At what heart rate is it best to lose weight? Counting and losing weight

Many people of different genders and ages struggle with the common problem of excess weight and are faced with an unpleasant situation when everyday exercise does not bring the desired effect, and the extra pounds do not want to leave them.

Only a small part thinks that in order to achieve the required goal, it is advisable to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, and in particular the number of heartbeats during the training period.

For each person, the heart rate for burning fat is calculated individually, which is why training may not bring the desired effect, since it takes place with insufficient heart beats per minute or exceeding the norm. This review will discuss the main aspects regarding the number of heart beats per minute (HR) per minute for men and women depending on different sports.

Metabolism in the body

The basis for the functioning of each organism is constant metabolism. The source of energy is organic substances in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are broken down in the body under the influence of enzymes. The speed of these processes depends, among other things, on external circumstances and can be adjusted through physical activity.

When a person exercises at moderate intensity for a short period of time, less than 30 minutes, the body primarily uses carbohydrates (onosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides) as fuel. In the digestive tract, polysaccharides (starch, glycogen; fiber and pectin are not digested in the intestine) and disaccharides, under the influence of enzymes, are broken down into monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), which are absorbed into the blood in the small intestine. A significant portion of monosaccharides enters the liver and muscles and serves as material for the formation of glycogen.

If the training time is more than 45 minutes, at low to medium intensity, the process of lipolysis begins, the metabolic process of breaking down fats into their constituent fatty acids. Lipolysis is the most important energy process in the cell, which ensures the synthesis of the largest amount of ATP (a universal source of energy for all biochemical processes occurring in living systems).

If the intensity of the workout increases, the body's need for oxygen also increases, which helps glycogen break down faster. During intense exercise, the body can quickly obtain energy only from glycogen due to the release of ATP molecules, all oxygen is reoriented to it. Glycogen reserves in the body are an order of magnitude lower than fat reserves, making it much more beneficial for the body to break down fats.

Low intensity

Loads are 65% of maximum and represent low intensity. To do this, the maximum permissible intensity is multiplied by 0.65. In our case from the example described above, this will be calculated using the following formula:

190 * 0.65 = 123 beats per minute - low training intensity for a thirty-year-old person.

This is the optimal pace of exercise at this heart rate for people starting sports. For each age these indicators will be different.

At what heart rate does fat burn?

At what heart rate does fat burning begin to occur in both women and men? Doctors and fitness trainers agree that the most effective interval is between 60% and 70% of your maximum heart rate or maximum load. Let's consider both methods in more detail below and for what types of activities each of them is more typical. For now, we will determine the pulse zones and the effect on your physical condition from being in them.

The following heart rate zones are distinguished:

The first zone is the Warm-up and Recovery . In this case, it is necessary to select light physical complexes, and the heart rate should reach about half of the maximum. Doing a warm-up will help develop the entire body as a whole and the functioning of the heart. The optimal warm-up duration is about 20 minutes.

The second zone - Fitness and Activity - is optimal for the training process. The pulse in this case should reach 60-70% of the maximum frequency (MHR). During this stage, endurance is formed and metabolism is stimulated.

The third zone is Aerobic exercise , aimed at developing the heart muscles. In this case, the pulse already reaches 70-80% of the maximum frequency. The duration of this stage is about 10 minutes. Fats and carbohydrates are burned as a result of increased metabolism and increased calorie expenditure.

The fourth zone is Anaerobic, maximum power - the athlete’s heart rate reaches 80-90% of the maximum. The stages of training in this zone are among the most difficult, muscle fatigue occurs, and breathing quickly becomes difficult. The transition to this phase is recommended for more experienced people. The duration of stay in this zone is no more than 2 minutes.

The fifth zone - Maximum , VO2 max - is intended for serious athletes.
In this zone, the heart rate reaches 90-95% of the maximum. Breathing is difficult, the body is working at its limit and glycogen reserves are actively being used up.

Heart rate zones for fat burning

At one time, I was also preoccupied with the question of where to put the extra 28 kilograms of my weight. And they did it, in spite of everything, and even without knowing the target heart rate zone for fat burning. Unfortunately, at that time I simply did not have a heart rate monitor or a fitness tracker. The devices themselves didn’t exist 11 years ago, and if they did, they cost ridiculous amounts of money.

In fact, the concept of “fat burning heart rate zone” was introduced by marketers to attract attention. Moreover, people fell for and are still falling for this big name. Simply because you want to get big results (lose 28 kilos) with little effort (find the formula for the heart rate of the “magic” fat burning zone).

6 – Heart rate zone for fat burning (Lose 5 kg) and Debunking myths [Report 3]

In order to eliminate “empty chatter” (I gained a fair amount of excess weight over the winter, I relaxed) - I set myself a goal to lose 25 kg in 4 months.

You can, of course, look for a site that will show you a magical “fat burning zone heart rate calculator.” For now, I’ll tell you where this “duck’s” legs come from. recommends Fitness Trainers:

In practice, there is also a sixth zone, the Anaerobic-Alactate zone, which is characterized by a heart rate of 95-100% of the maximum (MHR), in which professional athletes can remain during training for no more than 10-15 seconds.

Features in women

As a rule, during the natural functioning of the body, women burn very little fat, as a result of which it is advisable to engage in physical education and aerobics. The most effective workouts include a variety of cardio training, swimming, and intense interval training.

For women who really care about efficient calorie expenditure, it is recommended to purchase a heart rate monitor, which will inform you of your exact heart rate throughout the entire workout, synchronizing, for example, with a watch. If you gradually pump the heart muscle, metabolism will noticeably accelerate, resulting in a reduction in problematic fat deposits.

The most effective heart rate range for women when playing sports is 60-70% of the maximum calculated heart rate (MHR), those are the first and second pulse zones.

Features in men

Males are characterized by a large volume of muscle mass; for them it is advisable to carry out more intense loads to work out the cardiovascular system, using a slightly higher rhythm. The heart rate should vary between 60 and 75% of the maximum load according to the Karvonen formula.

Athletic men are recommended to alternate paces, which will help achieve greater fat burning results. An example of a fat-burning workout in the gym is given below.

Let's move on to the most important thing, namely the analysis of formulas.

Heart rate training zones as a % of TARP

2.1. Coggan Heart Rate Levels

Coggan Heart Rate Levels, Example for ANSP 154 . Training zones are mapped to the Borg Perceived Exertion Scale.

2.2. Friel Heart Rate Levels

How to calculate heart rate zones using Friel Heart Rate Levels, Example for PANO 154

Below you can free training zone calculator based on heart rate using the link. It calculates heart rate for different load zones. All you need to do is enter your maximum heart rate and your anaerobic threshold heart rate. As a result, you will receive all 4 tables specifically for your training profile.

How to calculate heart rate zones

Let's consider two popular methods, % of MHR and according to the Karvonen formula.

It is worth noting that both approaches show strikingly different results. % MHR gives traditionally lower values ​​and is currently the most popular in the fitness industry. For beginners, especially those involved in continuous and long-term cardio exercise, we recommend focusing on this method.

The Karvonen method is suitable for more experienced athletes and training in interval mode, including HIIT , functional or coordination-strength (for example TRX), since the fluctuation of your heart rate during training will be significantly higher and the Karvonen formula will thus show a more adequate the limit taking into account the % of the required load, and not the percentage of the maximum heart rate.

Calculation formula based on the maximum heart rate method

MHR is the greatest number of heart contractions per minute, which is achieved at the limit of the body's capabilities during intense training. This is the highest number of beats per minute your heart can make at maximum effort.

  • Generalized formula for calculating MHR: 220 - “your age.” For example, for a 30-year-old girl, the estimated MHR is 220-30 = 190.
  • Refined Roberges-Landwehr calculation formula: 205.8 - (0.685 * age)

It's up to you to decide which formula to use. For faster mental calculations, the classic method is also suitable.

  • Next, we apply the border coefficients of the desired pulse zone 0.6 and 0.7, and we get 114 = 0.6 * 190 and 133 = 0.7 * 190

According to Karvonen's formula

The Karvonen formula is often used to determine heart rate zones. The general formula for calculating threshold values ​​is as follows:

(MHR - resting heart rate) * intensity factor + resting heart rate

  • First, you need to determine your average resting heart rate over a minute. It is very important to relax 5 minutes before the start of the test - in this case the result will be the most reliable. For the same purpose, it is advisable to carry out measurements preferably in the morning. The measurement is taken while lying down. To determine this, the internal area is palpated using a thumb, a heart rate monitor or a heart monitor.

Advice. Fitness trainers recommend taking these measurements over several days and calculating the average to achieve the greatest accuracy.

  • The next step is calculating the maximum contraction frequency (MHR). We recommend using the Roberges-Landwehr formula
  • The last stage is the determination of the Contraction Reserve (RHR), which is the difference between the MHR and the heart rate at rest.
  • Next, intensity coefficients are applied to the boundaries of the selected zone. For women for fat burning, this value is 0.6 and 0.7
  • In conclusion, you need to add the resting heart rate to the previously obtained figure.

An example of calculating pulse zones using the Karvonen method

Let's consider an example of calculating the optimal heart rate for a conventional girl at the age of 20 using the Karvonen formula.

  • Let's say a girl's resting heart rate is 62 beats per minute.
  • The maximum heart rate is 205.8 - (0.685 * 20) = 192
  • Let's determine the heart rate reserve: to do this, subtract the heart rate at rest from the maximum heart rate (200 - 62) and get 138 beats per minute.
  • Along the boundaries of the second pulse zone, we use coefficients of 0.6 and 0.7, adding 62. The lower limit is thus equal to 144.8. Upper - 158,
  • Consequently, the fat burning process starts at a minimum heart rate of 145 beats with this calculation method

What affects heart rate

Heart rate indicators are influenced by various factors, so the normal heart rate when running may differ for different people:

  • age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • weight;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • emotional condition;
  • external and internal factors.

Calculating the ideal heart rate when running for fat burning and safe training

Heart rate decreases with age, so the older a person is, the lower it will be. The norm at rest for a middle-aged person is 60-80 beats per minute.

Athletes and professional track and field athletes have lower indicators than an ordinary person, as their body gets used to constant stress and begins to work in a compensatory mode. For them, the norm in a calm state can be considered a figure of 50 beats per minute.

Obese people usually have a faster heart rate because their heart is forced to pump more blood to provide all tissues with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, their heart rate readings when running will also be different.

The heart rate will be different for those who smoke or drink alcohol, as they usually have high blood pressure. Also, in determining the norm, the psycho-emotional state of a person is taken into account, which can affect the frequency of strokes, both up and down.

Optimal norms for fat burning

Optimal fat burning rates are determined based on the type of physical activity and your current level of fitness. For beginners and less trained athletes, we recommend reducing the zone limits by 3-5% for calculation formulas. Thus, use coefficients of 0.57 and 0.67 to determine the boundaries of the fat burning pulse. For self-confident athletes, this indicator can also be increased by 3-5%.

It is also important for you to do exactly those exercises with which you are able to increase and maintain your heart rate to the required zone. For many, this task itself can be physically challenging.

When running

Running is a great aerobic workout that can increase your endurance and improve fat burning. In addition, there is the possibility of developing the heart muscle and accelerating metabolism. In order to calculate an effective individual heart rate for running, each person needs to determine their anaerobic zone. For beginners, a heart rate of about 130 beats per minute is considered normal, and it is not necessary to do jogging - alternate between jogging and running.

  • For uniform long cardio loads, use the generalized MHR formula (220 - age).
  • For intervals - Karvonen (at the peak of the load you should not go beyond the second zone, and rest, accordingly, also in the first zone).

During cardio training on Stepper and Rowing

During cardio training on this type of equipment, a large amount of oxygen must be supplied to the organs, otherwise the fat burning process will be reduced to a minimum. Trainers call the optimal heart rate for this type of load closer to 70% of the maximum heart rate. This type of cardio activity is predominantly uniform, therefore:

  • Use the generalized MHR formula (220 - age), trying to be closer to the upper limit
  • If necessary, rest near the lower border of the second zone without going into the first

When training on an exercise bike

When training on an exercise bike, the main part of the load falls on the large muscle groups of the legs; the core muscles are additionally active. Same as for running:

  • For uniform long cardio loads, use the generalized MHR formula (220 - age), staying closer to the upper limit.
  • For intervals - Karvonen (at the peak of the load you should not go beyond the second zone, and rest, accordingly, also in the first zone).

During physical activity

As a result of exercise, energy is used efficiently, which subsequently leads to a calorie deficit.

To lose weight, you need to properly use aerobic exercise, which is accompanied by high oxygen consumption. Increase the intensity and duration of exercise to increase energy expenditure and focus on.

  • Karvonen's formula for interval loads (at the peak of the load you should not go beyond the second zone, and rest, accordingly, also in the first zone).

The truth about the fat burning zone

It is about this that people argue the most. To understand what heart rate you should target if you want to burn the maximum amount of fat, it's helpful to first understand the concept itself: the "fat burning zone." And why you shouldn’t blindly follow this principle. It is also important to understand what excess oxygen consumption after exercise ( oxygen debt ) is. It is characterized by an acceleration of metabolism - “afterburning” calories for a long time after the end of the load. The body uses energy 24 hours a day. For example, during sleep, the body burns calories, but not as intensely as during wakefulness. Maximum energy expenditure occurs during physical exercise. For a person who wants to lose weight through cardio training, the following question is important: how to make sure that only fat is burned predominantly. Nowadays, many fat-burning zone proponents like to claim that keeping your heart rate in that zone means you burn more fat than when your heart rate is above or below that zone. In other words, they believe that jogging or walking at a fast pace burns more pure fat than running at a faster pace (sprinting). Because during a sprint, the heart rate will rise above the fat burning zone and the body begins to actively use up glycogen reserves. This sounds very logical, but unfortunately it is misleading. Let's say you go for a 30 minute 5 km run. And make sure that your pulse remains in the fat-burning zone all this time. As a result, you will burn approximately 250-300 calories . Now imagine doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for the same 30 minutes. In this case, the pulse will be consistently above 135 beats per minute, with jumps above 160 beats. In this case, you will burn approximately 500 calories . It's true: when jogging, the percentage of fat burned from all calories burned is higher, but HIIT allows you to burn 2 times more calories.

And although the percentage of fat burned will indeed be less, its total amount will be greater. Simply put, it doesn’t matter what percentage of fat reserves are burned, but their quantity (weight) in grams is important.

And to top it all off, the effect of “afterburning” calories is triggered - this is an acceleration of metabolism and excess oxygen consumption after exercise ( oxygen debt ).

Subjective methods for assessing cardio intensity

If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can use your personal sensations to determine your heart rate. To do this, during training you should try to pronounce phrases of about 6 words. Training intensity can be determined by zone as follows (rough approximation):

  1. If you can carry on a conversation without problems, this is a very easy workout.
  2. If the conversation is carried out with minimal effort, the activity is easy.
  3. If we say it is possible, but with minor difficulties, the training is above easy.
  4. If it’s a little harder to pronounce some words, the activity is moderate.
  5. If it is quite difficult to carry on a conversation, the intensity of the training is very high.
  6. In case you are unable to talk at all, the training is very intense.

How to measure your heart rate while running

Calculating the ideal heart rate when running for fat burning and safe training

Having decided what heart rate to run at, it is also important to know how to measure it. The best option is to use a heart rate monitor , for example, devices with a chest strap. The sensor, which is located on the belt, transmits the taken readings to the display of the heart rate monitor, which is worn on the hand like a watch.

Less accurate and reliable are devices that take readings when touched with your fingers.

In the absence of a gadget for measuring the pulse, the pulse is measured through the carotid artery. To do this, count the number of beats in 15 seconds and multiply it by four. But this method is not very convenient and does not always allow you to make correct calculations.

Cardio training for fat burning

Cardio training is an excellent means for the highest quality fat burning, while maintaining muscle mass. Cardio training is not only suitable for those losing weight, but also helps maintain health. The list of such training is quite diverse, so each person can choose the type of activity to their liking.

Be aware of your personal heart rate

In order to be aware of your heart rate, it is worth purchasing a heart rate monitor. This device is quite convenient and allows you to monitor your pulse throughout the entire training process, as well as calculate the load according to the purity of contractions. With age, the maximum heart rate values ​​decrease, and therefore the boundaries of the zones. The general picture can be drawn from this graph.

Rules for training

When performing physical activity, the following features must be taken into account:

  • The last large meal should be at least 2 hours before training.
  • During exercise, you should drink small sips of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Each lesson should consist of a warm-up, a main part and a recovery part. It is very important to exercise taking into account your own heart rate and not overdo it. If you feel unwell, you should reduce the intensity of your workout or stop exercising.

Examples of interval cardio training

Some of the most common aerobic workouts include jogging, fast walking, swimming, dancing, and cardio exercises such as the treadmill, elliptical, and jumping rope. The main advantage of such training is the constant strengthening of the muscles, heart and respiratory system.

Features of determining pulse zones in patients with heart disease and the elderly

It is especially important to take into account the values ​​of these zones and monitor your pulse for older people who are engaged, for example, in Nordic walking. They can make 2 mistakes - give too little load, while not reaching the desired heart rate zone. Simply put, they do not train the heart and blood vessels, but simply walk. The second mistake is too much training intensity, which is dangerous for the heart.

For patients with coronary artery disease, hypertension, or those who have had a heart attack, we recommend that all indicators be calculated based not on the formula “220 – age”, but on the formula “200 – age”. This is how, for example, the maximum load level is determined when conducting medical tests - bicycle ergometry or treadmill in cardiac patients.

Cardio training for weight loss based on heart rate

Use the Karvonen method to determine your optimal heart rate zones for a given workout.
Treadmill training

  • 10 minutes of warm-up easy running in the lower threshold of the second zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

5-8 laps

Treadmill workout

  • 45-60 seconds of moderate at the upper limit of zone 2
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Walking on a treadmill

  • 2 minutes easy on the lower threshold of the second zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • 20-30 minutes of walking at an average speed in the second zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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Aerobic exercise helps you lose weight quickly. Even if you don't have a heart rate monitor with you, use the cardio sensors on the treadmill itself to estimate your heart rate. Remember, your heart rate will gradually increase while maintaining the same speed you set at the beginning and you will find yourself outside the zone you need.

How to make your cardio workout more effective

To improve your cardio performance, follow these tips:

  • Take breaks and approaches at different speeds, divide the workout into a number of approaches at different intervals.
  • Stick to your own heart rate for training. The most popular and effective cardio training is interval training in the form of sessions of varying pace.
  • Choose a simulator just for yourself, focusing on your own sensations, comfort and mastery of equipment.

Periodically measure your resting heart rate to adjust your pulse zones, take an orthostatic test to determine how you feel on the day of training, and do your cardio training for health benefits.

Examples of circuit training with your own weight for weight loss

Also try taking L-Carnitine and doing our short workouts for weight loss and the results will amaze you. You can easily choose a suitable and simple fitness plan for losing weight at home. We recommend trying different circuit training options and finding the ideal combination of aerobic, interval and strength training for yourself.

Online heart rate calculator for fat burning

To simplify the calculation of the recommended heart rate for weight loss, you should use online calculators.

How to use an online calculator?

  1. The resting heart rate is calculated.
  2. The maximum heart rate is calculated if this is not available in the calculator.
  3. The parameters are entered into the corresponding lines of the calculator and the calculation is performed.
  4. To complete the picture, you should enter everything correctly; it is advisable to make additional calculations yourself

Types of effective workouts for fat burning

In order to get rid of extra pounds, absolutely any type of training is suitable, but the choice depends on the person’s preparedness. There are several types of training depending on heart rate:

  • restorative;
  • light;
  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Rehabilitation training includes sports such as walking, stretching, boating, etc. People who have not exercised for a long time and lead a passive lifestyle, and also suffer from excess obesity, should start with it. Such exercises are carried out at a heart rate of up to 50-55% of maximum intensity.

Light exercise includes brisk walking, cycling, and moderate swimming. At this stage, a partial fat burning effect begins. It is suitable for those who have just begun the fight against excess weight. Classes are conducted at a heart rate of 65% of the maximum level.

Aerobic training includes long runs, fast cycling, dancing, aerobics, strength exercises with light weights, etc. With such exercises, not only fat burning occurs, but also endurance is trained. Classes are carried out at a level of 65-75% of maximum heart rate.

Anaerobic training includes fast running, heavy weight exercises, ice skating, etc. This type of exercise is aimed not so much at burning fat, but at building muscle mass. Before moving to this level, you will need at least a month of training at an average heart rate. Such exercises are carried out at a heart rate of 75 to 85% of the maximum.

Why do you need cardio training?

The main goal of such training is to:

  • the body has become stronger and more resilient;
  • immunity strengthened;
  • the person has become more resistant to stress;
  • the body became athletic and lost weight;
  • the cardiac system began to work better.

Today there are several types of cardio training. There are separate sets of strength exercises, as well as special programs for women who want to lose weight. In addition, such a load is very useful for beginners in sports, since it makes it possible to prepare the heart for the upcoming loads.

What is cardio training

Sports activities aimed at strengthening the heart muscle are called cardio training. It includes: running, gymnastics, training on exercise machines, roller skating and skiing, swimming. Thanks to such exercises, active ventilation of the lungs occurs, which helps speed up metabolism. Key Cardio Functions:

  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • weight loss, fat burning;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • breathing system training;
  • developing resistance to stressful situations.

Frequency and timing of cardio training

In this type of physical activity, the load falls on most of the muscles and internal organs. During such training, the heart rate greatly accelerates. During exercise, the athlete inhales large quantities of oxygen, which takes part in the combustion of carbohydrates and fats, which leads to rapid weight loss.

Regular exercise can normalize blood pressure, speed up the digestion process and improve overall health. They also have a beneficial effect on a person’s morale and lift his spirits. However, in order for aerobic training to be truly beneficial and effective, it must be done correctly. The most important conditions for aerobic exercise are duration and frequency.

The total duration of the entire workout should be thirty minutes. After the body gets used to the new loads, the training time can be increased to one hour. However, not all people have the opportunity to devote an entire hour to studying every day. In this case, trainers advise combining these exercises with normal daily activities. For example, instead of going to work or to the supermarket by car, you can get there by bicycle, or instead of taking the elevator, you can walk up the steps to your apartment.

Training frequency refers to the total number of sessions performed per week. The most effective way is to do four to five workouts every seven days. For those who are just starting to play sports, three classes a week will be enough. At the same time, breaks between trainings at first should be no more than two days.

The most favorable time of day for these activities is considered to be the evening, namely the period from five to seven in the evening. This is justified by the fact that the processes of metabolism and fat burning work best at this time. In the case when you do not have a goal for losing weight, but you need cardio training to increase overall endurance, then you can do it in the morning. However, it should be remembered that in the morning the metabolism is lower, so you should not overdo it with exercise.

The relationship between exercise and heart rate

For light physical activity, a safe heart rate for a thirty-year-old person would be between 95 and 114 beats per minute.

The most optimal heart rate for burning fat is 114-135 beats per minute.

For training the heart muscle, the maximum values ​​will be 133-152 units per minute.

To train the lungs, the intensity must be increased to 171 beats per unit of time.

Next comes the red zone, which is not recommended for people who are not involved in professional sports.

Formula for calculating heart rate

Martti Karvonen’s formula helps many athletes find the ideal heart rate for cardio training. The Finnish physiologist’s technique involves calculating the speed of heart contraction necessary for productive fat burning. According to the scientist’s treatise, this indicator is something between the resting pulse and its maximum frequency. This takes into account gender and age category.

For women

Although the Karvonen method for women does not have scientific accuracy, it is convenient to use for daily exercise on machines, running, swimming, etc. If the main goal of sports is burning fat, then the recommended heart rate for exercise is 50-70% of the maximum heart rate. To calculate, you will also need to determine the number of heartbeats at rest, which is measured in the morning. The formula looks like this:

  • (220 - 6 - age - heart rate at rest) x load factor (from 0.5 to 0.7) + heart rate at rest.

For men

The strong half of humanity, no less than the fair sex, are interested in burning calories during cardio training. When calculating the optimal heart rate for men, it should be taken into account that in the initial stages of physical activity it is better to use the lower limit of the cardio zone of 50-80%, gradually increasing the load. You can calculate the indicator using a special online calculator by specifying the required values, or using the formula:

  • (220 - age - resting heart rate) x load factor (from 0.5 to 0.8) + resting heart rate.

How to control your own heart rate

During training, you must measure your own heart rate manually or using a heart rate monitor.

There are models that, when running, count your heart rate, the number of calories burned, and also give recommendations to reduce or increase the load for fat burning.

A universal option is a smartwatch in the form of a bracelet, which can also be used as a pedometer. The smart gadget gives heart rate indicators, shows the number of calories burned, and even analyzes nutrition and energy consumption.

For people who swim, a waterproof smartwatch that performs all the same functions underwater is suitable.

Thus, the gadget will not only allow you to count your pulse and determine its optimal level, but also adjust your diet.

When training, you can, of course, do without a heart rate monitor and measure the indicators yourself, but this is not entirely convenient.

The pulse is measured manually according to the following scheme: the student pauses the workout and counts the beats for 15 seconds. The number of hits is multiplied by four. It is better to measure manually on the carotid artery. It is also worth remembering that this method may not give accurate results.

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