Cognitive: normal body fat percentage in men and women

  • April 9, 2019
  • Health
  • Maxim Novichkov

The word “fat” has always been given a negative connotation by people who watch their figure. More is known about the dangers of obesity than about the problem of lack of fat in the body. But there is another side to the coin: many want to get rid of, in their opinion, unnecessary ballast as much as possible. People cut their bodies with diet and exercise, ridding it of any visible fat, replacing fat with muscle. Is it right to control the minimum percentage of body fat so strictly?

Functions of fat

Several decades ago, doctors believed that all the fat in the body was simply an energy reserve. Of course, this is the main function of fat, but there are several more that keep our body in good condition. They were discovered not so long ago.

Thermal insulation function. Everyone knows that fat saves you from the cold by maintaining body temperature under unfavorable conditions for humans.

Support function. All bones and organs in the human body are surrounded by fat. This is necessary to ensure that all organs remain in place, as well as to protect them from damage during falls and impacts. The fat found around the organs is called visceral.

Endocrine function. Thanks to adipose tissue, the female body produces the hormone estrogen and leptin - it is needed for normal puberty and maintaining reproductive function. When a woman's body fat percentage drops significantly or, conversely, increases, her reproductive ability is impaired.

fat cells

Effective ways to reduce fat percentage

Reducing body fat levels is not difficult. The main thing is to approach the matter with full responsibility and not allow yourself to have breakdowns (in eating junk food). We must remember that weight loss does not always mean that the fat layer has decreased, and dietary or healthy eating does not always give the desired result. Physical activity will definitely be required. Only a combination of proper nutrition and exercise will help reduce excess fat in the body. Moreover, if a person is too fat and finds it difficult to exercise, you can take walks, walk up to the floor instead of the elevator, walk more often with your pets, and swim. Any physical activity will bring results.

Proper intake of fats into the body cannot be ignored

Eating fiber and protein will help reduce the percentage of body fat. Fiber saturates the body well, but is digested slowly. It also perfectly absorbs fat and excess water. Fiber is found in large quantities in rice (brown), legumes, nuts and berries. Moreover, it can be bought in powder and added to first and second courses and even salads.

Protein is found in fish and meat. However, it is recommended to eat dietary, lean white meat (for example, chicken breast). Reduced-fat dairy products also have a sufficient amount of protein, as well as soy and eggs (mainly quail).

Important! The proper intake of fats into the body cannot be ignored. They should be unsaturated with Omega-6 and Omega-3, as they help burn fat and normalize metabolism. Products containing these substances include: fatty fish, olive oil, avocados and nuts. But there is no need to overuse dishes with these ingredients, everything should be in moderation.

You should avoid processed foods, chips, fast food, cakes and pastries. They contain harmful fats that will only ruin your figure.

It is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day. However, you should have 3 main meals and 2 light snacks. We must not forget about a hearty breakfast; the body must understand that it will not have to store fat, and it will begin to burn calories.

Normal fat. Numbers

The approximate amount of fat that should be in the body of a healthy person largely depends on gender and age.

For a girl under 30 years old, the normal body fat content is 18-24%. From 30 years old, normal indicators: 22-28.5%. After 50: 25-30%.

Men under 30 years of age should ideally have a body fat percentage of 7 to 15%. From 30 to 50: 12-22%. For a male body over 50 years old, the ideal body fat percentage would be 17-25%.

These values ​​are an indicator of ideal body weight. Slight deviations from them are not considered obesity or excessive thinness. Values ​​are collected using statistics and may be interpreted differently by different people and groups.

fat percentage

Alternative Methods for Determining Fat Amount

In addition to the specialized devices and methods mentioned above, the amount of fat in the body can be determined in other ways without indicating exact numbers and percentages. To do this, several indicators should be taken into account.

  • Wardrobe. The clothes in the closet have become too big. You need to update your wardrobe, the items in which will be one size or even two smaller than what you have.
  • Reflection in the mirror. The body became visually not only slimmer, but also toned and elastic.
  • Endurance. It became easier to perform sets and repetitions in the gym, and productivity increased.
  • Energy. Immediately after waking up, you no longer feel “tired” before you even get out of bed.

How to work with a caliper?

A caliper is a device specifically designed to measure the percentage of subcutaneous fat. The appearance of the caliper can be compared to a caliper. The caliper can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty fitness stores. To measure your body fat percentage, you need to find a place about 10 cm from the navel at its height and pinch a fold of skin. If you don’t have a caliper, you can just do this with your fingers, and then measure the width of the fold with a ruler. If the thickness of the fat fold is no more than 2.5 cm, you are unlikely to have excess fat. To find out more precisely, you need to compare the result with a table of the size of fat folds, taking into account gender and age.

pink caliper

Determining the percentage of fat “by eye”

In the basic texts of Zozhnik - “The Sect of Jocks” and “The Old Body in a New Way” we show these photographs, from which you can clearly understand the example of fat level.

By looking at them and yourself in the mirror as objectively as possible, you could imagine and roughly determine your fat percentage, and at the same time see how you can change if you reduce/increase it.

The age-old question of beginners, “how to pump up abs?” is also related to the level of fat. – Everyone has six-pack abs, but they become visible at a certain level of fat. Depending on the specific case, an athletic physique and sculpted abs are visible for men at a level of 6-13%, for women - 14-20%, and obesity begins at figures when fat accounts for a third of body weight or more.

Tips for working with a caliper

If you decide to get a caliper, there are several recommendations that will help you avoid errors when measuring folds:

Always measure your belly crease on the right side.

To properly capture the fold, do it on dry skin, without water or creams.

This method of measuring fat is not suitable for very overweight people. It is better for them to use the method with girths and a measuring tape.

It is better not to take measurements after physical activity, a sauna, or a hot bath. They may show incorrect results due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

Women do not need to measure their body fat percentage before and during their period for the same reason - water retention.

How else can you calculate your fat percentage?

There are other ways to calculate your body fat percentage. In laboratory conditions, a special device is used to measure excess weight and obesity.


You can find out how much fat your body contains using the bioimpedance method (measuring electrical resistance) . Doctors studied the difference in electrical resistance of fat, muscles, bones, water and, based on the knowledge gained, created a device to determine the percentage of fat. The accuracy of the method is an error of no more than 2%.

fat percentage measuring device

Now you can buy a household analogue - scales for measuring the percentage of fat and muscle, the work of which is based on the bioimpedance method.

The scale sends a weak electrical impulse through the body. The current strength, taking into account the potential difference, shows the degree of electrical resistance of tissues in the body. Depending on the degree of resistance, the composition of the fabric is determined.

Scales based on the bioimpedance method have a number of disadvantages:

  • The scales should only be used in a warm room at normal body temperature. Expansion or contraction of blood vessels due to exposure to external temperatures is unacceptable.
  • Weight measurement is carried out on an empty stomach. You cannot take diuretics - the result is greatly distorted.
  • You should not get heavy exercise or take a shower before measuring your weight in order to exclude external influence on the water-salt balance in the body.
  • The electrical impulse travels along the shortest path, so the device takes into account only the resistance of the leg tissue. If you have thin legs but a big belly, the scale will not show an accurate result.

Weighing in water

To study the stage and degree of obesity, doctors use water weighing. The method is based on theoretical knowledge about the density of fat, which differs from muscle tissue.

underwater weighing

A person is weighed in air and in water, then, using complex formulas, the difference between the indicators is calculated and the percentage of fat is calculated.

The procedure is as follows: a person sits in a special chair for measuring mass, connected to a scale. You need to exhale deeply, after which the chair is immersed in water for 10 seconds. To obtain accurate measurements, the procedure is carried out three times.

Fat fold measurement

Measuring the percentage of fat based on the thickness of the fat folds is a simpler and safer method of studying the degree of obesity. Doctors have a special meter for these purposes - a caliper, but you can use a caliper and even a regular ruler.

The essence of the method is to pinch the fat fold at four points on the body and measure its thickness:

  • Pinch the fat fold on the triceps, midway between the shoulder and elbow joints, and measure the thickness;

  • Similarly, measure the fat fold on your biceps.

  • Measure the fold under the shoulder blade and pinch the skin at an angle of 45° to the vertical. Make sure that the fold is located along the line that connects the cervical spine and sides.

  • Take a measurement of the fat fold in the navel area, choosing the area with the largest amount of fat.

The results obtained are summarized. To calculate your fat percentage, use a special table.

For men

For women

The estimated error of the method is no more than 2-3% if the measurements are made correctly. The table takes into account the gender and age of a person, since over time the fat layer inevitably increases - fat accumulates under the skin, in muscles, on internal organs.


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Using current

The bioimpedance method involves passing a weak charge of electricity through the body. Fat tissue greatly delays the signal - from here the device finds out exactly how much fat is in the body. There are bathroom scales on sale that also pass current through the body to determine body composition. The bioimpedance method is also good because it shows the location of fat accumulations. Thanks to this function, you can determine the percentage of harmful visceral fat. But their values ​​are often very inaccurate, since many factors interfere with measuring the exact percentage of fat. Therefore, if you decide to measure your body fat percentage using current, do it outside of your home. True, if you still want to buy scales for measuring body composition, then take scales for at least 15 thousand rubles with horns - handles. They have proven to be more accurate.

types of fat location

Look beyond the weight scale

The scale can't tell you exactly how much fat you have in your body, but these indicators can:

  1. Wardrobe: clothes have become big? Are you able to wear more and more things from your youth?
  2. Sets and Reps in the Gym: Has Performance Improved? Can you exercise longer, lift heavier weights, or perform exercises without the same effort?
  3. Daily tasks: Do you find it easier to carry bags or clear snow in winter?
  4. Energy levels: Do you feel more fit and less tired when you wake up?
  5. Reflection: How do you look in the mirror - flabby or toned and sexy?

Normal fat content for men

Although women need more fat tissue to support many functions, men also have a very important percentage of body fat. The average for men is 14%. The minimum fat content of a man should not be less than 5%. Fortunately, in our time the problem of most men is not a lack of fat, but an excess of it. But the maximum normal percentage of fat should not exceed 24% of the total body weight. In a man's body, fat helps the reproductive and digestive systems work. In the stronger sex, fat should be distributed evenly throughout the body. If it is deposited in the abdominal area, it is worth checking your gastrointestinal tract. If the arms, chest, hips and sides become fat first, it means that fat is deposited according to the female type - you need to deal with the excess of female hormones.

bodybuilder in the gym

The importance of fat for the body

Quite often there is a situation where two people who have the same weight look completely different. One is slim and fit, while the other, to put it mildly, does not look very ideal. The fact is that weight is, in principle, not an indicator that you should focus on when assessing your physical fitness. Muscle is much heavier than fat, hence the difference in appearance with the same number on the scale.

How your body combines bone and muscle mass, as well as water and fat, is key. Therefore, what the normal percentage of body fat should be should be known not only to those who are losing weight, but also to those who, in principle, monitor their health. Not only excess fat is dangerous, but also its deficiency, since fat has many important functions, in particular protective and reserve ones. A low percentage of body fat provokes problems with potency in men and problems with the menstrual cycle and fertility in women.

Thus, fat performs the following functions :

  • protects body organs;
  • helps maintain normal temperature;
  • promotes the preservation of nutrients in the body;
  • softens joints;
  • promotes energy accumulation.

To maintain health and lead a full life, a woman needs a body fat percentage of 13-15, and a man needs at least 5-9%. If this indicator is lower, then serious violations in the performance of their functions by bodies and dangerous consequences are possible. If the percentage of body fat is normal, a person will feel and look good, and his reproductive organs will work as they should.

Fat is especially important for the female body. It helps ensure normal synthesis of female hormones, promotes the proper functioning of the genital organs, ensures a normal menstrual cycle, and makes it possible to bear and give birth to a child. The amount of fat may increase with age. An excess of it can be a consequence of certain disorders, but quite often it is a consequence of a lack of physical activity and constant overeating.

Normal fat content for women

For women with fat reserves, everything is much more complicated. Compared to men's fat, women's fat reserves are looser. Therefore, women often suffer from cellulite. Women gain weight mainly in the hips and chest area. If hormonal imbalances occur in the female body, fat may begin to be deposited in uncharacteristic places. For example, on the stomach. This type of obesity is considered the most dangerous: it can cause the development of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors, etc. How much fat should a woman have in her body so that her health is not threatened by these dangerous diseases? On average, for a woman of any age, the average fat content is 22%.

How to Measure Body Fat Percentage

Wellness centers and clinics can easily measure your body fat percentage using modern equipment and techniques. Quite accurate in this regard are MRI, X-ray scanning, weighing in water, as well as bioimpedance - a special device that passes weak current pulses through the body and calculates the percentage of fat based on the speed of passage. Special scales, which can be bought or found in many fitness clubs, work in much the same way.

However, you can try to determine your fat percentage yourself. You can tell if you have excess deposits by simply looking in the mirror and seeing the areas that need work. You can tell by your clothes whether you have lost weight or gained weight. However, these methods may not provide accurate results. To get accurate numbers, you can use a special device called caliper , which is sold in pharmacies. The caliper allows you to measure the thickness of body folds in different areas. You need an assistant to take measurements. The device operates on the principle of a caliper. There are usually no difficulties with it. Measurements should be taken at the following points:

  • Triceps – the back part between the shoulder and elbow. The vertical fold is measured in the center.
  • Biceps . The same fold, but from the front of the hand.
  • Shoulder blades . You need to grab the fold slightly below one shoulder blade from the spine down to the side of the body at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The area below the waist and above the protrusion of the pelvic bone with a slight angle.

The obtained data is recorded in millimeters on the caliper scale. The four values ​​are then added together and the fat percentage is found using the corresponding table.

If you determine that your performance is not ideal, be careful. When trying to achieve a sports figure, do not go beyond the physiological norm. In addition, keep in mind that each person is individual, and has his own “healthy” norm. For example, if a girl decides to reduce her body fat content from 18% to 13%, she may experience menstrual irregularities. The indicator will also correspond to the norm, but the individual characteristics of the body will play a role here. Therefore, when working to reduce body fat, monitor how you feel. If you feel unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop losing weight and consult a specialist. And remember that in ordinary life there is no point in achieving extreme performance. But normalizing fat levels is useful.

If the norm of body fat in a woman or man is exceeded, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Most often, it is enough to normalize your lifestyle, review your diet and exercise more . From physical activity, first of all, you need to focus on cardio exercises, since they burn fat. Running, swimming, jumping, exercise bike or bicycle - you can choose whatever you want.

Proper nutrition is also very important. Avoid crash diets, as they lose muscle and fluid rather than fat. Eat nutritiously, balancedly, in moderation. It is recommended to eat often and in small portions, exclude fast food, sweets, and baked goods. Healthy foods for reducing fat include lean sources of protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy), grains, fruits and vegetables. You also need to drink enough water.

Knowing how much fat should be in the body of a woman and a man, you can adequately assess the condition of your body. Remember that excess fat is dangerous, but the same can be said about its lack. Fat is both a friend and an enemy in equal measure, and to ensure that it is only the first for you, control its percentage in the body.

How does body composition change with age?

As a woman ages, her metabolism slows down. Enzymes responsible for food processing are released as before, but less and less are consumed every year. To ensure that enzymes do not go to waste and participate in food processes, the body increases appetite. Women may not notice that they are consuming more calories, but body fat gradually increases like a snowball.

Also, women who have gained significant weight in the last few years should remember that they have a high risk of visceral obesity. Visceral obesity is a type of obesity in which fat is located around the internal organs. The maximum percentage of visceral fat should not exceed 15% of the total volume of adipose tissue. A larger percentage of this type of fat threatens health.

people jogging

BMI problem

The BMI formula is a simple calculation based on height and weight. It has been around since the mid-1800s, but only in the last few decades has it gained popularity among doctors as a way to assess healthy weight and the risks associated with obesity. All results below 18.5 are considered “underweight”; from 18.5 to 24.9 - “normal weight”; 25 to 30 is “overweight,” and 30.1 or more falls into one of three obesity categories.

But as sports nutritionist and author of Nancy Clark's Guide to Sports Nutrition points out, BMI doesn't differentiate between fat and muscle and only gives you an idea of ​​how heavy you are overall. “This is a very poor calculator model for active people.”

In his prime, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a whopping BMI of 30.2. According to the formula, this meant “obesity.” But anyone who saw Arnie in his golden years knows that he is a mountain of muscle, not fat.

And recent research shows that BMI is a false indicator of health. According to the American College of Cardiology, people with a normal BMI may also have high levels of internal body fat, increasing their risk of heart disease.

Body fat to muscle ratio

Previously, the weight loss industry was focused only on the fight against fat. Now we have a cult of muscles and gyms. The time of starvation diets has passed - now losing weight must be correct and safe. Gradually we get used to not trusting the scales. If previously people saw a plumb line of 800 grams on the scales, they were sure that the fat had gone. Now, having understood their biochemistry, they learned that this figure can appear due to the loss of water or muscles. As you know, fat weighs less than muscle, so, for example, the figures of two or more girls of the same height and weight can look completely different. Their volumes can vary greatly. Many people, when they start going to the gym and see the first noticeable results, note that the number on the scale has increased and the volume has gone away. This is a great example of the benefits of exercise and a balanced diet.

ratio of fat to other elements

What do the stronger sex look like in terms of body fat percentage?

3 to 4% body fat is typical for bodybuilders. They achieve a similar ratio in the period of time before preparing for sports competitions. In this regard, veins on each muscle become noticeable on the body. The minimum norm during this period for men is considered to be 2% fat. This amount is enough for the normal functioning of the body.

3 to 4%

From 6 to 7% is typical for representatives of the modeling business among the male population. The data are not so categorical, but very far from the norm in everyday life. Thinness becomes obvious, the face looks sick and tired, which awakens concern for the man’s health in the people around him.

6 to 7%

From 10 to 12% - these indicators refer to the norms of fat in a man’s body. The abdominal muscles are not clearly visible, but the abs are clearly visible. This is the body type that most men strive for when they go to the gym. Veins do not stand out on every muscle, but exclusively on the arms and shoulders. According to statistics from young ladies surveyed, this is the type of figure that is most attractive.

From 10 to 12%

From 15 to 19% - such indicators are typical for men with a slim and fit physique. The outlines of the muscles are visible, but there is no clarity. However, this does not negatively affect the shape of the body.

From 15 to 19%

Quite a few men on the planet have between 20 and 24% body fat. With this type of figure, the outlines of the muscles are not very distinct, and in most cases a slight tummy already appears. For example, most of the male population in New York City has exactly these body fat percentage characteristics. As a rule, with a height of 180 cm and a body weight of about 80 kilograms, a man looks quite slender. The content of deposits in this case is no more than 20 percent of body fat. The photo clearly demonstrates this.

From 20 to 24%

The fat content ranges from 25 to 29% in men who have significantly exceeded the norm in the waist area and slightly increased volume in the neck area. In this case, the muscles are virtually invisible. There are small folds of fat visible to the eye. But they are easily hidden under clothes. Abdominal obesity occurs in men with a waist circumference greater than 91 cm.

Why is low fat percentage dangerous?

A fat percentage below 5-7% in men and 10-13% in women is considered dangerous to life and health. With a low level of fat, metabolism deteriorates, the body of men stops producing sex hormones, and menstruation stops in women. Bodybuilders and models, whose bodies are sold and canonized, reach 2-5% body fat (men) and 10-13% (women) before performances and photo shoots. Such a small percentage is almost impossible to maintain continuously. Even athletes who have good health and muscle mass need to maintain a normal body fat percentage most of the time.

Why is it necessary to know?

Muscle is heavier than fat , so even with the same weight, two people can have completely different body quality. The lower the percentage of body fat and the higher the percentage of muscle, the more prominent the body will be. So a beautiful, athletic body is not kilograms on the scale , because the “quantity of the body” does not always correspond to its “quality”. Women, for physiological reasons, have more fat cells than men, so it is always more difficult for women to build muscle mass.

Body fat percentage: how to find out its amount and norm in the body yourself?

A beautiful body really means a lot of work on yourself. Not a search for “miracle diets”, magic pills or the cunning technique of the third wife of the Chinese Emperor Tsin, but daily nutrition control, regular exercise in the gym and the desire to understand how it all works. Like the work of a sculptor who calmly and methodically carves a beautiful statue out of shapeless stone.

If you are losing weight and monitoring the quality of your body, then try to measure your body fat percentage at least once a month. This will help you not mindlessly lose extra pounds, but systematically improve your body composition.


  • You can track changes in your fat mass both while losing weight and while gaining muscle. This is much more revealing than the arrow on the scale.
  • Knowing your lean muscle mass can help you

Why is a high percentage of fat dangerous?

The problem of excess body weight is widespread in our society. People underestimate the impact of excess weight on their health. Being overweight has become a normal practice for modern people. If the percentage of fat in girls goes beyond 25%, in men - beyond 20%, there is reason to think about being overweight. A little extra weight in itself is not dangerous. If you feel good at that weight, then you're good. Until the fat percentage begins to approach the 30% mark - the first degree of obesity. Just like a lack of fat, its excess affects the reproductive ability of men and women. Women who are overweight may lose their periods. In obesity, fat in one hundred percent of cases accumulates in the visceral area. Why this is dangerous was written above.

Advice from experienced nutritionists and trainers

According to the advice of experts, the optimal percentage of fat in men and women can only be achieved by following a daily routine.

Important! One of the main rules is the ability to get enough sleep, devoting at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

The process of body reconstruction must be approached step by step. The most common mistake many people make is that they try to burn excess fat and build muscle in one workout. This is impossible! Training processes for different, interchangeable purposes should be separated from each other by at least 5-6 hours.

With an optimal rate of fat mass in women, the process of acquiring a sculpted, beautiful body is faster and easier. It is enough to adhere to a suitable diet and exercise regularly in the gym.

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