Fiber norm per day: how much and what to eat to prevent disease

What is fiber

In translation, fiber means fiber, or thread. Therefore, in the literature you can find the name “dietary fiber”. Indeed, when magnified many times under a microscope, it resembles long threads.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. It belongs to the group of complex sugars. The peculiarity of this carbohydrate is that the enzymes of gastric juice and pancreatic secretions are not able to break it down into simpler compounds: fructose and glucose. Therefore, it is not absorbed in the small intestine like other sugars. That is, the carbohydrate leaves the body practically unchanged.

Dietary fiber does not contain vitamins and other beneficial microelements. Theoretically it is useless. But in practice this is absolutely not the case. Read more about the benefits and harms of fiber for the body.

What products contain

All foods contain water-soluble and insoluble (rough) fiber. There is a lot of it in buckwheat, barley and oatmeal. When losing weight, it is undesirable to eat only polished rice due to the excess starch in it.

Which foods contain more fiber:

  • all varieties of beans;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • dried figs;
  • hazelnut;
  • yams (synonyms: yam, sweet potato);
  • broccoli;
  • turnip;
  • avocado.

Insoluble or “coarse” fibers stimulate peristalsis and are not modified by intestinal microflora. Sources include: bran, celery, flax seeds, grapes, currants, pineapple, apples and other fruits with thick skin and/or pulp.

product picture
Fiber-rich foods

Fiber composition

Fiber is a polysaccharide, or complex carbohydrate. This variety has the largest mass among all sugars. It consists of many glucose monosaccharides. Combining into large groups, monosaccharides form di- and then polysaccharides. This is the structure of dietary fiber at the molecular level.

If we consider the structure of carbohydrate at the cellular level, it turns out that it represents the wall of various plants. It enters the structure of their membrane, forming threads or fibers. This is where the name fiber comes from.

Types of fiber

All dietary fiber is usually divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Soluble. This category includes: hemicellulose, gum, bran, methylcellulose and pectins. Distinctive feature: under the influence of water and in the presence of sugar and organic acids, they form a jelly-like substance. Soluble fiber has a soft structure and absorbs water well, especially hot water. Contained in berries, fruits, vegetables, fruits and flax seeds.
  2. Insoluble (cellulose, lignin). Coarse dietary fibers that tend to absorb water in limited quantities. When swelling, they change their shape to a minimum. They participate in the formation of feces; their lack in the diet provokes the appearance of digestive disorders.

The body requires both types of fiber. Because without coarse and soft dietary fiber, the intestines become “lazy”, and a much larger amount of unwanted elements (waste and toxins) begin to enter the blood.

Beneficial properties of fiber

It was previously noted that dietary fiber does not contain vitamins and other beneficial microelements. Despite this, the benefits of consuming fiber can hardly be overestimated. Speaking about the positive effect of the polysaccharide, it is worth considering 2 of its varieties: soluble and insoluble.

The first type of carbohydrate actively absorbs water and swells in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it changes consistency and becomes more jelly-like. Thanks to this, the process of digesting food slows down, hunger is satisfied for a long time.

Soluble dietary fiber is good for diabetics. They help reduce blood glucose concentrations. In addition, this type of fiber reduces low-density lipoprotein levels. People call them “bad cholesterol”. The accumulation of lipoproteins leads to the deposition of fatty plaques on the inner wall of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. The picture shows products that have similar beneficial properties.

The benefits of insoluble dietary fiber are extremely great. Below are the main beneficial properties:

  • increase the contractility of the intestinal wall, thereby accelerating peristalsis;
  • are an effective remedy for the prevention of constipation;
  • effective in the complex treatment of stool disorders;
  • promote the removal of toxic substances and poisons from the body;
  • regulate acidity in the intestinal lumen;
  • reduce the risk of developing tumors and inflammatory diseases of the large intestine.

Dietary fiber has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. By removing fungi and bacteria from the body, they help cleanse the skin and reduce the amount of acne and pimples. This fact does not have a strong evidence base, but many who have tried it agree with this statement.

Some researchers say that the beneficial property of dietary fiber is its effectiveness in the complex treatment of allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. This is explained by the fact that disruption of the intestinal microflora plays a role in the development of allergies. And fiber can restore the normal ratio of microorganisms.

Controlling Blood Sugar and Fighting Type 2 Diabetes

Dietary fiber has a unique ability to regulate blood sugar levels. This is why nutritionists recommend that diabetic patients consume beans and legumes. These fiber-rich energy sources help slow the absorption of glucose and also regulate blood sugar levels over time.

In a study published in NutritionJournal, researchers tested the glycemic response of traditional beans in rice dishes compared to plain rice.

Seventeen men and women with diabetes were divided into groups, one of which was fed regular white rice, and the other was fed white rice and beans. The researchers measured the participants' blood glucose levels after 90, 120 and 150 minutes. The results showed that the group that ate beans with rice had better control over their blood sugar levels.

So, if you have diabetes, prediabetes, or simply want to have more stable blood sugar levels, feel better, and have more energy, you need to eat a fiber-rich, low-sugar, plant-based diet (legumes, chia seeds, flax).

Our clients with type 2 diabetes report that simply adding chia seeds (1 tablespoon per day - about 5 g of fiber) to their daily diet, after just a week, reduced their blood sugar levels from 11 to 5.5-7 mmol/ l.

fiber in foods

Fiber for weight loss

A fiber diet will help you cope with excess weight. Moreover, both soluble and insoluble fibers have this beneficial property. The first type of carbohydrate maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time, thereby forcing a person to take less food. The second type stimulates intestinal motility. Due to this, sugars and fats are absorbed into the body to a lesser extent. Most of them are brought out.

Important! Fiber effectively reduces weight only when used in combination with diet and physical activity.

Which Siberian fiber is better

Pharmacies offer a wide range of such fiber. All supplements perform two main tasks: normalizing digestive functions and starting cleansing processes in the intestines. Additional types of fiber are unique due to their beneficial effects aimed at one or another body system. There are varieties of this supplement to improve vision, prevent diabetes, improve kidney and liver health, and can enhance the process of losing weight.

Assortment of fiber from Siberia

Thin waist

This type of fiber occupies a leading position in the list of the most popular sources of plant fiber. The product is used by people who watch their figure. Fiber “Slim Waist” fully meets their expectations. The composition of the product includes wheat grain hull, oats and Thin Waist tea. Weight loss is explained by a decrease in appetite, due to the filling of the stomach with swollen plant fibers. Tea "Thin Waist" contains:

  • horsetail herb, known for its diuretic effect;
  • mint leaves, soothing and relaxing;
  • St. John's wort herb, which improves mood;
  • nettle leaves and anise fruits, which have a laxative effect.

The calming effect of mint, which is part of the fiber, helps to get rid of stress and anxiety - the main causes of overeating. The laxative effect, combined with a decrease in the amount of food consumed, can really give a thin waist to a person who consumes this type of fiber. Replace your last meal with a glass of kefir with it to achieve results as quickly as possible.

Fiber Small waist

Figured nutrition

Fiber called “Figure Nutrition”, thanks to a complex of selected components, helps control body weight without resorting to strict diets and grueling hunger strikes. The grain shell, passing through the digestive tract, rids the body of many years of mucus and pus deposits and removes toxins. When fiber comes into contact with water, it occupies part of the stomach, allowing you to feel full with less food.

Vitamin glade

The fiber composition of “Vitamin Glade” contains a whole bouquet of healthy nuts and berries collected in the ecologically clean forests of Siberia. In addition to the standard wheat grain shell, there are blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries and pine nuts. Low-temperature production technology preserves the original benefits of taiga gifts. Fiber “Vitaminnaya Polyana” does not contain sugar or sweeteners.

Berry extracts contain organic acids that can stop the development of gout. Ursolic acid contained in blueberries and cranberries has an anti-inflammatory effect and lowers blood pressure, which is especially important for people with hypertension. Choose Vitamin Glade fiber if you want:

  • improve intestinal motility and get rid of constipation;
  • normalize the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • reduce body weight;
  • reduce blood glucose levels;
  • cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metal salts, toxins and carcinogens.

Berries that make up fiber Vitamin Glade

Healthy liver

The composition of the “Healthy Liver” fiber includes: wheat grain shell, mint leaf, milk thistle, chamomile flowers, hop cones, carrots, rose hips, rowan, bergenia, juniper fruits, St. John's wort and apple. All useful substances contained in the complex can improve the condition of the liver, maintain its performance, and have a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Regular consumption of Healthy Liver fiber prevents the formation of stones in the liver and gall bladder. It has proven its effectiveness as a prevention of alcoholic and viral hepatitis, cholangitis and cholecystitis. The choleretic effect is achieved thanks to the biochemical components contained in fiber:

  • silymarin – a biochemical component contained in milk thistle;
  • menthol, which is found in mint leaves;
  • flavonoids present in apple, juniper fruit, chamomile flowers and rose hips.

Graceful silhouette

The components of the “Slim Silhouette” fiber are grouped for people who pay close attention to their appearance. The effect of the supplement is determined by a specially selected complex of plant components and the use of several types of fiber. Digesting dietary fiber requires more calories than the body gets from consuming it. As a result, the food consumed becomes less caloric, and gradual weight loss is observed.

Fiber “Graceful Silhouette” heals the entire digestive system. The results of systematic use of the supplement will be: clear skin, great mood, healthy complexion and getting rid of extra pounds. Taking fiber minimizes the manifestation of diseases such as:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • metabolic disease.

How to take fiber for weight loss

The benefits of fiber for weight loss are achieved by consuming pharmaceutical fiber and foods that are rich in it. If we talk about pharmaceutical carbohydrates, for the purpose of losing weight, take up to 60 g per day of the substance. For this, 1 tbsp. l. purchased fiber is diluted in 250 ml of water. The solution is drunk half an hour before meals. You are allowed to drink no more than 6 tbsp per day. l.

The biggest disadvantage of a solution made from dietary fiber is its unpleasant taste. If a person is sensitive to it, fiber can be added to prepared meals. Carbohydrates will not spoil the taste of soups, broths, and yoghurts. They increase the satiety of a dish without affecting its calorie content.

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Some nutritionists recommend doing a fasting day once a month. At the same time, within 24 hours you are only allowed to drink kefir and eat 6 tbsp. l. fiber. The maximum permissible unloading period is 3 days. If you stay on such a strict diet for longer, it will lead to exhaustion of the body and will only cause harm.

Instructions for use

fiber for weight loss

Fiber takes a long time to digest when taken in powder form, thereby promoting excess weight loss. It is in this form that nutritionists recommend consuming it, always with a sufficient amount of liquid. Pharmaceutical preparations containing fiber can be added to juices or yoghurts, but it is not recommended to take large doses at once, which can lead to bloating and intestinal disorders.

It is advisable to start taking it with 1 tbsp. per day, gradually increasing by 1 spoon every day, so up to 5 spoons.

To maximize the impact of fiber, you need to drink up to 3 liters of water per day in order to completely swell your stomach, but do not consume it in powder form with sweets or animal products.

This rule is indispensable not only for weight loss purposes, but also for preventing possible constipation with such compatibility. It is necessary to include vegetable oil in the diet, which promotes the rapid removal of fluid from the body and prevents the accumulation of food debris in the intestines.

It is recommended to add 1 tbsp in powder form to juice or kefir. for 1 glass of liquid. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast to ensure full saturation and the ability to eat less food.

If such a diet is quite acceptable, there is no particular discomfort or side effects, then you can drink 3 glasses of kefir, juice per day with added fiber, or add 1 tbsp. in baked goods, cereals, yoghurts. It is better to take both types of fiber at once: soluble and insoluble in a 1x3 ratio.

How to properly consume fiber

For people who regularly eat mostly processed foods or baked goods, it will be difficult to immediately consume the required amount of fiber per day. Therefore, below are rules that will help you introduce healthy polysaccharides into your diet without harm to your health and get maximum benefits from them:

  1. Increase the dose gradually until the daily requirement is reached.
  2. When increasing your intake of saccharides, increase the amount of water you drink.
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits raw. Only light frying, steaming or stewing is allowed.
  4. A larger percentage of fiber is found in the peel, rather than in the pulp of the vegetable or fruit. Therefore, if possible, do not clean the products.
  5. Eat fiber foods in the morning to provide your body with energy for the whole day.

Fiber diets

Fiber is a unique product consisting of plant fibers. It can provide effective weight loss even just by regularly consuming a small amount of it along with your usual diet. And fiber-based diets turn out to be very effective, but at the same time they are not too “hungry”. You need to gradually accustom your body to this product. It is not recommended to immediately go on a strict diet; it is better to start with a gentle one, since it will be difficult for the body to suddenly switch to such a diet without negative consequences.

On Siberian fiber

This method of losing weight falls into the category of strict diets, since it involves a very limited diet. In a day you can consume:

  • 1 liter of any fermented milk drink with minimal fat content (0-1%);
  • 8 tsp. fiber;
  • 2 any vegetables;
  • 200 g of fruit of your choice.

fresh fruits

All products are distributed into equal portions, which are eaten throughout the day. In between meals, you need to drink a fermented milk drink, dividing the specified amount into 4 doses and adding 2 tsp to each. dry powder.

Despite the strictness of the menu, such a diet does not cause a strong feeling of hunger, since the dietary fibers swollen in the stomach provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. The weight loss program is designed for 2 weeks, during which you can get rid of 6-8 extra pounds.

On fiber tablets

The caloric content of the diet on such a diet should not exceed 1500 kcal. In this case, the menu must be composed of healthy foods with the exception of fried, fatty, and sweet foods. Food should be taken 5 times a day in small portions.

oatmeal with apples

Sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with milk, 50 g dried fruits, 50 g nuts;
  • lunch – a slice of bran bread with cheese, an apple;
  • lunch – chicken broth with a piece of meat, vegetable stew;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad or vegetable slices;
  • dinner – boiled fish with vegetables, 200 ml of kefir.

In between meals, MCC is consumed: 50 tablets are divided into 5 doses. It is necessary to wash down each “portion” with plenty of water. In total, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

The process of losing weight on such a diet does not happen very quickly - you can lose 5–7 kg in a month. To increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to combine the pills with a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity.

A gentle diet based on natural products

The rules of this weight loss system are very simple - you need to compose your diet so that 70% of it is occupied by foods rich in plant fiber. During this period, it is advisable to exclude all junk food and alcoholic drinks. On such a diet, you can get rid of 7 kg in a month without making much effort.

Fasting day

If you don’t have the strength or patience to follow a diet, you can have a fasting day on kefir with fiber once a week. To do this, dilute 3 tbsp in 1 liter of fermented milk drink. l. dry powder, then drink the resulting mixture throughout the day at regular intervals. During breaks, you can only drink clean water - at least 2 liters.

kefir and bran

Proper dinner

Very effective weight loss without stress on the body can be achieved if you switch to the right dinner. To prepare it, add 1 tbsp to 300 ml of kefir. l. coarse fiber, stir thoroughly, let steep for 15 minutes, and then drink. Such a dinner will help get rid of the feeling of hunger, ensure a high-quality cleansing of the intestines in the morning, and at the same time allow you to lose 4-6 kg of excess weight in a month.

Of all these options for losing weight, you need to choose one thing for yourself - either increase the amount of plant foods in your diet, or take bran or dry fiber. If you combine these products, you can significantly exceed your daily dietary fiber intake. The result may not be weight loss, but bloating, diarrhea, and other intestinal problems.

Enriching your diet with plant fibers is the basis of proper nutrition and healthy weight loss. Without extra effort, dietary fiber will force the body to expend more energy, enriching itself with useful substances and cleansing itself of everything unnecessary. If you add to this moderate physical activity, taking vitamin and mineral complexes and proper nutrition, you can maintain the beauty, health and energy of youth throughout your life.

How much fiber do you need per day?

On average, a person needs to consume 20-30 g of dietary fiber per day. This daily norm is valid for adults and children. People with increased energy needs consume more fiber. For example, when gaining weight, athletes eat 40 g per day.

In an urbanized world, people consume 2-3 times less fiber than they should. This is due to the fact that the majority prefer easily digestible carbohydrates: cakes, bread, rolls, and semi-finished products. The amount of dietary fiber in such products is extremely low. Therefore, city residents need to seriously think about their diet.

How to get enough fiber every day?

Now that you have learned about all the benefits of consuming dietary fiber, here are some simple ways to increase the amount of fiber in your diet:

  • replace beef or pork with beans,
  • have oatmeal with berries or chopped fruit for breakfast,
  • snack on foods rich in dietary fiber (with spelled or hemp bran),
  • give up cookies, crackers, chips and carbonated drinks,
  • choose bread made from whole grains rather than white flour,
  • add chia and flax seeds to your daily dishes (stews, soups, salads).

Different foods contain different amounts of fiber. To determine how much fiber you eat, write down everything you eat and drink during the day. Next, calculate the number of grams of fiber using the table below.

Product (100 g) Fiber in gram m ah
Vegetables _
Sweet corn 7.3
Brussels sprouts (boiled) 4.2
Green beans (baked) 3.4
Broccoli (boiled) 3.3
Pumpkin (boiled) 3.2
Onion (fresh) 3
Beetroot (boiled) 3
Carrots (fresh) 2.4
Carrots (boiled) 2.4
Stewed cabbage) 2.2
Mashed potatoes 2.2
Cabbage (fresh) 2 — 2.4
Cauliflower (stewed) 2.1
Celery (stems) 1.8
Sweet pepper (fresh) 1.4 — 1.7
Spinach (boiled) 1.3
Sweet potatoes (boiled) 1.3
Tomatoes 1.3
Chinese cabbage 1.2
Zucchini 1.1
Greenhouse tomatoes 0.4
Fruits, dried fruits, berries
Dried apricots 18
Raisin 9.6
Prunes 9
Avocado 6.7
Raspberries 3.7 — 6.5
Pear with peel 2.8
Blueberry 2.4 — 3.1
Apple with peel 2 — 4
Orange 2.2
Strawberry 2 — 2.2
Peach 2.1
Apricots 2.1
Grapefruit 1.8
Banana 1.7
Grapes (berries with skin) 1.6
Plum 1.5
Melon (pulp) 0.9
Bread, pasta, cereals
Wheat bran 43.6
Whole grain bread 6.8 — 9.2
Oatmeal "Hercules" 6
Rye bread 5.8
Pasta made from durum wheat 3.7
Buckwheat kernels (boiled) 3.7
Wheat bread (white) 2.7
White rice (cooked) 1.8
Armenian thin bread 0.2
Beans, nuts, seeds
Chia seeds 34
Flax seeds 27
Soya beans 13.5
Beans 12.4
Lentils 11.5
Spelled cereal 11
Turkish peas - chickpeas 9.9
Raw almonds 7
Green peas 5.5
Wheat flour (boiled) 5
Cashew raw 3.3

If your diet consists mostly of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans, you're probably getting enough fiber.

However, if you prefer meat, dairy products, white bread, cookies, crackers, chips, achieving 40 grams of fiber per day will be a challenge.

Sources of fiber

Many have heard about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for the gastrointestinal tract due to their high content of dietary fiber. But there are actually other foods with more fiber. In addition, you can buy ready-made dry dietary fiber at the pharmacy. They are in demand among people who want to lose weight, athletes, and constipation patients.

Dry fiber

The benefits of fiber in dry form are no different from those in vegetables, fruits and other foods. The undoubted advantage of powdered polysaccharides is ease of use. You can accurately calculate what dose of a substance enters the body. Therefore, dry fibers are used for medicinal purposes and for weight loss. There are several types of carbohydrate powder:

  • wheat;
  • Siberian;
  • from flax seeds;
  • from milk thistle seeds;
  • pumpkin;
  • oatmeal;
  • hemp.


Overweight people will definitely find benefits from wheat fiber. It belongs to the group of soluble fibers. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it swells. Thanks to this, there is no feeling of hunger for several more hours.

Polysaccharides obtained from wheat contain cellulose and lignin. These elements have a beneficial effect on the wall of the large intestine. They promote reparation (restoration) of the mucous membrane, cleanse it of toxins.


Siberian fiber is very common in Russia. It is made by many companies. In addition to powder, you can find dry smoothies, yoghurts, herbal teas and even marmalade containing dietary fiber.

The benefits of Siberian fiber, like wheat fiber, are weight loss and cleansing the intestines. This drug does not belong to the group of drugs. It is considered a dietary supplement. The difference between Siberian fibers and ordinary bran is the absence of unnecessary impurities.

Important! When consuming fiber for weight loss, drink it with plenty of water. Thanks to this, it swells and eliminates the feeling of hunger for several hours.

Antioxidant and antiallergic properties further increase the benefits of Siberian fiber for the body.

From milk thistle seeds

In addition to the beneficial properties of all types of dietary fiber already listed above, fiber from milk thistle seeds is credited with a hepatoprotective effect. It protects liver cells (hepatocytes) from the effects of toxic substances: alcohol, medications, heavy metal salts. Polysaccharides promote the formation of new cells to replace destroyed old ones.

From flaxseed

In addition to dietary fiber, flax seeds contain a large amount of mucus. It has an enveloping effect. After ingesting a handful of seeds, mucus coats the lining of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, flax is used in complex therapy of inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The dietary fiber from flaxseed itself has antioxidant properties. A warm infusion helps get rid of a dry cough.


Pumpkin fiber is a dietary product. When taken regularly, the general condition of the body improves. It promotes weight loss, increases the body's immune response, and improves intestinal function.


Oat dietary fiber is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against constipation. After taking 1 tbsp. l. product, bowel movement occurs after 8 hours.

Attention! For prolonged constipation, accompanied by a deterioration in general condition, consultation with a gastroenterologist or surgeon is necessary.


The benefits of hemp fiber primarily include weight loss. Regular intake of this dietary supplement in combination with exercise and a balanced diet effectively reduces the layer of subcutaneous fat. In addition, it improves immunity, lowers cholesterol, slows down cell aging and prevents cell death.

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Plant fibers, entering the gastrointestinal tract, perform a number of useful and even irreplaceable functions:

  • having the ability to absorb harmful substances, they remove harmful accumulations from the gastrointestinal tract, including waste products, toxins, salts of heavy metals, literally sweeping out from it everything that interferes with the normal functioning of the body;
  • normalize the functioning of the excretory system;
  • eliminate heartburn, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation, bloating, due to which a bulging belly disappears and waist size is significantly reduced;
  • absorb liquid, swelling and filling the stomach, which ensures a long-lasting feeling of fullness and lack of hunger;
  • restore intestinal microflora, activate metabolic processes and digestion;
  • limit the growth of glucose after meals, eliminating the craving for constant snacking, significantly reducing the calorie content of the diet, preventing its accumulation in fat depots;
  • maintain intestinal health, prevent rectal diseases and the development of cholelithiasis;
  • reduce cholesterol and sugar levels, normalize blood pressure.

At the same time, dietary fiber limits the flow of energy into the body, which ensures the breakdown of fat deposits and prevents the emergence of new reserves.

Eating fiber for weight loss, along with a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity, significantly speeds up the process of weight normalization, allowing you to maintain the result for a long time.

To effectively get rid of extra pounds, you need to properly dose this product and use it depending on the type.

Fiber-rich foods

The benefits of foods containing fiber are difficult to overestimate. Dishes containing it should be present in everyone’s daily diet. Products with dietary fiber are inexpensive. They are easy to prepare. Therefore, there should be no problems with introducing them into your diet. The table shows the most fiber-rich foods.

Food product Content of dietary fiber per 100 g of product
Bran 42-45 g
Flax seeds 20-30 g
Mushrooms 22-25 g
Dried fruits 10-15 g
Whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) 8-12 g
Beans (chickpeas, lentils, beans) 10-13 g
Whole grain baked goods 9-10 g
Berries 6-7 g
Fruits 3-5 g

The numbers in the table are arbitrary; the number of fibers can vary up or down. But what is clear is that bran, flaxseed, mushrooms and dried fruits are the richest in these polysaccharides. Consumption of 100 g of bran per day fully provides a person with the daily requirement for fiber.

Oats contain a special type of fiber called beta-glucagon. It most actively reduces blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, regular consumption of oatmeal is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis. To increase the content of healthy polysaccharides, you can add dried fruits to the porridge.


foods containing fiber

Fiber can be soluble or insoluble.

Soluble when converted in the intestines into a jelly-like state, it contributes to:

  1. Saturation of microflora with active beneficial bacteria.
  2. Normalization of metabolism.
  3. Weight loss and abdominal volume reduction.
  4. Reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  5. Warning against the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Improving the functioning of internal organs and enriching them with oxygen.
  7. Accelerate metabolism.

Insoluble helps accelerate the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, thereby losing weight in the subcortical layers due to cleansing the intestines of accumulated toxins.

This natural process leads to weight loss, elimination of possible constipation, lowering blood sugar levels, preventing the development of diabetes and obesity (an indispensable companion for this disease).

In combination with water, it leads to accelerated and complete emptying of the intestines, the release of all accumulated undigested particles out, and the elimination of cholesterol in the blood. Thus, it literally cleanses unnecessary trace elements and bile acids accumulated over the years from the intestines.

Fiber tablets

Almost any type of fiber can be found in powder and tablet forms. The advantage of tablets is ease of use and accurate dose calculation. The fibers in this dosage form are produced from microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). It is a substance produced from hard particles that are emitted from cotton. In terms of their composition and properties, they correspond to natural analogues.

Increase the dose of tablets gradually until they reach the recommended daily intake - 50 pcs. It is important to remember that no tablet can completely replace natural fibers.

Healthy dietary foods with high fiber content


Calorie content per 100 g

Fiber content, %

White cabbage273,45
Fruits and berries
Grain products
Whole grain bread2309,0
Brown rice3315,7
Wheat bran16535,5
Oat bran24637,0
Green peas738,0
Green beans577,5
Dried lentils28417,3
Sunflower seeds59012, 6

Damage to fiber

Powders and tablets with dietary fiber are not classified as medications. But they, like medications, can cause a lot of harm if taken incorrectly. The use of nutritional supplements is contraindicated for people suffering from diarrhea. After all, a strong laxative effect will only worsen the problem.

If you take medications and dietary fiber at the same time, the ratio of benefits and harms of fiber in the powder does not change for the better. The laxative and sorbing (absorbing) effects of the food additive prevent the full entry of medications into the body. The effectiveness of drugs decreases.

Milk thistle powder can cause a lot of harm to people with hypersensitivity to this plant. They experience nausea, vomiting, and headache. In this case, you must stop taking the supplement.

What happens if you exceed the norm?

It is necessary to comply with the standard amounts of dietary fiber in the diet recommended by scientists.

The maximum acceptable level is considered to be 70 grams of fiber per day.

Exceeding the permissible amount will inevitably lead to the development of unwanted side effects, the most common of which are:

  • flatulence;
  • feeling of discomfort in the epigastric, left and right iliac regions;
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bowel disorders such as diarrhea (more often) or constipation (less often);
  • development of deficiency of important macroelements (magnesium, calcium, zinc), since fiber helps slow down their absorption.

Most of the described disorders do not pose a particular danger to the body and are easily relieved by reducing (or temporarily completely eliminating) dietary fiber from the daily diet.

Reviews from doctors

Ponomarenko Viktor Viktorovich, 50 years old, Ufa

Consuming fiber for weight loss in short courses (up to 1 month) in reasonable quantities (up to 60 g per day) effectively eliminates excess weight. When calculating the dose of cleansing fiber consumed per day, you need to take into account carbohydrates that come from vegetables, fruits, and cereals. To reduce excess weight even more significantly, I advise patients to eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Kozlova Oksana Sergeevna, 34 years old, Simferopol

My specialty is gastroenterology. I prescribe a high-fiber diet to all my patients with intestinal obstruction. After all, this is the main beneficial property of fiber - stimulation of intestinal motility.

What is included in Siberian fiber?

This is a unique complex of plant fibers extracted from fruits, berries and grains. The dietary supplement has the following composition:

  • grain shells of millet, rye;
  • pectin (found in apples, citrus fruits);
  • lignin (extracted from tomatoes, peas or potatoes);
  • oat bran;
  • pieces of dried vegetables, fruits (apple, apricot);
  • nuts (mainly pine);
  • berries (rowan, blueberry);
  • herbal mixture (St. John's wort, chamomile, rose hips, Kuril tea, mint).

The grain shell is the main component of fiber

The quantity and ratio of components included in the supplement differs for each type of fiber. In total, more than a dozen different versions of the product are produced. The food supplement does not contain chemical additives, flavors, flavor enhancers or preservatives. By taking fiber, you don’t have to worry about the naturalness of its components.

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