How to train a mesomorph body: training features


- one of the body types in bodybuilding. It is generally accepted that the mesomorphic type is between the ectomorph and the endomorph. It was researched and isolated by an American professor from Harvard, William Sheldon.

The classic mesomorph is a typical Hercules with an excellent bone structure and muscular physique. Such athletes have a massive head, powerful broad shoulders and a large chest. Mesomorphs also have excellent thighs and muscular arms.

As for the amount of subcutaneous fat, it is minimal in mesomorphs. People with this body type gain muscle mass very easily, just like endomorphs, but the fat layer remains almost unchanged.

It is believed that mesomorphs are the most suitable type of athletes for bodybuilding. People gain mass quickly and then convert it into quality muscle.

The rate of muscle development depends solely on the correctness of the training program and the chosen diet. Strength indicators can also grow at a very fast pace. But here you need to take into account the individual physical characteristics of each athlete.

Main features of the mesomorphic type

According to the ]classification of somatotypes[/anchor], all the qualities of a mesomorph take on average values ​​- an athletic build, correct proportions, the ratio of limbs to torso, the average rate of metabolic processes, blood sugar levels and blood pressure are normal. His physique does not look dense, but he cannot be called thin either. In this type, muscle tissue predominates over fat. Therefore, a somatotype with an athletic physique is predisposed to gaining high-quality muscle mass.

Since a mesomorph has average qualities of other types, certain environmental conditions - ecology, stress, disease and other factors can influence it, tilting neighboring types to one side. Excess weight due to poor nutrition or slow metabolism can change the constitution into an endomorphic type. And just the opposite. Although the constitution is predetermined by genetics, some factors can still influence its appearance.

Where to start for a beginner

Mesomorph training program

Visits to the gym should not turn into a preparatory phase for the formation of relief.

A beginner must have minimal physical training, such as:

  • perform 50 push-ups and 15 pull-ups;
  • run 2 km at any pace;
  • daily stretching - bridge, splits;
  • upper and lower press 50 times each;
  • classic deadlift, squat, soldier press.

A good preparation for physical activity is training with a high number of repetitions and light weights, alternating large weights with a small number of repetitions. The cycles are done every other day and are combined with exercises that raise your heart rate to speed up your metabolism.

The use of splits is controversial.

Breaking down into parts, working out a separate group, in particular, a triple spleen:

  1. Triceps, back, deltoids, abs.
  2. Biceps, chest, abs.
  3. Legs, abs.

Some experts are inclined to believe that it will be a good school for a beginner, while others are of the opposite opinion.

It is also considered preferable to combine one or two multi-joint exercises with the same amount for one individual muscle: 5 sets of 12 repetitions.

In order to avoid addiction and stagnation, it is recommended to pay attention to the principles of Joe Weider. Arnold Schwarzenegger's mentor advised planning training cycles, individual workouts and exercises

It will be useful to change ultra-fast repetitions to a mass-gaining mode with slow movements and full amplitude: 1-2 multi-joint repetitions to accelerate metabolism and one to work an individual muscle.

A supplement would be, for example, fast walking or running 3-4 km. three times a week. It should be recalled that longer distances will only be harmful.

An example of a training program for a beginner mesomorph

Soon after gaining mass and strength, you should pay attention to working on isolation exercises, and the mesomorph program is perfect for this. Formative activities are a complement to the development of one specific group

To maintain their dry appearance, you should not exclude short distance running, swimming, brisk walking, and various team games.

Cardio training increases cardiac endurance, increases lung capacity, burns excess fat, increases heart rate, as a result of which a large amount of oxygen is absorbed and the body's metabolism accelerates. Externally, this will be reflected in relief and volume. But increased pumping also implies complete recovery after it. After passing the base, in which almost half of the large muscle groups are involved, at least two days of rest are required with a sleep duration of 8-10 hours.

Isolation exercises can be carried out, for example, in this form:

  • first day – chest, triceps;
  • ​second – back, biceps;
  • ​third – legs, delta.

Of course, this is an approximate program; the athlete is free to select the task at his own discretion. But we should not forget that simultaneous training of two large muscle groups will only bring harm, but not benefit. Therefore, it is not advisable to combine the chest, back and legs, or the biceps with the deltoids. Working only with the triceps separately will not bring a positive result.

Following the principles of Joe Weider, it is necessary to plan not only training phases, but also individual sessions. The spread of strength, relief and mass-building exercises per week should alternate evenly.

Strength training ranges from 4 to 6 repetitions in each of 4 approaches, weight training is given 6-12 repetitions in 6 approaches, relief - 12-20 repetitions in 6 approaches. The number of approaches can be adjusted depending on the load, while it is necessary to do 1-2 warm-up and up to 6 drums.

It is important to observe rest - from 2 to 5 minutes, with a training duration of 60-90 minutes

Recommendations for sports nutrition

It cannot be said that a mesomorph does not have disadvantages and caveats in choosing sports nutrition, since the type is prone to gaining not only muscles, but also fat. Too high-calorie supplements, such as high-carbohydrate gainer bars, will contribute to an excess of carbohydrates, which will cause compaction of adipose tissue. This body type needs to be given as many calories as it can absorb. Therefore, especially fast gainers with a predominance of simple carbohydrates should be left to ectomorphs.

Protein shakes, including casein and whey, gainers with equal proportions of proteins and carbohydrates, and complexes of essential and essential amino acids are suitable for gaining muscle. Also, to gain muscle, mesomorphs can resort to using creatine and pre-workout complexes.

To reduce subcutaneous fat during endurance work (when losing weight and drying muscles), you can use whey protein isolate, amino acids, fat burners, L-carnitine and avoid simple carbohydrates and fats in supplements.


Any diet can be divided into BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Fats can be saturated (animal foods) and unsaturated (plant foods). Your diet should include unsaturated fats, as they lower blood cholesterol levels.

Carbohydrates are divided into simple, complex, and fibrous (fiber). Only complex and fibrous carbohydrates are useful for consumption, because they are digested more slowly and prevent the powerful release of insulin into the blood. Do not think that only carbohydrates are deposited in problem areas and prevent the appearance of cubes. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, without which no training is possible. But only excess is bad.

And of course squirrels. The main component for building our body. According to scientific research in the field of nutrition, exercisers consuming the right amount of calories should consume the appropriate amount of protein:

  • Strength loads – 1.4–2 g/kg body weight;
  • Endurance loads – 1.2–1.8 g/kg body weight.

Remember that excess protein can cause kidney and liver problems. If there are no medical contraindications, then you should not reduce your protein intake.

As you already understand, the diet of a mesomorph man should always contain a sufficient amount of protein, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. As well as a balanced diet and regulated food intake. That is, no fast food or other junk food. Try to reduce your consumption of sunflower and refined oil; it is better to use olive oil.

Sample menu for the day

Before breakfast, drink two glasses of water, this way you will subtly hint to your digestive tract that it is time to wake up. After 20 minutes you can start breakfast.

  • Regardless of your goals, never skip breakfast! And be sure to make your breakfast healthy and tasty. Cook yourself rolled oats or semolina porridge in water. Porridges contain complex carbohydrates, they will definitely charge you with energy for the whole day.
  • Snack at 9-10 o'clock. Any fruit will do, or even a whole salad dressed with natural yogurt. Just like with breakfast, you should drink two glasses of water 20 minutes before. Or two hours after.
  • Dinner. You can afford complex carbohydrates, such as durum wheat pasta, buckwheat and, of course, meat. The meat should not be fatty - ideally beef or chicken breast, but you can also eat turkey or lean pork. Stewed or baked vegetables are suitable.
  • Afternoon tea at 2–3 p.m. Fruits, vegetables, any light snack, without meat or complex carbohydrates, are suitable.
  • Dinner at 18–19 hours. Any protein food will do, of course, not fatty food. Prepare meat, an omelette with vegetables or something like that. After this, you can go to training.

The main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t overeat before going to bed, because at this time the body is actively preparing for sleep and metabolism slows down. And all the calories taken before bed will be deposited in problem areas.

Mesomorph training program

Remember this and try to develop your biological rhythm. Mesomorphs need to show variety in the training process and nutrition, but not in their regimen. The main thing to remember is that only discipline and routine can lead you to results. Create your own nutrition based on the principles outlined above and believe that success is just around the corner.

Training for mesomorph

  • Since mesomorphs gain muscle mass easily, workouts can be done in a muscle-building mode of 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • If the goal of training is relief, reducing fat mass, then you can work in endurance mode for more than 12 repetitions.

In both cases, a mesomorph will not need much effort and time to achieve a good result.

Mesomorph program for a week

Day 1 (legs, shoulders)

  1. Hack squats with a wide stance.
  2. Hack squats in the simulator

  3. Leg press with medium feet.
  4. Leg press for the front of the thighs

  5. Deadlift with a barbell.
  6. Barbell deadlift

  7. Hyperextension with a load.
  8. Hyperextension photo

  9. Bench press.
  10. Bench press sitting behind the head

  11. Army press.
  12. Military Shoulder Press

  13. Bent-over dumbbell flyes.
  14. Bent over dumbbell swings

  15. Shin sitting.
  16. Shin sitting photo

Day 2 (back, chest)

  1. Bench press.
  2. Bench press

  3. Dumbbell press at an angle.
  4. Incline Dumbbell Press

  5. Reduction of arms in the simulator.
  6. Exercise technique in the butterfly simulator

  7. Lever rod.
  8. Hummer horizontal back row

  9. T-bar.
  10. Bent-over T-bar row technique

  11. Bent-over dumbbell row.
  12. Bent-over dumbbell rows while standing on both legs

Day 3 (biceps, triceps)

  1. French barbell press.
  2. Bench press

  3. Extension of arms from the lower block from behind the head.
  4. crossover French press

  5. Bent-over dumbbell extension.
  6. Extension of the arm with a dumbbell while standing in an incline position with support on a bench

  7. Curling your arms in a biceps machine.
  8. Biceps curls while sitting in a machine

  9. Lifting the barbell with a reverse grip.
  10. Barbell curl with overhand grip

  11. Alternating arm curls with dumbbells.
  12. Standing bicep curls

Possible risks

Mesomorphs face three main dangers.


Dense muscles and less flexibility compared to other types often cause all kinds of damage in normosthenics. To avoid problems, move forward without jerking: gradually increase the weight of the apparatus, the number of repetitions, and the frequency of visiting the gym.

Mesomorphs should be careful with loads

Overtraining or underrecovery.

This is one of the most common mistakes when planning training for a mesomorphic man who wants to see impressive muscles in the mirror as soon as possible. The rapid muscle growth characteristic of normosthenics causes many novice athletes to lose their heads and ignore signals from the body, which is at the limit of its capabilities. Hence “burnout”, a stop in progress and the appearance of various ailments. Remember to give your body time to recover, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and reduce the intensity of your activities if there are clear signs of fatigue.


The other side of the coin: seeing that weight gain is easier for him than for his fellow ecto- and endomorphs, the mesomorph begins to be lazy, skip classes and stops pursuing results, so he quickly loses shape.

Video: Training program

Pros and benefits of a mesomorph physique and an option for constructing a training program from the leading channel “Egor Van Damme Cherkasov”:

Calorie calculation

Calculating the required number of calories to maintain, gain and lose weight is quite simple. Anyone who has just started exercising or leading a healthy lifestyle has one most important, but not the simplest, question. How many calories are needed for the body to function properly? What is the complexity of this issue? The number of calories needed to function and gain and lose weight is extremely subjective. It all depends on gender, weight, age, frequency of training and other things. However, there is a unified scheme that will help you understand this issue.

First, let's think about what our calories are spent on? They are mostly spent on the simple functioning of our body. That is, sleep, rest, etc. – this is called basal metabolic rate or BMR.

Basal metabolism accounts for about 60–70% of the calories we burn per day. Another 20–30% comes from physical activity. And of course, during the day we actively think, about 9–10% is spent on this.

The greater the muscle mass, the greater the basal metabolism, and therefore the more calories we spend during rest and sleep. Calculating calories burned is easy. Here is an example of simple calculations:

The formula can only be used for men, women need different coefficients (read about Benedict's formula): BMR = 67.47+ (14.75 x weight in kg) + (5.5 x height) - (5.75 x number of years).

Remember that this amount does not take into account physical activity. To find out how many calories you spend taking into account your workouts, you need to multiply the resulting number by a number of coefficients. Think carefully about what your day consists of and what kind of physical activity you experience.

  • BMR x 1.3 – inactive, sedentary lifestyle;
  • BMR x 1.475 – low activity;
  • BMR x 1.65 – light physical activity 3–5 days a week;
  • BMR x 1.825 – active lifestyle (physical activity 5-6 times a week).

So we found out how many calories per day we spend on rest and physical activity. All that remains is to calculate our daily diet and the beginning has been made! Calculating the number of calories you need in your diet is also quite simple:

  • If you lead an inactive lifestyle, then you need to consume 26–30 kcal/1 kg of weight;
  • If you allow light exercise during the day, 2–4 times a week – 31–37 kcal/kg;
  • For people who are not professionally involved in sports – 38–40 kcal/kg of weight;
  • Professional athletes are recommended to consume 41–50 kcal/kg.

And so, the coveted number was received. Next, you need to figure out what you want - to gain weight, maintain it at the same level, or lose weight. If your goal is to gain mass, then add another 10-15% to your number. If your goal is to lose weight, then subtract 10–20%.

What you can do at home

Of course, exercising at home is very different from the gym, where there are all kinds of sports equipment and devices. Home exercises can only keep an amateur athlete in shape, nothing more. In any case, to build muscle mass you need a barbell, which you may not have at home.

The simplest basic exercise at home is pull-ups on a bar or horizontal bar with a reverse grip. The biceps, naturally, will not increase in size as with professional equipment and aids, but still. For weights, you can use large plastic bottles with water, a backpack with bricks, and your own body is also worth something.

Exercise equipment at home can completely replace dumbbells. The most common exercise with them is lifting dumbbells with your hands turned outward. The negative phase occurs with an inward turn.

Such training for biceps will also be useful for a beginner planning to visit the gym for the first time.


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