Location of back muscles
Latissimus muscle: functions and attachment
Location and main functions of the back muscles. The fact that good development of the back muscles is very important,
What muscles does the Arnold press work?
Arnold press - technique for performing lying, sitting and standing
What muscles does the Arnold press work? The main goal of the Arnold press is to develop muscles
running as a means of improving health
Running for health: types of running, benefits, effects on the body, contraindications and doctor’s recommendations
Running is one of the oldest human instincts. For a long time he was needed to save his
Poddubny Ivan wrestler
Training and life of Ivan Poddubny without these proteins of yours
Childhood and youth Ivan Poddubny was born on October 9, 1871. His family lived on
French bench press on a reverse incline bench. French bench press. Horizontal or inclined bench? French incline barbell press
The French press is an exercise aimed at working the triceps. It is popular among gym goers,
Effective ways to quickly raise and strengthen the immune system of an adult
Weak immunity is the cause of frequent infectious diseases and decreased quality of life. If resources for
How to pump up your triceps
Techniques and types of arm extensions on a block - let’s put everything on the shelves
Gamarjoba, friends! Today I want to ask you why many people don’t go to
Effective sets of exercises for cervical chondrosis
The neck is one of the most vulnerable places. The neck is indeed very vulnerable and requires careful
A girl has a flat stomach
A set of exercises in 10 minutes: make your abs flat and your waist thin
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Lateral press: instructions on how to pump up the lateral muscles at home/gym (photo+diagram)
Rules to follow when training Before you perform exercises to pump up your lateral muscles