Overweight, hypothyroidism and high estrogen levels

If you've tried everything possible and still have problems with excess weight, then estrogen is most likely to blame. This article explains why you can't lose weight and what you need to do to bring your hormone balance in order and correct the situation.


Sometimes the problem seems insoluble. You train, eat right, but there’s no point! Not only are you not losing excess fat, but you also feel like your energy is at zero.

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, then you may have a problem with elevated levels of the hormone estrogen. Below we present ideas, advice and findings from endocrinologists who have studied the problem of excess estrogen levels and its impact on fitness results. That's what they want to say.

Menopause, estrogen and body weight

Menopause causes estrogen levels to decrease

Women's estrogen levels can be low for a variety of reasons. The most common of these is menopause, which occurs when levels of reproductive hormones decline, the ovaries stop producing eggs, and menstruation stops. Many women note that during this period of life they begin to gain excess weight.

In fact, many of the symptoms associated with menopause, including excess weight gain, begin to appear in women during perimenopause.

Perimenopause is the time when a woman's body prepares for menopause.

The most common reason why women begin to gain weight during perimenopause and menopause is a change in estrogen levels. One form of this hormone, called estradiol, decreases significantly around menopause. Estradiol helps the body regulate metabolism and thus affects body weight. Low estradiol levels can lead to obesity.

During the reproductive period of life, women most often observe fat deposits in the upper legs and thighs. However, after menopause they tend to gain weight around the waist and abdomen.

With such excess weight gain, fat tends to accumulate not only in the subcutaneous layers, but also around the internal organs. In medicine, this type of fat accumulation is commonly called vizzeral fat.

Visceral fat can pose a serious danger to the body. It is associated with a number of medical conditions, including the following:

  • diabetes;
  • stroke;
  • heart disease;
  • some types of cancer.

But not only changes in estrogen levels can affect excess weight gain in middle-aged and elderly women. They may also gain weight because they are less physically active and have less muscle mass, which means they burn fewer calories throughout the day.

All of these factors can increase the risk of gaining excess weight in women who have gone through or are close to menopause. Moreover, sometimes age-related factors play a more significant role compared to changes in estrogen levels.

This can be confirmed by the results of a study conducted by an international group of scientists in 2012. The experts' findings showed that excess weight does not appear to be associated with changes in hormone levels that occur during menopause.

What are the benefits of estrogen?

In the male body, the hormone has only one function - the formation of a dense bone structure. Dr. P. Mistkowski of the Mason Medical Center states that in a healthy body, some testosterone is converted to estradiol for this purpose.

The normal estrogen level in men is from 15 to 60 pg per ml. This amount of hormone allows not only to maintain bone density, but also maintains youthful skin and stabilizes the neuro-emotional state. The hormone is also responsible for preventing hypoxia and helps prevent heart and vascular diseases.

Estradiol in the male body helps balance the effect of testosterone on the psyche. According to some reports, it is responsible for socialization opportunities and adaptation mechanisms to stress.

Can the body function normally if estradiol is at the lower limit of normal? Scientists believe so, but reducing estradiol levels below this value is not recommended. Sometimes, in the name of extreme dryness, estradiol blockers are taken, which can lead to bone fractures if associated with extreme peak strength loads.

Other Causes of Estrogen Imbalance

Menopause is not the only reason why women may have low estrogen levels. Other factors that cause estrogen imbalance include the following.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a condition in which women have multiple cysts on their ovaries and suffer from hormonal imbalance. They may have high levels of testosterone, as well as unbalanced levels of progesterone and estrogen.

Estrogens in Foods and Herbs

Phytoestrogens are found in various plant products. You can “recharge” with such hormones by drinking green tea and various herbal infusions.

There is a lot of estrogen in beans and other legumes, pumpkin, nuts, spinach, oats, bran, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and cabbage.

RECIPE FOR TEA WITH “ESTROGEN”. When estrogen levels are low, tea made from herbs such as sage, linden, chamomile, hops and arnica is recommended. This collection can be supplemented with crushed licorice and ginseng roots. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brewed with boiling water. For greater effect, it is best to brew this tea before each dose.

Animal products such as full-fat milk, ice cream, yogurt, hard cheeses and meat also contain large amounts of estrogens.

There is estrogen in beer too . And many associate its presence in this popular foamy drink with changes in the male figure due to beer abuse. But, the growth of a beer belly is more due to the fact that alcohol suppresses testosterone production . A hormone that distributes fat cells in the male body. In addition, we should not forget about the beer snack, which lovers of this drink consume without any control.

IMPORTANT: Do not underestimate medicinal herbs and other foods in their effect on estrogen. They can do this no worse than pharmaceutical drugs. That is why they should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body.

What is estrogen?

Estrogen is one of the two main female sex hormones. It affects the sexual development of girls and the menstrual cycle, but, in addition, it performs a number of other important functions, for example:

  • helps control blood cholesterol levels;
  • ensures bone health;
  • protects the brain and maintains a good mood.

Two small glands located in the lower part of the pelvis called ovaries are responsible for producing estrogen. Small amounts of estrogen can be produced by the adrenal glands and adipose tissue.

The three main forms of estrogen are:

  • estrone or E1 , which is produced in the body after menopause;
  • estradiol or E2 , which is produced in women of reproductive age;
  • estriol or E3 , which is produced by the body of pregnant women.

Testosterone and estrogen in the female body

Testosterone (male hormone) and estrogen (female hormone) greatly influence not only a woman’s appearance and internal processes in the body, but also the psychological background. The more testosterone, the stronger the manifestation of the “masculine” principle.

Testosterone levels in women:

  • Up to 20 years – 0.13 – 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 20 to 39 years – 0.13 – 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 40 to 59 years – 0.13 – 2.6 pg/ml
  • from 60 and older – 0.13 – 1.8 pg/ml

Excess testosterone manifests itself in aggression and risk-taking. The predominance of the female hormone over testosterone is manifested in frequent fears, compassion for other people, a desire for settledness and comfort.

Symptoms of Low Estrogen Levels

Low estrogen levels can cause insomnia and night sweats

Symptoms of low estrogen include the following:

  • irregular menstrual cycles or absence of menstruation (amenorrhea);
  • hot flashes;
  • night sweats;
  • insomnia;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • mood swings and anxiety;
  • headache;
  • dry skin.

If a woman experiences symptoms from the list above, she should tell her doctor about it. A specialist can perform a simple blood test to measure estrogen levels and determine whether a hormonal imbalance is to blame.

Women need to monitor their menstrual cycles, particularly the beginning and end of their cycles, and any other symptoms. Having this information will help your doctor diagnose hormonal problems more quickly.

High levels of estrogen disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland

The work of the thyroid gland in the body is invisible, but only as long as it is healthy. As soon as its function begins to decline, we feel it immediately. This feeling is similar to how an airplane behaves when its batteries run out - it crashes.

Thyroid hormones are responsible for the rate of metabolism, for example, the rate at which fat is burned. And also, for the correct course of all intracellular processes. The thyroid gland also regulates body temperature.

The thyroid gland regulates the rate of production and release of hormones. In particular, estrogens and neurotransmitters. For example, serotonin and dopamine. Neurotransmitters give us feelings of happiness and fulfillment in life.

If the thyroid gland is malfunctioning (hypothyroidism), the rate of estrogen excretion decreases. They stay in tissues longer and act on cells longer, destroying them.

Thyroid function is disrupted by infections, intoxications, poor liver function, high cortisol during stress, lack of iodine, selenium, iron, and high estrogen levels.

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are varied, I described them here. They may not even be recognized immediately. For example, this could be depression, excess weight, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, all the symptoms of increased estrogen levels.

Thyroid Support

The thyroid gland is connected to all other organs, it can recover if you:

  • maintain proper and healthy digestion, use probiotics and prebiotics to improve microflora and prevent candidiasis. I wrote about the intestines in a previous article;
  • drink enough clean water (at least 2-2.5 liters per day);
  • try to get out of stress.

In such a situation, the thyroid gland will recover, and the levels of thyroid hormones will return to normal. All this together normalizes the level of estrogen in the body.

Of course, the thyroid gland needs to be supported by all means.

If you notice symptoms of hypothyroidism, it is advisable to take a course of KELP (2 capsules in the morning on an empty stomach, for a month). Organic iodine contained in brown algae (KELP is brown algae with microelements) is necessary for the thyroid gland, ovaries, and mammary glands.

The thyroid gland needs selenium, it is found in fish and Brazil nuts. And also zinc, which is found in pumpkin seeds and seafood.

Use sea salt, seaweed, they contain iodine.

It is imperative to get tested and determine the level of hemoglobin and ferritin - reduced iron levels destroy the thyroid gland. How to correct iron in the body depends on the degree of the disorder - either through nutrition, or through medications, dietary supplements.

It will be a great help for the thyroid gland if you change your beliefs and allow yourself to do what you see fit in life. Humiliation and self-suppression are the psychological roots of hypothyroidism.

Does the psyche affect estrogen levels?

Yes, of course, there is such an influence. To better understand this, let's remember what estrogen gives a woman. They provide her with youth, beauty, femininity, fertility, charm, good hair and velvety skin. It would seem that this is so wonderful, live and be happy.

But too good is also bad. From TV screens, from every advertising picture, young beautiful women look at us. Of course, we inevitably begin to compare ourselves with them. Of course, the comparison will not be in our favor.

What message do advertising beauties convey to men? They communicate to their subconscious that they are healthy and ready to give birth and raise children. Of course, men begin to look for the same women in their lives that they see everywhere, in any advertisement.

Women also see these beauties who have no flaws. But there is no Photoshop in life, and any living woman is not ideal. But I really want to be beautiful and healthy, have children and live happily, and that’s right.

If you cannot achieve something, but you really want to, then this is stress and the experience of failure. Stress disrupts the immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. The experience of failure reduces self-esteem and reduces quality of life.

The pursuit of ideality increases estrogen levels

If a person really wants something, the body will try to fulfill it. The entire hormonal background begins to become distorted, the psyche wants a lot of estrogen in order to create an image of health and happiness.

And in this case we are not talking about a good quality of life and specifically your individual health. Your health itself does not matter - the main thing is to look good so that there is a beautiful picture. Plastic surgery, expensive cosmetics, diets, etc. are used.

As you remember, the body and psyche are one. Estrogens give us beauty and sexuality, subject to the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

And vice versa - if we cling to the picture, to appearances, create a look of beauty and sexuality using all modern technologies, then we are almost guaranteed to get high levels of estrogen and all the problems associated with it.

I advise you not to chase at any cost the appearance of health, youth and beauty. You may have wrinkles around your eyes, but if you are healthy and happy, loving and loved, then it doesn’t matter. If you look great, but are lonely and unhappy, who needs such beauty?

How to manage weight gain?

The fight against excess weight, even in cases where it is associated with hormonal imbalance, must begin with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

Top diet tips include the following:

  • avoiding processed foods;
  • daily consumption of large amounts of fruits and vegetables;
  • maintaining water balance by consuming large volumes of water;
  • avoidance of soda, caffeine and alcohol;
  • inclusion in the diet of whole grains, lean meats along with vegetable fats.

An active lifestyle is extremely important for people who are struggling with weight loss caused by low estrogen levels. In addition to cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming or walking, people should do strength training to build muscle mass and maintain healthy bones.

How to reduce estrogens in the female body?

  • In order to reduce the level of this hormone, you need to review your diet and reduce excess weight.
  • Women who experience elevated levels of this hormone need to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. They are found in large quantities in salmon, tuna and other types of fish.
  • You can fill the body's need for “healthy” fats with the help of olive and flaxseed oil.
  • Fruits, vegetables and nuts are also good helpers in the fight against increased estrogen levels.
  • In addition, it is important for people suffering from increased synthesis of this hormone to increase the amount of magnesium in their diet. This trace element helps eliminate excess estrogen.

Herbs for Estrogen

Herbal infusions are a serious and high-quality alternative for obtaining estrogen. A certain set of medicinal plants has been tested and is capable of normalizing hormonal levels:

  • Nettle – protects the reproductive system from inflammation, normalizes the menstrual cycle. When combined with lemon, it stimulates estrogen production. Softens the negative symptoms of menopause. Place crushed nettle leaves, finely grated lemon without peel and water into the pan. Cook for 20 minutes covered. Drink like tea;
  • Raspberry - its leaves saturate the body with vitamins E. They balance hormones and strengthen the immune system. Boil the chopped leaves and leave for 1 hour. Add a little mint. This drink strengthens the nervous system and tones. They drink it like tea. Gynecologists recommend taking raspberry decoction in courses from the 15th day of the cycle before the start of menstruation;
  • Red clover is a proven plant in the fight against negative signs of menopause. It belongs to medicinal plants for hormonal therapy, and herbal preparations are created on its basis. It can be taken without interruption as a continuous hormonal therapy;
  • Hibiscus has strong estrogenic activity. Works similarly to a natural female hormone. Tea is contraindicated during pregnancy, while taking oral contraception and synthetic hormones;
  • Rhodiola is a good replacement for synthetic drugs and is prescribed to normalize the ratio between progesterone and estrogen levels. Its regular consumption improves sleep, eliminates aggression and irritability;
  • Melissa and rose hips - rose hips protect the reproductive system from pathologies, enrich the body with vitamins B and C, and lemon balm has a positive effect on menstrual irregularities and increases blood circulation in the pelvis. Relieves stress. Prepare a decoction of dried lemon balm leaves and rose hips, 1:1. Pour in water, cover with a lid and boil, then leave for 40 minutes. Drink the decoction like tea.

Other herbs containing phytoestrogens are sage, mint, hops, ginseng, chamomile, valerian, linden flowers, sweet root, hawthorn, calendula, St. John's wort.

Regulatory measures


  • Vitamin therapy - some experts have come to the conclusion that the optimal way to maintain hormones is to regularly consume vitamins. This way the female body is rejuvenated. Vitamins that stimulate the production of estrogen are: E, C, B;
  • Weight regulation – mainly through a healthy lifestyle. Strict diets and grueling workouts do not solve, but aggravate the problem;
  • Products for estrogen - taking phytohormones with food. Record high content of phytoestrogens in soy. It is added to milk, cheese, yoghurts, butter and sausages. Lentils, beans, and green peas are healthy. The hormone of female youth is found in nuts, flaxseed, bran, grains, dairy products, broccoli, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, coffee, apricots. Foods rich in zinc and copper activate the natural synthesis of estrogen. These are seafood, bran, green leafy vegetables, liver, wheat;
  • Sports - running, dancing, swimming, aerobics and yoga. They increase estrogen levels and prevent breakdown moments because they affect the functioning of the adrenal glands. But heavy loads should be avoided;
  • Regular sex life - having a regular partner and regular intimate relationships increases the concentration of estrogen in the blood. For a positive effect on mood and hormonal levels, 3 acts per week are enough;
  • Aromatherapy - natural oils of lavender, rose, cypress, geranium, bergamot, mint, ylang-ylang, orange, dill, clove - they enhance hormone production. Used for hormonal imbalance. Particularly good results during menopause. Scent the room or apply oil to the skin, use for massage, baths or care for problem skin;
  • Giving up bad habits, dieting, stress - nicotine and alcoholic drinks negatively affect hormones. They have been shown to directly reduce estrogen levels, and alcohol directly affects metabolism.

How hormones affect your figure: estrogen and progesterone

Estrogen and progesterone ensure the manifestation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in the female body. They are actively involved in the deposition of fat in the hips and other parts of the body.

Shaping the figure

If both hormones are in the correct proportion, then the patient will not have problems with her figure. Her body will acquire graceful curves. Regardless of any deviations, women will have to get used to being curvy.

Attention! If the cause of excess weight lies in hormonal imbalance, then the patient should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. A highly specialized specialist will select the right medications, and after a course of therapy, the figure will begin to take on its previous shape.

10 Ways to Lower Estrogen and Minimize Its Impact

What foods contain vitamin E

  1. Improves Digestive Tract – Unhealthy digestion prevents the elimination of excess estrogen production. Seeds and nuts help a lot with this. For example, the seeds bind to estrogen in the digestive tract and remove it;
  2. Estrogen-lowering diets should be low in carbohydrates and high in protein and omega-3s. You should not provoke the formation of large amounts of insulin, which disrupts the hormonal balance and interferes with the excretion of estrogen. Carbohydrates should only be vegetable;
  3. Weight loss – large stores of body fat also offer more estrogen. Fat tissue should be reduced, but without drastic means;
  4. Phytoestrogens - lignans and isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors and trigger some of the body's defense mechanisms. Found in flax, alfalfa, red clover, sweetroot, legumes, green leafy seeds, sesame;
  5. Blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen is a key mechanism for reducing estrogen. Selenium, zinc, green tea, citrus fruits such as orange and grapefruit, tomatoes, melatonin help for this;
  6. Improving estrogen metabolism - with the help of fatty acids (fish oil), B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), phytoestrogens and the substance DIM (Diindolylmethane). The latter is found in broccoli and cauliflower;
  7. Complete removal of excess estrogen - for this, magnesium, antioxidants, probiotics and a lot of cellulose are taken;
  8. Using additional nutrients for detoxification such as vitamins, zinc, omega-3, green tea, magnesium, selenium, melatonin, vitamin E;
  9. Proper drinks - no alcohol. Only red wine is allowed;
  10. Limiting the consumption of synthetic estrogens from the environment - these are found in plastics, hygiene products, and meat with organic additives.

Plants to Lower Estrogen

  • Borovaya uterus, licorice - decoction or tincture. They contain substances that remove natural and synthetic estrogen from the body. Normalize hormonal balance;
  • Icelandic lichen, cetraria - a decoction is prescribed for fibrous mastopathy;
  • Tree of Abraham - it is recommended to take it before the start of the menstrual cycle. Restores reproductive functions, regulates the cycle, improves general condition;
  • Peruvian maca root is a plant rich in vitamins B and C, and a number of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iodine and zinc. It is not always possible to obtain this root, but there are preparations based on it in the pharmacy. The Peruvian plant saturates cells with antioxidants, reduces pain during the cycle, and normalizes the psycho-emotional background.

How to get estrogen

With estrogen deficiency, there is a lack of fluid in the body and accelerated deposition of salts.

As a result, the skin loses its elasticity - dryness and flaking appear. The epidermis becomes thinner, wrinkles, acne and pimples actively form on the face.

The figure deteriorates, problem areas become covered with cellulite.

Dehydration further dries out the mucous membranes in the mouth, eyes and vagina. Involuntary leakage of urine often occurs.

This is reflected in the bones - they become fragile and porous.

Estrogen tablets

The introduction of the missing amount of estrogen from the outside is called hormone replacement therapy. It is carried out using drugs that contain:

  1. Synthetic estrogen, identical to natural ones (hormonal drugs) - they are effective for diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems;
  2. Phytoestrogens, which are perceived by receptors as natural (herbal medicines), are preferred by healthy women to ease menopause.

Hormonal preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, vaginal suppositories, transdermal creams and ointments.

Features of phytoestrogens:

  • They are not a medicine, they have lower effectiveness due to their plant origin;
  • They have a low concentration of active substances, about 500 times less than synthetic ones;
  • Minimal side effects, safer.
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