How to lose weight at home by 2 kg in 1 day

The fight against excess weight is very important in the modern rhythm of life. Thanks to the developed structure of training rooms, as well as the variety and availability of various dietary foods, getting rid of extra pounds becomes an easy and fun activity. There is a huge variety of different training programs and diets through which you can lose weight in a fairly short period of time. However, sometimes there is an urgent need to lose several kilograms in a critically short time, which can be as little as a day. This article will cover the question of how to lose 2 kg in a day.

How to lose 1-2 kg in a day?

First, you need to understand that losing weight can manifest itself in a decrease in body fat and a decrease in body volume, between which there is a certain difference. Thus, burning fat during the day is impossible, since throughout the entire day, the body excretes only a few tens of grams of fat. And, on the contrary, it is quite feasible to lose 2 kg in a day by reducing body volume. Then weight loss is achieved by removing excess water from the body, as well as intestinal cleansing and reducing the volume of the stomach. They are the result of following fasting diets.

Physical exercise

This is a more effective method of losing fluid compared to a bath. After all, you not only lose water, but also burn fat. An additional advantage is that after physical activity the muscles become toned, which is why the figure takes on a toned appearance for a while.

You can lose 1 kg in one day with the help of:

  • Running;
  • Fast walking;
  • Walking up the stairs;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Swimming;
  • Sports games;
  • Fitness.

The training duration should be 1 hour. If you are very tired, do 2 workouts a day for 30 minutes.

Fitness at home

It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with sports if you need to quickly lose weight in one day. You can simply not sit in one place throughout the day. If you need to go to work, go on foot, from work, also on foot. Avoid riding elevators - go up and down the stairs. Go to the store yourself and throw out the trash, do some general cleaning at home, and also play tag with the children. And by the end of the day you will definitely be missing 1-2 kilograms.

Ways to lose weight

One-day loss of extra pounds becomes possible in two ways:

  • safe;
  • unsafe.


This method includes the already mentioned fasting diets, which consist of eating healthy foods of natural origin that help eliminate elements of toxic origin.


It involves the use of a variety of laxatives, enemas, tablets and tea that provoke frequent urination, as well as special medications and dietary supplements. This method is characterized by the appearance of an instant effect. However, such a positive result is achieved at the expense of causing significant harm to the body, since nutrients are washed out along with excess liquid. In addition, the drugs presented significantly disrupt the intestinal microflora and often contain toxic components.

However, since the purpose of this article is to promote a healthy lifestyle, the emphasis will be on losing weight in a safe way.

How to achieve quick and easy weight loss

A person who is overweight should understand how the process of weight loss occurs in a short period of time:

  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Purgation.
  • Eating foods that help remove fluid from the body.

It is important to understand that rapid weight loss negatively affects internal organs and cells. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this method often, otherwise it can lead to the development of chronic diseases.

But many people don't heed the warnings. If you urgently need to get rid of a couple of kilograms in just one day, then you should use some tips.


How to lose weight at home by 2 kg in 1 day? Very simple. You just need to adhere to one of the fasting diets presented below.

1.-Drinking" >


The essence of this diet comes down to consuming foods exclusively in liquid form:

  • low-fat broth made from chicken breast;
  • beef broth of minimal fat content;
  • low-fat fish broth;
  • vegetable broth;
  • juices from vegetables and fruits that do not contain pulp;
  • compotes without fruits or berries;
  • black and green tea;
  • herbal decoctions.

Recommendations for use:

  • In the morning you need to drink one glass of water;
  • after half an hour - juice, tea infusion or broth, which must also be drunk in the amount of one glass;
  • after 1.5-2 hours, drink another portion of one glass of water;
  • after 30 minutes, juice, tea or broth is drunk again;
  • Three hours before going to bed, drink the last portion of liquid.


A distinctive advantage of this diet is the availability of the necessary products at different seasonal periods, since even frozen versions of vegetable mixtures are suitable.


  1. A one-day diet involves 1.5 kg of vegetables, represented by:
  • broccoli or white cabbage;
  • corn cobs;
  • carrots;
  • bell pepper;
  • various greens;
  • tomatoes.
  1. Vegetable products can be consumed warm, fried, stewed or in the form of vegetable soups.
  2. The entire amount of vegetables must be divided into parts in the amount of 5 or 6 servings, which should be consumed after an equal period of time.


It is also possible to lose 2 kg of weight in 1 day using regular buckwheat, which is characterized by its nutritional value and low calorie content, which makes its use relevant for urgent weight loss.


  1. For one day, 300 grams of buckwheat will be enough, the preparation of which boils down to boiling it and the absence of the use of salt and butter.
  2. All buckwheat must be divided into parts in the amount of 5 equal portions.
  3. If the porridge is too dry, you can wash it down with kefir with zero fat content or green tea infusion without sugar.


The beneficial properties of fresh cucumbers have been known for a long time. In addition to cleansing and healing effects, they also have a rejuvenating effect. In accordance with the presented diet, a couple of kilograms of cucumbers are consumed, which must be divided into 6 equal parts. At the same time, unlimited fluid intake is possible.

On balls

Many people are egg lovers. For this reason, fears regarding how to lose weight by 2 kg in 1 day are completely justified. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated here either. Eggs are characterized by a high degree of nutritional value. After eating them, hunger is quenched for a couple of hours.

Within one day, you need to eat 4 hard-boiled eggs, not seasoned with salt or any sauces. The “egg” diet helps speed up the metabolic process, which continues a couple of days after the end of the diet.

On kefir

Kefir does an excellent job of cleansing the intestines and removing harmful toxic components from it. During the day you should drink 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, combined with plenty of water.

Important: all of the fasting diets presented above should be accompanied by drinking plenty of water or green tea.

Fasting days

Complete or partial refusal of food is sometimes even very beneficial for the body. With its help you can get rid of waste and toxins, speed up metabolism and digestion.

Basic Rules:

  1. Limit food intake as much as possible (up to 1–3 per day).
  2. Reduce the amount of food per meal.
  3. Eat small meals and divide the meager amount of food into 7-8 meals.
  4. Maintain hydration by drinking plenty of mineral water.

Before carrying out a fasting day, you should evaluate all the pros and cons of this method of losing weight. After all, only beginners in this business who have not previously encountered such problems ask how to lose 5 kg in a day. Fats do not burn during the unloading process; they simply do not have time to do so in such a short time.

Unloading should not be carried out for more than 2–3 days. If you have chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and other systems, then an express diet will only worsen the disease.

Few people manage to avoid the side effects of this method: irritability, bad mood, digestive disorders. Hunger constantly haunts those who are losing weight, and in the evening there is a great desire to eat normally.

What you can eat:

  • unpolished rice, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • mineral water, juice or smoothie, herbal decoction;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish and meat, dairy products;
  • low starch vegetables;
  • berries and fruits.

Strictly prohibited:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • any sweets;
  • cereals: semolina, pearl barley, millet, barley;
  • sauces and spices;
  • alcohol, coffee, carbonated and sweet drinks;
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • corn, potatoes.

It is recommended not to cook the cereals, but to steam them with boiling water the night before. There are no strict guidelines regarding the number of meals and the sizes of the portions themselves; the main thing is to understand: the less you eat today, the better the result will be tomorrow.

Cleansing the body

How can you lose 10 kg in 1 day? The answer is clear, without harming your health and without liposuction - no way. You can remove excess water and cleanse the intestines with the help of an enema and pharmaceutical preparations. None of these methods burn fat, but it helps to lose up to 2 kg of weight.


If the doctor approves of this method, then you need to carefully study the instructions, especially information about contraindications and side effects. If you have even the slightest doubt, it is better not to take these drugs.

In the evening, before cleansing the body, it is recommended to relax in a sauna or warm bath. The day before using the drug, you should not smoke or drink alcohol. Since you only need to lose weight in one day, laxatives need to be selected with a powerful effect.

Is it possible to lose weight in 1 day, what is the easiest way to do it?


This method is safer, although it requires consultation with a doctor. He, taking into account the weight, age and other characteristics of the organism, will select the total volume of the solution. For this procedure you will have to buy a rubber bulb.

Things to remember:

  1. The optimal solution temperature is 35 °C.
  2. There should be no particles in it; you can strain it first.
  3. The tip should be lubricated with Vaseline.
  4. It is better to carry out the procedure in the room, lying on a bed or sofa, on your left side, with your legs pulled towards your stomach.
  5. Approximate duration of action is 10 minutes.
  6. You need to try to relax as much as possible.
  7. You can take a shower.
  8. You can have breakfast no earlier than 40 minutes after the procedure.

Enemas can be performed without harm to health no more than once a week. Any methods that involve more frequent use of enemas and large volumes of fluid can be hazardous to health.


In order to increase the effectiveness of weight loss methods, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • On a fasting day, it is necessary to devote an hour to physical exercises of the cardiological type, which provoke increased work of the heart and vascular system. They can involve running, swimming or regular cycling, which increases the heart rate.
  • To lose 2 kg overnight, you should categorically avoid flour and fatty foods.
  • Even after the end of the fasting day, you need to monitor your diet, continuing to eat healthy and natural foods.

Going to the bathhouse

If you want to look spectacular the next day, visit the bathhouse. Due to the high temperature in the steam room, you will produce a lot of sweat. It is enough to stay in the bath for only 1-2 hours for the weight to decrease by 1 kg . But he could be back in just a few hours. To prevent this from happening:

  • Eliminate salt, sour, fried and spicy foods from your diet on this day. They will make you thirsty, and you will not lose weight, but gain 2-3 kg.
  • Try to drink less.
  • Instead of water, drink green or chamomile tea. They will not allow the liquid to stay in your body for a long time.

Thanks to this method, you can lose 2 or 3 kg in one day.


Only absolutely healthy people who do not have chronic diseases can take baths and do body wraps at home. Baths for weight loss are taken in a sitting position, the water should be approximately waist-deep. If the heart rate increases, the procedure should be stopped. Eating is allowed an hour before the procedure and an hour later after it.

baths and wraps

Bath with mustard

Dilute one glass of mustard with water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Pour the mustard solution into the prepared bath with warm water and stir. It is recommended to take a mustard bath for no more than a quarter of an hour, after which you need to wash your body with warm water and go to bed for half an hour.

Soda bath

Mix 200 g of soda and 300 g of salt, then dissolve in a bath with warm water. A soda bath should be taken for no more than 10 minutes. Tip: You should not eat or drink for two hours before and after the procedure. After the bath you need to lie down in bed for 40 minutes.

Turpentine baths

Ready-made turpentine emulsion with instructions for its use is sold at the pharmacy. Such baths increase immunity and have a healing effect. For people with high blood pressure, baths based on yellow emulsion are recommended; for low blood pressure, white emulsion is recommended. Turpentine baths are a popular remedy for losing weight and increasing skin turgor.

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