How to become a better coach: 6 relevant tips.

Practice correctly

The biggest mistake of being new to the gym is lack of technique and repeating poorly performed exercises.

Remember that you are in the gym to improve your figure, health and not get injured.

Before going to the gym, check out tips or instructional videos on how to do the exercises correctly, and when you're new to the gym, ask a trainer for help. Don't be shy about asking people who regularly go to the gym for advice.

Cardio Tips


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  1. Always force yourself to study five minutes longer than you wanted.
  2. Try to burn more calories on the elliptical trainer.
  3. Intervals aren't just a term for running, they burn fat faster, improve your endurance, and increase your speed.


  4. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns tons of calories in a short period of time.
  5. Use different machines during the same session to target different muscle groups and add variety to your workout.
  6. Combine cardio and strength training to improve your metabolism.

The athlete must be healthy

Remember: an athlete must start the morning with exercise. It will tone the body and will be an excellent prevention of many sports injuries.

Regular examination by doctors is a guarantee of a long and lasting sports career. The child should not overexert himself during training. It happens that a child is not capricious when he says that he does not want to go to training. He just gets overly tired there, and may even fall asleep in the car on the way home. If you notice this trend, talk to your coach about it. Loads should be appropriate for the child’s age and be beneficial, not harmful. You might want to think about changing your sport.

Illness is a good reason to miss a workout. Never force your child to train at any cost.

And finally: do not forget that in most sports the risk of injury is very high, so it would be a good idea to take care of insurance for your athlete in advance. We wish you good luck and sporting success!

The best advice given to beginners in sports


It's almost never too late to start playing sports or leading a more active lifestyle, although beginners often face a lot of problems. Good advice never hurts, so if you're just looking to start your fitness program, these tips will come in handy.

Get started now

In order not to gain weight and keep it at the same level, some of us do not need to exercise at all. However, over time the situation may change for various reasons. Physical activity is essential for preventing a range of diseases and illnesses and is a very beneficial habit. If you haven't started yet, it's not too late for you to start. This is the first and most important tip! The sooner you start, the fewer problems you will have in the future, and you won't have to get better, get sick, etc. before you finally start exercising. Many problems in your life will simply pass you by.

Lift weights

Many readers will agree: following this advice, they were able to reap a lot of benefits. Cardio exercises are certainly effective, but this is not the only type of load that you should take on in sports. Lifting weights will not only help you get stronger, but it will also boost your metabolism. Those who lift weights will get more benefit from exercise and will be able to achieve their goals faster: losing excess weight and improving health.

Make sure you do the exercises correctly

You can do any exercise you like, but if you do it wrong, it can cause serious harm or, at best, not produce the desired results. Doing exercises incorrectly can cause injury, causing you to miss classes. Moreover, if you do the exercises incorrectly, you are simply wasting valuable time. Proper execution is the key to help you achieve better results faster and with less effort. If you are not sure whether you are performing a particular exercise correctly, it is better to seek help from a coach or a friend experienced in sports. Also, knowing the basics, you can practice in front of a mirror to see how correctly you are moving.

No need to think too much

If you think you can't do something, in fact, if you try, you will find that you quite can. For example, if you can run 2 kilometers, you can most likely run 3. Sometimes physical activity can be hard, but in reality it is often just a psychological feeling of discomfort, and if you put in the effort, you can do much more. However, the problem is that it is not immediately possible to understand when to continue and when to stop. Over time, everything falls into place.

Keep moving

It's not just about spending an hour in the gym. An active lifestyle means you shouldn't sit in a chair at the office all day. Try to move as much as possible throughout the day. Take a walk during your break, walk to and from work, take the stairs, and so on.

Be consistent

Exercise is beneficial as long as you exercise regularly. Some consider this the best advice: turn sports into a routine, a daily activity, make it a part of your life.

Drive laziness away

Some days you feel like you can't bring yourself to exercise. However, if you do push yourself, you may feel completely different. Sometimes sports can significantly improve your mood. You shouldn't be led by your laziness.

Don't Always Rely on the Scale

Weight loss is not the only effect of exercise. You build muscle as soon as you start exercising, so the number on the scale may even jump even if you feel like you're getting leaner. You should pay attention to the shape rather than the actual weight, experts advise.

Things get easier with time

When you first cross the threshold of the gym, you are scared by the thought that you will have to strain for an hour. However, you should not be upset, but always remember that every time it will become easier and easier for you. If you think back after a few months to what you were able to do in the beginning, you will be very surprised to find that your capabilities have risen much higher.

Don't forget about nutrition

You are unlikely to lose weight and stay healthy if you don't eat right. Exercise is still just one component of your weight loss journey, but it's not the only thing that will help. The second side of the coin is proper nutrition and the right products.

After the race

Continue drinking after the finish. If the isotonic drink has already run out, drink plain water to replenish fluid loss.

Eat fast, high-glycemic index carbohydrates or protein foods to replenish energy, glycogen, and begin repairing damaged muscle fibers. Protein bars, milkshakes, tuna or chicken sandwiches, cereal with milk, dates.

Participants are often given bananas after big races - eat at least one to replenish carbohydrates and potassium, which will help prevent muscle cramps.

Why do you need sports nutrition?

An athlete spends more energy and nutrients than an average person. Eating one Greek salad in the morning and then running a marathon will not work.

The task of sports nutrition is to provide the athlete’s body with the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it differs from regular nutrition in its regularity and increased volumes.

Athletes adjust the ratio of nutrients in their diet and use sports supplements based on the type and intensity of exercise. Supplements complement the basic diet and fill gaps in the diet.



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  1. To avoid getting sick, wipe down equipment and equipment before using them.
  2. Don't trust the built-in sensors in the exercise machines; use your own equipment to calculate your heart rate, calories and other indicators.
  3. Since group class descriptions are not always clear, please review the first class before joining.
  4. Try different instructors to find the one that motivates you best.
  5. If possible, sign up for a class in advance to save time later.
  6. Arrive at least five minutes early to class to select a seat, speak with the instructor, and prepare for the exercises.
  7. Whether you're new to the gym or a seasoned gym goer, remember that everyone can benefit from working with a professional instructor.


  8. Learn to tie your shoelaces carefully so they don't come undone during class.
  9. If possible, wear your workout clothes underneath your regular clothes throughout the day.



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  1. If you're working out at home, you can workout on an empty stomach in the morning, as long as it's not a long exercise session.
  2. Research shows that a little caffeine can have a positive effect on your endurance, strength and speed.
  3. Eat an hour or two before your workout.
  4. It is very important to provide the body with fluid before training.


  5. To prevent cramps, try not to drink water in one gulp, take small sips.
  6. Sugary sports drinks are not necessary unless you are exercising at a high intensity for more than an hour.
  7. To replenish your energy, eat a 150-calorie meal with a 4:1 combination of carbohydrates and protein within half an hour after your workout.
  8. Chocolate milk is an ideal post-workout choice.

Seven useful tips for beginner athletes

Thanks to various websites, forums, social networks, there is plenty of information regarding the correct approach to building a body and preparing a diet. You should definitely take the time to study these tips. And so that you quickly understand the basics, we will tell you seven useful tips that will allow you to avoid mistakes common to beginners in the sport.

Don't make yourself look fat

Advice for novice athletes should start from this point. Many people think that working out in the gym is a guarantee of quick weight loss and creating a sculpted body. Due to the lack of a clear diet, a large percentage of carbohydrates, and a lack of protein, the exercises performed will not give the desired result. You need to immediately monitor your diet and exercise regularly.

To say goodbye to treats, fast food, and various delicacies, treat yourself to a cheat meal. It is important that the fasting day does not develop into a breakdown.

We follow the words

Keep what you promise! Have you decided to study at home, in the gym for 2-3 months? Keep your word. During this period, the results of the classes will be noticeable, this will be an impetus for more work. Don't look for excuses for laziness!

Work to the fullest

Any coach will make you work to your full potential, as everyone has potential. Full dedication to your work can provide maximum results, any champion will tell you this.

When you come to the gym or study at home, try to forget about problems in your personal life, at work, there is no need to waste time taking photos in front of the mirror or empty conversations. You always need to act. Go to class with a goal and tasks that are achievable for you.

Let's forget about excuses

Didn't manage to drop by the gym in the morning? Nobody canceled home workouts. No need to look for reasons to miss today's class. For a variety of exercises at home, it is enough to purchase several dumbbells, a ladder, and a leg expander, and this will be enough for effective training.

Through various online stores you can purchase equipment that will diversify your workouts and make them safer and more comfortable. For example, is a proven platform that offers clothing, shoes, uniforms, sports nutrition, etc. for various sports.

Don't give up!

When you look at successful athletes, you realize that there is still a long way to go. The main thing is to understand that any novice athlete can achieve such a result. You need to start working, change the rhythm of life, habits, reconsider your diet.

Victory and only victory

Any activity should be a motivation for you to become better. Set more difficult goals, study additional literature, videos, communicate with those who will force you to act and improve yourself. After all, a circle of friends with similar interests always energizes you and helps you make new plans.

Prepare to lose

In the beginning, beginners often fail to achieve their goals, resulting in them giving up. Every successful athlete faces failure. When drawing up a plan, it is important to always calculate your strengths and capabilities; at the start, you do not need to set yourself impossible missions. Start small and gradually increase the complexity of the task.

Advice for beginning athletes seems very simple to implement, but not everyone adheres to them. As a result, they give up at the beginning of their journey. Everyone has the power to change themselves, you just need to set it as a goal and put in a little effort! Take action!

After strength training

High GI foods PDF
Eat fast carbohydrates. After an active workout, the body needs to replenish the glycogen used by the muscles. During training, the level of adrenaline and cortisol increases in the body, which continue their effect after training, destroying muscles. To prevent this, it is important to use another hormone - insulin, which is produced when consuming fast carbohydrates and blocks the actions of cortisol and adrenaline. Bananas, dates, dried fruits, and sweet juice are suitable.

Drink whey protein

for muscle growth and the second half of the daily requirement of BCAA. Protein, which is found in milk, meat and cottage cheese, is more difficult to absorb by the body and its content in them is less. That's why athletes drink a concentrated whey protein mixture. It is absorbed within 10-15 minutes and you feel full.

The daily dosage is calculated based on weight. 3 grams per kg of weight. The powder must be diluted with water or low-fat milk at the rate of 30 grams per 300–400 ml. liquids.

sports nutrition tips
Whey protein "P1 Way Blend". Packaging 2.27 kg.



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  1. Yoga should never cause pain.
  2. The main object of your attention should be deep and even inhalations and exhalations.
  3. Your soft, focused gaze is also important: it will allow you to relax and help you cope with difficult poses.
  4. When performing standing poses, remember to relax your toes.
  5. You can borrow a mat for your first lesson, but you will need to purchase your own first.


  6. Bring a towel with you to wipe off sweat.
  7. Always wear special pants to help absorb more sweat.
  8. There is no shame in saying that an instructor's actions are causing you pain or discomfort.
  9. Do chaturanga push-ups to work your triceps.
  10. Choose faster types of yoga to burn more calories.
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