How to choose an elastic band for pull-ups? What is the elastic band for pulling up called?

Essence and basic principles

Pulling is a basic physical movement. This means that large muscle groups are involved in the process of its implementation. Depending on the type of grip selected on the horizontal bar, the main emphasis of the load can change as follows.

Grip typeMuscles under load
Straight slightly wider than shoulder width.A direct grip is understood as a position of the hands in which the palm is turned away from the person doing the exercise. In this case, the main load falls on the latissimus and teres dorsi muscles, and the biceps brachii muscle is practically not included in the work. The trapezius and posterior deltoid muscles are also involved.
Straight wide grip.Loads the latissimus dorsi muscles in maximum isolation. The biceps and other flexors of the arm in the elbow joint are completely disabled. A lot of force occurs in the shoulder girdle area. Not recommended for beginner athletes.
Narrow straight.Placing your hands on the bar allows you to shift the emphasis of the load in the exercise to the inner and upper back (trapezius and deltoid muscles). Due to the deflection of the body when lifting, the muscles of the upper chest are worked out.
Reverse grip.Placing your hands on the bar with your palm turned out towards the student. This type of grip is conventionally considered a power grip. The biceps brachii muscle and the arm flexors at the elbow joint are intensively involved in the work. A reverse grip can be performed with a narrow or medium position of the hands on the horizontal bar. The muscles involved are similar to those that are stressed when holding the arms straight.

Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

When performing variations of pull-ups, it is important to follow the correct technique.

Rules and recommendations

There are several key recommendations that must be followed when performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar:

  • Movement is carried out strictly by muscle contraction. Involvement of inertial forces (swaying and jerking while hanging) is not allowed.
  • Raising and lowering must be controlled. Jerking during the positive phase of movement (contraction of muscle fibers) and falling during the negative phase (relaxation of the body) are prohibited.
  • It is necessary to follow the correct sequence in breathing. Inhalation is carried out when lowering, exhaling - when rising.
  • The hands must be firmly fixed on the horizontal bar. This allows you to create an additional static load on the finger extensors and achieve the necessary level of safety when performing the exercise.

Each type of pull-up has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when performing the movement. With a narrow straight grip, you should strive to touch the bar with your lower chest at the top point of the amplitude. This will allow the maximum number of muscle fibers to be involved in the work.

When doing pull-ups with a wide arm position, there is no need to reach up so high. The peculiarities of the structure and attachment of muscles in the human body are such that such a trajectory of movement is unnatural and can lead to injury.

Complexes of exercises on the horizontal bar for inexperienced athletes should not consist of a large number of exercises. Novice male and female athletes are not able to perform a large amount of work. Excessive loads can cause aversion to sports.

An elastic band for pulling up on a horizontal bar is the optimal solution in this situation. Properly selected load is the key to sports longevity. And obtaining a result and consolidating it is the result not of one-time records, but of a long process of regular work.

Types of fitness bands

The wide range often confuses beginners. In order not to make a mistake and choose the best option among the variety of models, you must first understand how they differ.

Depending on the load

The load is determined by color and is accompanied by appropriate markings:

  • bright yellow, light green, light green, orange = 2-5 kg ​​(“S”, “X-Light”, “Extra-light”);
  • bright red = 6-8 kg (“M”, “Light”, “Light”);
  • blue, light blue, dark green, dark yellow = 9-12 kg (“L”, “Medium”, “Average”);
  • rich, dark red and blue = 13-18 kg (“XL”, “Heavy”, “Heavy”);
  • black, gray, brown = 19-30 kg (“XXL”, “X-Heavy”, “Extra-heavy”).

Elastic bands for fitness

You can purchase individual tapes or as a set.

Attention! The color scheme of different brands may not coincide with the typical one given above. Therefore, it is better to look at this parameter according to the markings, in the instructions, or ask the seller.

Depending on the material

  • Latex

The most popular. The average cost is from $3 to $25 per 1 piece. The main advantage is that it stretches well. Among the disadvantages - it causes allergies and can slide off the body.

  • Polyurethane

The safest. The average cost is from $25 to $45 per 1 piece. The main advantages are that they are hypoallergenic and have excellent wear resistance. The disadvantage is the high price.

  • Rubber

The most short-lived. Made from multi-layer, elastic rubber. The average cost is from $4 to $12 per 1 piece. Plus - low price. The downside is that it quickly breaks down, wears out and loses its rigidity.

  • Fabric

The most multifunctional. It would be more correct to call them combined. They are not just made from natural fabrics (in this case they would not stretch) - they have a polyester base and weave of latex threads. The average cost is from $15 to $20 per 1 piece. They are good because they do not slip off the body. But it also has its drawbacks: if the tissue component predominates, chafing will form on the body.

Depending on the size

  • Ribbon

Width = 5-6 cm. Length = 120-250 cm. Allows you to perform various exercises for almost all muscle groups.

  • Mini loop

Width = 5-10 cm. Length = 45-60 cm. Convenient because it does not slip, you do not need to measure the appropriate length - it is already ready.

  • Long loop

Width = 2-10 cm. Length = 150-200 cm. Suitable for experienced athletes who have already mastered the tape or mini-loop.

Depending on the muscles being worked

  • Tape (tape expander)

The most popular. It is a flat elastic band. Not wide, but long.

Band expander

Versatile: can be used in all types of exercises to work different muscle groups. Allows you to expend maximum energy during training.

  • Loops

The most convenient. They are wide stripes closed in a single circle. For limbs.

Mini-loops are wide enough, but short. Often sold in sets with different loads. Convenient and safe to use. They do not pinch blood vessels, do not rub, and are considered the most non-traumatic. Good for pumping up your abs.

Long loops are not as wide (although there are different options), but allow you to work with greater amplitude due to the increased length. Requires certain skills to use.

  • Figure eight elastic band (butterfly)

The best for hips and buttocks, as well as forearms. It is a tourniquet (with several elastic bands or a single layer), connected into a ring with a jumper in the center for fixation on the hands or feet.

  • Elastic bands

The best option for arms and back. They are ribbons with expanders attached to the ends.

Exertube is a tubular rubberized shock absorber equipped with comfortable handles. Allows you to work with wide amplitudes.

Elastic expander exertube

Indications for use

Along with a lack of training experience, there are factors that prevent novice athletes from training on the horizontal bar and getting results from their training:

  • Excess body weight. Excess weight creates additional stress not only on the musculoskeletal system, but also on the human muscles. Therefore, exercising with excess weight is difficult even for experienced athletes. Those with little training experience should resort to additional technical means.

    Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

  • Weakness of body muscles. With normal body weight, beginning athletes are often unable to independently perform the required level of load. Trainees have to use additional training methods to increase physical strength and endurance.
  • Accessory muscles that are lagging behind in development. Developed latissimus and teres major muscles do not guarantee the ability to perform 10-12 repetitions on the horizontal bar. Undeveloped muscles in the forearms and hands may prevent an athlete from hanging on the bar long enough.
  • Impaired movement technique due to fatigue. Insufficient preparation or excess weight form one of the main problems for beginners. Joints and ligaments suffer from improper technique, and muscles are not able to develop in the correct proportions.

If any of these symptoms are detected, you must immediately take measures to eliminate it.

Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

An elastic band for pulling up on a horizontal bar is a means to solve all the problems described.

There are several different types of elastic elastic rings that are suitable for performing exercises on the horizontal bar for people with different body types and levels of training.

Each type of rubber band is marked with a standard color coding.

  • Green color . The tensile load in such products does not exceed 5 kg. The models are suitable for people with a high level of physical fitness. They provide low additional force during upward movement. It is rational to use such products when it is necessary to make adjustments to the technique of performing an exercise.
  • Blue ribbons and rings – load from 5 to 8 kg. Widely used to assist with pull-ups. Suitable for athletes who are able to independently perform no more than 6-8 repetitions on the horizontal bar in 1 approach. Experienced athletes use them to warm up before training.
  • The yellow color of the elastic rings indicates that they have a resistance of 8 to 12 kg. Such expanders are used in their exercises by people whose number of full pull-ups in one attempt ranges from 4 to 6 times. Yellow bands are used by athletes to work auxiliary muscles. To do this, after complete fatigue of the large back muscles, an additional approach is carried out using this equipment.
  • Red bands and elastic circles can provide a high level of support. The tensile force in these models reaches 18 kg. Such rubber rings are capable of pushing an athlete weighing up to 95 kg upward. Thanks to this, overweight people have the opportunity to fully train on the horizontal bar.
  • People with a low level of physical fitness use black rubber loops and rings. The tensile force in this equipment reaches 23 kg. They are very resilient. Thanks to the black elastic bands, beginner athletes of all ages and with any level of physical fitness are able to perform full training on the bar and improve their technique.

Adjustable width of gymnastic rings makes training safer

While parallel bars in gyms or outdoor venues are useful equipment, they are almost always too wide for the average person. If you experience pain in your shoulders or elbows when doing parallel bars exercises, this applies to you too. Just for reference, regular parallel bars are at least 25% wider than most people need.

The correct distance between parallel bars and other similar training devices should be no more than the length of your arm from elbow to fingers. With gymnastics rings, you can easily set the width that is ideal for your body, which makes each exercise in your training routine safer and reduces the risk of injury.

Contraindications for use

An elastic band for pulling up on a horizontal bar can compensate for the insufficient level of training of a novice athlete. However, in some cases, even the use of such a technical means is not able to make classic pull-ups accessible to citizens. This is due to the presence of individual contraindications to exercise on the horizontal bar.

Exercises on the crossbar are prohibited for the following disorders and diseases:

  • Scoliosis is a curvature of the lumbar spine. In the extreme stages of the disease, the spinal column undergoes significant deformation. The back muscles stop performing their functions normally and are not able to provide support to the lower back when hanging on the bar.
  • Herniated intervertebral discs. With this deviation, any axial load on the spinal column is contraindicated. Exercises on the horizontal bar should be replaced with weight training. At the same time, reliable support for the back should be provided.
  • Spinal disc protrusion - This is one of the types of hernias in which the disc bulges into the spinal canal. Exertion is prohibited for this disease.

    Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

People suffering from degenerative changes in the spine must be careful when exercising on the crossbar. Although pull-ups improve blood flow and mobility of all spinal structures, excessive stress in this area can increase pain.

Particular attention should be paid to cervical osteochondrosis. When doing pull-ups, the load on this part of the spine is great. Therefore, athletes with similar problems should use elastic bands in their training. This will allow you to optimally dose the effort in your exercises.


The pull-up elastic band can be used in different ways depending on the need. Thus, this device will serve as a complication when performing basic and simple exercises, which will increase the load on the muscles by limiting the athlete’s movements. It also has another application, thanks to it you can lighten the weight for exercise, which will allow even an unprepared person to perform the exercise.


The material of modern elastic bands used for pull-ups is 100% latex, which allows the athlete to maintain stability of resistance during regular intensive exercises. The service life of such a product has no time limit.

The advantages also include:

  1. The ends of the elastic bands have closed loops, which allows you to use the product securely fastening it to any vertical and horizontal crossbar.
  2. Suitable for men and women.
  3. For people who do not have the desire or opportunity to visit the gym, using such elastic bands at home will become indispensable.
  4. The product has increased resistance to tearing and mechanical stress.
  5. Affordable prices for a large mass of interested consumers.
  6. Using the product you can lighten or complicate the load. Basically, the use of the tape is aimed at training specific muscle groups.
  7. The elastic band for pulling up has a large number of different models, differing from each other in length, appearance and resistance.
  8. Working with your own weight.

Disadvantages, contraindications

The main disadvantage of this product is the training itself, which will be quite difficult for people with insufficient training and those with a large body weight. Those athletes who know how to do pull-ups usually perform the element incorrectly, which is why the muscle fibers are not subjected to the necessary stimulation, which will not lead to an increase in strength qualities. Often the underlying cause is an inability to perform a workout to the point of muscle failure.

People who have the following pathologies are contraindicated to do pull-ups using a rubber loop:

  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion of the spine.

Useful tips

An elastic band for pulling up on a horizontal bar is a multifunctional tool that is used by athletes to make the exercise easier or more difficult. To use this equipment effectively, it is necessary to select the correct load level.

The choice of elastic ring for pull-ups depends on 2 main factors:

  • Level of physical readiness.
  • The mass of those involved.

The level of training can be expressed in the approximate number of pull-ups per approach.

Considering the classification and labeling of rubber bands for sports activities discussed above:

  • Greens 2-5 kg.
  • Blue 5-8 kg.
  • Yellow 8-12 kg.
  • Red 12-18 kg.
  • Black 18-23 kg.

It is possible to create an approximate table of the dependence of the model of auxiliary equipment on the number of repetitions and weight of the student.

Athlete's weight, kg40-6060-7070-8080-9595-115
Number of clean pull-ups, pcs.0-23)-4)3)-4)3)-4)3)-5)4)-5)

Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

This table is for guidance only. A body weight of 95 kg can be achieved either by increasing muscle volume or by being overweight. However, this data can help beginners with the selection of the necessary equipment.

Pull-ups and dips

How to choose rubber loops for pull-ups

Practicing pull-ups and dips on parallel bars using loops allows you to:

  • Offset some of the weight
    to increase the number of pull-ups or push-ups. Example: an athlete’s weight is 120 kilograms and his height is 179 centimeters. There are almost no muscles, all the excess is fat. He can't do a single pull-up. We take the blue loop (23-68) and use it to compensate for 60 kilograms. Now you need to lift not 120, but 60 kilograms. If there is not enough compensation, take black rubber (32-77) or add several rubber bands together. We gradually reduce the resistance of the elastic bands and learn to pull ourselves up without them. Along the way, we lose excess weight and gain muscles;
  • Get into the desired rep range
    . Still the same hero weighing 120 kg, who set out to develop endurance. He takes a black ribbon, adds a red one and does 20-25 pull-ups. Rubber compensates for most of the athlete’s weight, making it possible to achieve any performance. This makes sense: endurance training burns more calories than other types of training. Due to the large number of repetitions, it is easier to lose weight;
  • Master the technique
    . The loops force you to move in a certain trajectory, which contributes to better sensitivity of the muscles and development of the technical part of the exercise. This increases the efficiency of training;
  • Build muscle mass
    . Pull-ups and push-ups pump up the entire upper body. Doing pull-ups and push-ups is the best way to build upper muscle mass at home and outdoors. In the gym, push-ups can be replaced with a bench press. Pull-ups remain indispensable. Loops allow you to get into the desired repetition range (8-15) to gain muscle mass;
  • Lose weight
    . The inability to perform pull-ups or dips on the uneven bars in most cases is explained by excess weight. It is difficult to get rid of it, since full-fledged physical training is not available due to... excess weight! A vicious circle that is broken by the use of loops. The importance of proper nutrition cannot be underestimated, but it is difficult to lose weight without exercise.
  • Learn to do pull-ups and push-ups from scratch
    . The trainer is suitable for children, teenagers, girls with weak upper arms, and old people. Rubber loops are the best exercise machine for pull-ups and dips.

To better understand the functioning of loops, let’s consider their choice using the example of pull-ups:

Workout number Loop color (resistance) Approaches
1 Black (32-77) 3
2 Black (32-77) 4
3 Black (32-77) 5
4 Black (32-77) 6
5 Black (32-77) 7
6 Blue (23-68) 3
7 Blue (23-68) 4
8 Blue (23-68) 5
9 Blue (23-68) 6
10 Blue (23-68) 7
11 Green (17-54) 3
12 Green (17-54) 4
13 Green (17-54) 5
14 Green (17-54) 6
15 Green (17-54) 7
16 Green (17-54) 8
17 Purple (12-36) 3
18 Purple (12-36) 4
19 Purple (12-36) 5
20 Purple (12-36) 6
21 Purple (12-36) 7
22 Purple (12-36) 8
23 Red (5-22) 3
24 Red (5-22) 4
25 Red (5-22) 5
26 Red (5-22) 6
27 Red (5-22) 7
28 Red (5-22) 8
29 Orange (2-15) 3
30 Orange (2-15) 4
31 Orange (2-15) 5
32 Orange (2-15) 6
33 Orange (2-15) 7
34 Orange (2-15) 8
35 Orange (2-15) 9
36 Own weight 3
37 Own weight 4
38 Own weight 5
39 Own weight 6
40 Own weight 7
41 Own weight + 2.5 kg additional weight 3
42 Own weight + 2.5 kg additional weight 4
43 Own weight + 2.5 kg additional weight 5
44 Own weight + 2.5 kg additional weight 6
45 Own weight + 2.5 kg additional weight 7
46 Own weight + 5 kg additional weight 3

We perform 10 repetitions with a break of 2 minutes between sets.

This program transforms you from a weak, overweight average person into a fit athlete.

Not everyone will need to start with a black loop. It all depends on the form. Adjust the number of sets and reps. If in your first workout you feel comfortable doing 10 reps in 5 sets with a purple band, then this is where you should start.

It is not possible to progress in every lesson. The permissible speed is once every 1-5 workouts.

Main complex

Pull-ups on a horizontal bar using an elastic band do not differ in the technique of execution and the method of constructing a training program from a similar exercise without the use of aids.

There are several main options for forming a training spit on the crossbar:

  • A complete upper body workout.
  • Exercises to achieve maximum results in classic pull-ups.
  • Functional classes with elements of Workout and acrobatics.

When performing each of the complexes, it is possible to use elastic bands. At the same time, the method of attaching this equipment to the horizontal plank of the horizontal bar remains unchanged. To fix the rubber ring on the crossbar, you need to wrap it around a horizontal bar and pass one end of the tape into the loop of the other.

Complete upper body workout

The training program for beginners consists of 2-3 types of pull-ups and several exercises for other large muscle groups. This split is designed for 3 training days per week.

1 day

  • Classic pull-ups (grip slightly wider than shoulder width) – 4*10-12 reps. The technique of this movement is described above. The use of rubber rings is possible both from the first approach, in this case it will be possible to maintain a sufficient amount of strength until the end of the exercise, and when a certain level of fatigue is reached.

    Elastic band for pulling up on the horizontal bar. How to choose exercise technique for girls

  • Push-ups from the floor with hands shoulder-width apart – 3-4*8-12 times.
  • Reverse grip pull-ups with narrow arms – 3*8-10 reps. Recommendations for the use of rubber rings remain unchanged in relation to No. 1.
  • Alternating lunges on each leg – 3*20-25 times. When performing lunges, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body during the movement. It is not allowed to fall forward, backward or to the sides. The front leg should rest on the floor with the entire foot.
  • Press crunches – 3-5*20-25. You should ensure a slight bend in the lumbar region when doing crunches.

Day 2

  • Wide grip pull-ups – 3-4*10-12 reps.
  • Push-ups with narrow arms – 3*10-12 times.
  • Lifts on the horizontal bar with narrow arms – 3-4*8-10.
  • Hanging row of legs bent at the knees to the chest – 4-5*20-25
  • Squats – 3*12-15. The exercise is basic and technically very difficult. Therefore, beginners should not use additional weights when performing it. This movement must be performed smoothly without jerking. When lowering, pay special attention to the position of your heels. They must be pressed tightly against the supporting surface. The slightest rounding in the area of ​​the lumbar and thoracic spine is not allowed.

Day 3

  • Classic pull-ups – 3-4*10-12.
  • Reverse grip shoulder width – 3-4*8-10. In this case, the use of an elastic band is necessary from the 1st set of classic pull-ups. If this recommendation is ignored, the result from the lesson will not be maximum.
  • Push-ups from the floor – 3-4*10-12.
  • Squats with wide legs or lunges with walking – 3-4*12-15.
  • Hanging on the horizontal bar – 1*maximum.

Full workouts

How to choose rubber loops for girls photo

Rubber loops can replace your entire gym. The combination of black and blue loop, at maximum tension, is comparable to a 140 kg barbell. With rubber you can perform hundreds of exercises for each muscle group. The main thing is to use them correctly and follow the principles:

  • Progression of loads
    . Gradually increase the resistance of the loop or decrease it for exercises like pull-ups. To maintain the progression of loads, you will need “growth” loops;
  • Super compensation
    . Exercise only when your body is ready for it;
  • Graduality
    . The load must be increased smoothly, without jerking. Example: you were working with an orange (2-15) loop, reached your limit in working with it and immediately switched to a green (17-54). Red and purple were missed. The green rubber turned out to be too hard, as a result of which the technique and essence of the exercises performed were disrupted. Progress has stopped. The principle of gradualness in training with loops says: you need to smoothly move from one elastic band to the next. That is, you will need several rubber loops for the correct transition from one elastic band to another.

A training program with resistance loops might look like this:

Day #1. Chest, back, shoulders, trapezius

Exercise Loop color (resistance) Approaches Repetitions Rest between sets in minutes Rest (in minutes) after exercise
Dips with loops Purple (12-36) 5 10 2 3
Pull-ups with loops Purple (12-36) 5 10 2 3
Press forward Red (5-22) 2 15 1 3
Bent-over row Red (5-22) 2 15 1 3
Standing press Red (5-22) 3 12 1 3
Arm raise with loop Orange (2-15) 3 15 1 3
Shrugs with a loop Green (17-54) 3 20 1

Day No. 2. Legs, buttocks, arms, abs

Exercise Loop color (resistance) Approaches Repetitions Rest between sets in minutes Rest (in minutes) after exercise
Squats with loops Purple (12-36) 5 15 2 3
Lunges Red (5-22) 2 12 1,5 3
Standing arm curl Orange (2-15) 3 12 1 3
Extension of arms while standing from behind the head Orange (2-15) 3 12 1 3
Loop row on straight legs Red (5-22) 2 12 1,5 3
Crunch with loop Orange (2-15) 3 12 1,5

We alternate workouts. We work 3-4 times a week.

The choice of loops is individual. Here we reflect only an approximate ratio between elastic bands for different muscle groups.

Consolidate the result

To consolidate the results, after each workout it is necessary to stretch all the muscles involved in the exercise.

  • Back. To relax the latissimus muscles, you need to rest your hands on the vertical support of the horizontal bar. In this case, the hands should be slightly below shoulder level. After this, take 1 shallow step back so that the body is tilted forward. After this, light body turns should be performed.
  • Shoulders. The arm bent at the elbow should be raised to a horizontal level. In this position, the hand of the limb of the same name must be moved behind the opposite shoulder. That is, if the right arm is raised, then the hand should be moved beyond the plane of the left shoulder.
  • The front surface of the thigh . The leg bent at the knee is pulled back.
  • Pectoral muscles. The outstretched arm at shoulder level rests on the horizontal bar post and is fixed on it. After this, it is necessary to slightly rotate the body in the opposite direction.

When to expect an effect

Elastic bands for pull-ups on the horizontal bar are not able to significantly reduce the time it takes to achieve visible results from training. However, thanks to their use, even beginner athletes can achieve significant results after just 2-3 months of regular training.

Ring bands are essential sports equipment for those who are focused on getting results from their workouts. It does not matter the level of physical fitness or body condition. Elastic bands for pull-ups on the horizontal bar can significantly diversify the training process for both beginners and professionals.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Your results

Thanks to training with elastic bands, you will get the following results:

  1. Maintaining and improving
    my health. By training muscles and improving posture. Exercise affects the state of the hormonal system, thereby improving overall health;
  2. Improved appearance
    . All body systems begin to work with greater efficiency. The skin is cleansed, the functioning of the hormonal, lymphatic, cardiovascular and other body systems improves. The figure and attitude towards it changes. This doesn't happen in just one workout. From lesson to lesson you feel changes for the better;
  3. Increased energy
    . Workouts tone the body and also contribute to the release of pleasure hormones, which make you more energetic and purposeful;
  4. Internal comfort
    . Health improves, all body systems come into balance. The figure takes on the look you want. There is a feeling of “I am comfortable in myself.” Many girls chase this feeling for years, but without working on their outer shell, internal comfort is difficult to achieve;
  5. Improved proportions
    . If you have already trained your lower body before using bands, there is a high probability that there is an imbalance between the upper and lower parts. Pull-ups and dips eliminate this omission;
  6. Great mood
    . The release of pleasure hormones, additional self-confidence, improved health, the feeling of “I am comfortable in myself” - all this contributes to happiness.

These are the basic effects that will be observed in everyone. There are also local results in the form of improved skin condition, additional male attention and other effects that you may not expect from training. But they are the consequences of these 5 points.

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