Samyun Wan weight gain capsules: what threatens the dubious reputation of a dietary supplement

Samyun Wan weight gain capsules are a sports supplement with a scandalous reputation. The manufacturer assures that the dietary supplement will accelerate muscle gain and has a general tonic effect on the body. Today we will figure out whether this drug improves the state of health and body, whether it helps restore the body, and what side effects you need to prepare for.


A drug made from natural ingredients Samyun Wan, the price of which pleases customers, has an excellent effect and has positive results not only on the appearance, but also on the overall health of the body

But it is important to remember that the result from using these capsules will differ from taking anabolic steroids. However, for those who do not accept the use of strong pharmacological tablets, this supplement will be an excellent alternative.

Of course, it is necessary to remember that for rapid muscle growth, amino acids are needed, which are found in protein products. Therefore, during the period of taking capsules, you need to give up fatty foods and eat foods rich in protein. Then the figure will be formed not from fat, but from muscles. One package of Samyun Wan, reviews of which are almost all positive, will last for ten days. During this period, a person will be able to fully appreciate the effectiveness of this supplement for building muscle. If you use Samyun Wan correctly, you can gain up to eight kilograms of muscle mass in one month.

How is Samyun Wan different from other drugs?

A variety of anabolic steroids and other strong drugs are very different from Samyun Wan tablets. After all, the latter consist only of plant components. Various capsules with different compositions have a negative effect on humans. He becomes aggressive, nervous, irritable. In addition, the individual may begin to perceive everyday situations very acutely and painfully. This leads to a disruption of the normal psychological state. In order not to worsen the functioning of the central nervous system, it is recommended to take the drug Samyun Wan, which has virtually no side effects. Baldness or changes in hormonal processes are negative consequences from taking strong “chemistry”. But Samyun Wan does not cause such side effects. You can take it without worrying about the deterioration of your health.

Samyun Wan capsules


Slim samyun wan is a dietary supplement made from concentrated extracts of natural origin. The results promised by the manufacturer from taking these capsules are as follows:

  • weight loss (up to 15 kg per month);
  • getting rid of fat deposits, especially in problem areas;
  • normalization of sleep patterns;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • increasing immune defense;
  • cleansing of toxins.

The mechanism of action of Slim samyun wan is determined by the fact that the biologically active substances of natural extracts, after ingestion, immediately penetrate into the blood and are sent to the places of greatest concentration of fat cells. At the same time, other important processes for weight loss are launched:

  • blood circulation in subcutaneous fat improves;
  • fatty compactions are loosened;
  • fat is broken down;
  • appetite decreases;
  • the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids from food is prevented, as a result of which new deposits do not appear.

Each weight loss capsule contains plant extracts rich in unique components, including exotic ones, as well as a complex of medicinal herbs, the exact names of which are not specified. But the advertisement claims that this particular formula provides an opportunity not only to lose weight, but at the same time to improve your health, improve your well-being and strengthen your immune system.

To confirm its words, the manufacturer provides an official certificate of conformity, which indicates the high quality of the product and the absence of chemicals and other harmful impurities in the composition. According to the document, this natural remedy allows you to easily and quickly achieve the correct weight, guaranteed to obtain the promised result.

The mechanism of action of Slim samyun wan is also unique. First of all, visceral fat deposited on the internal organs is broken down. It is here that bad cholesterol is concentrated and excess calories are deposited, enveloping the main life-support organs and disrupting their functioning. Thanks to the breakdown of internal fat deposits, a number of positive changes occur:

  • chronic fatigue goes away;
  • well-being improves;
  • shortness of breath and swelling disappear;
  • apathy and depression are prevented;
  • the risk of developing chronic diseases is reduced.

Based on what is indicated in the annotation, we can conclude that using Slim samyun wan is not only a solution to an aesthetic problem, but also the only way to restore health. Taking capsules promotes intensive weight loss by normalizing the functioning of the entire body, while helping to cope with stress and increasing physical activity.

The manufacturer pays special attention to the advantages of its drug compared to analogues. Most of the weight loss products offered on the modern market are of an auxiliary nature, require additional measures with a diet and clear instructions, or require the mandatory use of multivitamin complexes

Slim samyun wan capsules are a completely self-sufficient method of normalizing weight, and also have other advantages that provide:

  • obtaining a quick pronounced effect;
  • guaranteed loss of excess fat without the slightest effort;
  • a surge of energy throughout the course and subsequently;
  • saturation of body cells with vitamins, minerals, and other valuable elements contained in plant extracts;
  • launching fat burning processes, primarily visceral deposits and subcutaneous fat in problem areas;
  • a real decrease in appetite, a decrease in the amount of food consumed and a decrease in daily calorie intake;
  • improved digestion, cleansing, removal of excess fluid;
  • obtaining lasting results at any age;
  • control of weight norms, at which it does not fall below the optimal value for a particular person.

Moreover, the drug has a completely natural composition, is affordable, and does not cause adverse reactions.

According to a statistical survey indicated on the company’s official website, 90% of buyers were able to normalize their weight after 1 course of taking capsules, and the remaining 10% achieved positive results after the second course.

Packaging of Ginseng Kianpi Pil:

  • Jar, ~70g.
  • 60 capsules 280 mg each

Manufacturer Samyun Wan:

  • LONNIX (M) SDN, Indonesia

Manufacturer Ginseng Kianpi Pil:


Having looked at the table, we can conclude that most of the characteristics are quite similar for each product, and the greatest emphasis should probably be given to the composition of each product.

Ginsek Kianpi Pil has a richer range of different herbs, which guarantees a wider range of actions of the drug, and at the same time does not make it possible to particularly highlight the concentration of any of the actions. Widespread use, so to speak, of a “pill for everything”, the beneficial effects of which include weight gain, at the same time, many herbs that have a sedative effect, often causing drowsiness, in contrast to this, the drug also contains plants aimed at stimulating the body, but apparently their component is so small, and perhaps not perceived by every organism. Let’s just say that of all the herbs, about a quarter are aimed directly or indirectly at gaining weight, so considering our case specifically based on the set, the drug copes with its function, although it partially “flies down the drain.”

Samya van for consideration , he is the first to take a completely different approach, a minimal set of herbs (most of which are found in ginsek), but correct proportions and a larger dosage of the necessary components - targets the drug at a narrower range of actions, giving the greatest effect in its area. As a result, we see a more narrow application, where there is no direct weight gain, but there are many indirect indicators on which the drug affects much more effectively than “its competitor”. We gain greater endurance, maintain energy and tone the body, relieving the body of fatigue and weakness as quickly as possible.

Returning to our goals, let’s think again, what exactly do we want? Gain weight? But which one? We want to gain weight through fat or muscle. And along the way, the question immediately arises: what are we ready to do to achieve results? Probably behind these two answers lies the main secret, which drug to choose!

A short summary of what to choose: Samyun Wan or Ginseng Kianpi Pil:

Generalsec is a multi-purpose drug that will help you gain weight even with minimal visits to the gym, but you may find yourself with a slight increase in fat, plus during the course you may experience drowsiness. But you will get rid of (or alleviate) many diseases that you may not have even suspected.

Samyu van is a more targeted drug that will help you gain weight, with a mandatory visit to the “gym” (otherwise, the drug will go down the drain, or rather into the toilet along with other processed products) due to its restorative qualities and maintaining the body in working condition even after heavy loads. But as a result, you will have to add muscle mass.


The manufacturer recommends taking Slim samyun wan for weight loss for people over 18 years of age, and for people over 65 years of age - only after consulting a doctor. Despite the fact that the capsules are made from natural ingredients, they may be contraindicated for some diseases. In addition, the promised dramatic weight loss, if it actually occurs, will have negative health consequences. Therefore, dietary supplements cannot be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • heart failure, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis, other serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • nervous disorders, mental disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation period.

The medicinal herbs included in the capsules may cause allergies. There may also be individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to lactose. In such cases, side effects may occur, expressed by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth.

Such symptoms are usually temporary and do not have a toxic effect on health. If the severity and frequency of manifestations increase, taking capsules should be discontinued.

How does the supplement work?

Naturally, every person will be interested in how Samyun Wan weight gain capsules work - reviews usually describe only the feelings of the person who used the drug, as well as the results. But what exactly happens to your body when you take this supplement? First of all, it is worth noting that a number of improvements are simultaneously observed - blood circulation, metabolism, as well as the speed of recovery of your body after hard training. It is worth noting that your appetite will increase, which will allow you to gain muscle mass even faster - after all, this is precisely the main goal of this drug. It is immediately worth noting that this process occurs without the deposition of excess fat.

Well, don’t forget that in the process of taking this supplement your stamina will increase and your immunity will also improve, which is also extremely important and useful. As a matter of fact, now you can soberly judge what great benefits Samyun Wan capsules can bring you - reviews on this matter do not lie, but only confirm this data

What kind of drug is this?

Naturally, it’s worth starting with a description of the Samyun Wan drug itself. Reviews say it works great, but what exactly does it do? Why should you take it? This drug is a dietary supplement that promotes the fastest and most effective increase in muscle mass without harming the body. The secret here lies in the fact that no chemicals are used to create this drug - it is one hundred percent created from natural products. And excellent effectiveness is achieved with the help of a competent concentration of active substances in the drug brought to the permissible maximum. Thus, you can take it without fear for your health, but with confidence that it will bring you the desired result - because this is exactly what Samyun Wan does. Reviews about it on all sites tell exactly this.

Composition and release form

The additive is produced in the form of capsules, which are packaged in hermetically sealed jars. Each of them contains 15 capsules. The manufacturer also produces larger packages containing 30 capsules.

The product has a natural composition. This sets it apart from other drugs made from synthetic components. The list of ingredients contains:

  • lotus leaf extract (burns fat, reduces appetite and helps transport fatty acids to the liver to break them down);
  • Garcinia Cambogia fruits (suppress appetite and contain compounds that break down fat molecules);
  • pumpkin pulp (lowers cholesterol, contains many vitamins and mineral compounds);
  • fennel extract (cleanses the intestines, removes toxins);
  • lactose monohydrate.

Manufacturers also included vitamins and minerals in the supplement. By taking the drug, people have the opportunity not only to lose excess weight, but also to improve their health and well-being.

This is important, since during the period of losing weight you have to limit yourself to certain foods, and the supplement to some extent compensates for the lack of valuable substances

Correct diet for Samyun Wan

While taking this dietary supplement, your appetite increases significantly, but this does not mean that you can gain weight by eating a huge amount of food. On the contrary, you need to carefully plan your diet, otherwise weight gain will occur not only due to muscle building, but also due to an increase in subcutaneous fat.

During the course of treatment, the diet must be adjusted. The amount of protein foods increases, and fatty foods should be excluded. What to give up:

  • Fatty sauces - mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, etc. In large quantities, they provoke changes in the levels of insulin, blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks. Suppress appetite and give a false feeling of fullness.

Important! Alcoholic drinks completely neutralize the effect of Samyun Wan capsules, so you should not drink alcohol during the course.

Products that can be added to your diet once or twice a week:

  • pasta;
  • bakery products;
  • fried foods.

What ingredients are contained in Slim Samyun Wan?

Slim Samyun Wan capsules contain lotus leaves. This useful plant is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • Insomnia;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Increased blood sugar;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Heart failure.

In Ayurveda, lotus is used to treat various diseases of the digestive tract. The medicinal plant has a diuretic, sedative and astringent effect. Drinks made from lotus help eliminate pain and help eliminate swelling.

Slim Samyun Wan also contains Garcinia Cambogia. Its fruits contain hydroxycitric acid. This substance has a beneficial effect on digestion and helps reduce blood glucose. Hydroxycitric acid neutralizes the activity of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

Garcinia Cambogia helps fight the following diseases:

  • Rheumatism;
  • Dropsy;
  • Frequent constipation.

Due to the presence of garcinia cambogia in Slim Samyun Wan weight loss capsules, the drug should not be taken simultaneously with glucose-lowering medications.

Slim Samyun Wan also contains pumpkin. The vegetable is rich in microelements that are beneficial to health. Pumpkin helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The vegetable helps normalize blood pressure.

Pumpkin helps improve vision and helps cleanse the intestines of toxic substances. The vegetable allows you to normalize the water-salt balance, activates metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on blood clotting.

The pumpkin contained in Slim Samyun Wan lifts your mood and helps get rid of insomnia, anxiety and irritability. The vegetable helps strengthen the nervous system.

Pumpkin accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and cell renewal. The vegetable is used to prevent the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • Gallstone disease;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Obesity;
  • Osteoporosis.

Due to the presence of pumpkin in the product, Slim Samyun Wan should be used with caution in the presence of gastritis with high acidity, intestinal colic, and high blood glucose levels. As part of Slim Samyun Wan, pumpkin improves digestion and accelerates metabolism

Vegetables saturate the body with minerals, vitamins and beneficial macroelements

As part of Slim Samyun Wan, pumpkin improves digestion and accelerates metabolism. The vegetable saturates the body with minerals, vitamins and beneficial macroelements.

The preparation also contains fennel, which has a pleasant sweetish taste.

The useful plant is rich in rutin and ascorbic acid. Fennel contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on the body.

Fennel helps improve intestinal motility. It helps normalize the functions of the pancreas. The medicinal plant helps remove accumulated fluid from the body.


The newest drug Samyun Wan, reviews of which have already conquered the Internet, contains exclusively natural ingredients, each of which gives an incredible effect. Firstly, Shandan ginseng root is the main component - it is responsible for increasing your appetite, significantly increasing endurance, relieving fatigue, and it also directly affects the acceleration of muscle mass gain. Secondly, the rhizome of Atractylodes bighead allows you to maintain energy much longer and sweat much less during exercise. Thirdly, the fruits of Japanese quince significantly reduce the pain that may come to you after particularly intense workouts. In addition, the drug contains Astragalus membranaceus root, which allows you to feel even less tired and also improves the functioning of your heart. Don’t forget about the root of regular ginseng, which affects your overall health, as well as the most unusual component – ​​extract from deer antler. It improves your immune system and also has a positive effect on strength. Thus, you can see how effective and versatile the drug Samyun Wan is - reviews confirm each of the effects described above.

Indications for use

samyun wan weight gain capsules reviews

As you already understand, this drug should be taken when you want to quickly gain muscle mass - it is even used by bodybuilders and athletes, as it protects the body from unpleasant consequences that can be caused by taking anabolic steroids. However, you can take this supplement in other cases - for example, when you have back or joint pain, when you overwork yourself in training, are overtired, or suffer from a lack of appetite.

Properties and composition

I described some properties in the first paragraph; if you need it, you can read the full list on other resources, because I don't want to advertise this shit. First I will write what they say in the advertisement, then my comment on this matter.

— Shandan ginseng root is a supplement ingredient that increases appetite, relieves fatigue, increases endurance and affects muscle gain. Also needed to stimulate the central nervous system and improve blood circulation.

I decided to search the Internet for the properties of this miracle Ginseng and did not find that it increased appetite. Stimulation of the central nervous system, yes, this is just a pre-workout complex, but there is a nuance. A person is tired and has no desire to exercise, the body tells him that rest is required or there will be overtraining, but we artificially raise energy with the help of a supplement, and then we drive ourselves into the minus, so to speak, we borrowed energy, which you will later return with percent.

-Rhizome of Atractylodes bighead - serves to conserve energy, reduces sweat production.

Sweat is needed both to cool the body and to remove toxins, so this is a dubious plus.

-Fruits of Japanese quince – this component relieves feelings of pain and heaviness.

That is, it turns out to be a stupid painkiller? What's good about this, you may have an injury, but you mask it with this supplement, continue to exercise and only worsen the situation.

-Astragalus membranaceus root – relieves fatigue, improves heart function, fights viral diseases.

-Ginseng root - improves blood circulation and overall health of the body.

For some reason they stuffed in another Ginseng, probably one is not enough for them.

-Deer antler extracts – increases immune defense and strength. The extract contains amino acids necessary for weight gain.

They've completely forgotten about amino acids, how will 5 mg of this substance help our body as a source of amino acids? An athlete needs approximately 100 - 200 grams per day. amino acids, depending on weight, but here it’s 5 mg, funny, right?

They also didn’t talk about increasing strength, it really works wonders. Having searched the Internet again about the properties of deer antlers, I did not find information that they increase strength.

In general, who are all these miracle properties written for? It looks like it’s for narrow-minded people who will simply take the seller’s word for it and not bother to double-check, simply by at least reading on the Internet about the properties of each additive separately.

Let's look at the mega mass gain from Samyun Wan

I read reviews, very often they write that they add almost a kilogram per day, on average they add at least 5 to 10 kg per course, that’s just worse than steroids, and I also came across reviews that people gain weight that don’t even They train, what miracles.

In order to gain muscle mass, at a minimum, you need to train with weights and eat right (follow the BJU norm). But here people just type, and now I’ll explain why. Judging by the reviews, when taking this dietary supplement, a terrible glutton begins, based on this, people begin to eat like crazy, everything that comes to hand, and this leads to an increase in fat mass + water retention, here you have the whole set, but this is not muscle, and fat. Muscles grow for a very long time, if you create ideal conditions, you can gain 1-2 kg per month, but here 10 kg per month, well, you must agree, it’s nonsense.

As for appetite, where does it come from? It seems to me that something is added there, obviously not what is indicated in the composition, because the action is similar to insulin, whoever used it will understand.

While still reading reviews about Samyun Wan, I found an interesting comment from a girl. After taking this supplement, her periods began to be delayed, she decided to go to the doctor, took tests for hormones, and it turned out that her female hormone prolactin had increased significantly. And now friends, look, those who put peptides or deca or tren also noticed a sharp increase in body weight, and this is again due to an increase in prolactin, which absorbs water, you swell, and accelerates the increase in fat mass. That's the whole secret of the miracle of ant grasses.

Bottom line

Perhaps Samyun Wan will be suitable as vitamins, but as an alternative to replacing steroids, it will definitely not be suitable, and do not expect miracles from it. In general, it is better not to waste money on a product of unknown quality that does not have certification. The same applies to GINSENG KIANPI PIL For the amount that this dietary supplement costs, it is better to buy a good vitamin and mineral complex, or at least a gainer, if it is so difficult for you to gain calories from regular food.

Additive composition

The product does not contain any synthetic impurities. In the manufacture of the drug, exclusively natural ingredients were used. Thanks to the root of Shandan ginseng, appetite increases, fatigue is relieved, endurance increases, and muscle mass is gained faster. In addition, this ingredient activates the central nervous system and improves hemodynamics. The rhizome of Atractylodes bighead helps conserve energy and helps reduce sweat. Samyun Wan for weight gain contains Japanese quince fruits, which minimize the sensation of pain and heaviness in muscles and joints. Astragalus membranaceus root helps improve heart function. In addition, this component makes the body more resistant to various viral diseases. Such ingredients do not harm the body. They have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. The drug Samyun Wan, reviews of which indicate its high effectiveness, contains ginseng root and extract from deer antlers. These ingredients increase strength and improve the overall health of the body.

Instructions for use

In order for the drug to give the desired effect, you must take Slim Samyun Wan correctly. The packaging of the product includes instructions that detail the use of the drug:

  1. 40 minutes before a meal or 60 minutes after a meal, take 1 capsule of the product;
  2. After taking the drug, it is recommended to drink a large amount of plain water without gas;
  3. It is recommended to take the tablets in the morning once a day;
  4. The drug is taken every other day, that is, 1 tablet for two days.

Duration of use of the product is 1 month. Next, it is recommended to take a break and repeat the dose if necessary.

Admission course. Daily dosage

For those who want to find the figure of their dreams, Samyun Wan will be a real find. How to take this drug? You need to drink it twice a day. Take one capsule with meals. Each package of Samyun Wan contains twenty tablets. The course of taking capsules for muscle building is from twenty to thirty days. That is, to complete the full course you need to stock up on two or three packages. The duration of the period of use also depends on how much a person wants to change his figure. But you should not abuse the drug. Experts do not recommend taking pills for more than one month, since the human body quickly gets used to everything and will find it difficult to do without capsules in the future. Samyun Wan should be stored in a dry place at room temperature and away from children.

Samyun Wan for weight gain

Other popular body shaping products

In addition to the drug Slim Samyun Wan, there are other effective means for weight loss:

  • “Liquid chestnut.” Drops for weight loss help burn fat at the cellular level. The drug normalizes the functions of the digestive organs.
  • “Ideal Forte”. The drug has an antioxidant effect. “Ideal Forte” allows you to replenish vitamin deficiencies and provides the body with energy. The dietary supplement contains: green tea extract, garcinia, bromelain, guarana, L-carnitine. “Ideal Forte” increases muscle elasticity and gives the body firmness.
  • "Ideal". The weight loss product contains rhubarb. It has a laxative effect and helps relieve constipation. Rhubarb contains a large amount of tannins. This component of diet pills helps suppress appetite. Rhubarb has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Guazuma, present in diet pills, has a tonic effect. The plant is especially useful for people who subject themselves to regular sports activities. Guatsuma contains substances that gently coat the walls of the stomach. The medicinal plant helps reduce blood glucose levels. The weight loss drug also contains areca pericarp. It is a powerful adsorbent. Areca pericarp helps cleanse the body of toxic substances and reduces appetite. This component of the “Ideal” tablets has an invigorating effect and helps increase endurance during physical exercise. This drug also contains auxiliary components such as starch, talc, lactose.


Slim Samyun Wan has the following composition:

  • Lotus leaves. The product breaks down fats and converts substances into energy, which the body subsequently uses for its own needs. The plant also improves metabolism and suppresses appetite. This product saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on appearance and well-being. The plant also improves a person’s psycho-emotional state and relieves sleep problems. Lotus leaves increase the body's defenses, normalize heart function and improve the condition of heart failure and diabetes.
  • Garcinia cambogia. The main active ingredient of this product, useful for weight loss, is hydroxycitric acid. This substance inhibits the activity of the enzyme, which promotes the deposition of carbohydrates into the subcutaneous layer. Thanks to this, the weight not only decreases, but also does not return after stopping the drug. Garcinia Cambogia also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes blood sugar levels, improves metabolism and promotes fat burning. The product suppresses appetite and allows the body to quickly fill up with a small amount of calories, which leads to smaller portion sizes. The plant improves blood composition and has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of those losing weight.
  • Pumpkin extract. The substance improves metabolic processes occurring in cells, and also relieves soft tissues from swelling due to its diuretic properties. The product prevents the occurrence of oncological pathologies, normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and rids blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Pumpkin extract has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves vision and stabilizes blood pressure. The substance even helps to cope with such serious pathologies as tuberculosis, kidney and bladder diseases.
  • Fennel. This product has antioxidant properties. This allows you to neutralize the activity of free radicals and improve the condition of the epidermis, eliminating age-related changes. Fennel also improves the condition of the liver, prevents the occurrence of cancer pathologies and has a positive effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system. The product is also useful for weight loss. The fruit improves the activity of the pancreas, due to which the organ synthesizes enzymes that have fat-burning functions. Fennel suppresses appetite, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, so a person stops craving for sweets. The product rids the body of excess fluid, frees the body from waste and toxins and reduces gas formation.
  • Lactose monohydrate. Tones and improves intestinal microflora. The substance improves calcium metabolism, increases the body's defenses and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The product gives the body a boost of energy, thereby increasing endurance and performance. Helps build muscle tissue, thereby improving body contour.
  • Collection of medicinal plants. The manufacturer does not reveal the secret of the composition of the herbs, but states that the plants improve the condition of all organs and systems. The collection normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, increases the body's defenses and stabilizes blood pressure. Herbs also remove waste and toxins and neutralize the effects of free radicals. Plants improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Ginseng Pil promotes:

(as indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging)

  • Increased appetite
  • improve the digestive system
  • improving more efficient use of nutrients
  • improving the body’s natural resistance against disease, developing immunity
  • weight gain
  • Streamlining the nervous system, which leads to gradual muscle development

Properties of the drug:

  • Increased insulin release while taking capsules
  • Increased appetite
  • increasing libido and restoring testosterone levels
  • Boosting immunity
  • Improved sleep

Action of plants included in Ginseng Kianpi Pil:

Morinda officinalis root - lowers blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances intestinal motility, stimulates the endocrine system.

The root of Chinese angelica - relieves headaches, has a mild calming and hypnotic effect, prevents the formation of blood clots in the cerebral vessels, improves peripheral blood circulation, and reduces blood viscosity.

The bark of the Chinese gutta-percha tree accelerates the healing of fractures, and is also used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, and spleen.

Chinese Cordyceps - increases immunity or reduces it if increased excessively. It acts as a natural antibiotic and has an anti-inflammatory effect that is not inferior in effect to hormones. (according to Wikipedia it is not a medicinal plant)

Jujube seeds - The seeds give a calming and mild hypnotic effect, reduce blood pressure, inhibit the transmission of impulses to the heart

Istoda thin-leaved root - used for acute and chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases

Rhizome of Chinese Yam - prevents fat deposition, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevents the early development of atherosclerosis.

Rhizome of Rehmannia adhesive - acts as a tonic.

Tibetan barberry - recommended for anemia, back pain, weakened vision, diabetes, for the treatment of impotence, improving the condition of the spinal cord and brain.

Pakhima tree mushroom - effective for insomnia, eliminates symptoms of diarrhea, stagnation of urine, strengthens the immune system.

Rhizome of Sichuan lovage - has a very wide range of pharmacological activity, a large evidence base on the safety of this plant

Rhizome of Gastrodia alba - helps against cramps, rheumatism and atrophy of the limbs.

Rhizome of Anemarrhena asphodeloides - lowers blood sugar levels, prevents platelet aggregation, has a broad antibacterial effect, antipyretic and antitumor effect, increases the ability to learn and remember.

Ural licorice root is used as a tonic and for preventive purposes as a mild antidepressant.

Polygonum multiflorum root has a pronounced adaptogenic, antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process, gives a rejuvenating effect and promotes weight loss.

Chinese cinnamon bark - supports the immune system, is a stimulant of the central nervous system and heart.

For other herbs not described here, see the left column for descriptions of Samyu Wang.

Side effects from taking the drug Samyun van

Side effects from taking capsules:

  • High risks of decreased testosterone production, which can lead to a collapse in muscle growth, destruction and rupture.
  • Decreased immunity, which provokes the development of many diseases.
  • The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The harm is manifested in bloating, problems with digesting food and stool disturbances.
  • Weakening of bone tissue, leading to osteoporosis, which occurs due to leaching of calcium from the bones.
  • Loose ligaments.
  • Decreased insulin sensitivity. This makes the drug contraindicated for people prone to diabetes.
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction.
  • Acne effect.
  • Side effects from taking Samyun Wang most strongly affect the hormonal system. For women, this threatens menstrual irregularities, problems with ovulation and, finally, infertility.

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