TOP 10 healthiest foods for the human body

Preservation and restoration of health

For the proper functioning of the body and the prevention of diseases, a person must constantly be in motion. With a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disrupted and this usually leads to obesity with aggravating consequences.

Only with active movement do human organs and systems function normally. Low mobility leads to a shortening of human life.

full restoration of health
Often a sedentary lifestyle is associated with the characteristics of the profession or, due to illness, the need to adhere to bed rest. Such a life has a detrimental effect on health: cardiovascular disorders develop and metabolism is disrupted. Lack of movement causes muscle starvation, which is as dangerous as lack of oxygen, insufficient nutrition and vitamin deficiency.

An effective remedy that helps eliminate the negative effects of lack of movement is health-improving physical culture. It plays the role of a prophylactic agent, preventing diseases and restoring the body after various diseases.

How are the health benefits and harms of food determined?

The beneficial and harmful qualities of foods are determined by nutritionists by how they affect the body after consumption.

The benefit lies in vitamins, minerals and other elements, without which the human body cannot exist normally.

Products with beneficial qualities include environmentally friendly, natural products, the production of which does not use hazardous chemical additives or artificial substances.

The main thing in healthy products is their composition; the following components will be harmful to health:

  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • flavorings;
  • GMO.

An equally important role in assessing the usefulness of food is played by the method of preparation. When using oil of plant or animal origin to process products, harmful substances are released, such as:

  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;
  • higher aldehydes;
  • ultrafine particles;
  • carcinogens, etc.

Nutritionists include foods prepared as healthy food:

  1. For a couple.
  2. In the oven.
  3. Boiled.

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Health walking

The peculiarity of this type of walking is its calming factor, it distracts from mental and nervous stress, and also eliminates deficits in motor activity.

The restoration of physical health when walking occurs unnoticed. The duration of walks and speed of movement increase gradually. As a result, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, general endurance and correct posture develop. Natural factors of nature - clean air and sunlight - during a walk also have a beneficial effect on a person’s physical condition.

Healthy dairy products

milk in a carafe on the grassPhoto: Pixabay
Dairy products are necessary for a person to have adequate nutrition, as they contain a large amount of useful and nutritious substances. And if over time the body has become worse at digesting milk, it can be successfully replaced with fermented milk products.


Milk contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and contains vitamin A. Milk is a valuable nutritious dietary product that is easily digestible by the body, so it is included in the healthiest foods for humans.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a product of milk processing. It is rightly considered the best source of calcium. It is necessary for pregnant women.

To keep the body in good shape, it is recommended to eat at least 200 grams of cottage cheese daily. The product is rich in proteins, fats and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates. It contains vitamins: A, group B, PP and C. Cottage cheese contains phosphorus, calcium and a small amount of iron.


This fermented milk product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora. It is recommended as an indispensable healthy product for dietary nutrition due to its high nutritional value and low calorie content. Kefir contains calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin A, PP and C.

We talked about the most useful products, you will agree that the list turned out to be quite impressive. To be the master of our health, each of us must think about balanced nutrition.

“We are what we eat,” Hippocrates said. And this phrase is still relevant today. You need to listen to your body and organism, try to understand your needs, desires and not make a cult out of food. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

Health running

How to restore health? Go jogging. This is a universal means of strengthening action. All body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and muscular - begin to function normally.

health recovery center
With health-improving running, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is reduced, and metabolic processes are improved. In addition, all internal organs and blood vessels begin to function better.

Top 10 dangerous products

It’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from the chicken wings, which smell mesmerizingly and also have a special, attractive crunch! What to do with the most delicate waffles, dipped in chocolate, turning into a heavenly delight, which is then impossible not to wash down with gurgling soda? It is up to you to remember that such tempting foods are harmful to your health.

Let’s try to figure out what you can still eat, but in moderation, and what foods you should give up or find less harmful analogues.


The top dangerous products are semi-finished meat products, sausages and small sausages. The fact is that they add various stabilizers, flavor enhancers, as well as preservatives and chemical compounds. It is these additives that, when regularly consuming sausages, cause:

  • formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • pathologies of the heart muscle;
  • oncology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • and even lung diseases.

Sausages also cause visible damage to your figure. If you want to snack, prepare light diet snacks.

Experts recommend using unpolished rice, garlic, tomatoes and broccoli to add to sausages. The beneficial substances in these products neutralize the negative effects of processed meat on the body.


Sweet carbonated drinks consist of dyes, aromatic essences, acid (preservative), carbon dioxide and ordinary water. One such glass contains four full tablespoons of sugar.

Just think about this amount of “sweet poison” that many consume every day, without even knowing, and perhaps not wanting to know, what will happen next in the body.

Daily drinking in the form of carbonated sweet drinks and soda:

  • accelerates the aging process;
  • leads to obesity;
  • increases blood sugar levels;
  • increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • has a destructive effect on the brain.

When drinking soda, a person thinks that he is drinking water. But in fact, this is a harmful mixture that not only does not quench thirst, but also requires more liquid to neutralize it.


Energy drinks are non-alcoholic or low-alcohol cocktails that have a special ability to stimulate the human central nervous system. Most often they contain taurine, caffeine, theobromine, melatonin, vitamins and glucose.

The effect that the manufacturers of these drinks promise is a powerful boost of energy. It is observed for several hours. However, the “miracle” remedy has not only positive aspects.

According to doctors, after consuming energy drinks, patients experience headaches, increased anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, etc. They release the energy that tonics supposedly give from the body’s existing reserves! Therefore, when their effect ends, a person feels a loss of strength.

Energy drinks are harmful and extremely contraindicated for pregnant women, teenagers, the elderly, children, as well as people with heart or chronic diseases. You should not drink them during medical intervention or use of medications.

Still want to freshen up? Try making your own Sassi water. In terms of taste and benefits, it is better than any store-bought one.

We have significantly kept silent about the dangers of alcohol, because, as you already know, its excessive consumption has a detrimental effect on almost all internal organs and systems of a person. And the medicinal properties attributed to it, be it the acceleration of blood or the dilation of blood vessels, work literally from half a glass of good dry red wine.

Chocolate candies

It’s far from a sweet life for lovers of chocolate factory products. Goodies are replete with all kinds of emulsifiers, thickeners, sweeteners and other additives that are harmful to the body.

Chocolate itself, of course, in small portions, even has benefits. It stimulates the production of endorphins and brain function, and protects against depression. In addition, there are even special chocolate diets that help you lose weight.

However, from frequent use a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • exacerbation of diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • oncology.

From this it follows that you need to eat chocolate in moderate portions. This way you will protect yourself from extra pounds and other side effects.

In addition, it is better to choose high-quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. It's much more useful.

Lollipops, by the way, are no less harmful - they contain a huge amount of sugar and dyes.

Well, for inveterate sweet tooths there are special recipes for low-calorie dietary desserts. Although the dishes remain just as tasty, they cause much less harm.


The list of dangerous products continues with “white poison”. Almost everyone knows about its dangers, but many are in no hurry to reduce their sugar consumption. It's a pity. We decided to remind you how this unhealthy sweetness affects the body:

  • disrupts the functioning of satiety hormones;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • leads to excess weight gain;
  • destroys tooth enamel;
  • impairs memory and inhibits mental activity.

The safe daily allowance of sugar for women is only 25g, for men - 36g. But keep in mind that you get it not only from crystallized powder or candy, but also from pasta sauce and bread.

If you are thinking about how to replace sugar, then pay attention to the high-quality sugar substitute FitParad and natural stevia.

Sauces and ketchups

The composition of these harmful additives is replete with obscure Latin designations: emulsifiers, monosodium glutamate, E, etc. Stomach problems, obesity and cancer are not a complete list of diseases caused by these products.

Chemicals are used by manufacturers to give sauces a bright taste, create a uniform consistency and increase shelf life.

Using ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces constantly, you accustom your body to their taste, and then dishes without them seem bland. Therefore, a habit arises. But by doing this, you are simply deceiving your brain and taste buds without getting any benefit. Therefore, this product is automatically in our rating.

Muffins and baked goods

The shelves of the supermarket bakery department today are filled with fresh buns, donuts and croissants. Inhaling the pleasant aroma of these products, we forget how harmful they can be. We are talking not only about cellulite and fat - faithful companions of any baking, but also about serious changes inside the body.

Store-bought baked goods are prepared with margarine, food preservatives, trans fats and large amounts of sugar. Together, these substances form a far from healthy cocktail that can cause:

  • formation of “bad” cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic and digestive disorders;
  • the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • pancreatitis.

To protect your health from possible consequences, minimize the amount of baked goods and sweets in your diet. And next time, instead of a sweet snack, bake homemade buns or prepare diet sandwiches.


Also in the food group marked “Caution!” included yoghurts and curd desserts. Let’s make a reservation right away, we are talking about those that are stored for months and contain simply fantastic combinations of fruits (often unavailable for sale in the region). Instead of the latter, not just other products are added to yoghurts, but chemical essences that are used in the paint and varnish industry.

Manufacturers convince us that their products do not contain fat. But there is an excess of carbohydrates in the form of starch, sugar and sweetener. And paradoxically, regular consumption of such harmful fermented milk products, instead of the promised “flat tummy,” can lead to obesity.

Still, you shouldn’t give up yogurt completely. You need to make them yourself or approach your choice wisely: buy products whose production is located near your city, pay attention to the expiration and storage dates, trust not the ideas of advertisers, but rational judgments.

Chips and croutons

Perhaps one of the main horror stories of the 21st century. There are so many rumors about the methods of their preparation! There was a story in the early 2000s that huge chip factories had large tanks in which shredded potatoes were “pickled.”

Naturally, no one is watching this process, and either a lost mouse or a cockroach ends up in the vat. Whether this is a myth or not, only employees of such enterprises can answer. We rely on data provided by scientists based on product research.

Experts have found that when quickly heated, the starch in potatoes turns into acrylamide. This is a carcinogenic substance that has a direct negative effect on the human body. Acrylamide has a particularly strong effect on the female reproductive system, causing the formation of tumors.

Along with the huge amount of chemicals that make chips taste like cheese, mushrooms and green onions, the next danger is that it is not profitable for the manufacturer to use new ingredients for each batch of the product. In other words, there is absolutely no guarantee that you will buy chips fried in fresh oil.


Regular roasted corn is more harmful to health than it might seem at first glance. A harmless product turns into a dangerous delicacy when it meets oil, salt and flavorings.

These ingredients make popcorn so contagious that it makes you want to eat it again and again. As a result, the kidneys suffer, the carbohydrate balance is disrupted, and the consumer simply needs to consult a cardiologist.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum is a product that consists almost entirely of synthetic substances. Granted, certain brands use specific compounds that whiten tooth enamel, but most of the product is made up of sugars, flavorings and preservatives.

The 2 most harmful ingredients in chewing gum are:

  • aspartame, which affects the nervous system, heart and blood vessels;
  • xylitol, which contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

Of course, there is no harm from a minimal amount of these compounds. But they tend to accumulate in the body and thereby increase the impact.

Chewing gum is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, since the chemicals in the product attack the fetal immune system, causing allergic reactions.


Swimming is a unique means of physical education. This sport is suitable when complete restoration of health is required. In water, due to its properties (high density, oxygen content, low temperature), a person feels in a state close to weightlessness. A lower water temperature compared to body temperature gives a hardening effect. In an aquatic environment, pain decreases. In the process of diving to different depths while holding your breath, the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems are trained. Muscle tone in cool water increases, which has a beneficial effect on the muscular system.


Cucumber has a beneficial effect on hair growth, the functioning of the excretory and cardiovascular systems of the body. It not only has a pleasant taste, but is also rich in substances such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and chlorine.

The beneficial properties of cucumber are the qualitative composition of micro and macroelements. Due to the presence of iodine, potassium, sulfur and alkaline compounds, this vegetable helps maintain acid-base balance in the body.

Pectin substances along with fiber are the main beneficial friends. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and suppress putrefactive intestinal microflora. Tartronic acid inhibits the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. This means that a healthy cucumber blocks one of the ways to accumulate excess weight.

Healthy foods help our body in many ways, and this completely applies to cucumber. Cucumbers, especially salted ones, increase appetite, improve the absorption of nutrients, reduce the acidity of gastric juice, and remove cholesterol from the body.

Cucumber pickle enhances the secretory activity of the stomach, so it is recommended to use it for stomach diseases with low acidity.


The following should be noted:

  1. A person’s lifestyle and his health are interconnected. For the body to function properly, constant physical activity is necessary.
  2. The health restoration system must necessarily include health-improving physical education.
  3. In the process of training, a person receives benefits only in the case of a correctly selected set of exercises.
  4. The variety of health-improving physical education makes it possible for everyone to choose the appropriate sport, taking into account individual characteristics.


girl eats an apple and looks out the windowPhoto: Pixabay
Healthy products cannot do without our favorite apple! This is the most popular and widespread fruit in our region. The benefits of an apple are explained simply: it contains vitamins C, B1, B2, E, carotene, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Eating apples has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the brain, and helps with obesity, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

Apples are very useful: their juice and decoction can be used to treat liver diseases without any time limit. Apple juice made from sour apple varieties helps with diabetes.

Apple pectin helps to beneficially cleanse the body. It binds metabolic products harmful to the human body that are formed in the intestines.

Pectin also removes radioactive substances, neutralizes toxins and toxic substances that enter the intestines or arise in it due to inflammation and other painful phenomena. The fruits of wild forest apple trees are richer in pectin than cultivated varieties.

How much time should you devote to physical education?

How to restore health with the help of physical education, how much time should you devote to physical exercise? Scientists from a British research university worked on this issue.

health school
They found, for example, that for people aged 18 to 64 years, 2.5 hours a week of physical activity (dancing, walking, cycling) or an hour and a quarter of high-intensity activities is required. And to strengthen the cardiac and pulmonary systems, muscle tissue, and reduce the risk of non-infectious diseases, weekly training should be at least 5 hours.

People over 65 years of age are required to devote at least 1 hour 15 minutes a week to health-improving activities, and children and adolescents - at least an hour daily. Preference should be given to aerobic exercises rather than strength exercises.

School of Health

Special schools for the prevention and treatment of various diseases are being created in the country. Their goal is:

  • provide reliable information about the disease;
  • increase a person’s responsibility for their own health;
  • form strong convictions to comply with the doctor’s requirements and a desire to be treated;
  • motivate to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • encourage people to engage in disease prevention.

health restoration system
The group size at the health school is no more than 10 people. Each lesson lasts two academic hours with a short break of 10 minutes, frequency of classes: at least twice a week. The training program includes up to 10 lessons.

Seven tips for restoring your health

In addition to medications used to fight diseases, you can help yourself without drugs. By following just seven tips, you can easily answer the question “How to restore your health?”

  1. Move as much as possible.
  2. Use fewer chemicals.
  3. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.
  4. Organize proper drinking regimen.
  5. Try fasting.
  6. Get enough sleep every day.
  7. Spend more time in the sun.

what is good for health
These tips will help you regain excellent health, improve your mood and enjoy life.

Restoring health after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth place a lot of stress on a woman, and it takes time to regain her usual shape. After the birth of the baby, all the chores of caring for him again fall on the mother’s shoulders. How to restore health and maintain well-being during this time:

  • scrupulously observe intimate hygiene;
  • help the uterus return to its previous size. To do this: lie on your stomach more, empty your bladder regularly, breastfeed your baby every 2 hours;
  • pay attention to your diet: eat often in small portions, use natural products, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink fermented milk products every day, eat cereals, give up fatty and spicy foods;
  • carefully care for your breasts;
  • be attentive to your health. If you feel worse, consult a doctor immediately;
  • avoid heavy physical activity. Do not lift more than 5 kg during the first six weeks after delivery;
  • set aside time for physical exercise - walking is best during this period;
  • get a good night's sleep and have time to relax. You shouldn't do everything at once. Transfer part of the work to your husband or close relatives.

Healthy foods

Without proper nutrition it is impossible to maintain health. A healthy lifestyle is impossible without healthy and natural food.

replace with healthy products
Photo: Yandex.Pictures

A balanced diet is a step towards good health and well-being. If the food is varied, if it includes products of both animal and plant origin, then you can be sure that our body receives everything it needs for life without any special effort on your part.

Healthy foods should not be easily present in the diet; it is necessary to follow a diet. With regular meals, at the same hours, a conditioned reflex is developed. Gastric juice is secreted more actively and the best conditions arise for the digestion of food.


Healthy food is the key to health. Proper nutrition requires natural products that contain natural substances that help strengthen the body's defenses. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, and various nuts.

no harm to health
What's good for your health? What foods contribute to a healthy lifestyle?

  1. Tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamin C, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of cancer cells.
  2. Oatmeal is rich in vitamin E, contains protein and a lot of fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the human digestive system.
  3. Kiwi, whose seeds contain a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, and the pulp is rich in vitamins E, A, C.
  4. Black grapes support the functioning of the heart muscle and prevent the formation of tumors.
  5. Oranges contain a lot of pectin, which lowers bad cholesterol, and contain vitamin C.
  6. Broccoli is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins U, K, PP, microelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, and also contains antioxidants.
  7. Avocado normalizes blood glucose levels. The fruits are rich in vitamins.
  8. Watercress contains a lot of calcium, iron, folic acid and iodine, and contains vitamins E, A, C.
  9. Garlic stabilizes blood pressure.
  10. Olive oil contains antioxidants and helps lower cholesterol.
  11. Apples help digestion, lower cholesterol, and cleanse the body of toxins.
  12. Pumpkin. Its pulp contains a lot of fiber, microelements, and vitamins. Eating pumpkin improves metabolism, reduces blood pressure, and reduces swelling. Pumpkin juice helps with kidney and bladder stones.
  13. Carrot. Due to its beta-carotene and vitamin content, it is recommended for various heart and stomach diseases, as well as low vision.
  14. Cabbage is useful for liver pathologies and stomach ulcers, it is recommended for obesity, vascular sclerosis, it contains vitamins U and C.
  15. Celery leaves contain a lot of carotene and vitamins. It is recommended for nervous diseases and heart diseases.
  16. Buckwheat is rich in iron and calcium, helps thin the blood, and is useful for high blood pressure, vascular diseases, and atherosclerosis.
  17. Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel) are a source of fiber and cleanse the intestines. Any edible greens are low in calories, high in vitamins and amino acids, which are easily digestible.
  18. Eggs slow down the aging process of the body, thanks to the content of tocopherol acetate in them, they are rich in protein.
  19. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which is very necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  20. Nuts are rich in vitamins; they are recommended for normalizing thyroid function, maintaining skin elasticity, and improving brain function. It is enough to eat up to 4 nuts a day.

how to restore health
Some of the twenty listed are recommended to be consumed daily without harm to health. This is a list of basic products for proper nutrition.

How different diets can have positive and negative effects on the human body

The human body is a complex system with constantly changing processes; in order for the system to function normally, it must be supplied with all the necessary substances, microelements and vitamins, all of which are found in products.

Food is not just a resource necessary to sustain a person.

Fast food, fast food, alcohol, and everything that can be quickly prepared and without thinking about the contents have a negative effect on the organs.

The danger for humans is that for the production of such products, for example, crackers or chips, harmful chemical elements are used, for example, monosodium glutamate, chemical preservatives, etc. In this case, harm to the body will be caused not only by the chemical component of the product, but also by the method of preparation .

It is important to know that when preparing most fast food, frying oil is used, which during heat treatment begins to release carcinogenic substances - acrylamides. When these substances enter the body, they begin the process of tumor formation, increase sugar levels, which leads to diabetes. There is a risk of developing the following diseases when eating negative food:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • allergy;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • apathy;
  • problems with the intestinal tract;
  • ulcers;
  • asthma attacks;
  • allergies, etc.

Coffee is also considered a harmful product - granulated coffee is dangerous; the main mistake is that people drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Nutritionists say that after sleep, coffee causes stress in the body, and the digestive system cannot begin productive work during the day. The calorie content of this drink is 100 kcal per 100 g; if you consume it in large quantities, obesity will not take long to occur.

Interestingly, a large amount of fruit causes no less damage to the body than street food. This is due to the fact that during the process of evolution, our ancestors consumed fruits only during warm periods of the year; in winter, their body was rebuilt, and we inherited this feature.

When fructose enters the liver, it begins to form fat. Another disadvantage is that the production of fruits uses chemical elements, for example, pesticides or herbicides, nitrates. If ingested, it may contribute to:

  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • allergies, etc.

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