How to take amino acids in tablets, restrictions on taking, side effects

Although we know the benefits of non-essential and essential amino acids for maintaining the health of our body, it is important to know how and how much to take them per day. Yes, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are especially necessary for humans. But you can't just consume them and expect to become the Hulk in a week. BCAA (bcaa) is a magical supplement loved by all athletes on the planet, but it works together with proper nutrition and regular training.

Everyone has different goals and objectives. Men and girls also have different needs for using VCAA. In this article, we’ll figure out when the best ones are and how to properly take BCAA in powder, capsules, or liquid form to achieve different goals - weight gain and weight loss.

BCAA on training days


It's definitely known that bcaa's are essential for more efficient cardio, not just because they help muscles grow and relieve stress. BCAAs help the body become more resistant to heat, making cardio workouts easier in hot weather. This is a good bonus, but not the main one. The main benefit of taking branched chain amino acids during cardio is that they help maintain muscle mass and prevent it from being lost during training.

The first 20 minutes of cardio will burn glycogen, then it's time for fatty acids. But along with the oxidation of fatty acids, muscle fibers are inevitably destroyed. They break down into amino acids and are used by the body as a source of energy. This is where BCAAs are needed to solve this problem.

By consuming amino acids before and during cardio training, you preserve muscle and burn subcutaneous fat.

We take 5 g before training, 5 g during training (after 20 minutes of running) and 5 g after.


BCAA are also necessary in lifting because they help build new muscle fibers and repair damaged ones. This especially requires leucine, which should be consumed more than isoleucine or valine.

Energy level during training is important. The more energy you have, the more repetitions you will do, and the more efficiently your muscles will grow. And BCAA serve as an energy source for muscles, therefore, training performance is greatly increased.

Therefore, you should take amino acids before, during and immediately after training. The average amateur bodybuilder weighing approximately 200 pounds should consume 5-10 grams of BCAAs before training. During the lesson, he needs to prepare a shake from 5-10 g of amino acids and 300-400 mg of water and drink it in portions during the training. After classes another 5-10 years.

It's important to remember that the average guy's diet should be completely balanced in protein. He should provide himself with 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. In this situation, such doses of amino acids are sufficient.

What amino acids are needed for muscle growth?

The human body needs amino acids and most of them are synthesized as needed. But there are also amines that the body is not able to obtain on its own, but only through food intake or sports nutrition.

There are 3 groups of amino acids:

  1. Replaceable ;
  2. Indispensable;
  3. Conditionally replaceable.

Replaceable ones can be synthesized by the body without additional help; irreplaceable ones are replenished through the intake of various foods. As for conditionally replaceable ones, they are synthesized from essential amines, that is, they can only be replenished with a sufficient amount of these substances.


acts as a kind of fuel, which begins to act at the moment when the body is already tired. It is at this moment that physical impact on muscle tissue is most effective, and glutamine makes it possible to make it last as long as possible.

This amino acid belongs to the group of replaceable ones, that is, it is synthesized by the body independently. At the same time, additional consumption of this amine through sports nutrition will not hurt, since muscles are 60% glutamic acid.


serves as an accelerator of protein synthesis and muscle fiber growth. This acid accelerates blood circulation, which allows muscles to quickly receive the substances necessary for growth.

There is also a BCAA

, which consists of 3 essential amino acids: valine, leucine and isoleucine. These acids have branched chains, and their task is to synthesize protein. More precisely, a complex of 3 amines helps restore protein content in cells. If there is not enough protein, then growth will occur much more slowly.


one of the main acids that is involved in the process of muscle growth. Additionally, valic acid helps the body resist cold and hot weather.


is of great importance in the functioning of the body's immune system. But more importantly for muscles, it reduces the time it takes for protein to break down.


stores energy in the muscles, which allows you to perform strength exercises for a long period of time. It also prevents the destruction of muscle fibers and restores damaged tissue.

These are the 5 main amino acids that an athlete needs to build muscle mass. They can be replenished through regular food intake, but it is more convenient and effective to take them in the form of sports nutrition.

On rest days

If you watch your diet and consume enough protein, which, as you, of course, know, contains amino acids, you don’t have to take additional BCAA while resting. But if you're not sure how much protein you're consuming, you forgot, or you haven't had a chance to eat enough protein foods (and that happens), then amino acids in any form, be it powder or tablets, will easily solve your problem. 5-10 grams of the supplement per serving three times a day 20 minutes before meals is what you need on rest days.

Rules for taking amino acids in powder

Amino acid supplements in powder form are no less popular than in capsule form. The whole point is that beneficial acids in powder form do not linger in the stomach, but immediately enter the small intestine, where they begin to be absorbed. That is, the time for amines to enter the blood is lower, which means the efficiency is higher.

It is worth understanding that the greatest benefit will come not from the sports nutrition that is absorbed faster and enters the blood, but from the one in which the substances are pure and without impurities. The cost of such nutrition is always higher, so there is definitely a difference between cheap and expensive sports nutrition.

BCAA for weight loss

BCAAs are very important when losing weight as they help curb hunger and allow you to exercise stronger and more efficiently. 4-6 grams is the recommended amount for one dose if your goal is weight loss. It is also rational to take the supplement during the process of losing weight to preserve muscles. When you cut carbs to a minimum and restrict calories, you run the risk of losing muscle mass. And we are trying to avoid this at all costs. And it is precisely the complex of amino acids that will protect and preserve your muscles during weight loss. And if you have muscles, you also have a fast metabolism, which helps burn fat while losing weight.

How to take BCAA for weight loss

Take amino acids 30-40 minutes before training. They can also be taken directly during training, as they increase muscle strength and at the same time cause the metabolism to speed up, burning fat. Dilute a portion of the powder in water, approximately 400 ml, and drink in portions between approaches.

Restrictions on use, side effects

Amino acid compounds, if used in excess or incorrectly, can cause poisoning and cause problems with the cardiovascular system. Athletes who resort to using amino acids to increase muscle mass are putting themselves at risk.

If you stop taking the medications, the results will quickly and completely disappear.

Excessive amino acid content is difficult to remove from the body, and the genitourinary system is subjected to great stress. But in general, proteins of organic origin have a beneficial effect on the body.

For gaining muscle mass

Amino acids and protein guarantee the development and recruitment of muscle tissue. Amino acids improve fiber growth and promote the production of hormones that help build muscle mass. Do you want to build a muscular body? BCAA supplements with adequate protein intake will help:

  • increase muscle volume;
  • increase the effectiveness of classes;
  • reduce muscle pain;
  • recover faster after training;
  • burn subcutaneous fat.

30 minutes before training, take a serving of amino acids. This will fill the muscles with nutrients. When you exercise, you are always thirsty. Your muscles too. Make yourself a shake with a serving of BCAA and clean water and drink during your workout if it lasts more than 60 minutes.

After training, your muscles absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. Therefore, within 20 minutes after training, also drink a portion of amino acids. This way you will recover faster.

When should you supplement – ​​before, after, or on time?

If you're on a strict diet, research suggests that you take BCAA before, after, and before bed. Before training, the supplement should be consumed to protect muscle fibers from damage.

You should also take BCAA after exercise because it will help your muscles recover and gain additional mass.

Before bed - then they will help you maintain muscle mass and build it while you sleep.

General characteristics of sports nutrition

Those who are determined to get their body in shape don't necessarily have to turn to supplements. Their essence is to accelerate sporting achievements depending on the goal.

There are several types of such additives:

  • various types of protein;
  • gainers;
  • amino acids;
  • fat burners;
  • creatine;
  • preparations for joints and ligaments.

Amino acids deserve special attention. They are an integral part of protein, so the principle of their “work” is similar to the digestion of protein. They are necessary for muscle growth and body recovery after physical activity. A lack of amino acids can lead to a deterioration in health and general condition.

Thanks to drugs containing such additives, you can increase strength and endurance, improve recovery after hard training, “dry out” or, conversely, build muscle mass. Therefore, athletes consult with coaches on how to take amino acids in tablets or other forms, in what doses and how often.

Optimal portion

It is believed that per 1 kg of weight a person should consume 33 mg of leucine per workout. For example, if an athlete weighs approximately 80 kg , then during the session he needs to take 2.6 g of leucine. With a standard amino acid complex ratio of 2:1:1, this amounts to 5.2 grams of bcaa . If his weight is 90 kg, then it is better to drink 6 grams of amino acids during training.

5 grams is considered the optimal single dose when taken 2-4 times a day when needed.

Increasing efficiency

It is difficult to find a dosage that would suit everyone exclusively. According to WHO, a person needs 34 milligrams per kg of weight. But WHO takes the average person, whose day is busy with routine life, and going to the gym is not included in his plans. But if a person is intensely involved in training, during intense heavy exercise the need for amino acids increases. These guys take different amounts of the supplement . This ever-training pile of steely muscles needs more than a single 5g dose.

It is considered more effective to consume 10 g of amino acids before, during and after training for those weighing 70 kg and below, and 15 g for those weighing more than 70 kg.

A standard dose at one time can contain from 5 to 10 grams. Depending on your workout, you can choose any amount of BCAA. Before deciding on the right dose, you need to consider many factors that depend on your body and your goals.

Dosage for men

There is no clear opinion on the amount of supplement use. Some experts believe that you need to consume 10-15 grams, others say the amount is 50 grams.

The recommended daily intake for men is 25-30 grams per day, which can be divided into 3-4 doses per day. For example, 5 grams in the morning after waking up, 5 grams before training, the same amount during classes and 10-15 grams after the gym.

How much should women take?

Women who regularly go to the gym should consume about 15-20 g per day. If you work out intensely, then you can drink more - up to 20-25 grams per day, dividing everything into 4-5 servings.

Different forms of additives

Manufacturers offer various forms of amino acids to suit every taste. Each type of supplement is convenient for use in its own way. Some bodybuilders combine taking tablets and powder or bcaa in liquid form.

  • Capsules;

Convenient form of amino acid packaging. According to the instructions, for example from the Optimum Nutrition brand, the intake is two capsules 30 minutes before training and 2 capsules after training. Depending on your program, you can choose your dosage.

Calculate your amino acid requirement and divide it by the number of amines contained in the capsule or tablet. Get the number of tablets to take.

What is good about this release form? It contains no additional ingredients that can increase the carbohydrate content of your diet. Therefore, if you are on a hard drying cycle, then capsules are your option.

  • Pills;

The same goes for tablets. They are convenient, just like the capsules. You don't need to look for a container to mix the powder. The disadvantages of both include higher cost, slow absorption and difficulty in swallowing several pills in a row. The correct dosage is usually indicated on the package, but usually it is 4-5 tablets. Which can be divided into several techniques.

  • Liquid form;

Plus - it is very quickly absorbed, minus - the price, a small selection of flavors, a small package of only 33 servings will force you to buy amino acids in liquid form many times more often than powder BCAA.

  • Powder;

But they, powder additives, are the leaders of our mini rating. They can be divided into tasteless and tasteful. Advantages: price, convenience, large selection of flavors. How to drink bcaa powder correctly? A measuring cap of powder is mixed with water, juice or milk.

  • Chewable tablets.

Plus - ease of use, tasty, quick absorption. The disadvantages include the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates. Chewable tablets or, better said, candies can be classified as “desserts” made from amino acids. They are convenient to use when traveling, when flying, for example, or just for a variety of sports nutrition.

Which form of amino acids is right for you? You will definitely find your scheme by trial.

Who needs extra BCAA amino acids?

In fact, everyone needs them. But it is especially important to take them additionally for those who regularly train. The fact is that during exercise, muscle fibers are destroyed faster. Every time you experience tension or muscle pain, it means that the smallest fibers are torn. Have you ever felt quite noticeable muscle pain the day after exercise? It is also called “krepatura”. If you look into the muscles from the inside, you will see damage, small microscopic hematomas, which sometimes even show through the skin. This means that the muscles are torn and need time to recover. In principle, we train in order to receive these microtraumas.

Thus, we force muscle tissue to recover and grow. Muscle fibers grow together, lengthen, and increase in volume. The muscles will gradually recover on their own, grow together, and the pain will go away. But in order to make up for the substances missing for adaptation, the body will begin to use muscle proteins from intact muscles. Of course, if you have protein in your diet, amino acids will come from outside. But to restore muscle and get enough, you will need to eat several kilograms of meat per day. So, who needs BCAAs?

  • everyone who trains in the gym or at home;
  • those who want to lose weight;
  • who is recovering from diets;
  • who eats little protein foods.

When should you take BCAA instead of protein?

Proteins also contain BCAA. But sometimes you only need essential amino acids, and there are also times when every calorie counts. Then you should only take BCAA's because they contain no calories at all. This property can be very useful during drying.

A person may also be allergic to milk. Then whey protein cannot be taken. BCAA can always be used without fear of allergies.

BCAA for bodybuilding

Of all the essential acids, leucine is the most powerful. The ideal dose of leucine per day is 16 mg per kilogram of weight. But we get leucine not only from supplements, but also from other foods - brown rice, beans and nuts are good sources of leucine.

Isoleucine can be consumed in quantities of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. Chicken, fish, eggs and almonds are good sources of isoleucine.

Valine can be consumed at 16 mg per kilogram of body weight. Dairy products, soy and peanuts are good sources of valine.

Products containing amino acids

Why do athletes consume cottage cheese with a carbohydrate supplement after training? The answer is simple: this product contains all the essential amino acids.

The main sources of essential substances are also:

  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • cheese of various types;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • Fish and seafood.

amino acids and nutrition

It is important to know how to take amino acids correctly, because each person has their own standards. This is influenced by characteristics such as climate, nature of daily activities, age, etc.

How long does it take to get the effects of BCAA and how to combine them with other supplements?

BCAA is easily absorbed by the body within 20 minutes. They also quickly reach the muscles and soon increase the amount of free BCAA in the blood. As a result, they can improve sports performance by preventing muscle damage and speeding up muscle growth.

Therefore, after taking BCAA, wait 20 minutes if you want to also consume protein. Or you take protein half an hour before training, and during it you drink amines. By the way, if you suddenly mix them, nothing bad will happen. These supplements just have a slightly different absorption time.

Creatine and BCAA are a powerful tandem that will give you serious results. These two substances enhance each other's effects. You will train more intensely and productively, and recover faster. Therefore, it is better to use creatine and amines together.

With gainer

Concomitant use is acceptable. Before and during training, drink amino acids; they are quickly absorbed. After training, drink a gainer, it will help restore strength. And after 20 minutes you can take the BCAA supplement again.

The combination of L-carnitine and BCAA guarantees weight loss, more pronounced relief, and preservation of muscle mass. Let's add creatine to this combination and we'll get more energy during training. We remember that we take L-carnitine before training.


These amino acids complement and mutually enhance each other's action. BCAA - increases performance and endurance, glutamine - makes muscle fiber growth more efficient.


Often athletes, concentrating on proteins and gainers, forget about vitamins. But this is not worth doing. You can and should take amino acids along with vitamins. There are special complex preparations containing both amino acids and vitamins.

Omega-3 fatty acids

A deficiency of fatty acids in the body affects your goals and results when playing sports, regardless of whether you are losing weight, gaining muscle mass, or increasing strength. If there is a deficiency of essential fatty acids, athletic achievements will always be lower than they could be. BCAA fatty acids can also be combined. Fish oil, which contains many fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself, is beneficial for many people, not just athletes. Problems cannot arise from consuming fatty acids with bcaa.

Do I need to take amino acids?

It was possible to end this section with one single sentence - yes, of course, it is necessary. But we understand that such a response needs to be justified, and with very weighty arguments.

To describe the role of amino acids as simply as possible, these are the substances that make up all the proteins in the body. Any protein that enters the body with food is broken down into amino acids during digestion, which are necessary for the functioning of all body systems and tissue renewal, therefore the question of their relevance and importance is initially incorrect. From this we can already draw a simple conclusion and understand why an athlete needs amino acids, since muscle mass, strength, speed and other characteristics are important in almost any discipline.

The benefits of amino acids include the following beneficial properties:

  • help the qualitative growth of muscle tissue;
  • promote active fat burning;
  • reduce catabolism processes;
  • improve strength characteristics;
  • help recovery after the training process.

Taking amino acids is important for all people who care about well-being and good health, but for athletes who spend much more energy during training, it is especially relevant and in demand.

What ratio of BCAA should I get?

The optimal bcaa mixture should contain the correct ratio of the three amino acids – 2:1:1. Two grams of leucine to one gram of isoleucine to one gram of valine. You can, provided you are doing intense exercise, take a mixture with a 3:1:1 ratio. It will have more leucine. It is better to use this mixture only after training to speed up the synthesis of new proteins.

Another important thing to remember is that BCAA is quite difficult to dissolve in water. Try to mix the powder with as much liquid as possible. Then it will be easier to drink.

Contraindications, side effects and precautions

Amino acids are present in foods (see table above). BCAA is a natural product. What side effect can you get from eating 150 g of chicken breast, for example? It is the most popular supplement used by millions of athletes. And there is not a single piece of evidence confirming the harmful effects of amino acids on the human body.

You may have trouble sleeping if you take 5 times the dose. But in practice this is difficult to achieve.

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