The benefits of soups for weight loss Vegetable soups contain a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. Cooking process
The ideal female figure: proportions and beauty criteria In the distant 50s, it was at the peak of popularity
Dukan Diet The diet was developed over several decades by nutritionist Pierre Dukan. In contrast
Carrot juice [edit | edit code ] About the nutritional and healing properties of carrots
Article on the topic The necessary “white death”. How much salt does a person need per day? Reset excess
Chrononutrition, contrary to popular belief, is not a diet. This is a nutrition system developed by French scientists Alan
GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) is a physical education and sports program whose goal is to maintain
The most famous protein diet according to Dukan is loved by women because you can eat nourishingly and
Decisions are made by majority, ⅔ or 100% of votes Quorum for making a majority of decisions at general
The role of iron Iron is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, cellular respiration, and is involved in many metabolic