How to pump up your buttocks and hamstrings at home

If you want to know which exercises are best for training your hamstrings, read this article.

When it comes to training, we tend to focus on the parts of the body that are most visible and the hamstrings are not one of them.

If you have any doubts about this, then while you are in the gym, somehow count how many people around you are working out their chest, biceps and abs, and how many are working out other muscle groups.

This is why such disproportionate physiques appear:

You need to pump up the muscles of the back of the thigh

So how do you like it? Like? This guy needs to pump up not only the back of the thigh, but also completely all the muscles of his legs.

However, I must admit that in the past I myself neglected leg training and was somewhat like the guy in this photo.


I admitted my mistake and although now my legs are far from ideal (especially in the calves), they no longer look like a joke.

Well-pumped legs and body

How to pump up your hamstrings and back of your legs

When working on your leg muscles, the quadriceps tend to be the focus because they are larger and stronger (and also more prominent) than the hamstrings.

However, there is nothing good in neglecting the work on the hamstrings for several reasons:

  1. Disproportion in overall musculature, which is especially noticeable when looking at the body from the side or back.
  1. Difficulty in achieving the proper squat depth.
  1. Increased risk of injury to the knees or the hamstring muscles themselves .

In short, focusing on the quads and neglecting the hamstrings is the same as training your arms by focusing on the biceps and neglecting the triceps.

A well-designed leg workout includes hamstring exercises that are more than just squats.

Of course, squats are one of the best exercises for legs, but if you limit yourself to only them, you will not be able to achieve maximum results in working on an ideal body.

So in this article I want to share what I know about building bigger, stronger hamstrings, including:

  • The most effective way to create a leg training program
  • The best exercises and techniques for performing them
  • My favorite training program
  • And much more.

Let's start figuring out how to pump up your hamstrings!

What can you do in the gym?

You can effectively work out your legs at home only at the initial stage. Training hamstrings is more effective in the gym. A variety of exercise equipment and sports equipment (dumbbells, weights, barbells) will help the athlete achieve his goal.

Romanian deadlift

Effective hamstring exercises will help the athlete work not only the target muscle group, but also other parts of the body. The Romanian deadlift is one of these multi-joint exercises. The movement is performed on straight legs. You will need a barbell or dumbbells. Work at a slow pace, otherwise you may injure your lower back.

  • Grasp the bar with both hands, legs should be completely straight.
  • Lower the barbell to mid-shin level.
  • Close your shoulder blades and keep your back straight. The buttocks need to be pulled back.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 8-10 repetitions in 3 sets.

    Romanian deadlift

This exercise can be done using dumbbells. The athlete must constantly monitor the position of his back. Practice in front of a mirror, and also work in tandem with an experienced mentor.

Leg curls in the simulator

You can also work out your hamstrings well in the exercise machine. You will need a special device for bending your legs. This way, you can specifically pump up the desired muscle group. The rest of the body does not tense during movement.

  • Lie down on the surface of the machine or sit down (depending on the type). Adjust the weight of the weights.
  • Touch the rollers with your feet and begin to bend your legs at the knee joint.
  • Fix the position of your hips at the top of the movement.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 10-15 leg curls in the simulator in 3 sets.

As you move, you should feel a burning sensation in your muscles. The hamstring curl should be done at a fairly slow pace. Warm up well before the exercise.


This sports element will help pump up the posterior thigh muscles, as well as the buttocks and muscles that straighten the spine. Hyperextension is an isolated exercise that must be performed on a special machine. Experienced athletes may need a barbell plate.

  • Take a position on the machine. The legs should be firmly fixed and the torso should be hanging.
  • Inhale - tilt your body down, exhale - return to the starting position.
  • Do about 12 reps for 3 sets.
  • Many athletes use special weights to make movements more challenging.


Hamstring exercises are best done on leg day. Pumping this biceps muscle in a separate lesson is recommended only for professional athletes whose back part of the leg is lagging behind in development.

You can create a training program yourself. An athlete should perform 2-3 exercises in one workout to work the target muscle group. We pump the hamstrings intensively and effectively. The number of sets and repetitions depends on your goals and physical capabilities. To increase muscle mass, you need to work with heavy weights, and to work out the relief, exercise more intensely.

You can also work using a superset system. To do this, the athlete must perform the best hamstring exercises without resting in between. This training method is recommended only for experienced bodybuilders. It is very important to choose a training program that will suit you. This way, you will be able to see noticeable changes within just a few weeks.

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles

posterior thigh

The hamstring muscle group consists of 3 separate muscles:

  1. Semitendinosus
  2. Semimembranosus
  3. Biceps femoris (biceps femoris)

Here's what they look like:

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles

(In case you were wondering, the ischial tuberosity is part of the pelvis).

Together, the hamstrings and other muscles in the back of the legs perform the following functions: knee flexion, hip extension, anterior pelvic tilt, and posterior abduction.

Thus, exercises to develop the muscles of the hamstrings involve extending the hips and bending the legs at the knees.

Now that we've got the anatomy out of the way, let's talk about muscle size and shape.

Muscles of the back of the thigh in a contracted state

Training the hamstrings is an important component of a quality complex not only for men.

Women also need to pay attention to training their leg muscles.

Beautiful girl legs

In order for the legs to acquire similar proportions, it is necessary to build up a fairly large amount of muscle mass, including in the back of the thighs.

Don't worry, it won't make your figure look bulky.

In fact, your hamstrings, with proper nutrition and intense training, can only acquire this beautiful shape:

Beautiful hamstrings of a girl

Impressive, right? You won’t be able to achieve this shape in a couple of visits to the gym, but it’s quite possible to tighten up your muscles and make beautiful legs with pumped-up hamstrings.

Home workout

Building hamstrings at home is more difficult, but still possible. At the initial stage of training, you can even do without weights. Work with your own weight. There are several effective exercises for pumping up your thighs at home.

Alternating leg lifts

This sports element can be performed in any conditions. If desired, you can attach a special weighting agent to your leg. This exercise will effectively work the hamstrings and the erector spinae muscle.

  • Take a position on all fours, with your arms fully straightened.
  • Bend your right leg and move up and down.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Raise your left leg.
  • Perform 10 lifts on each leg in 3 sets.

    Biceps Curl

Watch the technique of performing movements. Exercise at a slow pace. With this movement, the athlete can not only pump up the back of the thigh, but also the buttocks.

Wide Leg Squats

Squats are the most popular exercise that is aimed at working the leg muscles. You can pump up your hamstrings at home, as well as increase the volume of your quadriceps and calves. Wide squats are performed by almost all athletes who train in the gym. At the initial stage, it is not necessary to use heavy dumbbells and barbells, but you will need a backpack with weights and water bottles. It is very important to perform all movements with correct technique.

  • Stand firmly on your feet, straighten your back. The feet are located far apart.
  • Start squatting down, while moving your pelvis slightly back.
  • Fix your body position in the lower phase of the movement.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform 15-20 squats in 3 sets.

    Wide squats

The athlete must combine different methods of squats. If you want to build as much muscle mass as possible, use weights. To work out the relief, as well as to maintain athletic shape, you can exercise more intensely.

Lying hip extension

This is another simple exercise that you can do at home. This basic movement will help the athlete effectively work not only the posterior thigh muscles, but also the buttocks (which is very important for girls). It is best to work on a special fitness mat. Hip leg extensions are great for beginners.

  • Lie on the floor with your back up.
  • Fully straighten both legs, keeping your toes pointed.
  • Raise your legs one at a time, moving slowly.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform several repetitions of this exercise.

    Lying leg raise

Raising the legs from a lying position is not considered technically difficult. Experienced athletes must perform other sports elements. The body body must be in a static position. You need to feel the tension of the target muscle group.

The Simple Science of Effective Hamstring Training

Hamstring muscle training

There are many theories about the best way to train your hamstrings. Some say you need to focus on high rep ranges and pumps, while others insist on lifting heavier weights. Some people recommend doing isolation exercises for the hamstrings, while others recommend doing basic exercises. There are also both supporters of splits, which involve separate training of the quadriceps and muscles of the back of the thigh, and their ardent opponents.

I tried these and other options, and also managed to work with thousands of clients as a trainer, and this is what I finally realized:

  1. Hamstring exercises help improve overall muscle balance in the legs.

A standard leg workout that involves performing partial squats, leg presses, and lunges typically focuses on the quadriceps.

  1. Heavy compound exercises are best for building strength and size.

Machine exercises and high-rep sets can also be included in your workout, but a leg machine is no substitute for multi-joint exercises with free heavy weights.

  1. One intense hamstring workout per week is usually sufficient.

The most important part of this type of training is volume, which is the total number of repetitions you do each week.

This is especially important if you do a lot of heavy sets, because the main rule is:

The heavier the weight, the fewer repetitions per week you can do without the risk of overtraining.

This is especially true for compound exercises like deadlifts and squats, since they require more recovery time compared to less strenuous (and effective) bicep curls or crossover curls. Training the hamstrings in these movements is much more effective.

I've tried many different splits and rep frequency approaches and found what works best in this regard.

When you focus on heavy weights (80-85% or more of 1RM), the optimal volume is in the range of about 60-70 repetitions, which should be performed every 5-7 days.

This applies not only to training the hamstring muscles, but also other large muscle groups.

You also need to take into account the fact that part of the load will fall on the back of the thigh in the quadriceps exercises that you will also perform.

For example, when performing squats, the first part of the movement trajectory mainly involves the quadriceps, and as you go lower, the hamstrings are increasingly trained.

(This is one of the main reasons why you should lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower).

In this regard, it is necessary to make small adjustments to the training, that is, simply reduce the volume slightly when performing exercises for the hamstrings (and quadriceps) taking into account this additional load.

Now that we've got the theory behind it, let's look at the hamstring exercises that are best for building strength and size.

Training with dumbbells for hamstrings (option No. 1)

The complex contains exercises for the hamstrings and buttocks - these muscle groups often work together. Some of the load will be taken on by both the quadriceps and adductor muscles, which will create a more powerful frame. The return from training will be maximum if you strictly follow the rules of execution.

How to do the exercises:

  • Recommended option: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds, between exercises 2-3 minutes. If you have heavy weight dumbbells, then limit yourself to 10-12 repetitions. With light dumbbell weights, you can perform 15 repetitions. The number of approaches will depend on your experience and time availability.
  • An alternative option: circuit interval training using a timer. This principle of exercise can be chosen when training with light weights or at home. In this case, perform exercises according to the scheme of 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest (apps with timers on your mobile phone). The exercises are performed sequentially one after another and repeated in 4-5 circles. Rest 2 minutes between circles.

Beginners can perform exercises without additional equipment or use 1-2 liter plastic water bottles instead of dumbbells.

Sumo squat

How to do it: Stand up straight, place a dumbbell on the floor between your legs. Place your feet wide (further than for a classic squat), turn your toes to the sides and take the equipment in your hands, without rounding your back, straighten back up. Do a squat (hips parallel to the floor, pelvis back). Lower the dumbbell between your legs. Direct your knees where your feet are, do not touch your toes. Get up and repeat again.

Benefit of the exercise: Increased development of the posterior thigh, adductor, and gluteal muscles. Blood and lymph circulation in the legs and pelvis is stimulated, which is beneficial for organ function. The lower back and core are strengthened. Improves flexibility and mobility of the hip joints.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets

Sumo with dumbbell below

Romanian deadlift

How to do it: Take a classic stance and spread your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your body straight. Take a dumbbell in each hand and hold the equipment on the front of your thighs. Bend forward and move your pelvis back at the same time. Bend your knees slightly, move the dumbbells as close to your legs as possible to the middle of your shins. Don't slouch. Don't throw your head back.

Benefits of the exercise: Accented development of the biceps muscle bundles, strengthening the popliteal ligaments. Additionally, the buttocks and back are included, in which the extensor muscles actively work. The Romanian deadlift is one of the most effective dumbbell exercises for the hamstrings.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets

Romanian (deadlift)

Reverse lunges

How to do it: Stand up straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place one foot back on your toes and lower yourself down. Bring the thigh of the front leg to parallel to the floor, set the angle at the knee to 90 degrees. Form the same right angle between the shin and the thigh of the back leg. Push back. Keep your arms along your sides, do not tilt your body. When training with heavy dumbbell weights, it is better to lunge first on one leg, then on the other.

Benefits of the exercise: Powerful pumping of the quadriceps, biceps and buttocks. At the same time, strength and endurance of muscle bundles increase, and volume increases. Stabilizers are strengthened. The body takes on a sporty, fit look. This is a basic exercise aimed at working out a complex of muscle groups.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3 sets

Back lunges with dumbbells

Romanian deadlift with straight leg abduction

How to do it: Take the starting position as in a two-legged deadlift. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells, lower your arms in front of you so that the equipment is on your hips. Spread your shoulder blades. Bend forward and lift your straight leg while stepping back, as in a swing. Don't slouch. Bend the knee on the supporting leg slightly. Move your pelvis back, stretching the muscles.

Benefit of the exercise: Targeted development of the posterior bundles - from the buttocks to the knee ligaments. Additionally, balance develops and deep stabilizer muscles are activated. The load is distributed on one leg, and therefore this exercise for the hamstrings is considered the most effective.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Romanian single leg deadlift

Leg swing with dumbbell

How to do it: Get on your knees, do not lower your pelvis onto your heels. Place a dumbbell at the junction of the thigh and shin of one leg. Take a pose on all fours with your arms straight at the elbows and your back straight. Raise your lower leg slightly to support the equipment. Swing your bent leg up and bring your thigh parallel to the floor. Lower it back down. Do not twist your pelvis and body.

Benefit of the exercise: Accented development of the gluteal muscles, transition to the hamstrings. The work involves many small fibers in the legs as tension is created to hold the dumbbell. The buttocks become rounder and lifted, and the thighs become toned.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Leg swing on all fours with dumbbell

Gluteal bridge

How to do it: Place a mat and lie on your back. Bend your knees and move them towards your buttocks, leaving some distance. Press your head, neck and back tightly to the floor. Place a dumbbell on top of your hip bones, in your lower abdomen. Lift your buttocks up until one line forms from your shoulders to your knees. Hold the equipment with your hands. Don't roll your legs inward. Get down.

Benefits of the exercise: Strengthening, increasing the endurance of muscle fibers, working out the hamstrings and buttocks. When lifting the pelvis, the abs and back muscles work, which strengthens the core. Part of the load is removed from the lower back, so bridges should be included in the training of the hamstrings, especially for beginners.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets

Bridge on the floor

See also our other collections of exercises:

  • Top 50 exercises for the buttocks at home: 4 workout options
  • Workouts for weight loss at home without jumping (for girls): plan for 3 days
  • Workouts for weight loss and body tone without equipment (for men): plan for 3 days

The best exercises for the hamstring muscles

Leg bending in the simulator

Today there is a huge amount of information on the topic of healthy lifestyle and fitness.

Search Google for diet or exercise and you'll get a huge amount of opinions that can't be easily sorted out.

However, I have good news for you:

Among all the abundance of exercises for the muscles of the hamstrings, there are only a few that are most effective.

If you focus your attention on them, you will achieve truly fantastic results.

However, before we talk about exercises, a few words about equipment.

Why you should avoid the Smith machine

As with the bench press, research shows that using a Smith machine when performing squats has less of an effect on muscle growth and strength compared to free-weight squats.

The main reason for this is that the bar has a fixed vertical path, which eliminates the need to stabilize your body as you would with free weights (where you have to maintain balance).

A few years ago, I exclusively squatted on the Smith machine and could handle 105kg for a few reps. However, when I switched to free weights, I could barely squat 80kg.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of the Smith machine is the increased safety it provides compared to free weight squats.

Actually this is not true. You can squat quite safely without the help of this structure (and I don't mean a belay partner).

I'm talking about a power rack.

How to Squat Safely in a Power Rack

It's not necessary to squat to muscle failure on every set, but if you're afraid of failure, you don't have to try your hardest to lift the weight.

(It's best to stop one repetition before muscle failure occurs, that is, when you are not sure that you can handle another one without assistance).

However, there may be times when you could do another rep or two if you felt safe and didn't have to worry about losing your balance.

In such a situation, a power frame is the ideal solution. It allows you to perform squats (and bench press) on your own without the fear of falling or dropping a heavy equipment on yourself.

I highly recommend using a power rack to train your legs:

Squat Power Rack

There are special limiters installed on its sides, onto which, in case of failure, the bar can be lowered.

Now let's switch gears to the best hamstring exercises.

Romanian deadlift

It's hard to find a better exercise for the hamstrings than the Romanian deadlift. When performed correctly, it is a very effective means of isolating and properly working a given muscle group.

Here's how it's done:

This is one of the best leg exercises in general and it works the hamstrings well. If this exercise puts too much strain on your lower back, try the one-leg variation:


It is impossible to imagine an effective leg workout without squats with a barbell on your shoulders.

In fact, this exercise works almost every major muscle group in the body with the exception of the chest.

If you've ever heard that squats are only for working the quadriceps and should not be included in the training of the hamstrings, then this is only partly true, because, as I already said, the lower you go in the squat, the more actively you use this muscle group.

Here's what your body position looks like when doing squats at the correct depth:

Barbell squat technique

As you can see, the hips are slightly below parallel to the floor, and the buttocks are slightly below the level of the knees.

Also pay attention to the following points:

  • The head is in a neutral position (not thrown back or forward)
  • The back is straight (not rounded or concave)
  • Shoulders are back and chest is forward
  • Knees are slightly ahead of the toes

This is the position you should take with each repetition.

Here's a more detailed look at how to do squats correctly:

Now, before we move on to the next exercise, let's talk about squat depth.

We have a separate article on how to do barbell squats correctly.

First of all, this is what a squat below parallel looks like:

This approach has both advantages (full amplitude works the legs and buttocks better) and disadvantages.

  1. A deep squat requires a lot of lower body mobility that most people don't have.
  1. In addition, they are more difficult to perform than parallel squats, which means that as you increase the working weight, it will be more difficult for you to maintain the movement technique.

This is why I do not recommend deep squats for inexperienced athletes.

In fact, to strengthen the muscles of the posterior chain, it is quite enough to perform squats to parallel correctly.

While we're on the topic of body flexibility and mobility, let's briefly list the most common reasons why some people can't perform squats correctly:

  • Low hip mobility
  • Stiffness in the hamstrings
  • Stiffness in ankles and calves

Luckily, problems like this are easy to solve (and prevent) with simple practices like this:

Bulgarian split squats

Bulgarian split squats are becoming more and more popular among professional trainers, and for good reason.

Research shows that this exercise is extremely effective for building strength in the legs (and hamstrings in particular) while minimizing stress on the lower back.

Here's how it's done:

Torso raises (hyperextension)

At first glance, this exercise may seem easy, but if done correctly, you will feel a strong tension in the muscles of the hamstrings.

(Research shows that this is one of the best exercises for this muscle group).

Here's how it's done:

Leg Curl

Like hyperextensions, leg curls are a simple but extremely effective way to work the hamstrings.

Research shows that sitting and lying leg curls activate the target muscles differently, so it's wise to do both variations.

Here's how to do lying leg curls:

And this is how bending is performed while sitting:

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are a multifunctional exercise that you can include in your cardio workout.

Essentially, it is an aggressive and dynamic form of deadlift that has become a staple in the training of professional fighters and athletes. Its effectiveness in developing explosive strength and endurance has been scientifically proven.

I suggest performing the kettlebell swing in a fairly rigid manner, which will prepare you for more advanced exercises.

This technique will take time to master, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it right at first.

Here's how to do this exercise:

Training with dumbbells for hamstrings (option No. 2)

This hamstring workout with dumbbells includes standard exercises: deadlifts and squats, swings, lunges. The complex is complicated, since a number of movements here will require developed coordination. At the same time, the remaining muscles of the legs, buttocks and even the back are worked out.

How to do the exercises:

  • Recommended option: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds, between exercises 2-3 minutes. If you have heavy weight dumbbells, then limit yourself to 10-12 repetitions. With light dumbbell weights, you can perform 15 repetitions. The number of approaches will depend on your experience and time availability.
  • An alternative option: circuit interval training using a timer. This principle of exercise can be chosen when training with light weights or at home. In this case, perform exercises according to the scheme of 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest (apps with timers on your mobile phone). The exercises are performed sequentially one after another and repeated in 4-5 circles. Rest 2 minutes between circles.

Beginners can perform exercises without additional equipment or use 1-2 liter plastic water bottles instead of dumbbells.

Squat with leg back

How to do it: Stand straight, place your feet 2-3 shoulder widths apart, take dumbbells in your hands, place them on both sides of your body. Do a regular squat - lower your pelvis, bring your hips parallel to the floor, do not touch your knees to your toes. Rise up, swing back with your straight left leg, squeezing your buttock well. Do not bend your torso too much. Perform the approach first on one leg, then on the other.

Benefit of the exercise: Strengthened training of the leg muscles and buttocks, giving rounded, toned shapes. The exercise combines two movements (swing, squat), which increases the load and muscle response. Stabilizing muscles work.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Squat with legs pulled back

Bulgarian lunge

How to do it: Place a chair if you are training at home, or a bench if you are training at the gym. Stand in front of the support at a distance of 1.5 steps, and take dumbbells in your hands. Place one leg on the stand with your toe on, and leave the other in place. On your supporting leg, lower yourself to a 90-degree knee angle. Get up. Keep your torso straight. If necessary, adjust the distance from the leg to the support.

Benefits of the exercise: Working on the muscle fibers of the legs, along the entire circumference of the hips, and buttocks. When lifting up, the biceps are actively involved. The adductor muscles work. The core is strengthened and posture improves. This exercise for the hamstrings trains the sense of balance and connects stabilizers.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Bulgarian lunge

Romanian single leg deadlift

How to do it: Take a dumbbell in your right hand, stand straight and lift your right leg, bending at the knee, until your shin is parallel to the floor. Straighten your elbows. Bend over and move your raised leg back a little. Bend the knee of the supporting left leg slightly. Place your pelvis back. Lower your hand with the dumbbell down to the middle of your shin, and keep your body straight. You can perform Romanian deadlifts in this version with either one or two dumbbells. In the second case, it is easier to balance the body.

Benefit of the exercise: Accented pumping of the biceps and knee ligaments with the gluteal muscles. The lower body tightens, becomes stronger and stronger. A good alternative version of the classic Romanian deadlift.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Romanian single leg deadlift

Squat on your knees

How to do it: Place yourself on your knees, hips slightly apart, and feet together. Place the projectile, taken in both hands, in front of your chest. Then lower your pelvis to your shins, slightly leaning your torso forward. Return to the starting position by contracting your glutes. When moving up and down, do not relax your muscles, but always keep them tense to enhance the effect.

Benefit of the exercise: Targeted “strengthening” of the working muscle group (legs and buttocks), consolidation of the results of the main training. Part of the load puts pressure on your knees, so you need to lay a mat for comfort. Maximum response will be obtained by moving slowly and concentrating on technique.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets

Kneeling butt lift

Bridge with raised leg

How to do it: Lie on your back, pull your bent legs towards your buttocks, as in a classic bridge. Place the dumbbell on the pelvic bones and hold it with your hands. Straighten one leg at the knee and extend it forward. Press your head, neck and back tightly to the floor. Raise your pelvis - there is a single line from the shoulders to the toe of the raised leg. Tighten your buttock muscles. Lower yourself back down without relaxing completely.

Benefit of the exercise: Accented pumping of the gluteal and leg muscles due to the shift of the load to one leg. Additionally, the lower back and abs work, and the core is strengthened. This version of the bridge will “surprise” the muscles of the back of the thigh with an unusual load.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Bridge with raised leg

Lifting dumbbells while lying on your stomach

How to do it: Kneel, place a dumbbell between your feet, and then lie on your stomach. Place your hands on your forearms in front of you and under your shoulders, lift your chest off the floor - there will be a slight arch in the lower back. Secure a dumbbell between your feet, bend your knees until perpendicular from your shin to your thigh. Lift by contracting the muscles. Lower back.

Benefits of the exercise: Isolated load on the hamstrings, strengthening and development of strength indicators of muscle fibers. The buttocks and back extensors are less actively involved. This dumbbell hamstring exercise mimics a leg curl machine.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg in 3-4 sets

Leg raises while lying on your stomach

Progression is the key to muscle growth

Pumping up the hamstrings

So, I told you about the best exercises for the hamstring muscles. They are enough for you to achieve the best results.

Your goal is not just to do these exercises, but to strive for progress.

And if we are talking about building muscle mass, then the best way here is “progressive overload”.

This means a constant increase in the level of tension in the muscles, which leads to an increase in working weight.

In short, to achieve success, you must consume enough food and do the above exercises.

Workout Features

It is important to create a training program for home training and the gym, which includes the basic elements, as well as the best exercises for training the biceps muscle. This is done because most exercises for training the hamstrings also involve the glutes, as well as the quadriceps. Thus, this approach will help to develop the hips correctly and with better results, without pumping only one area.

To train your legs with high efficiency, you need to use strength training. Based on this principle, hamstring exercises at home are not easy to do. Repeated squats or lunges performed without strength training will not show the same results as their best hamstring variations in the gym.

Before training for the legs and hamstrings, it is important to warm up the muscles; to do this, work out on an incline for 15 minutes, jog or walk at a brisk pace - this will help avoid injuries associated with sprains.

Sports nutrition

I left this topic for last because, frankly, it is much less important than proper nutrition and training if you want to build hamstrings.

You see, supplements can't transform your physique the way diet and exercise can.

Unfortunately, the sports nutrition industry is plagued by a plethora of junk science, misleading advertising, and outright deception, while the products themselves are crammed with unnecessary ingredients or contain truly essential elements but in insufficient quantities.

Most supplement companies release cheap and useless products in an attempt to sell them through marketing gimmicks (loud slogans, flashy packaging, etc.).

Remember, sports supplements do not play a decisive role in building muscle mass and burning fat, and buying many of them is a waste of money.

However, there are safe, natural substances with scientifically proven effectiveness that will actually help you increase strength, improve endurance, lose fat, etc.

Part of my job was to find supplements that I could take myself and recommend to others.

However, finding high-quality, effective and inexpensive products has always been a difficult task.

Let's take a quick look at the supplements that will help you get the most out of your hamstring workouts.


Creatine is a substance found naturally in the human body and in foods such as red meat. This is perhaps the most studied supplement in the world of sports nutrition. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to it, from which it is clear that it helps:

  • Build muscle mass and strength
  • Improve anaerobic endurance
  • Reduce muscle soreness and damage

You may have heard that creatine is harmful to your kidneys, but such claims have been repeatedly and categorically refuted. It has been proven that in healthy people, even with long-term use, it does not cause any side effects. Although people with kidney disease are not recommended to take creatine supplements.

Read: how to take creatine correctly.

If you are in good health, then I strongly advise you to take this supplement. It is safe, inexpensive and effective.


Protein supplements are not needed to build muscle mass, but when you consider how much protein you need to eat daily to maximize muscle growth, it becomes clear that you cannot do without them.

This is the reason why I recommend taking whey protein.

Naturally sweetened and flavored whey protein isolate made from milk is available in stores.

Pre-workout drinks

There's no doubt that pre-workout supplements help you train. However, there are disadvantages and potential risks.

Many pre-workout drinks contain many ineffective ingredients and/or tiny amounts of effective ones, making them little more beneficial than most of the cheap stimulants sold on fancy labels and persuasive advertising copy.

Many other supplements don't even contain stimulants, making them just duds.

In reality, it is very difficult to find a pre-workout supplement that is low in stimulants and high in natural, safe, and performance-enhancing ingredients like beta-alanine, betaine, and citrulline.

A good pre-workout supplement contains 6 of the most effective performance-enhancing ingredients:

  • Caffeine . Caffeine is good for more than just boosting your energy levels. It also increases muscle endurance and strength;
  • Beta-alanine . It is a natural amino acid that reduces post-workout fatigue, increases anaerobic capacity, and can accelerate muscle growth.
  • Citrulline malate . Citrulline is an amino acid that increases muscle endurance, relieves muscle pain and improves anaerobic performance;
  • Betaine . This is a substance found in plants (such as beets) that improves muscle endurance, increases strength, and stimulates the production of growth hormone and IGF-1 in response to short, intense exercise.
  • Ornithine . An amino acid found in large quantities in dairy products and meats that reduces fatigue during prolonged exercise and promotes lipid oxidation (burning fat rather than carbohydrates or glycogen for energy).
  • Theanine . An amino acid found primarily in tea that reduces the effects of mental and physical stress, increases the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow, and also improves mental performance, attention, memory and mood.

Deadlift technique

Initial position

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. In order not to be mistaken with the width of your hands, use the notches on the bar as a guide.

Hand position on the bar

The barbell should almost touch your shins. In this case, the feet will be located under the bar, about a third of the foot will be behind the bar.

Position of the feet under the bar


You bend your knees slightly, move your pelvis back and lean forward. The back is straight, from the tailbone to the neck - one line. The gaze is directed forward.

At the initial stage of the movement, when you lean towards the barbell with a straight back, the gluteal muscles and hamstrings - the main working muscles in this exercise - are stretched.

If you have short hamstrings, what will happen is that when you bend over, the biceps will pull on your lower back, so you won't be able to keep your back straight.

Short hamstrings / muscle&

Performing deadlifts

During the lift, the barbell is located very close to the body: the bar of the bar practically slides along the shins (touching is not necessary, although it is possible, especially in the first stages, in order to get used to the correct technique), and then rises higher along the thighs.

When you lift the barbell off the ground, your center of gravity is aligned with the center of gravity of the barbell. When you bend over, the center of gravity moves forward from the sacrum.

If you hold the barbell close to your shins, the barbell's center of gravity coincides with your displaced center of gravity and you maintain balance. If you stand far from the bar, the centers of gravity will not coincide and the bar will pull you forward, increasing the load on your lower back.

We guide the bar along the legs. At the moment the barbell lifts off the ground (or platform), you need to tense your buttocks and thigh muscles. This must be done consciously, without waiting for tension to arise on its own.

Tightening the gluteal muscles is necessary to stabilize the hip joint. Muscle tension causes the head of the femur to rotate outward, where it is in the most advantageous position to transmit force.

Hip rotation /

This way, you stabilize the joint and ensure a neutral spine position, which transfers the load to the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

From this position, you straighten up completely and then begin to move down to the starting position. It is important to lower the barbell as smoothly as you lift it, and to keep the bar very close to your hips and shins.

Important points

  • When performing the exercise, the back should always be straight: deflection in the lower back or thoracic region (stooping) leads to a load on the spine, and especially on the lumbar region.

      Improper execution of the exercise
  • If you can't support your knees and they seem to bend inward under load, you're carrying too much weight.
  • While lifting the barbell you exhale, while lowering it you inhale.
  • If you want to make the exercise more challenging and stretch your hamstrings even further, try pit deadlifts. Stand on a plate (or several plates) in front of a barbell and try deadlifting from it.

How to pump up your gluteal muscles at home

Today, a whole set of exercises has been developed that are aimed at increasing the muscles of the buttocks. Each woman will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. It is important to remember to follow proper technique to prevent any kind of injury or strain.

In addition, before you start training, you need to warm up your muscles well. Go for a run or exercise on an exercise bike if you have one at home for ten minutes.

The warm-up can be supplemented by twirling a hoop and jumping rope for 2-3 minutes.


One of the most popular and most effective exercises for the buttocks is the squat. You can squat with either a narrow or wide stance, with or without weights.

Technically incorrect execution not only makes the exercise “wrong”, but sooner or later leads to injury. How to squat correctly to pump up a girl’s buttocks:

  1. the back is always straight, not vertical but straight;
  2. the knees move strictly in the direction of the feet;
  3. in the lower position, the knees should not go beyond the line of the toes - the movement should imitate sitting on a chair, that is, the fifth point should be pulled back, and not try to land it on the heels;
  4. the speed of movements should be such as to fully control the muscles: do not fall down or jump out, fixate in extreme positions;

To perform wide stance squats, you need to stand straight and spread your legs wide. In this case, the socks should be directed in directions opposite to each other. You should lower yourself into a half-sitting position quite slowly, making sure that your knees are spread out in different directions as much as possible. At the lowest point, the hip line should be parallel to the floor - “butt below the knees.”

To increase the load, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbell, which hangs in straight arms in front or behind your back.

Due to the “feet together” squats, the gluteal muscles swing the most, creating the greatest load. You need to stand straight with your legs pressed together and your knees tightly connected. In this case, the hands are on the belt. Then, while inhaling, slowly perform a squat, and on the way out, you need to take the starting position.

When performing squats, several muscles are used simultaneously:

  • large muscles of the buttocks;
  • quadriceps;
  • shin;
  • adductor muscles of the thigh;
  • hamstring biceps;
  • calf muscles;

Squatting on one leg also has a positive effect, but this is a very difficult and traumatic exercise and not even all pros can perform it correctly. It makes sense to try if you can do 100 or more regular squats at a time.

The technique is based on the fact that you need to stand near the door frame with your feet shoulder-width apart. In this case, one serves as a support, and the other bends at the knee and is brought slightly forward. Inhaling, they lower themselves down on the supporting leg, and fully extend the bent leg. You must keep your back straight and hold the door with your hand. Then they switch to the other side, changing legs, and repeat this exercise.

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