How to pump your shoulders. How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups

Hello dear reader! Today we’ll talk about increasing muscle mass in the shoulder girdle. The deltoids have secured their status as muscles that are difficult to pump. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to “feel” the shoulders and include them in the work. In addition, muscle growth and the amount of testosterone decreases with age, making it more difficult to make shoulders massive. Therefore, for maximum effect, you need to start pumping deltas as early as possible.

Massive, broad shoulders are the first thing people around, especially girls, pay attention to. Therefore, shoulder push-ups are a must have for every young guy or adult man. In this article I will tell you about an easy way to gain large muscles using delt push-ups.

What kind of exercise is this

Push-ups are a simple lifting of the torso in a lying position. A special stance is used to engage the deltoid muscles. It is distinguished by a narrow position of the arms and elbows pressed to the body.

In training, variations of this exercise are used, including the front, middle or rear groups of deltas.

What muscles work

With the correct positioning of the body and palms, the upper bundles of deltas are pumped first. In this case we are talking about the anterior and middle deltas. The rear one is involved in the work to a lesser extent.

Other groups are also working on push-ups. This is a universal workout for increasing pectoral muscles, triceps, stabilizers, and endurance.

Benefits and harms

Push-ups, like any exercise, can be useful under certain conditions:

  1. General strengthening activity. In terms of the number of push-up groups included in the work, they are not inferior to squats and pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It’s not for nothing that they are included in the list of basic bodyweight exercises.
  2. Stabilizer training. When doing push-ups, you strengthen the muscles responsible for stabilizing your arms and core. Powerful stabilizers are the key to good coordination and strength.
  3. Press. By doing a lying position, you also use your abdominal and abdominal muscles.
  4. Body endurance. Push-ups are considered an anaerobic exercise. However, a large number of repetitions and approaches improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases endurance.
  5. Increased strength. Push-ups can increase the strength of the muscle tissues of the chest and arms in a short time. That is why this exercise is the basis of many army and bodybuilding programs.

Push-ups are considered harmful due to the increased stress on the wrists, which leads to joint-related diseases. Problems will begin if you do not use arm bandages or special cuffs when performing these exercises frequently with weights.

Also, the disadvantages of push-ups include incomplete development of the rear and middle deltas.


There are contraindications for performing push-up exercises while lying down:

  1. High blood pressure due to body position.
  2. Diseases of joints and tendons. Push-ups are a multi-joint exercise. Therefore, people with problems in the wrists, elbows and shoulders are contraindicated to perform them.
  3. Overtraining of the body. You should not overuse push-ups - you will get tired, and catabolism will begin after a large number of approaches.

What types of delt push-ups are there?

Unfortunately, there are not many push-up techniques for broadening the shoulders and they all require some preparation. You can begin to implement them only if you are confident in your abilities.

Little house

This technique is great for working the front and middle deltas, increasing their strength and volume. The load is eased by reducing body weight and creating additional support for the legs. Among the techniques presented, everyone can choose the best push-ups for shoulders and decide what they need.


  • We take a lying position, lifting our buttocks up, forming a 90-degree angle between the body and legs.

  • To do this, we gradually bring our hands closer to our feet, resting on our toes.
  • The pelvis is located above the shoulders.
  • As you inhale, we move and bend your elbows to the side, lower yourself to the floor as far as possible, and as you exhale, we rise up, straightening your arms.

Is it possible to build bigger shoulders at home with push-ups?

You can and should strengthen your shoulders at home with push-ups. For maximum effect, you need a whole system:

  • Consistency.
  • Determination.
  • Workout.
  • Nutrition.
  • Dream.

This will allow you to build strong and voluminous deltoids, even if you don’t go to the gym.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve stunning results with basic push-ups. To do this, experienced athletes use isometric types of such training. This allows you to focus the load on a specific group and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups

The shoulder girdle is an extremely important muscle group, as it is involved in almost all movements performed in the upper body. Plus, impressive shoulders are just beautiful. Unfortunately, for many this part of the body is the least developed.

Push-ups are a great way to combat this problem. They are not only effective, but also affordable: they can be practiced without special equipment and at home. You will learn how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups using different types of this exercise.

Technique and types of exercises

Let's look at three types of the most effective delt push-ups without dumbbells:

  • Floor press. A popular option for working out the shoulders. The method is suitable for beginners. Does not require special skills, flexibility or acrobatics. Hands are placed at shoulder level, feet together. It is important to lower your body deeper, until a right angle is formed at the elbow. The disadvantage is the use of the chest and triceps. They will take part of the payload.

  • Corner push-ups. Take a lying position and place your feet closer to your hands so that your legs and torso form a right angle. The feet stand on their toes. From this semi-vertical position, begin to do push-ups, lowering yourself along a long amplitude to the floor. In the corner exercise, three bundles of deltoid muscles are involved at once and the load on the arms is reduced. Change the load by changing the distance between your toes and palms.

  • Vertical support while lying down. You take the position lying upside down against the wall, palms on the floor. Start doing push-ups, lowering the top of your head to the ground. This type of training is for experienced athletes and requires some acrobatic skills. At the same time, you will feel how the three deltoid bundles work, and you will pump only them. If you want to learn this type of push-up, try standing on your hands against a wall first.

Other types of push-ups do not isolate the shoulders as clearly, but are suitable for pumping up stabilizers:

  1. Shoulder push-ups. A standard stand is accepted. The amplitude is created by bringing and lowering the shoulder blades without bending the arms.
  2. Exercises on one leg. To increase the load on your upper body, remove one leg from the stance.
  3. T-push-ups. When doing push-ups, lift your arms one at a time. At the same time, lift each one up, maintaining the balance of the second. This will further strain the abdominal muscles.
  4. Reverse push-ups. In this case, the hands are placed on a bench or other elevation, the feet are on the heels. Lower your torso to a right angle between your elbow and forearm. The exercise primarily develops the triceps, but also puts stress on the shoulders.

Types of shoulder push-ups at home

  1. Classic. They are the lightest, therefore they are used, in particular, in school physical education classes. In a lying position, you need to lean on your toes and the palms of your hands facing forward, spaced shoulder-width apart. The toes are spread out to the same width; it is in them that the emphasis should be felt. The classic orientation is to work the triceps, deltas and pectoral muscles.

  2. Knee push-ups. This is for those who are starting this type of exercise for the first time and also have weakened muscles (also suitable for people with problems in the spine and simply for the age group of people). The initial pose is the same as in the classics, but the emphasis is no longer on the toes, but on the bent knees. The crossed feet are raised above the floor. The ease of the exercise lies in the fact that the lumbar region is not loaded, and other muscle groups are less tense than in the classic version (the workload is reduced from 64 to 49%).

Example workout

Below is a sample of exercises at home and in the gym.

At home

It is possible to exercise at home, since training does not require special equipment.

Here is a set of exercises:

  1. Warm up. To avoid injury, perform warm-up exercises: swing your arms in a circle 10-20 times, raise your arms to the sides 10-20 times, move in a circle with your hands on your shoulders 10-20 times, and at the end, gently stretch your arms and shoulders.
  2. Shoulder push-ups – 4 to 15 – 30.
  3. Pushups. Hands shoulder-width apart, elbows close to the body: 4 sets of 6 – 15 push-ups.
  4. Corner push-ups - 4 sets of 6 - 15 times. Don't forget to adjust the height of the stand.
  5. Single leg push-ups – 3 x 6 – 12 reps.
  6. Hitch. At the end, swing your arms: in front of you, to the sides - 3 x 15 - 30 repetitions.

In the gym

When training in the gym, use additional equipment. For example, place your feet on a weight, bench, or ball. This will increase the load on your shoulders.

Also, do barbell squats before working your shoulders. The squat works more muscle groups than any other exercise. By doing it, you will trigger a surge in testosterone, which will have a positive effect on shoulder growth. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions with medium weight.

Here is a set of exercises:

  1. Warm up. To warm up, you will need a block trainer or elastic band. Bend your elbow at a right angle. Hold an elastic band or the handle of a block in your palm so that the axis of the load runs parallel to your forearm. Perform hand abduction and abduction - 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each arm.
  2. Shoulder push-ups - 4 sets of 6 - 15.
  3. Corner push-ups - 4 sets of 6 - 15 times.
  4. Vertical push-ups or t-push-ups – 4 x 6 – 15 reps.
  5. On one leg - 3 x 4 - 12 times.
  6. Hitch. Stretch your arms and deltoids in a butterfly machine or on a bench with dumbbells - 3 x 10-15. Use light weight.

How to create a program?

If you correctly assess your overall physical fitness, you can create a training program yourself, based on ready-made complexes presented on the Internet. Here is an approximate diagram of the program for beginners, involving classes 3-4 times a week:

1st week
  • warm-up;
  • 1st approach - 8 repetitions;
  • rest up to a minute;
  • 2nd approach - 6 push-ups;
  • rest is the same;
  • 3rd approach - 5 repetitions;
  • rest from 3 to 5 minutes;
  • 4th approach - 5 push-ups;
  • two sets of 5 repetitions, rest between them - 40-60 seconds.
2nd week
  • warm-up;
  • 4 sets of ten push-ups, breaks of 40-60 seconds.
3rd week
  • warm-up;
  • 4 sets, number of repetitions - maximum without tension;
  • minute (approximately) breaks between sets.
4th weekthe load is planned to be doubled or more, based on personal condition and feelings.

Did you know? The Japanese (professional athlete) Minoru Yoshida did a record number of push-ups (for the whole world) 40 years ago. He performed 10,507 repetitions in one set (without stopping).

Although push-ups as a physical exercise appeared a long time ago, to this day they are not considered obsolete and are used by people with pleasure to improve their figure and improve their health. This training is universal, so the corresponding program can be performed by people of different ages and physical conditions. The main thing is to take into account the above recommendations, follow the technical aspects and put all your efforts into the classes.

Shoulders Exercises Push-ups Sports and fitness Strength training

Training Tips

Having set yourself the goal of having beautiful shoulders, go ahead, but follow some rules.

Sets and reps

Don't chase too many reps. To increase muscle mass and strength, it is better to make the work more difficult as you go. Ideally, do one set of challenging weights at the end of your workout.

The number of repetitions per approach to start the anabolic process is 6 - 15.


The right option would be to increase the complexity of the approach. To do this, use weights.

For training at home, choose accessories from a sports store. Feel free to take bags or elastic bands in the hall. Don't rush to the gym.

Watch a video of exotic push-up weight training techniques.

Nutrition and sports supplements

Don't forget that training is only a third of success. If you want to pump up your shoulders and build mass, take care of nutrition:

  • Eat more protein foods (meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, peanuts).
  • Use whey protein isolate to give you extra protein every day.
  • If you are an ectomorph (prone to thin), I advise you to purchase a gainer as an additional meal.
  • To avoid overtraining, consume L-carnitine or BCAA.

What to do if your shoulder hurts when doing push-ups

If your shoulder hurts, it’s worth understanding the nature of the pain’s origin.

Frequent options:

  1. Muscle pain. You have overloaded the muscle. Rest until the fibers recover.
  2. Joint pain. This is already serious. Pain in the elbows and wrists can be caused by bursitis or arthritis. If this pain persists for weeks, consult your doctor.

What to do if your shoulder hurts after push-ups

It is important to localize sensations:

  1. If your muscles hurt, most likely you damaged them out of habit during heavy exercise.
  2. If your bones are bothering you, you should consult a doctor.

Common mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. It's unpleasant when they affect your health or make your workouts useless.

Don't rush into complex weights and exercises. Some people start straight away with wide-grip military presses at the gym, but if you're a beginner, master push-ups first. When performing technically difficult exercises, you risk injuring yourself and others.

How to pump up your shoulders with push-ups

Many modern young people want to look fit, have beautiful shoulders and be in good physical shape. However, not everyone wants or, due to certain circumstances, cannot visit the gym or purchase expensive sports equipment. In such a situation, seemingly simple push-ups come to the rescue, regular implementation of which allows you to achieve the goals listed above in a short period of time. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of drawing up the correct training program, types and techniques of push-ups.


Push-ups will make your deltoids round and sculpted. You will quickly achieve the desired results if, in addition, you follow a routine, constantly do exercises and monitor your diet. If you are a beginner or do not have access to a gym, delt push-ups and their variations will replace most exercise machines and trainers. Be sporty and healthy!

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Best Shoulder Exercises

Important note: when performing the exercises presented below, try to focus on the deltoids. That is, you should feel the work of these muscles, and not just make mechanical movements. This may be difficult at first. But this must be achieved in order for the training to become effective.

Delt exercises with body weight

Upside down push-ups

  1. Stand facing a wall.
  2. Bend over, press your palms to the floor (10-15 cm from the wall).
  3. Push off with your toes and throw your legs up, resting them on the wall.
  4. Perform controlled push-ups from this stance.
  5. At the lowest point, do not place your head on the floor.
  6. Breathing: press as you exhale, lower as you inhale.

The exercise is difficult. If you haven't mastered simple push-ups, it's best to put off vertical push-ups for now. Otherwise you risk injury.

Corner push-ups

  1. Stand up straight. Then lean forward and press your palms to the floor.
  2. Keep your legs straight, stand on your toes.
  3. The angle between the hips and the body should be 90°.
  4. Keeping your body in this position, perform smooth push-ups from the floor.
  5. Try to lower your head as much as possible, but do not touch the top of your head to the floor.
  6. Breathing: press as you exhale, lower as you inhale.

If you want to increase the load on your deltoids, place your socks on a platform (bench, sofa, chair).


This exercise is designed to develop the posterior deltoids. You will need a wide stand. This could be a bench or a low, wide cabinet.

  1. Take a lying position, placing your palms on the edge of the stand and turning your elbows to the sides. The distance between the hands is wider than the shoulders.
  2. Perform smooth push-ups, focusing on the rear deltoids.
  3. Make sure that your elbows remain spread to the sides as you perform.
  4. Breathing: press as you exhale, lower as you inhale.


This exercise allows you to create a complex load on your shoulders at home.

  1. Perform a simple hang.
  2. Place your palms on the bar slightly wider than your shoulder joints.
  3. Tightening the muscles of your back and arms, pull your chest towards the horizontal bar.
  4. Then lower yourself just as smoothly.
  • Avoid inertial body swings, as they reduce the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of your hands slipping.
  • If you find it difficult to do pull-ups, purchase a resistance band for pull-ups. By winding its ends around the horizontal bar, you will get a loop in which to place your knees. This will help pull your body up.
  • Breathing: pulling up as you exhale, lowering as you inhale.

Delta exercises with dumbbells

Arnold press

A basic multi-joint shoulder exercise that's great for doing at home.

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your spine.
  2. Take dumbbells, bend your elbows at right angles and bring them together at chest level (palms facing you).
  3. Smoothly spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, squeeze the shells upward, turning your palms away from you.
  4. Then, with the same smooth movement, return your hands to the starting position.
  5. Breathing: press as you exhale, lower as you inhale.

Wiring to the sides

The exercise mainly uses the middle beam, thereby working the width of the shoulders.

Straighten up, take dumbbells.

  1. Then lean forward slightly, bring the projectiles together near the groin, slightly bend your elbows.
  2. Maintaining this position of the body, smoothly spread your arms to the sides.
  3. Then slowly return them to their original position.
  4. Breathing: raising as you exhale, lowering as you inhale.
  5. Do not raise your elbows higher than your shoulder joints.
  6. The exercise can be performed with a skier’s expander, holding the loop with your feet and taking the ends in your hands.

Lifting in front of you

The exercise mainly involves the anterior deltoids.

  1. Straighten up, take dumbbells, straighten your shoulders.
  2. Press the weights into the front of your thighs.
  3. Smoothly raise one arm in front of you.
  4. Then lower it just as smoothly.
  5. Repeat with the other hand.
  6. Breathing: rise as you exhale, lower as you inhale.
  • There is no need to lift the dumbbell high, maximum to the level of the shoulder joint.
  • Instead of dumbbells, you can use a ski expander or a rubber band (Martens bandage).

Bent over fly

  1. The exercise mainly involves the posterior deltas.
  2. Take dumbbells and lean forward so that your body is at an angle of approximately 45-50° relative to the floor.
  3. Bend your elbows slightly.
  4. Keeping your body tilted and your elbows bent, smoothly spread your arms.
  5. Then slowly return them to their original position.
  6. Breathing: raising as you exhale, lowering as you inhale.

Avoid tossing, just do fly-ups.

Exercises for deltas with a barbell

Army press

This exercise allows you to work out the front and middle deltas.

  1. Grasp the barbell with your palms on the bar slightly wider than your shoulder joints.
  2. Lift the projectile and press it to the top of your chest.
  3. Smoothly press the barbell up and move it slightly behind your head. Reaching behind the head allows the target muscles to be loaded more efficiently.
  4. Then smoothly lower the projectile to its original position.
  5. Breathing: rising with exhalation, lowering with inhalation.

Bent-over row

Bent-over rows load the rear deltoids.

  1. Grab the barbell wide.
  2. Lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor.
  3. Make a slight bend in the lumbar region.
  4. Maintaining this position of the body, smoothly pull the barbell to the bottom of the chest.
  5. When lifting the shoulder blades, do not contract, only the rear delts work.
  6. Then slowly straighten your arms and lower the projectile.
  7. When doing this, make sure your elbows are pointing out to the sides.
  8. Breathing: rising with exhalation, lowering with inhalation.

Pro Tips

Dumbbell push-ups: how to pump up your shoulders at home

According to professional bodybuilders, in order to pump up the shoulder muscles, you need to combine basic elements with isolated ones. You need to start with classic push-ups, exercises with light weights, gradually increasing the load.

Warm up before class to avoid injury. All movements must be careful, slow, and performed by tensing the arm muscles. It is enough to conduct 2-3 classes per week for 45-60 minutes.

Upside down in a wall stand

A rather complex and far from easy way to train at home, as it requires good body control. To perform the exercise, you will need to take a vertical stance against the wall.

Do you want to improve your figure and health, without harming your spine and joints? Get my free resources on smart fitness at the gym or at home and learn how to exercise the right way!

They are suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness fans.

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