What products to exclude. What foods to exclude from your diet to lose weight: let’s understand the reasons

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When forming a diet for a person trying to lose excess weight, it is important to know which foods should be avoided and which of them are not prohibited with proper nutrition.

It is a mistake to believe that the only food that needs to be eliminated in order to lose weight quickly is bread and other flour products. Upon careful study of the issue, you can find out that some fruits, vegetables, grains and even drinks can be harmful foods for those losing weight.

After reading the article below, anyone losing weight can easily create a list of dishes that they need to give up in order to lose weight in the shortest possible time. Moreover, he will learn how to diversify his menu without harming his own figure.

An approach to determining the list of foods prohibited on a diet and with proper nutrition

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To create a list of foods strictly prohibited during a diet, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Calorie content of the dish. It is advisable to divide the daily calorie intake into 3 main and 2 intermediate meals. The energy value of the analyzed product should not go beyond the previously defined limits, so as not to upset the balance of the diet for those losing weight.
  2. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). The list of unhealthy foods that need to be excluded from the diet in order to lose weight is usually a list of foods containing the maximum amount of fats and carbohydrates. When following the principles of proper nutrition, it is important to give preference to protein foods. It is able to charge the body with energy, and also minimize the risk of muscle loss during active sports, which is necessary in the struggle for an ideal figure.
  3. Sugar content. When studying the question of what foods you should not eat when losing weight, it is important to pay attention to the amount of sugar they contain. Sugar is the main source of fast carbohydrates, which significantly slow down the process of getting rid of extra pounds. In the production of “correct” food, sugar substitutes and natural sweeteners are traditionally used, for example, fructose, sorbitol, stevia, and so on.

Important! When creating a diet aimed at reducing the number of “incoming calories,” it is necessary to take into account the physical activity of the person losing weight, the desired result and the time frame within which it should be achieved.

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The bulk of the prohibitions relate to food. To lose weight, you need to give up many of your favorite foods.

Product bans


Firstly, they are high in calories. Secondly, no one simply eats them dry: they come with all kinds of sauces and meat (fish). This adds “weight” to them. And now in one serving there are not 250 kcal, but 500. Considering that all these goodies are usually prepared for dinner, there can be no talk of any weight loss.

Solution: give up regular pasta - eat only those made from durum wheat. Instead of meat - vegetables, instead of sauces - olive oil.

Carbonated drinks

They contain a lot of sugar, which definitely won’t make you lose weight. These are sources of empty calories (just like alcohol). They disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing discomfort, which is already enough during the diet.


High-calorie, saturated with harmful trans fats, sources of simple carbohydrates that turn into visceral fat. All kinds of E-shki are addictive, stimulate appetite and promote overeating. In order not to fall off your diet, you should definitely give them up.

Bakery products

If it is a fluffy white loaf, the aroma of which drives everyone around you crazy within a radius of several meters, you will have to refuse it. Not only does it have a lot of calories. Its main danger is deterioration of digestion and energy consumption for fat deposition. Solution: a couple of times a day, bran bread (in small quantities) or whole grain bread is allowed.


Giving up your beloved Doctor's or Krakow's - for many, such a ban is like death. Nevertheless, this is a necessity if you want to get rid of excess weight. In addition to its high calorie content, it contains too much salt, fat, spices, and all kinds of preservatives. To lose weight quickly, sausage is replaced with dietary chicken breast - an excellent source of animal protein that promotes high-quality muscle recovery after physical activity.


Instant foods include more than just paper cups and containers of noodles or mashed potatoes that are poured with boiling water and ready to eat in a couple of minutes. This group includes packs of snacks: you bought chips, crackers, cheese balls, corn sticks at the store - and unnoticed (while watching a TV series or a computer game in the evening) you added an extra 150-200 calories to your diet. But the most difficult thing is to give up fast food, so beloved by modern people. Fast, tasty, but completely unhealthy. One hamburger can cost you the calories of lunch and dinner combined. You definitely can’t lose weight with an abundance of trans fats and E-shek.


People buy mayonnaise by the bucketful, because it is the perfect dressing for almost any dish. But when it’s time to lose weight, you need to give it up or prepare your own, homemade one. Reason: high calorie content, large amount of fat, practically no benefits. The same applies to other store-bought gas stations that contain too many E-sheks.


If men, dreaming of losing weight, are forced to give up sausage and beer, women have no easier time: after all, they need to exclude sweets from their diet, for which many of them have a pathological craving. Why are nutritionists so angry at them? Judge for yourself: caloric content and GI are prohibitive, blood sugar levels increase, satiate for a short time, arouse appetite, and cause addiction. The following are considered especially harmful:

  • - milk chocolate;
  • - candies;
  • - cakes:
  • - cakes;
  • - donuts;
  • - ice cream;
  • - sugar.

Plus, this list of foods that you will have to give up in order to lose weight is supplemented by several items within the framework of a particular diet. For example, on a carbohydrate-free diet you cannot eat bran or whole grain bread.

And other prohibitions

To lose weight, in terms of nutrition you will also have to give up:

  • frying as a method of cooking;
  • fatty dairy products, meat and fish;
  • abundance of spices;
  • snacks on the go outside of the schedule (meals are strictly timed);
  • food after 19.00;
  • a hearty dinner;
  • overeating;
  • large amounts of salt;
  • festive feasts, family dinners and corporate events;
  • trips to restaurants, cafes and fast food establishments;
  • popcorn while watching your favorite movie;
  • many favorite dishes that contain prohibited foods;

Also, in order to lose weight in a month, for example, you should give up mono-diets, which deplete the body and disrupt the functioning of the stomach. It is enough to reduce the daily calorie intake, eliminate harmful foods and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition. Taking into account all the prohibitions described above, trying to comply with them as accurately as possible, you can lose up to 10 kg in 30 days.

For the sake of a dream, you almost always have to give up something. Losing weight is no exception. This is a difficult path, full of mistakes and temptations. Yes, breakdowns are inevitable, because there are too many prohibitions. But this is not a reason to go back to the couch lifestyle with buns and a mountain of chips. You need to find the strength to move only forward in order to reach the victorious end.

Which ones should you categorically refuse to lose weight?

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Answering the question of which foods are advisable to completely remove from the diet at the stage of getting rid of extra pounds, nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion.

The list of prohibited foods and drinks not recommended for consumption includes:

  • sweet sparkling water;
  • confectionery products made from wheat flour;
  • instant foods (porridge, soups, noodles, etc.);

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  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate and candies;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine, spread, butter;
  • store-bought chips and crackers with spices;
  • dishes fried in large amounts of vegetable oil;
  • highly rich soups, especially with fatty meats;
  • pickled foods and various canned foods;
  • spicy dishes;
  • sour berries and fruits, for example, kiwi, gooseberries, currants and so on;
  • boiled or stewed vegetables, the value of which is minimized after heat treatment;
  • fatty sauces.

It is important to note that if you want to lose weight while maintaining psychological comfort, you should not push yourself into strict limits and give up your favorite “harmful” foods.

It is advisable to try to find a low-calorie alternative to them or allow yourself to eat them in reasonable quantities once a week. Only this approach will make it possible to get rid of extra pounds not only effectively, but also bring pleasure from the work being done on yourself.

Healthy alternative to unhealthy foods

Eat foods that are rich in biologically active ingredients. How can you replace prohibited foods when losing weight:

  • Alcoholic drinks – juices, homemade fruit drinks without added sugar.
  • Refined oils - first cold-pressed products (olive, mustard, sunflower, corn, linseed, sesame oil). Sometimes they can be replaced with applesauce or lemon juice.
  • Sugar - honey, stevia.
  • Packaged juices - freshly squeezed, fresh juices and smoothies from vegetables and fruits.
  • Breakfast cereals - pressed granulated bran from various grains.
  • Fatty sauces (including soy, ketchup, mayonnaise) - gravies and dressings prepared at home.
  • Canned fruits are fresh.
  • Fatty cheeses – low-calorie varieties (cheese cheese, ricotta, tofu, mozzarella, feta), dietary cheese sticks.
  • Coffee - herbal teas.
  • Cream, cow's milk - almond or coconut milk.
  • Sausage, sausages, smoked meats - chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef, steamed.
  • Potatoes - sweet potatoes.
  • White rice - wild species, brown variety.
  • Yeast bread - sprouted grains, whole grain buns without yeast, with bran.
  • White flour - coarse flour, coconut, almond, amaranth or flaxseed.
  • Candies, industrial confectionery products - dietary oatmeal cookies, homemade sweets made from dried fruits, nuts, seeds; dark chocolate (at least 80% cocoa products); marshmallows with stevia, sugar-free marshmallows.

Healthy alternative to unhealthy foods

Which ones can not be removed from the diet, but consumption can be reduced?

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When deciding what to eat during a diet and which dishes should be removed from the daily menu, it is important to remember the list of foods that seem “forbidden” at first glance. Experts in proper nutrition do not consider it advisable to completely abandon their use, but they advise reducing their amount in the diet of a person losing weight to a minimum.

Such foods include:

  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • curd mass with additives and flavor enhancers;
  • ice cream;
  • some types of cheese;
  • pork;
  • paste;
  • marshmallows;
  • marmalade;
  • yoghurts;
  • sour cream;
  • creamy sauces;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • potato;
  • pasta made from durum wheat.

Important! It is necessary to determine the daily amount of the above products based on the ratio of BZHU recommended for a particular person losing weight.

On average, fats should account for no more than 30% of the total calorie content of food eaten, or 35-40 g. The amount of carbohydrates should vary from 140 to 150 g, and protein food - 150 to 170 g per day for women. In the diet of a man trying to lose excess weight, the above BJU indicators should be 20-30 points higher.

An exceptionally clear understanding of what you can eat on a diet when you are losing weight, and most importantly, in what quantity, will be the key to achieving results in the shortest possible time.

Keep your mouth shut: the dangers of fasting

A common and familiar situation to many of us: the number on the scale fills us with horror, and our favorite things become small and hang lonely in the closet. What is their owner doing? In a panic, she forbids herself everything, reaching the point of unhealthy fanaticism and decisively depriving herself of breakfast and dinner. Meanwhile, the body is crying out for help - it is under extreme stress and desperately hoards calories in order to save itself from exhaustion. The result is slow formation of fat deposits and constant fatigue, deficiency of vitamins and minerals and ongoing depression. Another gift that mono-eating or complete refusal of food will give you is a slowdown in metabolism.

How to prevent the development of serious diseases and start losing weight correctly, burning fat rather than storing it? To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Never deprive your body of the nutrients it needs every day. That is why dubious methods based on restrictions and mono-food, which requires meager and monotonous portions, should be banned.
  • How to eat to lose weight? Set yourself up for a healthy diet - constantly measure the calories in cooked dishes and eat every 4-5 hours, without overloading your stomach, but also without leaving it empty. Remember - a sense of proportion in everything is the key to success.

What to exclude from your diet to lose weight: list of products

  • Don't skip breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning you can eat hearty porridge, and in the evening allow yourself a lean steak with vegetables. Contrary to popular belief, you can eat after 6. The main thing is not to load your stomach with high-calorie foods.
  • Drink your daily amount of water every day - from 1.5 to 3 liters. Divide the indicated amount between meals. Drink in small, leisurely sips, rather than draining the glass in one gulp - take your time and enjoy quenching your thirst. Don't forget to regularly replenish your body's fluid reserves.
  • Sweet fruits and vegetables should be eaten before 16:00. The same rule applies to dark dark chocolate and foods rich in complex carbohydrates.

Do not forget that not all food is equally healthy - experts divide it into “profitable” and “unprofitable”. What is the reason for this distinction, and how to understand where the benefit is and where the harm is?

Harmful combinations that need to be excluded from the diet to lose weight

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In addition to excluding “harmful” foods from the diet, it is advisable for those losing weight to keep in mind how they cannot combine permitted foods.

To effectively lose weight, you should avoid simultaneous consumption of:

  • meat and cheese (the beneficial substances and vitamins they contain, when combined, prevent each other from being fully digestible);
  • meat and pasta (can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • potatoes and eggs (potatoes with such compatibility in the vast majority of cases prevent the complete absorption of iron and calcium, the suppliers of which are eggs);
  • vegetables and alcoholic drinks;
  • eggs and fish products;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • tea or coffee with pastries;
  • potatoes with butter.

Neglecting the rules of compatibility can significantly slow down the process of getting rid of extra pounds.

By avoiding such a combination of foods, those losing weight will not only increase the effectiveness of their struggle for ideal parameters, but will also support the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract systems.

What foods to exclude to lose weight: diet plan

Collapse categories. To obtain white flour, grain processing technology is used in which virtually no fiber or nutrients remain in the final product.

The output is carbohydrates, which are deposited on the waist, hips and legs.

All flour products are very high in calories; in order to use up the energy received from them, you need to be physically active. Flour, for the preparation of which yeast was used, is even more dangerous - it disrupts the healthy microflora of the digestive system and negatively affects the digestion of all food. Precisely because such baked goods are difficult to digest and remain to rot in the intestines for a long time, you feel full, but there is bloating and problems with stool.

They contain refined fats, chemical components to enhance taste and a lot of sugar - all this contributes to excess weight gain. Confectionery products are very high in calories, but the carbohydrates they contain are fast, so hunger sets in after them after a short time. The problem is that a lot of salt is added to it to increase shelf life.

Salt makes you eat more, and your body retains a lot of water to dissolve the excess. Neither of these do any good for weight loss, so it's best to avoid these convenient foods entirely. Nuts are a good source of protein, but salted nuts can be your biggest enemy. You reach into the bag again and again to get a handful of nuts and completely unnoticeably exceed your daily calorie intake.

The new model of eating behavior that I propose to you must be followed throughout your life. The fact is that the main mistake of many weight reduction methods is the short duration of treatment. The diet is temporary.

You should also be careful when eating unsalted nuts, although they are healthier for the body. Most juices contain so many sweeteners that they negate any intended benefits.

And a little about secrets...

If you want to enjoy the taste of fruit, then it is better to take a real, freshly picked fruit. Pasta is an irreplaceable product when it comes to nutritional value, but most of this energy is contained in simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body and significantly increase blood sugar levels.

In other words, they are doing exactly what everyone who watches their diet is horrified by. You don't have to give up pasta completely - just choose ones made from whole wheat flour. This way you will get all the nutrients and your sugar levels will remain normal. In the last ten years, a fashionable trend has been gaining momentum - replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners. However, studies have shown that these artificial substitutes do not help in weight loss. On the contrary, they contribute to gaining extra pounds.

Avoid them and you'll probably say goodbye to excess fat. Even low-calorie alcoholic drinks can contribute to weight gain if you drink all night or party every weekend. Alcohol not only contains extra calories, it negatively affects your decision making, forcing you to choose fatty and fried foods instead of salad every time.

Another product that seems useful is canned fruit.

Most of these products contain a monstrous amount of sugar, and the harm from them outweighs the benefits. White bread is a product with a high glycemic index.

This means that it releases large amounts of sugar into the blood. And if you spread a little butter on white bread, it will also become high in calories.

If you have a choice, buy whole grain bread and use olive oil instead of butter. You might think you're eating healthy when you buy lean turkey or pork from your local grocery store, but let's think about it. Already cooked meat contains a large amount of sodium to ensure that the food does not spoil for as long as possible.

Tips for losing weight quickly

You will bring much more benefit to your body if you buy unprocessed meat, and then cook and serve it yourself. Here we are again talking about fruits and vegetables. Yes, smoothies are rich in vitamins and minerals because they are made from healthy ingredients, but at the same time they are very high in calories.

If you have to skip a meal, smoothies are a great choice, but eating them with food can add extra inches to your waist. You didn’t even suspect that fruits caused so many problems, right? The problem with dried fruit is added sugar.

What to eat while dieting

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In addition to forming a final opinion about what to give up in order to quickly lose weight, a person striving for the figure of his dreams should also know about those ingredients in dishes that, on the contrary, contribute to active fat burning.

Among the most commonly used products in the diet are:

  • broccoli (negative calorie cabbage);
  • cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oats, barley);
  • lean meats (veal, beef, chicken, turkey);
  • fish and seafood (pollock, cod, flounder, shrimp, squid);
  • seasonal vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, carrots);
  • fruits (citrus fruits, green apples, pineapple);
  • fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, preferably without additives or artificial sweeteners).

By wisely combining the above basic food products for weight loss, a person losing weight will not only be able to quickly achieve the desired result, but also make their diet balanced and varied.

How to eat to remove belly and sides

The formation of fat deposits in the sides and waist is a consequence of poor nutrition. What diet to remove belly fat from any girl? It is 70% carbohydrates, 15% fat and 15% protein.

They are afraid to eat meat, drink low-fat yoghurts, eat sweet fruits, dine on sweets, washed down with tea. What should you give up in order to lose weight around your waist? In addition to limiting the amount of food, you must adhere to a balanced diet:

  • 50% carbohydrates;
  • 30% proteins;
  • 20% fat.

Nutritionists about healthy and harmful foods

When studying the question of which foods a person losing weight should avoid eating, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with and take into account the opinions of nutrition experts on this matter. It is important to separately emphasize that their opinions agree on the characteristics of the vast majority of products.

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Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist

Alexey is confident that products are not clearly harmful or beneficial according to generally accepted standards. In his opinion, a nutrition plan should be drawn up individually, depending on the health status of the person losing weight, as well as the goal he is striving to achieve. If this rule is not followed, a person risks not only not losing weight, but also disrupting the functioning of his own body systems.

Marina Kopytko, nutritionist

Marina advises following the basic instructions of specialists when creating a menu for weight loss, but always focusing on your own preferences and individual characteristics of the body. Among the “correct” types of meat, she notes lean parts of beef, pork and chicken, and among fish – lean types, in particular cod, navaga. It is extremely necessary to refuse to include sausages in the diet due to the addition of a large amount of fatty components, as well as dyes and flavors during their production. Those who are losing weight should prioritize fermented milk products with a low fat percentage (up to 2.5%).

Andrey Nikiforov, nutritionist

Andrey does not consider separate meals to be the key to success in losing weight, but he advises following the rules for combining ingredients when preparing dishes. For example, due to the property of egg yolk to improve the absorption of lycopene, an enzyme that helps suppress the development of cancerous tumors, it is advisable to add tomatoes, which are considered a source of this substance, when preparing an egg omelet for breakfast. The only ingredients that should definitely be avoided when losing weight, according to Nikiforov, are salt, sugar and fat in any form.

“Friends” and “enemies”: what foods to exclude to lose weight

Don't believe in the fairy tales about gluten-free foods because they are so refined and processed that they lose all of their beneficial properties. Store-bought muesli for breakfast is also prohibited. They contain a lot of sugar: in grams of this product there are as many calories as in 2 full meals. If you like this kind of food, then make your own muesli from oatmeal and dried fruits.

Try making dried fruits at home and you will see that they do not have the same color and taste as store-bought ones. This is due to the fact that you did not add sugar and sulfur. This is not worth doing, since they do more harm than good. Low-fat dairy products are gaining popularity due to their active promotion in advertising.

Various yoghurts and low-fat curds lose all their value, appearance and taste during the manufacturing process. This provokes manufacturers to add starch, sugar, thickeners and other harmful additives to them.

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The result of eating this way will be weight gain. It is impossible to lose weight on these foods, because the body will begin to compensate for the lack of necessary substances with a constant desire to eat. So, a person will again eat junk food and gain extra pounds. As part of diets and proper nutrition, choose natural milk, kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese, as they contain healthy protein, calcium and vitamins.

The following products can hardly be called meat, due to the low content or absence of meat. We are talking about sausages, frankfurters and other similar products. The composition of low quality sausages is so dangerous that they should be removed from your regular and dietary regimen. Additives and spices turn off the feeling of fullness, and the person begins to overeat.

Which ones should you categorically refuse to lose weight?

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Ludmila Add a comment Cancel reply. Similar materials. . Although breakfast cereals are low in fat, most are high in sugar.

Sugar not only whets your appetite, but also causes a host of health problems, and losing weight is much more difficult if you don't feel well. Choose all-natural breakfast cereals that contain plenty of protein and fiber instead of sugar.

It's so convenient to open a can of soup for lunch, but if you do it, you risk gaining extra weight. Canned food can last almost forever because it's full of sodium.

When you consume sodium-rich foods, it becomes more difficult for your body to determine how full you are. Thus, you will either eat more than you need, or you will get hungry relatively quickly.

If you can't resist canned soup, choose low-sodium varieties.

If you're short on time, frozen dinners and frozen pizza are just as tempting choices as canned soup. The problem is that a lot of salt is added to it to increase shelf life.

Main conclusions

  1. When creating a menu to reduce the number of “incoming” calories, you must be guided by the basic criteria for identifying prohibited dishes that interfere with the rapid process of losing weight.
  2. Using the approaches listed in the article, it is important to understand not only what foods it is advisable to avoid when dieting and which foods, on the contrary, contribute to rapid fat burning, but also how to properly combine them.
  3. Modern nutritionists consider it inappropriate to stereotypically differentiate food into “healthy” and “harmful”, and advise creating a menu based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Having carefully studied the information contained in this article, those who are losing weight can easily create a nutrition plan for themselves, following which they will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and avoid the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies, as well as psychological discomfort during the diet.

What foods prevent you from losing weight, but eating them is important

Some foods are important for the functioning of the body and should be eaten, although they interfere with weight loss:

  • meat – degrease it as much as possible and cook without adding oil (grilled, oven, steamed or boiled);
  • sugar - without it, brain activity decreases, weakness and dizziness appear (you need to consume it in small quantities and not in confectionery, but for example, by adding it to a cup of natural coffee);
  • bread - without it, a meal will not end with full saturation, but ordinary white bread is replaced with less harmful ones - rye, with bran, corn;
  • sweet fruits are a delicacy that is much healthier than sweets, they give vigor and strength for physical activity;
  • animal fats are necessary for normal metabolism and satiety; you can eat cottage cheese, whole milk, sometimes cream, butter.

The listed products are very high in calories, so they should be consumed in limited quantities. But it is much healthier for your health to eat candy for lunch or a bun for breakfast than to wait a few days until you have a full-fledged gastronomic breakdown with all that it entails: weight gain, swelling, depression.

How much weight can you lose if you eliminate unhealthy foods?

If you exclude harmful foods from your diet, you can lose 2-3 kg per month. And these results can be achieved even without physical activity! But if weight loss is carried out correctly, then in addition to menu adjustments you need:

  • drinking regime - at least 2 liters of clean water should be drunk per day, dividing this volume into equal parts;
  • physical activity - energy expenditure is necessary to burn calories, which, in the absence of this, are transformed into fat deposits.

We recommend reading the article about a gentle diet for weight loss. From it you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a gentle diet, a menu for the week, and how to quickly get rid of belly fat. And here is more information about losing weight without sugar.

If foods that are known to be harmful to your figure and body weight are excluded from the menu, then the decline in indicators will begin almost immediately. Yes, in the first 2-3 weeks, simply excess fluid will leave the body, but already in the second month of following proper nutrition, fat will begin to leave - the weight will decrease extremely slowly, but effectively.

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