EZ-barbell bicep curl! Another cool biceps exercise

  • 1 Technique: how to lift a projectile correctly
  • 2 What you need for home workouts
  • 3 Which bar to choose: straight or curved
  • 4 Common mistakes
  • 5 Popular manufacturers
  • 6 Correct technique
  • 7 Features and characteristics of the EZ version
  • 8 Form
  • 9 Types of bars: features and their weight 9.1 Straight bar without weights (suitable for bench press)
  • 10 Exercises at home
  • 11 Equipment
  • 12 Exercises with a curved bar at home
  • 13 Which bar is better, curved or straight?
  • 14 So different
  • 15 Barbell. Exercises at home
      15.1 Barbell exercises
  • 16 Mounts
  • 17 Which bar should you choose – curved or straight?
  • 18 Bore diameter
  • Technique: how to lift a projectile correctly

    Even complete implementation of the training does not exclude mistakes made by athletes. Let's sort it out.

    Preparatory step.

    • Having equipped the apparatus with adequate weight, take the barbell with a shoulder-width grip.
    • After this, they stand straight, slightly bending the knee joint.
    • The elbows do not move far from the body, the palms are turned forward.
    • The abs are tense.

    This is the starting point.

    First step.

    • The shoulders are motionless when lifting the projectile upward.
    • The barbell is twisted forward using the pulling force of the biceps and the strength of the forearms.
    • The movement is continued until the biceps are completely contracted and the bar reaches shoulder level.
    • A couple of counts are delayed at the final point.
    • You should breathe like this: when lifting the projectile, exhale, while lowering it, inhale.

    Second step.

    Return the barbell to the RI in a controlled and slow manner, then continue performing repetitions.

    For clarity, see the picture below:

    We recommend:

    • Bench press on an incline bench - done correctly
    • Bent-over barbell row: secrets and subtleties
    • Effective exercises for biceps

    And also, performing a barbell lift in dynamics:

    Maximum results are achieved by following the recommendations:

    • make movements without swinging, swaying, throwing up the barbell or other tricks;
    • the arc along which the projectile is lifted from the hips to the chest should be wide;
    • The peak contraction must be performed at the top point, as well as squeezing the biceps for 2-3 seconds;
    • lower the projectile slower than the rise;
    • lower the barbell slowly, without throwing the apparatus;
    • it is not necessary to straighten your arms at the lowest point of the trajectory;
    • Stretch your biceps between sets;
    • It’s better to start training with lifting the barbell for biceps;
    • to increase volume, perform from 7 to 10 repetitions in 3 approaches, to increase strength their number is 15-20 repetitions and 5 approaches, for definition - the same 15-20 repetitions, but 2-3 approaches;
    • use belts and straps when working with heavy weights, and also increase the number of repetitions to 4-8 times. In the latter, cheating is allowed.


    At the very beginning, you will need to determine the grip width. After all, both are necessary for use. The solution to the problem comes down to a specific result that is set before training by the athlete.

    Lifting weights should not be protracted. Since the ez-bar works with increased load, ease of use is ensured by the shape of the bar. But, relaxing your hands while pressing the cattle to the bench or lowering it down is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the next repetition will become much more difficult.

    When working with heavy weights, there is one serious nuance. The first approach should be followed by an increased number of repetitions. But no more than 8. This ensures a start in preparation for competitions and a gain of muscle strength in a three-month period.

    What you need for home workouts

    To train at home, you need to purchase simple equipment that will not take up much space. In addition, its price is considered affordable for everyone. You can easily perform exercises with a bar at home, with dumbbells, with kettlebells.

    The number of workouts depends on how quickly you want to get results. However, experts note that daily heavy physical activity will not bring the desired effect, since muscles need approximately 24-36 hours to recover.

    Important! It is believed that if you take a break after an active workout the next day, your body is still in a training state, but at the same time, all muscle fibers are being restored. In addition, perhaps in the first week you will have the desire and increased activity for daily exercise, but after this time, you will feel tired, weak, drowsy and lack of desire and energy

    In addition, perhaps in the first week you will have the desire and increased activity for daily exercise, but after this time, you will feel tired, weak, drowsy and lack of desire and energy.

    Which bar to choose: straight or curved

    There are no differences in the weight they can lift, but there are differences in ease of use: it’s more comfortable to lift a barbell for biceps with an EZ bar

    In addition, with a curved bar, which is shorter than a straight bar, it is easier to navigate by gripping in the right place and finding the center, which is important for equal lifting with your arms, i.e. uniform load on the biceps

    The wrists, when gripping a curved bar, are positioned at a slight angle, resulting in the arms facing each other. This eliminates discomfort while lifting the barbell onto the biceps. For “standard” athletes, this helps correlate outer curves with proper arm position. Like dumbbells, the EZ bar is better for using in terms of the lower likelihood of injury and even those that have happened in the past.

    The long straight neck does not have the advantages that are listed. But this fact does not mean that it should be abandoned. You need to use it, or better and more correctly, use both barbells alternately when lifting the barbell for biceps. How useful is periodic change of grips: wide, medium, narrow.

    Video: 8 Ways to lift the barbell for biceps

    Benefits of a curved bar

    The choice in favor of this projectile is due to several advantages:

    1. Ease of use. Many athletes simply feel much more comfortable with an EZ bar, allowing them to lift much heavier weights.
    2. Shift in emphasis. A curved bar puts a slightly different load on the muscles, therefore, alternating it with a regular straight bar, you can achieve uniform and comprehensive development of muscle tissue.
    3. Safety. The curved bar design reduces the stress placed on the wrists, which greatly reduces the likelihood of injury even with large amplitudes and weights.
    4. Reliable grip. Most bodybuilders note the fact that holding an EZ bar is much more comfortable, and therefore safer, which allows you to perform complex exercises with minimal risk of injury.

    Some athletes who work with a curved bar believe that it helps improve the definition of the biceps, but there is no confirmation or refutation of this fact. In any case, working with such a projectile, you can diversify your training program.

    Common mistakes

    Body rocking. In some cases, you can observe how athletes try to bend their arms holding a curved bar by swinging their torso. This does not need to be done, since the load will not be applied to the biceps normally. It is better to perform fewer repetitions, but without losing quality.

    Raising your elbows to the side. This mistake occurs especially often among beginners, since they do not master the technique of this exercise. Raising the elbows leads to a decrease in the amplitude of flexion, so the biceps contract poorly

    It is very important to keep your elbows pressed to your body, they should not swing or move.

    Bouncing the barbell off your hips. This technique is often used by weightlifters to simplify the exercise. However, beginners who work with light barbells do not need to use this technique, as it will prevent them from using their arms properly.

    Popular manufacturers

    Having found out how much the barbell weighs, it is worth considering the best models of this equipment. The range of equipment is quite large. It is produced by the following brands:

    1. Iron King. A domestically produced product intended for training and rehabilitation after injuries. Over the fifteen years of its existence, the company has earned enormous popularity. This brand produces high-quality, safe products.
    2. IDOL Action. The company produces high-quality sports equipment. From this manufacturer you can find barbells with curved and straight bars. There are Olympic, women's and powerlifting models.
    3. Rogue Fitness. The company's office is located in the USA. The manufacturer produces a huge range of sports equipment, specializing in Olympic men's models.

    Iron King

    IDOL Action

    Rogue Fitness

    Correct technique

    1. Before performing the exercise, you need to stand up straight, holding a barbell with a curved bar with a wide grip. The palms face forward, and the elbow joints are pressed tightly to the body. This will be the starting position for curling your arms.

    After exhaling, smoothly bend the arm at the elbow joint. The part of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder must remain motionless, since only the forearms are involved in the work.

    The movement is performed until the biceps are fully contracted and the bar is level with the shoulders. At the top point of the amplitude, a short pause is maintained and the muscles are further tensed.

    As you inhale, the bar smoothly lowers down to its original position.

    15-20 repetitions are performed. Beginner women are recommended to work with 12 kg, and beginner men with 20 kg.

    This exercise can be performed in a block simulator from the lower block. A special EZ-handle is used for this. With its help, you can clearly feel the middle part of the biceps at the end point of the amplitude.

    EZ-barbell biceps curl. Execution technique

    Let's now look at the technique of performing the EZ-barbell biceps curl exercise, although I repeat, it will not differ in any way from the classic version with a straight bar.

    So, let's talk about the technique of performing this exercise.

    1. Starting position: Hang a weight on a barbell that you can lift for 6-12 repetitions (8-15 for girls), take the barbell at shoulder width, place your legs about the same, you can slightly bend your knees. The palms are facing forward, the hands are EXTENSION, and the elbows are pressed tightly to the body (the elbows are either pushed forward (the inner head works) or pushed back (the outer head works), but, nevertheless, pressed to the body). The abdominal muscles are tense.
    2. We draw air into the lungs (inhale), after which, fixing the shoulders and pressing the elbows, we begin UNDER CONTROL, feeling the biceps at each point of the amplitude, and begin to bend the arm using the biceps. At the same time, our hands are still in an extended state (we are not trying to help ourselves with our hands). Continue curling your arm until you feel a peak biceps contraction (your arm can no longer bend) and the barbell is just below shoulder level. Stay in this position for 1 second. Bending your arm, gradually exhale the air from your lungs.
    3. We exhale completely at the top point of the amplitude (the point of maximum tension).
    4. Slowly, under control, lower the barbell back towards your hips, almost fully straightening your elbow joint, but KEEPING TENSION in your biceps. As you lower the barbell, gradually inhale air until your chest is completely filled.
    5. We do the required number of repetitions.

    Useful tips:

    • The back is FIXED! There should be no swaying of the body, no throwing of the barbell, movement should be carried out only with the help of the elbow joint.
    • We lift the barbell in a wide arc, rather than trying to quickly bend the joint.
    • At the top point of the amplitude we perform a PEAK CONTRACTION, i.e. We additionally strain the biceps to give it additional load.
    • We lift faster than we lower. 1-1.5 s to rise, 2-2.5 s to lower.
    • There is no need to throw the barbell; always lower it down under control and smoothly.
    • At the bottom of the movement, you should straighten your elbows until you lose tension in your biceps. Where the tension starts to go away, stop. Biceps are always tense!
    • Perform a fascia stretch after performing biceps curls (biceps stretch).
    • This is the best exercise to train your biceps, start your arm workout with it.
    • Additionally, use a weightlifting belt to avoid unnecessary tension in the lumbar spine.

    Look at the detailed diagram of how to perform the EZ-barbell biceps curl:

    As you can see, in the picture above I am performing the barbell curl in its classic form (with the elbows slightly pushed forward) and lifting the barbell in a large arc, and not in a shortened version.

    Now I'll show you what I mean.

    Here are two options for performing the EZ barbell curl:

    1. The first (classic version): more difficult in terms of lifting, because a large load is additionally created at point “B”. This option will allow you to take less weight, but the time the muscle is under load is longer, all other things being equal.
    2. Second option (reduced amplitude): I will give it to you not to make your life easier, but so that you can take more weight, but at the same time the movement (bending) must be carried out more slowly to compensate for the shorter time under load due to the smaller amplitude of movement.

    For example, if you are already stuck with one working weight and cannot progress the load even by 2.5 kg, then it will be useful to perform the exercise in the second version, which will give you further progression and help you take on a new weight.

    Although, I repeat, due to the EZ bar, you will initially be able to carry more weight due to the more comfortable position of the hands.

    Features and characteristics of the EZ variant

    A barbell with a curved bar was invented to make it comfortable to hold while performing certain exercises. A feature of a number of movements is that with a straight bar, the hands “break” and the planned trajectory of movement is disrupted. A person becomes painful or uncomfortable at a certain segment of the amplitude, and the load can go to secondary muscle groups, increasing the risk of injury.

    People often ask how much a curved bar weighs and how long it is. So, most often in gyms there are specimens 120-140 cm long, their weight varies from 6.5 to 8 kg, but this does not take into account locks. Since models in different gyms may vary, it is best to ask the instructor on duty, he will tell you exactly.

    On the issue of selecting weights. For the purpose of building muscle mass, the optimal weight is one with which you can do 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions each. The rest time between sets can vary from 1.5 to 5 minutes.

    Bar Row

    Strength loads in combination allow you to work out the necessary muscle groups to form a relief. Exercises with a barbell with a curved bar allow you to work out all the muscles. They use both large and small muscles.

    use of the fingerboard

    To achieve maximum results, you must adhere to the execution technique. Take the starting position, holding the bar in front of you, lower your pelvis in the same way as with a deep squat. Hold onto the base with a wide grip with your hands spread out to the sides (ideally, the grip should be wider than the shoulder line).

    Lean your body forward and lift the barbell. This must be done without jerking. Pull up to your shins, then exhale and gradually lower. After this, take the starting position and repeat the execution. This is a good version of the biceps exercise with a curved bar, which can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home.

    To prevent your hands from being overloaded and your muscles to hurt less later, you can wrap your wrists with an elastic bandage, thus reducing the load on your hands.


    Not so long ago, exclusively straight bars were used, since manufacturers did not attach decisive importance to the shape. The first thing they decided to change was the length of the barbell, since many athletes needed compact equipment for training in cramped conditions. Today, straight bars are available in a wide variety of lengths, designed for use in combination with separate stands.

    The EZ-shaped barbell is in quite high demand. This shape makes it easy to perform bending movements by placing your arms in a natural position. During training with such a projectile, the wrists are in the anatomically correct position.

    The W-shaped barbell is a modified version of the previous solution. This design is distinguished by an impressive bend, which opens up wide possibilities for holding the projectile with various grips. Numerous athletes note an increase in natural performance during training with bars of this shape.

    Dotting the i's

    Which bar is best for biceps? It's up to you. If we compare the risk of injury with the risk of not working out the biceps enough, in our opinion, the scales tip in favor of the EZ-shaped bar . The fact is that the difference in the degree of activation of the biceps can hardly be called dramatic, while the risk of injury to the wrists is quite tangible, especially since not everyone does strengthening exercises for the wrist muscle group.

    The result of a wrist injury can be a long break from training, a rollback of working weights and a fairly thin biceps. But if you still decide to take a risk, we advise you to include a number of wrist exercises in your training program and further strengthen them with the help of gloves or belts.

    biceps barbell

    Types of vultures: features and their weight

    Bars can be divided into three main groups: straight, curved and parallel grip. All of them are suitable for both home training and gym training.

    Straight bar without weights (suitable for bench press)

    Classic. Diameter no more than 3 cm, length 1.5–2 meters. The universal chrome-plated bar allows you to perform bench presses, standing curls and squats.

    With a lot of weight and prolonged load, the athlete’s arms may hurt; it is worth stopping the exercise to avoid spraining. Types of straight bar:

    • Olympic weightlifting
    • Olympic for women
    • powerlifting
    • universal

    Table: What is the length and diameter of all types of straight bar and how much do they weigh

    Video: Training with a straight standard bar

    The curved shape allows the bar to be held in a way that is comfortable for the athlete, regardless of weight. Provides an anatomically natural position of the hands. Must be used when performing French presses while sitting or standing

    . It is advisable to do a French bench press or standing curl. In other exercises it is as effective as a straight bar.

    As with the straight bar, there are two varieties:
    • EZ-shaped neck
    • W-shaped

    The first one is better to use if the emphasis in training is on working the biceps. It reduces the stress on your hands, from your wrists to your forearms. Typically the length of such a bar is 120 cm, weight is about 6–7 kg.

    Video: Training with EZ-bar for biceps

    The second bar is a variant of the first with a different slope. Allows additional load on the triceps and forearms. Suitable for bench press. The average length is 120 cm, weight is 6–8 kg.

    Video: W-Bar Training

    Designed for exercises to work the biceps, triceps, and back.


    It is attached to the simulator and is not a separate piece of equipment. Reduces the load on the back when rowing the barbell in a bent over position and lying down. Helps pump up the back and shoulder girdle.

    Video: Denis Borisov - about the T-bar row

    Redistributes the load to the sides. The athlete is in the center of the apparatus. A convenient training tool for beginners.

    Pros of a curved neck

    Traditionally, a curved barbell is used as part of exercises to work the triceps and biceps. Thanks to its anatomically more natural shape, it makes lifting easier and more isolated.

    At the same time, the design of the curved bar allows for load variability. Various grip widths allow you to accelerate the achievement of results by training muscles using the shock principle. It will also provide greater safety when performing exercises with a curved bar. In addition, this particular barbell is most optimal for athletes with injured wrists and forearms.

    Exercises at home

    Curved bars are a permanent attribute of any gym. But you can also use them at home, performing many of the exercises with a curved bar that are considered traditional today

    It is important to remember that jerking when working with a curved bar is fraught with injuries no less than with other sports equipment

    The complex might look like this:

    • Bent over row; • EZ-shaped rod lifting; • French press; • Overhead extension in a sitting position; • Close grip bench press.

    The procedure for bent over rows is as follows: Bent over, grab the bar with an overhand grip and pull it towards your waist, tensing mainly your back muscles. When performing, the knees should be bent, the pelvis should be abducted. You can also perform biceps curls with a curved bar.

    The starting position for lifting is standing, the barbell is taken with an underhand grip, at the level of the hips, while the elbows are pressed to the body. With your shoulders straightened and your chest raised, pull the projectile with the force of your biceps. At the top point you need to stop and tense your muscles, and then slowly return to the starting position. To prevent the barbell from being thrown behind your back, you can lean against the wall.

    The French press is aimed at working the triceps. It is performed in two forms: sitting and lying down. In the latter case, you will need a bench. Raising the barbell above your head, bend your elbows while keeping your upper arms motionless. Having lowered the projectile, return it to its original position without pausing. You can shift the load to the long heads of the triceps by bending your elbows 45°.

    For ez-shaped bar extensions, you will need back support. Taking the barbell with a narrow grip, lift it above your head and, bending your arms at the elbow joint, lower it to a level above your neck. Then straighten your arms completely. If your elbows diverge to the sides when performing, it makes sense to take a lighter weight.

    The last exercise is performed in a lying position. Take the projectile lying on your chest with a narrow grip so that your elbows are directed towards your legs. Raise the barbell with your arms fully extended. The bench press helps work the deltoid muscles.

    EZ-bar curl for biceps: anatomy of movements

    First, I strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the structure of the biceps and assistant muscles in my article on the anatomy of the arms.

    That article has everything you need to know before learning the standing EZ barbell curl.

    This is what the anatomy of a biceps looks like:

    The biceps (biceps brachii muscle) is exactly the muscle for which we have all gathered here, which we so want to pump up.

    It consists of two heads: long and short.

    1. Long head (long tendon, but small part of the biceps): Found on the outer part of the biceps.
    2. Short head (short tendon, but most of the biceps): Found on the inside of the arm.

    Both heads of the biceps are attached to one tendon, which is attached to the elbow joint.

    The tendon itself is not attached exactly to the bone, but slightly inward, to the side of the forearm, so the biceps not only bends the arm at the elbow joint, but also SUPINATES (rotates) it towards the thumb.

    The inner head (short) of the biceps grows from almost any flexion, but to grow the outer (long) head you need to make one simple movement: MOVE YOUR ELBOW BACK!

    I talked about this trick in many articles, for example, in an article about how to pump up your arms quickly or about the classic biceps curl. But still, I repeated it again, because... I think this is a very important point, which, unfortunately, very few people know about.

    If your elbows are located slightly behind, the long head of the biceps will immediately come into play.

    This happens because anatomically, the outer head of the biceps is attached to the shoulder joint at the top, so to engage it, you NEED TO PULL YOUR ELBOW BACK. This will make it work instantly.

    The saddest thing is that, as I said above, practically NO ONE does this! Everyone just hammers the inner head according to the classics, because... The elbows are brought forward, and the outer head therefore often lags behind.

    • Also, if you bring your hands narrowly on the barbell, then the OUTER HEAD OF THE BICEPS works more.
    • If you grab the barbell widely, the inner head works more.


    • If our elbows are brought forward during biceps curls: the INNER (short) head of the biceps works.
    • If our elbows are pulled back during biceps curls: the OUTER (long) head of the biceps is working.
    • The hands on the fingerboard are narrow = the outer head works.
    • Brushes on the fingerboard wide = inner head works.

    Remember this.

    As you understand, with the help of the same exercises, but in different variations, you can pump up the entire array of your biceps.

    It's freaking convenient.


    To perform the exercise you will need a curved bar and barbell discs. A curved bar differs from a straight bar in that it allows for greater load on the biceps, and this has a positive effect on their development. Additional equipment may require gloves. They strengthen your grip and also create good grip for your hands on the surface of the bar.

    The load on the biceps directly depends on the degree of curvature of the bar: the more the bar is curved, the higher the load. You don't need to throw your arms too high up. In other words, the bar should not rise to shoulder level, since towards the top point of the amplitude the load will begin to decrease, which will negatively affect the efficiency of the entire exercise. In this case, the hands at the top of the movement are always in front of the elbows. There is no need to move your elbows back when lifting the weight and forward when lowering. It is enough to move your elbows 5 cm while lifting the barbell, and then return them to their original position. There is no need to swing your whole body, since the bar rises not by inertia, but due to muscle strength. At the bottom, the arms are fully extended so that the biceps can fully stretch under the load.

    This movement greatly improves the amplitude and efficiency of the exercise. It is important to keep your shoulders and back straight. The chest is straightened and the shoulders are pulled back slightly so that the posture always remains level.

    Anyone who hasn't wondered about choosing a bar hasn't been to the gym. Straight, EZ-shaped, W-shaped - any self-respecting fitness center has a full arsenal of tools for torturing muscle fibers. All that remains is to find out which one will give you the maximum advantage when performing classic exercises. As always, there is no clear answer to this question. Which barbell to choose is a matter of physiology and personal preference.

    Making pancakes

    The procedure for making a barbell with your own hands begins with the casting of concrete discs. To work, you will need a wide round shape; unnecessary utensils will cope with this task. The weight is selected based on individual preferences; the total mass of the projectile will consist of several pancakes. The work is carried out in stages:

    1. The inner surface of a suitable shape is lined with plastic film soaked in water. This will help you easily remove the finished product, and the surface of the frozen disk will be smooth and even.
    2. In a bucket or other container, mix a solution consisting of 7 kg of cement, 8 kg of crushed stone, 10 kg of sand, 3.5 liters of water.
    3. The components are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    4. A metal tube is placed in the middle of the mold and securely fixed. After the mixture has hardened, it is removed. A hole remains in the disk.
    5. The solution is poured into the mold, the main condition is that it should not be too liquid, otherwise the hardening process will be delayed.
    6. When the concrete hardens, the pancakes are removed from the mold and weighed. To adjust the weight, excess material is cut off with a grinder.

    When the discs are completely ready, their surface is coated with paint. With its help you can protect products from moisture and make the appearance more attractive.

    Exercises with a curved bar at home

    To pump up your body using a curved bar, the following exercises are perfect for you:

    • lifting the barbell with a narrow grip - this exercise must be performed standing. Thanks to a narrow grip, you can better pump up your biceps muscles. The curved model of the barbell can significantly reduce the load on your back and wrists. Perform this exercise in 4 – 5 sets of 15 repetitions. You can increase the weight yourself as soon as you feel that the approaches are easy for you;
    • French bench press - to complete this task at home, you need to have a bench, or place several simple chairs nearby. The approach is performed while lying on a bench, the curved bar is taken with a pronated grip, and it must be held by the inner part. Starting position of your arms: extend straight so that the bar is perpendicular to the floor. Then smoothly and slowly, while inhaling, lower the barbell down, while bending your arms at the elbow joint until it touches the top of your head. Then return your hands back to the starting position. Weight can be gradually added for each set;

    Important! Experienced trainers can tell you which bar to choose for practicing at home. If you doubt the correctness of your choice, contact a specialist with this question before purchasing it yourself. swing the barbell forward - this task must be performed standing

    Bend your elbows slightly. In order to place more load on the deltoid muscle, you can grab the barbell with an underhand grip. The principle of the exercise is that you need to slowly raise it to shoulder level, or a little higher, fix it at the top point of the arm for a few seconds, and then return it to the starting position again. The weight for the barbell should be such that you can do at least 10 repetitions correctly. Try to increase your loads each time

    swing the barbell forward - this task must be performed while standing. Bend your elbows slightly. In order to place more load on the deltoid muscle, you can grab the barbell with an underhand grip. The principle of the exercise is that you need to slowly raise it to shoulder level, or a little higher, fix it at the top point of the arm for a few seconds, and then return it to the starting position again. The weight for the barbell should be such that you can do at least 10 repetitions correctly. Try to increase your loads each time.

    With this simple sports equipment, you can easily achieve stunning results from home workouts after just a short period of time. The best barbell exercises at home will give you the definition you want.

    The main principles of your home workouts should be: avoiding laziness, perseverance, setting goals, believing in your own strength, including cardio exercise in your program and proper nutrition. Only in this case, even without visiting a sports club and following the instructions at home, will you be able to bring your body back to normal and achieve the desired shape.

    Lack of free time in the rhythm of your life should not be an excuse for exercising.

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    Which bar is better, curved or straight?

    There is no fundamental difference between these two equipment regarding the amount of weight that an athlete can lift. The difference between the vultures lies in the structure. The curved design allows for a more secure grip with reduced wrist strain. A shorter bar allows for greater balance when lifting heavy weights, as it is much easier to “feel” for the center of gravity. The latter helps to load the arms evenly and do the exercise technically correctly.

    A curved bar is of greatest value to athletes with hand injuries. This apparatus is great for athletes who want to lift heavy weights, as it is much safer and less traumatic. Manufacturers of sports equipment produce strongly and weakly curved bars. You need to choose according to your own feelings, that is, the projectile that is more convenient to work with.

    So different

    For weightlifters, Olympic professional barbells are heavier than those used by powerlifters. This is understandable - in order to develop the strength of the muscular frame, the loads must be appropriate. Therefore, in weightlifting, 20-kilogram bars are 2200 mm long, 28 mm in diameter, and the locks weigh 5 kg.

    The manufacturer offers chrome locks:

    • screw;
    • in the form of a nut;
    • spring.

    A barbell of this lifting capacity is best used together with a bench press

    They also receive a lot of attention from bodybuilders. Since exercises with a barbell are included in the mandatory program. Weightlifters exercise with barbells with a shortened bar, pumping up their arm muscles

    For squats, choose a long bar, for bench press and deadlift too. Each athlete builds his own program for the muscles of the back and chest, shoulders, biceps, legs

    Weightlifters train with barbells with a short bar to pump up their arm muscles. For squats, choose a long bar, for bench press and deadlift too. Each athlete builds his own program for the muscles of the back and chest, shoulders, biceps, and legs.

    In powerlifting they also train with such barbells. They are made of durable metal, such as tungsten steel, as they must withstand a lot of weight. By the way, there are also barbells for non-standard weights. All of them necessarily comply with the requirements of the International Powerlifting Federation.

    In athletics, they train with the so-called Kraevsky barbell, the father of Russian athletics. It is distinguished by more than one center mark. There are two more at the edges. In addition, the gradation of disc weights is from 1 to 4.5 kg.

    Deadlift develops and strengthens the muscles of the back, buttocks, and tendons. It can be difficult for beginner athletes to train with a straight bar. There is not enough experience for competent technology. In such cases, a trap bar - a hex or octagon - comes to the rescue.

    It provides a position that is safe for the back and lower back, and indeed the entire spine, from which the barbell is lifted from the floor. It is similar to a squat, when you need to keep your back straight and lower your pelvis as low as possible. The emphasis is on the hips and knees. The weight pressure is distributed rationally.

    All muscles on the “far side of the moon” are involved, that is, those on the back of our body. By straining, the muscles strengthen, become strong, and the muscle frame grows. Such exercises are good prevention for the back. That's the whole secret. And there you can move on to traditional exercises with a straight bar without fear of breaking your back.

    As you can see, the range of opportunities to develop your body in any individual situation is so wide that sometimes not all gyms have all types of equipment. Be interested, look for your own paths, as Vysotsky advises, “choose your own path.”

    And remember, no matter what your problem worries you, in bodybuilding you will always find ways to use it, overcome it, and move on.

    Invite friends from social networks to discuss and exchange opinions. Health to everyone!

    Barbell. Exercises at home

    If you do not have the opportunity to visit gyms and fitness clubs, then exercising at home is just for you.

    Rod selection

    First, you should decide on your goals, capabilities and dimensions of the future barbell that you need to purchase for training. Since a barbell with a straight bar is universal and will support all muscle groups, we will focus on it

    It is worth paying attention to the sizes. If your apartment is not large, then the barbell should not be very long, but not the shortest, otherwise the exercises will be inconvenient to perform. Exercise technique

    Exercise technique

    Study the technique thoroughly before starting classes. There are a lot of video tutorials and training videos for this on the Internet. It is advisable to choose not the first one that catches your eye, but one with a famous fitness instructor or bodybuilder in the leading role, who certainly will not give bad advice.

    Proper nutrition

    And remember that to obtain maximum results, a balanced diet is required, which accounts for 80% of the success of any athlete.


    Rest is also important when playing sports. There is no need to overwork yourself with daily killer supersets; 3-4 times a week will be quite enough. Complete rest for muscles is 1-2 days. If you exercise too often, the body can overtrain, which will have a bad effect on your health. The desire to exercise will disappear, nausea and dizziness will appear, the muscles will become sluggish and disobedient.

    Anti-inflammatory ointments

    Stock up on anti-inflammatory ointments and complexes for joints, which can be purchased both at pharmacies and in sports nutrition stores.

    Natural remedies for joints

    A glucosamine complex with chondroitin will help your joints not become exhausted during training. These are absolutely natural ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your health with chemicals.

    Correct belt

    With proper technique, injuries can be avoided. It is also worth purchasing a special belt that will secure your lower back when performing barbell exercises such as squats and deadlifts.

    Barbell exercises

    Let's summarize what is important to do when doing barbell exercises:

    • The first and most important thing is a proper diet with a complete content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If any ingredient is not enough, then you should not expect progress.
    • The second is proper rest. Give yourself at least a day of rest between workouts, sleep at least 8 hours.
    • Regular training. Don't miss classes, consistency is the key to success.
    • Correct technique for performing exercises. Don't forget about it if you don't want to get injured.
    • Helpers in maintaining the health of an athlete are vitamin complexes and chondroprotectors for replenishing joint cartilage tissue.

    Advice: approach your classes wisely, and then the desired results will not keep you waiting. If you are interested in how to choose the right dumbbells, read: How to choose dumbbells for men

    Discs for fingerboards

    As we already understood, the neck is the basis for hanging discs. And discs are an additional adjustable weight for training. By the way, a barbell disc is also a free weight, and you can perform a large number of exercises with it even without the barbell itself. But that’s not about that now. The discs come in as wide a variety as the necks and locks for them. Disks are round and multi-faceted. Metal and aluminum. Chromed and rubberized. Colored and plain. Thin and thick. Large diameter and small. With or without carrying handles. In a word, there is complete diversity in taste and color here.

    Choosing the diameter of the barbell and dumbbells for home 26,28,30

    Whether this is good or bad, we will talk in conclusion, but for now you should know that no matter what the disk is - round, rubberized, green and thin. Or square, metal, red and thick, its main characteristics are weight and hole diameter. Both of these indicators are standardized. That is, no matter how manufacturers play with shape, material, color, thickness and diameter, the discs in any case must fit, firstly, either under the “amateur” bar of 25 or 28 mm (with a disc hole of 27 and 30 mm, respectively), or for an Olympic bar 50 mm (with a disc hole of 52 mm), as discussed above. Secondly, for both bar formats they are available in weights: 0.5/ 1.25/ 2.5/ 5/ 10/ 15/ 20 and 25 kg.

    It is also worth paying attention to such an interesting point as color. To make it easier for judges and spectators to distinguish discs at weightlifting, powerlifting and other competitions, discs of a certain weight are painted in certain colors: 25 kg - red, 20 kg - blue, 15 kg - yellow, 10 kg - green

    In competitive and Olympic sports, these colors are standardized, that is, mandatory. In fitness, they are purely symbolic, or even imitative, since fitness is a young industry that identifies itself more as a way of life than as a sport. Therefore, this correspondence between weight and color is not a mandatory requirement for the manufacturer.


    The locks deserve special attention when choosing a neck. Currently, several types of fasteners are common for fixation: a nut, a smooth sleeve and a spring.

    With nuts everything is very clear. All you have to do is put on the pancake and tighten the lock. The only inconvenience is the need to twist and screw the mount if you need to change the weight.

    Spring locks are much easier to handle. If it is necessary to fix the plates, they are simply slightly squeezed, the weight is applied, and then released. However, such a fastening is not capable of withstanding a significant load for a long time when moving the rod to a vertical position.

    If we talk about locks in the form of a smooth sleeve, the latter are instantly put on the bar, are easily fixed and help secure the plates firmly. Stoppers in the form of bolts or spring latches can be used here as additional reinforcing elements. Such solutions are often resorted to when it is necessary to ensure safety during the organization of serious competitions.

    We live in times of a frantic pace of life, most of us cannot afford to workout in the gym, and often it’s not even a matter of money, but the availability of free time, or rather, the lack thereof. But there is a way out! You just need to organize the training process at home, for this you need to buy a barbell

    with pancakes. This article is about how to choose and buy the right barbell assembly - bar and discs (plates) for your home. The barbell is the main equipment for weight training. With the help of a barbell, absolutely all muscle groups are trained, from the upper deltoids to the calf muscles. This projectile is difficult to overestimate. The barbell is indispensable for gaining muscle mass and increasing the strength and endurance of the body. The barbell is all possible presses: lying, standing, sitting, deadlift, squat. It is impossible to gain muscle mass, build muscle, or develop endurance to the fullest without using a barbell. Therefore, the choice of barbell should be approached with great responsibility.

    Neck size

    This is one of the points that qualitatively improves the effectiveness of the exercise. The rods differ in the mounting diameter for the discs. Olympic bars with a diameter of up to 50 mm are considered standard. You can see them in most gyms.

    The diameter makes it possible to load the bar as much as possible, but at the same time not complicate the execution with large parameters. A rod with this diameter can support a weight of more than 200 kg.

    If the hole diameter is 25 mm, then the maximum weight is half less. When purchasing a bar and plates, you need to check them for “compatibility”. In addition, athletes are advised to pay attention to other important factors before purchasing a bar. The landing diameter and shape of the implement are important. The presence of locks is considered a prerequisite, although there are necks that do not have this. The last factor is pancakes.

    Performing shoulder exercises with an EZ bar helps to avoid the addictive effect in terms of muscle training and create new conditions for training. Although the load will be isolated, this does not prevent you from effectively working the deltoids and latissimus pectoralis muscles.

    Which bar should you choose – curved or straight?

    In general, there is no difference in the amount of weight lifted between these bars. The main difference is comfort and reduced strain on the wrists. Moreover, a curved bar is shorter and easier to balance with larger weights, and it is also easier to find the center of the bar on a curved bar. Finding the center correctly allows you to perform the exercise correctly technically and load your arms equally.

    A curved bar will be more important for those athletes who have suffered hand injuries in the past. Also, this type of barbell is safer to use when working with arms with maximum weights. Today, a distinction is made between weakly curved and highly curved necks. Both options are used for training the hands; choosing is an individual matter and must be assessed based on convenience.

    No one can say unequivocally which bar is better for muscle growth. But the principles of bodybuilding tell us that to effectively build muscle mass, you need to work out all possible areas of the muscle group. Therefore, we advise you not only to use different bars in your workouts, but also to change the type of grip, the width of your hands, perform the exercise in different positions, and use different equipment and exercise equipment. It is this approach that will allow you not to forget any muscle bundle and work out everything.

    Landing diameter

    You can buy a barbell

    with a mounting hole of 25 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm for pancakes with a hole of 26 mm, 31 mm and 51 mm, respectively. Entry-level amateur bench press bars are usually purchased with a diameter of 25 mm. These are inexpensive bars with a maximum load capacity of 100-120 kg. Rods with a sleeve diameter of 30 mm are capable of more; their maximum load capacity is in the range of 120-140 kg. The most powerful and load-bearing bars are those with a socket diameter of 50 mm, this is the Olympic standard. Their load capacity lies in a wide range from 200 kg to 600 and even more, depending on the grade of steel, metal additives and purpose. Such bars are somewhat more expensive than amateur ones. More experienced comrades and trainers recommend equipping the barbell with 50 mm, since beginners progress quite quickly and a bar with a load capacity of, for example, 100 kg will soon have to be changed, and along with it the entire set of discs. It is much more reasonable to purchase a bar with a 50 mm “for growth” fit, with a margin of load capacity. This will save you from further hassle.

    What to make a fingerboard from

    First of all, you need to decide what the bar itself will be made of.
    It definitely needs to be a very durable material. Either some kind of iron object or a wooden one will serve as the bar. In addition, the diameter of the bar should not be less than 4 cm, otherwise the grip will be painful. It is much easier to decide on a wooden object, and it will not add as much additional weight to the projectile as an iron one. The most ideal option would be an old mop from your pantry or a rake from the shed. If their stalk seems too long for you, don’t worry - this space will be useful to you in the future. You will string improvised “pancakes” onto it. All that remains is to separate the cuttings using any suitable method.

    Finding an iron counterpart for a homemade barbell is not easy, but for some reason you may want just such a bar. For example, if you plan to work with a weight of more than 50 kg. Then go to the construction market and buy an all-metal rod there. Its length should be approximately 2 m, and its cross-sectional diameter should be about 35 mm. You can also take a pipe with a diameter of about 4 cm, but it is not suitable for heavy weight.

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