Features of spider curls for brachialis and biceps

What is brachialis and where is it located?

How to pump up brachialis if you have no knowledge and experience? We'll talk about this in the article.

The brachialis , or as it is also called the brachialis muscle, is a muscular part of the human body that is located on the arm near the anterior humerus and is attached to the forearm.

If you suddenly do not understand what is written in the paragraph above, then we will explain in simpler words:

The brachialis muscle is the muscular part of the human body that is located under the biceps muscle.

A human muscle such as the brachialis is practically not popular in terms of pumping and can only be seen if you bend your arm and see the middle bundle of muscles between the biceps and triceps.

Let us repeat again that the brachialis muscle is very rarely pumped by athletes or bodybuilders in the same way as most beginners and advanced athletes focus their attention on pumping and building up the biceps muscle in the way that this muscle most clearly expresses the external power and strength of male or female arms.

But, any athlete or bodybuilder should not forget that if you persistently pump up the brachialis muscle, then the total mass of the arm, or rather the biceps, will become much larger and also more aesthetically pleasing.

It is also worth pointing out the fact that with the help of the brachialis muscle, the size and beauty of the hands of men or women increases significantly.

What kind of muscle is this?

The brachialis or brachialis muscle is located under the biceps, running in the area of ​​​​the front of the humerus. It is attached to the tuberosity on the ulna.

Simply put, the brachialis is a bulky muscle that, like the biceps, crosses the elbow joint and is involved in flexing the arm at the elbow joint. Thanks to the good development of the brachialis muscle, the arms in the biceps area look much fuller and more attractive. For this reason, all professional athletes perform separate exercises to develop these arm muscles.

The brachialis is a muscle that is practically invisible, especially in ordinary people. At the same time, scientists note that 60-70% of the movement when bending the arm at the elbow is taken away by this muscle, and not the biceps. This has not yet been precisely proven, but we can definitely say that when the limb is flexed at the elbow joint, the brachialis is definitely involved.

Athletes with an imbalance in the development of the biceps and brachialis may experience pain when bending the elbow while performing exercises.

How can you pump up your brachialis?

Athletes and bodybuilders in large numbers are very interested and want to know how to pump up brachialis, but these same athletes and beginner athletes still can’t figure out what kind of training for brachialis should be and what exercises should be done?

In almost any gym, people try with all their strength and capabilities to constantly lift barbells and dumbbells, but as a result they end up hammering and somehow pumping up the biceps muscle.

The procedure for gaining muscle mass for brachialis requires a special type of exercise and safe technique that will help you do the exercises more efficiently and effectively.

Standing reverse grip barbell lift

This classic reverse-grip curl exercise is similar to the familiar spider curl exercise and is one of the most beneficial and effective exercises for growing your brachialis.

To do this type of barbell lift, it is best and easiest to use a bent bar as it makes it easier to grip.

The principle of performing the exercise is the same as the popular biceps curl, in which you also need to press your elbows as close to your body as possible and try to lift the barbell up, preferably without swinging your arms, body and legs.

In this exercise with lifting a barbell, we strongly advise you not to initially pick up a large weight of the barbell in your hands, as you may injure your elbows or forearm.

Try to initially take a grip on the barbell as wide as possible, because if your hand grip is very narrow, you will thoroughly train the forearm muscle.

We recommend that you do lifting the barbell with a wide grip in the range from 7 to 13 repetitions for 4-5 approaches.

You can do the fifth approach if you have enough strength after the fourth approach.

With each new workout, try to progress the loads and increase the weight by 1 kilogram.

Try to breathe correctly, inhale as you lift and exhale as you lower the bar.

Analysis of the exercise

Brachialis training

The movement is a single-joint isolating movement, used to work out the internal bundle of the brachialis and the biceps brachii muscle, that is, the biceps. There is an opinion that the movement is intended more for the brazialis, and less for the biceps.

Working muscles can be divided into two large groups:

  • Movers - biceps and brachialis;
  • Auxiliary muscles - anterior deltoids, triceps as stabilizers, “grip muscles”, that is, palms;

The exercise is reminiscent of classic curls, but isolates the biceps to a greater extent, so it is used only for the purpose of pumping it up.

Who is it for?

Spider curls are intended for those who do not naturally have strong biceps peaks.

If an athlete values ​​aesthetics more than strength, then he should pay attention to this movement and an exercise such as the biceps curl on a Scott bench.

Spider curls are not a power movement; they only affect the strength of the biceps, and then quite indirectly. They are used in the training of armwrestling athletes, as well as those who compete in the “strict biceps curl” discipline. In the training of these groups of athletes, exercises are performed at the end of the session.

The exercise can also be performed by women; it works especially well for those whose arms are disproportionately thin. The movement usually does not make the arms huge, it simply emphasizes the biceps that are given by nature. This also helps to “tighten the skin,” especially for those who cannot achieve elastic arms by working the triceps alone.

Common mistakes

Brachialis training

  1. Excessive bending of the arms, also known as lifting the barbell “all the way”, is best done without extremes;
  2. Excessive arm extension, “elbow insertion”;
  3. Cheating with the body;
  4. Excessive fixation of the projectile at the top point leads to sprain of the elbow joint ligaments;
  5. Dangling Elbows


  • The weight of the barbell should not interfere with the exercise. If an athlete cannot start in any way, as if by cheating, he should take a smaller barbell;
  • At the same time, the exercise should not be performed in an “aerobic” mode; you need to use muscle strength, and not just inertia;
  • The movement should be done at the end of the workout, and not as the first strength exercise, so there is less risk of injury;
  • It is better to perform the exercise with a warm-up approach, this will allow you to soberly assess your strength and avoid injury due to insufficient warming up.


Grip plays a big role. A reverse or pronated grip allows you to shift the emphasis to the brachialis, while a straight or supinated grip allows you to focus on the biceps. In any case, it is recommended to hold the barbell tightly and, if necessary, use magnesium to prevent the projectile from slipping out of your hands.

Increased efficiency

Brachialis training

You can increase the contractile activity of the biceps if you do not fully extend your arms and insert your elbows, or bend your arms completely and bring your palms to your shoulders, thereby removing some of the load from the biceps.

The walking exercise technique is what you need to do with a barbell if you don’t want to take the load off the target muscle.

Hammer exercise for biceps with dumbbells

Many athletes and novice bodybuilders want to know how to pump up the brachialis using dumbbells?

We present to you one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises - the hammer.

This classic exercise called “Hammer” must be performed with dumbbells, which must be held parallel to each other.

Technique for performing the “Hammer” exercise:

  • Take dumbbells in your hands with a regular grip.
  • At the bottom point of your arms, extend the dumbbells to the very end and at the top point, try to raise your arms with dumbbells to your shoulders.
  • Be sure to lean your elbows as close to your body as possible and try to lower your shoulders, then lift both dumbbells one by one.

Try to do the Hammer exercise slowly and without rocking your body and elbows in a way that is dangerous for your muscles and joints.

Try to do hammers from 9 to 13 repetitions in 4 sets.

With each new workout, try to lift the dumbbells heavier and try to reduce your rest time after each set.

The best forearm exercises in the gym

The forearms are a fairly complex group of small muscles with several functions. The brachialis and brachioradialis muscles help flex the arm at the elbow and assist the forearm during flexion. The pronator teres muscle helps the forearm in the prone position, as well as when bending the arm at the elbow joint. The flexor muscles palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor carpi ulnaris flex the palm, while the extensor ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis brevis muscles extend the palm. And each of these muscles must be loaded to one degree or another with special exercises.

Extensor exercises

These muscles consist of eight heads: extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor index finger, extensor of the little finger, extensor pollicis longus and brevis.

These muscles extend beyond the forearm, so it is very important to develop them with the following exercises

Brachialis training

Standing Pronated Grip Dumbbell Raise

Brachialis training

To vary the work and stimulate further growth of the extensor muscles, perform one of these exercises each workout with a palms-down grip on the bar. Your forearms should rest completely on your knees. Lower the weight so that the muscles are greatly stretched. Then extend your wrists for maximum contraction. If you're using dumbbells, work with each arm in turn.

Extensor exercises

This is the largest muscle of the forearm, stretching along the entire length of its inner part. The flexors consist of six heads: flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus and flexor pollicis longus. The best exercises for the forearm flexor muscles:

Wrist curl while sitting on a bench with dumbbells, palms up

Brachialis training

To perform this movement, hold the bar as you would for a normal barbell lift. Place your forearms on your thighs and bend your wrists upward as hard as possible. Tighten your muscles and return to the starting position.

Exercises on the brachioradialis muscle

The brachioradialis muscle is located on the outside of the forearm and is a thick, rope-like muscle that can be easily seen when the arm is fully extended. It consists of only one head - the brachioradialis. Recommended exercises for the brachioradialis muscle:

Alternating dumbbell curls while standing

Brachialis training

Ultimately, you yourself will find your ideal exercises by trying all of the above. We are completely sure of one thing, they definitely work.

How to pump up the brachialis by doing spider curls?

Spider curls are a fairly well-known exercise that can be done in the gym and on the street if you have a special machine.

In order to perform spider curls, you will need a barbell and a special bench for lifting the barbell for biceps.

You need to rest your stomach on the bench and grab the barbell with a reverse grip.

In this position, lift the barbell up and down and in this way you contract your brachialis muscles and do the so-called spider curls.

Do four sets of ten to twelve times.

Before each approach, stretch your arms, as this will speed up the recovery of your muscles.

Technical instructions

To pump your arms with spider curls, you will need a piece of equipment (barbell or dumbbells) and a special bench. You can also use a regular incline or Scott bench. Set the bench at 45 degrees and lie on your stomach. Further point by point:

  1. Fix your legs, keep your head straight, and move your shoulders forward. Place your hands on the vertical side of the bench, grab the apparatus with a medium narrow grip (narrower than your shoulders);
  2. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, curl your arms until your biceps contract to maximum. Pause in this position for 1 second;
  3. Lifting the projectile must be fast and controlled;
  4. Lower your arms down slowly as you inhale. Extend your arms completely, but do not allow your biceps to relax. The lowering process should be 2-3 times longer than the lifting.

If you don’t have a bench, you can perform spider biceps curls while sitting on a chair, leaning slightly forward. Lower your arms and rest your elbows on your inner thighs. The principle of movement is identical to the technique considered.

Tips for Improving Exercise Effectiveness

The following recommendations will make performing spider curls more effective:

If you have not practiced this exercise, then you should carefully check the fixation of your arms and legs. To track the correct technique and range of movement, first do repetitions in front of a mirror.

It is important that the execution is correct, only in this way the biceps and brachialis will receive the necessary load; Control your breathing, no need to hold it. Inhale when lowering, exhale when lifting the projectile; It is important to independently, without anyone’s help or jerking, achieve peak contraction and return the projectile to its original position

It is not recommended to tighten on negative repetitions (lowering too slowly) - this impairs efficiency. The whole point of spider curls is the large amplitude of the positive phase, this is when you lift the barbell; To ensure that your biceps are always tense throughout the exercise, you should not fully extend your arms or bend them excessively, pressing them to your chest.

Technically correct execution of any exercise brings you closer to your desired goal. Failure to pay attention to these issues will reduce the effectiveness of the training. The main goal in bodybuilding is to reduce the maximum number of muscle fibers, and this can only be achieved with the right training.

Spider curls for the arms can be done in other ways: with dumbbells, a straight barbell, sitting or lying on a bench. To pump up the brachialis, you need to turn your hands and work with a reverse or hammer grip.

Brachialis training


  • https://muskulatura.info/myshcy/uprazhneniya/859-osobennosti-pauchix-sgibanij-na-biceps-i-braxialis.html
  • https://steelsports.ru/kak-bystro-nakachat-plechi/
  • https://bodybuilding-and-fitness.ru/zanyatiya-sportom-dlya-nachinayushih/kak-nakachat-brahialis.html
  • https://faktor-sporta.ru/kak-nakachat-braxialis-uvelichit-obem-bicepsa.html
  • https://bodytrain.ru/uprazhnenija/kak-delat-pauchi-sgibaniya-na-braxialis.html
  • https://BuilderBody.ru/effektivnye-uprazhneniya-dlya-plech/
  • https://polza-tebe.ru/kak-nakachat-brahialis-super-prokachka-brahialisa/
  • https://sportmake.ru/pauchi-sgibaniya.html
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