach your toes, you can pull your toes towards you; you should feel a strong feeling of stretching in the area under your knees.
  • Lie on the floor with your stomach down, place your hands at chest level. Place your palms on the floor, straighten your arms and lift your body up as much as possible. Freeze in this position for a few seconds; when performing this exercise, you can feel the lumbar region well.

After a good warm-up, you can begin the main part of the workout.

A 40-year-old woman does aerobics

Secrets of efficiency

It is important that the exercises are performed comprehensively. Make a plan. To get started, you can choose a few exercises. The time intervals between exercises should be minimal. It is better to carry out training in a fast mode, but keep your breathing even and deep.

  • The best dumbbell press - advice from professionals and basic variations of the basic exercise (75 photos)

  • How to do the plank exercise? Step-by-step description of the correct technique and features of the exercise

  • Yoga stretching exercises - complexes for beginners and stages of achieving high results (110 photos and videos)

Focus on problem areas of the body. If there are several of them, then do not be lazy to do more exercises. As you get used to training, repeat more and more often.

Try to train in a good mood. Attitude is an important aspect of the success achieved. If you don’t have one, then imagine that you will get great pleasure from your workouts, and your body will become perfect. If you constantly work in a bad mood, then sooner or later you will quit training.

Don't forget about your morning warm-up.

Gymnastic complexes for weight loss and strengthening

What is the beauty of complex gymnastics at home? It is aimed at all muscle groups that women over 40 need to train. If the right complex has been chosen, there is no need to look for new exercises, complex gymnastics can be “done” from time to time, it will not become less effective.

We bring to your attention one of the most effective exercise complexes for women over 40 years old:

  1. Warm-up stage. We raise our straight arms above our heads and stretch our bodies upward, as if we want to reach something. We freeze for 10 seconds. We lower our hands down and take a deep breath. We move on to head rotations, doing 15 circles in each direction. We perform circular movements with the body, the pelvis remains in place. Having finished with the rotations, we bend forward, it is advisable to reach the floor with our fingers. We lean forward, then back. Repeating 10-15 times, we bend on the sides. If you experience any unpleasant or painful sensations while performing any exercise from the gymnastics complex for warming up, replace it with another one. Gymnastics should be fun and not bring negative emotions.
  2. Let's move on to leg exercises. You need to sit in a half squat and begin to shift your weight from one leg to the other. The knees in a squat should not go beyond the line of the tips of the toes. The next exercise is to perform long steps. We walk as far as possible, without hunching our back, keeping it perfectly straight. After this, we grab the back of the chair for support and swing our legs back, forward and to the sides.
  3. For a complex to strengthen your arms, you will need small weights or dumbbells. Choose a weight that you can lift three times for 12 repetitions without severe discomfort. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in our hands. We lift them up and bend them at the elbow, moving them back a little. The brush needs to touch the opposite shoulder. This will help tighten the inner surface of the arm, which sag unsightly with age. For the next exercise from the gymnastics complex, you need to sit on a stool, lower your fists with clamped weights down. As you exhale, bend the arm and touch the shoulder with the dumbbell. After 10-12 repetitions, we do not bend the elbow, but raise the straight upper limb to the level of the collarbone.
  4. We move on to the stage of strengthening the spine. First of all, we perform energetic bends forward, keeping our back perfectly straight. If you can’t bend too low, don’t worry, the main thing is not to hunch over. For the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, arms and legs straight, then begin to sharply raise your extended limbs up. After 10-15 repetitions, hold for 10-20 seconds. Then we sit on the floor, stretch our legs forward and bend forward. For exercises on the floor, you must purchase a gymnastic mat or lay down a blanket; sitting on a cold, hard surface is harmful to women’s health, which is especially vulnerable after 40 years.

Exercises in the gymnastic complex can be varied to achieve maximum results. The main thing is to consistently work out the arms, legs, and back. This complex is aimed at burning fat, which increases with age due to hormonal changes in the body. Its advantage is its simplicity; the complex can be performed at any time and anywhere.


An exercise to develop your back if anyone has pain in this area of ​​the body. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the buttocks, making them more voluminous.

We take dumbbells in our hands, placing them at the hips at arm's length. We stand on our left leg, gradually lifting our right. We lean forward, keeping our back straight. We linger a little and return to the primary state. After a few repetitions, change legs and continue.

Additional exercises

Not everyone will like the above exercises; sooner or later they will want something new. That's why we provide additional training examples for problem areas.


Everyone wants to have beautiful legs and a toned butt, especially after 40. The following types of sports exercises will help to get the muscles of the thighs and buttocks in order:

  1. Stand up straight, lower your arms. We lunge backwards, bending the front leg strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, the back knee almost touches the floor. Straighten the back leg and bend it again. After 10 repetitions, change legs.
  2. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor. Push off with your feet and lift your pelvis, keeping your back straight. At the same time as you lift your pelvis, extend your straight leg forward. The extended lower limb and back should form one straight line.
  3. For the starting position, stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Stand on your left leg and extend your right leg forward. In this position, squat down as deeply as possible. If you have trouble keeping your balance, you can grab the back of the chair, but don’t help yourself up like that. Try to do squats slowly, this will work the muscles better.

Regularly performing these simple exercises will help strengthen your thighs and burn fat. Pelvic lifts will help you form beautiful rounded buttocks.

Other exercises for legs and butts (video):


Since skin and muscles lose tone with age, it is especially important for women over 40 to exercise them correctly. If you raise your hand at the level of the collarbone and see loose skin, then this area is too relaxed. The following exercises will help you effectively work out the problem area and give your arms a beautiful shape:

  1. Working out the wrist joints. We stretch our arms forward and sharply move our clenched fists up and down. The hands move, the forearms and shoulders are in one place. Then you can make circular movements.
  2. We stand up straight, put our feet together, raise our hands at the level of the collarbones, press them in the chest and throw them forward with a sharp movement.
  3. We lie with our backs on a bench, arms with dumbbells are lowered to the sides, positioned perpendicular to the body. As you exhale, we begin to slowly raise our arms up until both dumbbells touch, then just as slowly lower them down to the starting position.
  4. We get into the starting position for push-ups; to work out different muscle groups, you will need to perform two types of exercises in a row. For the first, you need to place your palms on both sides of your chest and press your elbows to your body. We begin to lower ourselves; we must not spread our elbows to the sides, as this will work the wrong muscles. Having completed push-ups with a narrow grip, we move on to a wide one. These are the well-known classic push-ups: arms are spread wide, elbows pointing to the sides. If it’s hard to do push-ups from your toes, get on your knees, the main thing is to go as low as possible; you should feel strong muscle tension.

Additionally, you can try different variations of straight and bent arm raises with dumbbells or weights; all workouts for beautiful biceps and triceps are based on this simple movement.

Even more exercises in the video:

Spine and back

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the spine begins to worry in youth, and with age the problem worsens. Proper muscle strengthening will help support the spinal column and prevent it from bending.

  1. We lie down on our stomachs and place our hands behind the back of our heads. We begin slow lifts of the body, the chest should come off the floor. At the same time, the muscles of the back and buttocks become tense. Then, keeping your body raised, begin to gradually turn it, trying to get one side as close to the floor as possible.
  2. From a lying position on your stomach, you need to rise and bend like a cat, only your fingers and toes touch the floor. After standing in this position for a while, you need to lower yourself back to the original position and repeat the exercise several more times.
  3. Stand in the bridge and stand for a while, if everything is fine with a sense of balance, you can gradually transfer the weight from your toes to your palms and vice versa.
  4. Starting position on your back. We raise our legs, support our lower back with our palms and stand in a classic birch tree. Then we throw our legs back, it is advisable to touch the floor with our socks. The spine is perfectly stretched and relaxed.

If a woman does not professionally engage in strength sports, she does not need a strong back. The above exercises are aimed not so much at strengthening muscles, but at stretching and relaxing the spinal column. Do them regularly and soon you will forget what back pain is.

We continue to strengthen the back with an effective complex (video):


In the absence of proper training, the abdominal muscles relax; with age, even the flattest tummy begins to sag a little. In women who are predisposed to developing good belly fat, the situation becomes even more dire. The following exercises will help you avoid it:

  1. We lie on our backs, bend our legs at the knees and begin the usual lifting of the body. The hands are placed on the back of the head, but you cannot press them too hard from behind, since this will not work the abdominal muscles, but will create a false feeling that the exercise is being performed correctly. You can put your fingers on your temples. We rise so that our head is in line between our knees.
  2. Having finished with the usual crunches, we begin to work the oblique muscles. To do this, we turn a little and try to reach the knee with the opposite elbow: the right hand reaches towards the left knee. We alternately twist in one direction and the other.
  3. Raise your legs up perpendicular to the floor and begin to slowly lower them. Having reached an angle of 30 degrees, we freeze for a couple of seconds and lower our legs to the end, but the heels do not touch the floor. Hands can be placed either at the back of the head or extended along the body. The second option makes the exercise much easier.
  4. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but now we lower not both legs, but one after the other, and stretch our elbows in the opposite direction. If the previous exercise was aimed at working the lower abs, this one trains the obliques.

Gymnastics for the press is performed smoothly and gradually, each movement must be performed correctly. Control your breathing; lift your torso while exhaling.

Another complex for the press (video):

If you train yourself to exercise regularly, your body will become much stronger, muscle pain will disappear, and your figure will tighten up. But regular training alone will not achieve much; control your diet, drink more water, walk in the fresh air and try to be less nervous. Then magical changes will be just around the corner!

General principles of compiling a complex of morning hygienic gymnastics

Gymnastics structure

The main principle that should guide everyone is the movement of all the main muscle groups in your body. This directly affects the functioning of internal organs, therefore, the well-being and health of the entire body.

The set of exercises you have prepared for the morning should include not only general strengthening exercises, but also breathing training, stretching, and flexibility exercises. At the same time, it doesn’t hurt to avoid static (isometric) exercises. In the same way, it is better to leave long-distance running, as well as movements with weights, for the main training.

The main points when creating a complex “for yourself”

When planning to create their own complex, many non-professionals are faced with the fact that they simply do not understand where to start. You need to divide all this into several main stages to make it easier to understand.

  • To begin with, pay attention to the regularity of your classes. If you decide to do hygienic gymnastics, let it become your faithful daily companion. Otherwise, you will not get any effect from the classes.
  • The whole complex should be based on exercises that form posture.
  • The set of exercises can include both those that do not require additional equipment, and others that require any equipment (horizontal bar, barbell, dumbbells, etc.).
  • Most often, complexes are compiled according to the “top-down” type.

Typically, each complex is practiced for about a month, after which it will be optimal to replace it, because the body tends to adapt to stable loads. Load control is carried out by heart rate measurements, which is very important.

Exercise descriptions

The description and recording of each exercise may vary. For professionals this is an important factor, but in everyday life you can limit yourself to only general knowledge. For example, first the starting position is described (abbreviated IP), and then all movements are counted (1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, and so on). In this case, not one, but several movements can be performed on one count. Example: 1 – right arm to the side, left arm across the side in an upward arc, lifting onto the tiptoes.



Every athlete understands that any sport must begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Only with this approach can you be sure that you will not be injured. However, usually morning exercises are short-term, so these requirements are fulfilled as a general principle, that is, schematically.

The optimal duration of such charging is 15-20 minutes, and sometimes even less. The load must also be strictly dosed. You should not be tired after doing the exercises. The best mode will have to be selected for each individual. For some, exercises with a barbell are suitable, while others decide to give up even dumbbells. The total number of exercises should not exceed 10-12 at a time. You can start with 5-6, and then add something new weekly.

Guidelines for the structure of classes

This point must be thought through before you start studying. After all, you first need to correctly create the structure, and only then select suitable exercises for it. It won’t be difficult to figure it out, the main thing here is to follow the sequence of actions.

  • First, you need to slowly “get into” the rhythm of the classes. Light running outdoors or indoors and jumping are suitable for this. Just two to three minutes will be enough for the body to be prepared. Stretching exercises and various stretches are good. At the same time, the metabolism is seriously accelerated, the body prepares for active work.
  • Next you need to develop the shoulder girdle, neck, and arms. This makes it possible not only to add mobility to these parts of the body, but also to provide oxygen flow to the brain.
  • At the third stage, you can already move on to exercises on the body and legs. Typically, such exercises increase the mobility of the spine and joints, which often significantly improves overall well-being. Additionally, you can add a few movements with slight weights. This will make the effectiveness more noticeable.
  • It would be a good idea to do the following exercises that are responsible for flexibility and agility. Different ones are suitable, both those performed while standing, and others, sitting or lying down.
  • For 20 or 30 seconds, you can make swinging, pendulum movements aimed at increasing mobility.
  • It is important to understand what exercises are recommended to complete your morning hygienic exercises. This type of training is best completed with relaxation, calm and relaxation exercises. For example, various static relaxing yoga asanas fit well.

When putting together the right complex for yourself, you need to understand that it should be built on the principle of gradualism. That is, in just fifteen to twenty minutes of charging you should have time to slowly warm up, work out all muscle groups, and then relax and even “stretch out” a little.

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