How often should you train in the gym to grow muscle mass?

  • September 19, 2018
  • Workouts in the gym
  • Marina Semenyuk

For some, the time of training in a sports club is 40-45 minutes, for others – 1-1.5 hours. Are both theories correct? It turns out yes. Now, it remains to find out why.

arm workout

Duration of strength training in the gym

It is important for a novice bodybuilder to know how long a workout in the gym should last if the emphasis is on mass. This time is about 1-1.5 hours. A professional bodybuilder will spend 40–60 minutes on his workout, since he has a specialized program for pumping a particular muscle group.

For beginners, it is important to remember how long a mass workout should last, since they need a basic groundwork. For beginning athletes, there is no strict restriction on rest between exercises and approaches.


If strength training exceeds the maximum limit, cortisol begins to be produced, which destroys muscle tissue. Increased physical activity will lead to overstrain of the body and unpleasant consequences. In any case, you need to understand that you should visit the gym regularly. There will be more benefit from 12 lessons than from 4.

Duration of fat burning session

A significant role in the fitness process is played by the problem of how long a workout in the gym should last when you want to start the fat burning process. The minimum load should last at least 30 minutes. It is after this time that the acceleration of metabolism and the fat burning mechanism are triggered.

The best option is to train in cardio mode for about 45–60 minutes, taking into account the warm-up and final complex. Experienced trainers do not advise exercising for more than an hour, since along with fat loss, muscle mass also goes away.

A high-intensity session typically lasts 20–25 minutes.

Practical advice on training frequency

We have compiled a list of factors that will help you decide on the choice of “How often should you train in the gym.”

You should exercise more often if you:

  • - the body has a rapid recovery,
  • – good nutrition and sports supplements,
  • - small amount of training,
  • - low training intensity,
  • - light exercises,
  • - training a small muscle group,
  • - low-intensity training.

You should exercise less often if you have:

  • - slow recovery process of the body,
  • - poor nutrition and lack of sports supplements,
  • - high volume of training,
  • - high-intensity training,
  • - difficult exercises,
  • - training large muscle groups,
  • - high-intensity training.

Number of visits to the gym to gain weight and lose weight

It is important how long a workout in the gym should last, and how often you visit a sports club. If a bodybuilder trains twice a week, he should be working at full capacity. If a visitor to a sports club is a regular visitor, then the load needs to be distributed evenly.

If the goal is to lose weight, then classes should be held 3-4 times a week. In this case, the fat layer is burned, the muscles do not lose their shape. This regimen helps improve your mood and reduce fatigue.

To increase muscle mass, the best option (for both beginners and professionals) is to visit the gym 2-3 times a week. With this schedule, physical activity is regular. The muscles have time to recover, which leads to the goal.

How to properly cleanse the body

The enema can be given at home or in a hospital. The medicinal composition is supplied to the rectum using specially designed devices. The composition of the mixture can be very different, it depends on the problem. If it is necessary to remove unsafe substances or eliminate symptoms of acute intoxication, a cleaning solution is used. Often an enema is given before the onset of labor and to conduct various diagnostic studies.

To prevent the healing liquid from being absorbed by the intestinal walls, the solution temperature is room temperature. In this case, the composition will be able to have a therapeutic effect and will be eliminated naturally. If necessary, eliminate the symptoms of constipation and soften stool, this option is used most often. Despite the high effectiveness of the procedure, it is not possible for everyone and not as often as desired. How often can an enema be done is the main question for patients.


About Smecta during breastfeeding

Optimal time to visit

Strength training is recommended to be done in the afternoon. The following facts support this:

  • Testosterone is required for muscle growth. It is produced in the evening, so when gaining weight, this will be the best option.
  • Cortisol levels, on the contrary, decrease in the afternoon. This has a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass and increased strength.
  • By evening, most people's temperature rises slightly. This promotes rapid recovery of muscle fibers after high-quality strength training.
  • Throughout the day, the body gradually warms up and by evening is ready for strength training.

training in the gym

However, early risers should exercise in the morning. This way they can achieve better results. In principle, the training regime in a sports club should be selected individually for each person. It is recommended to give the body 1 hour of rest before strength training.

How to give an enema yourself


In order for the procedure to be carried out correctly and not cause harm, it is necessary to follow the algorithm and sequence of actions:

  1. A solution is first prepared for administration into the rectum. You can take plain water, a special solution or vegetable oil. If the patient suffers from spasms and pain, it is necessary to warm the solution to thirty-nine degrees.
  2. Special devices are used to inject liquid. The tip must be lubricated with Vaseline so as not to injure the organ.

The procedure is performed in the bathroom, without haste:

  1. It is necessary to take a horizontal position at the bottom of the bath and spread your legs.
  2. The body needs to be raised, legs kept at right angles.
  3. The lubricated tip plunges several centimeters into the anus.
  4. Fluid is released into the intestines.
  5. You must try to keep the solution as long as possible.
  6. When you have the urge to defecate, it is recommended to lie on your left side. The optimal retention time for fluid inside the body is ten minutes.
  7. After a certain time you can go to the toilet.

If the patient feels pain or burning when administering the solution, it is necessary to reduce the water pressure or stop the flow of fluid. To reduce pressure on the intestinal walls, it is recommended to elevate the pelvis.

At the end of the procedure, all instruments must be washed and disinfected.

Consequences of overexertion

It is important to remember how long strength training should last for it to be beneficial and not harmful. Excessive loads lead to disastrous consequences.

  • The condition of the muscles is deteriorating. If a workout lasts more than 60 minutes, the body produces the hormone cortisol. The source of energy is amino acids necessary for the “building” of muscle tissue. Doing the exercise for too long leads to poor health and a decrease in overall tone. As a result, a sporty and proportional silhouette of the figure is not formed.
  • Muscles may not receive enough oxygen. Excessive exercise leads to the fact that nutrients do not reach all tissues of the body. Long training disrupts breathing, and this leads to accelerated muscle aging.
  • The key to a high-quality and effective workout is the selection of weights, the number of repetitions of specific exercises, and the frequency of visiting the gym.

Overtraining as a consequence of excessive load leads to the following consequences:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • loss of strength;
  • sore throat;
  • sudden changes in pressure.

Negative consequences of frequent training

In any activity, what is important for a person is not so much quantity as quality, the same applies to playing sports, so there is no need to force your body or be too lazy: because at the very least there will be no result, and at the maximum, health problems will arise. I would like to once again dwell on the most popular negative consequences of too frequent training:

  1. Deterioration of general health, weakness, chronic fatigue.
  2. Violation of morale. depression, mood swings, aggression or apathy, overexcitability.
  3. Disorders of the central nervous system with a wide variety of symptoms.
  4. The development of heart failure or even multiple organ failure.
  5. Injury or degradation of muscle tissue.
  6. Fall of immunity.
  7. Insomnia.
  8. Hormonal imbalance, which in women very often leads to at least disruption of the menstrual cycle, then to amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) and even pathological infertility, and in men to impotence, the production of female hormones, etc.

When choosing your training program, you need to turn on your brain and first of all think about your health, and not rely on advertising of fitness centers or sports products of all kinds. No matter what posters and posters promise to lose weight very quickly or gain muscle mass without serious disruptions of metabolism and homeostasis - the basic concepts that ensure normal human life.

Rules for effective training

  • Intervals between approaches. During gym classes, it is unacceptable to flirt with the opposite sex, talk on the phone, or take pictures of yourself in the mirror between sets. An ill-conceived training process will not bring any results. The optimal rest time between sets is 2 minutes. After this time, you should begin either a new exercise or a subsequent repetition of the previous one. Thus, the time spent in the gym is reduced from 3 hours to one.
  • Number of exercises in one workout. First you need to draw up a plan that will indicate exercises for a specific day. A common mistake is trying to load the whole body. In one workout, it is important to identify the muscle group that needs to be worked on and perform the exercise efficiently.

squat with a barbell on the shoulders

  • Experience. Beginners in sports need to understand how prepared their body is for heavy loads. You can’t look up to a professional bodybuilder whose entire workout comes down to 45 minutes. But his load is on a specific muscle group and with enormous loads. If a beginner starts doing a similar exercise with the same weight, this may be his last session. Loads should increase gradually.
  • Well-being. The work schedule plays a role here. If you go to the gym or work out at home with weights after work, you can soon expect muscle failure. To prevent this from happening, the training time is reduced. It is best to visit a sports club after relaxing.
  • Preparation of split training. This affects which exercises will be performed, in what number of repetitions and sets, and also clearly outlines how long a workout should last in the gym. Time is rationally distributed, the final result is high quality.

Indications for performing an enema

Many patients do an enema at home without first visiting a doctor. If a one-time treatment for constipation will help normalize the situation, then daily use of the method will bring nothing but harm. If you need to help your intestines every day to get rid of fecal accumulations, it is important to consult a specialist. The situation cannot be resolved by using forced cleansing every day. It is necessary to understand that enema is considered an auxiliary therapeutic method and can be used for the following conditions:

  • chronic constipation;
  • "sluggish" bowel syndrome;
  • difficulties with evacuation of feces as a result of taking medications;
  • cleansing during therapeutic fasting.


Cleansing the intestines of mucus, fecal stones, parasites

Basic exercises in the gym

It is important not only how much time you need to work out in the gym, but also how to correctly design your training regimen. Basic exercises are considered the basis for increasing muscle mass. They are present in almost all training programs. It should be remembered that not all basic exercises are capable of “pumping up” more than 2 muscle groups. However, they all help achieve the goal.

The following basic exercises are distinguished:

  • on the back;
  • on the pectoral muscles;
  • on shoulders;
  • on the biceps;
  • for triceps;
  • on your feet.

arm workout for men

The following exercises have the greatest effect on muscle growth:

  1. two types of bench press: standing and lying;
  2. squats;
  3. two types of deadlifts: deadlifts and bent-over barbells.

Ways to Prevent Overtraining

There are many different ways to prevent the negative consequences of overtraining. First of all, this is, of course, good nutrition and a clear sleep-wake schedule, stretching exercises after performing heavy strength exercises, as well as medicinal support.

Stretching exercises are used to relieve muscle tension after heavy exercise.


Nutrition during training must comply with the following rules:

  1. Food must contain all the necessary elements, fats and carbohydrates with a predominance of protein components.
  2. Do not combine a weight loss diet with intense training aimed at increasing mass or strength.
  3. To obtain the required amount of energy, you need to eat well an hour or two before training, or take a protein shake immediately before or during it.
  4. You should not consume carbohydrates immediately after exercise to burn your own fat, and it is necessary if you want to gain mass or strength.
  5. After training, it is not recommended to eat fats, as they interfere with the absorption of proteins necessary for the construction and repair of tissue. You can’t completely give up fats, but you need to consume them to a minimum.
  6. During intense exercise, it is necessary to constantly replenish the water-salt balance, for which you need to drink water, preferably mineral salt water.

Daily regime

Since intense training has a strong impact on the nervous system, as has been mentioned many times above, it needs at least a day to recover. In this case, a normalized sleep-wake schedule must be observed, where the time for sleep is eight to ten hours or more per day. It is during sleep that the main processes of muscle tissue growth, its restoration, the formation of new nerve connections in the expanded tissues, and much more take place.

Medication support

Medication support during training in no way has anything to do with doping or the use of any stimulants. This concept means taking supportive medications primarily for the heart, which is under enormous stress, blood vessels and other organs. This also includes taking all kinds of vitamins and minerals, antihypoxic drugs that increase oxygen metabolism in tissues, stimulate metabolism, herbal remedies that accelerate recovery and dietary supplements. Under very heavy loads associated with professional sports, it is permissible to use sedatives or tranquilizers, again due to the enormous load on the nervous system.


To the question of how long a workout in the gym lasts, you need to add the question of what to include in the schedule. Deadlifts are ideal for working all the core muscles. It is she who involves maximum muscles in the training process.

The first rule of deadlifting is minimal weight. The use of a stand is also considered important. If you lift the barbell “from the ground,” you will have to break your technique, since your hips do not remain tense all the time, and it is impossible to keep your back perfectly straight.

Squats with weights

To increase leg muscles, squats with a barbell are considered ideal. This exercise works all muscle groups of the lower body: buttocks, quadriceps, calves. Professional athletes rarely perform “abs” complexes. When doing squats with weights correctly, the treasured cubes appear.

barbell squat

For beginners in the sports club there is a special frame. It is designed to teach proper squatting technique with a light weight, but the leg muscles are worked as much as possible. Initially, the buttocks are pushed up and the knee joints are straightened.

Barbell row to the waist

You can visually expand your back muscles with this exercise. If the execution technique is correct, then the deltoid and pectoral muscles work. To learn this exercise, a special simulator will come to the rescue, where first the weight is pulled to the knees, and later almost to the chest. At the same time, the shoulder blades are reduced. At the moment when the weight is pulled to the chest, the athlete feels tension in the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Is it important how much you need to work out in the gym? Yes, sure. But you need to remember about a well-designed schedule, selected training times and the frequency of visiting the sports club. Only the relationship of these components can lead to the best result.

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