Training program for mass and strength in bodybuilding

Author: Arseni Igor (Moldova) 2012-09-16 Views:

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Sent by: Arseni Igor (Republic of Moldova, Ceadir-Lunga). Age - 25 years, physique - muscular, training experience - 7 years. Email

The duration of the complex is 6 months.

Results: bench press increased from 90 kg to 110. Squats increased from 85 kg to 115. Deadlift increased from 95 kg to 120. Weight dropped from 92 to 85 kg. But the fact that strength indicators have increased significantly indicates that the volume of adipose tissue has decreased, and muscle tissue has increased. Which is, without a doubt, an excellent result.

Goal of the plan: gaining weight

Difficulty – high

The training plan is a set of exercises that includes both basic and auxiliary exercises. What makes this plan special is that it lasts three weeks. Which you just alternate. Moreover, the principle of constructing training does not change, but the exercises change. Which is an additional factor that stimulates the growth of strength and mass of your muscles.

I would like to emphasize that even though Igor lost 7 kg of weight, the plan still predisposes him to gain muscle. Most likely, Igor simply pursued the goal of getting rid of excess fat. Which is what I achieved.

Select the exercise weight for this program

Best result so far:The calculator will show you what weight you need to take. But this does not include exercises on machines, but only with free weights. It is not necessary to complete all exercises. If you specify the weight for fewer repetitions, the result will be more accurate. In exercises with dumbbells, the weight of 1 dumbbell will be indicated, and with a barbell, taking into account the weight of the barbell.
Squatskg peronce
Barbell deadliftkg peronce
Bench presskg peronce
Standing chest presskg peronce
Barbell Curlkg peronce
Push-ups from the floor / from the floor from your kneesonce
Dips/bench push-upsonce
Straight grip pull-upsonce

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Time to increase your strength levels

Our task, at this advanced training stage, is to develop and survive in full our entire genetic potential , to reach a state in which no amount of training can stimulate the growth of strength and muscle mass. Having reached this state, you will be able to use anabolic steroids with great success in the future to improve your results, if you have the desire to become a real professional bodybuilder/powerlifter/strongman.

Microperiodization, a competent combination of light, medium and heavy training, is the key to success, to an increase in strength and muscle mass, with full recovery and proper nutrition when working out in the gym.

Let's look at one of the outstanding training systems for powerlifting, under the auspices of Surowiecki and his path to strength. Please note that the program can be rearranged for bodybuilding by reducing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions, as well as introducing additional auxiliary (isolating) exercises, to your taste. The main thing is to understand the algorithm for correctly composing and planning training.

We can safely say that this program really works; hundreds of athletes have already used it in their strength training to increase results in basic exercises (bench press, barbell squats and deadlifts).

Heavy deadlift

If you haven’t tried training with it yet, be sure to check its effectiveness on yourself, you won’t regret it, because to develop this program, Askold spent more than a dozen years of experiments on his lifting students.

We emphasize once again that this program is suitable for experienced athletes and professionals who want to increase their strength in basic exercises.


Basic exercises

To increase strength, you cannot do without physical activity, but preference should be given to basic exercises, and the number of repetitions per 1 approach should be in the range of 1-6; if you are not involved in powerlifting, then perform exercises for 4-6 repetitions.

However, basic exercises greatly deplete the body, so in one workout you need to perform 4 basic exercises and, to complete, 2-3 isolating exercises with lighter weights for 8-10 repetitions.

Training program to increase bench press

Before each working approach, which is indicated in the table, warm-up exercises : 30x8, 45x6, 60x6, 70x5, 80x4, 84x3, 88x3. The first number is % of the working weight, the second is repetitions.

Part 1 - How to Increase Bench Press Strength

put the squeeze on
No. tren92%96%100%92%90%88%86%84%82%80%100%

This is followed by workouts 11 and 12, respectively:

11. 30%x10; 45%x8; 60%x6; 70%x3x5

12. 36%x8; 54%x6; 68%x5; 76%x4% 84%x3; 92%x2; 100%x1, penetration

The maximum weight lifted in training or in competitions is taken as 100%, push-ups are performed from a stand of 10-12 cm, the last weight for training is performed with a pause of 2-3 seconds.

Bench press in the gym

Accessory exercises should not be similar to the main ones; never do them to failure. To avoid muscle overtraining , do them for your own pleasure, with a reserve of 2-3 repetitions. The assistance is performed, first of all, to strengthen the ligaments, and then pump up the muscles.

The rest between training of the pectoral muscles is 1-2 days, depending on the individual recovery of the body after strength training in the gym.

Once you've completed the first training system to increase your bench press, move on to the second part.

Part 2 - How to Increase Bench Press Strength


On average, if you have never done this training program, and your bench press ranges from 120-140 kg, then the increase will be about 5-10 kg.

The higher your bench press, the more difficult it is to increase strength, especially without the use of steroids.

How to choose working weights for exercises?

And the beginning will be as follows:

We select the weight for ourselves individually, in any of the exercises which can be easily done 10 times;

For example, bench press 50kg – 10 times: you can do it 5 more times, but we don’t! This also applies to other exercises!

We arrange the proportionality coefficient of exercises! This is when biceps curls do not exceed the bench press, and presses do not exceed squats.

This is, of course, in the category of pathology, but from personal experience I say that there will definitely be an enthusiast who will do as he wants, but in no way, not as it should! This program will focus on the bench press, not the standing press!

Let us roughly denote the proportion coefficient as follows:

  • Bench press – minus 50% and this will be a standing press.
  • Bench press 50kg; and the standing press is 25kg.
  • Next, biceps curls and standing presses are also 50%

That is, if the standing press is already 25kg; then the biceps curl is 12.5 kg.

I know that few people like squats, so for now let’s define it approximately.

The squat will be 10 - 15 kg more than the bench press.

If you haven’t started squatting yet, you’ll have to learn and squat anyway: because... The squat is the foundation in any iron sport, be it weightlifting, bodybuilding, or powerlifting.

And it doesn’t matter what your figure looks like at the moment. You may think that your legs are too big and that you don’t want to have any more of them; you’ll have to squat anyway! Your legs won’t be abnormal, trust your experience! If you start training, then you are doomed to have a beautiful figure!

Well, what am I?!.

Go ahead…

Next we talk about the deadlift: the same thing is true with the deadlift. You can keep the same weight as in the squat!

Well, I’ll go into more detail: the program consists of two cycles! Well, if you want, from two macro cycles. One of which will be 3-4 months long!

The uninitiated may gasp; but I warned you: you will need to work, and fall a little in love with what you will do. We will talk about taking pharmacology in the second macro cycle. In the meantime, we are working on the first one. And, let's start with the bench press and the coefficient that I have already set.

Fifty kilograms is not enough, but you are a beginner, right?..

If it’s very little, then help me set the coefficient for you myself. Just biceps curls should not be very large. Remember, your biceps will grow not from lifting them directly, but from increasing results primarily in the squat and bench press. Why isn't muscle mass growing?

Training program for deadlifts and squats

8 microcycles, 14 days each, resulting in 4 workouts per week, or 3, then the last two are combined. Three or four workouts a week is a convention, if you feel that your muscles are sore and recovery has not fully completed, then it is better to rest for 1-2 days, this is especially true when you get to heavy working approaches.


Using the system is very simple:

  • Pm, Tm – 3x5
  • Ps, Ts – 3x3
  • Pb, Tb – 3x1
  • 100, 102% – 2x1
  • M – penetration

The first number is approaches, the second is repetitions.

The above two training programs are made for strength athletes, but you can easily adapt it to bodybuilding, knowing the features of pumping up the body.

Squatting with a barbell on your shoulders in the gym

Exercises to build muscle and strength

Given the need to consistently increase strength, exercise selection becomes important. Compound or compound exercises are the best for building muscle quickly. These are multi-joint exercises such as squats, deadlifts and presses. The reason they work better than exercises that isolate the muscle is because they are better for growth. This is because you can handle a lot more weight because you're bringing a lot more muscles into play and you're working the body functionally. You will be able to create a large amount of tension that stimulates growth in the muscles. Think of it as completing a task, such as lifting a 15kg bag of dog food; multiple muscles come into play and work as one unit to get the job done. Compound exercises impact overall growth and give the biggest bang to your cans. Another important aspect, especially for natural bodybuilders, of using compound exercises is the impact on your body's natural anabolic hormone production. These types of exercises cause a slight increase in the level of anabolic hormones, thereby promoting rapid muscle growth.

Sports nutrition to increase strength

There are no specialized, magical supplements to increase strength. Except, of course, anabolic steroids (for example, Anadrol), which, if used incorrectly, can simply destroy health and the athlete will end his career.

Therefore, if you are not a professional athlete who is not threatened by the sport of the highest achievements, where people earn a lot of money and find sponsors, forget about steroids, concentrate your attention on sports nutrition, which, if used correctly, can significantly increase the strength of an athlete.

It is important to understand that the supplement itself is useless; it is necessary to use it in combination with strength exercises, then the muscles will respond to the load, increasing strength.


The most important supplement for increasing strength is creatine (a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid), which plays a huge role in energy metabolism when it comes to anaerobic training.

Accumulating mainly in the muscles, creatine accumulates energy, firing high levels of explosive power in competitions or training.

If there is a lack of creatine in the body, the athlete's strength will inevitably decline. Therefore, if you regularly work out in the gym and are looking to increase strength, creatine-containing supplements should be #1 in your sports nutrition bag.

Taking creatine monohydrate

The importance of load progression

One of the main keys to progress is progressive overload. Simply put, you must show continuous, consistent progress in your training to see results. This will mean adding weight to the bar, typically when you lift a target rep two workouts in a row. Another way is to aim for a target number of repetitions, and when that goal is met for two workouts in a row, you add weight and work your way back in the number of reps. The old saying is true: increasing strength means increasing muscle size. A stronger muscle is much larger in size. This is how your body adapts to overload. It's best that you keep a workout log—and keep track of everything! This allows you to track percentage progress and allows you to see where increases or decreases in strength occur over time.

Don't forget about nutrition

If your goal is mass, you should look at your meal plan the same way you look at your workout. This topic is an article in itself, but generally around 40 calories per kilogram of body weight is sufficient. This will be a good starting point for muscle gain and the point is that this number can be adjusted if you gain fat or if you don't gain any at all. Protein is sufficient at 2 to 3 grams per kilogram of body weight and yes, you are right that timing is important. Take your protein every 2-3 hours. Carbohydrates have been seen as the enemy for some time and to lose fat you need to control your carb intake. However, you need them to grow. However, even in the growing stage, it is a sugar that you need to be careful with. Limit sugar in the morning, after waking up and after warming up, and focus on sources of complex carbohydrates at all other times of the day. Carbohydrates make up the majority of your calories, and you should start with 4 grams per kilogram of weight. This is also an adjustable number that should be based on how you feel. Try using the Glycemic Index, a recognized system for rating carbohydrate digestion, to help target carbohydrates that digest more slowly, avoiding excess insulin.

The balance of calories will then come from healthy fats, but try to have a maximum of 20% fat in total calories. If you end up with a calorie surplus, adding more protein is a difficult task. When it comes to supplements, protein powder can help you reach your daily protein goal; Supplements such as creatine are needed for bulking purposes and are a good addition to your program. Also try a good multivitamin and fish oil. The point is, if you work out late in the day, the last thing you need is a ton of pre-workout stimulus. It must primarily consist of amino acids. Working out itself is a catabolic process, so drinking them mid-workout can help slow down the breakdown. So now you have a great workout program to get started with, some ideas for nutrition and supplements.


Welcome to IronSet, a blog about sports and healthy trends. Andrey is a writer and sports consultant who contributes to our blog.

Is it necessary to develop strength to gain mass?

Guy doing push-upsThis question also haunts many athletes.
It is known that bodybuilders rarely use maximum weights, since it is believed that the timing of the load on the muscles is more important for gaining mass. Heavy weights and low repetitions are used by powerlifters to increase strength parameters. Above, you could already get acquainted with recommendations for organizing strength training without gaining weight. However, increasing strength is associated with gaining mass and vice versa. This topic is quite interesting and extensive and perhaps a separate article will be devoted to it in the future. For now, let’s say that to answer the question you need to know about the process of hypertrophy. As is known, it can be of two types - myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic.

For bodybuilders, the second type of hypertrophy is of greatest interest. But thanks to the increase in the number of myofibrils, strength indicators increase. Note that this can be achieved by thickening the muscle cells. If you constantly work to increase the number of myofibrils, you are laying the foundation for future muscle growth.

5 principles of strength training are revealed in the following video:

Basic and auxiliary exercises for training without weight gain

Schematic representation of the deadlift, squat and pressStrength training without increasing mass requires the presence of basic (target) as well as auxiliary movements.
Experienced coaches conduct specific testing to determine the one to three most effective core movements for each athlete. Most often they are deadlifts, squats and presses. All other exercises performed by the athlete are auxiliary. When performing them, lower intensity is used, but the number of repetitions is often increased while the duration of pauses between sets is reduced. This diversifies the training process, which ultimately has a positive effect on the athlete’s progress.

Most often, the same mistake is made in classes - using excessive intensity when performing auxiliary movements. If you want to increase your strength parameters, then for this it is absolutely not necessary to test the “strength” of your body. When performing basic exercises, the working weight should be increased maximum once every 14 days.

It is generally accepted that the load should only be increased if you are able to perform one or two additional repetitions in the intensity zone being used in two sessions in a row. In turn, auxiliary movements must be performed in strict accordance with the established scheme.

For convenience, let's look at the differences between trainings using a table.

Index Weight gain Increased strength
Exercises Basic + isolated Basic
Number of approaches and repetitions From 6 to 12 From 12 to 15
Rest between sets Short 1 to 3 min Long lasting from 3 to 5 minutes
Lesson duration 1 hour 2—2.5 hour
Number of classes per week 1—3 3—4
Nutrition Carbohydrates, proteins Squirrels

Warm-up approaches in the system 5 3 1

Exercising too much can have a side effect.
Multiple warm-up sets with very light weights over 10-12 reps are very good for improving circulation. But they are practically useless and counterproductive. Increasing approaches are much better. This is pretty much the main purpose of doing the first two sets of the 5 3 1 program. You do these two sets before a final heavy set that pushes the muscles to failure. Despite this, Wendler himself recommends performing standard warm-up approaches (sets). They are done with a small number of repetitions. Just something to get the blood flowing. Here are the recommended warm-up sets:

  • Warm-up set No. 1. 40% 1RM x 5.
  • Warm-up set No. 2. 50% 1RM x 5.
  • Warm-up set No. 3. 60% 1RM x 5.

It is recommended to rest 1-2 minutes between sets. In the 5 3 1 program, all warm-up approaches are entirely at your discretion.

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