TOP 10 best vitamins for the brain: for memory and work
1 Orthomol Mental View 2 Doppelhertz active ginkgo biloba+B1+B2+B6 View 3 Solgar Neuro-Nutrients View
Leg bending while lying down in a machine
Extension and bending of the legs in the simulator while sitting, lying down, in the machine. Exercise, technique, which muscles work
The machine calf curl is a simple isolation exercise for the hamstrings. Man brings heel
Practice Virasana pose regularly and your posture will become perfect.
Hello my dear readers! One of the areas of hatha yoga, pair yoga, is a fascinating and
Bulgarian barbell squats
Bulgarian split squats: prepare your body for summer!
Benefits and disadvantages of Bulgarian squats An obvious advantage of split lunges is that this
Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator
Top 7 most effective exercises with an expander for the buttocks and thighs
The butterfly curl is designed to isolate the pectoral muscles. Breasts work in others too
how to swim butterfly
Exercises for learning butterfly swimming technique
Key aspects of working on butterfly style technique Key aspects of butterfly style technique include two
Basic or isolation exercises: which is better?
The concept of “base” and its difference from isolating loads Basic are strength exercises that simultaneously involve
Exercises for stretching the spine at home
What is stretching the back muscles Spinal stretching is a set of exercises to improve the condition
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How to drink protein to gain muscle mass
One fine day, while changing clothes after training, you heard huge guys talking about
fat cells
Cognitive: normal body fat percentage in men and women
April 9, 2019 Health Maxim Novichkov The word “fat” among people watching their figure
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