The main myths about fitness and nutrition that hinder progress. Fitness blogger tips

  • training builds self-esteem.

    Fact #4:

    Physically inactive people over the age of 30 may lose between 3% and 5% of their muscle mass over the course of ten years. Sarcopenia is a term used to refer to the loss of muscle mass in adults as they age. Without regular physical activity, loss of muscle mass leads to loss of strength and poor quality of life. Physical activity and proper nutrition are the best prevention of sarcopenia. If you exercise regularly, you have nothing to worry about. Just keep lifting weights!

    Fact #5:

    Lactic acid does not cause a burning sensation in the muscles, but rather helps reduce this sensation. The burning sensation felt in the muscles during intense exercise is called acidosis. This is a violation of the acid-base balance in the muscle, but the reason is not the formation and accumulation of lactic acid. Thus, recent studies have convincingly proven that lactic acid is not present in the body as an acid. It is present in it in another form, which is called “lactate”. It is lactic acid lactate that reduces the burning sensation or acidosis in the muscles. But the beneficial properties of lactate are not limited to this. It is the primary fuel that is converted into glucose in the liver and used as an energy source. We hope that at least a few of these facts surprised you, and if not, then you can boast of good knowledge of physiology.

  • Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Whether you are a biathlete, golfer or curler, the gym can improve your skills and reactions and help you achieve success in any sport. All Olympic champions spend a huge amount of time in the gym and know that without this they won’t achieve a record. If there were a competition among the reasons why people start exercising, the desire to burn excess fat would win first place by a huge margin. And the latest research suggests that working with free weights does this no less effectively than working for many hours on an exercise bike or running. Calories are burned effectively within 48 hours of training with barbells and dumbbells, so think for yourself. However, strength training has other undeniable advantages. We have collected 10 facts that will help you gain the necessary motivation.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Muscle mass improves quality of life

    Developed muscles improve the quality of life and help slow down the aging process. The risk of getting hit by a falling piano is still relevant, but cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes can fade into the background in the case of those people who regularly exercise with free weights.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Stretching and interval training strengthen the skeleton and joints

    Athletes rarely suffer from osteochondrosis. Arnold Schwarzenegger started working out when he was not yet 15, and his height then did not reach 1.8 m. In 5 years, Arnie gained 45 kilograms of healthy muscles and at the same time grew by almost 10 cm. This refutes the myth that bodybuilding interferes with growth in adolescence age and harms the skeleton in adulthood.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Exercise can slow down aging

    It doesn't matter when you start training - at 20 or at 60 years old. In any case, the body will undergo a miraculous improvement in all processes, including cognitive.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Sport increases testosterone levels

    Testosterone levels begin to fall after 30 and can affect a variety of physical aspects, from sex drive to bone density. The good news is that regular weight training can help. This is good not only for the production of testosterone, but also as a preventive measure for your circulatory system, which is just waiting for you to properly load it.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    You don't need a coach or program to train

    Even the simplest exercises, done with proper regularity and with proper nutrition, can give amazing results and make your body flexible and strong. The main thing here is consistency and not hoping for an instant result.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Sport is the best antidepressant

    Not only does physical exercise stimulate the release of dopamine and other hormones that give a feeling of calm and satisfaction, but also the side of the brain responsible for discipline will be completely satisfied after a high-impact workout.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Exercising without dieting rarely leads to weight loss

    The combo effect of training combined with proper nutrition is perfectly reflected by the English saying “eat clean, train hard.” The right diet and progressive exercise can work wonders, and maybe you will soon have “before and after” photos.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    You Can't Burn Fat Locally

    The dream of many women who talk about how they can pump up their butt a little and stop there has nothing to do with reality. Training can only be systematic and involve the whole body, otherwise there is no point in it.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Working out will make you smarter

    Although jocks are generally considered to be narrow-minded characters, this dubious fact can be classified as an anecdote and forgotten forever. Physical activity is guaranteed to improve cognitive function and save you from depression, sleep problems and low self-esteem.

    Interesting facts about fitness and sports.

    Strong ligaments and tendons will help in the future

    Properly structured workouts work not only to build muscles, but also to strengthen and strengthen ligaments and tendons. This will help you maintain mobility and activity even in old age.

    Why do football players shave their legs?

    14 facts about sports

    Definitely not for the sake of beauty.

    Business necessity: Constant massages using oils and gels require smooth feet.

    Football players shave their hair several times a week also because they often have to use tape, which is very unpleasant if you apply tape over your hair.

    Interesting facts about sports. 30 interesting facts about sports

    Sport is not only about health, but also about the desire to be better and move forward. Sport also does not stand still; it develops and progresses along with humanity. New heroes appear, new records are set - both personal and team.

    The most interesting, fantastic and curious facts remain in the history of sports, in the memory of all fans, in our memory. We bring to your attention several interesting facts and statistics in sports.

    Interesting facts about sports. 30 interesting facts about sports

    1. Boxing was only legalized as a sport in 1900.

    2. The only country that has participated in all World Cups is Brazil.

    3. The youngest player in NHL history to score 50 or more goals and 100 or more points in a season and the youngest player to be voted the league's Most Valuable Player at age 19 was Wayne Gretzky in the 1979-80 season.

    4. Contrary to the well-known misconception, in judo there are not 10, but 12 dans. True, not a single person was awarded the eleventh dan, and the twelfth was awarded to only one person - the founder of judo, Jigoro Kano.

    5. In 1936, a hockey goalie mask was first used in Berlin by Japanese goalkeeper Tanaka Hoima.

    6. Of the 51 matches held by Mike Tyson in the professional ring, he ended 21 by knockout in the first round (40.8%).

    7. The mass of a table tennis ball is 2.5 grams.

    8. Stanley Cup winners are awarded a replica of the cup, and the original is kept in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.

    9. After being hit by a professional volleyball player, the ball can fly at speeds of up to 130 km/h. And with the help of a hockey player’s kick, the puck can reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

    10. Approximately 30 percent of NBA players have tattoos on their bodies.

    11. The fastest goal in the NHL was scored in the third second of the game.

    12. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

    13. The final game of the 1976 European Football Championship was Franz Backinbauer's 100th game for the West German team.

    14. Viktor Onopko played the most matches for the Russian national football team: 109 games from 1992 to 2004.

    15. The Vatican national football team played only one international match in its history - with the Monaco national team, which ended in a draw with a score of 0:0.

    Interesting facts about sports. 30 interesting facts about sports

    16. Real (Madrid) won the Champions League most often, including the Champions Cup - 9 times.

    17. The tallest basketball player in the world is center Sun Minming (China). His height is 236 cm, weight is 152 kg.

    18. In the first ten moves in chess, there are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play.

    19. In 1936, at the opening of one of the table tennis tournaments, Pole Alex Enrlich and Romanian Panet Farkas played one ball for 2 hours 12 minutes.

    20. The youngest athlete to win a national championship was Jamaican Jay Foster. This happened in 1958. At that time he was only 8 years old and he won the table tennis championship.

    21. To solve the famous Rubik's Cube puzzle you need from 48 to 100 turns.

    22. Previously, golf balls were made of leather and stuffed with feathers.

    23. 20 years is the average age of women participating in the Olympic flying games.

    24. In England there is a football stadium (Wembley), where training is prohibited, it is purely for games.

    25. Checkers are older than chess.

    26. 142.5 cm – length of a billiard cue.

    27. The name of a racing horse must not exceed 18 letters. (Long nicknames cause difficulties when recording).

    28. If a fist fight in ancient Greece dragged on for a long time, then by agreement of both fighters, lots were thrown, according to the results of which one of the fighters had to take the blow of his opponent without covering himself, if at the same time he withstood it, then he hit himself, and this continued until one of the fighters won fighters.

    29. A horse that won more than one prize at races in Britain, as an autopsy showed, had only one lung. (With such a defect, the horse should not have run at all).

    30. Oscar Swan won an Olympic medal in shooting at age 72.

    Interesting facts about sports. 30 interesting facts about sports

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    For you, we collect the best workouts, recommendations for proper nutrition and, of course, humor from the world of beautiful, energetic and healthy people - like you and me!

    Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world

    Not many people know the man named Usain Bolt. But he is a Yaman athlete who specializes in running. Currently he is a world Olympic champion.

    He is the only athlete who managed to win the one hundred and two hundred meters distances. Usain has many awards and gold medals. For his speed in running he received the unusual nickname “lightning fast” .

    Quick facts about health. Health facts - 55 interesting facts about health

    Interesting facts about health. Health is wealth! Being healthy is a must. Everything in this world is replaceable, except health. The famous aphorism “prevention is better than cure” is popular among everyone and everyone agrees with it. Maintaining health requires a healthy diet, exercise and a good lifestyle, hence it is not a difficult task to be healthy. Let's look at some health facts.

    Quick facts about health. Health facts - 55 interesting facts about health

    Health facts

    • Exercising when you are young will improve your brain function as you get older.
    • Earwax protects the inner ear from fungi, bacteria, insects and dirt. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.

    • Insulin, which is responsible for converting excess sugar into fat, is produced by the body at its peak in the evening.
    • Poor nutrition in pregnant mothers can cause premature aging of the baby's heart.
    • When your body is sedentary, your brain slows down due to decreased availability of fresh oxygen to the blood.
    • When you feel a pulse in your wrist or neck, it means blood is starting to move and stop in the artery.
    • Neck pain can come from stress and anxiety.
    • Ginger can reduce symptoms of induced muscle pain by up to 25%.
    • Eating too much meat can accelerate biological aging of the body.
    • The human head loses heat at the same rate as any other part of the body.
    • There are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells.
    • Depressed people get colds more often. Energetic, happy and relaxed people are immune to colds and flu.
    • Laughter increases the activity of antibodies in the body by 20%, helping to destroy viruses and cancer cells.
    • Blackberries help the brain retain new information.
    • Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding the disease or fighting it.
    • Your weight may fluctuate from 0.1 to 1.5 kg throughout the day.
    • A diet rich in vegetables and fruits may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack.
    • 30-40% of UV still penetrates cloud cover in cloudy weather.

    Why do tennis players scream during a match?

    14 facts about sports

    Russian Maria Sharapova, who lives in the USA, is the most famous tennis player in the world. Her cries are famous throughout the world; according to measurements, they reach 100 decibels. The train in the subway is just as loud.

    And the explanation for the screams is simple: the athlete hits while exhaling. They cut wood in much the same way: by squatting and exhaling.

    Why are pool tables covered with green cloth?

    14 facts about sports

    Mostly, tables are covered with green cloth, although there are also other shades, in particular red. There are two explanations. First: green is the color of grass. Croquet - billiards grew out of this game. When the game was moved indoors and special tables began to be used, the color of the cloth was determined by itself: natural, green.

    Another explanation comes from the field of psychology. Billiards is a game that requires increased concentration, and a match often lasts for several hours. Green color is less tiring for players.

    In addition, in games with multi-colored balls (snooker or pool), all the balls are clearly visible on such a cloth.

    Why do golf balls have indentations?

    14 facts about sports

    Balls of this type appeared in 1908. Notches affect flight speed and trajectory. Such a ball can travel 2/3 more distance than a smooth one, because the grooves improve the aerodynamics of flight.

    But the key point is still the accuracy of the shot: a “non-smooth” ball receives a smoother trajectory upon impact, so the golfer can aim as accurately as possible.

    How much is an Olympic medal worth?

    14 facts about sports

    The name “gold” in relation to the main Olympic medal has a symbolic meaning. The award has a different meaning and symbolism: its design reflects the culture of the host country of the games. As for the composition, as a rule, medals are made of a metal alloy, onto the surface of which particles of noble metal are sprayed. Their weight is only a few grams.

    Auction prices for sports awards are low: about $50.

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