Drugs and natural ways to increase testosterone levels in men

Boosting Testosterone Levels: 5 Tips for a Natural Testosterone Boost

What's the magic word for increased muscle mass, impressive hair/beard growth, striking facial features - i.e. a completely masculine appearance? That's right: testosterone! But the male sex hormone not only conjures up all those phenotypic characteristics that one can only dream of when he is already fertilized, but in addition to this it is beneficial for general male health (increased libido, constant potency, increased sperm quality, etc.). d.). In other words, whether you're a growing youth, a top performer, or a newly retired person, everyone can benefit from increased testosterone levels!

Why testosterone is so important

Effect of the drug

It should be immediately noted that when using testosterone, there is absolutely no negative effect on an organ such as the liver. However, the side effects of testosterone propionate should be studied. The active component is responsible for the production of the hormone testosterone, the concentration of which is maintained subcutaneously for several days after injection.

It should be noted that the effect of the anabolic steroid is not limited to this. Before taking testosterone, you should consider that it provides:

  1. Increasing muscle volume, as well as their rapid growth.
  2. The minimum amount of fluid accumulated in the body.
  3. Modeling the figure and athletic relief of an athlete.
  4. Accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat.
  5. Increase in strength indicators.

Testosterone increases with nutrition

Of course, this moment is neither surprising nor particularly impressive. And yet, it cannot be emphasized often enough: a balanced, natural, vitamin-rich diet is a “Must Have” in terms of thriving testosterone production. But what specific foods should be on the menu? Here you will learn:

Numerous scientific studies on this topic have shown that especially monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (!) fatty acids can raise testosterone levels to unprecedented heights.

Specifically, this means: avocado, salmon, nuts and olive oil are absolutely essential in your food repertoire! Do you eat low fat foods? Not a good idea, considering that testosterone is made from cholesterol, a fat. The result: anyone who subjects their body to a low-fat diet inevitably deprives it of the raw materials it needs to produce testosterone in the long term!

Other nutritional testosterone boosters include the trace minerals zinc and vitamin D. The latter is also known synonymously as the “sunshine hormone” and is mainly found in eggs, herring, salmon and avocados. But the best vitamin D injection is still extensive sunbathing. Vitamin D optimizes the basic metabolic processes in our body for ideally functioning testosterone release and is thus essential for intact testosterone.

Vitamin D is produced by sunbathing

Zinc also has a testosterone-boosting function, according to various studies, so bodybuilders often supplement with this mineral in supplement form as well (more on this in point 4). However, zinc can also be easily supplied to the body through diet in sufficient quantities. Cheese, beans, yogurt, red meat, fish, oysters and peanuts are the number one sources of zinc.

Anyone who wants to help his masculinity to new splendor, but above all should not do without one thing: his daily diet of vegetables! The lion's share should be broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and garlic. Cause? Broccoli, cauliflower and garlic contain carbinols, which provide a balanced estrogen-testosterone ratio.

Garlic, however, can be appreciated for its high content of allicin, which is responsible for significant inhibition of cortisol secretion. By way of explanation, cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” acts as a testosterone antagonist and therefore interferes with our goal of increasing testosterone levels naturally.

Interaction with other drugs

As mentioned earlier, propionate is able to ensure intensive production of the hormone in the body, while it has a systemic effect. Therefore, before administering the injection, you should find out about drug interactions with other pharmacological products. For example, together with indicators of microsomal liver enzymes, the pathological effect of testosterone and a mixture of esters is reduced. It should also be noted that self-medication should be completely avoided. This is hazardous to health.

2. Intermittent fasting increases testosterone

But not only proper nutrition, but also limited time for eating can turn you into a real testosterone slingshot. Research has shown that short daily periods of fasting can increase the production of what is called "luteinizing hormone" by a staggering 67 percent. Explain: luteinizing hormone stimulates the formation of testosterone.

In addition, study participants noted an overall increase in testosterone levels of 180 percent—all after one short period of fasting.

In the second study, subjects were subjected to a 24-hour food boycott. Result? Again, intermittent fasting showed strong anabolic effects on testosterone levels in the subjects.

Tip: Testosterone release peaks at night or early in the morning. To avoid disrupting this process, you should also plan your large window accordingly. A good method: stop eating before 19:00 in the evening, spend the evening and night, and have your first meal no earlier than 11:00 in the morning.

When are they prescribed and is preparation needed?

Testosterone courses are indicated for patients with reproductive system disorders, low sexual desire, etc. In addition, it is advisable to use testosterone for athletes who want to seriously increase the mass, volume and endurance of their muscles.

With the correct dosage and proper recovery after courses, they do not have any harmful consequences.

However, in order to avoid side effects, it is better to consult a professional specialist before starting systematic use of testosterone-containing drugs.

3. Exercising Increases Testosterone Levels

Finding that exercise is good for our overall health should not come as a shock to any reader. Many people do not know that exercise, especially strength training and interval training, significantly increases testosterone levels.

Thus, research from the American Physiological Society (APS) can prove that a 12-week exercise program had a positive effect on testosterone levels in subjects, all of whom were overweight or obese. Interestingly, the more intense the training, the better the results in terms of testosterone levels.

Therefore, the recommendation is very clear: interval training! In this type of exercise, you train in jerks, called “intervals.” Unlike traditional steady-state cardio, the training interval between stress and relaxation phases varies. In particular, this means that those who like to train on an ergometer, for example, can simply try their next workout instead of moving at a constant pace, alternating thirty-second sprints with thirty-second recovery periods at a moderate pace.

However, this training principle is not limited to a specific sport, but can be used everywhere - be it sprinting on the sports court, swimming in an outdoor pool or on the stepper in the gym.

For those who prefer iron, the following credo applies when it comes to “boosting testosterone”: compound compound exercises before isolation exercises! Reason: firstly, in classic basic exercises (bench press, deadlift, squat), the “large” muscle groups are primarily targeted, i.e. chest, back and legs, which can have a greater impact on the release of male sex hormone.

On the other hand, performing core exercises requires more complex movements and the interaction of many individual (even smaller) muscle groups, which not only stimulate muscle growth, but also testosterone production.

Get rid of bad habits

Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, testosterone is converted to estrogen. Any type of alcohol negatively affects the process of hormone production, and beer contains analogues of some female sex hormones. The exception is high-quality dry red wine, which is healthy in moderation.

Physical activity increases the level of male hormones.

Dietary Supplements Help Boost Testosterone Levels

As already mentioned, certain micronutrients are essential for flawless testosterone production. For those who, for whatever reason, are unable to meet their daily requirements for these “micronutrients,” the dietary supplement industry offers a wide range of beneficial supplements—zinc, vitamin D, multivitamins, fish oil, magnesium, arginine. It’s impossible to list everything. With these “remedies” you can easily bring your vital and nutritional balance into natural balance and thus create the optimal environment for the full release of testosterone!

In addition to classic testosterone supplements such as zinc, there is also the possibility of resorting to so-called “phytoandrogens”. What appears to be extremely complex at first glance is basically nothing more than plants that contain plant androgens (i.e. male hormones) and are thus very beneficial for testosterone production. Consuming these herbal test boosters has two huge benefits:

  1. Phytoandrogens stimulate the secretion of androgens.
  2. Phytoandrogens inhibit the degradation of androgens.

Everything would be fine, but which plants do you really classify as “phytoandrogens”? Here's a small selection:

  • Tribulus terrestris
  • Ginseng
  • Pine Pollen
  • Nettle root
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Macca
  • Ashwagandha
  • Pine nut extract
  • Olive Leaf Extract

If it is too difficult to detail all the components of the plant and take them, for which the dietary supplement industry also offers the possibility of using so-called testosterone boosters. These products are a testosterone boosting herbal blend of the most effective micronutrients and phytoandrogens. Contrary to popular belief, these testosterone boosters do not deliver external testosterone into the body, but only help optimize the body's own (internal) processes to increase testosterone levels. Practical: the load of the correct dosage is taken from the shoulders.

Therefore, my advice is that anyone who has perfected their diet and their training can easily use a testosterone booster product while trying to get the absolute maximum out of their testosterone budget.

Admission course

When taking steroids, you should consult with a specialist in advance, otherwise the balance of the sex hormone in the body is disrupted. There are also drug interactions between this product and other drugs. Therefore, ask your doctor about how to properly take testosterone with other medications you are using.

Speaking about the therapeutic effect of propionate, the duration of treatment here will last from 2 weeks to several months. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the daily dose for a beginner is on average about 50 ml. How to take testosterone propionate correctly in this case? This is done intramuscularly every other day. However, the dose can be gradually increased, but the maximum amount of the drug should be 100 ml.

Many athletes are advised to start taking testosterone before competition. In this case, the dosage of the solution will be adjusted individually. It depends on the athlete’s weight, gender and ultimate goal.

Testosterone Levels Will Increase If You Avoid Testosterone Killers

Probably the most effective way to combat testosterone deficiency is probably to prevent it from occurring in the first place! This means, no more, no less – changing your lifestyle.

It’s scary to say: a drop in testosterone levels has long affected not only older men, but also men at the “supposedly best” male age (from 20 to 30 years old). The reasons are quickly discovered: obesity, excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine, as well as stress and lack of sleep - in short, an unhealthy lifestyle!

Which dough killers are the most harmful and how they affect your masculinity in detail, you will find out here:

  • Obesity: Research consistently shows that overweight people are most affected by testosterone deficiency. To understand this connection, you need to know that the body's fat cell is a hormonally active or estrogen-producing cell. In other words, men with excess body fat usually also suffer from excess estrogen. It is for this reason that so-called “man boobs” develop in overweight men in adulthood. If you want to increase your testosterone levels to speed, always look for a low body fat percentage (KFA). Anyone who sees a need for action here is also advised to take a close look at the interval training suggested in point 2.
  • Alcohol: strange: only beer, which in our latitudes is considered a “male drink,” affects the decrease in testosterone levels. This is due to the content of hops, which is one of the phytoestrogens (phytochemicals) and provides our body with plant estrogen. The second bad news: hops also cause the production of testosterone in the testicles to a complete stop. Therefore, if you want to be full of energy, you should either switch to alcoholic drinks without hops, or at least give up alcohol altogether. After all, all other alcoholic drinks also sabotage testosterone production by increasing cortisol levels.
  • Nicotine: Those who reach for stink regularly cause harm not only to their lungs, but also to their masculinity. Studies conducted on smokers have shown that nicotine slows down sperm, promotes impotence and lowers testosterone levels in the basement.
  • Stress and lack of sleep: Experts agree: stress, as a daily companion of modern society, is a real poison for the (male) hormonal household. Especially long-term stress! At the same time, our body releases a constant amount of cortisol. On the other hand, under prolonged stress, positive cholesterol, which our body needs to regulate numerous processes (including testosterone production), is used or misused to produce cortisol. Thus, science makes constant stress one of the main factors of testosterone deficiency in Western civilization. Therefore, my advice is to search the force cell several times a week (at least three to four times). Regular resistance training, on the one hand, reduces persistent stress levels, and on the other hand, as we have already heard, leads to an increase in testosterone consumption. I mean a great win-win situation!

One more thing, don't underestimate such a testosterone killer: lack of sleep! Scientific studies have shown that men with four hours of sleep per night had testosterone levels of only 200-300 ng/dL. In comparison, those men who followed the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night could achieve readings of 500-700 ng/dL.

A second large-scale study of 500 men also found similar results: Men who had only four hours of sleep in one night had to experience testosterone losses of up to 60 percent compared to those who had eight hours of sleep. “Bad news” for all the night owls among you!

But why is this so? Simply put: During the REM (rapid eye movement) phase, our brain sends signals that instruct our body to produce hormones. But if we don't get enough sleep, no messenger substances can be sent. Result: the production of hormones and therefore the formation of testosterone freezes or does not even move! Make sure you sleep at least seven to eight hours a night!

Calculation of dosages and timing

The timing and dosage are calculated based on the testosterone content in the ampoule or tablet. They also proceed from the rate of its absorption in the form in which it is present in the drug. The higher the content and speed, the smaller the dose, the higher the speed, the shorter the intervals between their use.

Since the goal of any course is to maintain a certain concentration of testosterone in the body , when calculating dosages and timing, regular medical examinations become important, which can only be carried out by an experienced specialist.

By the way, some chemicals can also lead to a decrease in testosterone levels

Products containing phthalic acid esters/phthalates reduce testosterone levels in both men and women. Phthalates are so-called “plasticizers” that are used to soften plastic products. For example, phthalates are used in shower curtains, food packaging, toys, plastic bottles, and sometimes in shampoos and soaps.

Bisphenol A (BPA) also leads to decreased testosterone levels. BPA is a starting material in the synthesis of polymer plastics. Coatings on cans, varnishes, paints and adhesives may contain BPA. One study found that workers who were in constant contact with this substance had lower testosterone levels. This resulted in the majority of individuals examined experiencing erectile dysfunction, decreased desire for sex, and decreased fatigue.

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