How to increase serotonin in the body? 10 scientific tips

Serotonin is a hormone that helps a person feel happy, confident, and satisfied for a long time. But this is far from the only function of one of the most important neurotransmitters.

Good memory, stable attention, adaptation in society, resistance to stress - all this is impossible without the participation of serotonin.

Labor activity, metabolic processes, blood clotting, adequate sleep - this is an incomplete list of physiological processes in which serotonin is involved.

How to increase serotonin - infogram for the article

Research on ways to increase the happiness hormone in the human body is numerous and contradictory. And yet, there are practice-tested techniques, and knowledge has accumulated on how to influence the formation of serotonin.

The happiness hormone serotonin is an unpredictable and capricious substance.

Symptoms of happiness hormone deficiency

If a person has impaired psycho-emotional reactions for a long time, this may be due to a decrease in the amount of serotonin in the body. Outwardly this manifests itself as follows:

  • constant bad mood, depression, gloominess and, as a result, the onset of depression;
  • irresistible subconscious craving for sweets;
  • insomnia;
  • diffidence;
  • false fears, inexplicable anxiety, panic attacks.

Sad guy. Black and white photography

These negative manifestations from the nervous system entail physiological disorders:

  • spontaneous muscle pain;
  • cramps and pain in the lower jaw;
  • frequent migraines (localized severe pain in only one part of the head);
  • causeless intestinal disorders;
  • obesity.

If any of the signs of a physiological nature appear against the background of symptoms of depression, you should consult a doctor. These pathologies can develop into serious chronic diseases .

A person synthesizes the hormone on his own , so with the help of some simple methods, you can increase the production of serotonin in the body.

Does L-tryptophan increase serotonin production?

L-tryptophan is an amino acid that is part of the proteins of living organisms. The effects of L-tryptophan are determined by the fact that it is a precursor of serotonin and niacin (vitamin B3).

Tryptophan content in food:

From the sign it is easy to conclude that there is nothing better to lift your spirits than to eat red caviar and have a bite of black...

There are quite a few foods that contain tryptophan in sufficient quantities. How much tryptophan is needed to increase the level of serotonin in nervous tissue? A lot of.

The body has at least 3 pathways for converting tryptophan. 95% of incoming tryptophan is spent on the formation of nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, which, in principle, is also very good.

Normally, about 1% of incoming tryptophan is converted into serotonin. That is, tryptophan enters the body, part of it is converted into 5-hydroxytryptophan, and some amount of 5-hydroxytryptophan must manage to get into the nervous tissue.

5-HTP can be intercepted by other tissues along the way, it can go to other needs of the body, it can turn into serotonin in the liver - such serotonin can no longer enter the nervous tissue, since it does not pass the barrier that protects the central nervous system.

Let's greet the new day with good spirits!

Therefore, if someone suddenly comes up with the bright idea of ​​injecting serotonin directly into the body (why bother with intermediaries), hoping to greet the next cloudy morning with the radiant smile of a complete optimist, then he will be disappointed. Such a hormone of happiness will “make” anything, but not the brain.

To close the deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin with tryptophan and somehow improve your mood and relieve symptoms of depression, the intake of tryptophan should be measured in grams.

The reputation of drugs with tryptophan was successfully tarnished by one Japanese company back in 1980, when a large number of cases of eosinophilia-myalgia appeared. About 60 foreign impurities were found in the drug, which could have caused the disease. It was not possible to reliably prove or disprove this, so a suspicious attitude towards L-tryptophan continues to this day.

However, in pharmacies and stores you can easily buy tryptophan in dosages of 200, 500 or 1000 mg at a very affordable price. Often, preparations optimistically contain vitamin B6, since it is necessary for the conversion of 5-hydroxytryptophan into serotonin.

Ways to Boost Serotonin

Serotonin production occurs in the pineal gland (5%) and in the intestines (95%) . The happiness hormone is a specific chemical substance - a biogenic amine, formed from an amino acid called tryptophan.

The diet must contain foods that are sources of this amino acid.

To increase serotonin levels, you need to create additional conditions. You can improve the synthesis using the following methods:

  • meditation;
  • massage;
  • physical exercise;
  • artificial lighting;
  • sunlight;
  • social success;
  • proper nutrition;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • limiting alcohol and caffeine;
  • medications;
  • folk remedies.

Interesting facts about serotonin

  • Women produce 52% less serotonin than men
  • Serotonin levels tend to be lower in those who were physically punished as children
  • In addition to depression, normalizing serotonin levels helps in the treatment of mental disorders such as panic attacks, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, social phobia and even schizophrenia.
  • Constant abuse of sweets disrupts serotonin metabolism in women and reduces the sensitivity of serotonin receptors - the same, only more pronounced effect is observed with the use of LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  • Alcohol and drug use reduces the production and depletes serotonin reserves, so addicted people are prone to depression and cannot get rid of addictions until they restore the biochemical balance in the brain.
  • Overdose of serotonin from artificial sources, such as antidepressants and migraine medications, can cause serotonin syndrome, a dangerous toxicity that can be fatal. For this reason, it is so dangerous to take drugs uncontrollably.


Sweet sliced ​​watermelon

People who know that serotonin is produced in the body independently will not specifically look for foods that contain this hormone. There are well-established misconceptions about the connection between certain foods and increasing the concentration of serotonin in the body.

One of the myths is that eating bananas every day is enough.

Alas, it is difficult to trigger the production of serotonin in the brain and intestines in this way. Bananas do contain the hormone of happiness; it is found in fish and meat, but in this form it is not absorbed by the body. It cannot penetrate the walls of the stomach or intestines, so digestive enzymes completely destroy it. Bananas, meat, fish influence the synthesis of the joy hormone indirectly, that is, due to substances that promote the synthesis of the hormone a.

The second misconception is related to the consumption of foods rich in tryptophan. The production of serotonin in the body is actually increased due to the presence of this amino acid. It is worth noting that the body uses only 1% of tryptophan to produce the hormone of joy.

Do not be mistaken that by eating turkey and hard cheese (these foods are very rich in tryptophan), you automatically increase the level of the hormone . To activate synthesis, in addition to the presence of a sufficient amount of tryptophan, a certain level of insulin in the blood . Only in this combination can the body produce serotonin.

Chocolate with nuts

Many will remember sweets, with the help of which insulin levels increase almost instantly and its concentration goes off scale. This effect is short-lived; glucose levels will quickly return to normal due to the intensive work of the pancreas .

Therefore, it is better to stimulate insulin production with complex carbohydrates . They will ensure not only the presence of insulin, but also provide additional conditions for increased production of serotonin . If we summarize all the conditions under which the body will synthesize the neurotransmitter serotonin, then the diet should include foods that are sources of:

  • tryptophan;
  • B vitamins;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • glucose;
  • magnesium

Products that contain all of these substances must be present in the daily diet to ensure uninterrupted synthesis of one of the most important neurotransmitters.

Considering that 95% of the joy hormone is produced in the intestines, it is worth taking care of its microflora. This requires vegetables and fruits (they contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, fiber) and high-quality lactic acid products (they are sources of tryptophan and beneficial bacteria).

Problems with foods rich in tryptophan

When we eat, tryptophan from protein-rich foods enters the body and is transferred to the intestinal tract. Most of the tryptophan is then converted to serotonin and stored there. Only a small proportion of tryptophan reaches the brain. But this small amount is quite enough.

The problem is that tryptophan requires transport to reach the brain. Amino acids (the building blocks of protein) also require substances that can transport them. If the body has too many amino acids that need to be transported, less tryptophan will reach the brain.

Physical activity

Sports - running in the forest

Regular physical exercise actively stimulates the synthesis of the hormone of happiness . After performing physical exercises, processes aimed at restoring muscle tissue are activated.

The concentration of amino acids in the blood increases, which are necessary for the synthesis of proteins that restore muscles. Insulin directs building material to the site of synthesis (maintaining sugar balance in the blood is not the only function of this hormone).

Only tryptophan is not affected by the action of insulin. It freely enters the sites of serotonin synthesis. Physical exercises that are performed with pleasure and not exhausting to the limit have a positive effect on hormone synthesis

Hiking in the fresh air can be an excellent alternative to training . Walking is a simple, natural movement. During a walk, all muscle groups are involved in work, so in 30 minutes the body will burn a decent amount of calories.


To reap the full benefits of tryptophan, you need to eat a diet rich in carbohydrates and low in protein. High carbohydrate levels will further increase tryptophan because it allows insulin to be released into the muscles to the exclusion of tryptophan. Therefore, the level of tryptophan in the blood increases. A clear sign of proper functioning of the body is an improvement in mood.

However, this does not mean that you can now freely eat chocolate and any sweets. There are healthy carbohydrates (such as whole grain pasta, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits). Instead of increasing the risk of disease, these healthy carbohydrates significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors.


dream Catcher

One of the most important functions of serotonin is ensuring a good night's sleep . Serotonin is a daytime hormone, which is why it is so important to spend enough time in the sun and ensure good lighting indoors and in the workplace. Melatonin is a night hormone, its task is to ensure full recovery of the body.

Serotonin and melatonin are inextricably linked. Both hormones are produced by the pineal gland (epiphysis). This pair of hormones is responsible for the daily biological rhythms of a person, the physiological response of the body to the change of day and night.

With the onset of darkness, the pineal gland converts serotonin into melatonin.

The morning sun's rays trigger the synthesis of serotonin in a fully restored body, and the cycle closes. Therefore, a daily routine and a healthy night’s sleep are excellent ways to maintain normal concentrations of the happiness hormone. Electricity has made it possible to extend daylight hours for humans, but frequent wakefulness at night leads to a malfunction of the “biological clock” .
This negatively affects serotonin and melatonin levels.

Get enough sleep

Serotonin has the same two-way relationship with sleep as it does with positive thinking.

While sufficient levels of the neurotransmitter facilitate falling asleep and normalize biorhythms, lack of sleep, insomnia and night wakefulness disrupt its production. To get out of this vicious circle, try to fall asleep no later than 11 pm. The fact is that serotonin is normally synthesized during the day and early morning, reaching its peak at 6:00-8:00 - this process begins around 4:00, when a person is sleeping.

With the onset of darkness, part of the serotonin is converted into melatonin - its maximum production occurs from 23:00 to 1:00. This hormone is no less important for health than its predecessor serotonin - it restores all organs and systems during sleep, absorbs free radicals, slows down aging, and prevents tumor and cardiovascular diseases. This process is disrupted by the habit of going to bed in the morning and even sleeping with light sources on.

Meditation and yoga

Yoga in the city

Meditation is a special psychological practice that is aimed at focusing consciousness on the internal state and letting go of negative thoughts. Its goal is to improve the health of the body through psychological adjustment to a positive perception of oneself and the world around. This practice requires learning, but it is worth it to maintain the health of the body.

A person needs to learn to cope with stressful situations, as they significantly reduce serotonin levels. Therefore, if life problems arise, it is recommended to do meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and attend several massage sessions. These methods are natural for overcoming stress .

The role of serotonin in the body

Serotonin influences many functions in the body, including:

  • responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • affects cells that affect sexual desire and some aspects of social behavior (in this case, excess serotonin can act depressingly on the functions of the reproductive system);
  • affects memory and learning ability;
  • stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestine and enhances its peristalsis (a lack of this hormone can cause intestinal obstruction);
  • stimulates the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, narrows the bronchioles;
  • reduces the daily amount of urine;
  • affects pain threshold and sensitivity.

Research shows that men and women have different levels of serotonin. Males have slightly higher levels of this hormone, which makes them more resistant to depression.

For the purpose of the experiment, the level of tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced, was artificially reduced. This led to men becoming more impulsive, but they did not show signs of depression. In women, there was a bad mood and problems with communication (characteristic signs of a depressive state).

Low serotonin levels in women may lead to decreased mood
Low serotonin levels in women may lead to decreased mood

Female sex hormones affect serotonin receptors, which is associated with premenstrual syndrome and psychological changes during menopause.


Medicines - pills - medicine

Serotonin deficiency over a long period of time leads to depression and other psycho-emotional disorders. Such conditions should not be ignored. If various health practices and natural methods do not produce positive results, you should seek medical help.

Modern pharmacology has a significant arsenal of tools to combat depressive conditions. Prescribing medications helps normalize the physiological process associated with the work of the three most important neurotransmitters. One of them is serotonin.

When the powerful release of endorphin is not enough for the body to cope with depression, antidepressants are prescribed. They are prescribed only by a doctor and taken in strict accordance with the recommended regimen . These substances help normalize the release of neurotransmitters into the blood, which are blocked in the brain during depression.

The advantage of these medications is that they are not addictive and have virtually no side effects. Since the 50s of the last century, when antidepressants were synthesized by pharmacologists, they almost replaced tranquilizers, which were also used in the treatment of depression and other neurotic disorders.

Folk remedies

Ordering food

Self-expression of a person in various forms of art has a good effect on the synthesis of this substance. A powerful, ideal natural stimulator of the production of the happiness hormone is high-quality dark chocolate.

It is believed that coffee, caffeinated drinks, and tea can be considered natural antidepressants. But the fact that caffeine reduces serotonin levels and worsens appetite is confirmed by science. To reduce the negative impact of the drink on the body, it is better to drink coffee and caffeine-containing drinks after meals. Regarding tea and its effect on the synthesis of the happiness hormone, science has not yet made a final conclusion.

You should not look for a way out of depression and try to improve your mood with the help of alcoholic drinks. At first it really seems like it works. But the interaction between alcohol and serotonin has nothing to do with happiness and joy.

Alcohol not only greatly suppresses the synthesis of an important neurotransmitter, but also blocks the physiological functions of a hormone already present in the body. Withdrawal syndrome gradually develops, which can only be resisted with the help of another portion of alcohol. Over time, this leads to alcohol dependence and even more severe symptoms of depression.

What is serotonin and how does it work?

Serotonin (the happy hormone), also known as 5-HT, is a neurotransmitter produced by the pineal gland in the brain. However, it affects not only the pleasure center, but also the entire body. The action of serotonin is studied in detail by specialists.

Serotonin and mood

Serotonin is best known for its miraculous mood-boosting properties.

Serotonin deficiency is thought to be associated with depression. In support of this theory, most popular antidepressants are those that increase the level of the above-mentioned hormone. They are known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Unfortunately, this drug is effective for only half of patients.

Some studies have demonstrated that a lack of tryptophan can cause poor mood and irritability. Since tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, serotonin deficiency is thought to be associated with poor mood and even aggression.

Obviously more research is needed in this area, but it is clear that a lack of serotonin is only part of the explanation regarding depression.

The happiness hormone and cognitive abilities

Serotonin produces effects in other areas besides mood. Serotonin receptors are also located in certain areas of the brain associated with learning and memory. Research shows that it helps prevent memory impairment. The synthesis of serotonin in our body helps not only improve mood, but also enhance cognitive abilities.

Serotonin and regulation of the gastrointestinal tract

Most of the happiness hormone enters the intestines and stomach. When we eat, serotonin is released and controls the contractions that allow food to move through the digestive tract. An imbalance of serotonin can lead to constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Serotonin and sleep

The hormone that causes joy plays an important role in controlling circadian rhythms - the internal clock in our body. During sleep, serotonin levels are lowest, and after waking up they increase. Serotonin is thought to suppress REM sleep and replenish norepinephrine during awakening.

A lack of serotonin can cause interrupted sleep.

Other processes

Serotonin also affects:

  • Breath;
  • Regulation of heart rate;
  • Blood clotting;
  • Libido.

How to prevent low serotonin levels in the body

In order to maintain normal serotonin, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • sleep at least 7–8 hours every day;
  • eat well;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • provide a sufficient amount of physical activity;
  • avoid stressful situations.

It must be remembered that serotonin performs various physiological functions in the body. If signs appear that indicate a decrease in the level of the happiness hormone, it is recommended to review your diet or use medicinal herbs. If these methods are not effective enough, you should consult a doctor.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

The effect of serotonin on metabolism

Serotonin influences many types of metabolism in the body. It has the greatest impact on the bioenergetic processes occurring in the body. Under the influence of serotonin, carbohydrate metabolism changes. Increases the activity of enzymes in the liver, skeletal muscles and myocardium, reduces the glycogen content in them, stimulates the process of glucose oxidation. Serotonin increases tissue oxygen consumption. With an increase in its concentration in tissues, the strength of oxidative processes decreases.

Folk remedies to increase serotonin

You can increase the content of this hormone not only with medicines, but also with folk remedies, without resorting to the help of doctors. Scientists have proven that the level of the joy hormone directly depends on sunlight. Therefore, all people suffering from its deficiency are advised to spend a long time in the sun.

Compliance with the biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness is another important condition for maintaining high levels of the hormone in the body. A person should get enough sleep, and this means night sleep. Only at night will a sufficient amount of the hormone be produced.

Ancient methods of relieving physical and mental stress - yoga and meditation - have a positive effect on the hormonal balance in the body. Such activities balance the body, have a beneficial effect on mood and prevent depression. Learn to enjoy life by doing what you love, be it your favorite hobby, playing sports, meeting with friends or a simple walk in the forest and you will be guaranteed an excess of the happiness hormone.

Sources of serotonin
Source of serotonin in foods

Take 5-HTP

In order to produce serotonin, the brain first turns to the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is found in abundance in turkey. The body cannot create its own tryptophan, so we must get it from our diet. Protein-rich foods such as turkey and fish are excellent sources of tryptophan.

The pineal gland is buried deep in the brain, which seems to imply its hidden importance. It was discovered that this gland could see beyond space-time in the days before it functioned as a physical eye, it was considered a mystery associated with superstition and mysticism.

The pineal gland is activated by light and controls various body rhythms. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus, which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desires and the biological clock that determines the aging process. When she wakes up, you feel pressure at the base of the brain. Although the physiological function of the pineal gland was unknown until recently, the mystical and esoteric traditions of ancient schools have long recognized this region of the brain as a link between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Other tryptophan-rich sources include:

  • Spirulina
  • king crab
  • Halibut
  • Watercress
  • Spinach

But if your serotonin levels are low, as they often are when you're struggling with depression, changing what you eat may not be enough.

You can buy tryptophan supplements, but they are not the best way to increase serotonin levels; it is better to move straight to the next step in increasing serotonin by taking 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). After you take tryptophan, it is metabolized into 5-HTP before being converted into serotonin. 5-HTP crosses the blood-brain barrier much more easily than tryptophan and requires a much smaller dose to be effective.

Not much, because the ancients knew the subject well. These two substances are very close to serotonin and are very hallucinogenic. To learn more about older cannabis use, read: The Occult History of Cannabis in the Old and New Testaments. As the most powerful and highest source of etheric energy available to man, the pineal gland has always been important in triggering supernatural powers.

The development of psychic talents is closely related to this higher organ of vision. To activate the third eye, it is about raising the frequency and moving into a higher consciousness. All this is awareness of consciousness, and it is perceived through the eye of time or the third eye.

In her book Mood Cure, Julia Ross reports that 5-HTP can significantly improve symptoms of depression within one day. Often, 5-HTP therapy can be discontinued permanently after the therapeutic effects have rebalanced your brain's neurotransmitter levels.

How to use:

  • Take 50 mg of 5-HTP on an empty stomach between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm and again before bed.
  • Take it with 120 ml of grape or apple juice to improve the passage of 5-HTP through the blood-brain barrier.
  • After three days, increase the dose to 100 mg twice daily, at the same time in the afternoon and evening.
  • If you don't feel a difference within four to six weeks, double your bedtime dose to 200 mg.
  • Do not take 5-HTP with milk, hot liquids, or other proteins.
  • Take B-complex vitamins or eat foods rich in B vitamins (which are a cofactor for 5-HTP metabolism).

What to watch out for:

Reduce your dosage if you begin to experience any adverse side effects such as nausea or stomach pain. Reducing the dose usually solves the problem.

Meditation, yoga visualization and all forms of “out of body” travel open the Third Eye and allow one to “see” beyond the physical. The more you practice it, the faster you will get it, and the more often you do it. Your mental abilities will increase, as will the messages received in your dreams. You may start with your eyes closed at first, but as you practice, you will be able to open your third eye by focusing your attention and receiving messages with your physical eyes open.

Epithalamin for pineal gland resuscitation

The planetary vibrational frequency is accelerating exponentially, allowing souls to analyze other areas more thoroughly than in the past. Gabriela Segalla, Ph.D. in Chemistry. Figure 1 - Molecular structure of menthyl nicotinate. The idea that there was a connection between niacin and the so-called sex flash, scientifically first described by two American sexologists, was subsequently demonstrated by clinical trials that also emphasized the important role of niacin and its coenzymes in enhancing and maximizing the female orgasm .

In some people, 5-HTP may cause headaches and should be discontinued.

If you have trouble tolerating 5-HTP, take tryptophan supplements instead. Try 1,000 mg at 3:00 pm and before bed.

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