Plank exercise for men: benefits, how to do it, technique, frequency, reviews. Real before and after photos!

The plank is a static exercise aimed at strengthening the shoulders and lumbar region of the athlete. To implement the training, you need to prepare a flat surface on the floor.

Included in a set of warm-up actions, as exercises or exercises in the gym.

The regularity of performing the plank exercise for men allows you to achieve a general health effect and speed up the process of drying the body.

Benefits of the plank

The effectiveness of plank execution by young athletes is not appreciated. However, when implementing classes on an ongoing basis, changes are noticeable within a month.

The exercise is added to fitness classes, yoga, and bodybuilding.

The benefits of the Plank exercise for men are:

  • strengthening the abdominal muscles, buttocks, lower back, shoulders;
  • relieving pain in the spine;
  • creating beautiful posture;
  • acceleration of the metabolic process (during exercise there is an increase in metabolism);
  • increasing the level of flexibility;
  • reducing the risk of injury to the back and spine;
  • improving mood and reducing stress;
  • a set of plank exercises for men leads to increased endurance of the body.

Classes in a static version allow the stronger sex to achieve drying of the body in an accelerated time.

Contraindications to performing the plank

There are a number of contraindications to performing the plank. It is prohibited to conduct static type classes if:

  • hernia diagnosed;
  • there is a spinal injury;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • presence of ligament or tendon injuries;
  • inflammatory process;
  • chronic pathology in an acute form.

What benefits does the “Plank” exercise give to men with regular violations?

Firstly, the risk of injury increases significantly. Secondly, starting sports without consulting your doctor is prohibited. Loads will lead to negative consequences.

Plank techniques

There are several types of Plank exercises for men. The technique for performing them is different.

Let's look at the classic variation:

  • Take the position on the floor “Lying support”, standing on your elbows and toes.
  • Keep your back straight, trying not to bend.
  • The elbows are located under the shoulder girdle.
  • The head is at the level of the spine.
  • The pelvis is level with the back - do not lift up.
  • The leg muscles are tense, stretched to their maximum.
  • Breathe slowly, evenly.

In the photo, the plank exercise for men is done correctly for clarity.

Side plank

There is a well-known type of exercise for advanced athletes - a lateral version. Used as an additional exercise.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • Lie sideways on a flat surface, lean on your lower elbow.
  • From above, the hand is located along the body. It is allowed to rest against the thigh.
  • We align the line of the body by stretching the legs horizontally and parallel.
  • Keep your back straight, your whole body elongated and tense. The pelvic part is raised above the floor and the abs are tense.

In the video, the “Plank” exercise for men demonstrates the correctness of the exercise. The consequence is the development of the muscular skeleton of the forearms, abdomen, and buttocks.

Advanced plank

The maximum effect is achieved by the plank in a complicated version. To implement it, the basic position of the lateral version of the exercise is performed.

The following technique is followed:

  • The upper leg is raised parallel to the lower leg and held suspended at a level just above the head.
  • The arm extends straight up.
  • The reference points are the left parts of the body.
  • The gaze is directed forward.

The Plank exercise for 30 days for men can be performed in various variations.

How to properly lose weight at home: types and techniques

The plank has become widespread because it can be done at home. There are many options, the most popular include:

  1. Standard option. Legs and elbows rest, back parallel to the floor, legs straight. The pelvis cannot be lowered.
  2. Side plank. You need to lie on your side, for example, your left, then raise your body, holding on to your left elbow and forearm, tense your abs, raise your hips so that your body is straight, and fix the position.
  3. On straight arms. It is performed in the same way as the standard version, but the emphasis is not on the elbows, but on straight arms.
  4. Lateral at arm's length. It is performed in the same way as a regular side kick, but the emphasis is on the arm, not the elbow.

There are many more options, these are just the main ones.

Elevated Leg Plank

You can complicate the classic static-type stance by using a raised leg. This approach loads the muscles as much as possible. For this:

  • Basic stand on a flat surface.
  • One leg rises up, reaching the level of the crown and slightly higher.
  • The toe is extended as much as possible.
  • The muscles are tense and the leg is straight.
  • Later you change legs.

Knee plank

There are reviews online about the plank exercise for men, performed on the knees. It is believed that the lesson option is suitable for future jocks and athletes.

The technique is to take a “dog” pose (on all fours). The emphasis is on the knees. It is allowed to straighten your elbows or leave them in a bent position.

It takes 2 minutes to hold the pose. Having achieved a positive result, you can move on to the classic version.

Exercise "Superman"

To perform the “Superman” exercise, you should familiarize yourself with the video instructions or contact a trainer.

  • Performing a task such as a plank begins from the usual primary position.
  • The left hand is extended forward. It is located at the level with the body, being a continuation of the straight line.
  • The right leg lifts off the floor. The spine is straight, the abs, gluteal and back muscles are tense.
  • Hold the position for as long as possible, increasing the time.
  • From the starting position, the technique is repeated, but with opposite parts of the body.

When performing a “Plank” exercise, it is allowed to complicate the task with the help of additional products - a fitball, books or dumbbells in the form of a support.

Listen to your body

You should not deliberately give up on this wonderful exercise. The bar itself does not harm the body, and the best way to protect yourself from potential problems is to constantly monitor your condition. Listen to your feelings and carefully monitor the well-being of your body - the body will always tell you the right way out.

Plank arm row

The video will help you get acquainted with the most common mistakes in performing the plank:

30-day plank exercise program

Among athletes there are standards for conducting the exercise. The famous policeman from China is famous for being able to hold a plank for 481 minutes without a break.

Instructors report that there are no generally accepted standards. When implementing the plank, your health and physical capabilities should be taken into account.

There is a table that shows the approximate transition times for complicating the exercise. Let us present them for clarity:

  • The level of an athlete who can handle 5 minutes of planking is known as a Master. Excellent physical fitness is considered to be a time interval equal to 3 minutes of exercise.
  • Athletes who have reached the Plank endurance level of 2 minutes are considered to have a very good level of training.
  • If we talk about 1.5 minutes of performing the exercise in one approach, then this level of preparation is considered good.
  • The average athlete holds the exercise pose for 1 minute.
  • For beginners, a shutter speed of 0.5 minutes (30 seconds) is called success.

Initially, you need to do the exercise several times daily. You should start with the “Kneeling” pose. It is necessary to bring the performance to 30 seconds of holding the bar.

Without such preparation, it is forbidden to begin a month-long training session. The result of an incorrectly performed technique is the appearance of back pain.

We supplement the training program

As we said earlier, the plank will be an excellent solution to diversify and complement your training program. Especially for you, we have compiled a plank schedule for 30 days, which outlines the number of approaches of various types of planks per month for men. Use this as a rough guide to achieve the best results. Remember that any trained muscle becomes stronger, but don't overwork yourself by trying to achieve big results in a short time.

Classic plank with weights in the shape of a girl

DayType of plankTime in secondsPause in secondsNumber of approaches
2Classic with outstretched arm20203
4Classic with outstretched arm30303
5Lateral (on each side)20303
8Classic with outstretched arm30203
10Classic with outstretched arm30204
11Lateral (on each side)30303
14Classic with outstretched arm45303
16Classic with outstretched arm30206
17Lateral (on each side)30204
19Classic + with outstretched arm/leg60+60302+2
20Lateral (on each side)40304
21Classic + dynamic60 seconds + 8–10 repetitions302+2
22Lateral (on each side)40304
24Classic + dynamic80 + 80302+2
25Lateral (on each side)40304
26Classic + dynamic80 seconds + 8–10 repetitions303+3
29Classic with outstretched arm/leg + dynamic60 seconds + 10–12 repetitions303+3
30Classic + with outstretched arm/leg + dynamic60 seconds + 10–12 repetitions303+3+3

Useful video with different types of planks for men:

Instructions on how to do the plank

In order to minimize the harm from the plank exercise for men, you should strictly follow the instructions.

After the preparatory classes, the classic version of the performance is put into practice. Approaches and the amount of time the rack is held depend on the physical ability of the athlete.

A brief plank program consists of:

Preparing the body for static exercises - the “Kneeling” pose.

Next, the “Classic” option with bent arms is implemented.

It becomes more difficult to practice with rigid support on outstretched hands.

Having reached the level of holding the bar, you should switch to an improved version - with a raised limb. Gradually increase the load with a ball, dumbbells as a suspension. During the exercise, the arm is extended parallel to the floor.

Adding to the innovation is the raised leg. Hands remain in their original position - on the floor. The athlete carefully monitors the fact that the extended limb must be perfectly straight. Later, to increase the load on the abs, you should bend your leg and pull it to your chest.

The exercise consists of simultaneously raising the limbs (arms and legs are opposite). It is allowed to use a dumbbell or kettlebell as weighting agents.

Excellent dynamic plank execution. To do this, take the starting position (initial version). Inhale and jump so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Exhale and accept the original option through the jump.

For the exercise you need to prepare 2 rubber bands. They are tied around the wrists and ankles. From the classic stance, the arms and legs (opposite) are moved to the sides and returned to the starting position. Performed slowly over several approaches.

Fitball is an excellent option for support for forearms and legs. The classic version of the execution is complicated by the fact that the arms are tense and extended, and the legs are on the ball. Push-ups in this position are allowed.

Implementation of the side plank, the technique of which was indicated above.

At a good level of preparation, it is allowed to combine up to 6 types of planks in one workout. In this case, the minimum execution time for each stance is 30 seconds.

Beginners and intermediates are allowed to load up to 3 racks per session. In this case, 20 seconds are allotted for each. The break between approaches is 30 seconds. The maximum rest is 60 seconds.

Pros help

The plank is used not only by amateurs, but also by professionals, since its high efficiency has long been known. It is used both in strength sports, martial arts, and in others where it is necessary to strengthen the abs and increase strength endurance.

Yaroslav Brin, bodybuilder and blogger

A famous athlete and author of many techniques, Yaroslav Brin advises to definitely include an exercise such as a plank in your training process.

It will strengthen not only the abs, but also other muscles, including the back, legs, arms, and so on.

In his opinion, after including such a movement in the program, strength indicators will increase, and basic exercises will become much easier to perform.

Dmitry Yashankin, bodybuilder

Bodybuilder, coach and presenter of various sports programs, Dmitry Yashankin advises doing the plank both for those who work out in the gym and for people who prefer home workouts. 3-5 approaches per session will significantly strengthen the muscle corset and increase endurance.

Denis Seminikhin, bodybuilder

Denis Seminikhin became famous thanks to his training videos on the Internet. He often talks about the benefits of the plank, but advises to follow other conditions: eat right, change the training program, increase the load, and so on.

He also advises not to get hung up on one type of plank, but to regularly include new options, of which there are quite a lot.

Errors in performing the exercise

It is possible to minimize injuries and the chances of spraining ligaments with a competent approach to exercise. You can avoid problems if you avoid mistakes in performing the plank. Forbidden:

  • Bend your back or arch it when performing the exercise.
  • Stick your butt out or lower your buttocks. The pelvis should always be at the same level as the torso.
  • The location of the neck, shoulders and head above or below the line of the spine. The ideal is a continuation of the body in one plane.
  • The legs are bent when performing the exercise - this leads to overstrain of the lower back and the effectiveness is reduced. When performed correctly, the legs are extended and tense.

The benefits of planks for men: how does it affect the body?

The exercise itself is static. To perform it, you will have to fix your body in one position and not move. Let us note right away that this is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In addition, there are various variations of the plank - each of them is aimed at a more intense impact on a particular muscle group.

By performing this exercise daily, a man will be able to fully develop:

  • abdominal muscles - in particular, a positive effect on the upper and lower abs is guaranteed, and in order to ensure the strengthening of the oblique muscles, you should choose the so-called side plank for daily exercise;
  • muscles of the back and neck - during the exercise, all the muscles of these parts of the body are fully loaded and strengthened, which has a positive effect on posture. In addition, the muscles in the abdominal area are tightened, and therefore if you have problem areas in this part of the body, you can get rid of them;
  • muscles of the buttocks and legs - this is due to the fact that the gluteal muscles are compressed, and the muscles on the thighs are also affected;
  • muscles of the arms and chest - already in the first seconds after starting the exercise, you will feel the heat spreading through the muscles, which indicates a positive effect on them.

In addition, the benefit of planking for men is that with regular training, the overall endurance of the body increases many times over.

Thanks to the constant static load, the so-called drying of muscle tissue occurs. And this, in turn, will allow you to create an attractive body contour.

If various types of planks are performed correctly, the effect of training will be noticeable within 15-20 days.

Consequences of incorrect implementation of the plank

Sport is a risk of injury. When implementing various exercises in static type sports, the following arise:

  • pain;
  • torn abdominal muscles;
  • inflammation.

The results of doing the plank are obvious after a couple of weeks of daily exercises. However, drying the body requires an integrated approach and systematic implementation.

Will this exercise help build abs?

Pumping up your abs is one of the direct responsibilities of the plank. Therefore, definitely, if you do the plank, your abs will pump.

But if you want washboard abs on your stomach, then the plank is unlikely to meet your expectations.

This exercise rather helps strengthen the core muscles and pump up the internal abdominal muscles, which are located under the cubes.

Now, probably, a small revolution has occurred in many people’s heads. Breaking patterns in action, so to speak. Despite the fact that many people think that the abs are only cubes, no, they are also the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, and the internal abdominal muscles, and the cubes are only the rectus abdominis muscle.

So, in the plank, the internal muscles work primarily . That’s why she won’t draw you six-pack, but she will pump up and strengthen your abs.

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