The most dangerous foods: list. How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of hazardous food products?

According to UN forecasts, in 2030 non-communicable diseases will cause 52 million deaths. These include risk factors such as unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, obesity, alcohol and tobacco abuse. These factors account for more than 60% of deaths, 80% of deaths occur in developing countries, including Russia, 25% are men and women under the age of 60.

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10 most harmful foods

We present to you the 10 most harmful and hazardous foods, the consumption of which can cause dangerous diseases.

Fast food

These products include hamburgers, instant noodles, French fries and any other “fast” food. Food in this category satisfies and satisfies hunger quite quickly, although this is a short-term feeling. In addition, the price is not very expensive and you can buy it at every turn.

Such food products, which are called “fast food”, contain flavor enhancers - the well-known monosodium glutamate E-621 was not absent here. This chemical composition can enhance the taste of any dish; although it is not prohibited by law, it has a very bad effect on a person’s well-being and health. The main harm of this E-supplement is that it provokes rapid addiction. To people who eat mostly fast food, normal foods seem not so tasty, in other words, “not at all.” This flavor enhancer negatively affects the human nervous system.

French fries are quite harmful even without the presence of glutamate. Fried potatoes themselves are a very high-calorie dish with a large number of carbohydrates and fats. The lipids it contains are the same trans fats that are the main culprits of the following human diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Neuropathy

Scientists have proven that trans fats provoke genetic changes in cells that can lead to cancer. The harm of fried potatoes is also aggravated by the fact that in canteens they are cooked in oil, which has already been used many times in cooking. Cooking potatoes this way makes them a very dangerous carcinogen.

Instant noodles and puree

instant noodles

3-5 minutes and lunch is ready, and there is also a large selection of various flavors offered by manufacturers. But what we actually get is a mixture of food additives and no benefit.

Let's take a look at what's in fast food:

  • Preservatives cause cancer, kidney stones, liver destruction, food allergies, intestinal upset, oxygen starvation, and blood pressure disorders.
  • Stabilizers and thickeners - cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
  • Emulsifiers - cancer, stomach upset.
  • Antioxidants - liver and kidney diseases, allergic reactions.
  • Food dyes - cancer, gastrointestinal, liver and kidney diseases, nervous disorders and allergic reactions.
  • Flavor enhancers - nervous disorders, brain damage.

Chips and croutons

Chips contain large quantities of the above-mentioned E-621, salt and many other chemical additives. This product, in principle, is very far from real potatoes, from which it is supposed to be made. Chips are made from starch, flour and flavorings that give the chips different flavors: bacon, cheese, crab, etc.

Constantly eating chips and crackers is a direct road to gastritis, ulcers, and possibly even stomach cancer. The components that are found in these foods cause irritation of the gastric mucosa and lead to inevitable mutations at the cellular level.

Sweet sodas and juices

sweet sodas

In addition to the high sugar content, sweet sodas contain caffeine, dyes, orthophosphoric acid, which leaches calcium from the body, and carbon dioxide, which helps distribute harmful components throughout the body even faster.

Diet sodas contain sweeteners that are poorly washed off by saliva, irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and again provoke thirst, forcing you to drink it even more. Soda contributes to the formation of cellulite and, in the long term, metabolic disorders.

The composition of juices from boxes is almost identical to soda, with the exception of carbon dioxide. Containing a large amount of sugar, recovered from concentrate, durable. Such juices vary in cost depending on the manufacturer, but remain equally unhealthy.

Mayonnaise and ketchup

Mayonnaise is a product that is also rich in trans fats. Food richly seasoned with mayonnaise has a very negative effect on blood vessels. Eating food richly seasoned with mayonnaise makes the walls of blood vessels less flexible. As a result, diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis arise, and they can lead to much more dire consequences. The harm of mayonnaise is enhanced by the presence of preservatives and various taste stabilizers.

Ketchup is also bad for human health. Ketchup, which is abundant on store shelves, actually contains only small quantities of real tomatoes, but is filled in excess with all kinds of dyes, flavors and other chemical additives.

Sausages and canned food

sausage and canned food

Everything that is written above about meat can also be attributed to sausages. Plus the danger of hidden fat is added, because even the most natural sausage product mainly consists of pork skins and lard. The approximate composition of sausage, regardless of the variety and manufacturer, will be as follows: skin, cartilage, offal and meat residues, 25-30% transgenic soybeans, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants, food colors, flavors.

Canned food is a completely dead product that has retained its nutritional suitability with the help of E components, acetic acid, sugar and a huge amount of salt that exceeds the daily human requirement several times.

Sugar and salt

The disadvantage of sugar for the body is as follows: constant consumption of sugar leads to an unexpected jump in blood glucose levels, and this, in turn, provokes increased secretion of insulin. Because of this, the pancreas begins to function intensively and quickly becomes depleted. All this leads to diabetes mellitus. This disease is progressing more and more every year: doctors believe that eating sweets, confectionery and other foods with high sugar levels is the main reason for such sad statistics.

In addition, constant consumption of sugar can provoke the following diseases:

  • Weakening of the immune system, which can increase the likelihood of infectious diseases.
  • Violation of the mineral balance in the body.
  • Rapid weight gain - obesity.
  • Diseases of the mouth, gums and teeth.
  • Osteoporosis, which occurs due to impaired absorption of calcium.

This list of diseases can be continued, because doctors count more than 100 diseases that in one way or another arise from excessive consumption of sugar.

Salt also has a negative effect on the body. This seasoning is an integral part of the human diet, but its norm is only 10-15 grams per day, which people naturally don’t even know about. People consume much more than this norm, about 5-10 times. Excessive salt consumption leads to disruption of fluid levels in the body, and this in turn increases the load on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. The result is kidney failure, blurred vision, heart attack, stroke.

What is better not to eat or drink?

Junk food has flooded the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores. When choosing food, you need to pay attention to what food is harmful without any doubt. The list of harmful foods includes:

  • potatoes (starch causes blockage of blood vessels and leads to atherosclerosis);
  • spreads;
  • breakfast cereals;
  • packaged cereals;
  • snacks;
  • soups and side dishes in briquettes;
  • confectionery.

The most harmful foods for children:

  • corn sticks;
  • lollipops;
  • jelly Bean;
  • chips;
  • chocolate bars;
  • jelly products.

The rating of unhealthy food products can be supplemented with shelf-stable dairy products (milk, low-fat yoghurts, dairy desserts).

French fries and chips

These products top the list of harmful and hazardous to health. They contain transgenic fats, large amounts of carbohydrates, toxic dyes and flavor enhancers. The chips are made from non-organic potatoes that are grown with pesticides and other chemicals.

Hamburgers and hot dogs

Fast food cafes offer customers food containing a record high amount of harmful additives and carcinogens. According to studies, these products provoke the occurrence of excess weight and diabetes.

With frequent consumption of such dishes, brain cells are damaged, nerve tissue is destroyed, and inflammatory processes in the body intensify.

Semi-finished products, nuggets, cutlets, steaks

Semi-finished products contain preservatives and are made from low-grade meat (fish). They also contain trans fats, monosodium glutamate and other flavor enhancers that lead to addiction.

Store-bought baked goods with trans fats

Store-bought confectionery products contain leavening agents, synthetic yeast, many chemical dyes and transgenic fats. Their use can cause allergic reactions and skin rashes.

Instant noodles

Instant foods disrupt metabolism and lead to the following consequences:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • malignant tumors;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Such food contains thickeners, stabilizers, and GMOs. There are no beneficial substances in it.

Mayonnaise and ketchup

These products contain strong carcinogens that can cause cancer. Therefore, you should give preference to homemade mayonnaise and ketchup.

Margarine and spread

These products contain saturated and synthetic fats, toxic substances, vinegar and artificial colors. They cause vascular diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, and metabolic disorders.

Milk and dairy products with long shelf life

These products contain a large number of preservatives and stabilizers, and natural fats are replaced with artificial ones.

Chocolate bars, candies and lollipops

Store-bought sweets contain the following components:

  • sugar substitutes;
  • emulsifiers;
  • antioxidants;
  • thickeners

They can cause cancer, obesity, diabetes, dental disease, etc.

Sweet carbonated drinks and juices

Such drinks cause severe harm to the body: they corrode mucous membranes, wash away calcium and the body, and contribute to obesity. They include:

  • caffeine (Coca-Cola);
  • dyes;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • carbon dioxide.


Directly popcorn is neither harmful nor beneficial. But if you add flavorings, caramelizers or sodium chloride (salted popcorn), it can lead to kidney and heart disease.

Sausages and sausages

These products contain 3-4 times more proteins than fats, which reduces the cost of production, as well as low-quality meat and waste (animal skins and bones). Consumption of these products leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, deterioration of heart function and obesity.

Smoked meats

Smoked meats are harmful to health because they contain:

  • nitrites;
  • hormones;
  • transgenic soybean;
  • preservatives;
  • flavorings, etc.

Canned food and sprats

The composition of sprats and canned food includes components such as stabilizers, preservatives and benzopyrene, a strong carcinogen.

White bread

White bread is perhaps the main representative of “fast” carbohydrates, which are quite harmful to the human body. This product leads to excess calories, which the body has to store as fat reserves. In addition, modern bread necessarily contains harmful additives and compounds that lead to diseases of the digestive and vascular system, and cancer.

Burgers and hot dogs

burgers and hot dogs

All the side effects described above also apply to “quick” sandwiches. And also, in addition to frying, the composition of the meat is also added. To ensure there is enough meat for everyone, animals and fish are bred on an industrial scale using special feed and anabolic steroids to increase weight.

In addition, soy, glutamate, preservatives to preserve its presentation for years, stabilizers and synthetic dyes are added to the protein. These additives irritate the digestive system, dull the feeling of fullness, and force you to eat more and more often. And when the stomach stretches, it begins to demand more food without harmful additives.


Some scientists do not even recognize milk as a product that is suitable for consumption. Others, of course, are not so categorical, but also insist on consuming dairy foods no more than 100 grams per day. This is especially true for yoghurts, which are constantly advertised as one of the healthiest foods. Today, there is almost nothing natural in yoghurts; they contain a large number of thickeners and stabilizers, which have a very bad effect on health. Therefore, if a person needs live bacteria, it is better to purchase special preparations at the pharmacy.

Dangerous food products - alcoholic beverages

Drinks with alcohol are considered dangerous foods because even a little drink interferes with the absorption of vitamins. And too much alcohol destroys the liver, brain, and makes the kidneys and heart sick.

Synthetic additives that can be added to alcoholic beverages:

  • Preservatives include potassium pyrosulfites and hydrosulfites (E-224, E-228), sodium pyrosulfites and hydrosulfites (E-223, E-222) are added to wines.
  • Among the antioxidants, hydroxytoluene butyl (E-321) is added to beer.

Dangerous food products - alcoholic beverages

Carbonated drinks

The harm of such drinks lies in the excessive amount of food “chemicals” contained in their composition. Coca-Cola, lemonade, and soda contain large amounts of sugar. Constant consumption of such drinks leads to gradual leaching of calcium from bones, digestive problems and other negative consequences. Even drinking low-calorie drinks with sweeteners will still not bring anything good to the body. Most doctors claim that sweeteners also harm the body.

Chocolate bars, candies and gummies


If you do not want to increase the risk of diabetes, oncology, obesity, osteoporosis, dental problems and allergies, eat a maximum of 50 grams of sugar per day, or better yet, give it up completely. But do not forget that in addition to the pure sugar that we use, it is also found in many products, for example, ketchup, yogurt, cake, which also contains trans fats.

Such products have the highest glycemic index, that is, the sugar from them is absorbed instantly. However, they do not contain any useful substances.

Brightly colored candies, glazed candies and chewing gummies in all sorts of flavors are a mixture of sweeteners and sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants and food coloring.


The fact that alcohol negatively affects health is known to everyone. Alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system, kidneys, and heart. Even the smallest amount of alcohol causes a significant impact on the cells of the liver and nervous system, and causes stress in the body. Constant drinking of alcohol leads to the emergence of first psychological, and later physical and chemical dependence.

To preserve your health and immunity, you should give up all these products, and if this is not possible (as in the case of salt), then simply control the amount of product consumed, not get too carried away with it, and then everything will be fine with the body.

Below you can find out what you can replace these harmful products with.

Dangerous food - popcorn

Popcorn is made from special corn - it is not harmful, but the preparation itself makes popcorn a dangerous food product. Dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, and a lot of salt are added to it

What happens if you eat popcorn often?

  • Blood pressure rises
  • Vascular and heart diseases
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Obesity

Dangerous food product - popcorn

List of harmful products. News. News

Harmful products are becoming increasingly popular. Everyone knows that what is harmful is usually the most delicious. Each person needs a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins per day. Consumption figures will be different for different people. As a rule, data for the average person is taken as a basis. The figures for the consumption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other components can be calculated for yourself, based on your weight and lifestyle. No matter how busy a person is, he must find time for a full breakfast, lunch and dinner.

By not following a proper diet, we endanger not only our figure, but also our own health. How to follow simple rules and what exactly you should not eat? Let's talk about this today. The list of unhealthy foods is probably where you should start.


I hope our list of “what foods not to eat” will help you and was very instructive for you. It is not even healthy foods that play a very important role in life, but harmful ones. It is worth eliminating harmful foods and life becomes better. You feel better, have new strength, more energy and improve your mood. All these indicators indicate that you are on the right track. The human body is a complex organism. Still not fully studied by science. Our body heals itself in many diseases. Protects against all threatening environmental factors. Our great help will be to simply not interfere with or complicate his life’s functioning functions with your incorrect lifestyle.

Danger #4: Sweeteners

The development of chemical production has contributed to the emergence of a large number of budget sweeteners that cost less than natural beet sugar. This fact has led to the widespread introduction of such cheap food additives into the food industry and their use by unscrupulous manufacturers.

Why unscrupulous? Because it is sweeteners that are higher in calories than regular sugar, and one small container of such a substance can replace about 12 kg of natural product.

After eating any dish with a sweet component substitute, namely at the moment of passage through the esophagus, the sweetener sends a signal to our brain that carbohydrates will soon enter the body. But this does not happen, and because of such a “fiction”, the body is not able to perceive carbohydrates for about a day. Due to this physiologically determined reaction, a person begins to feel hungry and take more and more food. As a result, with frequent use of sweeteners (especially cyclamate), metabolism is disrupted, obesity and other complications associated with poor nutrition develop.

Danger #8: Corn Flakes and Sticks

Many people have loved sweets such as corn sticks and flakes since childhood. They are eaten with milk or as a sweet snack. However, these seemingly completely natural food products contain many harmful substances that are formed due to the peculiarities of their preparation technology.

During the heat treatment used to dry the product, temperatures reaching 140 °C are used. With this effect, sugar burns and therefore, instead of this natural ingredient, an extremely harmful sweetener (namely cyclamate) is used, the dangers of consuming which we have already mentioned above.

Dangerous food products – margarine and spread

Margarine and spread are dangerous food products because they consist of trans fats, which harm blood vessels, the heart, increase cholesterol, and, in addition, these food products have harmful additives:

  • Of the emulsifiers, ammonium hydroxides (E-527) are dangerous, causing liver diseases and diarrhea; In many countries, production with food additives is prohibited.
  • Among the antioxidants - hydroxytoluene and hydroxionisole butyl (E-321, E-320) - when accumulated, they can cause allergies, problems with the kidneys, liver, and high cholesterol.
  • Preservatives include sodium sorbate (E-201).

Dangerous food products - margarine and spread

Grilled meat

The golden brown crust just looks appetizing. But in fact, this is the end product of glycation (AGE). What AGE molecules are, much has been written in difficult-to-understand language in the medical literature.

To put it as clearly as possible, AGEs are sparingly soluble and resistant to breakdown (they are not excreted naturally), but at the same time they are chemically active: they are deposited on the inner walls of blood vessels and trigger many inflammatory processes in the body.

The result is damaged blood vessels, which leads to the development of cardiovascular events (including heart attacks and strokes), poor health, dizziness and premature aging of the body.

The most harmful products according to scientists

A little about the benefits

This was a list of foods harmful to human health. It's time to finally talk about healthy food and how to eat properly. In the process of life, a person needs elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, macroelements, vitamins and many others. We obtain most of these vital components from products of plant and animal origin. All people need them to varying degrees, so it is very difficult to talk about how much and what each person needs. Some people need one component more, others need another. But, nevertheless, it will be useful to learn about the products that everyone should eat almost every day. Here is a list of the most useful products.

Danger No. 1: GMO foods

Products containing GMOs pose the greatest danger to human health.

On retail shelves you can find many products containing GMOs - genetically modified organisms (in the context of this article we will talk about even tomatoes as an organism). Genetic engineers introduced genes or sections of DNA into the cells of such products that carry information from other organisms that is valuable to breeders. This action was performed to improve the quality of the future food product (for example, increasing the frost resistance of wheat and obtaining a good harvest, improving the appearance of apples by introducing a gene that repels pests from the apple tree, etc.).

The following GMO products can be considered the most dangerous to human health:

  • fresh or canned green peas;
  • fresh or canned sweet corn;
  • instant cocoa;
  • crab sticks with essence in dye containing GMO soy;
  • imported potatoes.

Danger No. 2: products with monosodium glutamate (or E 621)

This substance is used in the food industry to enhance taste. Previously, it was more often used in a relatively small list of products, but now unscrupulous manufacturers have begun to add it everywhere and every buyer must extremely scrupulously “monitor” its presence in literally everything: candies, beet sugar, seasonings, crackers, etc. This is very simple to do:

  • remember the name;
  • carefully read the ingredients on the package;
  • and only then add the item to your cart.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of hazardous food products?

What should you do to make dangerous food products have less of an effect on your body? How can you protect yourself from harmful effects?

  • If you have eaten a dangerous food product, it means that after it you need to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, they can protect the harmful effects of the dangerous product.
  • It is important to remember that you cannot eat dangerous foods when you are sick, the body is already fighting the disease, and you are loading it even more.
  • If you really want to eat French fries or chips, don’t eat a lot of them.
  • If you don’t know when you come to the store whether this is a dangerous product or not, look at the color of the product you want to purchase; if it is brightly colored, it means it is dangerous, only synthetic dyes are very bright - natural dyes are quite faded.
  • If you bought a product in a store, and only at home you became familiar with its composition and found out that it is dangerous, strictly follow the preparation method, since some synthetic additives, after heating, can cause great harm to the body, even death.

And another important message: if the product manufacturer is conscientious, he can put natural additives that do not cause harm, and some are even beneficial.

Hazardous food products can be turned into non-hazardous ones if you carefully read the ingredients in the store and choose natural additives

Useful natural supplements


  • Curcumin (E-100), colors the product yellow-orange. The supplement helps restore strength after illness, reduces cholesterol, is useful for patients with arthritis, diabetes, and relieves toxins.
  • Carotene (E-160a) - gives the product a yellow and orange color, strengthens the immune system, vision, and prevents the growth of cancerous tumors.
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B12 (E-101) - turns yellow. Helps break down fats, absorb vitamins, and is useful in stressful situations. Not harmful even for pregnant women.
  • Lycopene (E-160d) - gives a red color with shades. Helps remove harmful substances, thins the blood and prevents the formation of plaques, reduces cholesterol, improves immunity, and slows the growth of cancerous tumors.
  • Betanin (E-162) - it is produced from beets, colors in red and burgundy shades, improves the condition of radiation, high blood pressure, vascular diseases, improves blood, prevents heart attack, cancer, cleanses the liver.
  • Anthocyanins (E-163) - produced from the residues and peels of vegetables, fruits and berries, colors the product red, purple, blue and burgundy. Removes toxins, protects against ultraviolet radiation, prevents cancer. The additive is often used to color wine, drinks, and sweet products.


  • Sorbic acid or potassium sorbate (E-202) - produced from the juice and seeds of rowan berries. Fights mold and fungi.
  • Vinegar (E-260) - in small doses helps break down fats and carbohydrates, in large doses it is harmful.
  • Malic acid (E-296) - helps absorb medications, prevents tumors from developing, and reduces blood pressure.


  • Ascorbic acid (E-300) - strengthens the immune system.
  • Tocopherols (E-306, E-307) - the supplement cleanses the body of toxins, thins and purifies the blood, and helps the heart function.
  • Lecithin (E-322) - the supplement is beneficial for the liver, prevents the development of cirrhosis, and reduces cholesterol.


  • Agar (E-406) - made from algae, agar is good for the thyroid gland and intestines.
  • Pectin (E-440) - heals wounds in the stomach, removes toxins.

Neutral (relatively not harmful) natural supplements

Neutral natural supplements only cause health problems in some, especially sensitive people, mainly allergies:


  • Annatto extract (E-160b) is a herbal supplement that turns yellow-orange in color, prevents tumors from developing, improves immunity and vision, but there are people who may experience allergies.
  • Calcium carbonate or chalk (E-170) - helps blood clot better, supplies calcium to the body, but an overdose is fraught with consequences.


  • Lactic acid (E-270) - may be harmful to those who are lactose intolerant.
  • Carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide (E-290) - the supplement is not harmful to healthy people, but not only to those who have gastritis and stomach ulcers.


  • Citric acid (E-330) - an overdose can cause irritation in the respiratory tract and stomach.


  • Carob gum (E-410) is a natural supplement collected from carob trees that grow on the Mediterranean coast.
  • Guar gum or guaran (E-412) - collected from guar beans, which grow in India and Pakistan.
  • Xanthan gum or xanthan (E-415) - the additive is created by chemical means.
  • Sorbitol (E-420) - an additive obtained from glucose; in addition to a stabilizer, it is also a sweetener, higher in calories than sugar.
  • Monoglycerides and diglycerides of fatty acids (E-471) - a natural additive obtained from fats, completely absorbed by the body, added to those products where it is necessary to combine water and fat into a homogeneous mass (margarine, spread).


  • Sodium carbonate or baking soda (E-500) is a natural additive that alkalizes the body, and as scientists have proven, even cancer does not develop in an alkaline environment.

Defoamer and sugar substitute:

  • Xylitol (E-967) is a natural additive obtained from agricultural waste (sunflower seed husks, corn cobs, deciduous trees), can be used by diabetics.

So, if you really want the harmful products listed in this article, you can buy them, but first you need to study the composition and choose one in which the additives are not harmful.

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