The best diet options for 7 days with rules and reviews of those losing weight

Buckwheat diet for a week

Many people choose the buckwheat diet to lose weight - it promises a good effect, but implies strict restrictions.

The essence of it is to eat buckwheat, cooked in a certain way - in the evening, pour boiling water over the dry cereal - one glass will be enough, then drain the water.

Then pour 1.5 cups of water onto 1 cup of cereal and cover the pan with porridge with a blanket. The next day the buckwheat will be ready.

At the same time, adding salt or any seasonings is prohibited, but the amount of porridge eaten per day is not limited - you can eat even for an hour.

However, the last meal should be no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime.

The benefits and harms of losing weight on seasonal foods

Losing weight on any diet is based on the fact that the body does not receive enough calories from food, so it begins to look for them inside itself and finds them in fat deposits. The advantage of summer weight loss methods is that vegetables and fruits provide a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful components. As a result of this, the body does not experience severe discomfort due to the lack of familiar junk food.

Substances that enter the body along with the gifts of nature not only allow you to lose weight, but also improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. By eating in this way, many people notice that insomnia has disappeared, and it becomes easier to wake up in the morning.

Despite this, you cannot be content with the gifts of nature for a long time - this will negatively affect the functioning of your internal organs. The duration of the summer diet can be different, for example, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 14 days. The longer it takes to lose weight on fruits and vegetables, the more varied products you need to include in the summer menu.

Kefir diet

For quick weight loss, the kefir diet is perfect, which includes a menu for every day. She promises to get rid of 5-7 kilograms. This diet consists of drinking kefir daily - one and a half liters, divided into 4-5 doses.

In addition, it is allowed:

  • On the first day 5 pcs. jacket potatoes - unsalted boiled.
  • In the second - chicken breast, also not salted, no more than 100 g.
  • On the third day, no more than 100 grams are allowed. unsalted boiled veal.
  • On the fourth day - low-fat fish, also boiled - up to 150 g.
  • On the fifth day, no more than 400 grams are allowed. fruits and vegetables. However, fruits such as bananas and grapes are not allowed.
  • The sixth day is difficult - you can drink only one kefir, but on the very last day of the week only mineral water without gas is allowed.

Favorite diet 7 days - menu: gentle option

The most popular in this technique is the weekly version.

It allows you to get rid of significant weight and at the same time it is easier for a person to tune in to it psychologically.

  1. It is prohibited to rearrange the order of days.
  2. You cannot replace products from the menu with analogues.
  3. There are no restrictions on portion sizes and number of meals, but everything should be within reason
DayDirectionMeal orderNuances
1st breakfast2nd breakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1, 3, 6DrinkingKefir 0.2lGlass of unsweetened teaChicken broth 0.2lNatural yogurt 0.15lSkim milk 0.2lYou can drink tea without sugar.
2VegetableTwo tomatoesCucumber-cabbage salad with herbs drizzled with olive oil.Two cucumbersCucumbers with sweet peppers and herbs.Drink at least 2 liters of water.
4FruitGrapefruitTwo applesMashed apples with kiwiPearOrange
5ProteinTwo hard-boiled eggsBoiled lean fish 0.2 kgBoiled chicken breast 0.15 kg with a side dish of 1 tbsp boiled peas or lentilsLow-fat cottage cheese 0.1 kgHard cheese 0.1 kg
7ExitAppleLenten rice or buckwheat soupPearVegetable salad with herbs sprinkled with olive oil.You are allowed to drink unsweetened green tea and water.

This diet is restrictive, which means that in addition to excluding a large number of ingredients from the diet, a significant reduction in the caloric content of consumed foods will be required.

An unbalanced diet can cause negative consequences in the digestive tract. Therefore, the developers recommend preparing the gastrointestinal tract and not abusing the method, introducing the body into even greater stress.

Simple oat diet

Perhaps the mildest and simplest diet, but just as effective as many others.

Its essence lies in the daily consumption of oatmeal cooked in rosehip decoction or water - without sugar, salt and butter. Moreover, each serving cannot be more than 100 grams, that is, 86 kcal.

There should be 3 meals a day, and on the first day green tea without sugar and still mineral water are allowed.

After some time, fruits and vegetables can be added to the menu - no more than 400 grams. The advantage of the diet is getting rid of various toxins and normalizing metabolism.

Bean 7 day diet for weight loss

It is a source of vegetable protein and also contains valuable vitamins and elements that help normalize metabolism. Weight loss occurs due to the breakdown of fat, not muscle tissue. During the period of weight loss, physical activity is allowed; in tandem with nutrition, you will be able to achieve a sculpted silhouette. The basis of the diet is red, white, green beans in a volume of no more than 300 grams. per day. The menu also includes additional products:

  • chicken breast, turkey, rabbit;
  • hake, notothenia;
  • fresh fruits, berries;
  • stewed vegetables, salads;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
  • lemon juice, pepper will replace salt;
  • fresh herbs;
  • spices.

Beans can be combined with vegetables, but should not be included in the same meal with fish, meat, or dairy products. The serving size should not exceed 150 grams; for successful weight loss, it is advisable to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time. The bean diet is fast and effective and can help you lose up to 4 kg in 7 days. The result is achieved by eliminating both simple and complex carbohydrates, alcohol, and sweet drinks.


  • beans are rich in vitamins, microelements, and are a source of easily digestible protein;
  • a small amount of product is enough to saturate;
  • has a neutral taste, spices and herbs allow you to create many interesting gastronomic combinations;
  • a balanced menu has no contraindications.


  • It is necessary to maintain a drinking regime to prevent constipation and flatulence;
  • After leaving the diet for about 7 days, you need to include beans in your diet every day.

The best diet options for 7 days with rules and reviews of those losing weight

Fast cleansing diet

In this case, the menu for the day is also planned.

So, on the first day you can drink anything besides alcohol - even broths and juices. The next day - vegetables - it is best to eat cabbage. They can be eaten fresh, stewed or boiled, as well as in purees and salads.

The third day is drinking again - any drinks in any quantity. Then a fruit day, on which it is recommended to give preference to fat-burning grapefruit, pineapple and kiwi.

On a protein day we eat eggs, dairy products, and boiled poultry.

Then comes another food day, after which a mixed day - green tea or coffee (without sugar) in the morning, rice soup for lunch, fruit for a snack, vegetable salad in the evening.

Diet products


If someone who is losing weight decides to create an effective diet menu for 7 days on their own, then you should take into account that the products allowed for the diet menu include:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • lean meat, chicken breast, fish, seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • low-calorie fruits;
  • low-calorie vegetables (exclude potatoes and beets);
  • tea, coffee without sugar;

It is worth noting that banana, mango, avocado and grapes can be consumed in small quantities before lunch if desired.


  • During the period of weight loss, it is forbidden to eat salty, smoked, sweet, fatty, fried, semi-finished products and flour.
  • You should limit your consumption of alcohol and soda.
  • Chocolate, candy, sausages, sugar, bread, cakes, ice cream, mayonnaise should not appear on the favorite dinner table of a person losing weight for 7 days.

Melon diet

One of the most effective diets is melon. In addition, it is very tasty and helps cleanse the kidneys.

The peculiarity of this diet is that melon is very nourishing and when consumed, the body is very quickly and for a long time saturated, while being healed by improving the functioning of the digestive system.

So, every day you need to eat up to 1-1.5 kg of melon, peeling it beforehand and dividing it into five parts, that is, into five meals. In this case, you need to set a clear time between meals - it should be the same. Also, in between meals, drink herbal tea or still water - only 2 liters of liquid per day.

As for herbal teas, it is preferable to have calming options that will help combat stress associated with the use of a mono-diet.

Is it possible to stay on the “Favorite” diet for 14 days?

'Can I sit on

According to the prescriptions of specialists, one course should be enough to free the gastrointestinal tract from accumulated toxins. However, for those who want to purchase more miniature forms, there are also two and three week varieties.

14 days is actually 2 seven days in a row. Therefore, there is no difference between nutrition and diets. One week ends and a similar second begins.

The human stomach is capable of increasing in size quite quickly when there is an excess of food, and at the same speed reducing its parameters in the absence of it. For people who have endured a week of complete asceticism in food, it will not be difficult to endure another one.

However, doctors note that if in the first days you experience malaise, vascular spasms, abdominal pain or any other unpleasant sensations, then it is better to refuse to enter the second round.

Banana diet

As a rule, in a week of such a diet you can lose about 7 kilograms.

You need to eat up to 1.5 bananas per day (weight is calculated without peel). It is best to divide meals into 6 times. Liquids allowed are water and preferably green tea – without sugar. Dinner should be 3 hours before bedtime.

The essence of the diet is that in this way 1300 calories are consumed per day - the most optimal for the human body.

In this case, on the fourth day you can add a couple of boiled eggs and low-fat cottage cheese - up to 100 grams. You can drink water without gas.

There is also a gentle option, in which, in addition to bananas, you can consume 1 liter of skim milk per day. Instead of milk, drinking yogurt - up to 500 grams - or kefir is allowed.

Lenten diet “minus 10 kg”

Lenten diet minus 10 kgThe main task of such a seven-day diet is to cleanse the body.
During a fast or vegetarian diet, the stomach will rest, and your health will improve significantly. This power system has rules that must be followed:

  • You should not consume any products of animal origin.
  • It is necessary to reduce the level of vegetable fats to a minimum.
  • The diet is based on cereals, vegetables, dried fruits and berries.
  • In addition to teas, compotes, juices and plain water, you can also have dry wine.

The menu can be very diverse: borscht, potato pancakes, pumpkin porridge, potato and mushroom stew, vegetable and mushroom soups, lean cabbage rolls, fruit mousses, pancakes and pancakes, etc. A fasting diet does not promise minus 10 kg per week, because this is not an express diet, the process of losing weight on it can proceed very slowly (even up to 2 kg per week).

Diet minus 7 kg in 7 days

There is also a division by day:

  • Monday is fruit day - pears, oranges, apples, but no bananas.
  • Tuesday – vegetables – both in salads and boiled.
  • On Wednesday - repeat of the first two days - again vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas.
  • On Thursday - five glasses of milk and five bananas.
  • On Saturday - green vegetables and 100 grams of boiled fish.
  • On Sunday you can repeat any of the previous days.

Video on the topic

Soup diet

This diet option involves losing weight by minus 8-10 kg per week. This diet is often called one of the healthiest, as it is based on preparing a liquid soup. The composition of this dish is quite simple, but very healthy. You can eat the prepared soup in unlimited quantities, so it is better to cook it in large quantities for the whole day.

Features of cooking soup

This soup is prepared with onions, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers and celery. These five ingredients can literally overcome the hated fat on your figure in just 5-7 days. To cook, all vegetables must first be washed and peeled. Cut all ingredients into strips and add cold water. Place the soup on the fire and cook for 10 minutes.

It is important! You cannot add salt or vegetable oil to this dish. It should be as low-calorie as possible. To make the soup cook faster, it is better to cut the onion and celery quite thinly.

You can consume the prepared soup in unlimited quantities. As soon as you feel hungry, you can immediately start eating. You can use any vegetables and fruits as snacks. It is better to opt for citrus fruits, berries, apples, carrots, and cucumbers.

Principle of a weight loss program

When choosing a program that is suitable for ourselves, we often have to get acquainted with the principles and basic postulates of a particular diet. Some experts advise starving yourself, others advise eating, but only certain foods.

Millions of advice and a lack of understanding about which choice will allow you to get rid of excess weight without harming your body.

The diet we are considering is based on willpower and control, since the results achieved in a week are quite high and very real. The so-called Swedish program “7 minus 7” is distinguished by its low calorie content and stress on the body, which is why such diets are highly not recommended by doctors.

The name “beloved” is also found. In a short period of time, you will not say goodbye to a large amount of fat; as a rule, only excess liquid will come out of you. But a short-term result will still be achieved, reflected in the treasured number on the scales.

Still haven't changed your mind? Then read our article, consult with a professional nutritionist, get started and carefully monitor your body’s reactions throughout the week of the diet.

Preparing for the diet

The main course is preceded by simple preparation. During the week before you start losing weight on the Chinese diet, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Immediately after waking up, it is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of warm or cool water. This will help cleanse the intestines faster and get the maximum effect from the technique.

Also, during the entire previous week, it is important to limit the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and a number of definitely harmful products. This includes the same strip food and fast food, very fatty and fried foods, semi-finished products, industrially produced sausages and confectionery products.

Chinese diet

Pros and cons of a diet with weight loss of -7 kg in 7 days

Everything has its pros and cons.

The main benefits of the 7 Day British Diet are quite clear:

  1. As you already understand, the program is very effective. The main advantage is a fairly large number of kilograms lost in a very short period of time. For example, if you have a seaside vacation planned in a week and a half, and you notice excess weight in the reflection, this diet will be an excellent solution to the situation.
  1. Relatively varied diet. Unlike most “hard” diets, which are based on fasting and in which the consumption of one food is allowed, “7 minus 7” invites women to eat not only proteins, but also vitamins, fiber and even a small amount of complex carbohydrates. Don't think that you won't need willpower, you will have a hard battle with your own desires, but this is not the worst diet out there.

Also, we must not forget about the disadvantages of the program. In some cases, the diet may cause mild discomfort in the form of dizziness and nausea. Since very little nutrients enter the body during the diet, weakness and discomfort are quite normal.

Those with chronic diseases should be especially careful, as they can worsen. If you suspect a deterioration in your health, it is important to immediately stop the diet and consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of the “Favorite” diet

A relatively short period, portions, the size of which those losing weight can set on their own, complete cleansing of the body from waste and toxins - this, of course, can be called a big advantage of the method compared to other diets.

But with all its advantages, Beloved remains a development designed for the body of absolutely healthy people. Its disadvantages include, first of all, problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to unbalanced monodays, as well as surges in blood pressure caused by a slowdown in metabolism and lack of energy.

Therefore, the program is not recommended for people with any pathologies of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, as well as disorders of the endocrine system and digestive tract. This method of eating is generally contraindicated for pregnant women, teenagers and the elderly.

Have you tried the “Favorite Diet”? Share in the comments.

What products are allowed on the menu?

Before deciding on a diet, it is important to analyze whether you can comply with its conditions and regimen.

To do this, you must know what foods are allowed to be included in your diet:

  • First of all, it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese, because it is an excellent source of protein. All fermented milk products without added sugar are also allowed.
  • Hard-boiled eggs are another supplier of pure protein to the body. In addition, eggs are a good way to satisfy hunger.

boiled eggs

  • Lean meat, boiled or steamed with the addition of a small amount of salt. As you understand, you will have to give up spices for a while.
  • Low-fat fish and seafood are very healthy, the main thing is that they are not fried. It is allowed to cook seafood in the oven, steamer or boil, or stew.
  • Cereals in the form of porridges (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), to which no sugar is added. You are allowed to add just a little butter. True, this should not be done more than once a week.
  • It is not forbidden to eat fruits: apples, pears, kiwis, apricots, plums, peaches. However, under no circumstances should you give in and be tempted by bananas, pineapple, grapes and persimmons - these fruits are very high in calories.
  • Vegetables, with the exception of beets and potatoes. If you have ever thought about losing weight, you know that potatoes are the main enemy of slimness.

As for drinks, you can treat yourself to jelly, all kinds of compotes and unsweetened tea. It is recommended to avoid coffee, because the body is subject to stress even without caffeine, which, as is known, does not have a very positive effect on the digestive tract.

Buckwheat 7 day diet for weight loss

One of the most effective mono-diets, the process of losing kilograms occurs due to a sharp reduction in the number of calories. Also, the nutritional system excludes the consumption of proteins; kilograms also melt due to the breakdown of muscle mass. This is an excellent option for cleansing the body; it can be practiced once every six months without consequences for the body. As a result, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg without feeling hungry. Throughout the entire period, it is recommended to take multivitamins to avoid deficiency of important elements.

Menu basis:

  • You can consume an unlimited amount of buckwheat porridge per day without salt and oil;
  • after 6 pm, a glass of low-fat kefir is allowed, taken throughout the day, replacing snacks;
  • pure water in a volume of 2 liters will speed up the process of losing weight and relieve hunger;
  • tea and coffee without added sugar or milk are allowed;
  • 2 times a week you can replace one meal with a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes with herbs, but without dressing;
  • the menu allows oatmeal once a week, a teaspoon of honey once a day;
  • with increased acidity, kefir is replaced with natural unsweetened yogurt.


  • The 7-day diet allows you to quickly get rid of 3 to 10 kg;
  • a large amount of fiber leads to rapid satiety and lack of hunger;
  • Buckwheat is a superfood; the healthy product provides the body with important micro and macroelements.


  • You may feel weak, drowsy, and performance decreases;
  • sharp weight loss provokes sagging and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Apathy, melancholy, and irritability often occur.

The best diet options for 7 days with rules and reviews of those losing weight

Prohibited foods in the diet

Now carefully read the list of what you should never eat:

  • All kinds of sauces and mayonnaise. They contain fats and a large number of additives, which is contraindicated for the body during a diet.
  • Candies, chocolate, sugar, cakes and all sweet treats. It is also recommended to temporarily give up all flour, even bread.
  • Do not under any circumstances drink alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee, as these are very high in calories and are harmful even for a healthy and strong body.
  • Mango and the previously noted bananas, grapes, potatoes, persimmons.
  • Well, no smoked foods - these are fatty and heavy foods that will not contribute to weight loss in any way.

Ready to give up these products? Your beauty and harmony will be your reward.

Basic Rules

Basic RulesAny effective diet “minus 10 kg in 7 days” implies severe food restrictions.
This applies to both the amount of food consumed and its variety. To maintain a diet, you need not only a positive attitude, but also great self-control and willpower. For clarity, we list the basic conditions that must be observed when losing weight. So, “diet minus 10 kg per week”, important points:

  1. Psychological aspect. The slightest changes in the usual lifestyle, including nutrition, do not pass without leaving a trace. Every person experiences a feeling of discomfort from the restrictions and prohibitions placed on him. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right approach to the process of losing weight. Just imagine how much better you will look after just one week. And besides, the food you will consume is absolutely healthy and wholesome. The incentive is true?
  2. Helpful tricks. Scientists have proven that when replacing standard plates with dishes of smaller volumes, the amount of food consumed will decrease. The same goes for cutlery.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. A mandatory rule for any diet. In order not to cause harm to the body, you need to drink a lot, replenishing the reserves of fluid removed from the body.
  4. Prohibited products. Those that are not very useful for the human body. Salt, sugar, flour and alcohol are your enemies in the fight against excess weight!
  5. Compliance with the regime. Eat more often, but in smaller doses, this will speed up the digestion process.
  6. Strict compliance with the diet stated in the diet.
  7. Sports and other physical activities can improve your well-being and speed up the weight loss process.

If you agree to follow these instructions, then we bring to your attention the most popular weight loss systems.

How to build a diet: approximate menu for a 7-day diet to lose 5-10 kg

Despite the fact that the diet does not promote fasting, the first day promises to be grueling and unusual. You cannot eat for the initial 24 hours; you are only allowed to drink liquids.

To satisfy your hunger, stock up on fresh kefir, fermented baked milk or milk, and cook vegetable or low-fat chicken broth. Tea, compote, jelly - that's what you're going to get your fill of.

There is no need to talk about overeating, since it is, in principle, impossible, because you have a drinking day ahead of you.

On the second day, buy fruits that you like. You remember that the main enemies are bananas and grapes?

The number of allowed fruits is not limited, you can eat as much as you think is necessary, the main thing is not to overeat and not disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because too much is not always good, especially if you are not used to it.

The third day is the drinking “phase” again, that is, the starting pattern is repeated.

The fourth day should be rich in green vegetables, which contain a minimum of calories. It is recommended to decorate the dining table with zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage and all kinds of greens.

On the fifth day, please your body with seafood, eggs and dairy products. This stage is called protein.

The next stage is drinking again and the final, seventh stage - you can eat any permitted food. Have you forgotten that it should be low-fat and low in carbohydrates?

No matter how hard the diet is for you, you need to remember that after a week you can’t start eating everything you can get. In this case, the unwanted excess weight will return again very soon.

Remember that first of all you need to take care of your health and not exhaust your body with deprivation if fasting is contraindicated for you.

Diet menu options

Most often, a 7-day summer weight loss diet is designed in such a way that each day of the week is devoted to one vegetable or fruit, resulting in a weekly chain of different mono-diets. For example, on the first day you can eat apples, on the second - cucumbers, on the third - oranges, etc. At the same time, 1-2 times a week you can eat a small piece of lean meat for lunch to make up for the protein deficiency.

Mono-diet for every day

The most popular seven-day chain of summer mono-diets is as follows:

  • 1 day – you can eat any selected vegetable in any form, except fried, in unlimited quantities, most often 1-1.5 kg is enough for a day;
  • Day 2 – you can eat any fruit of your choice, except bananas, dates and grapes, fresh, or you can make a cocktail with low-fat yogurt or kefir, usually 1-1.5 kg of fruit is enough for a day;
  • Day 3 – you can eat any berries in unlimited quantities, if desired, add low-fat kefir or cottage cheese to them;
  • Day 4 – you need to eat and drink low-fat, but not completely fat-free fermented milk products, such as yogurt;
  • Day 5 – the vegetable day is repeated again, and you can choose the same vegetable that was on the first day, or any other;

  • Day 6 – the berry day is repeated, and it is best to make desserts from the fruits, for example, a cocktail, mousse or salad;
  • Day 7 – the last day will be the most difficult, since you can only drink freshly squeezed juices without added sugar; 2-3 liters per day will be enough.

This diet cannot be continued for another week, since the diet for 7 days of the summer diet will not contain food rich in nutritional components. After losing weight, you will need to return to your usual diet gradually, and you will be able to repeat it no earlier than in a month. In a week of such a diet you can lose 4-7 kg.

Read about the Wasp Waist diet.

And here is information about Kovalkov’s diet.

French seven day

This weight loss method is designed to help you lose weight by summer in a week. During this time, you can get rid of 3-6 kg of excess weight. The basic principle of the French summer diet for a week is separate nutrition, that is, animal and plant foods are consumed separately, without mixing. The interval between meals should be 3 hours.

The menu for the week is as follows:

  • 1 day - for breakfast 1 hard-boiled egg and a portion of yogurt with pieces of fruit, for lunch a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil, a portion of stewed beets with dried apricots or prunes, for dinner 100 g of boiled chicken without skin, fat, salt and spices, a piece of hard cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Day 2 – for breakfast 1 orange and two brown bread crackers, for lunch 100 g of boiled seafood and lean veal, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt, for dinner a portion of stewed cauliflower or broccoli, 1 small jacket potato;

Diet "Week", allowed foods

This 7-day diet has a specific list of allowed foods, which is not so long: these are any fresh vegetables that have not been cooked, unsweetened fruits (green apples, oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, pineapples). The exception is high-calorie grapes and bananas: 100 g of grapes have 80 kcal, and 100 g of banana have about 90 kcal.

Also, to make it easier to endure drinking days, you need to use chicken or turkey broth without adding salt and pepper. The only way to embellish such a broth is to cook it with aromatic herbs, carrots, onions and lettuce peppers, but do not eat them.

And, of course, the drinking regime has a special role in this diet: it is mandatory to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

bulb onions1,40,010,441
salad pepper1,30,05,327





Cereals and porridges



kefir 0%3,00,13,830
natural yogurt 2%4,32,06,260

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254


boiled chicken25,27,40,0170
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Fish and seafood

pink salmon20,56,50,0142

Oils and fats

olive oil0,099,80,0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

green tea0,00,00,0

Juices and compotes

dried fruit compote without sugar0,80,014,260
tomato juice1,10,23,821
* data is per 100 g of product

Contraindications for a protein diet

There is no need to say that any diet is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, a protein diet is not suitable for older people, since a completely protein diet increases blood clotting, which increases the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. The diet is also contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • renal dysfunction;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis);
  • liver diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system.
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