Diet for the press. Do you want beautiful cubes?

Hello friends! I'm glad to see everyone in the Fitkis Club blog's traffic counters. Who doesn’t know yet, my name is Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today I decided to remember about the press.

Summer is just around the corner, which will show who ate in the winter while lying on the sofa, and who hammered their abs and sat in a rocking chair for half the winter.

And for this event, we, together with some guys from the blogosphere, want to hold a competition “pump up your abs for the summer.” We haven’t yet specifically thought about the conditions, but that’s okay, because we are enthusiastic people, we’ll definitely come up with something! So I advise you to subscribe to blog updates (over there - there is a window on the right where you need to enter your email) so as not to miss such an interesting opportunity: to pump up your abs, and also win a prize. The main thing is motivation!

Well, today, driven by concern for future competitors, I will publish an article to help. Knowing how to eat to get abs is the foundation that will help us all achieve the coolest abs!

But before you start studying the information, I dare to redirect you to an article on how to pump up your abs effectively. In fact, today’s publication is only a continuation of a small piece of that article. Don’t be lazy, go there quickly, read it, and then come back here. Only an integrated approach will allow you to show off your six-pack abs in any convenient place within a couple of months.

Cruel diet for the abs

It often happens when people go overboard in their fanatical desire to pump up their abs and go on a strict diet: they remove any mention of fat from the diet, minimize the amount of carbohydrates, and exclude most of their favorite foods.

Of course, this is good and healthy, and the short-term results from such diets will be healthy! The body begins to process all subcutaneous fat into a source of energy. We are achieving this, fat from the belly and sides goes away with a bang, people lose weight very quickly and effectively!

But what happens next? And then, after they finally get tired of mocking themselves and want to eat like a human being, this is where the reverse, directly proportional process will begin.

During the cruel diet, the body will already gain experience and will know that at any moment it can be deprived of these harmful, but energetically pleasant calories. Then our body will behave as logically as possible: it will begin to store all the extra calories for a rainy day, accumulating them in the form of subcutaneous fat.

Through a cruel diet, we force the body to practically “survive” in attempts to obtain energy from fat cells. I just assure you: our body is such a complex machine that it is not so easy to inflate it. Each cell, as a result of cruel diets for weight loss, remembers negative experiences and learns for the future (in other words, adapts) to save a little for a “rainy day.” Suddenly you have to starve again. As a result, our body will try to accumulate as much fat as possible, with the long-term result of which we will have an effect completely opposite to our expectations.

It has been experimentally proven that after cruel diets there is a very high risk of gaining more fat than before. So we'll try to do without the tin. Let's hit the subcutaneous fat gently, but firmly!

Products for your abs

Salt-free cottage cheese Protein is the main component of the diet because it is the only macronutrient that ensures rapid muscle recovery and growth. You can reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake, but without protein your results will never be optimal. However, not all proteins are the same. If you follow a low-calorie diet, you will constantly feel hungry.

It can be reduced by choosing foods that are digested more slowly. Cottage cheese is a rich source of casein, one of the slowest proteins to digest. When choosing in the store, try to choose cottage cheese with the lowest salt content.

And while salt is not always a bad thing (depending on your current health and other foods in your diet), in the case of abdominal muscles, it is necessary to minimize moisture retention as much as possible. An acceptable value is about 500 mg of salt per 150 g of cottage cheese.

Apples If you're cutting back on carbs and aiming for the 5-8% body fat range, you'll again be hungry. Your body simply doesn't like being so skinny, so it starts to fight you.

And hunger is one of these ways of struggle. In the future, in the case of low-calorie diets, the body is in a state of catabolism (tissue destruction). This can take a toll on the muscle mass you've worked so hard to build, so these negative processes need to be slowed down.

The liver is the main determining factor of your condition (catabolic and anabolic). Therefore, fruits contain a type of carbohydrate that is digested slightly differently by the body. For example, carbohydrates in rice or bread cause the liver to work harder.

You may not be able to put your body into an anabolic state if you eat less than necessary, but tissue damage can be reduced. And fruits will help us with this. Apples are one of the best options because they don't spike your blood sugar much and provide the body with essential fiber that helps combat hunger.

Coconut oil One of the types of oil that for some reason is the last thing people think about is coconut oil. In the case of the abdominal muscles, this will not work.

The main reason coconut oil is a good choice is its richness in triglycerides. They turn into energy much faster than other fats. Additionally, if you are not consuming enough carbohydrates to replenish your energy, then consuming coconut oil can help replenish the required supply.

Don't make the obvious mistake of forgetting calories. These are still fats, and your body will receive approximately 9 calories per gram. And they replace other fats and carbohydrates in your diet, it is not just an addition to existing ones.

Another interesting point is that for the first week or so, it will boost the body's metabolism. After this, the body adapts. So even if you're hesitant to add coconut oil to your diet on a regular basis, consuming it for one week can give you the growth boost you need.

Unsweetened oatmeal When it comes to choosing foods from which the body will draw carbohydrates, you need to choose those that are digested more slowly, do not contain sugar and will allow you to get rid of fat. Such a product is oatmeal. You can eat more with fewer calories, so you feel full.

A cup of cooked oatmeal contains only 147 calories, which beats rice or a baked potato (216 and 180 calories, respectively). To improve the taste of pure oatmeal, you can add a sweetener, cinnamon, or you can mix the porridge with protein flour.

Spinach Since you will begin to consume various salads, we advise you to opt for spinach. Spinach is a huge source of nutrients, containing large amounts of carotenoids (beta-carotene and lutein), as well as quercetin, a phytochemical that has antioxidant effects.

Among other things, the body will receive folic acid, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese and additional proteins found in many other vegetables.

A little advice: try to eat boiled spinach, since after cooking the antioxidant effect is more pronounced.

Peanut Butter Peanut butter is one of the foods that many dieters want to try. And it really can be a great choice when it comes to your abs.

Peanut butter has two big benefits: it's rich in healthy fats, and it makes you feel full. 1-2 teaspoons of peanut butter are enough and you will feel less hungry for several hours. Since you won't be putting butter on your bagel, consider adding it to your oatmeal, making a Thai sauce for your vegetables, or, ultimately, eating it as is.

When buying peanut butter, pay attention to its composition. It may contain sweeteners that are completely unnecessary in your diet.

Egg whites And finally, another healthy product in your diet should be egg whites. This is a form of protein that is quickly absorbed by the body, so muscle tissue receives the required amino acids faster.

Additionally, there are many ways to prepare egg whites. People on a diet know that when the problem of choosing the required products arises, they should think about how to prepare the same products. And since you don't need to be a genius to cook eggs, that's another plus for switching to eating them instead of grabbing a cheeseburger.

CONCLUSIONS So, if you want all the girls to admire your “cubes,” your daily diet should contain at least some of the products listed above. If you cannot adhere to the prescribed diet, and the body does not receive the required energy, then you will not be able to achieve your goal.

Before you draw your abs, you need to pump them up.

Needless to say, in order to reveal your abs, you must first pump them up properly. It is clear that this is a purely technical point, but, alas, there is nowhere without it. So we study the most effective exercises for the press, make a selection for ourselves and practice until we get tired of it.

It is worth noting that to enhance the effect of drawing six-pack abs, it is better to do abdominal exercises in the morning, on an empty stomach, shortly after waking up. After sleep, the level of glycogen in the body is minimal, and it will have no choice but to use subcutaneous fat as an energy source. To increase the loss of subcutaneous fat from the abdominal area, you can use one tricky trick:

Before pumping up your abs, take a piece of ice prepared in advance in the freezer and rub it on your stomach. After that, we pump up the abs, wait about twenty minutes, and only then have a hearty breakfast.

Thanks to this trick, in addition to the fact that the body will try to use the subcutaneous fat of the trained area to produce energy, it will also use the fat to heat the skin. There is a double benefit. Let's multiply it by the right program and the right diet, and the effect will not take long to arrive!

And, of course, we remember about running! If time and mother laziness allow us to run periodically, then the treasured cubes will please our pride much faster!

How often to eat to pump up your abs

In order for nutrition for six-pack abs to show the best effect, you need to figure out the frequency. Proper metabolism is possible only with the correct frequency of nutrition .

How does the diet of the vast majority of the population of our countries work? We eat 3 times a day, generously, and usually eat well before going to bed. Attention, question: what the hell kind of press are we talking about?

In order to make six-pack abs the envy of your friends, you need to break out of your usual, most popular diet. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions . In this case, the richest meal should be in the morning. As I wrote above - 20-30 minutes after abdominal training.

An example of an ideal daily routine in terms of abs:

  1. 7.00 rise.
  2. 7.1–7.30: jogging.
  3. 7.30–7.40: Abs workout.
  4. 8.00: breakfast.
  5. 11.00: second breakfast (snack).
  6. 13.00: lunch.
  7. 16.00: afternoon snack (snack).
  8. 16.30–18.00: weight training.
  9. 19.00: dinner.
  10. 21.00: Protein shake or light snack.
  11. 22.00: lights out.

It is clear that the above daily routine is just an example of idealizing your day; I doubt that there are at least 1 thousand people in the entire RuNet who will be able to live in such a regime. Our life is too versatile to spend all of it on our figure.

But if we still want to get closer to the ideal abs, we need to get closer to the ideal daily routine!

How does the diet work?

The diet consists of a seven-day nutrition plan, which is designed for 6 weeks, after which abs will appear on the stomach or it will become flat. No calorie counting.

  • You need to eat 6 times a day;
  • It is recommended to replace larger meals with snacks, so that you can have a snack every 2 hours before lunch, every 2 hours before and after lunch;
  • Eating frequently keeps your energy level and feeling full;
  • Once a week you can have a “cheat meal”, when you can eat whatever you want. However, it is better to avoid fatty foods, fast carbohydrates (sweets and starchy foods) and foods high in sugar.

The diet is based on the consumption of energy foods that enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber, help in gaining lean muscle mass and start the fat burning process. Avoid simple carbohydrates, saturated and trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup.

Top 12 energy products:

1Almonds and other nuts
2Beans and other legumes
3Spinach and other greens
4Dairy products: skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese
5Oatmeal: no sugar or flavorings
7Turkey and other protein meats, chicken, fish
8Peanut butter – natural, sugar-free
9Olive oil
10Whole Grain Bread and Cereals
11Protein powder
12Raspberries and other berries

Proper nutrition for the abs eliminates calorie counting; accordingly, the body is saturated in the right proportion with all the necessary substances, such as protein, calcium, fiber and good fats.

NutrientNutrient concentration _
Fats27% calories
Protein10%-35% calories
Carbohydrates47% calories
Salt2200 mg
Cellulose32 g
Potassium2398 mg
Calcium1522 mg
Vitamin B-125 mcg
Vitamin D20 mcg

How to eat right to pump up your abs

And no matter what I wrote above, when drawing up a nutrition plan for the abs, we need to at least partially influence the nutritional values ​​that we mercilessly consume and consume with food. It’s clear that if 1 out of 30 who read this article draws up a nutrition program, then that’s already good. I understand well that it’s too lazy to worry about this myself. Although a future competition can, of course, be a good motivation and create a plan.

Be that as it may, we focus on the following principles of nutrition when pumping up the abs:

  1. Correct drinking regime In order for the metabolism to be as correct as possible, and all our efforts with you are not in vain, you need to drink a lot of fluid. At least 2 liters for a healthy person.
  2. Avoid alcohol. Alas, this food component, so indispensable for many of us, must be almost completely eliminated from life. Alcohol destroys our cells and is contraindicated for any athlete trying to build muscle. When we want to pump up our abs, the green serpent can play a very, very bad role for us and put an end to the whole event. Okay, I won’t be so cruel: it’s still acceptable to crash a little on a fasting day (more on that below). Well, purely symbolically: a glass of champagne or a quarter glass of whiskey.
  3. Reducing fats. Despite the fact that I advised above not to adhere to critical diets, the amount of fat in food must ALWAYS be reduced. Fats should not exceed 20% of calories taken. Therefore, we buy low-fat milk and sour cream, refuse fried foods, and give preference to steamed and boiled ones. It is desirable that almost all the fats that enter our stomach through the oral cavity come from seafood. Fish oil (Omega-3) is a nutritional supplement that is beneficial for our muscles, so if we eat a lot of fish (which, by the way, is full of protein), the results will not be long in coming.
  4. At least a third of proteins. At least 1/3 of the food eaten should be sources of protein (chicken breast, fish, eggs, dairy). The remaining 2/3 of the meal should preferably consist of complex carbohydrates (porridge, legumes, pasta, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs) and very little fat. But fast carbohydrates, when we talk about how to eat to pump up abs, should be sacrificed.

Example menu

It is worth noting that the diet for abs for men and the diet for abs for women are somewhat different from each other. For the female body, it is important what origin the fat is consumed in food. Contrary to the previous opinion that the diet of people who exercise their abdominal muscles should consist of high-calorie dishes, modern scientists have proven that fat will never turn into protein and will remain in the body only as fat.

The female body is prone to accumulating body fat much more than the male body. Therefore, women are recommended to give preference to unsaturated fats of vegetable origin, for example, olive oil is considered ideal.

For those who are working on strengthening their abdominal muscles, you can focus on the following menu:

  • Breakfast: protein shake 350 g;
  • First snack: raw vegetables and 50 g peanut butter;
  • Lunch: poultry, grain bread, apple, glass of low-fat milk;
  • Second snack: almonds, fresh berries;
  • Dinner: meatballs, one onion, clove of garlic, tbsp. a spoonful of flax seeds, half a glass of crackers (crushed), grain bread, half a glass of grated mozzarella cheese;
  • Third snack: protein shake 350 g.

What you need to eat to pump up your abs

  • Beans;
  • Lean meat;
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Peanut;
  • Almond,
  • Walnuts;
  • Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (especially cottage cheese);
  • Flakes;
  • Spinach,
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Eggs (especially quail);
  • Fish in all types (even fried);
  • Ginger;
  • Vegetables;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Ground red pepper;
  • Mustard.

Based on everything I wrote above, I dare to conclude:

At least 35% of the nutrients consumed should be proteins. The remaining 65% is best divided approximately like this: 50% complex carbohydrates, 10% fats, 5% fast carbohydrates.

Many fitness specialists and bodybuilders are sure that in order to get rid of excess fat mass, it is enough to take about 20% protein. I absolutely disagree with this theory, because I know that digesting protein takes a lot of energy . Thus, with a large protein intake, the total daily energy consumption will increase. But this same protein will help replenish lost energy, so we will practically not lose muscle mass with a clear loss of body fat.

In addition, protein activates fat-burning hormones. The more protein we eat, the more fat we burn! So I don’t just recommend buying protein, I rather strongly recommend it. By the way, I found a good sports nutrition store, where almost all the reviews on forums and product catalogs are positive. Protein page here.

The consumption of sweets will also have to be minimized.


But first: what you need to know and understand about abs on your stomach.

If you are a teenager, building a six-pack belly with a minimum level of subcutaneous fat is as easy as shelling pears. The fact is that it’s not for nothing that almost all men over 40 have a small belly, and teenagers are most often thin. It's not about age, but about metabolism. Although no, there is also a difference in age, because the older a person is, the fewer foods he needs to eat, and certain ones at that. Teenagers need to eat more, older people need to eat less.

When you see beautiful athletes with perfectly defined abdominal muscles, it most often seems that they have this figure all year round. Actually this is not true. They are so beautiful only before competitive performances, as they sit on a strict drying regimen and adhere to a certain regime. In the last few days, they may not eat or drink anything at all. Even water.

But as soon as the competition ends, the eating of all living things within the radius of vision begins. I'm not kidding. These beautiful athletes sit on the kitchen table, or go to a cafe and, without a twinge of conscience, and without thinking about the future, absorb absolutely all the sweets that their eyes see: cakes, cookies, ice cream, eclairs, pastries, soda and so on. Who loves what? As a result, in 2-3 days the handsome athlete gains 5-15 kg. And it's not a joke!

Therefore, abs on the stomach can last a very long time, but only with a certain daily diet, with the obligatory counting of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as with regular training that maintains the overall tone and appearance of muscle mass in the body.

We showed a clear example in the video above.

Sports nutrition for six-pack abs

Sports nutrition for the abs will be a good help. More precisely, not for the abs, but for his cubes. I'm kind of confused myself


Based on all the arguments I gave above, we can make the following recommendations for choosing sports nutrition and nutritional supplements:

  • Protein (required).
  • Vitamin-mineral complex (required).
  • Fish oil (required).
  • Fat burners (preferably).
  • Amino acids (will not be extra).

I just ask you to not take this word “necessarily” too seriously. If you are going to buy sports nutrition, then protein with a vitamin complex will be the most appropriate investment. Protein will increase the % of protein consumed in the body, and the vitamin complex will help maintain the vitamin-mineral balance in the body. Omega-3 will always be relevant when we talk about training. Well, if your goal is to win a future competition, then I advise you to also fork out money for fat burners with amino acids.

The main thing is to understand that sports nutrition accounts for no more than 10% of overall success. Everything else is proper nutrition and intense training.

How to Diet for Abs Without Going Crazy

Be that as it may, life will not seem like honey to the body during a diet. To draw the treasured abs, the poor person will have to sacrifice their interests. I’m not just talking about the body: your psyche will also have a hard time. How often will she imagine chocolate-covered marshmallows or such a tasty piece of bacon, to be eaten with fried potatoes.

And so in order not to ruin your life for the sake of this damn abs (I’m sure after a month of such a diet you will hate both the abs and yourself because of the abs) you should allow yourself 1 fasting day a week. From which you need to exclude training, exclude all diets and just live in pleasure.

How long should you follow a diet for abs?

In general, a diet for abs should become your way of life. Always, as they say, in all years, in all centuries. Everything that I described above should be a kind of axiom of the correct lifestyle.

If the goal is to pump up the abs by a specific date (for example, to win a competition), then we follow a diet for the abs only for the right time.

Well, it's time to say goodbye. I hope my efforts will not be in vain and I will see you in the near future on the list of competition winners!

Good luck and strong abs. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the post with your friends on social networks.

Best regards, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

Proper nutrition when training your abs

To pump up sculpted abs, you need to choose the right diet. Working out is not as effective when your diet does not allow you to burn belly fat due to the high number of calories you consume.

Properly selected abdominal exercises will increase muscle volume and improve relief. A well-chosen diet will allow you to burn more fat during each workout and after.

Unlike most diet menus, which come with complex (almost impossible) rules, a protein diet allows you to eat what you love and helps you cope with stress. Below is an example of what menu you can use for seven days. These are not strict rules to follow, so rotate your meals and replace some meals with others whenever you feel like it. It does not matter to us whether you strictly adhere to everything we have described; The purpose of this article is to show an example of how you can structure your diet for a protein diet.

Good luck!

Nutrition for ripped abs

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