7 things that helped me lose over 100 kg without dieting

How to lose weight in a month: when quarantine and weather give you your last chance-800x530

Effective instructions for losing weight in a month

Excess weight is not only an aesthetic problem. Metabolic disorders in which the body accumulates fatty tissue cause many diseases. How to lose weight in a month and lose extra pounds without harm to your health - advice from nutritionists and fitness trainers.

Plateau effect

When losing weight, a “plateau effect” occurs. In the first 2 weeks, plumb lines are obtained due to the loss of excess fluid. First, “fresh” fat leaves, which has not had time to gain a foothold. Results begin to decline, the body adapts metabolism to new conditions and enters a “standby mode”, or “plateau effect”. The body fixes weight, and from this point weight loss begins due to internal fat.

To effectively lose weight in a month, when stopping weight, you should do the following:

  • go to the sauna to dramatically increase calorie consumption and the release of excess fluid;
  • replace your regular workouts in the gym with CrossFit - interval training starts your metabolism and helps you overcome the moment of stagnation;
  • reduce your daily caloric intake by 20%, the body will adapt to new conditions and use resources to replenish the missing calories.


If your weight stays the same and your volume decreases, this is not a “plateau effect.”

I was cured of my digestive problems

As it turned out, one of the reasons my body was so lacking in certain nutrients was that my digestive system was not in the best condition, and therefore my body simply could not extract all that it needed from the food I ate. In addition, problems with the digestive processes cause inflammatory processes in the body, and the hormones released as a result put our body into fat accumulation mode. I started eating more fermented and probiotic foods and taking digestive enzymes, which helped normalize my digestive process.

A few words about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates for the human body are fuel for maintaining normal body temperature, physical activity and the functioning of all internal organs, including the brain. They provide 40-80% of the daily energy requirement and are divided into fast and slow:

  • fast carbohydrates - fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, fried foods, chips, sausages, etc.;
  • slow carbohydrates are cereals, nuts and fruits.

Eating slow carbohydrates in the morning helps you lose weight effectively in a month. They provide energy and do not contribute to excess weight gain. Regular consumption of fast carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels, causing weight gain and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

Ideal weight formula - overweight? how to lose weight?

Ideal weight formula - how to understand how much you should normally weigh? Excess weight? How to lose weight? Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov will talk about this.

Faberlic Style: What do you offer people who come to your clinic?

ALEXEY KOVALKOV (Creator of the original weight loss method, founder of the weight correction clinic, author of numerous books): Undergo a full medical examination. It is needed in order to determine the cause of the extra pounds. Only after this can you begin a weight loss program. If you just go on a diet, you may lose the extra pounds, but then they will come back. Because the reason for their appearance will remain. Let me explain. Your home battery is leaking. You clean up the water thoroughly every day. But does it help? Or do we need to look for the place where the leak is coming from?

FS: What is the most common reason for excess weight?

A.K.: In most cases with hormones, but this does not mean that you have a hormonal disease. It’s just that the body has formed an incorrect hormonal response to some irritants, and it is important to determine this. Usually, every overweight person has hormonal imbalances.

FS: But there are other reasons?

A.K.: As a rule, we observe a classic triad: disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as in metabolism at the cellular level. We have two nervous systems in our bodies: central and peripheral. The peripheral (spinal cord) is responsible for all the simplest functions of the body: breathing, metabolism, intestinal motility, body temperature, maintaining body shape... The central nervous system receives signals in the form of electrical impulses 1 (this is a biophysical process). Metabolism at the cellular level, burning fat, is a biochemical process. An intermediary is needed to transmit information. This role is played by hormones, our endocrine system. For example, there is a hormone called leptin, which is secreted by fat cells and signals to the brain that they are full. Leptin suppresses appetite, and at one time, when scientists discovered it, there was hope that with its help the problem of excess weight would be solved... However, when they took a test from overweight people, it turned out that their bodies were full of this hormone. It’s just that so much of it is released that over time, insensitivity to it develops.

FS: What a pity!

A.K.: Yes, our body is a very complex system. I am personally familiar with a study in which scientists found that people who died during the siege from exhaustion still had fat in their bodies: all of it was never lost. Yes, their heart shrank to the size of an apple, their liver shrunk, and the only organ that remained absolutely intact was the brain, although it consists of fat. So, due to disturbances in the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, as well as in the transmission of information in the form of hormones that trigger cellular metabolism, a person begins to either gain weight or lose it. Knowing these mechanisms and understanding that the weakness of the chain is determined by the weakness of one link, we can say exactly what we need to fix and what drug will help us with this.

FS: And these drugs will need to be taken for the rest of your life?

A.K.: Not necessarily. If a person has tolerance, for example, to the hormone insulin, we prescribe not only Siofor, Glucophage (diabetes therapy), but also chromium preparations. This helps restore insulin tolerance. And the person who was shaking over the sweets passes by the flour and sweets, like passing stones on the street.

FS: Do you always supplement weight loss programs with drugs?

A.K.: Always, but these are by no means medicines, these are dietary supplements. In addition, we do not use Thai tablets or Xenical: because these are symptomatic drugs. By the way, do you know that all of our medicine is based on symptomatic treatment? If you are sick and have a fever, what do you do? That's right, lower the temperature. But the disease does not go away. We also take pills for blood pressure or headaches. But you always need to find the cause, not just remove it (pain or symptom. If the oil light comes on in the car, you can add oil or find and eliminate the reason why it is burning. You need to clearly understand why the temperature has risen or why it hurts head: maybe it’s a migraine or vascular disorders, or maybe the tumor has grown the size of a walnut and needs to be removed urgently.

FS: Who comes to your clinic?

A.K.: Different people come to us who pursue different goals. But we don't help everyone. For example, we do not deal with anorexia: it is very difficult to convince or cure such patients, sometimes measuring body composition (bioimpedance measurement) helps, but still anorexia is a psychiatric disease. In addition, we do not accept Patients who weigh more than 200 kilograms; most likely, they need surgical intervention, and we can only work with them in a hospital setting. There are several contraindications to losing weight, for example, kidney prolapse (nephroptosis) or gallstones the size of the common bile duct - the tube through which bile flows from the gallbladder. In response to any change in nutrition, this stone can move in, block the common bile duct, and then the gallbladder will overflow with bile and burst, acute peritonitis will occur, and all this will end in intensive care. We know that every year 200 thousand people die trying to lose weight (on their own). We do not want to open our cemetery, so we are always very attentive to the health of those who come to us.

Faberlic lose weight
FS: What a terrible number! And after all, everyone regularly “goes on diets” and “doesn’t eat after 6.”

A.K.: If excess weight does not exceed 10% of body weight, anyone can engage in weight loss: an Internet guru, a fitness trainer, a nutrition consultant... It’s not scary, because it won’t do much harm. But as soon as a person passes this 10%, then everything changes: excess weight becomes obesity, a medical disease that is included in the classification of diseases, and only a doctor has the right to treat it. Just like diabetes or oncology. And when I see the “Weighted People” program, where there is not a single doctor...

FS: Perhaps they just remain behind the scenes?

A.K.: But this is not possible, the whole process must be shown, because first of all, sick people with a very high degree of obesity are involved in this project. They need to constantly monitor their blood counts, and viewers should not be given the false illusion that this is how they can lose weight. Because they will begin to repeat, and by repeating, they will die. And who will be responsible then? Who, for example, is responsible when a weight correction clinic operates without a medical license, where there is not a single nutritionist, and where tests and examinations are not performed? Every year among our patients we find on average three people with malignant neoplasms. Pure coincidence! One day a woman came to us, she had an ultrasound of her uterus, and a huge fibroid was discovered. That is, her huge belly was the fibroid! Before us, she went through several “clinics” where they tried to “lose weight” in various ways, including fasting and intestinal lavage. Or another example - a young guy came to us, an Olympic champion in short-distance running. He began to actively gain weight, and this is critical for his career. We did tests, he had very low testosterone, we prescribed him a hormonal drug that signals the brain that the testicles should produce testosterone, he started producing his own hormone, and he actively lost weight within one month.

FS: What about physical activity? Eat less, move more...

A.K.: Unfortunately, this trend, when physical activity is pushed into people, is great all over the world. But back in the 1930s, the German endocrinologist Gustav von Bergman first proved that hormones influence the fat cell, and deduced the complete dependence of the fat cell and its growth on the hormone insulin. But then World War II began, and after the war, German scientists were not allowed to attend any educational congresses, and all these discoveries were forgotten. But a holy place is never empty; a researcher named White appeared in the USA, who began to argue that all human problems are associated with eating disorders. Although in reality we are completely controlled by hormones. For example, you are passionate about something: editing a film, having sex, walking in the park with your favorite dog... You release neurotransmitters and pleasure hormones, and you don’t feel like eating at all. Or you sit at home all day, you are bored, you don’t know what to do, and you constantly go to the refrigerator to please yourself with something. And this is not psychology, this is the effect of hormones. Endorphins and adrenaline are released - the body burns fat, and you don’t want to eat. Even our mood depends on hormonal levels: if it’s a beautiful bright day outside, serotonin is released into sunlight. If it’s cloudy, serotonin is not produced, the mood can’t be worse, although it seems that everything is fine in life, there’s nothing to complain about.

FS: So we are controlled by hormones.

A.K.: Yes, and very tough. If a woman does not produce progesterone, then her monthly cycle does not begin. She can belly dance, jump, run, do push-ups, but this will not help. It is interesting that when a person has extra pounds, he believes that he needs to lose weight, and he is absolutely not interested in how they accumulated. To give you an idea of ​​the scale of the issue, 40% of people in Russia are not at all concerned about their weight: they eat everything, fried potatoes, cakes, chocolate, and everything is fine with them. 60% go to the other extreme, these are people who are overweight or obese; we have practically no neutrals. And when a person suddenly begins to gain weight, regardless of age, no one figures out why this is happening to him, everyone begins to fight them. They go on a diet, wash out their intestines, take a diuretic or pills that reduce appetite, cut something off for themselves... Although first you need to find out the cause of the breakdown, understand why this is happening.

FS: What if the cause is not found and eliminated?

A.K.: We will not achieve lasting results. If a person understands this, this is our person and we will achieve the goal with him. If he is on our system, method, treatment, whatever you want to call it, and asks: “Doctor, when I am cured, will I be able to eat my favorite cakes again?”, I understand that there will be no point. It is very important that the patient enjoys what he is doing. Because if a person is sent to prison for a year, he, of course, will come out thin, but he will run to the nearest fast food and eat to his fill. In nutrition we call this the ribbon cutting effect.

FS: Many people think that being overweight means promiscuity. It would seem that it would be easier not to reach for more, for a second piece of cake, not to go to the refrigerator every five minutes...

A.K.: Imagine a star, every ray of which is a pleasure in life. Work (I enjoy my work), family (I adore my children, my family understands me perfectly), relationships, hobbies, entertainment, relaxation... And, of course, the pleasure of food. It happens that instead of five, six, ten rays, a person grows one single ray. Food. And this is a purely psychological problem, it cannot be discounted. But then, against this background, a violation of hormonal status occurs, for example, carbohydrate addiction appears, and then it is no longer you who determine your condition, but the condition that determines you. “I would stop, but I can’t anymore.”

Faberlic lose weight
FS: Yes, many overweight people say: “I don’t overeat, I only eat when I’m hungry”...

A.K.: There are three types of hunger: physical, microelementary and psychological. How to distinguish them? When you are physically hungry, you are ready to eat even a rat! When you have microelement hunger, you want to eat something, but you don’t know what. You open the refrigerator, look at the food, but don’t understand “what to eat.” You slam the refrigerator, open it again and start eating everything, hoping to get that very microelement that you are missing. To solve this problem, it is enough to do a hair analysis for microelements. And see what exactly you are missing. As for psychological hunger... Imagine: you are in the store, you bought everything, you got home and remembered that you forgot about your favorite candy. And then you come back for them with huge bags. Sound familiar? Psychological hunger cannot be satisfied with food. It always occurs on foods that contain fats and carbohydrates. That is, you don’t want sugar in its pure form - candies or dry sweet cookies. You need a cake, pastry or sausage sandwich. The combination of fat and carbohydrates stimulates the production of endorphins. And if there are not enough of them, then the body begins to demand appropriate food. Endorphin addiction is similar to heroin addiction. And it is not possible to completely cure it. A person can be “taken off the needle,” but if he breaks down, he will again become a “drug addict.” Nutritionists know how to stop it. Because modern dietetics has moved far away from mono-diets or calorie counting.

FS: Speaking of calorie counting. Why is this method a thing of the past?

A.K.: It has nothing to do with humans and nutrition. As we remember from physics, a calorie is a measure of energy produced by the combustion of a substance in a calorimeter bomb. If the calories are the same everywhere, then we can throw, for example, slippers inside and they will burn? So we can eat slippers? In addition, nothing is burned in our body at all. After all, this process occurs with the release of heat, light, smoke and glow. Do we start to glow if we eat a big meal? A person needs a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutrition should be balanced, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the tasks that the doctor sets for himself in his treatment. Nutrition must be balanced for a specific person. During menstruation, a woman should compensate for the lack of iron. She needs cholesterol, from which progesterone is formed, and if this is not there, a young girl on a diet will get amenorrhea, the absence of a monthly cycle, which will then have to be treated with hormones for a long time. There must be a comprehensive and individual approach to everything. There is only one rule: there are no cakes in a balanced diet.

FS: How then do those who achieve their dreams avoid failure?

A.K.: We explain to a person what happens to him when he eats certain foods. After all, we, nutritionists, evaluate all products based on their composition. When I come to the store, like in the movie “The Matrix,” numbers, interactions, combinations click before my eyes... The digestion time of meat in the stomach is seven hours, and an apple needs three, which means insulin will be released... We share this knowledge with patients , we tell what happens when they eat, for example, cake. And we present them with a choice: if you go to the left, your legs will be amputated from diabetes, if you go to the right, you will live up to a hundred years.

FS: Do you keep statistics on who stayed with you and who broke down?

A.K.: 80% of patients leave the clinic having fully achieved their physiological norm. 1-2% returns to us. We have a special program for maintaining weight, but even this program is rarely purchased. After all, our patients leave with deep knowledge in nutrition. They educate themselves and teach everyone at home.

FS: There are people who know a lot, but they fail to apply their knowledge. They say they don't have enough motivation. How do you deal with this?

A.K.: Previously, nutritionists dealt with motivation, because the strongest motivation is to improve your health. But now we have a psychotherapist, and his consultation is mandatory. In general, it is impossible to divide the patient into two parts: here the psychological, and here the endocrinological. It is necessary to treat not the disease, but the person.

Faberlic lose weight
FS: Does it happen that your patients have no health problems?

A.K.: It doesn’t happen. You probably consider yourself an absolutely healthy person, but I’m ready to look at your tests and I’m 100% sure that I’ll find pathology. By the age of 30-40, disorders begin to occur in our body. Modern life extension strategies abroad are based on hormonal micro-balancing. If a man does not have testosterone and cannot become a father, then nature, as it were, crosses him out. The same thing happens to the female body during menopause; she begins to develop cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks. The estrogen that saved her stops being produced. Hormone replacement therapy is used all over the world, but here doctors are afraid to prescribe it.

FS: Women still take more care of their health...

A.K.: I'm not sure. Which women use herbal or hormone replacement therapy after menopause? One out of 30-40, because doctors don’t prescribe it, they are afraid of the long-term consequences of taking hormones.

FS: What in a woman’s health depends on age?

A.K.: From the point of view of nutrition, a woman has two ages: before menopause and after. Afterwards she needs phytoestrogens. By the way, previously, women in menopause were legally prohibited from losing weight: when estrogen production in the body is disrupted, the fat cell takes on the function of producing estrogen; moreover, testosterone, which is also present in the woman’s body, begins to actively transform into estrogen, and fat cells grow compensatory .

FS: Can you give recommendations on how to lose weight that will suit everyone without exception?

A.K.: I can, but they will solve the weight problem, not cure it. And this can only be shown to those who are not obese (see above). I repeat: weight gain and weight loss is a balance of hormones in the body. The most important hormone is insulin, so we exclude from the diet foods that have a high glycemic index and contribute to the production of insulin. This way we will reduce its level, and we will not have insulin attacks, when the hormone rises sharply and then sharply drops below normal and a person experiences uncontrollable hunger. We remove from the diet foods that contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates: sugar, sweet soda, refined bread, potatoes, white polished rice, honey. I recommend walking at least ten thousand steps a day. This is necessary for the production of adrenaline, which helps burn fat. And be sure to get enough sleep. You need to sleep 6-8 hours, and preferably in the dark. Because at night a somatotropic hormone is released, which in childhood is responsible for growth. It is also the most powerful fat-burning hormone: it acts for only 50 minutes and is capable of burning 100-150 g of adipose tissue.

FS: Everything is clear with carbohydrates, but how to remove them from life if your hand reaches out?

A.K.: If a person wants something, he lacks something, it is useless to fight it. We need to understand what is missing and why. We eat not because we are promiscuous, but because, for example, we lack energy, or we have insulin tolerance, or a lack of endorphins. All this can be fixed, you just need to do it competently and tastefully.

Ideal weight formula

Let's start with the fact that as a starting point, that is, as a weight close to the ideal, we can take the body weight that is established in a person by approximately 20 - 25 years. Provided that he did not have eating disorders or any serious illnesses. However, lately doctors have been talking less about ideal weight and more about normal body weight: too much depends on gender, age, body type, and so on. Nowadays, it is popular to calculate the body mass index: the ratio of a person’s weight in kilograms to the square of his height in meters. If the BMI is more than 25, the weight is considered overweight; when the index exceeds 30, we are already talking about a disease, about obesity. Alas, this method cannot be called absolutely reliable.

Brock formula: weight depends on body type. Measure the circumference of the wrist: for normosthenics it is 16 - 18 cm, for asthenics it is less than 16, for hypersthenics it is 19 cm or more. Do the calculations. Weight = height - minus 100 for a height of up to 165 cm - minus 105 for a height of 166-175 cm - minus 110 for a height of more than 175 cm. In their pure form, these figures are suitable for normosthenics. Asthenics should subtract 10% from them, and hypersthenics should add 10%. Ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. Ideally, this indicator should not exceed 0.8 for women, and 1.0 for men. In other words, for men, the waist circumference should be less than 94 cm, for women it should not exceed 80 cm.

Determination of the amount of fat and muscle mass using bioimpedancemetry. A weak electrical current (imperceptible to humans) passes through the body, different tissues resist differently, the device measures the resistance, and based on this the body composition is estimated. It is thanks to this study that you can accurately understand whether a person needs to lose weight.

What products should you make up your diet from?

It is not difficult to create the right diet for weight loss. The basis of the diet is meat, fish and seafood, as well as vegetables and fruits. The main condition for losing 10 kilograms or more in a month is to avoid fried and fatty foods. When frying, foods absorb oil, which increases their calorie content by 4-5 times.

Basic products for those who want to lose weight:

  • lean meat: pork tenderloin, chicken, beef, veal, rabbit;
  • fish: hake, pollock, trout, salmon, salmon;
  • seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels, rapana;
  • offal: pork or chicken liver, pork heart and tongue, chicken hearts.

Protein foods should be eaten in combination with plant foods. Vegetables, fruits, berries and greens contain fiber. These are dietary fibers that do not break down and, like a “brush,” remove toxins from the intestines.

Healthy foods:

  • seasonal vegetables;
  • berries;
  • fruits (except bananas and grapes);
  • greens and microgreens.

Don't forget about slow carbohydrates. They are found in premium cereals and pasta. They should be consumed in the morning, when a high metabolism quickly breaks down food and the body receives a boost of energy.

The healthiest cereals:

  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat

Fats include vegetable oils:

  • unrefined olive;
  • sesame;
  • corn;
  • from grape seeds.

Season vegetable salads with oils. It has been proven that the digestibility of plant foods increases by 50% if eaten with fat.

Product table

Product, 100 g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Veal 30 0,8
Chicken 32 0,7
Pork 34 1,5
Turkey 36 0,7
Rabbit 35 0,3
Pollock 18 1
Squid 18 2
Salmon 22 1,5
Eggs 12 4 0,6
Skim milk 3 0,05 5
Low-fat kefir 4,3 1 5,3
Low-fat cottage cheese 18 0,6 1,8
Wheat bread 8 2,5 53
Rye bread 5 1 49
Boiled potatoes 2 0,5 17
French fries 3,5 15 30
boiled rice 2,2 0,5 25
Boiled buckwheat 3,5 0,7 17
Oatmeal on the water 3 2 15
Olive oil 0 99,5 0

Menu for the week

Sample menu for a week for those who want to lose weight. For breakfast, drink tea or coffee without sugar, add a substitute to taste.


  • Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 boiled egg.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken broth, tomato juice 200 ml, steam cutlet.
  • Dinner: 200 g of hake or pollock baked with vegetables.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water with ½ teaspoon of olive oil, orange.
  • Lunch: 300 g of lean borscht with mushrooms, uzvar, 2-3 apples.
  • Dinner: 1 baked chicken breast, green tea.


  • Breakfast: steamed omelet with 2 eggs, rye bread with ham.
  • Lunch: 250 g lean pork stew with potatoes, 200 ml orange juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g cauliflower baked in creamy sauce, green tea.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat in water, 1 boiled egg.
  • Lunch: chicken broth with homemade noodles 200 g, apple juice 200 ml.
  • Dinner: boiled ham, green tea.


  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, bread with a piece of lean ham.
  • Lunch: 200 g buckwheat porridge with steamed cutlet, 200 ml orange juice.
  • Dinner: steamed omelet of 2 eggs with green peas, tea or uzvar.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water, steam cutlet.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with veal 250 g, juice or uzvar 250 ml.
  • Dinner: 150 g of pollock baked with peas, juice or green tea.


  • Breakfast: 2 whole grain breads with red lightly salted fish.
  • Lunch: 150 g of homemade noodles with boiled cauliflower, juice or uzvar.
  • Dinner: 1 chicken breast baked with carrots.

Throughout the week, you can change combinations of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snack – low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or fruit.


For vegans, the main sources of protein will be soy, lentils, buckwheat and tofu.

Diet for fast fat burning

What should you eat to quickly lose fat?

It turns out that doctors have long found such products and came up with a whole nutrition system. Initially, this diet was developed by cardiologist Arthur Agatston for “heart patients”.

Its goal is to improve heart function while helping you lose weight. The diet turned out to be so effective that it very soon became very popular all over the world. With its help, you can not only improve your heart health, but also lose up to 11 kg of fat in a short period of time.

You can only eat natural products. Can be used:

  • soups;
  • vegetables;
  • salads;
  • bird;
  • seafood;
  • meat;
  • legumes;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products.

It is necessary to completely abandon:

  • bread, including whole grain, bran;
  • all bakery products;
  • all types of pasta, including durum wheat;
  • white rice;
  • Sahara.

How to lose weight as a 40 year old woman

Here is an approximate diet that will help you navigate the correct selection of foods and dishes.


  • 1 glass of tomato juice;
  • omelette of 2 egg whites with herbs and mushrooms;
  • coffee or tea with milk without sugar.


  • veal steak 150 gr. (baked or grilled);
  • vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • some fresh fruit, except bananas, grapes.


  • cod fillet 200 gr. (baked or grilled);
  • steamed cauliflower or broccoli;
  • fruits or berries with low-fat yogurt.

As practice shows, on such a diet you can reduce weight by 4-5 kilos in a month!

What foods can you eat while losing weight?

A balanced diet should consist of dishes where proteins are combined with vegetables or slow carbohydrates. To effectively lose weight, you need to divide all meals into 5 meals:

  • breakfast – a portion of porridge and protein;
  • second breakfast - fruit;
  • lunch - vegetables and protein;
  • afternoon snack – fermented milk products;
  • dinner - vegetables and protein.

A balanced diet will help you lose weight correctly in a month. Many people who are losing weight make the mistake of switching to boiled chicken breast and vegetables. Make the menu varied, change not the list of products, but the method of preparing them:

  • instead of frying, use baking in foil or a sleeve;
  • buy a grill pan and fry without oil;
  • Buy a steamer and steam it.

The hardest thing to give up is baking and sweets. Instead of bread, eat whole grain bread, and replace sweets with nuts and dried fruits.


Nutritionists advise preparing your daily diet in such a way that it is dominated by low-fat protein foods. The body spends 4 kcal to break down 1 g of protein, burning its own fat reserves.

Recipes for delicious dietary dishes

Lose weight at home in style - we offer recipes for simple dietary dishes for a varied, nutritious diet.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms

  • 200 g champignons;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 g shredded cabbage;
  • 1 can of canned beans;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Finely chop the mushrooms and onions and fry in a tablespoon of olive oil until golden brown. Grate carrots and beets, add tomato paste, simmer covered over low heat until tender.

Finely chop the potatoes. Boil 2 liters of water, add finely chopped potatoes. When it is half ready, add the beans and the remaining ingredients to the pan and cook for another 20 minutes. Add garlic and spices to taste, serve with low-fat sour cream.

Baked chicken breast with vegetables

Wash the chicken breast, rub with spices and salt to taste. Vegetables - cauliflower pieces, sliced ​​carrots or peas into a baking sleeve, put meat on top. Close the sleeve and bake in the oven at 170°C for 25-30 minutes.

Baked fish with vegetables

Salt the fish fillet and add spices to taste. Place vegetables in cubes on foil and place fish on top. Wrap tightly and bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 170°C.

Steamed omelette

Beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and pour into a silicone mold. Turn on the steamer and place the pan on a stand. Cook for 20 minutes.

Lean pork stew with potatoes

Cut 300 g of pork tenderloin into 2x2 centimeter pieces, fry until golden brown in a tablespoon of olive oil. Peel 6-7 potatoes, cut into cubes, fry in the remaining oil for 2-3 minutes with other vegetables to taste. Place the prepared products in a saucepan, add a little water, salt and spices to taste. Cook covered over low heat for 45 minutes.

Weight 100 kg: how to lose weight for an overweight man

The diet for men who weigh 100 or 130 kilograms is no different. In any case, you need to gradually reduce the amount of food you consume. Particular emphasis on gradualism! There is no need to starve yourself and grueling workouts. You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions; after a while, the volume of your stomach will decrease and you will feel less hungry. You shouldn’t categorically give up your favorite foods; sometimes you can treat yourself to something tasty, but in small quantities.

Weight loss for men from 100 kg
Drink more water, juices and kefir - liquid temporarily eliminates the feeling of hunger. A diet for men who weigh about 140 kg at 40 years old should include plenty of fruits, as well as beneficial substances found in:

  • fish,
  • nuts,
  • broccoli,
  • tomatoes,
  • rosehip,
  • raisins,
  • porridge,
  • dairy products.

The last meal should not be later than a couple of hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to lose weight without special diets?

Proper nutrition and physical activity are the key to a beautiful figure. If you want to lose weight quickly in a month, you need to completely change your usual diet. Following special diets is often difficult: you need to buy special foods, eat on a schedule and prepare certain dishes. Nutritionists recommend following only 3 rules to easily lose at least 5 kilograms in a month.

Reduce carbohydrates as much as possible

The secret of most diets is based on eating low-fat protein foods. Animal foods that are rich in protein do not contain the carbohydrates the body needs for energy.

To digest protein, we spend 2 times more energy than for other products. If there are not enough carbohydrates in the diet, the body begins to break down its own fat reserves. If you want to lose weight, eat lean meat, fish, offal and eggs with vegetables.

We have the right breakfast

You can't live without carbohydrates at all. They should be consumed in the morning, when the body has a high metabolism and quickly converts food into energy. The correct breakfast is porridge with water and protein: for example, oatmeal with eggs.

Removing food waste

The habit of snacking on shawarma or Big Macs leads to weight gain. Fast food, sugary carbonated drinks, and other “junk foods” contain processed carbohydrates.

After consumption, a sharp jump in blood sugar occurs, and a feeling of satiety occurs. After 1-2 hours, the glucose level drops sharply and you want to eat again. Remove chips, sugary drinks, baked goods, and flour from your diet. If you want a snack, eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

Why do you need to consult a nutritionist?

There is an individual task on how to lose weight for the correct diet of each organism. Because, before the close supervision of a nutritionist, you can lose extra pounds.

It will help warn about the dangers of the newfangled Atkins diet - a very dangerous kidney disease. During the diet, the blood changes, cholesterol, which is present when plaques appear - lipoprapids of the lowest density, decreases, and the vessels themselves are protected from atherosclerosis.

Every diet is risky and associated with deficiencies of vitamins and microelements. It provokes stressful situations for the body, which are accompanied by irritability and bad mood. Only a professional nutritionist will tell you how to lose weight correctly.

After the patient refuses to diet, the weight is gained again, and sometimes it increases even more, and again the question inexorably arises - how to lose weight. Don't forget that the brain is powered by glucose and this is the only source of energy. People who go on strict diets lose memory, concentration and clear thinking.

When thinking about your diet, remember that one third of the products should be plant-based, but meat and fish need 200-150 grams per day.

Do not eat white bread, sugar, canned food, mayonnaise, or sausage, as they contain harmful additives. You will have to give up alcohol.

Eat foods stewed in a small amount of water. For dessert, eat fruit. With such a diet, you can lose weight by 2 kg per month, also if you follow a diet of cereals (see).

Fitness program

Each gym has several trainers; you can choose based on recommendations from friends or reviews on the Internet. Before you start training, you must create a program that you will perform for the first time. As you gain experience, the trainer will change the strength load and add new exercises to make the classes more effective. All fitness training consists of two stages.


The ideal fitness routine for all beginners is cardio training. This is the launch of all body systems, without which you will not achieve the desired effect. You should spend about 10-15 minutes on them at the beginning, then proceed with the trainer to the main program.

Training develops respiratory endurance, the heart receives enough oxygen for the duration of the session. Exercise is important for your metabolism: 15 minutes of brisk walking on a treadmill or exercise bike is equivalent to 45 minutes of regular walking outside. Cardio starts and ends every session.

Power complexes

An important stage of fitness training. Don’t be afraid that after a course of classes you will build up huge muscles, like bodybuilders.

  • Women will be prevented from doing this by low testosterone levels. Men who are training for relief use a special diet and additionally take anabolic steroids to enhance the effect.
  • The body first burns fat deposits; it will take a long time to build muscle mass, when you already have a toned figure.

During fitness training, special sets of exercises are used aimed at developing endurance with a set of weights, which include:

  • dumbbells;
  • rods;
  • balls.

Then the trainer prescribes exercises on simulators to consolidate the results.

I have dealt with my emotions and the problems they cause.

Paradoxically, for some people, being overweight gives them a sense of security - they feel that the layer of fat on their body is somehow separating them from the outside world. I've been in a similar situation myself, and I know that I had to deal with emotional issues that caused me to seek additional "security" in this way. I began to practice visualizing my fears and phobias, which ultimately helped me get rid of past traumas and convince my body that it would be much better off without all that extra weight.

And don't think that this problem is not widespread. Over the years that I have been working with clients, I have come to the conclusion that about 65-70% of my clients use excess weight as a form of protection. I call this “emotional obesity.” But when you deal with your emotions and break your associations between excess weight and safety, you will find that your body is now much more willing to part with accumulated fat. After I broke this association, and the fat ceased to fulfill its purpose - the fat armor ceased to give me a sense of security - it melted like snow in the hot sun.

Basic mistakes beginners make in fitness

Beginners who come to the gym for the first time often make common mistakes. This leads to the fact that the desired result is not achieved even after a year of training.

Classes without a trainer

Just because you've researched the coolest exercise program on the internet isn't enough to get you started on your own. The trainer will tell you the number of approaches to each exercise machine and change the direction as necessary.


To save on the services of a trainer, it is enough to take paid training the first 2-3 times. The specialist will consolidate the skills and then you can work independently.

Company classes

Some girls go to the gym in a group and get distracted by conversations. As a result, concentration decreases and the effectiveness of classes decreases. If you really decide to lose 10, 15 or more kilograms, do not be distracted from your training. You can discuss interesting topics and questions with your friends after the hall.

Incorrect workout duration

You should not study for 2-3 hours every day, it will not bring the desired result. 45 minutes is enough for the first time, while the skills are consolidated and the muscles get used to the load. In the future, gradually increase the time you perform the exercises. Keep your training frequency 2-3 times a week, your muscles should relax.

I stopped tormenting my body with diets and started nourishing it properly instead.

My research helped me realize that my body was actually starving - no, not in the general sense of the word, but it was constantly lacking certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, fresh greens and quality proteins. I made sure my body was getting as many of the right nutrients as possible. If I occasionally wanted to eat at a fast food restaurant or eat some candy, instead of trying to hold it in, I did so. But you know what? Little by little I realized that I stopped wanting this. As the body got used to high-quality and proper food, it began to understand that it only wanted to eat it.

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