A cosmetologist advises: how to get rid of stretch marks on the body?

Reasons for appearance

Why and why do stretch marks appear on the body?

The mechanism is simple:

  • the skin is overly stretched;
  • the cell mass does not have time to grow, there is a lack of collagen;
  • the skin becomes thinner, tears at the level of connective tissue;
  • Striae form.

Provoking factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • breast-feeding;
  • sudden weight fluctuations;
  • too active training.

Stretch marks and stretch marks Laser removal 6 clinics in Moscow since 1994

For women, smooth and beautiful skin is a big advantage. The loss of its elasticity worries many, but this problem can be solved through proper nutrition and special exercises. The appearance of stretch marks brings more trouble. In this case, it is quite difficult to return the skin to its previous state. The most effective way to remove stretch marks is laser.

Stretch marks (striae) are skin defects: wavy stripes of different widths, from white, light pink to red-violet. Using a laser to remove them allows you to almost completely visually eliminate them. Under the influence of the beam, collagen begins to be actively produced.

Benefits of removing stretch marks and stretch marks with laser

  • precisely targeted impact
  • deep penetration
  • connective tissue is destroyed and new skin is formed
  • Laser removal of stretch marks on the abdomen and chest is equally effective
  • rapid skin regeneration

stretch marks on the side

CO2 laser removal technique for stretch marks and stretch marks

The procedure using a laser is carried out according to the method of fractional removal of stretch marks, which leads to rejuvenation of the skin in the problem area. The laser beam forms microchannels or microthermal zones on the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks. Due to the fact that only targeted areas of the skin are exposed, and not the entire treated surface, the healing process starts much faster and more intensely. As a result of the development of a normal inflammatory reaction, destroyed skin cells are removed and new ones appear, capable of increased production of connective tissue elements - collagen and elastin. Activation of the formation of collagen and elastin fibers leads to the fact that stretch marks become less noticeable, and the skin becomes smoother and more even.

large stretch marks on stomach

If there are old stretch marks that are difficult to remove, laser resurfacing is used. Laser treatment restores density and elasticity to sagging skin.

Preparation for the laser removal of stretch marks and stretch marks

  • Consultation with a specialist who will assess the condition of the skin and its individual characteristics
  • According to the readings, individual parameters for laser operation are set
  • An anesthetic gel is applied before the procedure begins.

stretch marks on thighs

Features and results of removing stretch marks and stretch marks with laser

laser stretch mark removal on chest

Laser stretch mark removal is characterized by the following:

  • The session is carried out fairly quickly using local anesthesia.
  • The recovery period after the procedure lasts only a few days and is expressed by slight swelling and redness of the skin
  • Slight peeling may appear on the treated skin, which indicates the active replacement of old cells with new ones
  • The result of laser treatment will be visible in a week
  • Old and deep stretch marks are removed in several sessions, with a break between them of three weeks
  • The laser will remove stretch marks and even out skin color, making it elastic

The price of laser stretch mark removal for each area of ​​the body is indicated in the price list. It depends on the type of laser used, the number and age of stretch marks.

stretch marks on the side

Doctors' recommendations after laser removal of stretch marks

Rednor center specialists do not recommend sunbathing after the procedure. For exposed areas of the body, protective creams should be used. All these recommendations must be followed before the procedure. In the photo above you can see the results of laser stretch mark removal

stretch marks on thighs

general information

What do stretch marks look like? It's easy to recognize them:

  • After the connective tissue ruptures, scars appear on the body. Color - from red to deep blue. Small blood vessels rupture along with the skin;
  • gradually the blood leaves them, the stretch marks turn pale;
  • after a while, the uneven stripes become almost white;
  • they don’t hurt, don’t itch, don’t interfere;
  • stretch marks spoil the appearance, look very ugly against the background of a bronze tan;
  • Ultraviolet light does not affect connective tissue, because it lacks melanin.

Note! The more elastic the skin, the less likely it is to be damaged or ruptured. Sufficient production of elastin and collagen allows the skin to stretch and contract with minimal consequences for appearance.

Striae are:

  • fresh. They look like scars of rich colors;
  • old - whitish stripes that do not rise above the skin.

Favorite locations:

  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • buttocks;
  • breast.

How to get rid of goose bumps on the body? Find out everything on our website.

What to do if comedones constantly appear? The answer is at this address.

How does the patient feel during removal?

Laser resurfacing, also called DOT resurfacing, requires a lot of experience on the part of the specialist. The doctor will first use a scanner to determine the depth of the stretch marks. During the operation, a beam of laser beams is applied to the problem area. Healthy parts of the body remain untouched. The patient feels only a slight tingling sensation. The device is equipped with a special cooling system to prevent burns.

If a woman has a high pain threshold, the skin will first be treated with a gel that reduces sensitivity. After resurfacing, swelling and redness persist for several days. The formation of a crust and peeling of tissues should also not be scary. It is prohibited to remove dead skin yourself. The appearance of uncharacteristic symptoms is a reason to see a doctor.

During the recovery period, the doctor will advise you to apply a restorative and wound-healing cream at home.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Prepare yourself for a long period of treatment. Only performing the procedures more regularly will give good results.

Helpful Tips:

  • start the fight for beauty at the first sign of stretch marks;
  • getting rid of fresh scars is much easier;
  • old tears cannot be completely removed, but they can be made less noticeable;
  • complex therapy will be required - medicinal ointments, creams, traditional methods, hardware cosmetology;
  • try home methods, visit a beauty salon or beauty salon;
  • your persistence will be rewarded.

The nature of stretch marks

Striae are scars that appear at the sites of internal ruptures in the dermal tissue. They most often appear on the abdomen, thighs, lower back and chest, and are white in color, but can also be pink or even burgundy-purple.

No one is immune from the occurrence of such stretch marks: neither gender, nor age, nor an active life position guarantee anything.

Stretch marks

Skin stretching occurs as body volume increases. However, thinning and injury are most often caused by the following factors [ ]:

  • A sharp jump in height/weight. Occurs during puberty, pregnancy, etc.
  • Weak muscles that cannot keep up with the changes occurring in the body.
  • Imbalance of hormones caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, etc. Including neuroendocrine disease such as Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.
  • Deficiency of vitamins C, B, protein, iron and calcium, causing anemia. Also, these elements take part in the formation of elastin.
  • Artificial depletion of the epidermis after long-term use of anabolic steroids or steroidal anti-inflammatory creams.

Drug treatment

Therapeutic cosmetics will help strengthen the body and get rid of cosmetic defects. Special creams for stretch marks on the body of teenagers are produced by well-known cosmetic companies specializing in the production of such products.

How to remove stretch marks on the body? Pay attention to the best series of medicinal cosmetics to combat stretch marks. Choose one of the special creams:

  • Phytolastil from Lierac;
  • ANTI-STRIES from Gernetic;
  • Biovergretures from Biotherm;
  • universal cream for stretch marks, Vichy company.

The products contain elastin, collagen, medicinal plant extracts, essential oils. There are special remedies for stretch marks, the use of which does not harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Help from professionals

Modern cosmetic and medical clinics offer a number of ways by which stretch marks can be removed from the skin. A few words about each of them.

Laser resurfacing

The process involves exposure to a laser beam at the sites where stretch marks appear. The beam is able to reach even the deepest layers of the skin, destroying the internal fibers of the stretch marks themselves. After the procedure, the skin acquires a bright red tint, as if after a burn. It sometimes takes up to several months to completely restore its cover.

Chemical peeling

This procedure involves applying special acids to the skin, burning everything, including the inner layers of the epidermis. The process is very painful and is carried out under general anesthesia. Just like the previous method, this type of exposure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

As an alternative to the two methods described above, expectant and current mothers often use seaweed wrap. You can buy “raw materials” for the mixture at every pharmacy. Dry kelp is diluted in warm water, after which the composition is applied to areas with stretch marks and covered with thermal film. One wrap session lasts 40-45 minutes. Instead of spirulina, you can also use clay, cocoa, and medicinal mud.

The method called “mesotherapy” also has its contraindications. Its essence is to perform microinjections under the skin. These injections include vitamins and herbal elements, making scars virtually invisible visually. However, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate stretch marks; in addition, it must be taken into account that this procedure is prohibited for those with bladder diseases and a number of other ailments. Therefore, before doing mesotherapy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Skin microdermabrasion is also one of the procedures offered by cosmetic clinics. However, it is not suitable for large areas of skin, it is accompanied by pain, and at the same time it gives the required effect by a maximum of 50%. Therefore, it is used in rare cases.

Among the more gentle medical methods, one can also mention ELOS rejuvenation, during which the skin is simultaneously treated with a laser, light flux and radio frequency radiation, which allows stimulating the production of collagen, as well as ozone therapy, according to which a healing mixture consisting mostly of from oxygen and ozone. It is possible to completely eliminate stretch marks only through plastic surgery. Surgical intervention in this case involves the removal of stretched skin during abdominoplasty.

However, even the surgical method does not always guarantee complete removal of stretch marks, especially when it comes to old scars. It is necessary to carry out all the necessary procedures, including medical ones, in a timely manner, at an early stage of the appearance of stretch marks, this is the only way you will “help” them disappear without a trace. And be sure to use an integrated approach, combining different methods of dealing with stretch marks, carry out procedures regularly, ultimately focusing on those that have the most positive effect on your skin.

Traditional methods and recipes

Many procedures can be performed at home. The components are easy to find at a pharmacy or your nearest supermarket.

An effective system consists of three mandatory parts:

  • cleansing the skin with scrubs;
  • rubbing in special compounds;
  • massage the desired areas.

Use the entire arsenal of tools:

  • masks;
  • healing oils;
  • water procedures;
  • nutritional mixtures.

Best recipes:

  • cream with mumiyo. Ingredients: 80 g baby cream, 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, 1 g mumiyo. Mix the components thoroughly, rub the mixture into the affected areas daily. Store the mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • salt scrub Mix 0.5 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil, a glass of salt and sugar. Carefully treat problem areas, rinse and lubricate the body with lotion or nourishing cream;
  • coffee scrub Finely ground coffee – 100g, flaxseed, olive, coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l. Pour a little boiling water into the coffee and steam it. Add 6-8 drops of one of the essential oils - rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot, orange - to the resulting paste. Rub into the desired areas for 3 minutes, rinse, then apply cream;
  • masks with sour milk products. Take sour cream, full-fat kefir, rub in for a few minutes. Another option is to wear a natural product, leave it on the body for 20 minutes, rinse off;
  • homemade moisturizer. Select a thick aloe leaf, remove the pulp, and grind in a blender. Add 0.5 cups of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin E. Use the product daily.

Regular rubbing gives a good effect. Procedures:

  • skin elasticity is restored;
  • lighten stretch marks;
  • the body becomes soft and velvety.

Use the following types of oils as a base:

  • almond;
  • thirst;
  • tea tree;
  • hazelnut;
  • from wheat sprouts.

Essential oils will enhance the effect:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • jasmine;
  • grapefruit.

Follow simple but effective procedures at home. They do not require financial costs, perfectly tighten, nourish the skin, and increase elasticity.

We offer you to read an interesting article about the treatment of corns on the feet.

At this address you can find out interesting details about the treatment of ringworm in humans.

The link contains an article about what to do if you have an allergy on your face.

Cold and hot shower

Alternately pour cold and hot water over problem areas. At the end of the procedure - always cool water.


  • the elasticity of blood vessels improves;
  • skin tone increases;
  • At the same time, the appearance of cellulite decreases;
  • Session duration: 5 minutes.

Helpful Tips:

  • start with warm water;
  • gradually reduce the temperature;
  • each “hot/cold” approach lasts no more than 40 seconds;
  • then rub the body, cover the skin with stretch mark cream or anti-cellulite product.

Important! Consult your doctor. The method has contraindications. Contrast showers are not recommended for pregnant women.

Salon treatments

Popular methods:

  • chemical peeling with fruit acids;
  • laser resurfacing of stretch marks;
  • mesotrapriya – injection of vitamin cocktails under the skin during injections. The latest technology is non-injection mesotherapy. Substances are administered under oxygen pressure;
  • microcurrent therapy encourages the regeneration of new connective tissue;
  • micro grinding. Small abrasive particles exfoliate the top layer of skin;

Plastic surgery is a last resort option. Suitable for removing numerous stretch marks. First, try home methods and salon treatments.

Sport exercises

An active lifestyle is necessary for everyone who wants to improve their figure and skin condition. Dosed physical activity will help tighten the skin. Increasing the elasticity of the skin will certainly affect stretch marks - their size will decrease.

Exercises are effective for:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • waist;
  • legs

Be sure to not only do cardio, but also do muscle stretching exercises. Be careful with the power block. Some athletes develop stretch marks precisely because of the high intensity of training.

Advice! Pay attention to yoga, Pilates. Calm, measured workouts tighten the body, improve muscle elasticity, and get rid of extra pounds.

Preventive recommendations

Consider the recommendations of experts:

  • during pregnancy, take care of your body, do special gymnastics, wear bandages, eat right;
  • During intense exercise during sports, maintain proper absorption of protein in the body. Eat enough protein. Replenish your diet with protein products, sports nutrition with collagen, chondrotin, glucosamine;
  • Take regular care of your body, increase elasticity and skin tone. At the first sign of stretch marks, buy medicated creams;
  • rub various oils into problem areas, make masks, cleanse your body with scrubs. Don't forget about moisturizing milk;
  • watch your weight. Sudden weight loss or weight gain inevitably causes stretch marks on the body;
  • enrich your diet with foods containing vitamin E;
  • remember about physical activity, exercise with pleasure, regularly, do not forget about complexes for problem areas;
  • if there is a hormonal imbalance, visit an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment;
  • If there are no contraindications, visit the massage room. The procedures give an excellent effect and prevent skin sagging;
  • take a contrast shower, go swimming.

If you find unsightly reddish scars on your body or decide to get rid of old stretch marks, be patient. Home methods, salon procedures, and dosed physical activity will help you get your skin in order. Daily use of medicinal cosmetics will make the dream of perfect skin come true.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you even more details about stretch marks on the body:

Who gets them?

The fact is that here the female half is at a disadvantage, and most often the appearance of stretch marks is observed during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is almost inevitable - 90% of women face a problem at this wonderful and important moment in life. Of course, men do not have such a period in their lives, but does this mean that men are not at risk for this imperfection?

Definitely not!

The prerequisite and cause of the formation of stretch marks can be any sudden changes associated with body size and weight, regardless of gender and age:

  • With large weight gain;
  • In case of sudden weight loss;
  • Even with rapid growth during puberty!

However, the biggest paradox is that stretch marks can also occur in people who try to look good, especially when they achieve it!

Unpleasant whitish stripes on the body are a common side effect of strength training and cardio. In fact, the better and faster you get at the gym, the more likely you are to encounter this problem.

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