Guitar Basics: Easy Chords for Beginners

Start your journey to a perfect body with these simple workouts for beginners.

If you feel that your figure has deteriorated, then it’s time to get off the couch and go to the rocking chair.

To effectively get back into shape, you need to start somewhere. This is where our training program for beginners will help you, or rather two complexes, one for training in the gym, the other at home.

Here are just a few reasons to get into fitness:

  • Feel more self-confident - your quality of life will improve thanks to your excellent physical condition
  • Your mood will improve - you will forget about mood swings and feel like an alpha male.
  • Improve your sex appeal - be the one who attracts the attention of all the women around you.

If you are reading this article, then you most likely have just found a gym and fitness for yourself.

But without the right knowledge, you won't be able to gain mass and strength as quickly as you could. This is why some people simply give up after two or three months or simply don't achieve their desired goal.

But there's no need to be hesitant, because below is a clear guide to training for beginners that you can get started with right away.

How to start practicing?

First you need to decide what exactly you are trying to achieve.

Do you want to build muscle mass? Are you training to compete in bodybuilding competitions? Or just want to improve your health and self-esteem?

Once you define the purpose of your exercise, it will be easier for you to progress and stay motivated.

Record your results

Recording your results is another essential component when you first start training. This will help you understand where you are moving and whether you are moving at all.

There are applications for smartphones that will help you with this, as well as fitness trackers, which are so popular now and the very first workout should be displayed in it in order to see all the results and achievements, which will then become an additional incentive to continue playing sports.


Rest is also very important when it comes to muscle growth and strength. Some people may decide that they need to go to the gym twice a day, seven days a week.

But your body needs time to recover from a difficult workout in the gym or at home, which is something you need to remember.

They say that it's a matter of regularity, but you also have to remember that you can't achieve everything in one day. We must go slowly but surely.

New to the gym

Articles of the English language

There are function words in English that are not in Russian. These are articles. The article defines the noun and is of two types - definite (the) and indefinite (a/an). The names of the articles themselves contain their meaning. To speak English confidently, you need to learn how to use this grammatical category.

The indefinite article a identifies a singular countable noun that is mentioned for the first time in speech. Nothing is known about it and it is one of a number of similar items. A has a variation - before nouns starting with a vowel sound, it has the form an.

If speakers understand from the context what object is being discussed or this noun has already been mentioned in previous sentences, then the article the is placed in front of it. The use of the definite article is not limited to singular countable nouns. It can appear before both uncountable nouns and plural nouns.

There are many nuances of using articles, which are studied gradually.

Is it better to go to the gym or work out at home?

Chances are there is a gym near your home that you can go to for a small monthly fee. There you will have access to many sports equipment - both free weights and exercise machines - everything you need for sports.

But for those of you who don’t want or can’t come to the gym, all of the benefits listed are also available. Everything can be achieved without leaving home, you just have to spend a little more money.

Training with weights or resistance bands

Dumbbells and kettlebells can be found at low prices, especially if they are second-hand. If you have some free space, then this is the best and most effective option for the price.

Resistance bands are also a good option, as they give you a convenient way to do exercises that tone and strengthen your muscles.

Body weight exercises

You can do exercises without equipment. These exercises use only your body weight. For beginners, these are one of the best options as they are simple yet effective. They can achieve more than you expect!

Exercises with iron

What type of workout should you choose?

All training schemes can be divided into two main types - cardio and strength. For best results, it is recommended to do both equally.

High and low intensity cardio

There are two ways to do the same cardio workout - high intensity and low intensity. High-intensity cardio involves short periods of intense work followed by a short rest. The entire complex lasts 10-30 minutes. This type of training is known as interval training.

Low-intensity training involves performing exercises at a constant low speed for 30-60 minutes.

There are studies that find equal benefits to both types of training, so you should try both and find yours. However, high-intensity exercise is known to provide more benefits in less time.

Strength exercises

In the field of strength training, beginners are more suitable for complexes for pumping all the muscles of the body in one day. Splits into different muscle groups are suitable for more experienced athletes.

Nutrition during training

What diet is best to follow?

It's no secret that a proper diet is essential to achieving your fitness goals. No one has ever gained muscle or lost fat while still eating three Big Macs a day.

A healthy and balanced diet is necessary to maintain an active lifestyle, and a training program for beginners in the gym should begin with a competent diet. Many people know that muscles are forged in the kitchen!

Watch the amount of protein you consume, as protein is what stimulates muscle growth. But healthy fats and complex carbohydrates also help you train as well as recover. Greens and vegetables are very useful right now.

Learning Python

Author: Eric Mathis. Year of publication: 2020.

Python for Beginners, Top 7 Python Tutorials for Beginners (in Russian)

A practical guide to Python for beginners. The first part covers all the necessary basics, and the second takes you to creating projects (game, data visualization, web application). The appendices provide additional material on installing Python, setting up the Sublime Text code editor, and version control using Git.

    Take the Python test and see if you're ready to take the course

Watch your calories

It is also important to know the number of calories you consume. This can help you reach your goal faster. There are various websites with programs for counting calories. It is important to consider the purpose of fitness classes here.

If you need to maintain your weight, then you should eat only as many calories as you burn. What if you want to lose weight? You need to burn more calories than you consume.

Lastly, if you want to gain weight, you need to eat more than you burn. It's so simple!


  1. The fundamental book for learning HTML and CSS: “Learning HTML, XHTML and CSS” (Head First series). Elizabeth Robson, Eric Freeman.
  2. The best book to get started with CSS and website design: The Big Book of CSS. David McFarland.
  3. A book for a comprehensive study of web programming and website creation: “Creating dynamic websites using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML5.” Robin Nixon.

Share your opinion and good books on HTML and CSS that are not included in this selection in the comments!

HTML and CSS course (free)

Warm-up and cool-down

It is very important to properly prepare the muscles, ligaments and the entire body for training, be it working with light dumbbells to warm up before moving on to working sets with heavy weights or just light cardio.

Don't have a treadmill? No problem. Just do some jumping jacks, do some bodyweight exercises like squats or push-ups, and do some stretching. All this will be very useful for you because it will help you avoid injury.

It is also important to end your workout correctly so that your heart rate drops to normal speed. Five to ten minutes is usually enough to complete the class.

For example, you can walk for a few minutes at a slow speed on a treadmill or bike.

Workout for Beginners

The Big Book of Web Design. Terry Felke-Morris

The book was written to create websites that will look equally good on a regular monitor or on the display of a smartphone and tablet. In the latest edition, the reader can get acquainted with the principles of HTML layout and study the work of CSS style sheets. There are also RGB comparison tables. Special sections - the principles of search engines and website monetization. Studying these chapters will allow you to derive real benefits from your Internet project.

The book will be useful to webmasters of various levels, as well as designers.

Gym training program for beginners

Working with push and pull exercises for arms and exercises for legs, for beginners

Who is this workout for?

This schedule is intended for beginners - it is a fairly simple scheme for three days of training per week. In this schedule, the exercises are divided into rows, presses and leg exercises.

This beginner's gym routine will put you on the path to growth and help you build muscle and lose fat.

How to perform exercises in this scheme?

Each exercise is performed in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. You should rest for 2-3 minutes between sets.

If you cannot do the specified number of sets and repetitions, then you have chosen too much weight and need to reduce it. If you feel that you can do much more than indicated, for example, 4 or more repetitions, then the weight of the apparatus or on the machine is too small.

Also remember to use the correct technique for performing all movements to avoid injury and progress faster.

Divide your week into training days and rest days so that you rest at least one day after each workout.

Bench press

Day 1 - Presses

  • Incline Bench Press
  • Dumbbell curls
  • Dumbbell raises
  • Army press
  • Close grip press
  • Triceps push-ups

Day 2 – Deadlifts

  • Upper block pull
  • Lower block thrust
  • Straight arm row
  • dumbbell raises
  • Barbell Curl with EZ Bar
  • Dumbbell curl (hammer)

Day 3 - Legs

  • Squats
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Leg press
  • Leg bending in the simulator
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Standing calf raise

Home set of exercises for beginners

Here's a program that doesn't require any equipment, so it can be done anywhere, anytime. This is a very good workout for beginners that only requires your body weight.

It combines strength and cardio exercises that train the entire body. They will help you speed up your metabolism.

Who is this workout suitable for?

It's suitable for those who don't have access to a gym or simply want to test their ability with bodyweight exercises before moving on to exercises with free weights or machines.

What does a training split look like?

All exercises are performed in a cycle, 10-12 repetitions for each approach. Rest for one minute between sets. To increase intensity, do more sets or more repetitions.

  • Squats
  • Jumping jack (30 seconds)
  • Push ups
  • Lunges
  • Plank (30 seconds)

Bench press

How Python works

Author: Matt Harrison. Year of publication: 2020.

Python for Beginners, Top 7 Python Tutorials for Beginners (in Russian)

A great option for those who want to learn Python without any programming background.

By reading this book, you'll learn best practices for writing Python code without wasting time searching for information or trying to make Python behave like other languages. The author of the book has collected all the most important things that he has learned about this language over the years of working with it.

In Matt Harrison's book you'll learn how interpreted programming languages ​​work. You will become familiar with the basic types (strings, integers, and real numbers), understand the difference between mutable and immutable data, and learn how to work with lists, sets, and dictionaries.

This book will help you master Python as quickly as possible.

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