Squat program for 30 days - description of the complex, reviews

Hello my girls! I want to talk about a pressing topic, about squats for the buttocks in 30 days. Last week, my doll and I went to a resort and spent the whole day frolicking at the sea and in the pool. Relaxed to the highest standard. All inclusive, night parties, dancing until the morning. Oh, how I want to go back! But let's get closer to the topic.

My friend was upset that some girls have butts like nuts. All the guys in the pool were looking at them. And her “flatness,” as she put it, did not attract anyone. So I want to share how to make an attractive berry out of your butt in just a month.

The most effective way to enlarge your BUTT has been discovered! Go >>>>>

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Do you want a butt like Kim Kardashian?
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The effectiveness of squats to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks

So, my kittens, we will not despair. It’s not difficult to do squats at home, the main thing is to give yourself the right mindset for the result and go for it. There are excellent complexes that can help you achieve the desired result.

I think you understand that the buttock muscles are the strongest in the human body. The gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles lend themselves well to correction and squats are one of the most effective exercises.

The roundness, elasticity and fit of the butt – the gluteus maximus muscles are responsible for this. But they are not the only ones to focus on.

Important! Squats are the leading exercises for a round butt.

Even if you don’t do other exercises, swings or lunges, squats will do the trick. They will help your buttocks become rounder.

However, it is advisable to perform a set of exercises and do them correctly. Then the effect will be achieved at a higher level. In my articles, I have already written about squats for the buttocks at home and squats in Smith.

“Buttocks in 30 days” application for girls

If you've never done this type of workout before, this app is really easy to get started with. Once the applet is installed on your smartphone, you can immediately perform exercises for your butt and legs - the full workout is available without restrictions.

Bodymaster recommends!

Need some extra motivation to work on your butt and thighs? Take a look at what the sexiest female fitness models look like. Just believe that you can achieve the same results, and even better!

The full course, as the name suggests, lasts 30 days. Each day includes exercises for the legs and buttocks, from 8 to 11 types with repetitions up to 25 times. Workouts are carried out using detailed text instructions, as well as a voice coach who will guide your actions. Also, with the help of animation, you are shown how to do this or that exercise correctly: how to squat and bend over to pump up your hips and buttocks, and not pull anything.

Additionally, you can go to YouTube to watch a professional fitness trainer perform the exercise.

An important point is that the entire course is designed so as not to overwhelm you with daily stress. On every fourth day, the Buttocks in 30 Days - Butt Exercises app invites you to rest and recover.

leg exercises at home

Bodymaster recommends!

To ensure that recovery after exercise, as well as on rest days, is as effective as possible, take a few minutes of pleasant and relaxing meditation accompanied by pleasant music in a calm environment. And you can choose a suitable meditation program for yourself using the Stop Breathe & Think: Meditate application.

After you complete the exercises for your legs, thighs and butt, the application will display a small report:

  • Number of exercises
  • Number of calories burned
  • Duration of training

exercises for legs and buttocks

Also, do not forget to enter your height and weight information so that the mobile program can calculate your body mass index.

Main types of squats

There are a dozen different types of squats, which are performed using different techniques. There are several rules that you can follow to achieve the desired result.

But first remember
. Young people under 18 years of age do not need to heavily load the body with squats.
Loading the spine at this age is not recommended.

Let's move on to the main topic. Stick to the basic exercise technique. This way you will be able to achieve the desired result faster.

Different squat techniques work different muscle groups. Let's find out about the main ones.


Classic squats are performed to train all muscle groups. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. As you inhale, the pelvis moves back and the legs bend at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. When you exit, you should return to your starting position.

Remember! The back should be straight when performing the exercise.

This exercise can be performed without certain gym conditions - at home.


By doing this exercise, you will work the gluteal muscles, as well as the quadriceps muscles of the thigh and its inner surface. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands on your waist, and your legs should be turned outward at a right angle. Also squat with a straight back.

With a narrow stance

This exercise will work the gluteal muscle, the outer surface of the thigh and its quadriceps muscle. Lower your arms along your body, place your legs together. Squat without lifting your feet off the floor. Don't forget about your back!


The sumo exercise is similar to the plie exercise. Their only difference is in the back. In sumo, your back should be slightly inclined, but straight. You need to properly position your pelvis and bend your back. To make it more difficult, you can take dumbbells or a barbell. However, this is for a higher level. This is after you have gone through the initial exercises.

On one leg

This is an unusual exercise for the body. The muscles receive a load that cannot be given by regular squats. The technique is simple - with your leg tucked, squat as in the classical technique. This improves coordination and develops legs.

Plie Sumo On one leg

Exercises for 30 days for weight loss for the whole body. Program for girls

The fat-burning workout program for girls at home is perfect for the modern woman who works, takes care of her family, and at the same time devotes time and energy to her own health and appearance. It is worth recognizing that for these purposes it is not always possible to regularly visit the gym, so home workouts are a priority for many.

Fat burning workout for girls at home is the most suitable option for women who are ready to devote 30 minutes a day to working on their own body.

At this time, you will have to fit in a mandatory warm-up, strength and cardio exercises, a cool-down or stretching - the latter can not be included in the 30-minute fat-burning complex, but can be done additionally for 15 minutes.

In a short time of the main workout, you will have to pay attention to all muscle groups, so you can combine two types of exercises in one - this is called supersets.

Supersets of exercises for the whole body during a fat-burning workout:

  • running in place (15 minutes) or jumping at an accelerated pace (10 minutes), X-jumps (20 times);
  • turning and bending the body to the sides (about 20 repetitions in each direction);
  • push-ups on your knees (for beginners) from the floor or leaning on any surface (bed, chair) - a couple of sets of 15 repetitions;
  • deep squats with legs wide apart (3 sets of 15 reps);
  • lunges (a couple of sets of 10 times on each leg);
  • abdominal crunches (straight, lateral, combined with a “bicycle”), 20 times, 2 approaches;
  • stretching for all muscle groups.

Before and after supersets, you can perform cardio (running or jumping) for 10 minutes to enhance the fat-burning effect.

The entire program for losing weight at home for women takes half an hour, this saves not only time, but also money.

General rules for performing squats

  1. First of all, in all exercises the back should be straight. There should be a natural deflection. If you can’t keep it level, you need to reduce the load.
  2. Your knees should not go beyond your toes.
  3. During any squats, your heels should remain flat on the floor.
  4. The head should look ahead.
  5. Breathe evenly and without interruption.
  6. Always squat deeply and efficiently.
  7. Never rush and keep the pace slow.

By adhering to these simple, basic rules, you can achieve good results. The main thing is regularity and assertiveness.

The secret is squats

A beautiful butt in 30 days is not a myth, but a reality. The main secret of such a quick result lies in squats, as they are able to best influence the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Another benefit of this exercise is that it improves your metabolism. It's also worth noting that doing squats will increase your heart rate, which will increase your endurance. Among other benefits of this exercise, the main one is enhanced fat burning. Calories will be burned not only during exercise, but also after.

In order to pump up your butt, you must follow a special exercise schedule for 30 days. If you are conscientious about doing the exercises, then toned buttocks and thighs combined with beautiful and slender legs will not take long to arrive.


Of course, the first contraindication is health status. If doctors prohibit you from physical activity, for any reason - unstable functioning of the heart, kidneys, knees, it is better not to exhaust yourself with training. Even for the sake of such a goal - an ideal figure.

Before starting a course of such heavy physical activity, be sure to visit a doctor and get his approval.

If you have recently had an injury, no matter whether it is mild or severe, then physical activity is contraindicated for you.

There is an opinion among doctors that squats are harmful to the knee joints. What causes their destruction and pain. Whether this is true or a myth, there is no consensus yet. Therefore, you should not get carried away with constant squats. Take breaks.

How to squat correctly?

To get a bigger butt in 30 days, it is very important to use the correct squat technique. To make squats easier, use a chair. When lowering your body down, you need to create a right angle at the knee joint, so the upper part of your legs will be parallel to the floor. This nuance is very important, since it is the main point of this exercise. To avoid falling below the required level, use a chair. When you feel yourself touching the chair during a squat, that's your signal that it's time to come out of the squat. Keep in mind that the lower the chair, the greater the load on the muscles.

30 Day Challenge: Weighted Squats...Here's What Happened

Squats are the most common dream-building exercise, but squats alone can do a lot.

Photos by Gabriel Cassel

CrossFit is my jam, hot yoga is my Sunday routine, and the 5-mile run from Brooklyn to Manhattan is my pre-season ritual. I'm ready. I'm active. But I hate my ass - I always have.

It's the butt that was called "too bony", the butt that I was teased about in class and high school ("Where is that...?"), and the butt whose absence became even more apparent when I started weight training more regularly. and my biceps, shoulders and triceps are full. “Built upside down,” my gym laughs.

So one day I was loudly hating my tuhus when my editor suggested I do 20 kettlebell squats every day. She figured that if I was running to work every day for two weeks, I'd probably take the opportunity to get a rounder, juicier booty—and I did.

Thirty days later, my glutes are stronger and the muscle endurance in my arms has definitely improved from all that weights. I also gained enough strength by doing 600 squats in a month. The front and back squats that I have to do during CrossFit are also easier since I focused on my form and keeping my heels down.

My friend at the gym (with an equally flat one behind him) exclaimed with joy, “I can see that booty jiggling, GK!” While I can't continue these daily goblet squat breaks (as a godfather, I'm already reaping the benefits of basic squats), I've learned a lot about form, foundation, and how to take squats to the next level with this challenge. If you're building your mining from the very beginning, here's what you need to know:

The 30 Day Squat Challenge Requires More Than Just Squats Alena Luciani, MS, CSCS, Pn1, founder of Training2xl, made it clear that adding weight is a way to improve your regular squats. Strengthening production brings some real benefits. Strong butts do much more than just make your waist look smaller and make your booty look amazing in leggings or jeans. They also improve speed, agility, power, and prevent the risk of injuries related to your back, says Luciani.

“Squats primarily focus on the gluteus maximus. But your gluteal muscles are made up of two other muscles called the gluteus maximus and the gluteus maximus. You need to do all three to see the results you're looking for,” says Luciani.

To fully activate and collect every piece of your loot, you will need a workout that includes various exercises such as:

hip donkey kicks deadlifts lateral leg lifts lunges However, if you're not a fitness fiend or just want to focus on squats, the plan I tried is a great start. It is easy to do (because whoever wants to do 100 squats a day), develops impressive strength in the body, arms and back, and also helps in lifting trophies, especially if you are new to squats.

Here's What Experts Say About Adding Weighted Squats Luciani's Tips for Adding Weighted Squats to Your Program:

First nail the bodyweight squat. Add a weight that you can do at least 10 reps. If you have access to a trainer, ask him to check your form. Don't do squats. Keep adding weight when squats start to feel too easy. Thanks to CrossFit, I had air squats and weights. Luciani gave me several other weighted squat variations and I decided to focus on the goblet squat.

How to Do a Goblet Squat Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands at chest level and stand with your feet hip-width apart and shoulder-width apart. Stand tall and brace your core, then lower your butt back and down, keeping your chest up, sitting on your heels without putting your weight forward on the balls of your feet. As you drive through your heels, stand on your feet and squeeze your glutes. This is 1 rep. Once I settled into my goblet squat, Luciani helped me develop this four-week plan to ensure my booty gains:

Squat plan for the week:

  1. 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell
  2. 1 Set of 20 Squats, 35lb Kettlebell
  3. 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 42 lb kettlebell
  4. 1 Set of 20 Squats, 42 lb Kettlebells

With daily reminders set for 2pm (I work from home and my apartment building has a gym, so the midday squat was actually a nice break from my work), I took it on. Literally.

Write "Miss New Booty" and keep reading to find out how my month-long challenge went and whether I'll get the booty of my dreams.

Here's how my four weeks went. Week One: Finding My Weaknesses and Strengthening My Form End of Week One. Photos by Gabrielle Cassel What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell

Goblet squats indicated how weak and inflexible my inner thighs, hip flexors, and ankles were. My tight thighs made it difficult to parallel the floor, so I had to get used to being comfortable with the pain the first week.

It definitely wasn't just my buttocks taking the hit either. I was surprised by the other muscle groups that these squats woke up: specifically my quads and core! Honestly, Luciani Fr.

And after sending Luciani a form check video after my first day, she pointed out that my heels were frequently lifting off the ground as I pushed upward. She recommended that I really focus on pushing off the floor with my heels as I ride up to correct the situation. After playing with positioning, I actually found it easier to maintain good form when I did squats barefoot, which Luciani assures is completely safe.

Pro tip: If you don't have a trainer to check your form, take a video of your squats and play them back. You can also analyze your form in real time as you move in front of the gym mirror.

Week two: take one squat at a time Start of the second week (L), end of the second week (R). Photos by Gabrielle Cassel What I did: 1 set of 20 squats, 35 lb kettlebell What I did: 1 set of 20 squats, 35 lb kettlebell

Going from 2 sets of 10 to 1 set of 20 was physically challenging, especially the last four squats of the second set. It was also mentally tough because all the repetition started to feel a little repetitive.

To help keep me focused during the exercise, I started counting reps out loud, which helped each squat feel like the box I needed to check off my to-do list (and I love to-do lists). I also texted my friend group every day to keep myself accountable.

Squats primarily focus on the gluteus maximus muscle. But your gluteal muscles are made up of two other muscles called the gluteus maximus and the gluteus maximus. You need to do all three to see the results you're looking for.

– Alena Luciani, MS, CSCS Week Three: Weight Gain and Feeling Strong Start of Week Three (L), End of Week Three (R). Photos by Gabrielle Cassel What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 42 lb kettlebell What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 42 lb kettlebell

By the third week I was ready to take on the heavy weights. "You'll know you're ready to add weight when the last two reps of each set are no longer very difficult," Luciani says. While I definitely felt the extra 7 pounds of my 42-pound weight, I wasn't noticeably sore from the added weight.

Photos by Gabrielle Cassel CrossFit is my jam, hot yoga is my Sunday routine, and the Brooklyn to Manhattan 5-mile run is my preseason ritual. I'm ready. I'm active. But I hate my ass - I always have.

It's the butt that was called "too bony", the butt that I was teased about in class and high school ("Where is that...?"), and the butt whose absence became even more apparent when I started weight training more regularly. and my biceps, shoulders and triceps are full. “Built upside down,” my gym laughs.

So one day I was loudly hating my tuhus when my editor suggested I do 20 kettlebell squats every day. She figured that if I was running to work every day for two weeks, I'd probably take the opportunity to get a rounder, juicier booty—and I did.

Thirty days later, my glutes are stronger and the muscle endurance in my arms has definitely improved from all that weights. I also gained enough strength by doing 600 squats in a month. The front and back squats that I have to do during CrossFit are also easier since I focused on my form and keeping my heels down.

My friend at the gym (with an equally flat one behind him) exclaimed with joy, “I can see that booty jiggling, GK!” While I can't continue these daily goblet squat breaks (as a godfather, I'm already reaping the benefits of basic squats), I've learned a lot about form, foundation, and how to take squats to the next level with this challenge. If you're building your mining from the very beginning, here's what you need to know:

The 30 Day Squat Challenge Requires More Than Just Squats Alena Luciani, MS, CSCS, Pn1, founder of Training2xl, made it clear that adding weight is a way to improve your regular squats. Strengthening production brings some real benefits. Strong butts do much more than just make your waist look smaller and make your booty look amazing in leggings or jeans. They also improve speed, agility, power, and prevent the risk of injuries related to your back, says Luciani.

“Squats primarily focus on the gluteus maximus. But your gluteal muscles are made up of two other muscles called the gluteus maximus and the gluteus maximus. You need to do all three to see the results you're looking for,” says Luciani.

To fully activate and collect every piece of your loot, you will need a workout that includes various exercises such as:

hip donkey kicks deadlifts lateral leg lifts lunges However, if you're not a fitness fiend or just want to focus on squats, the plan I tried is a great start. It is easy to do (because whoever wants to do 100 squats a day), develops impressive strength in the body, arms and back, and also helps in lifting trophies, especially if you are new to squats.

Here's What Experts Say About Adding Weighted Squats Luciani's Tips for Adding Weighted Squats to Your Program:

First nail the bodyweight squat. Add a weight that you can do at least 10 reps. If you have access to a trainer, ask him to check your form. Don't do squats. Keep adding weight when squats start to feel too easy. Thanks to CrossFit, I had air squats and weights. Luciani gave me several other weighted squat variations and I decided to focus on the goblet squat.

How to Do a Goblet Squat Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands at chest level and stand with your feet hip-width apart and shoulder-width apart. Stand tall and brace your core, then lower your butt back and down, keeping your chest up, sitting on your heels without putting your weight forward on the balls of your feet. As you drive through your heels, stand on your feet and squeeze your glutes. This is 1 rep. Once I settled into my goblet squat, Luciani helped me develop this four-week plan to ensure my booty gains:

Weekly Squat Plan 1 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell 2 1 set of 20 squats, 35 lb kettlebell 3 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 42 lb kettlebell 4 1 set of 20 squats, kettlebells 42 lbs.

With daily reminders set for 2pm (I work from home and my apartment building has a gym, so the midday squat was actually a nice break from my work), I took it on. Literally.

Write "Miss New Booty" and keep reading to find out how my month-long challenge went and whether I'll get the booty of my dreams.

Here's how my four weeks went. Week One: Finding My Weaknesses and Strengthening My Form End of Week One. Photos by Gabrielle Cassel What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell What I did: 2 sets of 10 squats with 1 minute rest, 35 lb kettlebell

Goblet squats indicated how weak and inflexible my inner thighs, hip flexors, and ankles were. My tight thighs made it difficult to parallel the floor, so I had to get used to being comfortable with the pain the first week.

It definitely wasn't just my buttocks taking the hit either. I was surprised by the other muscle groups

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