Anabolism: how to achieve muscle growth through training and nutrition

The use of pharmacology in bodybuilding is associated with certain factors that influence their positive use. If you use steroids without adhering to certain rules of treatment, then getting the expected results is very problematic. As a rule, beginner athletes suffer from this.

One of the most important factors is considered to be a healthy diet during the steroid use stage. Nutrition plays an important role in a person’s life, since a person’s health and the shape of his body directly depend on it. If you actively engage in sports, receiving advice from experienced athletes, but do not eat right, when the body does not receive the full range of nutrients, you should not count on a positive result. Only an integrated approach to any problem can give a positive result.

Why is this happening?

According to scientific research, a man’s body produces about 5 mg of testosterone per day. The same effect can be obtained by drinking just one portion of methane. So it turns out that if you drink 100 mg of methane per day, you will receive about 100 mg of testosterone. Just think, 5 mg instead of 100! The indicator will increase 20 times.

But you won’t be able to drink an anabolic steroid forever. The course is coming to an end and you again have only 5 mg. How can you not lose muscle? There will definitely be a loss! This happens after completing each steroid cycle. At the same time, the larger doses of steroids you swallowed and the longer you did it, the more rapidly your muscle mass will decrease, the more actively your strength will begin to decline.

Post-course therapy will help you not to crash and not turn overnight from the pumped-up Shrek into the skinny Shurik from “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” It is also needed so that your liver, heart and other organs get into their usual rhythm, and do not work for wear.

Colds in bodybuilding

The athlete feels unwell
It’s worth saying right away that if the cold is mild, then you can safely continue to train, as well as not interrupt the steroid cycle. Otherwise, it is better to fully recover and then continue the training and cycle. Among the main symptoms of a cold during a course of steroids, the following should be noted:

  • Cough;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • General weakness;
  • Runny nose.

It should be recognized that a cold, and especially the flu, is a very unpleasant event for athletes.
If an ordinary person can calmly undergo treatment, then an athlete must follow the regime. The disease disrupts this order and you have to make adjustments to your life. During an illness, at least at the initial stage of its development, even proper nutrition can be difficult. Every person has suffered from colds more than once in their life. For this reason, there is no point in telling how you want to eat at high temperatures. There is no talk at all about the training process during this period. Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: when the cold is mild, you can continue to train and not stop the AAS cycle. But if you have a serious illness, you should be cured, after which you can start training again and start a new cycle.

Main goals of post-cycle therapy

Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) place a lot of stress on the hormonal system. These are generally very capricious comrades. After taking them, the goals are:

  • establish a healthy hormonal balance;
  • reduce rebound and maintain the maximum of gained muscle mass;
  • prevent the appearance of effeminate breasts in men;
  • save the testicles from “drying out”;
  • return sexual activity;
  • improve blood composition;
  • protect the liver and avoid the occurrence of liver diseases;
  • lower the level of the hormone cortisol.

Therefore, never give up on PCT. After steroids, she is needed like air.

Reduce muscle loss on PCT

We already wrote above that the muscles begin to break down at the end of the course. They may suffer greatly or only slightly. It is clear that any muscleman wants to keep his “guns”.

To do this, it is imperative to restore testosterone levels. PCT preparations include various components that enhance the production of male sex hormones. By taking them, you can defeat the laws of physiology


Restoring hormone balance

Your own testosterone does not begin to be produced until the amount received from outside is reduced to a minimum. It will not be possible to ensure the natural production of the hormone right away - you need to wait until the reserves of the artificial one run out. Here you will have to delve into the concept of “decay period”. Some steroid supplements disintegrate quickly, while with others you have to wait two or even three weeks.

Prolactin and estradiol also put a spoke in the wheels of testosterone. It happens that their concentration on the course increases sharply. Until they decrease, normal testosterone production will not be restored. PCT drugs make it possible to put everything in its place.

Products recommended for mass gain

When composing your diet, keep in mind that foods are not exclusively protein or carbohydrate. The list below only shows which components the product contains more of.

Protein products

The most protein is found in these foods:

  • meat, poultry;
  • fish, seafood;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products (low fat).

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Carbohydrates in foods, as already mentioned, are slow and fast. The former are recommended for daily consumption, the latter are suitable for replenishing energy reserves after exercise.

Low glycemic index foods include:

  • cereals, with the exception of semolina;
  • legumes;
  • pasta (durum wheat);
  • wholemeal bread;
  • low-sugar fruits (kiwi, peaches, grapefruits, pears, apples, oranges);
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms.

Sources of fast carbohydrates:

  • products made from premium flour (buns, pizza);
  • sugar and honey;
  • confectionery;
  • sweet fruits.

Fats in the diet

When compiling a diet of protein and carbohydrate foods, the required amount of fat accumulates on its own. If you still need to add them, vegetable oil is quite suitable for this purpose. Additionally, it is recommended to take omega-3 fatty acids during the diet.

Dietary products

How to choose the right PCT

Don’t trust your neighbors, don’t trust the muscle men at the gym, don’t trust the “training gurus” who consult online and never even look at your test results. PCT is always selected individually! And nothing else. Its effectiveness is affected by what you “ate,” in what quantities, for how long, how old you are, how much weight you gained, what ailments you suffer from, and much more.

Always get individual consultations or study smart books yourself, but do not copy exactly other people’s schemes. We will try to help you understand what competent and effective PCT programs look like after the most common anabolic steroids.

— After methane

If you drank methane, wait 2-3 days after taking the last dose. Only then proceed to PCT. The following anabolic steroids will help reduce the severity of the rollback and maintain testosterone after this:

  • Dough boosters. Their range is quite wide. Read the instructions and try it. Testosterone boosters are needed precisely so that your native testosterone expresses itself in its full glory.
  • Protein stacks and homemade protein shakes.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Helps block cortisol. This is the same harmful hormone that destroys muscles. At the same time, they stimulate the production of testosterone.
  • Vitamins, minerals. Rarely are they superfluous.
  • Drugs to protect the liver. Needed after any steroid course, since the liver is severely affected by AAS.
  • BCAA amino acids. Feeds muscles and inhibits catabolic reactions. A good thing. Help to destroy excess estrogens after methane:
  • Clomid. This is a drug that has a dose-dependent effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland. The latter is responsible for the production of sex hormones. It is used by jocks to restore the body's ability to produce its own hormones. It should be taken for about 3-4 weeks after AAS.
  • Tamoxifen. Antitumor composition, anti-estrogen. The instructions indicate that men can take it after castration. But, given its powerful anti-estrogenic effect, bodybuilders also drink it after steroids.

After Turinabol

This is an oral steroid of German origin. In sports circles it is often described as safe and almost harmless. Therefore, many do not consider it necessary to shell out money for PCT after it.

Excuse me, friends! Of course, if you don't care about your health, then you don't have to drink anything. Pumped up - deflated. All business... But, if everything is in order with your head, make the right PCT plan.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, get a blood test. Turinabol does not aromatize and does not have strong estrogenic properties. But to be sure you don't need estrogen suppressants, check how high your levels of the female sex hormone are in your body.

If everything is normal, use only drugs to increase testosterone during PCT (those listed in the section on methane are suitable). If estrogen is high, take anti-estrogen pills as well.

After Sustanon

He is also Sustamed or Tetrasterone. An ester of 4 types of testosterone: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, decanoate. After the course it remains in the body for quite a long time, so it makes sense to carry out PCT no earlier than three weeks later. If you start post-cycle therapy right away, the money will go to waste.

After Sustanon, you can recover with the help of testosterone boosters and the anti-estrogenic Tamoxifen. The optimal duration of PCT is a month.

Eating before training

As you already understand, pre-workout nutrition begins early in the morning after waking up. And it's a more important meal than the one before your workout. Ask why? Your body was fasting for 8-10 hours before breakfast, and eating after a workout is eating after a 2-3 hour fast.

After sleep, the body experiences a much greater deficit than after training. To awaken the body, drink water or liquid carbohydrates and after 15-30 minutes eat solid carbohydrates and proteins. It can be potatoes or porridge with meat, eggs - to your taste.

Differences in the severity of post-cycle therapies

Depending on how much you've been playing around, your PCT may vary. If you drank and injected a lot of chemicals, it is guaranteed to be heavy, but if you were content with little, then a lighter version will do.

Very light

Suitable after light anabolic steroids:

  • Turinabola;
  • Anavar.

Provided that they were used mono and no longer than 6 weeks.

To return normal testosterone use:

  • two weeks estrogen blocker Clomiphene (optimal regimen - 25 mg every other day);
  • one month Tribulus (500 mg per day).


It is optimal if Stanozolol or Methane is taken in isolation for no longer than 6 weeks. The PCT must include:

  • Clomiphene. 25 mg every day for a month.
  • Tribulus. 500 mg per day for a month.


Used after isolated use of Stanozolol or Methane for 8 weeks. Also optimal after using testosterone esters such as acetate, propionate, enthantate, cypionate. After the first two, you need to start PCT after 4 days, after the last two - after 2-3 weeks.

A standard PCT may look like this: Drink Clomil 50 mg per day for a month. Then reduce the daily dose by half and continue the course for another month.


If steroids occupied an important place in your life for more than 12 weeks and testosterone esters were combined with Trenbolone, Oxymethalone, Boldenone, resort to the heavy version of PCT. It requires the addition of Gonadotropin injections to the course already in the sixth week. Using 500 IU every 3-4 days, you can prevent problems with potency.

At the end of the steroid revolution, you need to take Clomiphene. In the first 15 days, the dose should be 100 mg. Then it must be reduced by half and continued for another 15 days. In the second month, the daily dosage of Clomiphene should be 25 mg. Only after this can you “jump” from it.

Very heavy

Option for "daredevil". Designed to support the body after taking:

  • Deca esters (Nandrolone);
  • Trenbolone;
  • a course using Anadrol (Oxymetholone);
  • testosterone esters for 12 weeks.

Already at the 6th week of the steroid course, you should start injecting 500 IU of gonadotropin twice a week.

After the course you need to use:

  • Clomiphene. The first 5 days 150 mg, the next 15 days 100 mg, then another month 50 mg and another month 25 mg. In total, you will use it for approximately 80 days.
  • Testosterone booster. Those containing Tribulus will do. The daily dose of this component should be 1000 mg.
  • Omega-3. It is most convenient to take fatty acids in capsule form.

Important! Regardless of how severe your AAS course was, be sure to get tested after it. Then repeat the diagnosis when you finish PCT. This way you can understand what problems existed initially and whether they were solved. And based on this, make the right decision whether you need to extend/adjust post-cycle therapy.

Sports nutrition for best anabolism

Amino acids

Number one in sports nutrition is full cycle amino acids, also with branched chains (BCAA) . It is advisable to use both supplements. Amino acids from sports nutrition are absorbed within half an hour, which promotes rapid restoration and synthesis of new cells, and this is many times faster than the breakdown of amino acids from food. Read more about BCAA amino acids →


High-carbohydrate cocktails come in several types - fast and slow, depending on the content of simple carbohydrates in the composition, and also differ in the percentage of proteins and carbohydrates. Gainer is a fast and complete source of energy from carbohydrates, as well as amino acids, fats, vitamins and minerals. The supplement is suitable for snacking, taking after workouts, and also before bed to maintain anabolism at night.

Drugs that help with PCT

There are medications that make PCT safer, more effective and more rational. Let's look at them in more detail.


Hormonal medicine, aromatase inhibitor. Provides stimulation of natural testosterone production. According to research, if you take two 2.5 mg tablets per day, then after two days the production of your own testosterone will increase by 50%. If you do not stop there and use 2.5 mg of Letrozole on the third and fourth days, testosterone will increase by 75% (of the initial value).

You can take the medication both after the course and during it. The second option is suitable for those people who experience excessive aromatization - when too much testosterone is converted into estradiol. Then the risk of developing gynecomastia and other unpleasant surprises increases.

Letrozole stimulates natural testosterone production.


The basis of the tablets is cabergoline 0.5 mg. The composition also suppresses prolactin. It can be used at 0.5 or 0.25 mg per day. As a result, testosterone will increase and the risk of gynecomastia and impotence will decrease.

Clomiphene citrate

Anti-estrogen, enhances testosterone production. It can be found on sale in the form of 50 mg tablets. The maximum permissible daily dose is 100 mg.

Tamoxifen citrate

A stronger anti-estrogen than Clomiphene citrate. But at the same time, it stimulates testosterone production worse. It should not be used if during the course you used:

  • Anadrol;
  • Trenbolone;
  • Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone).

Tamoxifen does not work well with these compounds, since when they are taken in combination, the number of progestogen receptors increases, which means that very unpleasant side effects can develop (associated with an increase in the levels of various female sex hormones).

Jocks usually take Tamoxifen according to the following regimen: 80 mg on the first day, 40 mg throughout the next week, 20 mg for another two to three weeks.


Clomid or Clomiphene - we have already mentioned it more than once. A very useful comrade on the PCT. You can use it for a whole month.

You can use Clomid for a whole month.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

It is a luteinizing hormone. It is thanks to him that the testicles produce testosterone. Most often it is recommended to drink it during and after the course. This is the only way to make the testicles function without failure. If you start taking hCG only after stopping the use of AAS, it will not help much.


Contains mesterolone. Strengthens erectile function, inhibits aromatization, and blocks globulin. With its help you can significantly increase potency after steroids. The normal dose is 50 mg per day.


A sensational drug to protect the liver. Produced in the form of capsules and dragees. It (or its analogues) should be used by all “chemists”. The optimal duration of the hepatoprotective course is 3 months.

What is anabolism

Anabolism is the process of synthesizing small molecules into large ones, during which energy is expended. Using this process, new high-molecular compounds are formed - proteins, including muscle fibers, carbohydrates and fats. In all living organisms, anabolic reactions proceed in such a way that the cells themselves synthesize the necessary substances for themselves: proteins, fats, polysaccharides, nucleotides.

Muscle growth is impossible if there is a lack of protein molecules, both material for new cells, and carbohydrates, since anabolic processes occur with energy consumption.


Our list of natural anabolic steroids is completed by another super-cereal, which has a strong androgenic effect. Sorghum is a gluten-free grain native to Africa. Studies have shown a 54% increase in DHT (dihydrotestosterone) with frequent consumption of this grain. DHT is the most potent androgenic hormone in men and is responsible for all the mental and sexual results associated with high testosterone levels. In other words, Sorghum will help you achieve the confidence of an alpha male and increase your libido. This effect is achieved through compounds that increase the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which speeds up the conversion of testosterone to DHT .

Sports nutrition


SUMA grass (Pfaffia paniculata) is an herb that was first discovered in South America. It is considered an adaptogenic herb in the same class as ginseng and rhodiola, with the ability to enhance both physical and mental performance. It is often called Brazilian ginseng. Despite a long history of traditional use in South America, most of its anabolic effects were discovered in the Soviet Union. The USSR conducted several studies on SUMA Grass and even applied the knowledge gained to their Olympic team. Research has shown that Suma has anabolic effects similar to Dianabol, and when tested on weightlifters, it was found that they experienced less pain while lifting heavy weights, as well as faster recovery.

Suma, like other natural anabolic steroids, is packed with nutrients. Essential amino acids, minerals, electrolytes, as well as the rare mineral germanium, which can act as a natural cell oxygenator (enriches cells with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from them). It contains B vitamins , vitamin K2, vitamin A, a large amount of steroid saponins and glycosides. It contains ecdysteroids in the same order as Quinoa, only in a much more concentrated form . Regarding Suma, there are numerous animal studies that support the adaptogen's effects, such as increased testosterone levels, improved sexual performance, and increased red blood cell production. Overall, Suma Grass is an excellent remedy for athletes in any sport.

Oats (wild oats)

Oats, one of the classic bodybuilding foods, contain saponins with steroidal effects, which further explains why this food is so popular among bodybuilders. It should be noted, however, that to obtain the greatest anabolic effect, it is preferable that wild oats be used. An extract called Avena Sativa is known on the market as a dietary supplement. The saponins in oats can increase testosterone levels because they increase levels of luteinizing hormone, which is responsible for starting testosterone production.

Laxogenin (Laxogenin)

One of the most powerful natural anabolic steroids comes in the form of a steroidal saponin called Laxogenin (5a-hydroxy-laxogenin). It is found in a plant related to asparagus (Smilax Sieboldii) and is native to Asia. Laxogenin is a brassinosteroid type of anabolic saponin that functions through a kinase-mediated release pathway that affects cellular receptors on the surface of muscle cells. Laxogenin can increase protein synthesis and slow down protein breakdown, helping to build more muscle while also keeping the muscle mass you already have from breaking down during exercise. In other words, Laxogenin is a powerful plant-derived anabolic compound that is ideal for both gaining muscle mass and preventing muscle breakdown during training.

It is believed that Laxogenin is similar in action to the steroid Anavar (Oxandrolone), but is much safer, since it does not directly affect any of the body's hormones, depriving it of the common side effects that usually occur when taking anabolic steroids. Laxogenin is so safe that it can be considered virtually free of any side effects since there is very little mentioned about it.

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