What foods increase the performance and endurance of the human body - Top 6 best

Running endurance supplements

The popularity and prevalence of running is due to the availability of this sports discipline not only among professional athletes, but also among amateurs who want to keep themselves in good physical shape. The main key to the success of any run is endurance, which allows you to increase the pace and distance. The higher it is, the better. Therefore, every runner makes every effort to become even more resilient.

You can achieve your goal in a variety of ways. These are not only a variety of drugs for running endurance, but also even food products. To choose the best option, you should consider the features of each individually.

Endurance and how to increase it

Endurance is the ability of an individual to perform a specific activity of equal intensity for a specific period of time. Depending on the duration and nature of the action, it can be general or special.

General endurance (OG) reflects the maximum ability of a person to perform any non-intensive activity over a long period of time. Work is carried out thanks to aerobic energy sources. The physiological indicator of general endurance is measured in MOC - maximum oxygen consumption. OB needs to be developed by every athlete, as it forms the basic basis for specific endurance indicators.

Special endurance differs from general endurance. It reflects the ability to perform prolonged loads, but for a specific activity. In other words, each individual job has its own special endurance, so it happens:

  • power;
  • static;
  • express;
  • dynamic.

By speed we mean a person’s ability to make some kind of fast movement over a long period of time without violating the technique of execution or fatigue.

Strength also determines the duration of time, but not for high-speed movements, but for heavy physical loads, that is, it is the loads that matter, not the speed.

Both static and dynamic refer to long-term action, but the difference is that the first reflects the ability to tense the muscles in one position, and the second reflects the ability to perform exercises at a slow pace.

There are two ways to increase endurance:

  • taking special medications;
  • development through physical exercise.

The latter involves performing workouts that are based on the principle of fatigue, that is, reaching a certain maximum threshold. This technique is suitable for those athletes who have good willpower and can endure and overcome their limits, gradually expanding their own capabilities.


Cycling workouts will be the longest. This stage of the race provides the most opportunity and time to drink and eat, so it's important to learn how to refuel on the go when preparing. During cycling, the gastrointestinal system is relatively stable and allows for greater fluid intake than during running. In addition, you can take a bottle with you.

At first it is difficult to drink more than 1.5 liters per hour, but in the end it works. It is necessary to minimize dehydration and not drink more than lost: the latter can only happen in athletes with a low sweat rate. A sports drink can help replace sodium lost in sweat.

Practical advice

  1. If necessary, take a larger bottle, especially if the rate of sweating requires you to drink at least 1200 ml of fluid per hour to prevent dehydration.
  2. Try to drink on the bike so you can easily do so during the race.
  3. Set a timer to take a sip every 15 minutes.

Nutrition for Endurance Sports: Key Principles of Sustainable Nutrition Monique Ryan

Drugs that increase endurance

To become more resilient, athletes can take special medications. They have different effects, therefore they are classified into the following types:

  • secondary impact;
  • combined action;
  • metabolic;
  • debilitating.

A clear understanding of the specific properties of each allows you to make a choice in favor of a specific medication.


This group of medications includes drugs such as mesocarb, caffeine and pyridrop. They stimulate the body's hidden energy reserves, which increases the runner's endurance. These biological products provide a significant increase in physical indicators. The downside is that they have undesirable consequences, including an increase in the recovery period.


They are represented by substrates that are energy suppliers, actoprotectors, non-steroidal anabolics, nootropics, and steroids. The advantage of metabolic means is that they do not deplete internal energy reserves, but, on the contrary, provide it for a longer run. This group of drugs has no specific contraindications, so you need to independently monitor your well-being after the first and second doses.

Combined action

Mixed principle drugs stimulate gluconeogenesis in the liver, resulting in the formation of glucose. Dexamethasone belongs to this group of drugs. This drug reduces the rate of amino acid transport, that is, it has an anti-anabolic effect. Unlike previous drugs, they can cause significant side effects, reducing the body's protective functions, causing muscular dystrophy.

Secondary action

Increasing endurance through this category of drugs occurs by studying the factors that affect fatigue. When the main individual characteristics of the athlete’s body are identified, they begin to use a drug with a secondary positive effect.

Issue #1 - TOP 5 Supplements for Endurance

Products for increasing endurance

Including certain foods in your diet can also make a runner much more resilient. They activate energy reserves in the human body, as a result of which it can significantly improve its performance.


Drinks that increase endurance include:

  • Coffee. It is a strong stimulant because it contains caffeine. It is best to drink it before a run, which will allow you to cover a longer distance. The main thing is to pay close attention to the dosage. If you overindulge in this drink, it will lead to deterioration in your health. It is necessary to take into account that a dose of 9-13 mg per kilogram of body weight can worsen and shorten sleep time.
  • Green tea. Contains substances that have a stimulating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. To get a boost of energy and improve your running performance, you need to drink green tea without sugar.
  • Natural juices. Rich in vitamins and nutrients, they are characterized by a rapid absorption rate, which allows you to quickly replenish energy reserves and feel a surge of strength. A glass of freshly squeezed juice improves a runner's well-being and mood.

Solid food

To avoid feeling tired for as long as possible, you should eat the following foods:

  • Nuts. They have high nutritional value, which has a positive effect on physical fitness. Nuts contain many healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. There are two to three times more of the latter than in fruits. Including nuts in the diet can significantly improve a runner’s athletic performance, make it easier to bear loads and less tired.
  • Dried fruits. Contain a large amount of nutrients. The exact composition depends on the specific dried fruit. Raisins contain a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, chlorine, vitamins A and group B, ascorbic acid. Eating dried fruits will have a positive effect on the quality of sleep and the state of the nervous system.
  • Vegetables, herbs, fruits. They reduce the athlete’s fatigue, which has a positive effect on the duration and productivity of runs. The most useful for runners are: parsley with dill, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, bananas and apples. They have a composition rich in vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on physical data. Eating raspberries, cranberries, and cherries helps to increase the pain threshold, and, therefore, allows you to not get tired longer even from running at a fast pace.
  • Natural honey. The waste product of bees improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stabilizes hemoglobin, and also improves the quality of blood circulation. Its use on a regular basis has a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Ginger . Including ginger in your diet significantly speeds up recovery processes and relieves muscle tension. This helps reduce fatigue. In addition, its use helps athletes reduce the pain threshold, which has a positive effect on endurance.

The listed drinks and food are not only useful for runners, but also very tasty, and also have a general strengthening effect on the human body. The only limitation may be individual intolerance to a particular product.

Pre-workout sports nutrition for energy

Eating 1.5-2 hours before physical activity prevents you from feeling hungry and provides you with enough energy. But at the same time, 15-20 minutes before class, the food has already been digested. During this period, it is time to take sports nutrition.

What you can take before training for energy:

  1. Pre-workout complexes. Pre-workouts with geranium extract, which acts as a nervous system stimulant, have become widespread. In general, such complexes provide the body with the maximum amount of energy, helping to make the workout productive and recovery faster.
  2. Balanced gainers. They allow you to avoid taking complex carbohydrates and completely replace a full meal.
  3. Caffeine. In addition to providing energy, it increases attention and enhances the intensity of training.
  4. L-carnitine. Responsible for the transport of fat cells to mitochondria, where the processes of their conversion into energy occur. This supplement is more aimed at burning fat than providing energy, but it also shows good results.
  5. Arginine. Dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the muscles.

We recommend studying: “Rating of pre-workout complexes.”

And also: “How to take caffeine to improve athletic performance.”

Taking sports supplements is especially important during morning workouts, when it is not possible to comply with the rule of eating 1.5-2 hours before the start. Regular food simply won’t be digested here, but sports nutrition will help you recharge your batteries. You can also take whey protein or amino acid complex.

We advise: “Which whey protein is best.”

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