06/03/2016 / Fitness Any female figure is beautiful in its own way. So there is no need to change -
Since school days, each of us firmly knows that physical activity, and even
Test “Level of Physical Fitness for Flexibility” Determining the level of physical fitness is impossible without a number of tests,
Hello to strapping guys and graceful ladies! Ivan Ustinov is in touch and I welcome you
Regular yoga practice can greatly improve your flexibility and balance. The first is necessary for beauty
To achieve optimal athletic performance, as well as an ideal body, most athletes use specialized nutritional supplements.
How many grams should a serving of food be when losing weight - one of the key and most
Any figure should always be supported. This is especially true for body parts such as the hips and
Do some stretching After a hard workout, you definitely need to stretch all muscle groups. Correct stretching
Popular actors have to change their appearance from one role to another. And often art