14 nutritional rules that will help you lose weight and keep it off

  • July 18, 2018
  • Diets
  • Kristina Osipova

Often diets are aimed at losing extra pounds, but there are those that help maintain the desired weight. If you've already gotten rid of the excess, it's important to keep it. This article will talk about how to do this without starving, but through a balanced diet to maintain weight.

Weight maintenance diet

Why is it necessary to maintain a normal weight?

As you know, gaining extra pounds occurs due to the fact that we receive more calories than we expend, and vice versa, body weight decreases if we create a deficit. Therefore, we begin to limit ourselves in food and exhaust the body by starving, but we do not think about the stress we bring to it. To maintain your desired weight and keep your body in great shape, you don't have to adhere to strict food restrictions. You just need to switch to proper nutrition. In this case, the body will not experience exhaustion, but will begin to receive all the necessary nutrients for energy potential.

Tomatoes and beef liver - simple and tasty

Tomato lycopene is an antioxidant that protects the skin from UV radiation and free radicals. Carotenides are “responsible” for external beauty.

The liver is the main energy supplier in the diet. It is low in calories and gives you a feeling of fullness. A valuable source of micro- and macroelements. Iron deficiency is especially noticeable in women during menstrual periods. Tomatoes will help to “pull out” the maximum amount of iron from beef liver; their ascorbic acid will contribute to this. The liver can “respond by extracting” potassium. Liver and tomatoes are healthy foods. Feel free to bake and stew them together. For a recipe for tender homemade beef liver pate, see the blog.

Healthy food

The essence of the diet

There is an excellent and balanced diet that helps not to gain excess weight:

  1. Its essence lies in any physical activity and calculating calories; daily consumption should not exceed 1600 kcal.
  2. Meals are divided into six times a day.
  3. Portions should be small.
  4. It is important to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure.
  5. You need to try to eat at the same time every day with a slight error.
  6. In the evening, avoid heavy meals.
  7. Be sure to diversify your diet to maintain weight.
  8. You should eat boiled, stewed or baked food.
  9. Be sure to drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach in the morning, you can add a small piece of fresh lemon.
  10. You should drink at least two liters of water daily.
  11. When dieting to maintain weight, you need to choose the right snacks. It should not be flour products or sweets.
  12. Don't forget to do at least light exercise every day.
  13. Once every seven days you can treat yourself, for example, eat a cake.

Nutrition program for weight maintenance

Green tea and lemon: a duet of vigor and aroma

The components of a hot cup of green tea, caffeine and theanine, increase alertness, help you concentrate and be attentive. Theanine also reduces stress by replacing a nighttime lullaby. Natural antioxidants each do their own thing. Catechin energizes you, slowing down the aging process. Theobromine speeds up metabolism by stimulating the release of stored fat. Green tea “gives” the skin protection from UV rays. Neutralizes the feeling of hunger.

Lemon does not need a detailed description. Its loading dose of “ascorbic acid” enhances the effect of tea catechins, leaving 80% in the body for use.

Let us remind you that the temperature of the tea should not exceed 56°C. Clarity of consciousness is “provoked” by warm or moderately hot tea. The first brew “pulls out” 50% of the nutrients, the second – 30%, and the third – 10%. And on the fourth... nothing. Lemon zest contains almost 3 times more vitamin C than pulp.

So you’re wondering: is it worth brewing tea twice or is it better to chew on a lemon peel?

Healthy food

Features of a balanced diet

For women:

  1. Of the daily diet, 25 percent should be in the morning and evening, that is, breakfast and dinner. Forty percent of the norm comes from lunch, the remaining ten from snacks.
  2. Fats, although a scary word for girls, cannot be excluded. As hair begins to fall out, the appearance of the skin will deteriorate. It is recommended to consume no more than fifty grams of fat per day.
  3. Protein makes up most of the diet; it is easily digestible. But to get the effect, you need to cook it correctly, namely stew, bake, boil.
  4. Carbohydrates (cereals) are the main source of energy for girls. Since they take a long time to digest, they should be consumed for breakfast.
  5. Salt and granulated sugar should be kept to a minimum.
  6. Compliance with the drinking regime will help maintain the elasticity of the epidermis.

For men:

  1. One important thing is to eat clean proteins, especially for those who want to maintain their muscle mass. Beans, peas or beans should be consumed at least three times every seven days.
  2. To gain energy for breakfast, a man should eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. For example, cereal with meat or fish, bread with butter and cheese, omelet with vegetable salad.
  3. The evening meal should consist only of pure protein. The ideal option would be boiled fish or meat.
  4. Two hours before bedtime, you can drink berry jelly or a fermented milk drink.
  5. Soups should be consumed daily.
  6. Whatever your weight, men need to drink two liters of clean water per day.

Balanced diet to maintain weight

Avocado and spinach - green on trend

Both avocado and spinach are a swan song for nutritionists. These healthy foodstuffs would not be described except by the lazy. Indeed, the perfect pairing on a plate deserves attention.

Avocado “heals” the brain from anemia. Fruit fatty acids increase the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels. Antioxidants and vitamin E improve memory and rejuvenate brain cells. Spinach complements avocado. Vitamin A and lutein normalize metabolic processes. They themselves are inactive, but when combined with vegetable fats (in avocados) they are activated. Spinach iron “increases” hemoglobin. Potassium is a fighter against fatigue. There is a lot of it in spinach. A glass of chopped green leaves contains 15% of the daily dose of vitamin E. Folic acid helps the brain for memory and attention.

Alligator pear (avocado) contains more fat than carbohydrates. But calories are converted into energy, and not transformed into fat folds. 125 g of avocado contains only 200 kcal. Regular use of the product helps smooth out wrinkles due to unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E. Beta-carotene is a good alternative to olive oil.

Low-calorie spinach gives the effect of quick satiety, which means it is an ideal addition to the dishes of those who are watching their weight. Is it possible to make such healthy foods more nutritious? - Certainly! – Eat them in pairs! – an excellent combination of many dietary indicators. About the art of choosing a fruit and how to cut it correctly, see the blog.

Healthy food
©Hungry Boyfriend

Product recommendations

To keep your body in good shape for a long time, especially after physical activity, focus on complex carbohydrates. Because simple ones, due to their low biological value, provoke a surge in insulin in the body, which leads to fat deposits.

List of foods that contain simple carbohydrates:

  • sweets;
  • store-bought juices that contain large amounts of sugar;
  • potatoes and chips are no exception;
  • alcohol;
  • White bread;
  • sweet soda;
  • granulated sugar;
  • fast foods.

List of foods that contain complex carbohydrates:

  • black bread;
  • all cereals;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables.

Lack of protein leads to changes in hormonal levels and weakening of the immune system.

List of foods that contain protein:

  • chicken breast, beef, turkey and veal;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cereals;
  • mushrooms;
  • all types of nuts;
  • beans and peas.

Fats are poorly digested, which leads to fat deposits on internal organs. Particular attention should be paid to trans fats, they are very harmful and are practically not digestible.

List of foods that contain healthy fats:

  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil, namely flaxseed and olive;
  • fish (mackerel and salmon).

List of foods that should not be consumed when dieting to maintain weight:

  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • flour products, as well as cakes;
  • butter with a fat content higher than 82%;
  • chips, crackers;
  • varieties of white bread;
  • fast foods.

Diet menu for every day

Chicken breast and rosemary: a spicy combination

Meat. Who doesn't love him? And rightly so. A valuable source of animal proteins and B vitamins. Its regular use increases performance, stimulating brain function and the body's defenses, strengthens the nervous system, improves memory and sleep. Niacin (nicotinic acid) is responsible for converting food energy into muscle energy. One chicken breast contains the daily requirement of niacin, which also gives the body stamina and strength.

Nutritionists express their “for” in favor of boiled and stewed meat, but not fried and baked. It is recommended to add rosemary to your favorite meat dishes. Its woody aroma and bitter-sweet taste are not lost during heat treatment; the spice's antioxidants are an excellent neutralizer of harmful carcinogens. It has been scientifically proven that rosemary treats neuroses. Check out 6 interesting chicken breast recipes from around the world on our blog.

Healthy food
©Food To love

Formulas for calculating daily calorie intake for weight maintenance

There are several basic formulas, which we will now consider in detail.

No. 1. Mifflin-San Geor formula.

Suitable for men and women; when calculating calories, they are based on the person’s weight and height.

For women:

(10 * weight) + (6.25 * height) - (5 * age) - 161, where weight is taken in kilograms, height - in centimeters.

For men:

(10 * weight) + (6.25 * height) - (5 * age) - 5.

To calculate the correct numbers with a calorie calculator for weight maintenance, the following coefficient is applied:

  • 1.2 – lack of activity, for example, sedentary work;
  • 1.4 – simple exercises, walking several times every seven days;
  • 1.6 – average activity;
  • 2 – heavy physical activity.

Counting example. A woman aged 38 years, weighing 75 kilograms, height 165 centimeters.

(10 * 75) + (6.25 * 165) - (5 * 38) - 161 = 1430.25 kcal for normal weight maintenance at rest.

In our example, a woman leads a lifestyle with an average activity of 1.6 * 1430.25 = 2288.4 kcal. This is the amount that should be consumed when dieting to maintain weight.

No. 2. Harissa-Benedict formula.

For women:

655.1 + (9.563 * weight) + (1.85 * height) - (4.676 * age).

For males:

66.5 + (13.75 * weight) + (5.003 * height) - (6.775 * age).

The resulting result, as in the example given, is multiplied by the activity coefficient.

No. 3. BMR formula.

Helps to calculate the basic caloric intake for vital processes in a resting state.

For females:

447.6 + (9.1 * weight) + (3.1 * height) - (4.3 * age).

For men:

88.35 + (13.4 * weight) + (3.1 * height) - (4.3 * age).

How to correctly calculate BZHU?

Daily protein requirement. With a sedentary lifestyle, 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight is enough.

For people who engage in regular physical activity, you will need from 2 to 2.5 grams per 1 kg.

The protein formula for weight maintenance is as follows:

weight (kg) * by coefficient (2-2.5).

Daily fat intake.

Everything is very simple here: to maintain weight, the ratio is 1:1, that is, one gram of fat per 1 kg of weight.

Formula: weight * 1.

Daily carbohydrate intake.

Calculate two grams per 1 kg.

Formula: weight * 2.

Daily calorie intake for weight maintenance

Basic rules for creating a menu

One of the principles of the technique under consideration is the frequent use of small portions. Before creating a diet menu for each day, let’s look at the calorie content table.

For 1000 kcal per day, the ideal ratio is:

Eating Percentage of Daily Value
Breakfast 25
Snack Ten
Dinner 35
Snack Ten
Dinner Twenty

In rare cases, you can eat unhealthy foods, but you need to make sure you don't go over your daily calorie limits.

Approximate menu for seven days

Consider a weight maintenance menu designed for one week.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
1 day Low-fat cottage cheese with steamed dried fruits. Tea, preferably green varieties One banana, a glass of plain yogurt Buckwheat with a piece of boiled meat. Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil. A small piece of black bread A glass of any freshly squeezed juice, crushing nuts Stewed vegetable stew of your choice, there must be at least three items
Day 2 A few pieces of hard cheese. Oatmeal with bee nectar, you can add some fresh berries. Any herbal tea without sugar Pear or apple, some nuts One loaf of bread, meat soup, fish baked in the oven Glass of fermented milk drink A piece of boiled meat and Greek salad
Day 3 Toasted toast with a little butter, two-egg omelette, a glass of freshly squeezed juice A couple of kiwis Mushroom soup, pasta with herbs and sour cream sauce Cottage cheese casserole Stew and vinaigrette
4 day Muesli with milk, a glass of plain yogurt 200 grams of berries of your choice Pumpkin soup, mushroom lasagna Orange Oven-baked fish
5 day Muesli with bee nectar and nuts, tea with a small piece of lemon Banana and kiwi Stewed potatoes with onions and carrots, a glass of chicken broth Cottage cheese with steamed dried fruits Stewed seafood, vegetable salad, two breads
Day 6 A couple of slices of black bread with hard cheese. A glass of freshly squeezed juice Grapefruit Boiled beans with baked meat 200 milligrams yogurt Vegetable salad and one steamed fish cutlet
Day 7 Buckwheat with milk, green tea Pomegranate Vegetable soup, a piece of boiled fish Apple Vegetable casserole, 250 milligrams fresh juice

This is just an example of a weight maintenance nutrition program. You can adjust the menu according to your taste needs.

Nutrition for weight maintenance

Oatmeal and orange juice - a classic of the genre?

Let's paraphrase our favorite movie character: “Oatmeal, girls!” Porridge is a classic breakfast. Nutritionists welcome the simple formula: oatmeal + freshly squeezed orange juice. Thiamine, phosphorus, and magnesium make oatmeal a “fighter” against fatigue. And soluble fiber maintains normal blood sugar levels. The recipe for oatmeal for breakfast can be found on our blog.

Orange juice is the champion of vitamin C with all the ensuing benefits for the body and brain. Internal antiseptic and energy booster. The potassium in orange juice supports muscle cells, and the low-calorie drink prevents weight gain.

The phenols of the oat-orange tandem exhibit their properties in all their glory, normalizing digestion and removing waste and toxins from the body.

We remind you that in order to squeeze maximum juice out of an orange, warm the sunny fruit in the microwave. You will be surprised at the effect!

Healthy food

Delicious recipes for a slim figure

A balanced diet is famous for having a wide variety of dishes. This list includes soups, salads, stews, as well as meat and fish dishes.

Fish sausages. The onion and carrot are chopped and stewed. 300 grams of red fish, one hundred grams of squid and white fish are passed through a meat grinder. All products are mixed and one raw egg, 50 grams of breadcrumbs, three tablespoons of cream are added. Salt and pepper according to your taste. Place the finished minced meat in the refrigerator for two hours. They make sausages, wrap them first in cling film, then in foil. Cooking should take no more than fifteen minutes.

Smoothie. This cocktail is often found in healthy nutrition menus for weight maintenance. Let's look at how to do it.

For one hundred milligrams of natural yogurt you will need:

  • half a banana;
  • one peach;
  • a few mint leaves.

All ingredients are crushed using a blender so that there are no lumps.

Vitamin fruit salad. We will need the following products (all fruits are taken one at a time):

  • banana;
  • orange or tangerine;
  • kiwi;
  • sour apple;
  • a tablespoon of flaxseeds;
  • 30 milligrams of bee nectar;
  • a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.

There is nothing complicated in preparing this miracle salad. All fruits are chopped into small cubes and mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Creamy zucchini soup. Required components:

  • one eggplant;
  • small zucchini;
  • 0.5 cups store-bought milk;
  • 10 milligrams of lemon juice;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Vegetables are peeled and seeds removed. Grind into thin strips.
  2. Place in a pan with vegetable oil and simmer for about fifteen minutes.
  3. Carefully pour in the milk and juice, stir and leave to simmer for another fifteen minutes.
  4. Grind the finished soup in a blender.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Vegetable cutlets. Necessary vegetables:

  • a couple of zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • one onion.

They are crushed on a coarse grater, one egg is driven in and a glass of flour is added. Mix well and form cutlets. They need to be steamed.

Baked chicken breast with cabbage. You will need the following products:

  • half a kilogram of fillet;
  • three hundred grams of fresh cabbage;
  • 150 milligrams of water.

Cooking method:

  1. The meat is chopped into large cubes.
  2. Cabbage is cut into thin strips.
  3. Mix the products, add salt, spices and herbs.
  4. Place in a special baking dish.
  5. Carefully pour out the water.
  6. Place in the oven, heating temperature does not exceed 180 degrees.
  7. Baking time is about forty minutes.

Pumpkin cream soup. For 0.5 kilograms of the main ingredient, you need to prepare the following products:

  • one carrot root;
  • onion;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • seasonings (turmeric, ginger and celery root, nutmeg).

Cooking method:

  1. Vegetables are thoroughly washed and peeled.
  2. After the onions and carrots have been finely chopped, fry them a little in butter.
  3. Chopped garlic and diced pumpkin are also added there.
  4. After five minutes, pour in the milk.
  5. Simmer until the pumpkin becomes soft.
  6. Transfer to a blender bowl, add spices and grind until smooth without lumps.
  7. The thickness of the soup can be controlled by adding milk.
  8. The resulting puree is brought to a boil and the herbs are added.

Broccoli casserole. Cooking method:

  1. First, disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences.
  2. Place in salted water and boil for about seven minutes.
  3. For the dressing, beat the egg with milk.
  4. Place the finished cabbage in a deep baking tray.
  5. Pour the egg mixture on top so that it covers all the inflorescences.
  6. Sent to the oven for baking.
  7. If desired, you can add boiled meat.

Baked fish with zucchini. How to cook:

  1. You will need any lean fish. For example, pollock or cod.
  2. It is marinated for about an hour in balsamic sauce with the addition of lemon juice.
  3. Cut a medium-sized zucchini into thin slices, add salt, and after ten minutes the excess liquid is drained.
  4. Place pieces of fish on a baking sheet, top with vegetables and pour in the sauce that remains after marinating the fish.
  5. The baking dish is wrapped in foil.
  6. Baking time does not exceed thirty minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin without flour. For three hundred grams of pumpkin pulp you will need:

  • two hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • three eggs;
  • one sour apple;
  • no more than 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • vanillin optional.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate the pumpkin and apple on a coarse grater.
  2. Mix all products.
  3. If the pumpkin is sweet, you can add less granulated sugar.
  4. After everything is thoroughly mixed, the mass is poured into a special form.
  5. Place in the oven for half an hour at a heating temperature of no more than 170 degrees.

Parsley and lemon - a pair of all-rounders

Parsley contains a lot of carotenoids, antioxidants that activate brain function. Calcium, folic acid, beta-carotene are responsible for cell regeneration and restoration. B vitamins are anti-stress and anti-cellulite. Fiber allows you to feel a “full stomach”. If you want to have a toned body, put parsley on your menu. It is called “women’s herb” for its ability to alleviate the condition on critical days.

Pan-lemon stands out in the citrus row because it “guarantees” strong immunity, restores the body’s defenses, and normalizes metabolism.

Iron is difficult for the body to absorb, but when paired with vitamin C, the process is much faster. Without the “ascorbic engine,” iron has a hard time. Parsley and lemon are a universal combination. This is a salad dressing, a marinade for dietary meat, and smoothies. The field is unplowed for culinary experiments. Let's experiment for good?

Healthy food
©Las Vegas Food Adventures

Weight maintenance workouts

However, nutrition is only half the battle. Having considered the diet menu for each day, you can move on to physical activity. Once your weight loss goal has been achieved, the next step is to stay in shape. Easy training will help us with this:

  • Walking or running. The most important thing is to maintain a constant pace. Therefore, if you exercise on a treadmill, it is not necessary to set the treadmill to a high incline. You should allocate up to forty minutes per day to this exercise.
  • Squats. To keep your gluteal muscles toned, you should not forget about this exercise. It can be performed without additional weight. An average of three sets of ten squats.
  • Elliptical trainers. Such exercises provide the same load on all muscle groups. Which has a great effect on overall tone and weight maintenance.

Calorie consumption and consumption rates

Some tips

To consolidate the result and not gain excess weight, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You should lose weight slowly, no more than two kilograms in 30 days. Rapid weight loss can have serious consequences.
  2. It is necessary to get out of the diet slowly. After the body has been denied many foods for a certain period, at the end of the diet the risk of relapse increases. Gradually reintroduce foods into your diet.
  3. Don't stop drinking. While you were following the diet, drinking at least two liters of clean water per day should have become a habit, so don’t give it up. As you know, without the necessary fluid, metabolism slows down, so water is the best friend of slimness.
  4. Activity. As we discussed in this article, you should not consume more calories than you expend. Only physical activity can help with this, especially for people who have a sedentary lifestyle. Gymnastics, yoga, shaping, exercise machines - all these activities are appropriate, choose any, but the only condition is that the training be regular.
  5. Calm. Any diet brings stress to the body, and at this time it tries to store fat.

A balanced diet to maintain weight should eventually become a way of life, because the body needs to receive everything it needs and useful every day.

Vegetables and yogurt are a low-calorie pairing

The term “vegetables” refers to a range of edible parts of certain plants. Each vegetable has its own beneficial benefits, which affect the body and brain to varying degrees. The properties of antidepressants, antioxidants, the presence of vitamins, amino acids, minerals... For 100 calories you can “gnaw” as many as 370 g of carrots, eat 400 g of boiled beets, 750 g of fresh cucumbers or 590 g of tomatoes.

Natural yogurt retains all the benefits of milk. For the brain, yogurt contains tyrosine, a stimulus for the conduction of nerve endings; Tryptophan is a natural remedy for insomnia.

Fiber in vegetables helps calcium to be absorbed, giving the body maximum benefits. Choose yogurt with normal rather than reduced fat content, without additives. If you don’t know what’s tasty and satisfying to eat, stop at a low-calorie pairing: vegetables with yogurt are healthy foods. Natural yogurt is suitable as a dressing for salads and other dishes as an alternative to high-calorie sauces and mayonnaise. What else can replace mayonnaise? – Look on the blog.

Author: Elena Chuiko

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