26 FATAL mistakes when gaining muscle mass

So, you just finished the best workout of your life. You've never lifted so much or sweated so much, and earned a mental standing ovation from your gym buddies for it. The training is over. The muscles are stimulated in the best way possible.

  • Does this guarantee muscle growth?
  • Will your muscles become bigger and stronger the next time you go to the gym?
  • Can you lift even more next time?

It depends on how you look. It all depends on rest and food intake. Now you need enough time to recover and proper nutrition to gain muscle mass - otherwise your muscles will not grow at all.

Bad fuel

Unfortunately, low-quality fuel can often be the cause of failures during acceleration. For example, if there is water in it. Of course, an engine running on such fuel will run intermittently. There are two ways out. If you are “lucky enough” to fill a full tank with such “fuel”, then it is better not to be lazy and drain it so as not to ruin the injectors and fuel pump. Or be patient and simply produce low-quality gasoline or diesel.

If the fuel pump is worn out or clogged, the receiver screen can also cause rough engine operation.

If the fuel pump is worn out or clogged, the receiver screen can also cause rough engine operation.

Key nutrition factor. Calorie calculator

We all know that in the gym we only destroy muscles, and they grow outside the gym.
To do this, you need to adhere to a diet and nutrition strategy, timing of nutrients and sports supplements, which will allow you to add muscle mass to your body kilo by kilo in a short time.

Guess what is the key nutritional factor to gain muscle? No, it's not how much protein, carbohydrates or fat you need. For both men and girls, this is the total calorie intake.

In the experiment, to synthesize 1 kg of muscle fiber, the body requires from 4600 to 7000 calories. And this is in addition to the calories needed for life support. Muscles are energy.

To find out how many calories you should consume per day, enter your weight in the top field of the calculator.

The result obtained is the average amount required to maintain life. This is where all calculations begin. To gain muscle mass, add an excess of 500 calories to the resulting number; in the case of very thin young men and women (ectomorphs), this number can be much higher (1000+ calories).

Let's look at an example: if you weigh 80 kg, then according to calculations, you need to receive 2400 calories per day. However, your weight will not change. All energy will be spent on maintaining metabolism.

2400+500=2900 calories that need to be taken for muscle growth. Therefore, the first thing you need to learn to do is calculate the total calories of food consumed.

So, what does good nutrition mean for muscle growth?

The main goal of nutrition is your health, and only then muscle growth.

Or is that not true?

You can’t compromise your health - forget about steroids and questionable sports nutrition once and for all.

Extreme diets such as low carb, high fat or very high protein are not healthy for us and therefore are not good for building muscle.

Stay away from anything extreme and follow your gym routine strictly.

Spark plug

The first step is to check the spark plugs. Large deposits on the electrodes lead to misfires and, as a result, failures in engine operation. Hence the nervous acceleration. Of course, if you have financial difficulties, you can try cleaning the candles. But it's much easier to just replace them.

One of the most common causes of rough engine operation is dirty spark plugs.

One of the most common causes of rough engine operation is dirty spark plugs.

High voltage wires and ignition coils

If the problem is not the spark plugs, the cause may be faulty coils or breakdowns in high-voltage wires. Of course, no repair will help here, only replacement. The modular unit responsible for the ignition may also be faulty. Only diagnostics will help to find out the cause of its malfunction, and even then not in all cases.

If the ignition coils malfunction during operation, misfires may occur.

If the ignition coils malfunction during operation, misfires may occur.

Clogged or faulty injectors

It doesn't matter whether your engine is diesel or gasoline. Clogged or faulty injectors can cause the engine to run rough. In the first case, flushing the fuel system will most likely help. By the way, if there is a throttle valve, failures in the operation of the engine can also be caused by its contamination. It's worse if the injectors are already worn out. For some models a repair kit is provided. But in most cases you will have to change them.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

This article is dedicated to those who seek to build muscle mass. Of course, special training programs alone will not be enough for this. Nutrition plays an important role when gaining muscle mass. This should be a well-planned diet. And we will tell you about this further.

How often to eat while gaining muscle mass

Power frequency plays an important role here. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, you should eat food much more often: 5 - 6 times a day.

Specified power frequency:

  • does not overload your digestive system
  • nutrients continuously enter the bloodstream and feed the muscles throughout the day

And with three meals a day, the body receives nutrients in excess and it will not be slow to turn them into fat deposits. Accordingly, it is not possible for the body to extract useful components from fat mass under conditions of a high-calorie diet.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

What should you eat when gaining muscle mass?

Nutrition when gaining muscle mass must be carefully planned. This is the key to success in your quest to gain the desired muscles. Now let's take a closer look.

High calorie food

Approximately 70% of the diet should be high-calorie foods so as not to overload the digestive system. If you overload it, there is a risk of reducing the degree of absorption of essential nutrients. Although the benefits of vegetables and fruits are undeniable, if you are trying to gain muscle mass, your diet should not contain more than 30% of these products. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and if you consume a lot of them, the fiber simply will not have time to be digested.

Limit the content of fast carbohydrates and fats

It is important to reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods such as fatty meat, lard, sausages, butter, margarine, both in pure form and in dishes, since these products contain a large amount of animal fats, which will be deposited in cells. Also exclude the consumption of fast carbohydrates, especially sweets, including sweet fruits. Because fast carbohydrates are rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and, as a result, a sharp increase in blood sugar levels occurs. What does the body do? It converts glucose into fat!

However, after training it is possible to take fast carbohydrates. Indeed, under these conditions, muscles are able to easily utilize glucose.

Drinking regimen that should be followed when gaining muscle mass

Nutrition when gaining muscle mass requires compliance with the drinking regime. The main rule: drink more water. The average amount of fluid for an athlete is 3 liters per day. This volume takes into account the water contained in the products. Under no circumstances should you become dehydrated. Always drink water when you feel thirsty.

Distribution of food portions throughout the day

When you are working on gaining muscle mass, the daily volume of food should be divided into equal parts, but not one hundred percent equal, but approximately. Eat about 70% of your total daily diet in the first half of the day, before 4 p.m. Don't eat sweets or fatty foods at night. Food before bed should be rich in protein and easily digested by the body. Fermented milk products, beans, poultry, fish, and eggs are perfect.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

Pre-workout nutrition

Before training, meals should be taken 2 hours before. Eat foods that contain slow carbohydrates. It could be cereals, vegetables, something floury. Consuming carbohydrates before exercise will provide your muscles and brain with the energy they need to power through the workout.

Post-workout nutrition

About 20 to 30 minutes after you finish your strength training session, you should have your largest meal of the day. But, if you drink a protein-carbohydrate shake (gainer) after training, delay eating for 1 - 1.5 hours. In this meal, include foods that contain sufficient proteins and slow carbohydrates. You can also eat some fast carbohydrates. It's sweet.

After a workout, the protein-carbohydrate window usually opens, so the body is able to absorb large amounts of food without problems. In this case, the nutrients will be used to replenish energy reserves and restore muscles.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet

The carbohydrate content should be about 50-60%. It is advisable to consume only slow carbohydrates.

Protein content is approximately 30-35%. Protein is an essential nutrient for muscles. If we talk about regular and sports nutrition, then the ratio of proteins received should be 50/50.

Fat content is recommended around 10-20%. You should not limit the amount of fat below these data, since such a limitation can cause metabolic changes, and this is not desirable. Try to consume only vegetable fats; you can eat fatty fish without restrictions, since fish oil is very healthy.

Speaking about the ratio of nutritional components, only average figures are given. And despite the recommendations, remember that each person is individual and there is no ideal ratio of nutrients that will suit everyone! If you are a beginner bodybuilder you will have to find your effective ratio that works for you. And our material gives you a basis for experimentation.

The main principle of gaining muscle mass

The growth of muscle mass begins only when the total amount of energy received from food exceeds the amount of energy expended by the body. Remember that the peculiarity of the body is that it strives to maintain the constancy of its internal environment. Therefore, increasing your caloric intake by 5%, 10%, or even 30% may not do anything in terms of muscle growth! Sometimes, in order to move the mass upward, the calorie content of the daily diet needs to be increased by 50 or even 100%!

To determine the amount of food you need to gain muscle mass, check out this simple method :

Systematically increase the calorie content of your diet until your weight increases by 600-800 grams. in Week. If the indicator is less, then you need to eat more, and if it is more, then vice versa.

Therefore, regular weighings are necessary to control weight. In a month you will be able to adjust your own norm. But do not exceed weight gain more than 800 grams. per week, otherwise your body will begin to rapidly store fat!

Mass air flow sensor or crankshaft position sensor

Failure of these sensors can also cause the engine to run rough. Incorrect data on the amount of air entering the engine leads to incorrect opening times of the injectors and, as a result, incorrect preparation of the fuel mixture. The crankshaft position sensor can also cause confusion, due to which the moment of opening the injectors and the formation of a spark in the spark plugs will be chosen incorrectly. Hence the uneven operation of the engine with dips when picking up speed. Diagnostics will help determine the faulty sensor. This sensor will have to be replaced.

About alcohol

Doesn't fit well with the training process. Judge for yourself:

  • It is a high-calorie compound (7 kcal per 1 g). In addition, it significantly increases appetite, which in combination leads to the formation of excess fat in the body. Reduces the production of testosterone and growth hormones, which negatively affects muscle gain. Inhibits the growth of muscle tissue due to the production of the hormone cortisol. Even small doses of weak alcohol reduce muscle mass gain and the progression of strength indicators:
  • 1 - 2 bottles of beer have the same negative effect as missing one day from the gym;
  • For at least two days after drinking alcohol, exercising is not only not beneficial, but also harmful to your overall health.
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