The benefits of yoga for women. 7 reasons to start practicing. Recommendations for different ages, features, expert opinion

Anyone who has heard of yoga at least once knows about its beneficial effects on the body.

Often, knowledge is limited to just two facts: yoga reduces stress and develops flexibility. But comprehensive, regular practice can give you much more!

Why should all representatives of the fair sex definitely take up yoga? We reveal 12 good reasons.

Yoga strengthens the immune system

Numerous studies show that there is a direct, strong connection between the practice of yoga and human health. Every time a woman works on herself on a yoga mat, her immunity increases and the general condition of the body improves. Scientists from Norway say that all changes occur at the cellular level.

During yoga classes, you have to breathe deeper and more intensely, which improves blood flow and allows your internal organs to work more productively.

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for beginners is an option for gradual acquaintance with a new philosophy, exercises, and breathing practices. Watch a review lesson by Yulia Duvalina, which discusses the differences between women's yoga practice and the generally accepted one.

For beginners, it is recommended to start classes in the morning; simple yoga combined with an invigorating shower and a full breakfast will charge you with energy for the whole day.

Educational video lessons will help you understand how to perform asanas (exercises).

  • The pace of the exercises should be comfortable, there is no need to try to do as much as possible or fuss. Each asana is designed for 3 or more inhalations and exhalations;
  • The mind should be occupied only with movement, all extraneous thoughts should be away;
  • After changing the position, you need to make a short stop of a few seconds;
  • During classes, you can and should drink clean water;
  • Yoga should bring joy and pleasure, and not annoyance and irritation, this is the most important condition.

Beginners can start their classes with Tatyana Borodaenko (find on Youtube), her course is designed for people unfamiliar with yoga.

Gives a lasting rejuvenating effect

Even in ancient texts it was said that yoga classes have a pronounced rejuvenating effect and can “turn back time.” Yoga trainers advise paying attention to the inverted asana - Viparita Karani mudra , which means “psychic pose”.

For a lasting age-related effect, it is recommended to repeat the asana every day, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise. By the third month of classes it should be 30 minutes.

The result of 6 months of training will be getting rid of wrinkles and gray hair - yoga followers promise.

Asanas (yoga poses) for women's health

We have selected a set of asanas that have a positive effect on women, as well as step-by-step instructions for performing them.

Vrikshasana (tree pose)

How to do:

  1. Stand up straight, pulling in your stomach, knees and spine.
  2. Place your hands in namaste - palm to palm in front of your chest.
  3. Bend your right leg and lift your knee, pressing your foot to the inner area of ​​your left thigh, pointing your toes down.
  4. Stretch your arms up above your head.

Video: Vrikshasana Why do it:

  1. To improve posture.
  2. To relax the shoulder girdle.

When contraindicated:

  1. For leg injuries.
  2. For joint pain.
  3. For hypertension.

Important! If at first it is difficult to maintain balance when performing this exercise, then you can lean your back on a vertical surface.

Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose)

How to do:

  1. Take a sitting position with your back straight, legs extended and toes pointed towards you. Arms straight, palms resting on the mat.
  2. Bend your knees and pull your feet towards the groin area, bringing your heels as close to the perineum as possible.
  3. Place your knees on the floor.
  4. Hold the pose for a minute.

Video: Baddha Konasana What to do:

  1. Normalization of kidney function.
  2. Normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  3. Prevention of radiculitis and hernia.
  4. Prevention of varicose veins.
  5. Strengthening the uterus.
  6. Perineal stretching during pregnancy.
  7. Effective during pregnancy, pain during menstruation, varicose veins, problems with the ovaries.

Women with groin and knee injuries should perform this asana with caution.

Improves sex life

A healthy sex life is not only enjoyable, but also healthy. A study conducted by the American Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that asanas and pranayama have a beneficial effect on female libido. Moreover, the best results are observed in women under 45 years of age! Their sexual desire increases, and their orgasms become brighter, admit the participants of the experiment.

True, to achieve such impressive results, they did yoga for 12 weeks.

In addition to improving the quality of sexual life, certain complexes strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and prevent prolapse of the uterus and other organs located in the pelvic area. An example is the Mula Bandha complex.

Why yoga for women?

In modern fitness centers, group yoga classes are held for everyone, regardless of their gender. This approach is fundamentally wrong. The structure of the male body is significantly different from the female; differences also exist in the hormonal background. In order for a woman who engages in these workouts to be not only healthy, but also look good, it is important that all hormones function normally. An imbalance leads to malfunctions in many organs and systems of the body.

If hormonal levels are severely disturbed, yoga for women will help correct this problem. Before starting classes, it is important to take into account all the features of a woman’s hormonal system. The ideal option would be to start classes in adolescence, it is at this moment that the hormonal background is just being formed; by doing yoga, it will be possible to build it into the correct system.

Yoga practice affects female hormones at 3 levels:

  • at the level of the pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • ovaries.

Useful exercises such as bandhas, asanas, and backbends lead to endocrine changes. With such exercises, the pelvis opens with force, in combination with breathing exercises. The chemical composition of the blood, mental and emotional state, and the menstrual cycle return to normal.

An important condition for such training is not to harm the female body, for this reason it is worth training separately from men, because they are stronger and more resilient. A set of yoga classes for women should take into account not only the initial state of health, but also their changes during the month.

When menstrual days come, you should not do abdominal exercises and inverted asanas, they will not be useful at all. The entire workout is based on exercises that open the pelvis. This leads to good blood circulation and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It is important not only to choose the right set of exercises, but also to arrange them in the correct order, in accordance with the breathing program.

Effective for insomnia

Most often, insomnia occurs against a background of increased anxiety. The spiritual practice of yoga knows how to work with it. Harvard researchers found that 8 weeks of daily exercise significantly improved the quality and length of night's rest.

There are other studies that show the benefits of yoga. Thus, scientists from the University of Rochester found that practicing yoga twice a week helps cancer survivors feel less tired and sleep better.

Relieves menstrual pain

You can start practicing yoga at any age if a woman has no health contraindications. Each step in yoga should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced mentor, then the results of the classes will be pleasing.

Women's yoga necessarily includes asanas and exercises that relieve menstrual pain, and in older age, help delay the onset of menopause and alleviate the unpleasant symptoms associated with it. And if a woman is overweight and has an increased risk of arthrosis, regular exercise will minimize all risks and will promote weight loss.

General Benefits of Yoga

It is possible to list the advantages of yoga for a very long time, since the practice originated a long time ago and, having undergone changes and improvements, began to satisfy many of the requirements that we place on any physical activity.

It is worth dividing the positive properties of yoga into two aspects: 1) body development and physiological effects; 2) development of spirituality, change of consciousness.

What does yoga give to our body and figure?

  1. Yoga undoubtedly develops flexibility, no matter which school and direction (Iyengar Hatha, Gita, Ruchaka) you choose, in any case there will be asanas that stretch the muscles of the back, arms, legs. It doesn't even matter at what age you start practicing as most styles of yoga avoid any aggressive methods and the stretching will happen gently and naturally as you practice.
  2. Once you start practicing yoga, you will quickly discover that the left and right sides of your body are asymmetrical and have slightly different strengths and stretches. Yoga helps to even out this imbalance and develop muscles harmoniously.
  3. In many asanas and pranayama (breathing exercises), internal organs are massaged, which cannot but have a positive effect on their functioning. Thus, those who exercise normalize their stool, liver and kidney function, heartburn goes away, the functioning of the genitourinary system improves, it becomes easier for them to breathe, and so on.
  4. Various yoga complexes will help you align your biorhythms, become more energetic during the day and rest better at night.
  5. You will notice that you have become more resilient in any other physical activity.
  6. You can start doing yoga at any age; it doesn’t matter how old you are to practice yoga. Yoga classes are suitable for both young and old people.

Yoga practice helps not only to cope with stress now, but also to become more resistant to it in the future.

What are the benefits of yoga for our psyche and consciousness?

  1. By practicing yoga, you will become calmer and more balanced. If for men this is an excellent job of managing aggression, then for women yoga helps to cope with excessive emotionality and mood swings. The further a practitioner progresses in his spiritual development, the less he is unconsciously distracted by external stimuli.
  2. Another advantage is that yoga allows, with the help of meditation, to cleanse energy channels and improve the circulation of energy in our body, which affects the functioning of the body’s systems and the general condition and mood.
  3. Depending on what kind of yoga you do, you will be able to look at many things from a slightly different angle. You will clear your mind of vain thoughts, be able to rethink your goals, find your path and purpose.

Reduces blood sugar levels in pregnant women

Research conducted by the Yoga Therapy Center in London, led by Dr. Robin Monroe , showed that practicing yoga for 30 minutes a day for a month helps reduce blood glucose levels in pregnant women with diabetes.

The classes consisted of special exercises for spinal twisting, relaxation, meditation and stretching exercises.

Restores figure after childbirth

Yoga helps a woman go through all stages of pregnancy with minimal discomfort. By strengthening the spinal muscles, it relieves back pain. Breathing exercises are effective in preventing uterine hypertonicity. And the ability to breathe correctly helps during childbirth, as does high endurance achieved through daily exercise.

There is a whole area of ​​yoga that is recommended after the birth of a baby - postnatal yoga. Specially designed complexes should be performed starting from the 6th week after birth. Exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles, helping to recover faster and return to your prenatal figure.

The influence of yoga on women's health and who needs yoga therapy

If we talk about the benefits of yoga specifically for the female body, then there are some nuances.

  1. Yoga improves a woman's libido by increasing sexual energy and desire.
  2. With regular exercise, the pelvic floor is strengthened, which prevents the prolapse of the uterus.
  3. Pregnancy and childbirth for those who practice are usually much easier, and postpartum recovery is faster. Less chance of “catch” postpartum depression. During childbirth, there is less likelihood of ruptures and cracks.
  4. Yoga practice relieves or relieves menstrual pain.
  5. It is possible to delay the onset of menopause, and when it occurs, alleviate symptoms.
  6. Therapeutic yoga therapy can help you get pregnant. Of course, this does not mean that some serious diseases will simply disappear. But quite often, a generally healthy woman cannot conceive a child. This may be due to some hormonal imbalances, poor blood circulation in the reproductive organs, or simple stress. All this can be corrected with the help of yoga.

Now let's talk about why and how to fix this in detail.

Effect on the hormonal system, sexuality

Nothing makes a woman sexier than health and energy, when she is in a good mood, shiny hair and clear skin, and some kind of magnetic fire comes from within.

All this fades away when hormonal disruptions begin, from which the body receives nothing but harm. The whole body very quickly responds to this with disorders and diseases, because the hormonal system controls everything. Cysts can form in the ovaries and breasts due to hormone imbalance. More and more young girls are faced with this. Not only does your health and appearance deteriorate, but your fertile function is at risk, and a woman may simply experience problems conceiving.

The culprit is often an unhealthy lifestyle and stress.

  1. Yoga reduces stress. The level of cortisol, the stress hormone, drops, and the emotional state levels out.
  2. Yoga helps normalize metabolism and reduce body weight, which also has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels.
  3. Some asanas stimulate the thyroid gland.
  4. There are pranayamas and asanas that massage the abdominal organs and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which digestion is stimulated, appearance and well-being improve.
  5. Due to regular training, hormonal levels are leveled, and with it sexual desire and the ability to get pregnant increase.

From here we move on to another point.

Yoga for the reproductive system

We partially covered this point in the previous topic; yoga helps a woman normalize the correct hormonal levels, which contribute to conception.

It is not always that doctors, using various treatment methods, do not detect any violations in a woman who is unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child.

Sometimes this gets in the way:

  • excess weight;
  • psychological condition;
  • slowing down the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Yoga can not only help shed extra pounds and calm the nervous system, which in many cases will quickly lead to a successful pregnancy, but it is also beneficial in improving blood circulation and rejuvenating the body, prolonging a woman’s ability to conceive.

Yoga for the pelvic organs and kundalini yoga:

If you want to try yoga specifically for this purpose, then you need to look for those poses that help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. You can also try paying attention to kundalini yoga, as it helps relieve emotional stress and works a lot on the genital area.

Is it possible to do yoga during pregnancy? (benefit and harm)

Direct pregnancy is not a contraindication for engaging in any (non-traumatic) type of physical activity. However, of course, it is worth taking into account the testimony of the doctor (gynecology department) in this regard, the characteristics of your body and your own condition.

You should not do yoga if:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • if you have already had miscarriages before;
  • severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting and dizziness;
  • there is bleeding;
  • pregnancy is difficult.

Also, in the last 2-3 weeks you should not practice yoga, so as not to provoke early labor.

Moderate activity during pregnancy brings enormous benefits to both the expectant mother and her baby from the very first days of development.

In all other cases, if the condition is stable, there are no doctor’s orders, then it is not only possible to practice, but very useful and necessary. This can have huge benefits for both the baby and the mother.

  1. Pregnancy is easier, there are no or minimal symptoms such as toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, back pain in the later stages, mobility is better maintained.
  2. Yoga influences and helps develop the flexibility of joints and ligaments, which will make it possible to avoid injuries to both the mother and the baby.
  3. Contractions during childbirth will pass faster.
  4. The woman’s condition during childbirth will be more stable, which will increase the chance of giving birth naturally.
  5. The exchange between mother and child in the womb improves, which allows you to receive sufficient nutrition at all stages of development. The chance of having a healthy baby increases.
  6. The connection between mother and baby is established even during pregnancy thanks to the practice of yoga, which trains attention to the body.
  7. A woman rarely gains a lot of excess weight if she practices, and then gets rid of it easier.
  8. Thanks to normalized hormonal levels, a young mother is more likely to avoid postpartum depression.

The second trimester is considered the most favorable period for practicing yoga, since a woman usually feels quite well. The symptoms from the first trimester have passed, but the weight is still not too much and you can move around without problems.

But you can start exercising at any stage of pregnancy.

Is it possible to do yoga during menstruation?

Another fairly common question among girls is whether it is possible to do yoga on menstrual periods, and how to combine yoga and a cycle. You can do it, but with some reservations.

Relief of menstrual pain on the first day

You should not practice yoga in the first days if you have heavy bleeding (menstruation), severe pain in the lower abdomen and general poor condition. Organisms are different, and some people cannot get out of bed, let alone play sports. In the future, with a high degree of probability, these symptoms will go away completely, or will significantly improve with regular practice.

In addition, you need to avoid some asanas that will only be detrimental to your health during menstruation:

  • any inverted positions, they delay bleeding;
  • any poses where the abdominal muscles tense, this can lead to increased bleeding, pain and an increase in the duration of menstrual periods;
  • in addition, excessive tension can be created by poses with strong deflection;
  • It is worth giving up twists that compress the stomach;
  • During this period we do not practice root locking.

All asanas that can be practiced should be relaxing, soothing, and relieve lower back pain and back fatigue. For example, bound angle pose (Baddha konasana), half moon pose (Ardha Chandrasana), and hare pose (Shashankasana) are perfect. It is also worth practicing full yogic breathing and ujjayi.

Helps you lose weight and get a beautiful figure

In women's yoga, there are special dynamic complexes for weight loss and figure correction. As a rule, they practice under the supervision of an experienced instructor. One lesson lasts at least an hour and is scheduled three times a week.

The complex includes active pranayama for burning fat, exercises to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels and relaxation. An integrated approach promotes effective weight loss and helps to “sculpt” a beautiful female body - fit, slender, sexy.

Yoga for weight loss

For obese people who want to lose weight, hatha yoga classes will be a good help. Overweight people have one big problem - excess weight and a large body. Therefore, training such a group of people requires a special approach. You will find this approach on the “Live” TV channel.

  • Tadasana - exercise is performed standing, feet and knees connected, arms extended along the body. Inhalations and exhalations are made through the nose;
  • Vrikshasana - put your palms together in front of your chest and extend them above your head, after a few seconds lower your arms, bend one leg at the knee and rest your foot on the knee of the other leg. The knee of the bent leg should “look” to the side, extend your arms above your head again and reach for them with your whole body;
  • Trikonasana – side bends. Stand straight, jump with your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your right foot perpendicular to your left. With your right hand, try to reach the floor, leaning over your right side. Then perform the exercise on the left side. You cannot bend your legs;
  • Parshvakonasana - spread your legs to the sides while jumping, bend to the right, while simultaneously bending your leg so that your knee touches your armpit. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then rise and repeat on the other side.

In addition to yoga, people losing weight need to reconsider their diet, give up high-calorie foods, flour, sweets, coffee and tea, and increase overall physical activity.

Yoga for women

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