Benefits of working with a personal trainer

August 31, 2020 | Comments: | Views: 338

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Classes with a fitness trainer are especially relevant for beginners. But those who regularly visit the sports center also need to periodically take individual lessons. The fitness school prepares professionals who have the necessary knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and who are able to put into practice skills in body shaping or building muscle mass. It will be difficult for a beginner to gain a full range of knowledge and skills in group classes. An individual instructor will be able to determine the initial level and develop a program for physical improvement of the client.

Fitness trainer

Why do you need a gym trainer?

If you're new to the gym and don't really understand how all these things work that make healthy men scream and puff, then it's in your best interests to turn to a person who will make these pieces of hardware your friends.

If the trainer is competent, he will create a good training program for you and help you master the correct technique for doing the exercises.

And the coach will also tell you that fried potatoes with lard are not a dietary product, and the fat you are not losing is not because the gypsy at the station cursed .

In addition, a coach is a good friend, a psychologist with whom you can talk and talk things out.

Back exercises


This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles

It warms you up perfectly and prepares you for an important basic exercise - the deadlift.

If you want to pump up your back muscles, and not your legs, start doing the exercise from a position where your body is in a straight line with the machine. Then lift your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms back. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

Pull of the lower block to the stomach

The key point in this exercise: you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, fix your back and squeeze your shoulder blades. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

Upper pulley to chest

This exercise also helps to effectively pump up your back muscles. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

Who really needs it?

First of all, beginners need a trainer in the gym. If you just came to the gym and have never held anything heavier than a bottle of beer , and only squatted on the courts, then you definitely need a person who will explain to you how everything works in this iron world.

In addition, if you have any health problems and do not have the slightest idea about the correct technique for performing the exercises, I do not advise you to even approach the equipment without the help of a specialist.

Of course, you don’t have to listen to me, but if you do the exercises incorrectly, then your health problems can only get worse and not only will you simply not be able to conquer the opposite sex with your body of a Greek god, you’ll have difficulty leaving the house you will.

The third category that definitely needs a coach are lazy dumplings who are used to just lying on their sides on the sofa in front of the TV. Such people cannot force themselves to lose weight or get pumped up. They are only motivated enough to reach for the remote control when the commercial starts.

Of his own free will, such a person will never give 100% in the gym. To do this, you will have to use threats, blackmail, physical force , or simply a trainer who will use all these methods.

Who is suitable for personal training only?

Today, the services of personal instructors are used by all segments of the population, of various levels of preparedness and age. Individual programs take into account two important factors: a personal approach to your body and its existing problems, and a special program tailored to your personal needs and wishes.

A good instructor, even during group classes, sees each participant perfectly, but he is actually unable to provide more assistance than he is capable of within the allotted time. Moreover, there are individuals who require special attention, and during group classes, you will not always be able to tell the instructor that some techniques are not suitable for you personally, and for this reason, your back, joints, and other problems have worsened.

For whom an exclusively individual approach to training is required:

— personal attention of a professional instructor is necessary for individuals who are undergoing a rehabilitation course after injuries;

- girls-women who are in the position of an expectant mother, who are indicated for moderate physical training and need adaptation to a different training scheme;

— private attention from coaches is desirable for individuals who have worked on themselves for a long period, but were unable to achieve the desired result;

— the instructor’s concentrated attention to individuals who have lost motivation for training is extremely necessary.

How long should you work out with a personal fitness trainer?

Photo 2
In most cases, people are stopped by the prices for trainer services.

I agree, it may be expensive, but this is your health and your appearance, I do not recommend saving on this.

Another thing is to use the money spent wisely.

Over time, you will have enough knowledge and experience to start training yourself. But to do this you need to understand what and why you are doing .

When you come to each training session, don’t turn off your brain: think, remember and analyze. Don't hesitate to ask if you don't understand something. Also, start reading sports literature and watching videos with useful training information.

How quickly you get comfortable in the gym depends on how many sessions you will need with a trainer.

The most important thing is to establish the correct technique for doing the exercises and understand how to properly create a training program and adjust your nutrition.
If you master this knowledge, then an owl from Hogwarts will fly to you, but this is not certain. I can say one thing for sure, with this knowledge you will be able to train on your own.

Check your fitness trainer

Chatting with your coach in between sets, give him a mini-aptitude test - bring these five questions into the conversation:

  1. Should I take sports nutrition/supplements?
    Correct answer: “No!” A good coach will not, under any circumstances, recommend something like that for at least the first six months. Very good - will never recommend anything other than regular multivitamins and omega-3 fats.
  2. Will you show me our training program for the next month?
    Correct answer: “Yes, of course!” The main part of the work of a personal instructor is not to lead you from exercise to apparatus, but to plan future loads and analyze the work done. If he doesn't write anything down or plan his workouts ahead, that's a very bad sign.
  3. Do you train yourself?
    Correct answer: “I exercise all the time, damn it!” A specialist who is truly passionate about his profession constantly works on himself, and exhaustively: before or after a 10-12-hour working day, when clients are not looking. This gives him additional energy for work and new methodological ideas, which he will be happy to share with you.
  4. Can I chat with your other clients?
    Correct answer: “Of course!” The coach everyone is excited about will be only too happy to introduce you to all of them. Recommendations from former employers are also a point in his favor. If your interviewee is wary, he may not be able to show you even one of his fans.
  5. What will I need for training?
    Correct answer: “Individual heart rate monitor” An experienced instructor has more than once revived his (or other people’s) visitors from fainting. You can lose consciousness not only through his fault, but also through your own fault: for example, if you don’t tell him about your nervous breakdown or your new diet. The trainer is not a telepath, but from the pulse monitor he will immediately understand what level of load you will handle today. If, after looking at the readings after the first two or three approaches, he sends you home, leave without making a sound.

Why do I need a coach - I can do everything myself

This is a very common occurrence in the gyms, I can talk about it endlessly.

Photo 3It’s very funny to watch how a guy weighing as much as a slightly plump child and tall as the Empire State Building, the first thing he does when he comes to the gym, takes the largest dumbbell and starts pumping his biceps .

At the same time, he sways like a young birch tree in the wind, but he then thinks that he is a male, that his bitsuha is already almost like Everest. But the bitsukha there is the size of a hungry sparrow, and in the near future this sparrow will not spread its wings.

Or, for example, when a lady the size of Pluto comes and wants to lose weight. So she wipes the mayonnaise from her cheek, stands on the treadmill, with the look of a predator she begins to accelerate, she begins to run, drops of sweat are already appearing on her forehead, and after 30 seconds, when fatigue takes its toll and she begins to feel short of breath, she turns off the treadmill. After which, with a sense of accomplishment, she goes to the locker room to finish the sandwich left there.

And often there are people who come to the gym with the goal of putting their body in order, but in the end they put things in order in politics, family, India, space, but only in words. As a result, the only muscle they work is the tongue.

Or another type of people, very similar to the previous one. Only instead of tongues they pump their fingers. Having made one approach, they take out their phone and think that their body has understood what needs to be done and will cope further on its own, and the atmosphere of the hall will help it with this.

None of the above people will achieve any results at best. And in the worst case, they can also ruin their health.

Fitness training with a personal trainer


  • A qualified trainer has all the necessary theoretical basis for drawing up a personal training program, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client. By trusting a professional, you can save time and effort that would have to be spent searching for the necessary information and systematizing the knowledge gained.
  • With a trainer you can forget about relaxed work. He will make sure that the client works at full capacity and strictly follows the lesson plan. With a personal trainer, the time allocated for training will be spent with maximum benefit.
  • Beginners who come to a fitness club for the first time are often completely confused, not knowing where to start. Therefore, it is advisable to take your first steps in the gym under the supervision of an experienced specialist. This will reduce stress, save time and make your first fitness workout more comfortable.
  • A personal trainer will not only explain how to perform the exercises correctly, but will also be constantly nearby during their implementation, strictly monitoring compliance with technical requirements. This will increase work efficiency and protect against injury.
  • You can get information from the trainer regarding various aspects of the training process, including proper nutrition, creating a daily routine, and using sports supplements.


  • If the coach is incompetent, it will be difficult to make any progress with him.
  • Personal trainer services are expensive.
  • Finding the right trainer is not so easy. Professionalism is only one of the requirements. In addition, the coach should be psychologically comfortable to work with. And his work schedule should be convenient for the client.
  • Some people are more suited to independent fitness classes, when there is a certain freedom of action and there is no need to communicate with anyone.

It's easier to make progress with a coach. But if it is not possible to constantly use his services, you can hire a specialist for a short period of time. The help of a trainer is especially valuable at the initial stage of training. Then you can train on your own.

Rate the coach at first sight

Appearance. As we know, it is deceptive. Therefore, if you get a handsome guy in excellent physical shape, pull yourself together and try to think soberly. Firstly, he is paid to attract clients - including with his unearthly beauty. Moreover, a pleasant appearance may be one of the conditions for hiring a trainer. Secondly, the model type can be the result of genetics, playing sports in “early youth” and, finally, even the abuse of illegal drugs.

Flexing muscles and a beaming smile is a pleasant sight, but a cheap argument

Better pay attention to what his clients look like. First lesson

First of all, the personal instructor should ask you in detail about your health status, previous injuries and training experience. Don’t be alarmed if the coach looks at your pupils, bags under your eyes or complexion, and asks you to measure your blood pressure. If he additionally tests you, for example, for flexibility, you have a rare find in every sense.

If at the very first training session an instructor pushes you through all the gym equipment to the point of exhaustion, it is unlikely that he understands what he is doing. You need to start with light exercises that will allow him to assess your strength and potential, and only then gradually increase the load. The same thing applies to the training program. Compiling it on the spot is an unaffordable luxury. A good pro will offer to work out for a week in any order, and only then write out a plan for further training.

Keep watching. It will be difficult to understand whether he is offering you the right loads and exercises. But here are two reasons for you to be wary. The first is a feeling of deja vu, as if you have been training according to the same scenario for an eternity. The second is the appearance of pain during exercise. If you feel something is wrong, consult with other instructors or a doctor.

Working out with a trainer or alone is more difficult

Many, going to the gym for the first time, mistakenly believe that they can cope without this slender, pumped-up man in a tight tracksuit. It seems to them that an introductory lesson is quite enough, but in this hour it is difficult to learn everything about the system of classes, nutrition and regime.

The maximum they will tell you about is treadmills, a regime for visiting a fitness center. They may also show you some exercises for your legs and abs. There will be no discussion at all about individual training in the first lesson.

In the end, it turns out that a lot has been said, but in fact little, and mostly only what concerns safety in the gym. You can get much more benefits by working with a personal trainer.

In our DOPING fitness club, you can easily choose a competent instructor for your first steps into the healthy world of fitness.

As a result, your workouts will be more productive.

Remember the axiom: a beginner in the gym for the first time cannot do without a trainer.

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