How to straighten your shoulders to overcome slouching? Exercises, recommendations and feedback

The mechanism of occurrence of pathology

When one shoulder is lower and the other is higher, this is always associated with curvature of the spine.
This pathology in medicine is called “scoliosis”. According to statistics, it occurs most often in children from 7 to 15 years old. After all, it is at this time that a huge load is placed on the not yet formed spine. The child is forced to sit at the table for a long time. His muscles cannot support the spine and become tired. Because of this, the child involuntarily bends his back, lowering 1 shoulder. Flexibility of the bones and laxity of the ligaments maintain the curvature, so it remains even when moving. This pathology rarely occurs in adults, and even less often they go to the clinic with it. After all, it is difficult to independently control the symmetry of the shoulder girdle, and this condition usually does not cause discomfort. The deformity is detected in an adult with back pain, numbness in the legs or arms, lameness, dizziness and other consequences. In this case, it is almost impossible to correct the situation; you can only stop the progression of the deformity.

How to straighten your back and shoulders

Unfortunately, today about 90% of the world's population have problems with the spine. It is the habit of slouching or sitting crookedly that causes spinal curvature. A healthy spine has several curves for better shock absorption.

The most common types of violation:

  • scoliosis;
  • slouch;
  • round back;
  • round-concave back;
  • flat back.

When a person's shoulders are in the wrong position, stress is placed on the neck. Frequent use of the computer can worsen already poor posture. People begin to slouch and muscle atrophy occurs.

How to straighten your posture and shoulders?

For the most part, a person needs to overcome his habit of slouching, arching his back and start doing special exercises.

To correct it, it is necessary to strengthen the spinal muscles, which are located between the shoulder blades. Slouching occurs due to weakness of the back muscles. A person needs to strive for muscle strength and then the shoulders will be in a straight position.

Swimming will help strengthen your back muscles. Practice walking with a book on your head.


  • ➤ How to choose the right brace for posture correction?

The right measures

How to correct spinal curvature so that treatment is as effective as possible? To do this, many factors need to be taken into account. Efficiency depends on the degree of curvature itself and the age of the patient. The sooner treatment is started, the better the results will be.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

If the doctor has diagnosed the first or second degree of curvature, then conservative treatment is usually used. At this time, you need to monitor the patient's diet. It should be complete and include a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is especially worth increasing the intake of calcium and phosphorus into the body.

In addition, you should pay attention to the bed. The firmer the mattress, the more beneficial it will be.

It is best to use special orthopedic mattresses, or use hard shields. In this case, the place to sleep must be suitable for height. A bed that is too short leads to poor posture.

Measures to correct the curvature of the spine also include the correct seat at the table. Your back should be absolutely straight and your feet should be firmly touching the floor.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

Don’t forget about physical therapy as well. All exercises must be performed under the supervision of a physician in a hospital setting. Each lesson will be aimed at strengthening the core muscles, which are responsible for the correct position of the back. Water exercises and various types of corrective massages are also very effective.

We train at home

You don't have to sign up for yoga or fitness. A person can fix the problem on his own at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and pay enough attention to this process.

How to improve your posture at home?

It is necessary to do physical exercises daily, which will take 15 minutes. You should monitor your sitting position and while walking.

Wearing a special corset will also be useful. Doing the exercises will be a must. It is important to pay attention to stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back and spine.

You should sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. Walking with books on your head is a well-known way to correct your posture.

How it manifests itself

Scoliosis in the initial stages is very difficult to recognize. It usually does not cause any back pain or discomfort at first. But the progression of deformation gradually leads to serious consequences

Therefore, it is very important for parents to pay attention in time to such a sign as asymmetry of the shoulders. In addition, you can notice that the child has one arm shorter than the other, the pelvis is tilted, which is why the hip joints are not in the same line. Asymmetrical placement of the shoulder blades, as well as protruding ribs, can also be symptoms of scoliosis.

Asymmetrical placement of the shoulder blades, as well as protruding ribs, can also be symptoms of scoliosis.

These signs are best seen if you ask the child to lean forward with his arms down. In this case, it will be clearly visible that the spine is curved, and one arm is longer than the other

Asymmetrical placement of the shoulder blades, as well as protruding ribs, can also be symptoms of scoliosis. These signs are best seen if you ask the child to lean forward with his arms down. In this case, it will be clearly visible that the spine is curved, and one arm is longer than the other.

Children usually have no further symptoms, other than increased fatigue. But with such a deformation, adults may experience back pain, weakness in the leg muscles, numbness or tingling of the fingers. Changes in gait and difficulty moving may develop.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

Is it possible to correct scoliosis at home?

Treatment of scoliosis depends on many factors: age, causes of the disease and the degree of its development. It includes, gymnastics,. In more severe cases, elective surgery is necessary.

What will help in the treatment of stage 1 scoliosis?

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening muscles and establishing correct posture. If your child is sick, you can send him to physical education classes

Daily morning exercises, therapeutic exercises, massage are the main therapeutic measures for first-degree scoliosis.

How to correct grade 2 scoliosis?

For the treatment of second-degree scoliosis, as with the first, physical therapy, gymnastics, and massage are prescribed. Also, wearing a special one is added to the basic procedures. It is made individually. The time of wearing the corset is gradually increased from several hours to a day.

What remedies will help cure stage 3 scoliosis?

In this case, wearing a special corset is also prescribed, but it should be worn much longer than with second-degree scoliosis. If the angle of scoliosis is greater than 45 degrees, a stabilizing system is installed on the vertebrae through surgery, which helps straighten the spine.

4th degree scoliosis

For grade 4 scoliosis, surgery is also performed. However, it is associated with a certain risk, and surgery is resorted to only when other methods fail.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat - this statement is true for patients with scoliosis. If a person cannot prevent congenital scoliosis, then he can prevent the development of acquired curvature. General preventive measures include: maintaining an active lifestyle, swimming, and daily exercise. It is necessary to sit at the computer as little as possible, and also take regular breaks to charge while working.

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Many parents notice that their child has one shoulder higher than the other. This condition sometimes also occurs in adults. It always indicates a lateral curvature of the spine. Some people think that there is nothing wrong with this, what difference does it make what level the shoulders are at. But in fact, such curvature is a serious pathology and without treatment can lead to dangerous health consequences.

How to straighten your posture at home?

There are many ways to correct posture for an adult or child. A gymnastics complex and proper placement at the computer can have the desired effect on the health of the spine.

Orthoses and posture correctors

Now we will learn how to straighten the spine with the help of special devices. Correctors and orthoses are either supportive or corrective.

Orthoses are designed to reduce pressure on the spinal table. An adult wears a posture corrector for six months. Such devices are effective for thoracic kyphosis and scoliosis at home. When choosing them, you should consult a doctor.

When choosing a suitable device for aligning posture, you need to decide on its type. Fixers help straighten the back in the period after surgery, as well as in the presence of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. Corrective options are used for scoliosis.

They are ideal for adults. There are special exercise equipment for children. Such correctors are effective for a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.


Often, when deciding how to straighten your back with scoliosis, doctors prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. Massage is recommended for scoliosis of 1st and 2nd degree.

The procedure helps to normalize the functions of the back muscles and reduce the feeling of fatigue and pain. The cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions are worked until the condition improves.

The Charcot method also allows you to restore your back. This hydromassage involves treating problem areas with jets of water under pressure.

For problems with the musculoskeletal system, electrophoresis is used. Electric current helps eliminate pain.

This technique allows not only to strengthen the back muscles, but also helps with osteochondrosis, spondylosis and spondyloarthritis.

Ultrasonic influence penetrates deep into the tissues of the body. With its help, you can restore blood flow and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Thermal procedures are also used as prescribed by the doctor. They help accelerate recovery processes, remove decay products and stimulate lymph outflow.

For different types of scoliosis, therapeutic mud is indicated. This treatment normalizes muscle tone, increases endurance and reduces asymmetry. After stress on the spine, therapeutic baths, which have general strengthening properties, help. The procedure helps reduce pain.

Manual therapy

Let's find out whether it is possible to correct posture with the help of manual intervention. The doctor uses his hands to work on the muscles and joints of the spine.

When choosing a chiropractor, you need to inquire about his qualifications and experience. Correction in a similar way is prescribed by the course.

The specialist examines the patient’s body, determines the cause and tries to correct it. To prevent the re-formation of curvatures, you need to follow certain recommendations.

Yoga for straightening the spinal column in teenagers

Yoga training at home is especially useful.

Description of the pathology

Scoliosis (specialists also often use the term “scoliotic disease”, which refers to severe congenital deformities of the spine with a progressive course) is a vertebral pathology, a lateral or frontal curvature of the spine relative to the midline (central axis). In almost 60% of cases, scoliosis is considered idiopathic, then Yes, it is not possible to find the root cause of its development, although generally accepted risk factors for this pathology are known. Unlike sagittal curvature, which is formed in the corresponding plane (back and forth), with scoliotic deformation, certain segments of the spinal tube deviate away from its central part. The main symptom of scoliosis is the asymmetry of the shoulder girdle: one shoulder is noticeably higher than the other, while the difference between the height of the shoulders in severe forms of scoliotic disease can reach 25-30 cm.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises
Main signs of scoliosis


Most often, conservative therapy to correct spinal deformity is used in children. Treatment methods are selected individually depending on the degree of curvature and the age of the patient. Typically this includes physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and wearing corsets. Only in serious cases, when the spine is tilted more than 40 degrees, is surgical correction indicated. But according to statistics, such treatment is required only in 1 case out of 1000. For the rest, constant control over posture and muscle strengthening is sufficient. In the early stages of curvature, wearing reclinators or other orthopedic devices to control the position of the shoulders is effective.

It is very important to diagnose the presence of deformity in time and begin treatment

The same methods are prescribed for deformation of the shoulder girdle in adults. Only their effectiveness will be much lower. True, it is much easier for an adult to control the position of the shoulders and correct posture. But due to the fact that at this age the curvature most often develops against the background of other pathologies, specific treatment is also necessarily prescribed, for example, drugs against osteoporosis. Treatment of spinal deformities in adults may take not a year or two, as in childhood, but much longer.

And with scoliosis in children, all responsibility for the result of treatment falls on the parents

Therefore, it is very important to know what you need to do at home in addition to the procedures prescribed by your doctor.

We also recommend reading: Types of spinal curvature

First of all, it is important what the child sleeps on. Up to 15 years, and especially if there is a curvature of the spine, it is recommended to purchase a hard or semi-rigid orthopedic mattress

It will help slow down the progression of the deformity. For school textbooks you need to buy a backpack. After all, carrying a bag on one shoulder often causes it to become lower than the other. To do homework, you need to purchase a table that matches the child’s height and a chair with orthopedic properties. It is important to constantly monitor your posture, especially while doing homework. It is at this time that the child most often lowers or raises one shoulder to compensate for the work of tired muscles. You should regularly perform special exercises prescribed by your doctor. Nutrition should be complete, balanced, and fully meet the nutrient needs of a growing body. You should not look for how to correct the deformity on your own, use traditional methods or visit chiropractors. Only a specialist, after examining and determining the cause of the pathology, can prescribe treatment.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises
Massage is effective for strengthening the back muscles that support the spine in the correct position


Since the most common cause of curvature is weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, the pathology is treated with special exercises. In addition to them, swimming, skiing, and outdoor games are useful. And you need to do gymnastics every day. Therapeutic exercises can be included in morning exercises or performed during the day. When exercising, you should avoid strong stretching of the back muscles and increased stress on the spine. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times. When working only on one side of the body, be sure to repeat it on the other side.

So, the execution sequence is as follows:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend to the side, with one hand sliding down the leg, the other up into the armpit.
  • In the same starting position, raise one arm up. Jump your arms back. Change the position of your hands.
  • Get on all fours. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, stretching your body.
  • In the same starting position, move your arms forward with a sliding movement, arching your back, then bring your hands closer to your knees.
  • Lying on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, raise your upper body and bend back.
  • Do the same by picking up a gymnastic stick and stretching your arms forward.
  • Lying on your back, raise your arms above your head. Perform bicycle and scissor exercises.

When one shoulder is higher than the other, it may simply be a poor posture that can be corrected by controlling and strengthening the muscles. But sometimes this condition is a symptom of scoliosis. Pathology should be treated as early as possible, then complications can be avoided and the health of the musculoskeletal system can be maintained.

Massage for osteochondrosis

With pain in the neck, back and migraine, osteochondrosis can be suspected. This is a serious disease that can become chronic and cause problems with the musculoskeletal system.

This method of massaging is more professional and cannot be done at will. It is necessary to carry out a course of procedures daily and for 10-14 days. Repeat once every 4-6 months, not more often.

The main goal of this massage is relaxation. During this procedure, you should not press or try to straighten protruding vertebrae. This can cause such serious harm to the body that even a specialist will no longer be able to help.

It is advisable to do the work in a sitting position. First you need to stretch your neck by rubbing and warming it up for three minutes. Afterwards, you need to stroke the skin from the hairline to the shoulders, gradually increasing the pressure.

When grasping the skin, you need to twist it with your fingers, first lightly, and then harder and harder.

Rub a little so that the muscles relax and apply the active mass again, pinching and twisting the skin.

All that remains is to apply soothing strokes and let the person sit quietly for about 10-15 minutes.


Before starting therapy for the defect in question, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis of this disease. After all, absolutely every organism is strictly individual, and all its characteristics must be taken into account during the therapy process. First, the doctor will talk with the patient and carefully find out what and where is bothering him. Then the shoulders and back are examined in a bent and straight position.

The chiropractor pays attention to the asymmetry of the shoulder blades, muscles and spine. The symmetry of the hips and shoulders is checked, the length of the legs is measured

X-rays of the spine are necessarily carried out in two projections: the horizontal and vertical position of the patient’s body is taken into account. Only after a detailed diagnosis do treatment begin.


Part 1

Posture correction

Strengthen your mid-back.

In order to correct your posture and straighten your shoulders, it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles located between the shoulder blades. These are the paraspinal (located under the spine), rhomboid, trapezius and infraspinatus (located under the shoulder blades) muscles. If these muscles are too weak, the shoulders bend forward and a slouch occurs. If the listed muscles are strong, they support the shoulders in a straightened position, promoting correct posture.

  • Rowing machines are great for strengthening the muscles between your shoulder blades. Start with light weights and low reps, gradually increasing the weight and reps over 4-6 weeks of training.
  • Reverse flyes with free weights are great for strengthening the rhomboids and trapezius muscles. Sit on the edge of a bench, leaning forward and looking at the floor. Take a dumbbell in each hand and lift them, spreading your arms out to the sides and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Raise your arms so that they are parallel to the floor, hold them in this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower the dumbbells.
  • Swimming is another great exercise as it strengthens all muscle groups, especially the shoulders, back and legs. Swimming also helps you regain proper posture because you have to stay upright in the water, arching to keep your head above the surface of the water.

Increase the flexibility of your thoracic spine.

Although this part of the spine bends slightly forward, if it bends too much it will result in a slouched position, which can be accompanied by decreased mobility and pain.
With a constant curvature of the upper spine (so-called kyphosis), the shoulders and neck move forward. In this case, try to give the thoracic spine more
flexibility by straightening both it and your shoulders with the help of exercises.

Stretch your neck and chest muscles. In addition to weak back muscles, too tight chest muscles can also lead to forward curvature of the shoulders.

Oddly enough, this situation is often observed in men who regularly visit the gym and pay great attention to the muscles of the chest and the front of the shoulders to the detriment of the rhomboid (located between the shoulder blades) and posterior shoulder muscles. You should train your pectoral muscles in moderation, making sure that they are sufficiently stretched and flexible. A similar problem also occurs when the muscles at the base of the neck (trapezius and levator muscles) become too tight or strong - in this case, they pull the shoulders forward, leading to slouching.

This problem also occurs when the muscles at the base of the neck (the trapezius and levator muscles) become too tight or strong, causing them to pull the shoulders forward, causing a slouch.

  • To stretch your pectoral muscles, stand in a corner or doorway and raise your arm toward the wall to shoulder height. Bend this arm at the elbow, raising your palm up. With your raised hand resting on a wall or door frame, gently stretch your shoulder for 30 seconds. At the same time, turn your head in the opposite direction, increasing the stretch. Then repeat the exercise for the other hand. By doing this exercise 5-10 times a day, you will stretch your pectoral muscles and straighten your shoulders.
  • After stretching your neck muscles, stretch them by bending your neck from side to side and trying to reach your corresponding ear to your shoulder. With your neck bent, hold it in this position for 30 seconds. Do this exercise 5-10 times a day. By stretching your neck muscles, you will relax and lower your shoulders a little.

Exercises to help straighten hunched shoulders

Performing the exercises below is not at all difficult, the main thing is not to forget about regularity! also recommends trying exercises for perfect posture.

  1. Stretch with belt

Pick up a belt, jump rope, or similar object. Stand straight, take the belt in both hands and straighten them at shoulder height (palms facing down).

Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders and, while inhaling, lift the belt above your head. As you exhale, bend your arms so that your elbows are approximately at shoulder level, bringing your shoulder blades together.

The belt should be behind your head. Inhale and raise your arms straight up again; exhale and straighten your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Repeat 3–5 times.

  1. Hands behind your back

Stand or sit straight, lower your shoulder blades down. Place both hands behind your back and grab your right elbow with your left hand and your left elbow with your right.

If you can't grab your elbows, try grabbing your forearms or wrists. Lift your chest and lower your shoulder blades down, as if pressing them into your spine. Take 3-5 deep breaths, switch hands and repeat the exercise.

  1. Reduction of the shoulder blades

This movement helps strengthen the muscles that hold the shoulder blades in the correct position. Execution: Sit up straight and bring both shoulder blades together, as if trying to hold a pencil between them.

Hold your shoulder blades in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Try to do the exercise 3-4 times a day.

  1. Chest muscle massage

This procedure will relieve tension from the chest muscles. Execution: Take a tennis ball and place it between your shoulder and collarbone. Rest your body against the corner of the wall, gently pressing the ball into the wall, thus massaging the muscles.

If you find a painful point during the massage, continue to press on it (but not too hard) until the pain disappears.

  1. "Opening" of the chest

This exercise is good to perform in the morning or before bed to straighten your back, “open” your chest and relax your pectoral muscles.

Execution: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms up, so that your body resembles the letter T.

For maximum relaxation, place a rolled towel (along the length of the entire spine). If you are using a towel, make sure your buttocks and head are on the roll. Do this stretching for 10 minutes a day.

  1. "Angels" on the wall

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining proper shoulder position. Therefore, if you have hunched shoulders, perform this exercise several times a day: stand with your back pressed against the wall, arms extended to the sides.

Then bend your elbows and rotate them so that the back of your hand touches the wall directly above your elbows.

Slowly raise your hands up, place them behind your head, while trying not to lift the back of your hand and elbows from the wall. Slowly raise and lower your arms 10 times, as if you were drawing an angel in the snow.

Slouched (or rounded) shoulders are a fairly common type of posture disorder in our time, which is not only unaesthetic, but can also lead to pain. To avoid such troubles, recommends doing the simple exercises described above every day.

How to fix one shoulder higher than the other

In this episode of the TV show “Live Healthy!” with Elena Malysheva you will learn about the treatment of childhood scoliosis. What useful devices are there for nursing mothers? What are the benefits of blueberries? What problems are women embarrassed to talk about?

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Childhood scoliosis does not cause pain in the child, but after a few years it can lead to deformation and displacement of internal organs

Signs of spinal curvature:

- one shoulder girdle is higher than the other;

- the lumbar triangle is absent on one side;

- the angle of one shoulder blade is closer to the spine than the angle of the other;

- when bending forward, one side of the ribs is slightly higher than the other.

What's happening

Scoliosis is dangerous because it does not cause pain. However, after a few years, scoliosis can lead to confusion of internal organs, a change in the curvature of the aortic arch, and this is a prerequisite for hypertension. Also, scoliosis often causes prolapse of the kidney, the ureter becomes tortuous, which threatens urolithiasis. Thus, all the conditions arise for the deformation of internal organs.

How to treat

For timely and correct treatment, at the slightest suspicion of a change in posture, consult a doctor. In the first stages, scoliosis can be corrected with regular exercise and massage procedures.

If scoliosis becomes malignant, progresses, and the angle of curvature becomes more than 30 degrees, the patient is indicated for surgical treatment. With the help of rod or plate structures, the spine straightens and begins to grow correctly.


- Take the child to an orthopedic doctor once a year: even if the child does not have symptoms of scoliosis, once a year, starting from the age of 7, you should take the child for examination to an orthopedic traumatologist or a neurologist.

— properly arrange the child’s workplace, for example, use a transforming table. Children grow quickly, so the height of the table must be adjustable. The chair should be curved forward to support the lumbar spine;

— it’s also good to use a transforming chair: its back should move back and forth and up and down, the legs should be bent at a right angle, and the back should fit snugly against the back of the chair.

Orthopedic doctor Alexander Laka takes part in the program

Effective therapeutic exercises

You should start with exercises that are aimed at strengthening the spine.

  1. Lying on a hard and flat surface, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head and pull your toes towards you.
  2. Sit on a chair, clasp your hands behind your back. In this case, your hands should be intensively tensed and relaxed.
  3. Lie on your stomach and grab your calves with your hands. Reach your head towards your feet.

Do all exercises at least 10 times.

After exercises to strengthen the spine, you need to move on to exercises for posture. Despite their simplicity, these exercises are very effective. Most importantly, their implementation will not take much time or any skills.

The main rule is regularity.

If the exercises are performed systematically, then the result will not be long in coming.

It is advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the position of your back.

  1. In a standing position, raise your shoulders one by one. Hold the raised shoulder for a few seconds.
  2. Place your hands behind your back and clasp them together. In this position, try to raise your arms as high as possible.
  3. Inhale, then exhale and bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. You need to pull in your stomach and bend back.
  4. Sit on a hard chair. Stretch your arms up and fasten them into a “lock”. Then slowly move your hands behind your shoulder blades, as low as possible.

All of the above exercises should be repeated at least 10 times every day.

An exercise with a book will be effective. This exercise is effective because the body itself remembers what posture is considered correct. It would be better if the book was larger. You should stand against the wall so that your shoulder blades, pelvis and heels touch it.

After that, we put the book on our head and take steps around the room. Every day you need to complicate the exercise and start walking up the steps and squatting.

One shoulder is higher than the other: how to fix it

Asymmetrical shoulders are the first sign of scoliosis. This is a serious disease that can manifest itself at a young age in the form of curvature of posture, and at an older age – pain and disruption of the functioning of many organs. Posture problems affect the heart, lungs, and stomach.

It is very difficult to cure scoliosis without the help of specialists. Here you need the help of an osteopath or chiropractor. To correct your posture, you can use a special corset, but it will not correct your shoulders, but will help consolidate the result and “teach” the muscles to keep your back straight.

As children, we all heard from our relatives: “Keep your back straight!” The adults were right, because keeping your back healthy is easier than dealing with spinal problems in adulthood. This instruction must be followed now, which will save you from many troubles.

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine to the right and left of the vertical axis of the body), even with the modern level of medical development, remains a pathology that is most often diagnosed in childhood. A child suffering from this disease is characterized by symptoms, the severity of which depends on the stage and type of curvature of the spinal column. can occur unnoticed, progress slowly, and can clearly manifest only in adulthood, when additional stress appears on the body as a whole

When looking for suitable methods that answer the question - how to correct scoliosis, it is important to remember that the effect of treatment depends on a combination of many factors

It is necessary to determine the cause, provoking factors and the degree of development of the disease, the rate of progression of pathological changes, and only then begin treatment of spinal curvature. To avoid erroneous diagnoses and not worsen your condition, you must consult a specialist before starting treatment.


How else can you correct shoulder drooping?

Asymmetrical shoulders are the first sign of scoliosis. This is a very serious disease that can manifest itself at a young age in the form of curvature of posture. At older ages, people experience pain and disruption of the functioning of many organs. First of all, the heart, stomach and lungs can suffer due to posture problems.

It is extremely difficult to cure scoliosis without the help of doctors. In any case, you will need the help of a chiropractor and osteopath. To correct your posture, you can use a special corset, but it will definitely not correct your shoulders, but will only help consolidate the effect and force the muscles to keep your back straight. Next, let's talk about factors that can influence the fact that one shoulder is higher than the other in an adult and a child.

Provocateurs of pathology development

There are several main factors that contribute to the development of left-sided scoliosis.

Congenital curvature

The development of curvature in a newborn is associated with abnormal development of the spinal column.

The causes of the disease may be incorrect intrauterine placement of the fetus, the presence of extra vertebrae or ribs in the child. This disease is much less common than acquired disease.

Acquired scoliosis

The spine can be deformed to the left side during a person’s life for a number of reasons:

  • regularly sleep on the right side;
  • injuries of the spinal column, pelvis or lower extremities with fractures and displacements;
  • postpartum pathology in women;
  • previous diseases associated with damage to the vertebrae (osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia) in childhood: cerebral palsy, rickets, poliomyelitis;
  • constant physical activity on one side of the body or an insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • staying in one position for a long time and having a sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of the disease in school-age children, as well as office workers.
  • poor nutrition, which affects the formation of bone tissue and ligaments.

Idiopathic scoliosis is considered the most common form of the disease. This term is usually used in cases where the true cause of the disease cannot be determined.

Very often, the development of this type of scoliosis is associated with a period of active skeletal development in schoolchildren.

The mechanism of pathology development

A change in the line of the shoulders most often results from scoliosis of the thoracic region, which in the first degree the patient may not notice. Most often, the pathology occurs in children aged 7 to 15 years, but can also be observed in adults.

The development of scoliosis occurs according to the following scheme: deformation of the intervertebral discs - deformation of the vertebrae - deformation of the growth zones of the vertebrae - disruption of the basic functions of the spine - curvature of the spine.

The difference between scoliosis and other postural disorders is that in the second case, only muscle tone is observed on one side of the spine, and with scoliosis, changes already affect the ligaments and bones of the spinal column.

Visually, by the nature of the changes, both pathologies can be distinguished: if a person, having assumed a supine position (on his stomach), is able to ensure that the spine assumes a normal (not curved) state, then we are talking about a violation of posture. Otherwise, scoliosis can be assumed.

Test for correct posture

Correct posture can be checked as follows:

  • you need to measure with a centimeter the distance from the seventh (most protruding) cervical vertebra to the lower corner of the left and then the right shoulder blade. During the measurement, you should stand in a relaxed position. With normal posture, these distances are equal.
  • Posture can be checked using the so-called shoulder index. Measure the width of your shoulders from the chest, then from the back (shoulder arch). Find the shoulder index using the formula: shoulder arc 100%. If the shoulder index is 90-100%, the posture is correct.

You should correct your posture at least 3 times a day

Slouched shoulders and poor posture have unpleasant consequences

In addition to the fact that poor posture looks unattractive, ignoring the correct body position while sitting and walking can cause a host of physical discomforts, which include:

  • weakness and atrophy of certain muscles;
  • constant headaches;
  • fatigue due to impaired blood flow;
  • back pain;
  • pinched nerves;
  • breathing disorders.

To prevent or eliminate the appearance of slouch in the shoulders, you need to learn how to relax overstrained muscles and strengthen weakened ones. To do this, try the exercises described below.

  1. Stretch with belt

Pick up a belt, jump rope, or similar object. Stand straight, take the belt in both hands and straighten them at shoulder height (palms facing down).

Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders and, while inhaling, lift the belt above your head. As you exhale, bend your arms so that your elbows are approximately at shoulder level, bringing your shoulder blades together.

The belt should be behind your head. Inhale and raise your arms straight up again; exhale and straighten your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Repeat 3-5 times.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

  1. Hands behind your back

Stand or sit straight, lower your shoulder blades down. Place both hands behind your back and grab your right elbow with your left hand and your left elbow with your right.

If you can't grab your elbows, try grabbing your forearms or wrists. Lift your chest and lower your shoulder blades down, as if pressing them into your spine. Take 3-5 deep breaths, switch hands and repeat the exercise.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

  1. Reduction of the shoulder blades

This movement helps strengthen the muscles that hold the shoulder blades in the correct position. Execution: Sit up straight and bring both shoulder blades together, as if trying to hold a pencil between them.

Hold your shoulder blades in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Try to do the exercise 3-4 times a day.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

  1. Chest muscle massage

This procedure will relieve tension from the chest muscles. Execution: Take a tennis ball and place it between your shoulder and collarbone. Rest your body against the corner of the wall, gently pressing the ball into the wall, thus massaging the muscles.

If you find a painful point during the massage, continue to press on it (but not too hard) until the pain disappears.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

  1. "Opening" of the chest

This exercise is good to perform in the morning or before bed to straighten your back, “open” your chest and relax your pectoral muscles.

Execution: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms up, so that your body resembles the letter T.

For maximum relaxation, place a rolled towel (along the length of the entire spine). If you are using a towel, make sure your buttocks and head are on the roll. Do this stretching for 10 minutes a day.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

  1. "Angels" on the wall

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining proper shoulder position. Therefore, if you have hunched shoulders, perform this exercise several times a day: stand with your back pressed against the wall, arms extended to the sides.

Then bend your elbows and rotate them so that the back of your hand touches the wall directly above your elbows.

Slowly raise your hands up, place them behind your head, while trying not to lift the back of your hand and elbows from the wall. Slowly raise and lower your arms 10 times, as if you were drawing an angel in the snow.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

Slouched (or rounded) shoulders are a fairly common type of posture disorder in our time, which is not only unaesthetic, but can also lead to pain. To avoid such troubles, the site recommends doing the simple exercises described above daily.

How to Fix Round Shoulder Problem

Exercise at least twice a week for 20-30 minutes. It will take time to correct your usual position, but gradually your posture will return to normal.

Perform the exercises smoothly and carefully. If you feel pain, consult a physical therapist.

Our exercises will include rolling on a massage ball, stretching, mobilization and strength training.

Rolling out on a massage ball

Stiff muscles and built-up layers of fascia hold the shoulders in an incorrect position. It is very important to relax rigid structures to correct your posture.

For this part of the exercises you will need a massage ball. You can buy it in sports stores or on AliExpress.

To roll out correctly, place the ball under the desired area and press it with your own body weight. Then roll out any areas that feel stiff on the ball (if you feel pain, you're on the right track). Roll each area for 1 to 2 minutes or until pain and stiffness subsides.

While rolling on the massage ball, do not hold your breath, even while working on particularly tough areas. If you are in a lot of pain, remove the ball from the painful area and roll out the area around the area.

You can roll out:

1. Pectoral muscles.

2. The front of the shoulders.

3. The back of the shoulders.

4. The place between the shoulder blades.

5. Serratus anterior muscle.

Muscle stretching exercises

Hold each position for 30 to 60 seconds. In each pose you should feel the muscles stretching.

Stretching the pectoral muscles

Place both forearms on the door frames and lean your body forward. You should feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders and chest.

Posterior shoulder stretch

Extend your arm towards your opposite shoulder and press it towards you with your other hand, stretching the back of your shoulder. Then repeat on the other side.

Side body stretch

For this exercise, you can use a low bar, expander or loop.

Grasp the loop or bar with your left hand and lunge back with your left leg, stretching the left side of your body. The further the left leg goes, the better the left side of the body stretches. Then repeat on the other side.

Front Shoulder Stretch

Stand with your back to the bench, place both hands on it. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down. Make sure your elbows are pointing back. Feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders.

Fascial stretch of the upper limb

Place your palm on the wall just below shoulder level and extend your arm completely. Turn your head in the opposite direction. You will feel a stretch in your fingers, forearm, and biceps. After that, repeat on the other side.

Upper trapezius stretch

Tilt your head to one side. To increase the stretch, place your hand on your head and apply gentle pressure. Then repeat on the other side.

Exercises to Increase Shoulder Mobility

Hands on the lower back

Place both hands behind your back and place their backs on your lower back, with one palm under the other. Bring your shoulder blades together, lower your shoulders and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat five times.

Shoulder stretch and rotation

Take a stick in your hands, sit on the floor and place your elbows on a raised platform, palms facing you. Pull your body back, stretching your shoulders. The forearms remain perpendicular to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat three times.

Thoracic stretch

Lie on a massage roller, placing it under the thoracic spine. Place your hands behind your head and bend back. In this case, the pelvis is located on the floor, the lower ribs tend downwards. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat three more times.

Strength exercises

If you've completed all of the above exercises, your shoulders will become more flexible, but that's only half the way. Strength exercises will help you strengthen your muscles and keep your shoulders in the correct position.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Pull your shoulders back and down; you should feel tension in your shoulders and shoulder blades. Try to relax the rest of your muscles. Be careful not to overexert your shoulders.

Elbow spread

Raise your hands to your head, point your elbows forward. Then turn your elbows to the sides and try to take them as far as possible. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Wall exercise

Place your hands high on the wall and press down. Pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then repeat five more times.

Circles with hands

Lie with your chest on a chair, your body should be parallel to the floor. Extend your arms on both sides so that they are also parallel to the floor. Lower your shoulders and squeeze your shoulder blades together. In this position, make circles with your hands for 30–60 seconds.

Raising hands near the wall

Stand with your back to the wall, with your arms and shoulders touching it. Bend your elbows, first lift your forearms into a W-shape, and then your arms up. Throughout the exercise, keep your shoulders down and your shoulder blades retracted. Repeat 10 times.

Do these exercises at least three times a week. If you don't have enough time, you can break the workout into several parts and do them on different days.

After the first lessons, you will feel that it has become much easier to keep your shoulders in the correct position. And when the muscles and fascia get used to it, you will improve your posture.

Preventive measures

Prevention of scoliosis must begin from an early age - literally from the neonatal period. Starting from two weeks of age (unless otherwise recommended by a pediatrician or visiting nurse), the child needs to regularly massage the back and limbs, carry out hardening procedures, and perform special gymnastics. Therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics should be carried out daily in older children, and a set of exercises should be selected taking into account age and clinical recommendations.

When the child begins to take his first steps, preventive shoes with an anatomical insole, arch support and a hard heel should be used. All sleeping accessories (mattress, pillow according to age) must also have an anatomical shape and be made of high-quality and natural materials.

On the street, it is important to organize an active pastime for the child: sliding down slides, climbing ropes and special structures like labyrinths (“cobwebs”), hanging on a horizontal bar. At home, you should also ensure that your child’s activity level is appropriate for his age.

There is no need to allow your child to sit at the table or lie on the sofa for a long time: prolonged stay in a stationary position increases the risk of scoliosis and negatively affects the tone of all muscle groups.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

Specific prevention of scoliosis in school-age children consists of the following measures:

teaching the child the rules of sitting at the table and explaining the importance of regular breaks between classes (it’s a good idea to teach the child that during a break he should warm up a little, and not sit at his desk the entire break); correct selection of furniture for home activities (taking into account the child’s height and build); use of orthopedic backpacks and backpacks with a hard back (it is unacceptable to use bags or backpacks that are worn on one shoulder when going to school). Teenage girls need to be told about the dangers of wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time: the maximum heel height for this age is 4-5 cm (not for constant wear)

Teenage girls need to be told about the dangers of wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time: the maximum heel height for this age is 4-5 cm (not for constant wearing).

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises

Preparing for a massage

It is correct to carry out the procedure when a person is sitting on a chair or lying on a flat surface with his hands under his head.

It is these poses that promote maximum relaxation, which allows you to better work out stiff muscles.

It won't hurt to use massage oil during the procedure. If special oil is not available, it can be replaced with grape seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil. For additional relaxation, you can turn on the aroma lamp with lemon, bergamot or lavender oil, or simply add a couple of drops to the body used for warming up.


Most often, the shoulder girdle suffers with the development of scoliosis - curvature of the spine relative to the vertical axis. In addition to internal changes and disturbances, visual deformation also occurs - one shoulder becomes higher than the other.

Deformation of the spine and changes in the shoulder girdle occur due to the progression of scoliosis, which can be of two types:

  • congenital - develops as a result of disorders during the formation of the fetus. In most cases, the reason lies in genetic abnormalities and the influence of external factors, which entail, for example, fusion of the ribs and other problems during the formation of the spine;
  • acquired - develops between the ages of 5 and 16 years with intensive formation and development of the skeleton. Girls are most susceptible to pathological changes.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises
In this case, pathological curvature of the spine can be divided into the following types:

  • s-shaped scoliosis - the curvature affects three main parts of the spine - cervical, thoracic and lumbar;
  • z-shaped scoliosis – disturbances are observed in one or two sections, the curvature is directed in opposite directions;
  • C-shaped scoliosis - the curvature of the spine is clearly expressed in one direction, resembling the letter C in shape.

Thus, if the right shoulder is higher or lower than the left, what kind of pathology is this is a fairly clear question. We are talking about curvature of the spinal column, which entails deformation of other parts of the body.

How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises
But it is worth knowing that the development of scoliosis does not occur instantly, that is, with timely diagnosis and treatment, such disorders can be avoided. There are four degrees of scoliosis:

  1. The first degree is characterized by a barely noticeable stoop, the shoulders are at the same level. Most often, people whose work involves a computer and a regular sedentary lifestyle suffer.
  2. The second degree is characterized by back pain, clearly visible asymmetry of the shoulder blades, and a noticeable change in the shoulder girdle. This degree is the most common.
  3. The third degree is accompanied by sharp and severe pain in the back, disturbance not only in the shoulder area, but also possible deformation of the sternum with protrusion of the ribs.
  4. The fourth degree is marked by the formation of a hump with a pronounced deformation of the back. The ribs may change their position, sink in or protrude outward. This stage affects the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole.

Moreover, spinal deformation can be caused not only by congenital developmental pathologies, but also by external influences and various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Among the most common causes of deformation are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • rickets;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • curvature of the neck;
  • violation of back muscle tone;
  • muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders.

Scoliosis signs and diagnosis

Children's scoliosis, which is in the initial stage, is not so easy to identify, since it does not bother children at all, and the curvature is almost invisible. However, it is still possible to do this. To assess the child’s condition, ask him to undress, stand up straight and lower his arms along his body. Then carefully inspect it from all sides. Signs of scoliosis in this position may be as follows:

  • skewed shoulders, when one shoulder is slightly higher than the other;
  • one of the hips or shoulder blades is higher than the other;
  • one arm looks longer than the other;
  • unequal distance between the waist and lowered arms;
  • asymmetry in the location of the nipples;
  • protruding angle of one blade.

Then ask the child, without bending his legs, to lean forward and lower his arms freely, then carefully examine him again

Pay attention to how symmetrical the height of the shoulder blades, subgluteal folds, iliac bones, and shoulder girdles is, whether it holds the neck straight, and whether the distances between the body and the lowered arms are the same. If you notice at least one of the above signs, be sure to consult an orthopedist or pediatrician. The doctor will assess the child’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe an x-ray, which will accurately determine the presence and degree of curvature.

The doctor will assess the child’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe an x-ray, which will accurately determine the presence and degree of curvature.

A set of asanas and exercises for the shoulders

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. As you inhale, sharply raise your shoulders to your ears, and as you exhale, lower them as low as possible. Do not bend your elbows. Do 8-10 repetitions .

From the same standing position, make 5-7 circular rotations with your shoulders forward, and then the same amount back.

From the same starting position, spread your arms straight to the sides to shoulder level, palms facing down. Clench your fists and, in a small amplitude, make 8-10 rotations with your shoulders forward, and then the same amount back. Arms should be straight and remain at the level of the shoulder joints.

From the same standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides at shoulder level, turn your palms up. Stretch your left hand and body to the left, then your right hand and body to the right. Perform 3-5 repetitions .

Stand straight, arms down, feet hip-width apart. Raise your right arm straight above your head. Stretch it up and the left one down at the same time. Change the position of your hands and stretch again. Perform 3-5 repetitions .


From a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, right arm extended up, left arm down, bend both arms at the elbows and clasp your palms at the shoulder blades. If you can't clasp your fingers together, use a yoga strap. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds . Release the grip, raise your left hand, lower your right and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Maintaining the grip as in the previous exercise, as you exhale, bend forward until your body is parallel to the floor. Pull your left elbow forward and up and your shoulders back. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds . Then turn your pelvis up and, without releasing your arms, bend down as low as possible. Pull your left elbow down and your shoulders up. Hold in this position for 10-20 seconds , then carefully rise up, release the grip and perform the exercise in the other direction.

From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your back and clasp your palms at the level of your sacrum. As you exhale, bend forward and down, pulling your palms, shoulders and shoulder blades as high as possible. Then try to roll your shoulders forward and down and pull your palms towards the floor. If you can't rotate your shoulders, continue to pull your arms and shoulders up. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds .

Get on all fours, place your right palm along the midline of your body under your chest. As you inhale, raise your left arm to the side, then stretch it upward. As you exhale, lower it down, pass it under your right, reach behind it, bringing your shoulder down, and lower it to the floor. Do 8-10 repetitions . Then do the exercise in the other direction.

From a position on all fours, move your pelvis back and lower it onto your heels, arms extended forward. Reach your right arm under your left, palm facing up, right shoulder toward the floor. Place your left palm on your right and, as you exhale, lower yourself into a twist. Pull both arms to the left, pull your right shoulder toward the floor, keeping your pelvis on your heels. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds , then twist in the other direction.

Stand a small step away from the wall, place your feet hip-width apart. As you inhale, place your palms on the wall above your head, bend your back and try to press your chest completely against the wall. Move your pelvis back and pull your shoulders down. If your chest doesn't touch the wall or you feel pain in your lower back, move a little closer to the wall. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds .

Place your palms on the wall just above shoulder level. Exhale, step away from the wall and slide your palms down along it until your body is approximately parallel to the floor. Your palms should rest on the wall slightly above your shoulders. Pull your shoulders and shoulder blades back, lengthen your neck and look down. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds . Come out of it, lower yourself to the floor and rest in child's pose.

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