When you do your abs, your back hurts: why does this happen?

How to pump up your abs with a bad back

About squats. Any experienced trainer is able to identify a novice athlete working out in the gym at first glance and without much difficulty.

LEGS training, quadriceps and HIGH biceps training for intervertebral hernia!

Even athletes with bad backs can find themselves in these sports disciplines.

How to train with a bad back

We want to show you about all the most effective exercises for the back muscles, with a detailed description of the technique for performing them, and visual videos.

In this section you can see workouts for the back muscles, which you can easily do at home without exercise equipment.

Source: https://just-my-beauty.com/video/trenirovki-dlya-idealnogo-tela/spina/kak-nakachat-press-pri-bolnoj-spine.html

Why does your back hurt when you do your abs?

Often after pumping the press or during this process, pain occurs in the spine. Some argue that exercising these muscles is harmful to the lower back - it wears out the vertebrae.

Others are ready to make any sacrifice in order to acquire attractive “cubes”. As a result, the question arises: why does your back hurt when you do your abs?

Errors in performing training sessions are the most likely cause of this pain. Especially if you practice on your own at home, without the supervision of a trainer. Loaded vertebrae must have time to recover after loading.

The reason why your back hurts when you do your abs is due to mistakes:

  1. Untrained back muscles.
  2. Non-target loads are loaded.

When working out in the gym, you must not forget about strengthening the spinal muscles, if they are weak, painful sensations in the back, as well as stooping, are guaranteed. As a result, you can get injured before you pump anything.

During classes, it is necessary to control the load. It would be correct not to throw your body forward sharply, not to bend too much, but to raise your body gradually, while tearing your lower back off the floor last.

When you bend too much while exercising, it can cause injury. The complaint that my lower back hurts when I exercise my abs will not arise if I exercise it on an inclined bench and train my back on a “Roman chair.”

Injuries and diseases of the spine as causes of pain

Spinal diseases and injuries cause muscle swelling, resulting in back pain, which limits its activity and range of motion. If you swing without paying attention to the pain, you can aggravate the development of the disease.

It is worth stopping classes, finding out the origin of the pain, and this can:

If your lower back hurts when you pump your abs, and the pain spreads throughout your body and increases when you bend over, this may be caused by muscle strain due to a weak muscle corset or ineffective warm-up before training.

Pain in the lower back can be caused by arthrosis and displacement of the vertebrae. In such cases, you should gradually strengthen your back.

Pay attention!

You should also determine the cause of the pain by consulting a doctor, using MRI, CT, or X-ray. He will help you choose the right set of physical exercises and tell you how to pump up your abs if your back hurts.

Having a pathology such as curvature, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles by doing physical therapy with great care and limiting the amplitude of the swing.

The peculiarity of the curvature should be taken into account; sometimes it is more expedient to strengthen the back and then load the stomach, since increasing the load can cause a ruptured disc or hernia.

Set of exercises

When choosing exercises for training, you need to take into account the pain response to them. You cannot overcome pain, exercises must correspond to the state of the body at the moment. When strengthening your abs, you should not load it with power complexes.

You can start training with gentle isometric exercises for a sore back:

  1. Bends can be performed by slightly bending your knees, which will reduce the load on your back by reducing its deflection.
  2. When performing other standard complexes, you should do them without lifting your lower back from the floor.
  3. Using isometric exercises - retracting and fixing the abdominal muscles - eliminates back pain.
    By fixing abdominal tension before fatigue appears, you can also pump up well.


People often have a question: how to pump up the press with a herniated spine? A herniation is a deformation of a spinal disc. Living disc tissue requires nutrition and metabolic processes.

If this is violated, then prolonged vertical loads can cause a breakthrough of the core pulp membrane, that is, a hernia.

Inflammation occurs, accompanied by pain. Over time, the pain goes away, but limited mobility of the joint remains.

Abdominal exercises for a hernia are not contraindicated; when chosen correctly, they will help strengthen the muscle corset and reduce the load on the vertebrae.

When performing them, you should follow some rules:

  • Everything must be done very smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.
  • If discomfort appears in the affected vertebra, stop doing this exercise.
  • Avoid overloading the muscles; you can load them in doses.
  • Do not twist.

Let's look at how to pump up the press with a hernia in the lower back. First, you should pay attention to a good warm-up and preparatory phase. Classic movements will not work.

All exercises should be aimed at tightening the abdomen by targeting the oblique muscles of the back and the entire spine.

Conclusion from the above: if you have a herniated spine, you can pump up your abs, but with strengthening of various muscles.

Pain in the neck

As you know, the neck is the weak link in the entire spine. Many who spend most of their time in a sitting position, slouch when walking, planning to pump up, feel pain in the neck. Why does this happen, why does your neck hurt when you exercise these muscles?

The neck can hurt when mistakes are made. For example, some people pull their head with their hands, trying to touch their chest.

It is important!

Naturally, this results in pain in the neck. You should only hold your head with your fingers, leaving some space between the chest and head.

Answering the question why your neck hurts when you exercise your abs, you can give simple advice - you need to do a warm-up before classes:

  1. Do six head tilts.
  2. Slowly rotate your head six times.
  3. Rotate your head six times without throwing it back too much.

After each of the warm-up exercises, you should stretch your head towards the ceiling. You should not overload your body with training, especially when the pain becomes prolonged.

It is useful to give yourself self-massage, warming up your muscles, and after training, do relaxing movements.

By the way, now you can get my free e-books and courses that will help improve your health and well-being. Select the materials that interest you most:

In addition, you can also order my printed book “A Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks. 86 most important exercises" in online bookstores

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

Source: https://life4well.ru/zabolevaniya-spiny/oporno-dvigatelnyj-apparat/112089-pochemu-kogda-kachaesh-press-mozhet-bolet-spina

How to pump up your abs without back pain?

Probably only the hopelessly lazy have never thought about how to pump up their abs. Everyone else has heard a lot of advice, professional and not so professional. about how to properly pump up your abs to get rid of a boring belly.

No wonder - beautiful, toned abs instantly transform your overall appearance and the way your clothes fit on you. But what if your back hurts instead of your abs? As soon as you decided to get rid of your stomach forever, you did a few approaches on the exercise machine - you still can’t feel your abs, but your back is already falling off from the pain. Let’s say right away that it shouldn’t be like this.

Back pain indicates that something is not going according to plan, and continuing to torment your back while ignoring its “distress signals” is unforgivable negligence.

Why does my back hurt when I do abs?

There may be several reasons:

  • an error in the technique of performing abdominal exercises;
  • the back is too weak and untrained;
  • you have a back problem (chronic spinal disease, for example, osteochondrosis).

Most often, back pain occurs due to improper abdominal exercises.

What can I do?

You can try to find out the cause of back pain by elimination, i.e., accordingly:

  • check and, if necessary, adjust the technique of performing abdominal exercises;
  • add back strengthening exercises and back relaxation exercises to your workouts;
  • replace abdominal exercises with others in which the back muscles do not experience stress (hanging leg raises, squats with a straight back);
  • suspect a back problem and go to the doctor.

In approximately this order, we advise you to move forward on the path to finding out the cause of back pain when you do abs.

How to pump up your abs correctly?

So, the first thing to check to find out the cause of back pain is to make sure that you are doing your abdominal exercises correctly.

Check if you follow these simple rules:

  • the lower back is pressed to the floor - you should try not to lift your lower back throughout the entire abdominal exercise, this is very important, since it is in this position that the abdominal muscles are maximally involved in the work, and the back muscles are relaxed;
  • concentrate strongly on lifting the body with the abdominal muscles, and not through the back muscles or jerk;
  • at the moment of tension, pull your stomach in a little so that the main load falls on the abdominal muscles;
  • Be sure to spend 10-20 minutes stretching your abdominal muscles and lower back after completing your abdominal exercises. This can be bending towards the feet, pulling up and bending. Stretching relaxes the muscles and reduces the intensity of future pain.

Source: https://medic.ua/kak-kachat-press-chtobyi-ne-bolela-spina/

Harmful exercises

An example of a harmful abdominal exercise is straight leg lifting with a fixed body. Moreover, whether you raise straight legs from a lying position, or do it from a vertical position with emphasis on the lower back, this harms your spine.

Studies have shown that straight leg raises cause significant compressive stress on the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. In this case, the maximum force occurs at the moment the heel lifts off the surface of the plane.

In general, it is the rectus muscle, which we call the abs, that works in this exercise when the pelvis is twisted. Until this moment, the iliopsoas bears the main load.

Contraction of the iliopsoas muscle creates increased pressure on the vertebrae in the lumbar spine, and this can gradually create conditions for the appearance or intensification of disc herniation, protrusion, scoliosis, hypertonicity around the vertebral muscles of the lumbar spine and the muscles of the pelvic day.

Especially if such a load is carried out regularly, the accumulation of microdamages begins in healthy discs, and even more so in those previously damaged by injury or simply having degenerative changes for any reason, damage and hernias occur.

How to pump up your abdominal muscles with a bad back

If your back hurts, but diagnostics have not revealed any serious problems or diseases, your option is to do your usual abdominal exercises with a smaller amplitude. For example, a typical exercise (with raising the body from a lying position) should be performed without lifting the lower back from the floor.

That is, do the usual number of repetitions, but only lift your shoulder blades off the floor. If you do not strain your neck muscles during exercise, the risk to your back is minimal.

The same applies to exercises with raising your legs from a position on your back - do not raise your legs high, indicate the movement and that’s it, at the same time, do not lift your lower back from the horizontal surface. [box#2

What to do. if your back hurts

If you have problems with the spine, nerves, cold muscles, changes in your figure after childbirth, Pilates is your option. This program was developed for the rehabilitation of military personnel after injuries; it consists of almost static poses.

It is almost impossible to tear your back or injure it while doing Pilates. Pilates has a huge number of static abdominal exercises that are considered extremely effective. If you do Pilates two to three times a week for an hour, results will appear within a month.

Moreover, you will not only strengthen your abdominal muscles, but most likely improve the condition of your back, legs and arms.

Join a good Pilates studio and they will explain the principles of the exercises to you. Try different types of exercises - with a bodyball (a ball with a diameter of fifty to sixty centimeters) or a special tape. As a rule, in large fitness clubs there are entire classes dedicated to working on the abs.

If you are uncomfortable working out in the gym with other people, you can order two or three personal lessons to understand how to move correctly, what to pay attention to when doing exercises, and get personal recommendations. After which you can buy a disc with a set of exercises, a bodyball and practice at home.

If you have a lot of weight and a sore back, in order not to injure it even more, sign up for water aerobics. Water will support you, take the stress off your spine and knees, and abdominal exercises within this load are enough to achieve good results for several months.

Source: https://how.qip.ru/others/kak-kachat-bryushnoy-press-s-bol-noy-spinoy

Exercise therapy for the press: diagram of load construction

As you understand, in the subacute period we perform the simplest and easiest exercises, lying on our backs and with a flat pillow under our lower back.

Look at video examples of such exercises.

Do you think that in this case the press does not work?

It is due to his work that such therapeutic exercises are performed!

This is how we put the abs into work first - from the simplest exercises. An important condition is that for now we include such exercises only in the main part of the complex, alternating with other unloading exercises.

Usually 4-5 days are enough to move on to other therapeutic abdominal exercises. At this stage, we continue to do exercises in unloading positions, but not only lying on our backs, but also lying on our stomachs, standing on all fours.

How to properly complicate the load on the abs without overdoing it?

An example of abdominal exercises with increasing load: lifting both legs, bent at the knees and hip joints, first without the participation of the pelvis. Later we make it more difficult - we begin to raise the bent legs together with the pelvis.

At the same time, we engage the back muscles in the work, performing therapeutic exercises while lying on the stomach.

Here is an example of a mini-complex for the abs and back muscles at this stage.

Of course, do not forget about the warm-up and cool-down in order to properly prepare the body for work and properly relax it after completing the main complex.

Later you need to diversify the exercises, combine exercises for different corset muscle groups, using different starting positions. This way you will gradually strengthen all the core muscles.

Then the abs and strong back muscles will take on household loads and evenly distribute them among themselves, unloading the spine and keeping it healthy.

Such a scheme will be safe and at the same time effective.

All sets of exercises in the program are divided into four stages:

  1. The first stage - subacute period - all exercises only strictly lying on your back in combination with relaxation and breathing exercises
  2. The second stage – strengthening the anterior abdominal wall and “helpers” of the lumbar region – exercises for the transition period and preparation for the third stage
  3. The third stage is strengthening the muscle corset - exercises to work out all muscle groups of the corset. They are distributed so as not to create a large load on the lower back, but also gradually strengthen and restore it
  4. The fourth stage is stabilization of the spine - exercises in a standing position, bending over, balance exercises in combination with unloading exercises. Once you have strengthened and restored the balance between the large muscle groups, you can work on the small muscles that stabilize the spine.

How to pump up your abs with a bad back?

How to pump up your abs with a bad back?

  • Try doing the vacuum exercise. The technique is as follows: lie on your back and pull in your stomach, you can pull in and hold for a minute, or do pull-in and relaxation for about 10-15 repetitions of 3-4 sets.
  • What is the cause of back pain? If there is nothing serious and it is just simple osteochondrosis, then exercises for the spine, to strengthen the muscle corset and improve blood circulation will help. It is very good to perform various sets of yoga exercises. And in general, various exercises, as well as massage, are also not the least important thing. Rubbing with quot;Capsicamquot;, various massage creams, for example, quot;Negaquot;, or with ointments based on bee venom, such as quot;Apizartronquot;. Acupuncture can have a positive effect, including: And when the back pain subsides, you can pump up your abs. But if the pain is not so intense, then one will not interfere with the other. The main thing is to know the cause of the pain. If your back bothers you so seriously that you can’t do the exercises, you can consult a therapist, neurologist, or vertebrologist to clarify the tactics of treatment measures. I would recommend exercises from the yoga complex and exercises for the abdomen for different muscle groups: straight, oblique. These are various sets of abdominal exercises. Hello!
  • Actually, forget about your tummy for a while and seriously take care of your back, do a tomography and find out the cause of the pain. I did the same thing until I ended up on the operating table and it turned out to be an intervertebral hernia. Three months of treatment, and I’m a full-fledged person. So don’t let me go, you can’t joke with this, but my tummy can wait.
  • I also have a hernia, plus a cyst in my cauda equina. Of course, I do Dikul exercises, but they have almost nothing to do with the abs. And after 2 years of lying down, I have become quite sagging in all places)) I advise you to first get examined; if a hernia is detected, then it is better to do therapeutic exercises (if it’s not a big one, I have 9mm)... although there is one yoga exercise for the press that can be performed when the patient is sick back: With a straight back, bend at the pelvis, without bending at the waist, forward at an angle of 45 degrees. Pull your stomach in so that quot; to the spine and exhale. Begin to quickly and thoroughly contract your abdominal muscles; 13-15 times in each approach, 3-5 approaches. By the way, this exercise is useful for digestion and respiratory organs.

Source: https://info-4all.ru/sport/kak-nakachat-press-pri-bolnoj-spine/

Does your lower back hurt when you do your abs? Expert advice on this topic!


A toned and sculpted body makes the image of any person more attractive. But during training, various problems may arise. The most popular of them is pain. Ignoring the body's signals can lead to serious consequences in the future. You risk getting not the desired cubes, but serious problems for life.

How to pump up your abs without back pain? If there are no problems with the spine, pay attention to the technique of performing the exercises. If you have any diseases, you need to carefully monitor your condition. The best option in this situation would be to consult with a fitness instructor or your doctor.


In the absence of experience, a smooth entry into the mode is required. You shouldn't set records on the first day. Most people have problems with the spine, but not everyone knows about them. This means that by copying the style of a professional athlete, you may not get rid of excess weight, but increase the number of diseases.

Strengthening your muscles will also be helpful. Pay attention to the horizontal plank and alternately raising your arms and legs from a lying position. By spending time on your back, you greatly reduce your chances of getting injured. Thanks to this approach, you eliminate the development of complications.

Basic set of exercises

  • Hanging knee raises.
  • Horizontal bar.
  • Raising the torso, which is familiar to everyone.

It is important to monitor your condition. If you feel worse, stop and rest. Sometimes a good solution is to take a day off and allow yourself to recover.

How to avoid unpleasant sensations?

Warm-up is required. Warm muscles cope better with the load. And you get a high-quality and long-lasting effect.

Comments from experts

Andrey Voronov, Doctor of Biological Sciences:

– Losing weight in the abdominal area is a long process. Don't be tempted by the quick and easy solution to the problem using aids. For example, caffeine is known to burn fat well. But not everyone can boast of an excellent cardiovascular system, which caffeine will not harm. Some try to resort to myostimulation. The muscles will tighten, but you will not radically solve the problem, and besides, this method requires the supervision of a doctor. Still others grab at all sorts of miracle pills, but they, as a rule, are laxatives or diuretics, after taking which everything quickly returns to normal.

Anna Belousova, therapist, nutritionist:

– It’s most difficult for those who are not overweight, but have fat deposits on their stomach. Conventional diets can have an undesirable effect: your chest or face will lose weight, but your tummy will still remain. Therefore, eat in such a way as to reduce the swelling of fatty tissue and improve metabolism in it. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day, preferably green or herbal tea, mineral water, pineapple or citrus juice. Coffee – only natural. Eat fruits rich in enzymes - pineapples, citrus fruits, raspberries, blueberries, cherries. They improve metabolism in adipose tissue.

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