Winstrol tablets: instructions on how to take during the course

Testosterone is one of the significant hormones in the human body, which affects our general condition and acts as a regulator of various processes, both in the hormonal system and is involved in metabolism. A deficiency of this hormone leads to various negative consequences from the immune and endocrine systems, which negatively affects overall well-being, which is accompanied by a drop in mood, irritability, weakness, destruction of muscle tissue, and even leads to various disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, this hormone is used in medical practice, and has also gained popularity in sports since the mid-20th century.

Athletes are familiar with sports pharmacology firsthand. When used correctly, steroids will accelerate muscle growth, increase strength, endurance, and with their help you can achieve greater reduction of fat deposits. But you should not take these drugs without the appropriate knowledge. Today we will talk about testosterone propionate, describe its advantages and disadvantages.

What is Testosterone Propionate?

Testosterone propionate or, as it is called in sports slang, propic is the most popular drug among bodybuilders, it is known to almost everyone who has at least once thought about using anabolic steroids to improve physical fitness or to improve their performance in sports.

The drug is testosterone (the active substance), combined at the molecular level with propionate ester, whose half-life lasts from two to three days, and the testosterone concentration is 83.72 mg. per 100 mg. product. Propionate is eliminated from the body faster in comparison with other esters (cypionate, enanthate, decanoate, etc.), which allows you to start post-cycle therapy earlier, but doping tests can show a positive result for up to 3 months.

A similar drug is testosterone phenylpropionate, which has a prolonged effect exactly one day longer, and the concentration of the active substance is 68.57 mg per 100 mg. drug.

Drying course and quality Oxandrolone Testosterone propionate

We present to your attention an excellent course of modern steroids, proven by the experience of many athletes. It will allow everyone to achieve a large number of results - to become the owner of a presentable dense relief, get rid of excess fat, increase the coefficient of physical strength and endurance. The drugs work effectively in combination, increasing each other’s positive effects on the body. The course of oxandrolone + testosterone propionate can be taken in the off-season or before the onset of the next beach season, when there is a need to be in excellent physical shape.

Pharmacological properties of testosterone propionate

Testosterone propionate has an androgenic and anabolic effect, and also affects sexual desire and activates libido and potency, but at the same time it exhibits an estrogenic effect on the human body. Testosterone is highly bound to plasma proteins - 98%. Metabolized in the liver.

  • Anabolic activity – 100%.
  • Androgenic activity – 100%.
  • Progestin activity – no.
  • The ability to aromatize is high.
  • Dehydrotestosterone derivative (DHT) - no.
  • Water retention is high.
  • The effect on the liver is low.
  • Blood pressure is high.
  • Acne – below average.
  • Release form: injections and tablets.
  • Duration of action – up to 5-6 days.
  • The detection time for doping control is up to 3 months.

After intramuscular administration, the drug is slowly absorbed and gradually enters the bloodstream, being restored to 5-α-dihydrotestosterone, which interacts with cell receptors, where it penetrates into their nuclei. It is excreted primarily through the kidneys. About 6% of the substance is excreted unchanged through the intestines.

Drying course and quality Oxandrolone Testosterone propionate

We present to your attention an excellent course of modern steroids, proven by the experience of many athletes. It will allow everyone to achieve a large number of results - to become the owner of a presentable dense relief, get rid of excess fat, increase the coefficient of physical strength and endurance. The drugs work effectively in combination, increasing each other’s positive effects on the body. The course of oxandrolone + testosterone propionate can be taken in the off-season or before the onset of the next beach season, when there is a need to be in excellent physical shape.

The use of testosterone in medicine and sports

Since the steroid stimulates the functions of the external genitalia and is involved in the formation of male sexual behavior, it is used among men in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for primary and secondary hypogonadism, eunuchoidism, impotence of endocrine origin, post-castration syndrome, male menopause, infertility due to impaired spermatogenesis and oligospermia . But for HRT, preference should be given to longer esters, such as testosterone cypionate, testosterone undecanoate and decanoate.

Among other things, testosterone is used among men and women for osteoporosis, which is caused by androgen deficiency.

Along with men, testosterone is also used among women, where the hormone is an antagonist of the female sex hormones estrogen. It has an antitumor effect on neoplasms in the mammary glands, and is also used for menopausal disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding due to hyperestrogenism, mastopathy accompanied by premenstrual painful tension in the mammary glands, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.

In sports, testosterone is used as an anabolic drug, which allows for better development of muscle mass, and also allows one to achieve greater results in various sports, where combining it with other anabolic steroids gives more impressive results. In addition, an artificial analogue of testosterone masks the loss of natural hormone during a course of steroids, since all anabolic steroids lead to a decrease in the concentration of natural testosterone in the blood, which is unacceptable.

Courses of steroids to obtain relief [edit | edit code ]

The concept of a “cutting course” is very arbitrary, since the fundamental differences lie not so much in the construction of the course itself, but in the diet and training. Almost all “mass gathering” courses are relevant for drying, subject to several amendments. This article will look at the safest possible approaches as complexity and effectiveness increase. Vast experience has been accumulated in the application of these schemes in many Western and domestic forums:

As you know, anabolic steroids differ from each other not only in their anabolic and androgenic properties, but also in their ability to trigger the breakdown of fat. Winstrol and Anavar are considered classic drugs for relief (increasing venous delineation, increasing muscle density and elasticity). They have virtually no effect on muscle mass, but are able to quickly burn fat while completely preserving muscle mass. The use of these steroids presupposes the presence of sufficient muscle mass.

A safe option is a drug with a complex mechanism of action - Proviron. In fact, this is the safest choice, but the effectiveness is comparatively low.

In addition, testosterone, Primobolan, equipoise (boldenone), trenbolone and masteron are often used, which further increase muscle size. A new trend is growth hormone and peptides.

Aromatase inhibitors also promote definition by suppressing estrogen levels.

Who is this course suitable for?

For men over 25 years of age to get sculpted muscles. If the fat fold on the abdomen (2 cm to the left of the navel) or thigh (front surface, middle) is more than 3.5 cm, then first you need to lose weight


Additional recommendations[edit | edit code ]

If you want to get maximum results, this course should also include:

Positive and side effects of propionate

First of all, one of the main advantages is an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood, which was the impetus for its use in medical practice, and then in sports.

Plus, the use of endogenous testosterone eliminates pain in the joints and intervertebral discs, but this effect lasts only for the duration of the use of the steroid. Combining testosterone with growth hormone and other steroids over a long period of use allows you to achieve greater results and improve the overall condition of the musculoskeletal system. With such therapy, it is necessary to comply with all the features of health control and special attention should be paid to the restoration of the body after the course, since an illiterate solution can return the problem to its original place or aggravate the situation.

Among the benefits that can be immediately obtained when using testosterone propionate is the anabolic and stimulating effect that contributes to the development of muscle mass and strength in sports. This anabolic effect is due to the synthesis and retention of protein, as a result of which the nitrogen balance of muscle tissue increases, as well as many other substances and elements necessary to activate metabolic processes in our body.

In addition, increased protein synthesis and retention contributes to a simultaneous increase in nitrogen balance in the body, which has a particularly positive effect on increasing muscle volume. Since muscle tissue consists of 16% nitrogen, an increase in this indicator directly affects muscle volume. When using anabolic steroids, the nitrogen balance in the body increases due to the retention of proteins, which are directly composed of nitrogen. Therefore, steroids act as a good catalyst for the process of nitrogen retention in the muscles, and as a result, the body accumulates a lot of nitrogen and spends little. Under the influence of such factors, muscle mass is restored faster after increased loads, which leads to the appearance of new muscle fibers. At the same time, the nutrition of bone and joint tissue increases, as well as the synthesis of collagen and the accumulation of calcium in the bones.

In addition to the positive properties, there are also side effects of using testosterone propionate, which you will learn about below:

  • like any anabolic steroid, testosterone significantly reduces the concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, and therefore suppresses the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular arc, which leads to a decrease in the production of native testosterone;
  • rapid weight gain is associated with significant accumulation of water due to sodium retention and estrogenic effects;
  • pain and bruises at injection sites;
  • possibility of aggressive behavior;
  • insomnia;
  • increased hair growth;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • risk of developing gynecomastia in men;
  • in women: menstruation disorders, suppression of ovarian function, mammary gland atrophy, clitoral hypertrophy;

To reduce the possibility of developing side effects, you need to follow the dosage and constantly monitor the condition of your body. Excess water retention can be avoided by controlling hormones and nutrition. If there is inflammation at the injection sites, you need to pay special attention to the rules for performing injections, which you can read about in the health section.

Fanaticism in the use of steroids can lead to many health problems.

Can be used as a 2nd course of steroids.

This course is designed for men with minimal experience in using anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). The course is designed for athletes seeking to gain 6-8 kg of muscle mass and improve their strength. The course is well suited for those who have already tried Methandrostenolone solo and want to grow further. The course is suitable for your first acquaintance with Testosterone. During the cycle, blood pressure may increase/increase, which is a common side effect of this combination of steroids. Captopril will help cope with the disease.

  • Testosterone will provide an even androgenic background. The course uses short ether, which necessitates frequent injections. Enanthate is not advisable to use, and Sustanon will not give an even background. The drug in this course is used in an amount of 350 mg per week. A short ester of Testosterone will eliminate the hormonal gap between the end of the course and the start of PCT.
  • Methandrostenolone is one of the most famous steroids in the world. Used in courses to quickly gain muscle mass.
  • Anastrozole - in this course, the weekly dosage of Testosterone is 350 mg, which may lead to an increase in Estradiol above the reference values, in which case the use of the drug will be necessary. An accurate and correct method for determining the dosage of Anastrozole is to take a blood test for Estradiol 8 - 12 days after the first injection of Testosterone, which will allow you to accurately adjust the dosage of Anastrozole! Dosage is ½ tablet, which is 0.5 mg - an average value obtained empirically! It is necessary to strive to maintain the hormone value in the middle of the reference values. Using Anastrozole will prevent side effects: gynecomastia, increased blood pressure. The use of Anastrozole will increase the relief and effectiveness of the course.

Testosterone propionate solo course

Testosterone propionate in solo format can be the first course for beginners who do not want to immediately combine several drugs at the same time.

A solo testosterone course can last as long as you like, but if you take into account the first experience and lack of knowledge, then it is optimal to spend the first experience for 6-8 weeks, and then decide whether to continue with additional anabolic steroids or go to PCT. For beginners, a dosage of 50-100 mg is suitable. in one day. After completing the course, it is necessary to perform PCT based on tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate. Therapy allows you to restore natural hormonal levels. See pkt schemes on the website:

Steroids for DRYING and RELIEF

Stanozolol is the most popular steroid for drying the body among beginners. Its popularity is largely due to its fairly low price and the absence of side effects, both during the course and after it.

The peculiarity of stanozolol is that it effectively removes excess water from the body, making the muscles more prominent and clearly defined. Increases anabolic processes in the body, minimizing muscle loss on a low-carbohydrate diet.

Beginners use stanozolol solo, and more experienced athletes combine stanozolol with other drugs, thus achieving synergism in the work of two or more drugs.

The dosages of stanozolol for drying are varied: the starting dosage of stanozolol starts from 40 mg per day and reaches 100 mg. The duration of courses can vary from 6 to 12 weeks.

The best courses of steroids for cutting with stanozolol:

  • Stanozolol + Testosterone propionate
  • Stanozolol + Trenbolone Acetate + Testosterone Propionate
  • Stanozolol + Boldenone
  • Stanozolol + Masteron

By clicking on the link you can familiarize yourself with and also buy ready-made courses based on stanozolol.

Important. : Be careful when working with heavy weights during training using stanozolol alone, as stanozolol “dries out” the joint capsules, removing fluid from them. There is a danger of injury.

Winstrol is the name that has been assigned to stanozolol injections. Injectable Winstrol is mainly used by professional athletes in preparation for performances.

Winstrol injections have some advantages over the oral version of this steroid - a prolonged effect in the body and a greater anabolic effect, however, stanozolol injections can be painful. There may also be a risk of developing abscesses, especially if you have a weakened immune system. Therefore, for non-professionals, the use of stun in injections is not justified in any way.

Testosterone propionate is a “must have” steroid, without which no competent drying can do.

It is the propionate dough, in my opinion, that should form the basis of any course aimed at burning fat.

The powerful anabolic and androgenic effect of the propionate test will help you not only maintain previously gained muscles, but also gain several kilograms of dry mass during the course.

Propionate is versatile and combines very well with other steroids.

As already written above, the most common combination of steroids for cutting is testosterone propionate + stanozolol.

Propik quickly starts working in the body, but also quickly turns off. Therefore, this short testosterone ester should be given every other day. Dosages start at 50 mg. every other day, up to 100 or more for experienced athletes.

The duration of the courses may also vary. The shortest is a 6-week course, but you can use propionate test for as long as you like (within reasonable limits), provided that you administer gonadotropin every 6-8 weeks of the course + three weeks before the end of the course and the start of PCT. Gonadotropin must be included in any course if the duration of the course is planned to be more than 8 weeks.

The best cutting courses based on testosterone propionate:

You can use the announced options for combining drugs as the basis for a course for gaining lean mass. The only difference will be in your diet.

We described in the article how to gain the highest quality mass, as well as the correct diet for gaining muscle mass.

Testosterone propionate aromatizes, but to a lesser extent than its “long-lasting” relatives - enanthate with cypionate.

Therefore, to avoid the risk of side effects associated with aromatization and to achieve maximum relief without water retention, it is recommended to take anastrozole from the second week of the course.

All options for drying courses based on propionate with detailed dosage and PCT regimens can be found in the Ready-made courses section on our website.

Trenbolone acetate is the most popular form of trenbolone in bodybuilding. A powerful steroid that is 4 times stronger than testosterone.

It grows muscles while simultaneously burning fat deposits both on its own and due to its ability to increase the body’s production of growth hormone by 2 or more times.

Very effective on drying. You can use it solo, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Important. If you plan to build a cycle based on trenbolone acetate, be sure to use testosterone in parallel in a ratio of 1 to 2 (1 part trenbolone, 2 parts dough).

Effective dosages of trenbolone acetate start at 50 mg. every day, or 100 mg, which are given every other day.

Trenbolone acetate can increase the level of prolactin in the body, resulting in side effects similar to steroids with the ability to aromatize - gynecomastia, fluid retention in the tissues.

It is also possible for libido to drop during and after a course of trenbolone. To prevent this from happening, buy cabaser and take it according to the regimen that is in the description of the drug.

Additionally, using a prolactin inhibitor will help you gain leaner, more defined muscles.

Important: If you decide to build your cycle with the participation of trenbolone, then be sure to use Clomid on PCT. Tamoxifen should not be used.

Masteron ( Drostanolone propionate ) is an effective and safe replacement for injection stanozolol in any courses aimed at cutting or gaining lean muscle mass.

Combining propionate with other anabolics

Propic is rarely taken on its own, as it is much better used in combinations. Let's talk today about the most popular ones.

A course of turinabol and testosterone propionate

The combination of testosterone with turinabol is an excellent option for those who want to take their first course of steroids without losing testosterone during this period and still get more effect than from a solo course. And for those who have already completed a solo course with turinabol or other anabolic steroids and realized from their own experience that it’s time to combine these drugs and not turn their noses up, since the general condition without testosterone is somehow not particularly pleasing and they should repeat this experience already I don't really want to.

Simply put, if you do not have knowledge and experience, but you still decide to do a course of steroids and do it yourself, then the most suitable and successful option for each of you is to take a course of turinabol with testosterone propionate, since such a course is easier to administer and with This can lead to fewer problems. In addition, this combination can be used both for the purpose of gaining and for cutting with properly selected nutrition and training.

If we take into account the first experience, then in this case it is worth stopping at 6 weeks of the course as acquaintance and training. Propik can be taken three times a week, 100 mg, but better every other day, and Turinabol should be taken 30-40 mg. every day in 3-4 doses of 10 mg. It is better to take the tablets on an empty stomach if there are no digestive problems, otherwise take them with or after meals. After such a course, it is necessary to undergo therapy (PCT), tamoxifen is suitable for this, but it is better to stick with Clomid.

Masteron and testosterone propionate course

A combination with Masteron is used more often during a cutting cycle, but even with experience, this drug shows itself well for gaining lean muscle mass, but in this case higher dosages are used and the length of the course also increases. Despite the fact that the substances belong to the same group, they have different steroid profiles, so they complement each other perfectly.

Injections can be done in one syringe, since oil preparations can be mixed. Injections should be performed every other day, and the starting dosage of the substances is 100 mg of each. If the combination is used for cutting, the result will depend on how you eat and exercise. In general, you can focus on a couple of months with the goal of losing 10-20% of your weight without losing muscle mass. PCT after such a course can be done on tamoxifen or Clomid, and during the course I recommend using gonadotropin according to my scheme. PCT and gonadotropin regimens are available on the website in the “Health” section.

Course of propionate and stanozolol

The combination is used more for relief, since stanozol practically does not retain water, but at the same time accumulates protein well in tissues, which serves as a good catalyst for nitrogen in the muscles, which gives the effect of venousness and muscle fullness.

If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then Stanozol can be replaced with injectable Winstrol, but this drug is much more expensive. In terms of effectiveness, Winstrol and Stanozolol are the same, they differ only in that Winstrol injections have greater bioavailability and bypass the digestive system, but the frequency of use of the drugs remains the same. The course should be extended over 6-8 weeks. Testosterone is administered in a dosage of 100 mg. every other day, and stanozolol should be taken every day, 30-40 mg. fractionally The dosage of the oral version is divided into 3-4 equal doses, and it is advisable to perform Winstrol injections twice a day, 20 mg. Tamoxifen or Clomid are suitable for PCT.

The choice of bundle depends on your goals. The main thing is to remember that side effects can occur in both men and women, so never prescribe medications yourself; before taking and during a course of steroids, consult a specialist, take the necessary tests so as not to harm your body.

How to take the course correctly

Such a course is more suitable for the average athlete with experience in taking anabolic steroids, but for beginners it will be somewhat difficult for the first time. It is worth initially noting that the result of the course will also depend on training and the most important thing is nutrition. In this way, you can regulate both muscle mass gain and effective body drying.

The duration of the proposed course of anabolic steroids is 10 weeks. It is recommended to take such drugs in small dosages for at least 8 weeks and up to 3 months to get a good effect. So we chose the middle at 10 weeks. This course duration, as well as the selected dosages, are average and completely safe, which will bring maximum results without side effects.

There is nothing complicated about taking Winstrol with Propionate on a cycle; everything happens in the same way and with a constant schedule. Do not forget that these drugs are administered strictly intramuscularly and preferably into the gluteal muscle. It is recommended to choose a specific buttock for Winstrol and for Propionate in the same way, without changing each time.

Winstrol is a water-based drug; we need 2 bottles of 10 ml each for the course. every. It is administered throughout 10 weeks at a dosage of 1 ml. a day 2 times a week and so on until the end of the entire course. Any days for injections are suitable, the main thing is that there is a break of 2-3 days between them, for example Tuesday and Friday , on which 1 ml should be given. drug. These are the minimum dosages for this anabolic steroid. Sometimes the injections themselves can cause discomfort, so it is worth warming the contents of the bottle a little before taking it.

Testosterone Propionate - presented in the form of oil-based injections, often does not cause pain when injected into the muscle. Just like Winstrol, Propionate will require 2 bottles with a total volume of 20 ml per course. The drug will be administered 2 times a week, 1 ml. drug at a time, i.e. the total amount of Propic per week is 2 ml. In this case, we choose other days for injections, for example, Monday and Thursday , and continue this throughout the entire period of admission. For injections, it is better to use 2 or 5 cc syringes with a standard needle, as they are most suitable for this.

It is also worth mentioning the importance of a healthy diet that is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates. You don’t need to think that by absorbing tons of high-calorie food you will see a clear effect from the course. Only a combination of the right course of steroids, good nutrition and intense training can lead to the desired result and create a truly high-quality form.

Training program

During the course you should train every other day. The program should include basic exercises for the main muscle groups.

For anabolic processes to occur during the course, a constant, systematic increase in working weights is necessary throughout the course.

Let's assume that now you bench press 100 kg for 5 reps, by the end of the course you plan to bench press 120 kg for 5 reps. We reduce the weight to 80 kg and increase the weight by 5 kg every week. By the end of the course we get 120x5, at the end of the course (PCT period) we reduce the weight by 30-40% and train for 30-40 minutes, doing short bursts. When the body has recovered (you can find out from the test results by taking a blood test for Total testosterone, 2 - 3 weeks after the end of PCT), we increase the weight again.


Solo courses for drying [edit | edit code ]

A weekOxandroloneTamoxifen
150 mg/day
250 mg/day
350 mg/day
450 mg/day
550 mg/day
650 mg/day
750 mg/day
  • Anavar (Anavar)
    Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrophyll, Lipidex, Lonavar, Vasorome. Take Anavar 3 times a day: 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg at lunch and 10 mg in the evening (before 18:00). Do not use steroid drugs for 3 months after the course. For an additional fat-burning effect, Yu. Bombela recommends including Clenbuterol or other fat burners in the course.
  • Tamoxifen
    - despite the fact that anavar slightly suppresses its own hormonal levels, post-cycle recovery is advisable. Taking tamoxifen begins 2 days after the end of the course.
A weekWinstrol (table)Tamoxifen
130 mg/day
230 mg/day
330 mg/day
430 mg/day
530 mg/day
630 mg/day
730 mg/day
  • Winstrol (stanozolol)
    . It is more accessible and significantly less expensive than the previous drug. The course is structured in a similar way. To reduce toxicity to the liver, you can use the injection form (50 mg / day), since when taken orally, the entire drug passes through it, while the suspension only partially (from the systemic circulation). Although, on the other hand, the indicated oral dosage is not dangerous to health, while injections are very painful and abscesses develop relatively often.
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