Triathlon for everyone: how to become an athlete and prepare for your first competition

People with an athletic body type are called athletics. Translated into Russian, the word athletic sounds like a fighter. Such people have a strong physique and good muscles. People with an athletic body type

They have rough facial features, as if they were cut down with an axe. Most often, such people have a large, strong-willed chin and a wide nose. The brow ridges and cheekbones protrude forward. Such people, as a rule, have broad shoulders, a wide and convex chest, and, on the contrary, narrow hips.

Men of this type usually have either tall or above average height. Broad shoulders combined with narrow hips make the figure look like a trapezoid. the athletes look too massive and rough, their figure is more like a man’s. have an elastic stomach and clearly visible abs. The trapezius muscle is well developed, which makes the strong neck seem even more massive. The bones of the skeleton are also most often massive and large. The elongated arms have well-developed muscles. The development of the athletic type continues until about 25 years of age. After reaching this age, the athletic structure becomes most noticeable. In its pure form, this type is quite rare. most often it is mixed with some other body type.

This body type is characterized by calmness and indifference. If a person of this type gets very angry, he is capable of strong aggression and fighting. This body type is sometimes called the acting body type. It’s not for nothing that people of this type have well-developed muscles, because they are responsible for development, movement and aggression. This type of strength is manifested in everything: in gait, in movements, in gestures and facial expressions. Athletics master well in various management positions and make good ones.

Representatives of this type have fairly stable energy and sensitivity. Such people are confident in themselves. Even in childhood, they are very independent and energetic. Rarely turns to anyone for help; they are used to solving all their problems on their own. Their gestures and facial expressions are restrained. When communicating with other people, they like to demonstrate their superiority; they are often unceremonious or too bold. Representatives of an athletic body type

They love risk and adventure, they have a high vitality. Athletics are people of action. If he promised someone something, he will definitely do it.

At work, he quickly achieves career growth, is respected by colleagues, and is often approached for help and advice. Such a person’s thinking is direct, logical, clear and thorough. The advantage of athletes over other body types is that they are not subject to pressure from others; such a person has a strong will, has a strong character, and is almost always in an indifferent and calm state. An athlete always knows what he wants. He goes straight to his intended goal and will definitely achieve what he wants.

Among the positive character traits of people of the athletic type are: - physical endurance, - competitiveness, fights to the last for his place in the sun, - perseverance, will achieve his goal, no matter what the cost, - self-confidence, - determination, does not mince words in your pocket, - calmness, - patience, - constancy.

Negative character traits include: - aggressiveness, sometimes even unmotivated, - thick skin, it is very difficult to bring him to positive emotions, he is indifferent to animals and children, such a person is not sensitive to other people’s experiences and to other people’s pain, - passivity and lack of initiative in social sphere.

Surely, watching the successes of your friends who visit the gym, you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: why does someone achieve the desired effect after just a couple of months of training, while others remain at the same level even after six months. The answer is simple: the prospect of developing an ideal figure

using fitness depends on many factors, including
body type

Before you start training, you need to accurately assess your data: general health, heart readiness for physical activity and body type. People with different body types respond differently to the same training system. What will bring great results for one may not work for another.

What can happen if you train “like everyone else”?

If you take up training according to some “folk” sports manual, then you will have to perform at least 5-6 physical exercises that you personally do not need. Of course, there will be nothing wrong with this - all exercises are useful in one way or another, however, before it dawns on you that you need your exercises, you will have lost a year or a year and a half! In any case, this is how much bodybuilders usually spend on empty training according to general schemes, until they finally find in the sea of ​​exercises, complexes and techniques that suits their individual data: metabolism, physical fitness, body type. Losing time is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that ineffective training destroys faith in the sport and deprives you of enthusiasm. Determining your body type is half the battle on the way to an ideal figure.

How to speed up changes in body composition?

The best way to reduce body fat and give your body the desired shape in a short period is to combine aerobic exercise with strength training. This can be done during one workout, or alternate workouts throughout the day.

Circuit training. Combine your favorite cardio exercises with strength training and alternate them in one workout. For example, you can walk on the treadmill for 7 minutes, then do push-ups, lunges, and abs. Do 3-6 sets per workout.

Alternate days. It is also very effective to alternate training days. This will burn fat and build muscle in the shortest possible time. For example, aerobic exercises on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and strength exercises on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Try not to do strength training every day, as your muscles need time to recover.

Don't forget that the most important element of a training program is consistency. And, of course, proper nutrition. Making sure you maintain energy balance and get all the nutrients you need will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your training program and therefore speed up the change in your body composition.

How to determine your body type?

So, before you start any kind of training, you need to determine your body type.

Three main body types:

  • asthenic (ectomorphic);
  • hypersthenic (endomorphic);
  • normosthenic (mesomorphic).

If we use conceptual terms, then the figure can be slender, stocky, athletic. Although most people have a mixed body type, to successfully correct the figure, one can and should highlight the predominant features.

Slender (asthenic body type or ectomorph)

The distinctive features of people with an asthenic body type are light, fragile bones, long, thin limbs, a narrow, long chest, a relatively wide pelvis, narrow shoulders, long and thin muscles, a scanty layer of subcutaneous fat.

Recently, there are more and more men of asthenic body type. Acceleration, lack of full-fledged physical activity, and an “environmental” drop in testosterone levels lead to the formation in young people of a tall, narrow-shouldered figure with undeveloped muscles and weak ligaments, which is called “unisex.”

Forming an ideal figure for a man with an asthenic body type can take several years of hard work.

You need to start building your body by strengthening the ligaments (through stretching exercises in combination with strength training) and only then start building muscle mass. To achieve success, you need to resort to strength training and pay special attention to nutrition.

The workout should be hard (in terms of the complexity of the exercises and the weights used), but not long, so as not to lose the calories necessary for building muscles. In men with a slender figure, calories accumulate with difficulty and are consumed very quickly; you need to reduce general physical activity (running, jumping, team sports, etc.) and try to rest more.

“Athlete’s foot”: what is it and what does it mean for athletes?

There is even the term “athlete's foot,” which means foot fungus. Indeed, sports fans are often susceptible to fungal infections. It's simple: feet in sneakers constantly sweat and overwork. Often shoes rub against them, creating microtraumas. And wet feet, and even with damage, are ideal conditions for the spread of fungus.

A gym shower stall, a wet sauna floor, a common locker room, the side of a swimming pool - in these places it is as easy to catch a fungus as it is to catch a runny nose in winter. But it’s much more difficult to cure it later if you don’t notice it in time. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your feet so that you can consult a doctor at the first symptoms of infection.

What does athlete's foot look like?

In most cases, the fungus (medically called mycosis) is hardly noticeable. Men rarely pay attention to hardened skin, corns or cracked heels. And only when the skin begins to peel off severely, itch, scales and small purulent blisters appear between the toes, and the feet begin to emit an unpleasant odor - this becomes a real cause of discomfort and a reason to go to the doctor. If mycosis is not treated, it can affect the nail (it will become brittle and begin to crumble), as well as other areas of the skin. Important: fungus can weaken the immune system and aggravate chronic diseases that you have long forgotten about.

Where to go and what to do?

You shouldn’t turn to friends for advice or use folk remedies if you don’t want to only make the problem worse. Only a doctor can give you the correct diagnosis and determine treatment. Unfortunately, only a third of patients with mycosis turn to dermatologists. And more than 70% stop treatment as soon as they are convinced that clinical symptoms have disappeared*. All this contributes to the development of fungus and also provokes recurrent diseases.

Effective results are provided by drugs based on the active component terbinafine (for example, Lamisil®). In the form of a gel, cream or spray, they can help get rid of the fungus after 1-2 weeks of treatment. It is most convenient to use Lamisil® Uno. It should be applied only once, on both feet, while an imperceptible film is formed on the skin, which facilitates the penetration of the drug into the epidermis. In just 15 minutes* Lamisil® Uno can relieve key symptoms such as itching and burning . This is convenient if you constantly exercise and do not want to waste time applying the drug every day.

*According to study results: Efficacy and safety of a new single-dose terbinafine 1% formulation in patients with tineapedis (athlete's foot): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Ortonne JP1, Korting HC, Viguié-Vallanet C, Larnier C, Savaluny E.//J EurAcadDermatolVenereol. 2006 Nov;20(10):1307-13.

Advertising of medical services. Before taking any medicine, please consult your doctor and be sure to read the instructions for use of medicines. A number of contraindications and side effects are indicated in the instructions for medical treatment. Lamisil®, cream 1%, 15 gab, 30 g tubes. R.P. No.UA/1005/03/01 dated July 10, 2009. Lamisil® Dermgel, gel 1%, 15 g in tubes, R.P. UA/1005/04/01 dated 06/09/2010. Lamisil® Uno, adhesive, liquid-soluble 1%, 4 g in tubes No. 1. R.P. No. UA/1005/05/01 dated November 30, 2012. Lamisil®, ammonia spray 1%, 15 ml or 30 ml in bottles No. 1, R.P. No. UA/1005/01/01 dated 01/20/2014.

Who is at risk of contracting fungus?

Athletes are not the only ones at risk. In addition to them, there is an increased likelihood of contracting fungus in overweight people, those who wear narrow, uncomfortable shoes, as well as those who suffer from circulatory problems in the feet. Stress, overwork, prolonged use of antibiotics, and lack of vitamins and microelements increase the risk of developing mycosis. Therefore, watch your diet, increase your immunity, observe personal hygiene rules - and exercise for your health.

*Usage and attitude study, 2005, Germany, France, UK.

Stocky figure (hypersthenic or endomorph)

Men with a picnic body type are characterized by a powerful skeletal system, soft muscles, wide hips, a short, wide chest, short limbs, a short and thick neck, and, as a rule, there is also a decent supply of fat.

People with a picnic body type are characterized by round, soft shapes due to a well-developed fat layer, a wide red face with soft features. People with a picnic body type show a certain tendency towards obesity.

The main goal of fitness for a full (endomorphic) body type is to combat obesity (note, not excess weight!), to build muscles hidden under a layer of fat and to develop muscle relief. There is something to work on: add some things, subtract some things.

Men with an endomorphic body type who want to make their body perfect need to adhere to a low-calorie diet; during training, perform as wide a range of exercises and complexes as possible with a large number of approaches and repetitions, reduce the break time between approaches, add aerobic exercises to the training system associated with increased calorie consumption (running, cycling, swimming, sports games).

Athletic figure (normosthenic, or mesomorph)

Men with an athletic body type are characterized by a wide chest and shoulders, a proportional torso and legs, a strong skeleton and muscle structure, without excess fat. It has strong broad shoulders, a trapezoidal body with a relatively narrow pelvis. Powerful convex muscle relief on strong bones. Strong arms and legs, large hands and feet, broad shoulders, narrow hips. The legs sometimes seem thin in comparison with the upper parts of the body and especially the hypertrophic shoulder girdle. A strong, elongated head, a free, strong neck with a pronounced trapezius muscle. This physique is a gift from God, nature, in other words, mom and dad.

An athletic body type is ideal for bodybuilding. The main thing here is not to spoil it.

If you have a normal body type (athletic figure), there is no need to overload, just improve your body. To do this, you need to follow a balanced diet, the training program should be varied, combining strength training, relief work and aerobic exercises.

Only an individually selected training program will ensure effective results.

- this is the ratio of body parts that corresponds to the “golden ratio”. The “golden ratio” is a proportion when the sum of quantities divided by the larger of these quantities is equal to the ratio of the quantities themselves. The ratio is approximately equal to 1.61, with this ratio the larger value will be 68% of their sum, and the smaller one will be 38%. Why is this necessary in practice?

There are parts of the body whose correct proportions form an athletic physique! For example, the most optimal waist to shoulder ratio is 1 to 1.61, that is, when the waist is 80cm, the shoulders should be 129cm.

The problem is that different self-types have both lagging and leading muscle groups, so in order to achieve ideal proportions, it is necessary to regularly measure key parts of the body and adjust the training program

in accordance with the results obtained. Absolutely any body type has lagging muscle groups, and since the physique of a living person also differs from the ideal one determined by anthropology, there is a need not only for a scientific, but also an intuitive approach. For example, if an athlete is a mesomorph, then he should have a well-developed chest and biceps, and his shoulders should lag behind, this is due to the structural features of the skeleton, but for a particular athlete, the lag of the shoulder girdle can only be compensated by the pectoral muscles, and the biceps should be short, so he I'll have to spend more time on my hands, even though he's a mesomorph.

From all of the above, the following conclusion follows:

to draw up or select a training program, it is necessary to determine your body type, which will provide a starting point for adjusting body proportions, but since ideal self-types from textbooks are rare, it is also necessary to carry out regular anthropometric measurements, according to which the athlete must adjust his training system.

change body, athletic shape, weight loss

Many people want to change their body for the better. Some people want to get rid of subcutaneous fat, others want to gain muscle mass, and still others want to make their shoulders broad. There are even those who want it all at once.

However, when thoughts come to fruition, most people are faced with the question - where to start? I decided to prepare this material with the aim of describing specific instructions for a sports start. This does not mean, of course, professional sports, but fitness and bodybuilding within the framework of “for the figure.” This will be exactly the information you should start with and the tips you need to follow if you decide to change yourself, become slimmer and more beautiful.

The undeniable advantages of this short series of articles are brevity and specificity. This is the most concise and at the same time detailed answer to the question: how to get an athletic physique? You can watch a bunch of videos, re-read a lot of books, and then get down to business. But I think that for many it is the volume of information that will become a problem and the first obstacle in building their body. One simple rule can greatly alleviate the current situation: study only those topics that really interest and at a time when you think that you lack information. In other words, solve problems as they arise. All the information presented is not a super-method or a magic pill. This is just a structured instruction manual with explanations.

THE CORRECT ATTITUDE This is the main (zero) rule, obviously, however, mistakes begin at this stage. What expectations and what mood should accompany all your actions in relation to your body?

1. Lifestyle . Fitness and bodybuilding with the goal of building a beautiful figure is not a temporary measure. You don’t need to think that “I’ll study for a couple of months, become great, and then I’ll be able to give up and forget it all like a bad dream.” Nothing will come of this approach, and even if there are results, they will be as temporary as the efforts. It is necessary clearly understand: if I always , then I will always have to work on it! If you decide to take care of your figure, expect that this will become part of your daily routine. But don’t be alarmed, friends, it will be difficult only at the very beginning. After a few months, you will enjoy your actions and be happy with the results obtained. You will soon find out why this is so, but for now just believe.

2. Deadlines. You need to understand right away that you should not expect quick results . No, they will begin to manifest themselves quite quickly, but not to the extent that we would all like. Often, when we start doing something, we expect very quick achievements, and when we don’t receive them, we are disappointed. I advise you to realize that our body is a very complex biological “mechanism”. And it will not change after a few workouts. The best approach is: take a photo of yourself at the beginning, and then take it a month (in the same light, in the same place). And you will see the difference. Also, weigh yourself no more than once a week. If you look at your weight every morning, water retention or vice versa can confuse you.

3. Regularity . All recommended actions must be performed on an ongoing basis, without interruptions or force majeure. This principle is closely related to the previous point. Only strict adherence to the plan over a certain period of time can give a positive response in the body. It's simple: don't skip workouts, don't suddenly change your eating regimen. Rejoice that you are already on the path to a beautiful body, unlike many.

4. Purpose. It is important to set an exact goal for yourself. It shouldn’t be “I just want to get slimmer” or “I’m just doing it for myself.” This doesn't work. Think about why you need to change: – to please a girl/boyfriend? – to be more confident? – gain a physical advantage over your environment? – compete more successfully in society? These are the goals that will work, come up with or choose your own and ALWAYS remember it. Especially in those moments when you want to meet laziness and weaknesses halfway. *In fact, since you are reading this, you already have a goal, you just don’t want to voice it to someone. And it’s not necessary, it’s not a problem, the main thing is that it exists.

The introduction is over, you have firmly decided to change your body, and we begin to consider your first steps. In addition to desire and the right attitude, we are interested in only three points, which are presented most concisely in the following materials.


By the time you take these steps, your understanding of fitness and bodybuilding will be very different from what you originally had. More detailed questions will appear. And you will be able to better understand the processes that make some people look good, while others... well, they still have everything ahead of them.


How to determine your body type?

Ectomorph body type

The wrist girth is from 15 to 17.5 cm, which indicates the fragility of the skeleton; usually such guys have an “H” body profile, that is, the hips and chest are approximately the same in girth. The ectomorph is characterized by: long limbs and a narrow shoulder girdle with a sunken chest; Athletes have a fast metabolism, low levels of subcutaneous fat and high endurance, making it difficult to build muscle mass.

Mesomorph physique

The wrist girth is from 17.5 to 20 cm, which indicates a good bone foundation; such athletes have a “V” body profile, that is, the chest circumference is larger than the hips. A mesomorph is characterized by: a wide chest, sloping shoulders and medium-sized legs and waist; low level of subcutaneous fat, fast metabolism and predisposed to volumetric strength work, muscle mass increases quickly.

Endomorph body type

The wrist girth is more than 20 cm, which indicates a powerful skeleton, the body profile of the endomorph is “O”, that is, the waist girth is larger than the hips or chest. Such athletes often have problems with subcutaneous fat, short limbs, wide back and shoulder girdle; metabolism is slow, muscle mass grows quickly, predisposed to high-intensity strength work.

To achieve ideal body proportions, an ectomorph must first of all pay attention to the legs, since long levers force the athlete to shift the load to the back when he performs squats with a barbell. You can pay attention to the fact that all ectomorphs, when squatting, lean forward, and when standing up, they pass the “dead point” due to the force of the back extensor. The solution is exercises such as leg press, Zercher squats, hack squats and other methods that we recommended to increase strength.


Sunken chests are also a common problem for this body type, resulting in the need for dips, which shape the middle of the chest. In addition to the problems that a strong back creates, there are also those problems that a strong triceps creates, which is why it is especially important for ectomorphs to perform all presses at an angle of 20° to 45° within the amplitude. It is advisable to use dumbbells, since dumbbells do not limit the depth of the negative phase, the athlete can lower his arm as deep as physiologically possible, and there is no need to push to the very top, so it turns out - work within the amplitude.

The problematic part of the body of this body type is the shoulders, which is no longer very noticeable in the example of modern professional athletes, but is clearly visible, for example, in Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold, of course, looked amazing, especially if we are talking about ideal body proportions, then we must admit that for an ordinary person Arnold is an ideal. But, if you pay attention to the shoulder girdle of iron Arnie, you will notice that his shoulders are flat and that is why his chest and biceps are so prominent. This feature of muscle development, of course, is also associated with the structure of the skeleton, so mesomorphs are recommended to pay special attention to shoulder training


A mesomorph does not have any other problem areas, or rather, they, of course, may exist, but this will be determined by the genetic characteristics of the athlete, and not by his self-type. But there is also a trap in this, since the bone structures of a mesomorph are not as well developed as those of an endomorph, there is less fat in the body, so the joints are more fragile, and muscle volume and strength grow the same, or even faster. As a result, faster muscle adaptation often leads to injuries, so mesomorphs are recommended to train their ligaments and tendons


The most problematic part of an endomorph’s body is the waist, not only because of subcutaneous fat, but also, in general, because of its volume. Endomorphs are not recommended to perform deadlifts or any exercises for the obliques. It is imperative to pay attention to the vacuum exercise, which allows you to pump up the internal abdominal muscles that hold the internal organs. The outer part of the flat abdominal muscle forms only bulges, which are called “cubes,” but the inner muscles allow you to reduce the size of your waist.

To achieve ideal body proportions, a mesomorph has to pay special attention to small muscle groups, such as the arms. The bottom line is that an endomorph is a body type best adapted to power loads; endomorphs make excellent weightlifters and powerlifters, which means that such athletes have long tendons and short muscles. Of course, this is not an axiom, there are exceptions, but, as a rule, this is true, so endomorphs should pay special attention to arm training


From work to fun

Do you think that this is not enough, and that your body and soul require variety? A simple platform will satisfy, if not everyone, but many of the necessary needs. Especially if your coordination skills allow you to perform basic exercises on the uneven bars. And low stairs will allow you to transfer the mini-training to a dynamic mode and work on your speed and strength qualities. A significant plus of the site is the different heights and complexity of the horizontal bars.

The builders thought deeply about diversity, so nearby there is a small playground with goals and basketball hoops. You can use it however you like. Of course, if the masters of the orange ball gather here, the size will not allow for a full-fledged basketball match. But you can always play streetball. Just like in football. Moreover, both adults and beginners will be comfortable in the game, between whom the elders periodically conduct battles on a shortened field and with a small goal. Defending them, even a seven-year-old child can feel like a big goalkeeper. And the safe crumb rubber under your feet makes you forget the old days of backyard football - with your knees scraped off in the cinder fields.

Of course, heavy traffic in the yard is a disadvantage of the site. It's not just about the environmental costs, but also about the basic noise of the engines, which sometimes drowns out the tips of the players. But the issue of safety is relevant specifically for cars. A high fence reliably protects those practicing from them, but will not protect the car from a ball flying from the site.


Biceps circumference – 38% of chest circumference; forearm circumference – 30% of chest circumference; neck circumference – 38% of chest circumference; waist circumference – 75% of chest circumference; pelvic circumference – 90% of chest circumference; thigh circumference – 53% of chest circumference; shin circumference – 38% of chest circumference;

You may have noticed that the ideal body proportions presuppose the equality of the biceps, shins and neck, which is often forgotten without devoting any time to training the neck

. You should also take into account not only the ratio of body parts, but also their absolute value, which depends on height. In order to approximately calculate ideal proportions, it is necessary to calculate the weight-to-height ratio by dividing your own weight by your height. Let’s say an athlete weighs 80 kg and is 185 cm tall, which means his weight-to-height ratio is 0.432. Now let’s look at the table and find the closest value to this ratio to find out what absolute body physique values ​​we should strive for.

Rules for taking measurements

1) Measurements are taken with a measuring tape in the morning, when the muscles are still cold, although, in principle, the most important thing is to take measurements at the same time so that progress can be tracked. 2) Measurements are taken several times, for example, 3 times within 3 days, after which the average value is displayed. It goes without saying that there is no need to suck in your stomach or draw air into your chest; all measurements are taken while standing. 3) Be sure to write down the measurement results in a diary, and it is best to keep a record in a training diary

between training programs, which will clearly demonstrate their effectiveness, both in functional indicators and in terms of the formation of ideal body proportions.


measured in a tense state at the peak point, when the athlete raises his arm up and bends it at the elbow, the fist should be turned forward, suppinating the hand, the elbow should look clearly to the side.
The forearm
is measured in a tense state at the base of the elbow, the arm should be bent at the elbow 90° and the hand should be supinated, that is, bent and turned towards the little finger.
The chest
is measured in the widest circle, along with the latissimus muscles; measurements can be taken both in a calm and tense state, but always after exhalation, so that the lungs are not inflated.
The waist
is measured in a calm state in the narrowest place; before measurement, you should exhale calmly, but without retracting your stomach, your arms should be lowered at your sides.
The buttocks
are measured in a tense state, standing exactly on two legs, the measurement is made at the most protruding point of the gluteal muscles.
The thigh
is measured at the base, right at the gluteal muscle; to do this, one leg needs to be put forward and tensed as much as possible.
The lower leg
is also measured in a tense state, standing with one foot on the toe in order to maximally strain the triceps muscle. The measurement is taken at the most protruding part of the calf muscle.

Knowing what body type you are is very important. This will not only allow you to choose the right diet and find well-fitting clothes, but also better understand the features of your structure. Only with such knowledge can you successfully emphasize your strengths and hide your weaknesses, creating your ideal image.

Body types according to Kretschmer

A classification that includes three body types, which were identified by the scientist E. Kretschmer, has become very popular. In his mind, 3 body types look like this:

  1. Picnic type
    . This is a so-called stocky figure with moderate shoulders and a tendency to accumulate fat in the abdominal area. Such people are credited with a cyclothymic temperament: such a person is open to communication, simple and natural, sometimes prone to excessive activity.
  2. Asthenic type
    . This is an elongated silhouette: a thin, tall figure, narrow shoulders and chest, poorly developed muscles. Such people are credited with a schizothymic temperament: these people take everything to heart, are withdrawn, contradictory and romantic.
  3. Athletic type
    . These are heroic people. They are tall, with well-developed muscles, long arms and legs, broad shoulders, and large facial features. They are characterized by an epileptoid temperament: they are energetic, passionate, determined to set and achieve goals.

These body types are more likely to describe men than women. Interestingly, this is one of the few classifications that links physical characteristics with temperament and character.

What are the body types according to W. Sheldman?

The most popular classification divides people into endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. In general, this classification repeats many similar ones, but is more suitable for women. This classification will allow us to recommend the necessary sports load.

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