Thigh clearance in women: how to achieve a gap and lose weight in your legs

Author: Timko Ilya - the ruler of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >> Rod. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Author and creator of the site CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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To avoid confusion, I’ll explain. This article will focus on the case when a girl has a large gap between her thighs, and it looks ugly (at least in the eyes of the girls themselves).

There are 2 reasons for this gap:

General thinness.

In this case, everything is quite simple - you need to work on mass and gain body weight. That is, pump up the muscles of the whole body.

Anatomical feature of the body.

That is, there is no thinness, but there is light. In other words, the girl is happy with her body weight, but she is not happy with the clearance between her legs. It is this second option that will be discussed in this article.

How should you eat?

So, the most important factor in losing weight is nutrition. Success depends 50% on him. As soon as you change your diet and balance it, results will be immediately visible. How to make a hole between thighs by changing your diet?

  • Calculate how much calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates you need to consume. This is very important, because nutrition must be balanced. In addition, a surplus of 100-200 calories daily leads to a gain of about 1 kg of weight per week.
  • Eliminate alcohol. Firstly, alcohol is quite high in calories; secondly, when people drink something, they usually eat a lot. Because of this, there is a feeling of constant hunger and a desire to snack. In addition, alcohol causes severe harm to the body and slows down the metabolic process.
  • We remove the fat layer. You need to eliminate sausages, sausages, and mayonnaise from your diet. If you really want such foods, then you can eat them in minimal quantities once a day.
  • Add healthy fats. Instead of harmful store-bought products with a high percentage of GMO content, use better oils, nuts, avocados, and sour cream.

Healthy fats

  • Eliminate fast carbohydrates. Sweets, pastries, bread - all this is too high in calories. It is better not to use them at all during the diet.
  • Add porridge and pasta. The body needs the right carbohydrates in moderation, because they are the main source of energy.
  • We eat a lot of protein. Protein is the so-called building material for the body, so if you play sports or want to lose weight, then you need it.
  • Add vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, and they are low-calorie and quite nutritious. Vegetables contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to remove ears between legs with diet

How to lose weight in your thighs: effective exercises for thighs and legs at home

To get rid of fat between your legs, you need to take care of something like nutrition. There is no special diet for slimming legs, but proper low-calorie nutrition helps ensure that fat is eliminated evenly. Accordingly, you will also get clearance between your legs. Follow these recommendations:

  • Limit the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet. It is recommended to give up sugar, sweets, baked goods, fast food, alcohol and other harmful foods.
  • Focus on complex carbohydrates: fruits, vegetables, cereals. All types of cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, and grapefruit are healthy. These products will not let you gain weight, no matter how much you eat, so they can be used as snacks.
  • Increase the amount of protein in your diet. Their main sources are chicken eggs, low-fat fermented milk products, fish and meat (low-fat types). You need to consume at least 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight per day.
  • Cut back on the number of calories you eat. This is easy to do if you have a kitchen scale. Just write down what you eat and how many grams you eat, and calculate the calories. Remember that the basic rule of losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Let the deficit be 300-400 kcal.

All the basic rules of proper nutrition will be relevant. It is recommended to eat often and in small portions - such nutrition promotes weight loss and acceleration of metabolic processes. Be sure to eat breakfast - this is the healthiest meal of the day and prevents you from overeating during the day. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime

It is important to drink enough clean water - it helps control appetite, speeds up metabolic processes, and also helps remove various wastes and toxins from the body, ensuring the prevention of orange peel

Set of exercises

So, now we will talk about how to create a gap between the thighs; exercises will help us. It must be said right away that you cannot lose weight and change only a specific part of the body. When losing weight, all muscle and fat dislocation changes. You can only focus on a specific muscle group in order to achieve maximum effect in this area as soon as possible. Therefore, if you want a hole between the thighs, you need to train your legs as a whole.

  • Squats. This is a basic exercise that uses a specific muscle group. So, put your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly squat until an angle of 90 degrees is formed in the knee joint area. Remember that your knees should not go beyond your toes, and your buttocks should move back as much as possible, keeping your body straight.

Classic squats

  • Plie squats. This exercise works the inner thigh muscles very well. We place our legs wide, knees and feet pointing in the same direction; we squat until our thighs are parallel to the floor, stand up, do not fully extend our legs, keep them tense.

Plie squats

  • Lateral swings. This exercise also uses the muscles of the inner thigh. Lie on your side, lean on your elbow, raise your upper leg, forming an angle of 45 degrees with the floor.
  • Lying leg extensions. Quite an effective exercise that is easy to do. We lie on our backs, raise our straight legs up and spread them in different directions.

Lying leg raises

How to remove thighs between your legs with physical activity

The first thing you need to lose weight between your legs in thigh-highs is physical activity. By performing the necessary exercises regularly, you will notice the first gap between the thighs after a couple of weeks. It is recommended to perform exercises 3-5 times a week. There are a large number of different exercises for this area. Let's list the most effective ones.


A very simple, but at the same time effective exercise that does not require additional equipment and works both the inner and back of the thighs and the abdominals. The exercise also develops endurance well.

The technique of performing “scissors” is familiar to everyone. Lie on your back, raise your legs 50 cm from the floor and begin performing movements that imitate the work of scissors. Exhaling, lower your feet to the floor.

It is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 25-30 repetitions.


How to lose weight in your thighs: effective exercises for thighs and legs at home

This is a multi-joint exercise that uses all the muscles of the legs, including the outer and front surface of the thighs, as well as the core muscles.

Starting position - lying on your back, arms at your sides, legs bent at a right angle. As you inhale, begin to make movements with your legs that are typical for riding a bicycle, as if you were turning invisible pedals in the air. As you exhale, lower your legs to the floor and relax. It is recommended to repeat the exercise in 3-4 approaches, so that each one lasts at least a couple of minutes.

Plie squats

Plie squats are a great exercise to lose fat between your legs. To increase their effectiveness, you can use a dumbbell or a barbell plate. Endurance and coordination are important here.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. Socks need to be turned to the sides, hands should be positioned randomly. Inhaling, squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Exhaling, smoothly return to the starting position. You need to use plie to work your legs in 3-4 approaches of 15-18 times.

Make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond your toes. Otherwise, you may put too much stress on your joints.

Side lunges

How to lose weight in your thighs: effective exercises for thighs and legs at home

This exercise uses two main functions of the inner thigh - adductor and extension.

Starting position – legs spread wide apart, keep your back straight, look ahead. Inhaling, lunge to the right side so that your knee forms a right angle. Exhaling, return to the starting point. Then lunge to the other side. It is recommended to repeat the exercise in 3-4 sets of 15-20 times for each side.

You can also use the following exercises to work out the inner thigh:

  • “Stepping onto the platform” is one of the main exercises for this part.
  • You can also add a static load, for example, “Chair against the wall” exercises.
  • At the end of the workout, you can stretch using elements of yoga, for example, “Downward Facing Dog” and “Downward Dog” asanas.
  • Walking on the buttocks helps fight cellulite and has a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs.
  • Hyperextension and deadlift are also very useful exercises.

If you want to create a gap between your legs, then it is important to pay enough attention to cardio training, because excess deposits on the inner thighs are fat. Aerobic exercise helps increase your heart rate and gives your legs elasticity and relief. Teach that specific fat burning begins around the twenty-fifth minute of cardio exercise.

You can choose from bicycle, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, jumping rope, jogging, dancing, swimming and so on

Teach that specific fat begins to be burned around the twenty-fifth minute of cardio exercise. You can choose from cycling, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, jumping rope, jogging, dancing, swimming and so on.

Running and walking

So, we have already talked about exercises for leg clearance, but it should be noted that it can also be achieved through simple walking or running.

  • Run. It is best to alternate between fast and slow running. This way you can burn a lot more calories. The main thing to remember is that jogging should not last longer than an hour. In addition, you need to wear special shoes so as not to injure your joints. Among other things, you need to remember that you can only run in specially designated areas.

Running for weight loss

  • Walking. Walking is very beneficial for the whole body as a whole. This type of activity uses all the muscles of the body, and it improves the health and general condition of the body. Walking improves your mood and relaxes tense muscles.

What prevents you from getting clearance between your thighs?

The hip area is one of the most problematic areas for women. Excess fat is often deposited in the thigh area. It is this that prevents the formation of the third lumen and the achievement of standard beauty by the legs.

However, the most persistent young ladies can make their legs more attractive with the help of a simple set of exercises. Just one month of regular exercise will be enough to tighten your legs and inner thighs.

5 Best Exercises to Get Clearance Between Your Legs
Regular training allows you to achieve beauty and slimness of women's legs.

Massage and care

So, in order for a hole to appear between the thighs, you can also use massage together with special care. The main thing is not to overdo it with massaging the inner thigh, because there are lymph nodes that can be damaged.

  • Massage. There are a huge number of massage techniques for weight loss. They all contain pinching, patting, and pressing. Before any massage, the skin is rubbed well using oil or cream.
  • Scrubs. They make the skin softer and tighter, fight cellulite well and exfoliate dead skin particles.
  • Wrap. This care option is quite popular today. The mixture can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made in stores. There are a lot of options, there are even techniques with a cooling and warming effect.

Useful tips

So, what should be the clearance between your legs? How many centimeters should separate one surface of the inner thigh from the other? Normally, this figure is equal to 5 cm. We have already talked about the most effective exercises, massage and nutrition. Now let's learn some useful tips:

  • Eat a lot of vegetables. They perfectly cleanse the body and remove cellulite well.
  • Combine massage, care, exercise and nutrition together. An integrated approach will allow you to get rid of excess fat in the shortest possible time.
  • Keep moving. Life is motion. Dance at home, go up and down the steps, get off at the stop earlier and walk at a slow pace.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water removes unnecessary substances from the body, helps digest food and fights skin imperfections.

What not to do?

We learned how to achieve clearance between the legs. Now let's find out what absolutely cannot be done:

  • Starve. Firstly, the body will not receive the required amount of vitamins, because of this, nails, hair and skin will suffer. Secondly, as soon as the body realizes that it is being starved, it will accumulate fat and the weight loss process will stop. Thirdly, during fasting, the skin becomes loose because the muscles are reduced to nothing. Fourthly, when people are fasting, they always break down and start eating a lot right away, because of this, all the kilograms quickly return.
  • Train a lot. If you want to lose weight and see results soon, it is better to train regularly and systematically.
  • Neglect nutrition. Nutrition is very important. If you follow a training regimen but do not eat a balanced diet, there will be no effect.


Remember that the muscles of the inner thigh are quite delicate. And it is imperative to stretch them well before such training, so as not to injure them. In addition, stretching will increase the effectiveness of training by 15% - 20%. As a rule, 2 months is enough for the shape of the hip to change noticeably. Good luck!

By the way, you can order yourself an individual set of exercises from Timko Ilya, the author of this article and this site.

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What equipment is needed?

Did you know that you can improve your training efficiency? No? Then you should know that additional weight will allow you to spend 20-30% more calories. Don't worry, you won't be able to build large muscles at home. So, what equipment is needed:

  • Rubber bands. Workouts with elastic bands are incredibly effective. In addition, they take up little space and are inexpensive, which increases their level of practicality.
  • Dumbbells. It is best to choose dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg. They are universal and suitable for any exercise. By the way, they can be replaced with water bottles.
  • Weights. It is convenient to squat with it, do various swings and lunges. In addition, they take up little space and are easy to use. It is better to choose weights weighing 2-3 kg.

How to make a hole between your legs in the gym?

You can also get rid of inner thigh fat in the gym. What exercises and machines are suitable for this?

  • Steps. An excellent cardio machine for getting an effective workout. It is easy to use, just determine the height of the steps using several steps and climb them.
  • Leg spread. This is a very effective exercise for the inner thigh. How to do it? Sit on the machine, set the weight and determine the most comfortable angle for yourself. Next, simply spread your legs to the sides. Remember that your back should be straight.


  • Deadlift. An effective exercise for the hips in general, among other things, models the beautiful shape of the legs. But remember that the body must be level and the back straight.

Training methods

Obviously, you need to use both isolated exercises and basic ones. But the basic ones actively train the entire thigh. Therefore, in order for the basic exercises to have maximum emphasis on the internal part, you need to do 1 - 2 isolated exercises first, and then do the base. For example:

  1. Leg abduction in the simulator 3x15-20
  2. Hip adduction in crossover 3x15-20
  3. Squats with weight between legs 3-4x10-15
  4. Side lunges 3-4x10-15

With the first two exercises we will fatigue the inner thigh. Then, when the base comes, your inner thighs will tire the most and first. As a result of this, the rest of the thigh simply will not have time (will not be able) to receive a load sufficient for its growth. Therefore, the entire effect will fall on the inside.

This method is called the pre-fatigue method. It is actively used in strength training and bodybuilding, when it is necessary to focus on one or another muscle group. In addition, in isolated exercises you need to do more repetitions (15-20) than in basic exercises (10-15). This will increase the effect.

If you don’t have that much time to do 4 exercises separately, or you like more intense workouts, then do supersets, where the first exercise is an isolated exercise, and the second is a basic one. For example:

  1. Crossover hip adduction 3x15-20 Squats with weight between legs 3x10-15

Total load: minimum – 2 similar supersets per week (1-2 times a week). Maximum – 4 similar supersets per week (2 times a week, 2 supersets).

Well, it’s up to you to decide whether to pump up the other areas of the hips in addition to this. If you don’t want to increase them, don’t download them. If you want, download additionally.

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