10 fruits that help muscles strengthen and develop fully

The effect of fruits on the human body

Let's consider what fruits should be included in the diet, their effect on the body and well-being.

Fruits good for the liver

The most beneficial fruits for the liver:

  • Bananas do not burden the liver, are non-toxic, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. The handsome yellow is able to improve digestion, improve the functioning of the pancreas, and remove excess fluid from the body;
  • Apples – cleanse the liver, remove cholesterol, toxins, poisons, promote the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lemons – protect the liver, destroy harmful microorganisms, ensure the release of bile from the body;
  • Plums - remove toxins and waste, normalize intestinal function, relieve heaviness in the stomach.

For skin

Fruits that are good for your skin:

  • apricots;
  • avocado;
  • peaches;
  • apples.

For the kidneys

Kidney-friendly fruits:

  • Apples - cleanse the urinary tract, prevent the formation of urolithiasis;
  • Bananas – remove sand;
  • Grape;
  • Oranges.

What fruits are good for the heart and blood vessels?

In order to identify fruits that are good for the heart, you need to understand what it lacks for normal functioning. Vitamins, minerals and fiber are required to strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels. Fruits that are essential for the heart should include calcium, potassium, vitamins B, A and C.

Top 4 fruits that are good for the cardiovascular system:

  • pomegranate;
  • bananas;
  • persimmon;
  • lemon.

These fruits are popular in our country; you can find them in any store.

Healthy fruits for women

Fruits are a favorite treat for children and adults. They are especially useful for women, as they support youth and beauty. Most fruits are low in calories, so they become frequent guests in the diet of those losing weight.

What fruits are good for women's health? Apples and pears - this is due to their high content of copper, iron and folic acid. Fruits are valuable during pregnancy and during menstruation, they help cleanse the body and normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating pears helps:

  • lowering cholesterol;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of glucose levels.


  • protection from stress, improved mood;
  • help maintain beauty - silky hair, strong teeth and nails, beautiful skin.


  • during menstruation, reduce bleeding and reduce pain;
  • lift your spirits;
  • improve the taste of milk during the feeding period.

Bodymaster.ru recommends Fitness Trainers:

Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving preference to green foods due to their high content of vitamins, carotenoids and folic acid. Their action is aimed at normalizing the process of hematopoiesis, improving skin condition, and fighting diabetes.

It is recommended to leave the choice on fresh products, due to the valuable enzymes they contain, which take care of the human body with enviable care. It is recommended to purchase locally grown produce. This increases the likelihood of purchasing an environmentally friendly product.

The twenty best foods on a bodybuilder's menu

Do you know what an axiom is? This is a fact that does not need to be proven, since it is self-evident. So, the main axiom of bodybuilding says: to become big, you need to eat a lot. Let me emphasize: it’s a lot! Half a century of experience in professional bodybuilding has been tested and retested: extreme growth starts with 4000 calories a day, period!

About 25% of calories are proteins, very little fat (10-15%) and the rest is carbohydrates. And remember: this ratio of macronutrients is scientifically proven. Science has convincingly proven that if carbohydrates account for even half of the food calories in your diet, there will be no growth, even if you hit your forehead against the wall!

For a bodybuilder, the lower limit of carbohydrate content is 60% of the total energy value of the daily menu! This is the only way to count on weight gain. How many unfortunate people have been marking time in one place for years only because they eat a lot, but are illiterate. Don't repeat stupid mistakes!

In this short article, I list the “hit” twenty foods that should be included in your diet as a mandatory element. Yes, yes, exactly as a mandatory element! Everything else is no less useful! - comes next: milk, cereals, fruits and vegetables, herbs and bread.

Don't try to cram all the necessary products into yourself in three sittings. It's better to eat six times a day or so, having short snacks instead of long gatherings at the kitchen table.

And now about the most important thing - proteins. Consume at least 2-2.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. (In total, protein should account for 25% of your daily calories.) The big problem is that protein foods contain a lot of fat. So, by leaning on proteins, you risk becoming obese. Therefore, consciously choose lean meat in the store, remove the skin from chicken, and if you buy milk, then only skim milk.

In general, fats should make up approximately 15% of your caloric intake. However, fats are different from fats. Animal fats are downright harmful. Even from plants, not all are useful. Those that are suitable for a bodybuilder can be counted on one hand: peanut butter, fats in avocados and nuts, as well as “fish oil” from salmon and tuna.

Let me remind you once again that a diet aimed at real muscle building contains a brutal number of calories - no less than 4000 per day. This is much more than is needed for regular training or just to keep yourself in good shape. But even in the latter case, my “twenty” will come in handy. True, the amount you eat will have to be seriously reduced.


Some pros eat up to 2-3 dozen eggs a day. And all because egg white is absorbed better than any other. Hence the obvious benefits of the egg diet, which has been retested many times over the half-century history of bodybuilding. There was a time when doctors considered weight training on eggs to be barbaric, because supposedly eggs contained too much cholesterol.

However, solid scientific studies have shown that even overdoing it with eggs does not increase blood cholesterol levels. At least for hard training athletes. Science still does not advise mere mortals to eat more than one egg per day.

Egg yolk contains vitamin A, folic acid and carotenoids. This is also where the lion's share of egg cholesterol is found. It would seem, why be afraid of him? It was said that he is not dangerous. Everything is true, but not for jocks who use steroids. The fact is that steroid hormones increase the total amount of so-called in the blood. “bad” cholesterol, which sticks together into lumps and then tightly clogs the lumen of the arteries.

If you load yourself with egg cholesterol every day, everything can easily end with funeral music. So, jocks who are guilty of steroids are advised to throw away the yolks. It is clear that omelettes and scrambled eggs in this case automatically “fall out” from the menu. If there are eggs, then only boiled ones. However, you can separate the yolks while the eggs are raw, and only then prepare omelettes from the whites alone. But it's troublesome.

One whole egg: 76 calories, 6.5 g protein, 0.6 g carbohydrates, 5 g fat. One egg white: 16 calories, 3.5 g protein, 0.3 g carbohydrates, 0 g fat.


Beef is one of the healthiest foods for bodybuilders. It contains not only the proteins necessary for building muscles, but also iron, zinc, niacin, as well as vitamins B6 and B12, which are vital for athletes. Choose cuts that have the least fat, namely the sirloin. Well, if you do get fat, it must be cut off before preparing the dish.

100g Premium Sirloin: 199 calories, 28g protein, 0g carbs, 9g fat.


Oatmeal is an excellent source of long-lasting carbohydrates. It provides the body with energy for at least 3.5 hours after consumption. For all pros who understand weight gain, oatmeal is a staple food product. Not only does oatmeal supply the body with selected carbohydrates, it contains a lot of plant proteins and heart-healthy soluble fiber. To really give oatmeal a kick, add protein powder or egg whites to it.

1 cup oatmeal: 145 calories, 6 g protein, 25 g carbohydrates, 2 g fat, 4 g fiber.


For a knowledgeable bodybuilder, pasta is a basic dish in the diet, since it contains a bombshell amount of calories (up to 200 per serving). You can add minced beef to the pasta (you will get navy-style pasta) or just pieces of lean beef. Or you can limit yourself to tomato puree without fat and hot spices. By the way, tomatoes have their own advantage: they contain lycopenes. They reduce the risk of cancer.

Per serving (1 bowl pasta, 1/2 cup sauce, 100g beef): 437 calories, 33g protein, 51g carbs, 11g fat.


Official dietetics vilifies sandwiches, but for a jock, a sandwich is an indispensable thing for a snack between main meals. The sandwich contains proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals (if you add greens). The main thing is that you can “build” your favorite “version” yourself: take ham or meat, add some cheese and hot sauce. The classic is a large loaf of bread cut in half. Inside is 60 g of chicken, 2 slices of cheese, some tomatoes, green salad, onion, bell pepper and mustard. In addition, the filling can be lightly sprinkled with wine vinegar.

Sandwich (as described): 339 calories, 27 g protein, 41 g carbohydrates, 7 g fat.

Chicken breasts

A wonderful source of proteins. And almost no fat. The main thing is to cook it correctly. Never fry in oil! It is better to buy a home portable grill and cook the breasts on it.

100g breasts: 165 calories, 31g protein, 0g carbs, 4g fat.


This small, bright yellow fruit is both delicious and rich in nutrients. And when it’s not the season, you can buy dried apricots or apricot compote. Why does a bodybuilder need apricots? Fresh apricots contain a lot of potassium - an invaluable compound for the heart, which also really stimulates muscle growth. There is also beta-carotene, vitamin C and dietary fiber. In dried apricots the concentration of all these substances is greater. There are also more calories in dried apricots, but less vitamin C. Canned apricots are a good source of vitamin C, but they are much lower in potassium and fiber.

Peaches are much inferior in usefulness to their younger brothers - apricots. Well, their mutual relative, the nectarine, is almost useless.

  • 3 fresh apricots: 54 calories, 1.5 g protein, 12 g carbohydrates, 2.5 g fiber.
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots: 84 calories, 1 g protein, 20 g carbohydrates, 3 g fiber.
  • 1/2 cup canned apricots: 64 calories, 1 g protein, 15 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber.

Sweet potato

Why buy regular potatoes when sweet potatoes are much tastier and more nutritious? It contains a lot of beta-carotene, potassium, vitamins C and B6, and dietary fiber. Regular potatoes, of course, are also healthy, but they contain almost no beta-carotene. No matter what kind of potatoes you prefer, never fry them in fat.

Sweet Potato, approximately 150 g: 117 calories, 2 g protein, 28 g carbohydrates, 3.4 g fiber.


Tuna is rich in protein and also contains an invaluable type of fat - omega-3. These fats are known to be able to protect an athlete’s heart from overstrain. There is also evidence that omega-3 fats can stimulate muscle growth. Many people eat fish straight from the can, but you can come up with something more fun, such as a green salad with tuna or a sandwich.

Tuna in its own juice, 100 g: 116 calories, 26 g protein, 0 g carbohydrates, 1 g fat.


Protein powder is a convenient source of protein. Judge for yourself: there is not even a gram of fat in the powder! You can make protein shakes with milk, with the addition of fruit, or you can add them to oatmeal. The best types of protein are those from milk: whey and casein. Soy proteins are also good, but are less digestible. But they contain isoflavones, which significantly reduce cholesterol levels. So, soy powder is an indispensable thing for jocks on steroids. Which is better - pure protein or with added carbohydrates? For a snack, a cocktail of proteins and carbohydrates is more suitable. Only pure protein should be added to porridge.

Protein, 30 g: 100 calories, 24 g protein, 0 g carbohydrates, 0 g fat.


Apples are a seemingly ordinary fruit, but very healthy. You should always have one or two in your gym bag. A source of easily digestible simple carbohydrates. Almost instantly raises blood sugar levels. Sour apples contain a lot of potassium and vitamin C. Apples are a very convenient and economical way to satisfy your hunger. In addition, apples contain isoflavones (see above).

Medium apple: 81 calories, 21 g carbohydrates, almost 4 g fiber.


Heavy training worsens digestion, like any stress. Yogurt can help because it contains beneficial fungal cultures that activate digestion. Plus, yogurt is high in calcium, and calcium is needed like air when you consume more protein than usual. Protein increases the body's consumption of calcium. In conditions of calcium deficiency, the body removes it from the bones, and therefore the risk of various types of injuries increases sharply. Yogurt can be mixed with fresh fruit, whipped in a mixer and drunk as a cocktail, and various sauces can be prepared based on it.

Unsweetened Yogurt, 240g: 127 calories, 13g protein, 17g carbs.


This valuable exotic fruit is surprisingly inexpensive and is sold everywhere. The sensation of kiwi is that the fruit contains more vitamin C than lemon! In addition, kiwi contains a lot of potassium. It is customary to eat kiwi fruits this way: they are cut in half and the core is eaten out with a teaspoon.

Kiwi: 46 calories, 11 g carbohydrates, 2.6 g fiber.


Pizza itself is very convenient for a bodybuilder, since even a small piece of it contains a lot of calories. Plus, pizza contains both carbohydrates and proteins. Whether you make your own pizza or buy it from the store, choose lighter, low-fat toppings. The nutritional value of different types of pizza, of course, is different, but in any case it is quite high. Ready-made frozen pizza is convenient. There is no need to be clever here: the content of macroelements and calories is written on the label.

Pizza (138g): 270 calories, 25g protein, 30g carbs, 9g fat.

Orange juice

Contains carbohydrate concentrate, vitamin C, carotenoids, potassium and folic acid. Instantly raises blood sugar levels. The pulp of a fresh orange, of course, contains more useful dietary fiber than juice with pulp. However, carbohydrates from juice are absorbed faster.

In one glass of juice: 105 calories, 2 g protein, 24 g carbohydrates, traces of fat.


After studying 40 fruits and vegetables, scientists found that blueberries had the greatest antioxidant capacity. Anthocyanins (which give this berry its blue color) and other components contained in blueberries have many beneficial properties for a bodybuilder. In particular, they preserve vision, which usually falls in a bodybuilder due to genetic predisposition. Blueberries contain potassium, zinc, magnesium, some vitamin C and dietary fiber. No fresh, buy fresh frozen.

One cup of blueberries: 80 calories, 1 g protein, 19 g carbohydrates, 1 g fat, 4 g fiber.

Protein-carbohydrate drink

According to nutritionists, this is an ideal nutrition during the body’s recovery period after training. With this drink you'll get about 350-400 calories, about 20g protein, 60g carbs, and probably some fat (about 10g). You can mix the protein powder with milk and add fruit to the drink. Or you can buy a ready-made protein-carbohydrate mixture.

Post-Workout Renewal Drink, 600 g: 400 calories, 20 g protein, 60 g carbohydrates, 9 g fat.


All types of nuts are beneficial for a bodybuilder. For example, peanuts contain protein, dietary fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, copper, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are good. But! You should not eat nuts in large quantities - after all, they contain a lot of fat. Single serving - approximately 30 g.

Roasted Unsalted Peanuts, 30 g: 178 calories, 7 g protein, 6 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat, 2 g fiber.


It is the most important “nutrient” for athletes. You need to drink approximately 3.5 liters per day. Increased water intake by athletes is due to two reasons. Firstly, the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates requires a lot of water. So, water intake is directly related to the calorie content of your diet - the higher it is, the more water you need to drink. Second: the athlete’s body spends much more water due to physical activity. On the day of particularly heavy training, you need to increase your water intake even more to compensate for the extreme fluid loss. Even slight dehydration harms the heart, and therefore you need to keep your fluid intake under strict control.

Fruits for athletes

Protein-rich meat is certainly necessary for muscles, but the fiber contained in fruits and berries plays an equally important role in the process of creating an ideal figure. Let's figure out how to choose the healthiest fruits and what important properties they have for an athlete.

Fruits are not popular among athletes and even have a bad reputation, supposedly fruits and a figure are incompatible things. It is believed that the sugar they contain will certainly be deposited in the body as fat. Is it really?

It is unlikely that anyone gained much weight by eating 1 banana or apple. On the contrary, nutritionists recommend choosing fruits for snacking between main meals.

Fresh, juicy fruits and berries are incredibly healthy due to their high concentration of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals necessary for normal body function.

And what’s more important, fruits are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. There are even fruits that help you lose weight.

A pineapple

A cup of diced pineapple in the morning is a great start to any day. Pineapples belong to the bromeliad plant family. They are known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vitamin properties. A cup of pineapple after a workout restores muscles, improving overall health.


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