Outdoor training program for girls: the best exercises, techniques and features of performing in the fresh air

What are the benefits of exercising outside?

Firstly, they are available to everyone, because you can practice in the park, at the dacha, on the playground, etc. “If you have a small child or you go for a walk with the dog - that is, you regularly go outside, then you do not need to go anywhere else drive or walk in order to get a good workout,” comments Victoria Kasilova, personal trainer and founder of the Capsula personal fitness laboratory.
Secondly, they improve not only your figure, but also your mood. Physical activity increases blood circulation, and if you get it in the fresh air, all organs (including the brain) are better supplied with oxygen. Do you train in sunny weather? Increases the amount of vitamin D and endorphins in the blood.

Also, by training outside, you can find fitness “partners”. “Now we have many beautiful parks, where, by the way, it’s easy to meet like-minded people and recharge their spirits,” adds Victoria Kasilova.

Benefits of charging

Regular exercise in the morning outdoors helps reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and related diseases: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes. In addition, children improve coordination of movements, flexibility, and posture. Kids who exercise daily are more energetic, self-confident, have a keen memory and intelligence.

Medical research has proven that physical exercise promotes growth, as well as mental and emotional development of children, and it strengthens the immune system, which protects the body from various pathogenic microbes. Aerobic exercise improves a child's mental health, helps improve appetite and sleep, and reduces anxiety and stress.

We hope that after reading our article you will learn how fun and useful it is to exercise outdoors with your children!

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Outdoor exercises: which ones to choose?

There are many options for street training! “But the most popular types of such activities are running and Nordic walking,” comments Maria Sidorova, gym instructor at the World Gym Club - Krasnogorsk. “You can also do strength training for all muscle groups outside.”

But functional exercises are especially good for outdoor exercise. “They can be performed without additional equipment. They strengthen the main muscle groups: legs, arms, abs, says Victoria Kasilova. “They are also useful because, by mastering functional exercises, we teach the body how to move correctly outside the gym. When performing push-ups, squats, and bending during training, in everyday life we ​​will do all these movements consciously, coordinated, and without injury.”

We asked Victoria to create a set of exercises that can be performed in the fresh air. And Olga Bundina, a personal trainer at the Capsula personal fitness laboratory, will show it.

Beach workout

training on the beach

If you are lucky enough to live by the sea, then training on the beach will be an excellent option not only for the body, but also for the soul. It is best to practice barefoot on the sand, all because your feet seem to sink in the sand and you have to make even more effort to balance. As a result, the leg muscles are strengthened, and the entire muscular body is involved in the training. Recommendations for the training program for girls on the beach are as follows: we start, as always, with a warm-up. The ideal option would be lunges on both legs, as well as toe raises. Both exercises are performed 20 times. The warm-up should be completed with 2-3 minutes of jogging. This warm-up will be quite enough.

The essence of the main workout is a half-hour jog. The speed should be kept at about 10 km/h, start jogging from the place where the sand is denser, this could be the water's edge, then slowly move closer to the shore, where the sand is looser. The foot in such sand will sink even more, therefore, the load on the muscles will increase. The running technique is as follows: when landing on your foot, first try to touch the sand with the front of your foot and only then stand on your heel.

Otherwise, there are no rules, you need to move naturally, and choose shoes that do not hinder movement and fit comfortably on your feet. Classic beach training does not require any additional tools, just a towel. After a run, it is recommended to spread a towel on the sand and remember all the known stretching exercises or yoga poses.

A set of exercises for losing weight on the street: how to structure a lesson

  • Warm up before your workout. If you wish, you can do it at home, and leave a set of exercises for the street.
  • Perform the exercises sequentially, each in 3 sets of 10 repetitions .
  • Work at a calm pace and watch your muscles work.
  • You can train according to this scheme every day. “Since we work with our own weight, without weights, the muscles won’t need much time to recover, so you can do these exercises every day,” adds Victoria Kasilova.

To perform the complex you will need a bench.


Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your palms at chest level. Bend your knees, push your pelvis back and lower into a squat. Then smoothly straighten your knees and return to the starting position. Work your abdominal, back and leg muscles. Don't arch your lower back or slouch. Repeat.

Lunge Squats

Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart, and clasp your hands in front of your chest. Step your left foot back. Bend your knees to a right angle and lower yourself into a lunge. Work the muscles of the abs, buttocks, legs, back. Then smoothly return to a vertical position, straightening your knees. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the required number of repetitions and approaches in each direction.


Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart, and clasp your hands in front of your chest. Step your left foot back and, bending your knees to a right angle, lower yourself into a lunge. Then smoothly return to a vertical position and step your left leg forward, bringing your feet together. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 10 repetitions in each direction.


Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, palms at the back of your head. Bend your knees slightly. Working the muscles of the abs, back and legs and pushing your pelvis back, smoothly lean your body forward. Smoothly return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Bends on one leg

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, place your palms on your waist. Place your left foot on the toe at a distance of 30-40 cm from the right (behind it). Bend your knees slightly. Shift your body weight to your right leg, lift your left foot slightly above the ground, and at the same time smoothly lean your body forward. Work the muscles of the abs, buttocks, back and legs. This will amount to one repetition. Do the required amount on each leg.


Stand facing the bench, rest your hands on the seat, take a lying position (do not bend your elbows). Press your toes into the ground. Do not bend in the lower back, work the muscles of the abs, back, arms and legs. Lock in this position for 40-60 seconds , this will be one approach.

Side plank

Stand with your right side to the bench, rest your right hand on the seat, with the sides of your feet on the asphalt. Place your left palm on your belt. Stretch your head up, try to stretch your body in one straight line from your feet to the top of your head. Lock in this position for 40-60 seconds . This will amount to one approach. Do 3 of these in each direction.


Sit on a bench, lean your body back slightly. Rest your hands on the seat. Working your abdominal and leg muscles, bend your knees and pull them toward your stomach. Then smoothly extend your legs forward. Don't slouch. This will amount to one repetition. Complete the required number of them.

Static fold

Sit on a bench, lean your body back slightly. Rest your hands on the seat. Using your abs and legs, bend your knees slightly and lift your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground. Stay in this position for 40-60 seconds . This will amount to one approach. Do 3 of these approaches.

Push ups

Stand facing the bench, rest your hands on its seat, take a lying position (do not bend your elbows). Press your toes into the ground. Don't arch at the waist. By bending your elbows, lower your body down, closer to the bench. Extending your elbows, return to the starting position. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Reverse push-ups

Sit on a bench, lean on the seat with two palms (elbows straight). Stretch your legs forward, rest your heels on the ground. Transfer your body weight to your hands and slide your pelvis forward. Bend your elbows and gently lower your body down. Work the muscles of your arms, abs and back. Then smoothly return to the starting position, straightening your elbows. This will amount to one repetition. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Workout - street fitness

Hello, dear readers of the Street-Sport portal. In this article you will learn what Workout (street fitness) is. We will define the basic principles of this direction, you will also learn the history of the development of Workout and briefly outline information about basic knowledge. By the way, if you are reading this article (most likely you are a beginner), then you need recommendations and a training program, the article “Workout training for beginners” will help you with this.

First, let's understand the basic terms

Workout/WorkOut is a whole system of street training, which is based on exercises using your own weight, the emphasis of which is on developing endurance and strength.

Gimbarr/Jimbarr is a trend that originated in Colombia, it is a certain style with a huge number of elements, the main goal of which is to perform heavy tricks on the bar, the main emphasis of training is on developing dexterity and joint mobility.

Street/Yard gymnastics is a direction of street training, the purpose of which is to study and perform gymnastic elements on a horizontal bar or street equipment. Flexibility and coordination are important here.

History of the development of Workout

Workout itself (the translation of which means training, warm-up) appeared along with the first horizontal bars in the courtyards, because people have been exercising on uneven bars and horizontal bars since the times of the Soviet Union. In the USSR, this type of activity was called “GTO Norms” (ready for work and defense), which included pull-ups on the horizontal bar. The very first and most active distributors of “Street Workout” on the Internet were a group of friends from the Barbarians (USA). They were the ones who started filming their first videos back in 2004 and distributing them on YouTube and the Internet. After this, Workout began to gain enormous popularity all over the world. Thanks to the tricks and elements in their videos, as well as the beautiful bodies of the athletes, many have great motivation and desire to take up this type of street sport. Soon it became very popular in the CIS countries. In 2011, it was decided to get rid of the Ghetto prefix and leave simply the name WORKOUT. Now this is a very popular movement of healthy and active people, which is already a large international organization. Competitions and even championships at the country level are held in different cities, and in Kazakhstan, Workout is recognized as an official sport!

Principles and benefits of training

The main principle of Workout is that you can always exercise whenever and wherever you want! At absolutely any time of the day, you can come to the sports ground (or just to the horizontal bar and parallel bars) and start training. The availability of this type of training has led to its popularity. The most important thing is that you don’t have to pay anyone anything to visit this “fitness room”; you don’t have to buy anything for regular classes. Also, you don’t need any special skills to start doing Workout, so all you need is the desire and desire to work on yourself and your body!

Workout exercises that you can do outside and get a good workout are Calisthenics. Calisthenics is a system of exercises with your own body weight and almost always exercises are global in impact, which require good coordination and developed balance, as well as sufficient development of the level of endurance. And since in the vast majority of cases, outdoor exercises are still a horizontal bar, so are the grip strengths. When doing Workout, you can develop: flexibility, strength, speed, coordination and endurance.

street sport workout

Street fitness classes are very simple. The exercises that a beginner will need are the following: push-ups (standard from the floor and on the uneven bars), pull-ups (on the crossbar or horizontal stairs), raising the legs to the crossbar or on the uneven bars (you can also pump up the press at home, at home). The frequency of classes is from 2-3 to 6 times a week. Feel your body and monitor your condition; if you don’t feel like exercising, then it’s better to skip the workout, otherwise you may overtrain. As for nutrition, there are no special principles; the main thing is to maintain regular meals and know at least the “basics” of healthy eating.

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Exercises in the air: what mistakes to watch out for

Many people do not perceive training on the street as something serious and treat such activities with disdain. However, the requirements for them are the same as for classes in the gym.

“The most common mistakes are: violation of exercise technique, incorrect rest interval between them and excessive load,” says Maria Sidorova. — You need to enter the training regime smoothly; don’t try to “squeeze” the maximum out of your body if you’ve been struggling all year. It will be useful to at least occasionally work out with a trainer - he will help you master the correct technique for performing exercises and distribute the load.”

You should also not forget about warming up before class and stretching after it - simple gymnastics and stretching will protect you from injuries and muscle discomfort.

Use these recommendations if you want to exercise effectively and safely.

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