5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight By Running

How much weight can you lose by running?

Researchers say that in order to lose 0.5 kg in a week, you need to burn 500 calories every day, combining different types of exercise and adhering to a certain diet.

Studies have shown that a woman weighing 68 kilograms burns 495 calories during a 45-minute run if her running speed is 9.7 km/hour.

By running every day for 45 minutes at this speed, you can lose 0.5 kg in a week with a body weight of 68 kg.

These figures are given as an example. There are tables that can be used to calculate weight loss for each specific case.

It is important to know! The type of load must be taken into account. Muscles quickly adapt to monotonous loads and burn fewer calories, so long, monotonous running is not an effective means of losing weight.

To avoid addiction, it is necessary to diversify your running - include short and long distances, change speed, train in different places and on different surfaces, run up and down slopes.

In this mode, the muscles will work more intensely and more calories will be burned. Weight will come off along with calories.


Men are delighted by the sight of large female breasts. At the same time, they are perplexed when they hear that for a woman herself, a really large size is not so much a bonus from nature, but a problem. In particular, it is quite difficult for owners of a large bust to choose a sport that they could take up.

In fashion magazines, large breasts look quite attractive: a lush high bust, beautiful nipples. However, this is what a breast with an implant usually looks like (or a heavily photoshopped real one). Naturally large breasts are teardrop shaped and weighted at the bottom.

The mammary glands do not have a powerful muscular-ligamentous apparatus for fixing them to the chest. They consist of 90% fatty tissue. Due to this, the mammary glands have greater elasticity and mobility. Among this fiber are lobules of the mammary glands, ending in the nipple with milk ducts. The function of fixation to the chest, and specifically to the pectoral muscles lying under the mammary glands, is performed by the skin covering it and Cooper's ligaments, which attach adipose tissue to the skin. Thus, the attachment of the mammary glands to the chest is naturally quite weak.

It is very difficult for women with large breasts to maintain beautiful posture all the time, as it is simply difficult. At the same time, their back begins to ache between their shoulder blades: the weight of their chest makes itself felt.

You can play sports, but working out in a gym or fitness group with large breasts is incredibly difficult. By the way, when doing fitness, the pectoralis major muscle is pumped up - one of the most famous ways to non-surgically enlarge small breasts. Large breasts can become even larger.

During physical activity, the human body is exposed to various physical and mechanical influences. Sports activities cause constant stress on the mammary glands. In this case, the amplitude of movement of the glands can reach large sizes - up to 21 cm up or down, as well as in the lateral direction. Under these conditions, the skin of the breast and Cooper's ligaments are easily stretched and weakened, which is accompanied by excessive sagging of the chest. This process is irreversible.

In addition to the aesthetic problems that arise, mechanical stress on the chest during sports is accompanied by internal microtraumas of the mammary gland and its structures - blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings. Research has shown that the chest can move in three directions, and not just jump up and down, as it seems. If a woman walks on a treadmill, then her breasts move from side to side, and from herself to herself.

Still, there are several ways to be an active plus-size woman. It is necessary and possible to play sports with a large size. There are several options:

1. First of all, a special sports bra can help with this. Many large companies produce them. They prevent large chest vibrations during bouncing.

2. Wear a top with a bra that fits snugly. Often, wearing just a sports bra won't be a good option for high-intensity workouts like running or jumping rope.

3. If your large breasts cause back pain, choose cardio exercise. Such as hiking, cycling, swimming or brisk walking. This will require fewer jumping movements, which cause particular discomfort.

4. Work the muscles of the abdomen and center of the torso. If you have excess weight in your upper torso, you will need a strong back.

5. Try yoga and Pilates, improve your posture. The movements of these types of fitness are aimed at stretching and proper breathing - that is, they will have a beneficial effect on the chest.

6. If you are embarrassed by the male gaze around you in the fitness room, exercise outside in the company of friends or, on the contrary, choose secluded routes for running.

7. Don't forget about proper breathing and drinking during training. Under increased stress, everyone tends to sweat - and no amount of underwear can save you from unpleasant greasy sensations.

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How much should you run to lose weight?

Depending on what goals you are pursuing, the training time required varies. Some people only need to get rid of a couple of extra kilograms, others are thinking about more global changes, the numbers are determined more significantly - 20 kilograms, for example.

Have you already decided how much you want to lose, but don't know how long it will take you?

Well, there is a special sign that helps answer this question:

- if you want to lose a kilogram, then only 19 hours of jogging will be enough for you;

— if your goal is 5 kilograms, then to achieve this you will have to run for 93 hours;

- if you want to lose 10 kilograms, be prepared for the fact that you will have to run at least 180 hours a week;

- if you need to get rid of 20 kilograms of excess weight, then the number of hours per week will increase to 350.

Of course, excessive exercise is unacceptable, no matter how much excess weight you need to lose.

Don’t get carried away or overdo it: always distribute the specified running load evenly, preferably doing no more than three hours a day.

If there is a need, you can give up the weekend and study for the whole week, but be attentive to your condition and health.

How many km to run per day

Greetings to all!!!

Let's think about this question together - how far should you run per day? And we will not just think about it, but also close this issue once and for all.

The fact is that many people make a common mistake. Namely, they confuse intensity with volume.

A newbie goes out for a run, starts running very intensely, the body gets very stressed and after 2 weeks this newbie gives up on running and stays at home.

Or you need to train for a race, but you're not sure how long to run to really make a difference.

Let's look at this issue in more detail!


The most important thing in running is endurance. If you don't have enough endurance, you won't be able to train effectively in the future. . When you work on endurance, you improve your overall physical fitness

When you work on endurance, you improve your overall physical fitness.

For example, boxers. They don't run for nothing, and not just to lose weight.


First of all, they run for general endurance of the body. This is the foundation. This is the basis for almost any sport.

Even printers (short-distance runners) necessarily develop their endurance at the beginning of the season, because they will not withstand further loads and will not be able to give their all in training.

To develop endurance, you need to run as far as possible and as slowly as possible. In fact, you need to start with a regular jog, and jog for 40 minutes, this will be approximately 6-7 km per day.

If you feel you can do more, then run more, but not faster.

This does not mean that you need to squeeze all the juice out of yourself tomorrow to run 10 km. Look at your condition. Listen to music less, feel yourself more, listen to your body. After your run you should feel great, not groggy.

You can start developing endurance with 1.5 km of easy running, followed by a mandatory increase in mileage. This is what increases the volume of training.

You need to increase the distance no faster than 10% per week. If you run 3 km this week, then run 3 km next week. 300 meters. In another week 3,600, etc.


But remember that everything depends on your condition. If you can run more, if you feel high, run more. If the distance is difficult for you, then perhaps you need to slow down or reduce the distance a little. Nothing wrong with that.

And another important point. While pumping up your stamina, pay close attention to your breathing. It should be free, you shouldn't be suffocating.


Leg strength is often needed for various purposes. It's power. For football, long jump, high jump. For sprinting, for shaping the legs, for burning fat but preserving muscle, etc.

Strength is developed most often in the gym, work is done with weights, squats, half-squats, lunges...

But strength also develops in running. If you do not have the opportunity to run uphill or up stairs, then in this case it is advisable to increase the speed while maintaining the volume of training.

For example, you can easily run 5 km at an easy jog. To develop leg strength, in this case you need to keep the distance of 5 km, but increase the pace. Run faster and your breathing should become SLIGHTLY difficult but rapid.

For leg strength (and not just legs, by the way), run your usual distance, but slightly increasing the pace. At the end of the workout you should have good fatigue in your legs.

Be sure to stretch your muscles after training so that the blood flows faster and you recover better and faster.

Speed ​​(speed)

But for running speed everything should happen differently.

And to develop speed, you must FIRST develop endurance, then strength, which with proper training you translate into running speed.

With speed training, we do the opposite. We reduce the volume but increase the intensity in all components of the workout.

That is. We run short distances, but very quickly. We translate the strength of the legs into their speed.

To develop speed, it is unacceptable to run long distances!


The usual, simplest program for developing running speed is as follows:

1. 10 minutes easy jogging.

2. Warm up all muscles.

3. Special running exercises.

4. Acceleration.

5. Cool down.

Accelerations are performed at 20-400 meters. But no more than that. With mandatory subsequent restoration.

To develop running speed, forget about kilometers. Your work is only with tens and hundreds of meters.

Breathing at this time will be very difficult and frequent.

Let's summarize.

Now you should know how many kilometers you should run. in a day. In this matter, it is better not to “look for a rake” yourself, but to consult with a trainer.

How to run for a girl with big breasts

Ecology of life: In particular, it is quite difficult for those with a large bust to choose a sport that they could take up.

Men are delighted by the sight of large female breasts. At the same time, they are perplexed when they hear that for a woman herself, a really large size is not so much a bonus from nature, but a problem. In particular, it is quite difficult for owners of a large bust to choose a sport that they could take up.

How to run for a girl with big breasts

In fashion magazines, large breasts look quite attractive: a lush high bust, beautiful nipples. However, this is what a breast with an implant usually looks like (or a heavily photoshopped real one). Naturally large breasts are teardrop shaped and weighted at the bottom.

The mammary glands do not have a powerful muscular-ligamentous apparatus for fixing them to the chest. They consist of 90% fatty tissue. Due to this, the mammary glands have greater elasticity and mobility. Among this fiber are lobules of the mammary glands, ending in the nipple with milk ducts. The function of fixation to the chest, and specifically to the pectoral muscles lying under the mammary glands, is performed by the skin covering it and Cooper's ligaments, which attach adipose tissue to the skin. Thus, the attachment of the mammary glands to the chest is naturally quite weak.

It is very difficult for women with large breasts to maintain beautiful posture all the time, as it is simply difficult. At the same time, their back begins to ache between their shoulder blades: the weight of their chest makes itself felt.

You can play sports, but working out in a gym or fitness group with large breasts is incredibly difficult. By the way, when doing fitness, the pectoralis major muscle is pumped up - one of the most famous ways to non-surgically enlarge small breasts. Large breasts can become even larger.

During physical activity, the human body is exposed to various physical and mechanical influences. Sports activities cause constant stress on the mammary glands. In this case, the amplitude of movement of the glands can reach large sizes - up to 21 cm up or down, as well as in the lateral direction. Under these conditions, the skin of the breast and Cooper's ligaments are easily stretched and weakened, which is accompanied by excessive sagging of the chest. This process is irreversible.

In addition to the aesthetic problems that arise, mechanical stress on the chest during sports is accompanied by internal microtraumas of the mammary gland and its structures - blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings. Research has shown that the chest can move in three directions, and not just jump up and down, as it seems. If a woman walks on a treadmill, then her breasts move from side to side, and from herself to herself.

Still, there are several ways to be an active plus-size woman.

It is necessary and possible to play sports with a large size.

There are several options:

1. First of all, a special sports bra can help with this. Many large companies produce them. They prevent large chest vibrations during bouncing.

2. Wear a top with a bra that fits snugly. Often, wearing just a sports bra won't be a good option for high-intensity workouts like running or jumping rope.

3. If your large breasts cause back pain, choose cardio exercise. Such as hiking, cycling, swimming or brisk walking. This will require fewer jumping movements, which cause particular discomfort.

4. Work the muscles of the abdomen and center of the torso. If you have excess weight in your upper torso, you will need a strong back.

5. Try yoga and Pilates, improve your posture. The movements of these types of fitness are aimed at stretching and proper breathing - that is, they will have a beneficial effect on the chest.

6. If you are embarrassed by the male gaze around you in the fitness room, exercise outside in the company of friends or, on the contrary, choose secluded routes for running.

7. Don't forget about proper breathing and drinking during training. Under increased stress, everyone tends to sweat - and no amount of underwear can save you from unpleasant greasy sensations.


PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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How to start running

The very first lesson should be introductory. On this day, you should not bother yourself with early rise and heavy workload. Jogging should be done in a relaxed manner. This event should be planned on a weekend so as not to study in a hurry. All a novice runner needs to do is get out of bed, put on comfortable clothes, choose comfortable shoes, run no more than a couple of kilometers, return home and take a relaxing shower.

During the first run, a person sets himself the desired morale. After it, it will become clear how long the training takes, so it will not be difficult to plan your subsequent morning runs so as not to be late.

You should not go to training on an empty stomach or with a tightly filled stomach. Light hunger can be satisfied with fruit or a glass of low-fat kefir. It is best to leave a hearty meal for later, as otherwise the training will turn into self-torture. Running with a full stomach at any time of the day is harmful to your health, so it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight this way.”>

The benefits of running

Many books have been written about the benefits for psycho-emotional and physical well-being. The authors repeatedly mention that correctly structured classes will provide many positive effects. Among the main advantages of morning running:

  • increasing and maintaining tone;
  • comprehensive training of all muscle groups;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalization of the functioning of the respiratory system.

Morning jogging in the fresh air helps clear the mind and eliminate stress. In addition, like any physical exercise, running normalizes metabolic processes and eliminates insomnia. Thanks to regular trainings in compliance with the rules, the world is filled with bright colors, a person develops enthusiasm for life, which makes him go to new achievements.

Jogging with a pleasant company will provide not only improved health, but also moral satisfaction. To evaluate the result obtained, it is recommended to take a couple of photos before the very first lesson, and then compare them with photos taken after 2-3 months of regular training. Thanks to this, morning running will become an integral part of life, and you will no longer want to start each day without it.

How fast should you run?

Running speed directly depends on your physical fitness. If until now you haven’t bothered yourself much with physical exercise or even exercise, then you should start by walking at a brisk pace. Even if this is not running, calories will still be burned, since even an accelerated step will put a significant load on your body, blood circulation will accelerate, organs will work in an enhanced mode and fat accumulation will begin to disappear slowly but surely.

When running, you should pay special attention to breathing. If after the first 10 minutes of running movements you start to feel out of breath, you are unlikely to be able to make it through half an hour without falling lifeless at the finish line

In addition, weak air flow due to shortness of breath will cause a lack of oxygen supply to the internal organs. This will especially affect the functioning of the liver, since it consumes the most oxygen during physical activity. The technique of proper breathing consists of correctly alternating inhalation and exhalation every two steps.

You need to speed up your running gradually. You walk at a brisk pace for a month, then switch to jogging. Over time, you will be able to switch to moderate running. Such gradual increases in physical activity will help your body adapt to the new regime without possible negative consequences.

Daily jogging should also be done correctly. When you start jogging, walk a little, then, accelerating, go to a moderate jog. In the middle of the run, you can accelerate as much as possible for about 10 minutes, and then switch back to moderate jogging. You need to finish your run with a walking step.

For running, use park areas where there are many trees, which means the air is cleaner and rich in oxygen. Running in a straight line is a rather boring activity and you will quickly get bored. Therefore, try to choose paths with sharp turns or obstacles.

Alternate slow running with interval training

Thirdly, running at a “fat” pace should be alternated with interval training. This will prevent the body from getting used to the monotonous load, and will also develop muscles, which will lead to greater calorie consumption.

It is worth keeping in mind that during high-intensity training, it is not fats that are used, but glycogen, which is found in the muscles and liver. If you do not replenish its reserves after training (close the “carbohydrate window”), then glycogen will continue to be consumed for several hours, which will negatively affect recovery. Therefore, after such a workout, it is advisable to eat something light and carbohydrate-containing, for example, a green apple. However, there is no need to get carried away - since energy is expended and after such a workout, the fat burning process starts, and it is advisable to make the main meal mainly protein.

How to lose weight on a treadmill

An alternative for those who, for a number of reasons, do not want or cannot run in the fresh air can be a treadmill. This cardio machine is now in the arsenal of most sports clubs, but many runners also buy it for home, wanting to be able to jog without leaving their apartment, for example, while watching their favorite TV series.

Regular exercise on a treadmill at least three times a week, a sufficient amount of time spent (at least 40 minutes of continuous running per workout), as well as a properly structured diet can give quick and visible results: without leaving home you can gain strength in your legs , lose weight and significantly improve your own well-being.

A treadmill is the best way to stay fit for housewives and people who prefer working out in the gym. Its convenient device makes it easy to understand how long to run on the treadmill to lose weight, thanks to a screen that shows your mileage and calories burned.

By devoting half an hour to the track every day, you can achieve excellent results after just a couple of weeks of training.

It is important to measure your pulse and make sure that it is not too high, your heart beats evenly, and your breathing is free.

Trainers recommend gradually reducing the pace 5-10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

If you are in good physical shape and the program for beginners seems easy, then feel free to increase the distance and number of workouts. For example, to lose weight or maintain weight at the desired level, you need to run at least 3-4 times a week for 4-6 kilometers.

Running training program for an average level of physical fitness:

  • Warm-up may include a small set of exercises to warm up the ligaments and joints, plus jogging for 10-15 minutes.
  • Run at your usual pace – 1.5-2 kilometers.
  • Accelerated intervals - 2 km (100-200 m sprint plus 300-500 m normal pace).
  • Run at a calm pace with a gradual slowdown - 1.5-2 kilometers.
  • Stretching the main muscle groups.

The program is designed for good physical fitness. The duration of the distance is 5-6 kilometers.

This training option is suitable for any time of day. Depending on your normal pace, the duration of one lesson can range from 20 to 30 minutes.

If you do not have the opportunity to exercise at a stadium or in a park, then weight loss workouts can be done on a treadmill in a fitness club. Such runs can be an excellent addition to a set of exercises on machines or group fitness classes.

Example of a treadmill workout:

  • warm-up – walking at a fast pace for 10-15 minutes;
  • jogging – 1 kilometer;
  • sprint – 400 meters;
  • running at your usual pace – 1-1.5 km;
  • sprint – 350 m;
  • regular running – 2 km;
  • sprint – 250 m;
  • jogging at a slow speed – 1 km;
  • relaxation and stretching exercises.

The length of the distance is 6 kilometers. This treadmill workout is for an average fitness level. Based on your current fitness level, increase or decrease the number of high- or low-intensity periods. Listen to your feelings before and after training to choose the most effective training regimen for you.

How to exercise if you are overweight

A lot of excess weight is a big burden. On the heart, joints, and not only the knees, about the possible problems with which doctors so persistently remind fat people, but also the hip, ankle, lumbar spine , veins - overweight people often develop varicose veins .

“Large excess weight is generally accompanied by many diseases,” says Yanina Sabirova , master of sports in bodybuilding, personal trainer at the Janinn Fitness fitness club.

— Hypertension, diabetes, arthrosis... This bunch of problems can affect middle-aged men and women, and even young ones. And all this must be taken into account when thinking through a training program.

Ideally after consultation with a therapist and/or a fitness club doctor.”

How much excess weight is it in kilograms?

We often evaluate ourselves not quite sensibly. For some, 65 kg with a height of 165 cm and a small tummy means “I’m terribly fat.” For some, 80 kg with the same height is “pure nonsense.”

“There are a lot of formulas for calculating ideal weight,” recalls Yanina Sabirova. “However, all of them are not entirely accurate. Let’s say, the well-known formula “height in centimeters minus 100” is good for a woman up to 165 cm tall. But taller ladies should modify it and subtract 110, not 100.

When calculating the body mass index - another good guideline - you need to remember that a BMI higher than normal can also be due to large muscle mass. And, believe me, it happens to people who are not involved in fitness, and due to heavy, dense bones.


It is best to determine your body composition, for example, from a nutritionist or a fitness club doctor. If more than 30% of your weight comes from fat (BMI - 30 or more) - you are very overweight, and you need to build your workouts in accordance with this."

Physical activity must be combined with diet, experts remind. More precisely, not with a diet, but with proper nutrition . Simply by eliminating sweets, buns, fatty, fried foods from the diet and increasing energy consumption by just 100 kcal, a person with significant excess weight can lose 1-2 kg in a month.

Large excess weight: what to consider when planning your workouts?

* Avoid any shock loads. Regular and step aerobics, dancing (any sudden movements, maneuvers, turns are also dangerous for a person with significant excess weight), any jumping training, running.

“When it comes to cardio equipment, I recommend choosing an elliptical or a bicycle,” says Yanina Sabirova. — A track, even with an anti-shock coating, still does not eliminate the load on the joints.

And in a person with significant excess weight, it can be great, not only when running, but even when walking.”

* Exercise no more than three times a week. Firstly, the effect of training accumulates on rest days, during recovery.

And secondly, a beginner in fitness - and a person with a lot of excess weight presumably is one - does not need more. Designate a couple of sessions for strength training and one for cardio. Or vice versa - as desired.

At the initial stage, it is important for you not to push yourself, but to develop a habit of physical activity - it is formed in 21 days, to love it.

* Start with a little time, pace, weight. In order, again, not to push yourself right away, first, take only 30 minutes for a cardio session, including warm-up and cool-down, and do it at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Every week, if you wish, you can add 5-7 minutes to your workout and bring its total time to 45 minutes (plus warm-up and cool-down). “For a strength lesson, do 8-10 exercises, no more,” says Yanina Sabirova.

“Perform them at a slow pace - this way you will master the technique better, and you will feel the muscles, and, by the way, you will pump them better: when we do the exercise quickly, part of the movement often occurs by inertia.”

On the subject: Is it possible to drink coffee before running?

Choose a light weight, such that you can do 12-15 repetitions with it without breaking technique and the last two with obvious effort. If they are very easy for you, you can increase the weight of the burden.

* Choose the right exercises. Not everything that is recommended for a slim person will be suitable for a fitness enthusiast who is overweight. A lot of excess weight also means bulk. Someone, say, will not be able to cope with twisting due to a protruding belly.

“In this case, instead of doing the exercise with the wrong technique or insufficient amplitude, it must be replaced,” says Yanina Sabirova.

— For example, do a pendulum on your abs: lying on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees and lower your knees to the right and left. You can simply bend your knees, pulling them towards you.

Or, lying on your back and without lifting your feet from the floor, just slightly raise your upper body and stretch your right hand to your right heel, then your left hand to your left.”

* Perform at least some of the strength exercises while sitting or lying down. This will reduce the stress on your leg joints. For example, when working the thigh muscles, you should definitely prefer the leg press on a machine with a light weight to squats and lunges - this will also improve venous outflow.

Many arm exercises can be done while sitting on a chair with a low back. With a high one, you simply cannot do some movements, but the one that reaches approximately the middle of the back will not limit you in any way and at the same time will support the lower back.


In people with significant excess weight, it is subject to a serious load, and the stabilizer muscles are often weak.

* Don't forget about warm-up and cool-down. " LIVE!" talks about this constantly. And this is very important even for physically strong, slender athletes. But especially for a person who is overweight. Warming up prepares not only the muscles, but also the blood vessels and cardiovascular system for stress. A cool-down helps normalize the pulse and blood flow in the extremities.

* Include exercises for large muscle groups in your strength training. Muscles of the back, chest, lower body (legs and buttocks). “In one strength training session you should work them all out,” says Yanina Sabirova. - The more muscles you turn on at once, the more calories you burn.

Therefore, don’t let exercises on isolated muscles interest you for now. You also don’t have to do separate exercises for your arms. They will still be involved in movements that work the chest and back.

Select 2-3 exercises for the indicated muscle groups and, after doing two approaches, complete the lesson with 2 abdominal exercises.”

* Avoid static loads. “They increase blood pressure,” explains Yanina Sabirova. - And, as we have already said, obese people have a tendency to hypertension.

It is for this reason that a person who is overweight needs to practice yoga with caution.

And ideally, choose special classes for overweight people, during which the instructor takes into account physiological characteristics and possible health problems.”

* Exercise in comfortable clothes. By deliberately dressing warmer, you will, of course, sweat more. But you can easily regain the lost fluid with the first glass of water you drink.

At the same time, training in tight and hot clothes can be so uncomfortable that you simply interrupt the activity. Exercise in shoes, even at home. With a lot of excess weight, we often have weak ligaments, including in the ankle joint.

Without good support, your feet are easy to injure.

* Monitor your health. A person who is overweight generally has a hard time withstanding physical activity. Remember this and try not to interrupt your training without reason.

However, you don’t ignore the alarming symptoms.

Shortness of breath, profuse cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, a whitened nasolabial triangle or, on the contrary, a purple face - all this is a signal to stand up, do a cool-down and not return to fitness that day.

Do you want to do fitness at home online?

In our fitness video library you will find classes in various areas of fitness.

Source: https://www.jv.ru/news/zaniatiia/30926-kak-zanimatsya-fitnesom-pri-bolshom-lishnem-vese.html

Is it possible to lose weight by running?

In many active sports, running is one of the most important exercises, because during running a person uses various muscles of the body, not only the muscles of the legs.

In addition, this process is considered an excellent anaerobic workout, increasing the level of endurance and training the air-pulmonary system. It also normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, and also gives a boost to your circulatory system and heart.

It would seem that the listed advantages are already enough to start running.

However, if we are not talking about health benefits in principle, but specifically about the need to lose extra pounds, then it is important to remember one very important detail. Which one?. Running, of course, will help you get rid of excess weight, but if you don’t stop eating unhealthy foods, all your efforts will be in vain

Running, of course, will help you get rid of excess weight, but if you do not stop eating unhealthy foods, all your efforts will be in vain.

Believe me, only if you follow the principles of a balanced, balanced diet will running work bring results. Otherwise, all the calories you burn will come back when you eat junk food.

Do strength exercises reduce the size of a woman's breasts?

Some girls believe that sports and a diet for weight loss primarily break down fat in the chest area, reducing feminine charms. These fears are completely unfounded, since during weight loss, fat deposits are reduced evenly throughout the body, and not in specific places. To lose a few centimeters in breast volume, you will have to lose noticeable weight overall.

It’s not for nothing that professional athletes resort to surgery to enlarge their breasts. The fact is that the normal level of fat content in the female body is 18-20 percent, while in bodybuilders it does not exceed 8-10. As already mentioned, the female bust partly consists of adipose tissue. If it were not for silicone implants, fitness models would have practically no breasts.

How much should you run per day to lose weight?

How much do you need to run to lose weight - will half an hour be enough, or do you need an hour, and what is the recommended regularity of these physical activities.

As for running, in order to start losing weight effectively, you need to run continuously for at least half an hour. If this rule is followed, then in about 2 weeks you can become slimmer and fitter - this is how much you need to run to lose approximately 5 kg.

If you exercise for less than half an hour, you can also notice a small minus on the scale if you weigh yourself immediately after a run. But this will not be evidence of a decrease in adipose tissue, but of fluid loss (and the more fluid will be lost, the more intense the jogging was).

The intensity of running may vary.

The most important!

For beginners, brisk walking or jogging is fine. They will also help burn calories. To ensure that jogging does not cause discomfort, and that the loads are not too small and difficult to implement, learn to breathe correctly. When you run, you need to breathe exclusively through your nose. 2 steps inhale, 2 steps exhale - this is the recommended breathing frequency.

It is better to start running gradually. Walk calmly for a couple of minutes, then pick up the pace, start jogging and then speed up if necessary.

For beginners, your heart rate should be no more than 60-70 of the maximum for your age. For a 30-year-old woman, the maximum heart rate is 190 (formula: 220 - age in years).


Before running, you should do a simple warm-up for your body muscles. This can be swinging your arms, legs, bending - the main thing is to work out all the limbs. 5-10 minutes of warm-up will be enough.

And one more useful tip - buy quality shoes. The first rule is to have shock absorbers in your sneakers. The second rule is a clearly fixed heel.

The third rule is high-quality material (cotton or genuine leather).

How much weight can you lose by running?

To lose 2-3 kg, you need to run for a total of about 30 hours. That is, if you jog for an hour a day, it will take you a month. With more intense training (2-3 hours a day), you can lose this weight in 10-15 days.

To lose 5 kg, you will have to run for 90 hours, that is, depending on the duration of training, from 1 to 3 months. The most successful training scheme with running for weight loss is:

  • Day 1 – warm up at a calm pace for about 10 minutes until fully warmed up, sprints. 50-200 m, 6-10 segments, rest - jogging or walking, for beginners, usually until breathing is completely restored;
  • Day 2 – tempo run. You time yourself, for starters – 30 minutes, and try to run as many kilometers as possible during this time. You can run at a comfortable pace, alternating it with a slightly faster one. The goal is to run more kilometers than last week.
  • Day 3 – warm up at a calm pace, then alternate 3 minutes of running with any high-intensity cardio exercises. For example, you can run for 3 minutes and then jump out of squats for 1-2 minutes, or do push-ups. The idea is that the exercise should be more intense than your running. The entire workout is no more than 35 minutes for beginners, and no more than an hour for “intermediate” ones.

Can fat people run? And how should you run to lose 20 kg?

Anna from Saratov in the section “Tips from fitness trainers for losing weight” asks: “Can fat people run? And how should you run to lose 20 kg?”

On topic: Muscles hurt after running

“I am 17 years old, height 172 cm and weight 82 kg (I’m losing weight from 90 kg). I want to lose 20kg. Do you think it’s possible to run with this weight? How often? And is it possible to do without a gym in the beginning? How long will it take me to lose weight if I eat 1800-2000 kcal. and exercise 3-5 times a week? Thanks in advance for your answer :*"

You can run with any weight, as long as there are no problems with your joints and heart. But at the initial stage, I recommend doing this: every day in the fresh air, walk for 30 minutes at a normal pace, then 10-15 minutes at an intense fast rhythm. Fat begins to be burned after 20-30 minutes of physical activity, and intense walking burns it better than running.


You can start with 5 minutes of intense walking and gradually increase by a minute. If walking quickly is difficult, at first just walk for at least 20-30 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time as soon as you feel that it has become easier.

In the fresh air, because saturation of tissues with oxygen accelerates metabolism and, consequently, weight loss.

If running is important, then it is better to choose jogging, starting with 10 minutes, as you write, 3-5 times a week. But running itself, especially the more intense, is more suitable for building muscle mass.

Nutrition: For your age and height, 2000 kcal per day is the norm. You need to eat within this norm, in no case less.

Physical activity will force the body to burn more calories than you consume, so the first results will appear in about a week or two.

Further, until the desired result is achieved, you should always adhere to the rule: spend more calories than you consume. But you can’t go on a diet, be sure to eat according to the norm for your age!

Losing 20 kilograms is a lot. It is believed that the most non-traumatic way for the functioning of the body is natural weight loss (preferably using the method described above with walking) by no more than 3 - 4 kg per month. So consider... Otherwise, it is fraught with malfunctions in the body’s functioning, in particular, gynecological problems.

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Source: https://dlyapohudeniya.ru/vopros_specialistu/fitness_trener/id/303/

Daily running

Daily running exercises are different for people who become involved in sports. This is due to their initial physical training. Therefore, for a professional and a beginner, the training program will be completely different.

For professionals

In a professional’s training program, running should be daily, and there are several features:

  • running exercises are carried out every eight to nine hours. At the same time, rest days are just a decrease in distance;
  • morning jogging is standard at two to three kilometers, evening training should be considered the main one, and the distance can increase to ten kilometers depending on the desire of the athlete.

For experienced athletes

An athlete who has had a long break must follow a certain training system:

  • the initial task will be to return to your previous level;
  • the weekly norm is about one hundred kilometers, and in the first days you need to run a distance that will cause fatigue;
  • when you reach your fitness, you can run with increasing distance and intensity of training;
  • if the break from running was not due to health problems, then you can return to your previous level in a week.

For newbies

A novice means a person who has stepped onto the treadmill for the first time. For this category there are a certain number of conditions:

  • The first week of classes should not contain daily training at all. The best option would be to train three to four times a week;
  • The duration of classes is thirty to forty minutes;
  • The first month should be devoted to learning the rules of running technique; in addition, you need to fully understand your physical condition, including finding out the presence of diseases that may interfere with training;
  • A beginner can reach the level of an athlete only after three months, taking into account constant training.

How many minutes and hours a day should you run to lose weight?

Gennady Sharapov

Guru (2834) 7 years ago

24 hours

Vyacheslav Krut

Sage (12973) 7 years ago

At least 30 minutes


Master (1547) 7 years ago from one hour to infinity. Slow running without stopping, but with acceleration at times

FAT begins to break down after 45 minutes of continuous aerobic exercise (running, swimming, etc.)

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Connoisseur (340) 7 years ago you need to count how many calories you consume. and look at the table on the Internet how much running takes them for your weight and running intensity and count

But in general, just cut back a little on your food intake and probably start running for 5 minutes (that’s about a kilometer), and so on as it goes.


Master (1478) 7 years ago

after intense physical exercise exercise increases appetite, so it all depends on nutrition. You can even lie on the couch and lose weight if you eat right, or you can run 10 km, eat it with buns and chocolates and everything will remain with you. Yes, and how long will you be able to run? for most it takes no more than a week. It’s better to reconsider your diet.

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Higher Intelligence (988517) 7 years ago It depends on what and how much you eat. You'll have to count calories. 500 grams of fat is approximately 3500 calories... Therefore, if your goal is to lose 0.5 kg in a week, then you need to burn up to 500 calories per day... If you are trying to lose 1 kg of excess weight in a week, in this case, you need to burn up to 1000 calories per day... Use every day. 1. 30 minutes of cycling - 360 calories = 20 minutes of body work in the gym. 2. 30 minutes of dancing at an average pace -175 calories = 30 minutes of yoga. 3. 10 minutes of stairs -84 calories = 9 minutes of squats. 4. 1 hour of sitting or standing meditation -110 calories = 20 minutes of slow paced exercise in an aerobics class. 5. 1 hour of house cleaning - 282 calories = 20 minutes of step aerobics or 30 minutes of running. 6. 30 minutes of car washing -143 calories = 15 minutes on the simulator. 7. 1 hour of vigorous walking -245 calories = 30 minutes of exercise OR 30 minutes of shopping. 8. 30 minutes walk with a load of -150 calories = 25 minutes on the treadmill. 9. 30 minutes of gardening -330 calories = 30 minutes of jumping rope. 10. 10 minutes of cooking - 80 calories = 8 minutes of swimming. 11. 10 minutes of sex - 40 calories, don’t forget about foreplay, it’s like warming up before fitness. 12. Aerobics, high intensity - 520 kcal per hour 13. Aerobics, low intensity - 400 kcal per hour 14. Strength training - 270-450 kcal per hour 15. Cycling 16 km/h -385 kcal per hour 16. Running - 1 km in 6 minutes) -750 kcal per hour

large activity table

Elena Osipova

Student (152) 7 years ago

The most important!

It's not about running. To prevent body weight from increasing, it is necessary that all energy received (from food) be expended.

But! We always overeat! Therefore, the excess, so that it does not turn into fat, must be burned with intense physical activity, for example, sports or dancing.

Running is not a very suitable means for this, since for this you need to run exhaustively (marathon running). For women, the most useful and enjoyable thing is oriental dancing: the figure, the gait, and the mood!


Master (1015) 7 years ago

you need not only to run, but also to perform the whole range of exercises: bench press, fly, squats, abs, “goose”, etc. and preferably with weights on the legs. more sense and then the gait will be cool))

Number of kilometers run per week Running

For competitive marathon runners, the relevant question is, “How many kilometers should you run per week?” Top-level runners cover 160-190 km and even more.

In the 80s, ordinary athletes were recommended to adhere to a weekly level of 100-190 km per week. At that time, they actively explained why the result would not improve after a volume of 160 km, because many were thinking about the maximum.

But no one has addressed the issue of minimum weekly mileage. Since then the situation has changed.


The famous American running specialist Daniels said in 1993 that an athlete who wants to finish a marathon in 3 hours only needs to be able to run 110 km a week.

But 10 years later, in 2003, speaking to runners aiming for a 4-hour marathon, he said: “If you can regularly run for 30 minutes without rest, regardless of pace, then you can start training for a marathon.” .

It turns out that over 30 years of mass passion for running, the required weekly mileage has noticeably decreased. An average runner no longer needs to cover 160 km, but a certain minimum remains. This was eloquently stated in 2003 in his article by D.

Martin: “I believe that without running 65 km a week for at least six months before the race, it will be impossible to achieve positive results in the marathon.”

As for the maximum, you can run more than 60-75 km per week. It all depends on your aspirations and capabilities.

Just remember: running more does not mean running faster. High weekly mileage alone will not help you increase your marathon speed, but it will provide a certain amount of stress that may well improve your performance.

How many kilometers should you run per week?

For top-level athletes, this figure is 160-180 km. How long do you want to run? Just don’t forget – your task is to protect yourself from injury. Based on the publications of three authors, we have compiled a summary table from which you can see how the number of kilometers run per week correlates with the result.

A harmonious body: how to run correctly to lose weight

A running and weight loss program should include a well-structured training regimen and a proper nutrition system. Strict diets, and especially fasting, are unacceptable! Meals should be portioned (4-5 times a day, in moderate portions) and balanced (vegetables, fruits and dairy products are required)

Particular attention should be paid to drinking water consumption. Drinking less than two liters of water a day and doing interval jogging means deliberately ruining your health.

Basic recommendations for a running “diet”:

  • Regularity of training. Losing weight sporadically is not an option. The ideal regime for losing weight is jogging every other day.
  • Year-round cycle. It is advisable to run all year round. In winter, you can exercise in indoor stadiums (for cold regions), or wear warm clothes for street jogging (if the air temperature is not lower than minus 10 degrees).
  • Adequate loads. If the purpose of jogging is to lose excess weight, then we are talking about physical therapy. Long-term training (jogging) and a sensible approach to interval runs are required.
  • The right equipment. Is the purpose of jogging to lose weight? You will have to actively sweat. Windproof tracksuits and clothing with a warming effect are suitable.
  • Drinking regime. You need to drink a lot, but not during training. An hour before a run, as well as an hour after it, water will only cause harm. It is only permissible to rinse your mouth and take a couple of sips after your breathing is completely restored!
  • Smart nutrition. The diet should be selected taking into account increased physical activity. No one wants hungry fainting during training or at work. Reduce the amount of salt and spices in all dishes. Try to eat “in portions” – i.e. 4-5 times a day, in moderate portions. It is worth spending the money to visit a nutritionist to achieve maximum results.

How to run without losing weight on your chest?

This is some kind of “law of meanness” - the first to lose weight is not the stomach or thighs, but the beautiful lush breasts. Girls do not want this part of the body to decrease in size, even though it is quite difficult to run with large breasts. Is it possible to jog but still maintain the beauty of your breasts?

What are female breasts made of?

Women's breasts are 90% fatty tissue. That is why it decreases in size so quickly if a woman has started the process of losing weight. The breast protects the mammary glands from injury and temperature changes, and is also a reserve nutritional “warehouse” when feeding a child. So that in case of a calorie deficit due to a meager diet, a woman does not leave her child without food.

The size of breast fat does not depend on the total amount of fat in the body. Thin women may have small breasts and large breast fat, while fat women may have a small amount of fat around the breast. This feature depends on genetics, and not on proper nutrition. A cruel axiom - the more breast fat, the more weight a novice runner's breasts will lose.

The ideal option is when a fragile girl inherits large breasts. In this case, it most likely will not decrease either due to diet or running - genetics will not allow it. You'll just have to work hard to maintain her beautiful shape.

But the beauty of the breasts depends not only on the fat layer.
Inside the mammary gland there are special elastic ligaments that penetrate the breasts and support them. These are Cooper's ligaments, which are responsible for the shape and tone of the breasts, which can lose elasticity under the influence of age, lack of support for the breasts (good underwear), and active physical exercise - mainly running and jumping. Rules to help runners “save their breasts”

  • Well-supportive underwear: these should be special sports bras. Don't go for a run without this underwear!
  • Focus on protein foods, which stimulate collagen production. It is needed to strengthen muscles and increase tissue elasticity. To help the synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin, you can drink protein shakes.
  • Do strength exercises. This way you won’t be able to “pump up your breasts”, but they will be toned. There are no muscles in the chest. Therefore, even if you bench press 200 kg, your chest will not increase, but your core will.
  • Strengthen the muscles around your chest with special exercises. For the beauty of the breasts, they should always be in good shape.

Exercises for beautiful breasts

Do wide push-ups —place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do push-ups from different surface levels: from the floor, table, wall. This way you use different muscle groups that support the chest.

The exercise “prayer” provides a good effect . Place your palms in front of your chest, as if praying, and press down on them with such force that the chest muscles are sufficiently tense. Count to ten and move your hands five centimeters forward, count to ten again, then forward again and count to 10 again, until you can keep your palms together. After this, shake your hands and repeat the exercise two more times. In this case, attention should be directed not to the palms, but to the chest: the chest muscles should always be as tense as possible.

The greatest load on the muscles responsible for supporting the chest will come from the bench press . Lie down on a bench or floor, holding dumbbells, hands at your chest. Tighten your chest and lift the dumbbells straight up, lower them and immediately lift them again.

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